#tssm fancy dan
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montanashocker · 4 months ago
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phantomfairs · 11 days ago
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Hereee’s Tana!
Man I haven’t thought about these guys in what feels like forever! I know it can’t have been too long since it was only at my last job that I thought of this-
Clearly I had a lot of ideas for this guy if the busy sketch page shows anything lol
So, Montana does indeed work for Tombstone in this au, Tombstone just isn’t who you think. The enforcers were how they were when we first see them, doing a job in the Conner’s lab when Ox hit a button which opened the eel container and Montana fell in.
Ox is very talkative, him and Dan more switching personalities as they still end up in their normal super-powered suits. Ox likes making jokes about his size and how little everyone is compared to him. He loves his friends dearly and is incredibly guilty about the accident.
Dan is silent for the most part, still a jumpy fighter and fiercely loyal to the two people who cared enough to get to know him. Him and Ox are very protective of Montana after the accident, ending up pushing it by not treating him like the competent fighter he was before which ends in a fight.
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hermesserpent-stuff · 2 years ago
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The Enforcers!! ive had dan and montana's designs but ox is a new one. Hes a sphinx. why? Because its cool. and i think its funny to have a sphinx that really doesn't talk much. He does riddles very rarely. But when he does, he is definitely blocking the way. normally of Montana or dan. lol.
again! cause i like the lore, Dan cant fly because his wings are too damaged. But Ox has the strength to carry him and Montana, so dan gets to be in the sky.
Some of montana's scars are from fighting ox.
Ox was named and raised by ponies.
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my-world-my-stories · 2 years ago
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Pride Mermaids
Pansexual Stingray Montana / MLM Mako Shark Dan / Bear And Asexual Bullshark Ox. A cowboy trio that’s all 10 flavors of gay as well.
MLM Great White Shark Alex / Queer Sand Tiger Shark Flint. They don’t call each other ‘Partners in Crime’ for nothing.
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thyla-scene360 · 4 months ago
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Finished my next batch of Spectacular Anthro AU Headshots!
In Order of Appearance:
Jackson “Montana” Brice - Red Heeler
Quentin Beck - Marble Fox
Phineas Mason aka The Tinkerer - Maltese
Joseph aka Hammerhead - XL Bully
Otto Octavius aka Doctor Octopus - Scottish Fold Cat
Fancy Dan - Miniature Pinscher
May Parker - Mutt
Ben Parker - Mutt
Walter Hardy aka The Cat Burglar - Ragdoll Cat
Felicia Hardy aka Black Cat - Ragdoll/Persian Mix
Stanley “Stan” Carter - Belgian Malinois
Jean DeWolff - Czechoslovakian Wolfdog Mix
Dr. Ashley Kafcaw - Common Raven
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master-of-mysteria · 2 months ago
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stuckinaratcage · 2 months ago
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I drew the Enforcers again but as kids because I have a headcanon that they knew each other since childhood.
Hammerhead’s there too but he’s just there to fill the space.
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thenightlybugle · 2 years ago
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sharpmidnight · 2 years ago
TSSM Pokemon Au Part 2
I watched some Pokemon videos and decided to give TSSM characters Pokemon for fun! This is also going off of @hermesserpent-stuff ‘s Spider Nephew Au. Also, there might be some people with the same Pokemon for different reasons; either they fit two people, or it’s to match with someone. I also base some of these Pokemon in different ways, from types, aesthetics, Pokedex Entries, jobs, powers, and backstories. I also won’t mind explaining my reasoning because I did a lot of research for them. Also, I tried o make sure they had diverse types, but some people might have more than 1 of the same type. Another thing is that I like to imagine that Peter and the other villains have some Pokemon for their civilian image and then the others for their hero/villain work. 
The last thing is that I have only played up to Generation 8, and I have yet to play the other games. So my bad, if there is another Pokemon that suits them better.(let me know plz)
I will highlight their starter and their strongest. Red is their strongest, and blue is their starter. Purple is both. Any that has a * are their secret team. 
