#tsirae dariustel
ffxivaltaholic · 4 months
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FFXIVMixedMay - Day 12: Heavensward
"If only you could see how the people of Ishgard smile again... You would have been proud of us, of the steps we've taken for peace."
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cadrenebula · 5 years
“My turn!” For Lance partying up with Tsirae!
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Lancefer Aurifore and Tsirae Dariustel have joined your party!
Lance and Tsirae are fellow Ishgardians who serve the High Houses. Though they don’t serve the same house, they do serve the two houses that are allies. House Haillenarte and House Fortemps. They get along fairly well as Lance generally likes Tsirae.
• Starting Dungeon: “Well met, Tsirae. Seems we shall both be fighting together today. Let us make this a good one.”
• Assisting: ”Not today, fiend! Are you alright, Tsirae?”
• Being Assisted: “My apologies… I was overconfident. Thank you for the assist.”
• Idle Dialogue: “How are you and Miss Rheyla doing? Maybe sometime we can get together and I can introduce you both to Miss Kyna.”
• Witnessing Tsirae KO: “Halone have mercy… Tsirae, just hold on!”
• Reviving Tsirae: “You are not ready for Halone’s halls just yet. Hang in there.”
• Finishing Dungeon: “Well that was quite the workout for a day. Shall we head to the Forgotten Knight for a bite and a chance to rest?”
Send “My Turn!“ for Dialogue my muse would have while in Party with yours.
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cuffles · 6 years
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This MIB x FFXIV crossover event is pretty great.
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ffxivaltaholic · 4 months
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Junelezen2024 - Day 5: Morning
A nice quite morning, a sip of coffee, and then off to wake the dragon with a homemade breakfast...
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ffxivaltaholic · 3 months
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Junelezen2024 - Day 14: Waystop
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ffxivaltaholic · 3 months
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Junelezen2024 - Day 9: Deviation
It is time for change. We can no longer follow the bloodied path of the past, built on lies and falsities. Now instead of turning our swords against them, we raise our shields in their defence.
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ffxivaltaholic · 3 months
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Junelezen2024 - Day 23: Twilight
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ffxivaltaholic · 4 months
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Junelezen2024 - Day 6: Travel
"Dearest Rheyla,
We have settled in at Falcon's Nest, and tomorrow our patrol will take us into the frozen wastelands. While it is a relatively short patrol, I miss spending the evening by your side. Come morning we will be heading north, with a few days travel to Dusk Vigil. Although the walls have been relatively sealed off, the borders must still be patrolled and any lingering threats evicted from the stone fortress. I do not expect it to be more than a week, but I will not be able to write until we return to camp. Please take care, I have left you a few new books for your collection that I hope will help pass the time, and I will be home soon enough. I love you. ~ Tsirae"
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ffxivaltaholic · 4 months
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Junelezen2024 - Day 4: Departure
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ffxivaltaholic · 3 months
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Junelezen2024 - Day 7: Boat
Tsirae would often spend many days in Gridania with his father and he has lots of wonderful memories of their adventures.
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ffxivaltaholic · 4 months
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Junelezen2024 - Day 2: Dawn (Trail)
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ffxivaltaholic · 3 months
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Junelezen2024 - Day 8: Sights
There is no sight in this world more beautiful that you...
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ffxivaltaholic · 4 months
Junelezen2024 - Day 3: Breakfast
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As a romantic at heart, Tsirae enjoys taking the time to make his partner a lovely breakfast whenever he is able. Since his work often keeps him away weeks at a time in Ishgard, it is a small token of affection for her and something he takes great pride in doing. He makes fantastic pancakes!
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ffxivaltaholic · 4 months
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PLD Week 2024 - Day 1 Oath
"I swear by my shield to defend Ishgard and her people. I swear by Halone to to bear my sword again foe and beast, and I swear by my life to uphold the honor and oath I carry forward through life."
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ffxivaltaholic · 3 months
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Junelezen2024 - Day 25: Old Friends
They had been friends, schoolmates and comrades in arms. The six friends had all worked hard to stay together, trusting in each other in battle and fighting for a better future for Ishgard and her people. Unfortunately by the end of the war, only two remained to carry on their memory. Young souls that gave their lives to protect their home.
Each one missed greatly by the two who remain, the eldest Roland, their Captain, recently had a son, naming him after his squire Quinn, the youngest who had been lost that faithful day. At each visit home, Tsirae takes time to tend to their graves and leave flowers to pay his respects.
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ffxivaltaholic · 3 months
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Junelezen2024 - Day 24: Lost
Four friends, lost in the span of an evening, young lives ended in a war that should never have been. They all knew the risk when they became Knights, but in truth, they were young and felt that as long as they were together, they would make it through the war with stories to tell and glory upon their shields. One snowy ambush had changed that, and only Roland and Tsirae had survived, though Tsirae suffered grave wounds and nearly died in the maw of a dragon. Were it not for his Captain's quick reflexes he would have joined the dead that day. Surviving however holds a level of guilt that still weights heavily on both their shoulders.
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