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majjami-ola · 2 years ago
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Дефолтна білизна - це термін, який вживається для опису стандартного вбрання для жінок у вигляді персикового бюстгальтера та трусиків.  Ви їх можете бачити не лише коли роздягаєте сіма. А й коли обираєте татуїровку.
+ радже дефолтні файли завантажувати в окрему папку;
+ є варіант просто звичайний;
+ підходить для базової гри;
+ обирайте один варіант.
Дякую за вашу підтримку та зацікавленість в моїй роботі. Якщо ви бажаєте підтримати мій проект, будь ласка, скористайтеся посиланням на монобанку, яке я залишив нижче. Будь-яка сума буде дуже цінною для мене та допоможе зберегти моє натхнення. Дякую ще раз і сподіваюся, що вам подобається мій контент!
Donat https://send.monobank.ua/jar/2J3rJXXdpq
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magic-bot · 2 years ago
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Default feet ⤷ bgc ⤷ midpoly (7866 polygons) ⤷ elderly \ infant, unisex frame, all races (❌ werewolf, ❌ mermaid) ⤷ compatible with hq ⤷ find: take off shoes
Non-default feet ⤷ bgc ⤷ midpoly (7866 polygons) ⤷ elderly \ infant, unisex frame, all races (❌ werewolf, ❌ mermaid) ⤷ custom icons ⤷ work with body selector ww (requires mod) ⤷ compatible with hq ⤷ find: slippers
Overlay for feet ⤷ bgc ⤷ elderly \ infant, unisex frame, all races (❌ werewolf, ❌ mermaid) ⤷ custom icons ⤷ 2 versions: color, overlay ⤷ compatible with hq and color slider ⤷ find: tattoo, scars, skin details
Feet nails polish base #2, french #2, design #3, rhinestones #1, glitter #1, smoke #1, cat eye #1 ⤷ bgc ⤷ elderly \ child, unisex frame, all races (❌ werewolf, ❌ mermaid) ⤷ custom icons ⤷ compatible with hq and color slider ⤷ find: pedicure
Blender files (for creators) ⤷ triangulation ⤷ removed double vertices ⤷ separated nails from feet ⤷ for blender version 3.3.8 and higher
HOW TO INSTALL? 1. Unpack the archive using WinRar or 7Zip, move the files in the Mods folder. 2. Make sure that [Laptop mode] is turned off in the game settings, and the [Enable CC] and [Enable script mods] checkboxes are activated.
Using my cc you agree with tou
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zabadoo · 5 years ago
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Okay, so this has always been a huuuuuge pet peeve of mine since like, day one of creating a character in The Sims 4. By default, the order of EAs swatches starts with black hair. For me that always made it way too hard to see any sort of details on the hair. Jump to the cut for a sort of TL;DR. I’m a rambler, sorry. Sure, you can change to a blonde or just a lighter color until you find the hair that fits your sim. But if you’re like me and have hairs the don’t use EAs 18 colors, as soon as you click back to a hair that does you’re back to black hair. It’s such a little thing but drove me crazy! So, I changed it. I also use pyxiidis’ Witching Hour colors as my defaults, and wanted the extra colors all merged into one happy little file. So what was originally just a small nit picky fix turned into me fiddling around with files for a week straight. Also, mentioned it in a couple communities and hey! It seems like I’m not the only one bothered by this! Which makes me spending a week fighting with the random gender conversion issue a little less meaningless 😅
I want to throw a HUGE thank you out to pyxiids for the original swatches and recolors as well as the fine folks at witchingreblogs for taking the time to apply the palette to all of the default hairs. It’s saved me a heck of a lot of time being able to use those recolors instead of having to recolor every. single. hair. myself to get the exact same results. I’ve used these existing overrides and their textures to reorder the swatches and create these reordered files. Please, go give them some love if you download these. They deserve it 💖 An important thing to note is that I don’t have all of the EPs, GPs, and SPs. Right now I’ve just uploaded the replacements for the games I have. When I can get other ones, I’ll for sure be updating this but for now, this is what I’ve got. Remember this was originally just for my own use. The other thing is for whatever reason that is currently beyond my figuring out, some of the hairs that are available for both male and female frames refuse to order the swatches all together. if the hair is typically male it shows the swatches in the order I put them, all 36 in a gradient. On the opposite gender it still haves all 36 colors, but it shows the 18 EA swatches first, then the Witching Hour extras. I don’t know why, and I’m over trying to fix it at this point 😂
The packs I’ve currently reordered are;
Base Game (Including facial hair and eyebrows) Patch Hairs Holiday Celebration Get to Work Get Together City Living Cats and Dogs Seasons Outdoor Retreat Spa Day Dine Out Vampires Jungle Adventures Strangerville Realm of Magic Luxury Party Perfect Patio Cook Kitchen Spooky Movie Hangout Romantic Garden Kids Room Backyard Vintage Glamour Bowling Night Moschino
So after all that, here’s the download!
Files are named after each pack and are a merged file for all of that packs hairs.