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4
Mudsdale (Ground)
Noivern (Flying/Dragon) *
Blaziken (Fire/Fighting)
Dubwool (Normal)
Lycanroc (Midday) (Rock) *
Gogoat (Grass)
Montana’s first Pokemon was a Torchic he hatched from an egg when he started helping the ranch. His family ranch had a lot of Pokemon, but if he managed to gain their trust and do a good job, he could keep them. These Pokemon were Wooloo, Skiddo, and Mudburay. He found Rockruff as a stray and was injured. He helped heal it and took a long while to get its trust, but he managed to befriend it and kept it. He kept his team in the Enforcers until he got his Shocker outfit. He was given a Noibat to go along with it. Another Pokemon that he had to tame, but he was already used to it. 
Fancy Dan
Sawk (Fighting)
Throh (Fighting)
Sceptile (Grass)
Vivillon (Fancy) (Bug/Flying)
Noctowl (Normal/Flying) *
Toxicroak (Poison/Fighting) *
His starter was a Treecko that he got when he was younger. However, he wanted to learn how to fight better and started training in abandoned areas. A Sawk and a Throh watched him and decided to help him train. There was a moment when he was interested in Pokemon that had different color variations and wanted one. He caught a Scatterbug and was excited to see what colors it would have. Somehow he got one of the rare variants, Fancy. Later on, as an Enforcer, he caught a Noctowl as a lookout. When he got his Ricochet suit, he was given a Croagunk to evolve into a Toxicroak. 
Swampert (Water)
Tauros (Normal)
Raticate (Normal) *
Copperajah (Steel)
Conkeldurr (Fighting) *
Coalossal (Rock/Fire)
Ox’s starter was a Mudkip he found by a pond. Later on, he found a Rattata in his home. No one really knows he got his other Pokemon, but they assume he caught them before becoming an Enforcer, except for Conkeldurr. They only know he easily befriended them (Disney Princess over here).  He got Gurdurr when he got his suit. 
Quentin Beck/Mysterio
Araquanid (Bug/Water) *
Zorark (Dark) *
Hypno (Psychic) *
Mimikyu (Ghost/Fairy)
Kricketune (Bug)
Chatot (Normal/Flying)
Quentin’s first Pokemon was a Kricketot, and he loved to make scenes with Kricketot making music or sound effects for his scenes. He then got a Chatot to teach it lines for other scenes. It was the only two had for a while until turning into crime. He caught a Mimikyu as he was hiding in a theater as it was pretending it was performing since one of the last performances on that stage had a Pikachu as the main character. When working with Chameleon, they both decided to get a Zorark since it’s the perfect Pokemon for both. When Cameleon wanted to pretend to be Spiderman, he told Quentin to catch a spider Pokemon for him. They only found a Dewpider, which was fine for Cameleon at the time. When they were defeated, Chameleon didn’t want it anymore and told Quentin to release it. However, Quentin was already fond of it and decided to keep it. While trying to figure out a design for Mysterio, he looked at Dewspider and got the idea of the glass helmet. Later he got a Hypno to make people and Pokemon go to sleep. Dewspider does evolve to Araunid when Quentin becomes Mysterio.
Phineas Mason/Tinker
Klinklang (Steel)
Porygon-Z (Normal)
Alakazam (Psychic)
Luxray (Electric)
Beheeyem (Psychic)
Tinkaton (Fairy/Steel) 
Farfetch’d (Normal/Flying)
He wasn’t really into Pokemon when he was younger. When he was about 18, he caught a Farfeth’d just because people bothered him. However, he got along very well with it (Quentin says they act exactly like each other). He found a Shinx in an alleyway and took care of it. When he was working on a project, it wasn’t working properly until Shinx charged it. Tink then decided to catch more Pokemon for certain jobs to help him. These were Klink and Abra. Then he heard interesting Pokemon that he wanted to do some research on Porygon and Elyem. When he started working with Quentin, he was gifted a Tinkatink as a joke (They are both Tinks). However, when it evolved, Tinkaton helped with some of the heavier work that Tink couldn’t do and appreciated it. 
