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kansukansu · 1 year ago
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beach day!!
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jiloop · 2 years ago
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I colored him
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st4rsinthenight · 9 months ago
hai gift for u
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alzo heres these just bcuz
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★...owaha- urh★
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ulenehlervu · 2 years ago
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@tes-summer-fest day 3: starlit
Observing the constellations on a clear night
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heckingrottenpriest · 1 month ago
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I'll show you some old art I play a lot of ESO, I have a bunch of characters there This is Tsona-Jey, an Argonian tank, a little silly, but he's not afraid of a challenge
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systemrecoded · 8 months ago
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An old piece I did that cemented the design for my Tsona.
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dorenarox · 8 months ago
Yesterday I did one of the nerdiest things ever, and wondered what my Argonian would be named in the Argonian language.
The closest I got was Tsona-Ka.
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444names · 1 year ago
Names generated from Italian forenames and Greek islands, excluding the letter "U"
Achakros Aeggia Aenie Aenza Afiako Agianteros Aglimno Agriandra Agrifonisi Aindi Aitheri Alevyti Alori Altanisi Andes Andro Anisi Anisikoni Anissaros Anolza Anteramili Anteras Antia Antikono Antilakidi Antipsada Antisi Antita Apandioea Araso Areganti Armada Armochalli Aroinos Aronisili Arono Arsaros Askoni Asome Asorigelas Astrina Atallo Atecchaki Atroi Avathodos Avelino Avenza Avicia Avryoni...
Bagine Bagolo Barakolos Baravonto Berio Bisilia Bistallos Biton Boealos Boemisto Bolli Bolza Briganto Cafon Cagos Cagra Calio Callognos Calos Carimo Carra Casonysi Ceglia Cellia Cellos Cenos Cenza Cerisymnos Chachilos Chiesi Chila Chilios Chionia Chriakio Chrotivia Colia Comegana Comodos Comythia Credeste Creviti Dento Desci Dianissa Diceschisi Disientino Dones Donisi Drakinos Dravra Elenza Eloggia Ercollos Eseros Esetamos Faegavgos Faleiriza Faros Flegano Flonikale Folagiria Folfeta Folfettoni Fonia Fontza Forga Forna Freloni Galerano Gantonisti Ganza Gavala Gavgona Gavros Gelaxi Gelonis Genti Gentithra Ginistra Giochiza Giochoinos Giono Glios Graplolza Greno Griana Grisi Grothio Gyaiona Gyarenza Gylio Halasa Halia Halydos Hasora Herissos Hragos Hrakara Hteremici Hydranis Ikefolano Ikros Ikyro Imara Imilvana Imoliarda Itakittani Kakini Kakisto Kaleonysi Kalonisi Kalta Kammoni Kandi Kandros Kanos Kanti Karienisia Karkoneira Karno Karteria Kasklo Kastesena Kateros Kavana Kavicia Kavonis Kefaenza Kefaretsos Kefatipsa Kelino Kellegalki Kelos Kerace Kerison Kidica Klidia Klina Kolia Kolianto Konisi Kontolos Konzari Koplamos Korigna Krognoi Kyntos Kyrno Kyros Kythala Kythodos Kythos Kythra Kyttakyra Labrimadia Laiogia Landi Lavigno Lavrovi Laximiloni Lazandio Leccin Legamoli Legia Legno Lendi Lento Lenza Lertece Leses Letalia Letsos Lifonisi Liomo Madaso Mades Madesi Maios Makino Makioinisi Maklitros Makoniace Makra Manti Manysa Marakra Marapla Maravenis Marina Maros Marsa Maskaros Massalki Mastalos Mateloni Matersoi Mates Matharia Mathasses Matimnos Mavdos Mavelia Megalades Megampra Meglia Megna Megno Mescampoli Mezia Mikyros Minies Ministento Modes Modos Molida Monavas Monisia Moros Motikros Mykonisi Mythri Mythrinoa Nalina Nerga Nesta Omada Omone Omytha Oterra Otischia Oxeissos Palaza Pales Palio Palos Paltandos Pandronali Papla Paredeses Paterifon Paterra Pathakra Patikida Patine Paxima Paximorisi Paxos Pergoli Peria Perigno Perinaxos Peropeza Peros Pescatano Pescin Petalevyti Petso Pettoinisa Pides Piesca Pissaresa Pitossa Pomonisos Ponespes Ponianissa Ponisto Ponos Porago Porifona Pothrakiso Potithodi Pozzo Prafoni Pragri Prakorpia Pranisi Prantia Proko Pronisi Psada Psalos Psaminos Psaros Psarteri Psasi Pserasa Psiaeiros Psikati Psylimo Psyrno Psyros Ragontitra Rakines Redesani Redos Regainos Regavatia Reggia Reisidia Relara Relencegno Rezianza Rhachia Rhino Romezia Rovisi Sacas Sachio Sadelli Sades Salkis Salkona Sanissani Sapla Sathiloro Scara Scatherra Sceggyaio Scela Schalafra Schinisi Schisi Sidilia Sikos Skada Skakamo Skala Skalati Skani Skarissano Sklefoklos Skleggia Sklia Skyntosa Skytherio Skythnos Sondrona Speti Sphaliesi Spidio Sponzia Stessa Stornanisi Strano Strephanos Stros Symanos Syrathonto Syria Syromegio Sytis Telos Tentzo Thace Tharana Thatera Therona Theros Theto Thnos Thonimioea Thria Thydra Tikopomfon Tipse Tretecci Treteccia Troggisi Tronikos Tsona Valatika Valydole Vandios Vandra Vandri Varonissa Varos Vatenzak Vathacteno Velloniste Velos Venos Venza Vicallia Vicatisos Vides Vitenos Vithos Vitola Vitos Vitta Vrastosa Vronisilos Vryoni Zakrosaros