Download on SFS
Don’t forget to give some love to everyone who made this possible 🥰
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yakfarm · 6 years ago
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TS4 Photo Default Replacement
Replaces small unframed photos to (kind of) Polaroids
More info at the download page
D O W N L O A D (no ads)
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phantasmagoriasims-blog · 7 years ago
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Windenburg fence default retexture
Download: 2048x1024 | 1048x512  (choose only one!)
Credits: texture
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jessisimsccfinds · 2 years ago
December Mods for The Sims 4 You HAVE to check out!!!
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vivsccfinds · 5 years ago
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𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙙𝙚𝙛𝙖𝙪𝙡𝙩𝙨 𝙄 𝙪𝙨𝙚 :)
default skin: click here 
default CAS background: click here 
default eyes: click here
default teeth: click here
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willowdreamercc · 5 years ago
Default Eyes
Hello!  So I was asked recently to turn my Aristhal Eyes into defaults, so I did... and I’m taking it a step further.  I’ll be making default versions of some of the eyes I have made so far! If there are any I have made in the past that you’d like to be made into defaults, let me know! I’ll update this list as I put them up for download.  All default eye replacements will go here! Here will be links to the original posts where the nondefaults/contacts are!  The Redone Aristhal and Sel’halin Eyes
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sehdaius · 7 years ago
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My first eye texture for TS4 is finally finished....and, boy, am I glad
(truthfully, I spent most of the time editing the pictures and fixing a few colors)
How Saintlike
With this eye texture I included a replacement for all the defaults, a nondefault version and I added 6 eye colors that come in their own package.
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The eyes were changed to be a somewhat similar color to EA’s originals but they do vary slightly. Most of the eyes include two or more different colors in the iris but you can only really tell from up close.
Our Heavenly Souls
Tahlea (top model, black hair) is shown wearing dark blue
Cyranni (bottom model in first pic, pink hair) has the regular green
Ele (bottom pic, brown hair) is shown using the black color included with the uniques 
and Jovan (bottom pic, blonde hair) has the blind eyes in the uniques package
If you have any problems, please don’t hesitate to tell me and I’ll try to get back to you as soon as I can. Oh, and - fair warning - I named the uniques package nd5.
Defaults \ Download - Alt
Nondefaults \ Download - Alt
Uniques \ Download - Alt
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ignis-need-that-bootyo · 5 years ago
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multi color cas back make sure too only put one in game at a time DOWNLOAD http://www.simfileshare.net/download/1438925/
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mellindi · 7 years ago
Where do you get your non blueback Recolors from? I hate BLUE BLACK OMG
Wildlyminiaturesandwich. I download all her recolors for every pack cause I can’t stand that blue stuff either. If I get desperate enough and I can’t find it online, I just recolor it myself, lol.
Edit: You can also find true black recolors here: http://swirlgoodies.tumblr.com/ts4defaults. Thanks @lovearound5am for the link :).
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sugaryvirtualsimblr · 7 years ago
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Playing around with a hair mod again because I’m always on the lookout for good white hair for Alice. These hair colours are by Pixelswirl and are default replacements: http://swirlgoodies.tumblr.com/ts4defaults. I had to go with darker eyebrows on Alice for it to look right, but I think I’m digging it!
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phantasmagoriasims-blog · 7 years ago
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Default replacement of flowers in Windenburg. My very first work at TS4 х)
Download: 1024x512
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ignis-need-that-bootyo · 6 years ago
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Base Game Lipstick Defaults
I, like most people, hate the lipsticks that came with the game. However, since they insist on hanging around in my catalog anyways, I decided to make them better. These have a new alpha, actual textures, and no more specular.
More info and download below!
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yakfarm · 7 years ago
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[TS4] Cutlery Default Replacement - SIMPLE GOLD
Overrides existing MESH of spoon & fork in-game
Do you need it? idek maybe. Maybe not.
More information and pictures at download page
D O W N L O A D (no adfly)
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kingdavidwestergaard · 6 years ago
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Twinklepixles Here is Kent Garcia a single fun loving sim who just moved to Brindleton Bay  he is Romantic and is kind and caring he does have a talent and a handsome voice to match that talent his clothes are for formal and for exercise and for sleeping and party and summer time and he wears winter clothes for winter time his cc is https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/8676-cultits-default-skins-for-reshade  his hair is  https://swirlgoodies.tumblr.com/ts4defaults his eyes are cupidjuicecc.tumblr.com/tagged/genetics
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Just a bit more of a formal post regarding the Twitchlorette…
Looking for 10 contestants (5 male and 5 female), depending on submissions might bring it down to 8 contestants (4 male and 4 female.)
Give them a talent! (Have a skill maxed out like singing, cooking ect, though keep this a secret and only share it with me if your sim is chosen as one of the contestants.)
Give them a personality, just a little description of your sim will be good.
Submissions close on Sunday June 9th. Submissions might be prolonged depending on my work schedule.
If you want to read about the bacherlorette, you can find that post here!
If you would like to send in your submissions, just post it on your blog and tag me, I’ll reblog it on mine to keep track of the submissions. :)
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