Extra: Tinkatink was barely hatched when given to Tink, and Quentin managed to get his hands on one because someone was giving eggs for free since they had too many.
Peter and his Pokemon like taking naps with Dubwool for how fluffy and warm it is. 
Eevee likes to play fight with Lycanroc.
Blaziken, Sceptile, and Swampert get along better than the rest since they take after their owner a lot. 
Quentin’s Pokemon will literally imitate him in different ways. With Chatot repeated what he said and moved his wings with him. Or Zorark turning into him and posing like him. Also, they are all very dramatic.
Luxray is Quetin’s comfort Pokemon if something happens to him. It will be the first one running to him to curl up. 
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rancid-zinnia-onthepatio · 3 months ago
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save me cowboy trio,,
very simple versions of em, but i've been meaning to design them for a while now (random notes below)
ox is supposed to be big (and hairy) and buff, DUH, i just used a simple base i made so i can visualize em fast
i considered using cow patterns for him, but oxen tend to be one color or just two shades of brown or black so to stay committed to the animal i did two tones for his vest and pants
he's very quiet, kinda like tssm where he only speaks once or twice (when he does talk, i imagine he has a deep but quiet voice)
and fancy dan is meant to be short but toned
i decided on keeping his suit bc,, he's FANCY dan so yeah ofc he's gonna wear a suit ... also i noticed he's kinda dressed like freshman year green goblin but that's ok
he most definitely would fix his outfit if it got ruffled in a fight (or just rip off his jacket before a fight)
finally montana's outfit is literally a picture i saw when i searched tasseled cowboy shirts bc i KNEW i wanted him to have tassels
he doesn't become shocker in my au, since i don't wanna do too many villains (i still have a lot of baddies tho, don't worry) ... but i do give the enforcers a good amount of cameos bc these silly guys are growing on me
he also has big spiky spurs on his boots that i couldn't really draw at the moment (they do make the silly noise when he walks)
they all have southern accents, i'd imagine montana's is the thickest
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voltrixz · 2 years ago
 Why YOU should go vote for Montana/Shocker (TSSM) in @cartoon-character-competition​
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Once again, this is the first time I have managed to get Shocker into a competition which once again is a crime in itself 
And like before you guys might be familiar with Shocker or Montana (even if they are a bit less known then villains like Electro or Doc Ock) (especially for Montana)
You see in TSSM, Montana is Shocker, not Herman as he’s known in the comics. Montana and Herman are different people in the comics but here Montana is essentially Herman but cooler and more skilled.
Montana is your usual merc hired by the big bad guy (or the big man as they call him) that runs a lot of the crime in NY. In episode one he’s hired to defeat spiderman along with his partners and they’re known as the enforcers 
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(The enforcers as seen in ep 1) (From left to right: Fancy Dan, Ox and of course Montana) 
and well they’re defeated of course but Montana never gets capture and manages to run off
So when does Montana get that funny pineapple patterned suit? Well in ep 4, Market Forces, Montana is seen stealing that exact funny pineapple patterned suit and handing it over to his boss before about to go on his merry way and putting on his cowboy hat again before being stopped and told to wear the suit and stop spiderman as he still owes them (visibily pissed off at being told to not wear his hat (which is silly to me) (LET HIM WEAR HIS COWBOY HAT!!!!)but grins when being told about his new assignment)  
and so peter is led over to where shocker is by flint and alex (2 criminals who will become major villains later) 
and well shocker does what he does best, FUCK SHIT UP!!!!!!