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scentedchildnacho · 2 years ago
Watch "Tsona" on YouTube
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jiloop · 2 years ago
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my attempt at a tsona
His name is PJ as in pijamas and pb&j
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st4rsinthenight · 9 months ago
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↑ starsona live reaction ↑
★star creature is erh★
★little alien being is flustered★
..they might get pay back mwhahahahha★
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ooglywooglies · 7 days ago
idk why im so obsessed with transing the vampires BUT yknow what this means, this means theres also a possibility for a vampire society where theres no default gender expectation for them at all which means non of them can be either cis or trans
and like, i do wanna point out that its kind of weird for me to talk about my vampires in terms of trends or whats common when like the actual vampires in my projects are so completely different from each other and have totally different worldviews
a lot of that is tied up in older vampires ideas of tradition though like mauvis mom and tsona are both into that like "were women because its what weve always done and also because its morally correct" but the truth is cascadian vampires present as female by default like, completely arbitrarily
cascadian vampires got like some radfem shit going on tbqh, especially tsona shes like fundamentalist about it. some people would probably call her a fascist. but i dont make characters like that as a type of strawman to knock down yknow i dont make arguments with my stories. tsona is the way she is because it seems like a natural conclusion for someone who is so isolated and entrenched in the doctrine, and tbh a lot of it is like, a personal resentment shes developed alongside her religious devotion. because nieyamaso does not give a shit about divine femininity, she wants humans dead and thats it (and thats why a lot of nyesay reject her)
i dont think i have a single vampire character who is a “good person” but tbh i dont think i have any characters in general who are good
oh oh oh i totally just realized the transfem vampire theory is actually achievable in universe now! because i said itd only work if society had different gendered expectations for vampires (since they are unisexual) but if theres other societies for them to migrate to then there can be different cultural expectations for them so maybe a region up north the default presentation/expectation for vampires is that theyre all male
i never thought of the potential for vampires to migrate away from fake cascadia since thats where they were created and fake cascadia is super isolated from the rest of the world but 1/3 of that isolation is caused by the forest which vampires are immune to being cursed by (humans that spend too long in the forest turn into werewolves with are functionally zombies but with a cooler more dangerous form, but vampires are like made from the essence of the planet or whatever so it doesnt happen to them) so they still have a mountain to get through but they could leave in theory
also just realized that any cis vampire migrating between two societies with different cultural gender expectations would suddenly be trans and vice versa and thats kind of weird
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strawberry-salsa · 3 years ago
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posts this before the day ends nhgnhng
💖💗Happy valentines day!💗💖
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metall1cmach1nat10ns · 4 years ago
No. | changed my m|nd. | wou|d be a vegetable, because |'m not a real fruit.
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elladastinkardiamou · 6 years ago
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In the streets of Athens, people holding laundry bags start forming a line behind the white van with ‘Ithaca Laundry’ emblazoned on the side.
Each person comes to the back of the van, where one washer and dryer are ready to be used. Load after load of clothes are washed and then dried. Leonidas and Michalis, both of who came from the streets themselves, help run the service.
In the space of about an hour, the homeless of Athens are able to take with them a fresh bag of laundry and wait until the van next arrives at homeless hotspots of Athens and Piraeus including Omonia, Monastiraki and Panepistimio.
Founded by Thanos Spiliopoulos, Fanis Tsonas and Andili Rachouti, along with Natasa Asimakopoulou in development and Dimitra Kountouri in operations, Ithaca Laundry started as a project to diminish the social exclusion faced by homeless people in Athens.
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my love language is gifts
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