#tsitp 1x02
winnie-the-monster · 1 year
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zalrb · 10 months
knock off tvd walter boys 1x02 review
Is there a reason the author wanted it to sound like altar boys? Do they all worship the goddess that is Jackie?
Damon, I mean, Cole, and the best friend. DRAMAAAAAA.
"He used to be the best quarterback in the county" why are we doing exposition like this? Can't she see a picture or a trophy or something and it can be a kernel for something to explore later?
This is definitely giving me when Elena went to Damon's room for the first time and saw that there were books and it was supposed to be a REVELATION.
Honestly, I'm probably just going to make constant TVD correlations now. If I didn't take this show seriously before, I definitely do not take it seriously now.
"He smashed up his leg last winter and now he can't play anymore. Cole lived for football" I can literally see this as written exposition in the wattpad story.
Why doesn't this child have to do chores?
"I usually warm up with a jog, sound good?" I don't run but is that not how every runner warms up for a run?
Show his abs all you want, he is not attractive.
This show is so bad at chaos. I know not everything can be The Bear and especially 2.06 of The Bear but at least channel Cheaper of the Dozen which this is also clearly inspired by
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THIS is chaos.
Why wouldn't Donna tells Jackie that there's a schedule for the bathroom? Why wouldn't Jackie deduce that when there is a village of children living at this house?
Bro, I'm breaking that fucking camera.
I know it's supposed to be boys boying and I know teenagers are sociopaths but her entire family basically has just died. And you're doing things like bleaching her hair? Her family is dead! LIKE?
That Black woman deserves more than this Andrew Garfield funhouse knockoff. I swear this show fills me with rage.
"Hi." "Hi." That's your future mother in law and you guys sound like you barely know each other.
"They think we're too young" you look like you're 35.
Like at least when they wanted me to believe that Tom Welling was a senior in high school, it was Tom Welling so I got to look at this
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"Jackie. Is this your locker?" Who ELSE would it belong to, Elijah Wood Stefan???
"Fellowship of the Ring. Do you know it?" I CAN'T DEAL WITH HOW PAINFUL THIS IS. Why WOULDN'T she know it? At least the title.
You know, Fake Damon and Fake Stefan are both extraordinarily terrible, Fake Damon this is how you tease-flirt? "Who takes this many notes?" "Me." "Pfft, yeah, dorks like you." ARE YOU IN GRADE 4? Jake Peralta that shit, man
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"I'm not a dork!" "Relax, Jackie, I'm just joking" would you still be upset if someone called you a dork in the 10th grade?
What is Jackie's personality exactly?
"You need to come see me. It's not a request, Cole. Make an appointment soon." My guidance counsellors would just call you into their office in the middle of class.
"Damn girl..." never, NEVER, say that again.
I am crying because I think I'd rather watch TSITP and I hate TSITP.
This is how bad all of this is.
I can't deal with Grace and Surfer Damon in the same scene, I think I will throw things.
"Ladies." EW.
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I hate everything about this experience.
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"the cole effect" "damon just got under my skin"
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Someone find me a current teen show that doesn't have stilted dialogue. Do they exist?
That is an aggressively blue cardigan.
"Janie left after you called her bangs stupid" did I just have a particularly mean high school? WHAT are these "insults"? Not even something like "Janie left after you said her bangs made her look like Spock"? REALLY?
Shouldn't there be a staff advisor for student council?
Why do you need to get married now? Just wait or elope if it means that much.
"You're not the only one who wants to get out of here, you know. I want to major in political science at Georgetown." Why is it a big deal in this show for people to have goals?
"People from my background, we don't have much political influence. I want to change that!" NO ONE SPEAKS THIS WAY.
WAIT. wait. WAIT. wait. WAIIIIIIIIT. Matt Rife Knock Off Damon isn't a senior??? HOW OLD IS THIS MAN SUPPOSED TO BE?
I'm 14 minutes in. I'm only 14 minutes in. WHY.
Hayley. Jackie. Grace. Kylie. Erin.
"Is that obvious?" "That you're a New Yorker? Yeah." How?
So, there's this scene in the movie Twister where Bill's city fiancee goes back home with him so he can get divorce papers from his first wife and they end up chasing tornadoes, you know, as you do and she stays for dinner and she's just going through a shock and trying to be polite but is close to being catatonic
that should've been a scene. And now I want steak.
"It's a good save with the hat, though." Is that not just common sense?
Has anyone read this story? Do the characters struggle to flirt and find things to talk about in the story as well?
"So you snitched?" You guys are pranking her and her family is DEAD.
Still, at least you're not Belly.
Did he just give her weeds? Like not even a flower but weeds?
No, I'm forwarding through the most awkward play fight or chasing or whatever they're doing.
Sombre music because Jordan who invades everyone's personal space has to give up his camera?
Oh my god, another teenager with GOALS???? THE ANOMALIES.
"Alex, thank you for sticking up for me" do you have any other dialogue with this non human person?
Jackie and Hobbit Stefan are terrible with absolutely no chemistry but she at least looks like she's trying with him
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I hate everyone for asking me to watch this but myself the most for agreeing 😫
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TSITP: 1x02 - Summer dress
- Conrad being hangover and not supportive for the ball, and of course drinking again. - Cereal scene between Jere and Belly button. - Jere like to kiss and be cozy with people.  - “Girls in sundresses are my kryptonite” said by Jere 5 minutes before Belly walked on him. He, also, told Steven that he will never be an escort. That was a foreshadowing for episode 6/7. Jere did everything he wouldn’t do just for Belly.  After that, he told her she looks good and escorted her to the tea room. Finally, saying to Page, that Belly was his future wife. I can only presume that’s a big foreshadowing!  - Gigi asking to Belly if her and Jeremiah are like a thing? Or are you gonna take him to the ball? (foreshadowing hints).  - Jere stopping the video game for Belly and walking toward Belly saying she looks hot.  - Belly went to see Sabrina (and the two brothers Larrabee) ; major foreshadowing.  - Jere is the only one who doesn’t want to watch Belly hooking up with some kid in the back seat of a minivan Vs Conrad wanted to go there just to crash Belly date on a Saturday night. 
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tsitpsource · 2 years
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winnie-the-monster · 1 year
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winnie-the-monster · 1 year
😂 I wanna see that fanfic
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