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and whats funnier is his first line to Spiderman is “I reckon that came as a bit of a real SHOCKER eh bug” He fuckin starts off a fight with a fuckin PUN (I love him for that)(its in his subtle himbo coding) and you want to know what else? When asked who exactly Montana is by Spiderman, Montana comes up with a villain name right on the spot and well guess what he chooses? He chooses his INITAL FUCKIN PUN (still love him for that) and well he absoutely destroys spiderman and even picks him up like a wet cat 
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either spiderman weighs like nothing or shocker is just REALLY strong 
and well Montana goes off to his bar, just to enjoy a game of 8 ball with a job well done 
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(hehe look at him, just enjoying a game of pool ^^ )
that is until well obviously spiderman isnt just gonna say down so Montana is stopped by his boss (cant believe he interrupted his game of pool, you cant do this to him) and he’s sent right back to fight Spiderman 
and well you know how it goes, he’s defeated (SPIDERMAN LITERALLY DROPS AN ENITRE BUILDING ON THIS GUY LIKE??? OK????) but yeah off to jail ig
So what happens next is basically 
- Thanks to Doc Ock and his plan to form the sinister six, he breaks out of jail and joins the sinister six by orders of his boss
- is defeated once again by Spiderman and taken to jail
- doesnt join the next formation of the sinister six sadly (crying coping tossing everything)
- however he comes back with his enforcer partners, now with his partners rocking new suits too 
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(as seen here) (they’re robbing a bank btw) (cute things to do with your boyfriends: rob a bank!)
- but yeah once again defeated by spiderman and all of them are tossed to jail
- seen in big jail breakout scene but sadly does not escape 
- and who knows maybe we could have seen Shocker rejoin the sinister six or get up to new silly things (criminal activity) with his partners but erm
Tssm got cancelled as I mentioned before in my electro post so yeah (crying dying coping sobbing kicking everything tossing everything RAGHH)
but yeah shocker is cool as hell and gives me immense gender envy 
like LOOK AT HIM!!!!
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need to be him so so bad (the gender envy he gives me is INSANE)(also has made me realize hm i may be queer aroaceflux) 
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(he has a resting bitch face and its so silly to me) (yes im just using this as an opprtiunity to show you images of him)
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sigh sigh LOVE YOU SHOCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
also he is gay and polyam coded as hell!!!!!! um something something why do you work in such a man dominated field? Do you want to be dominated by men? And also um that one thing of “detectives will always go: here’s my partner. erm ok???? 🏳️‍🌈???? but its just “mercs will always go: here’s my partner(s) like ok???🏳️‍🌈??? (not kidding he almost always refers to dan and ox as his partners and also just look at him, he is THE gay cowboy merc ever
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montanashocker · 14 days ago
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Hapy valentines day
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phantomfairs · 2 years ago
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Some Dan centric doodles from chapter 25
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hermesserpent-stuff · 2 years ago
HC ques 1 & 6 for Fancy Dan and Ox please.
(Questions from here)
On an average day, what can be found in their pockets?
Dan: knives. So many knives. Wallet. Back up wallet. phone.
Ox: loose change. Gum. earbuds. Phone, most of the time.
What is one talent that they always surprise people with
Dan: No one expects him to be able to flip someone twice his size. When people see him trip up ox there is always confusion. But he is a good fighter!!! Just Spiderman was always a bit better. 
Ox: I touched on this once but, he is completely fluent in German and is a chatterbox in that language. English he prefers to not talk much. German, oh no, he wont stop. No one looks at him and goes, ah yead, this big quiet tall man is going to start rapid-fire talking in German. 
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weebiemcweebington · 2 years ago
I can't help but wonder how the other sinister six members would react to Shocker wearing his original, dominatrix-looking, costume.
What makes it funnier is that in the TSSM version, Tinkerer made the enforcers' costumes. Even funnier if only Shocker's outfit was sexy.
Ox and Fancy Dan get their gear. Tinkerer: ''Alright, this is for you.'' Montana: Sees his outfit. Ox and Dan: Exchange glances. Tinkerer: Wiggles his eyebrows. Montana: ''Tink, WTF!!!''
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This thought inspired me,
No fanservice here!
Man, I hope no one ever looks in one of my sketchbooks.
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mr-voorhees-husband · 1 year ago
I know your in a writers block but if you ever feel like it do you think you can write a tssm Jackson brice x reader fiction where there in a relationship but want to spice things up in bed with maybe some help from the other enforcers, mainly fancy dan.
Hi, I’m really sorry but I don’t really write for the other enforcers! So I have to politely decline, I apologize.
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