simaddix · 1 year
This is *part of* the reason why it takes me so flipping long to get the plants finished.
This is a petunia, which I love the look of already, but my brain starts scolding me on the fact that petunias don't grow straight up, they grow out...
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So here I am trying to make a picture as realistic as humanly possible....
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And then here I am mixing colors and shit because petunias are almost always various colors.
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I'm gonna go make y'alls frikken petunia files now, two hours later... lol
Update -- It was worth it
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WOODLAND SET by technicallyswagpizza
Belated happy international day of forests (21st of March) my fellow dirt maestros! I bring thee 2 extremely wonky pine trees and 6 different plants to bring your woodlands and forests into life! Or drop them whever, I’m sure Mother Nature doesn’t really mind. This set comes with a larger patch of lingonberries, a single small blueberry plant, lichen forest floor cover, a mixture of pine saplings and other brambly plants found on the forest floors and 2 different Skyrim tundra grass plants.
I pulled my lighting mod out and turned my Reshade off while taking the  pictures above, so what you see here is exactly what you get. I also included a .rar file for easy one click download in case anyone prefers that rather than downloading these one by one.
Base game compatible
Wonky but still sorta straight pine 708 polys
Gnarly pine 1184 polys
Blueberry plant 12 polys
Lingonberries 226 polys
Lichen forest floor 124 polys
Young pine saplings forest floor 150 polys
Both Skyrim tundra grasses 150 polys
Enabled for both CAW & in game
Wonky but still sorta straight pine’s bark texture is not the nicest looking thing out there, but whenever I tried to fix it I broke something else in the process, so I’m going to leave it as it is for now. No other tree has brought me so much agony and frustration than that one! Also thank you @simaddix for sharing the Skyrim plant textures with me and allowing me to use them, much love to you
‧₊˚✩彡 ( ˙ ˘ ˙ ) ⸝♡
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rstarsims3 · 4 years
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I’m sooooooooo in love with these tulips <3
Ever since I found them (and I’m probably one of the few who didn’t know about them until recently), they indubitably end up in any new world/lot I create, if the theme fits.
Credits to Pygmy @ MTS for such a beautiful creation 
◊ MTS Link  ◊
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simterieur · 5 years
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NEW: TS4 to TS3 Conversions by Simtérieur
Hello my lovely followers! I can’t believe I have more than 1000 followers! Woah, guys...!!!
I just want to thank you today with a small conversion of 4 simple items from The Sims 4 to The Sims 3. 
1. Nora Chair      Original Mesh (TS4) by Lillys Boutique     TS3 Conversion by me / Simtérieur     DOWNLOAD TS4 (link is down - ask the creator, not me!)     DOWNLOAD TS3
2. Pace Circular Side Table     Original TS4 Mesh by Slox     TS3 Conversion by me / Simtérieur     TS2 Conversion by The Pixelry     DOWNLOAD TS4     DOWNLOAD TS3     DOWNLOAD TS2 
3. Jewelry Box     Original Mesh (TS4) by LeoSims     TS3 Conversion by me / Simtérieur     DOWNLOAD TS4     DOWNLOAD TS3
4. Aiden Hanging Plant     Originial Mesh (TS4) by LeoSims     TS3 Conversion by me / Simtérieur     TS2 Conversion by The Pixelry     DOWNLOAD TS4     DOWNLOAD TS3     DOWNLOAD TS2
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simaddix · 3 years
Crop Fields from my world to yours!
Y'all... I am so beyond proud of these. PLEASE test them in game and then tell me what you think, the pictures don't do justice! I'm dying for someone else to test them out lol
Here we have a field in Praaven hosting both oats and wheat. The terrain is painted for crops anyway, so it was the perfect location for these to be shown off.
The largest fields (a custom swamp grass mesh) show up for a really good ways off, which is perfect for crops so you can get nice photos.
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There are a couple of different meshes I applied these textures to. The two shown below are a clone of the tulip fields, which are perfect for lots because they're much smaller, but still give off that effect of having a small field.
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These are a bit taller and fuller, and they also show up a long way off.
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I hope y'all enjoy playing with these as much as I have testing them! Please tag me if you use them, I want to see them in your game!
Enjoy!!! <3
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simaddix · 3 years
Request - Download
@rachel-homeanddesign-sims recently messaged me asking about the sunflower fields I tested [forever ago]. I wanted to get them out to you, and thank you for your lovely comments!
These were quickly packaged with the original image I created long ago, but nonetheless here they are. I hope you enjoy them in your game!
I will probably be pretty quiet for a while, we have been extremely busy lately and I haven't had time to touch my projects much less start any others. I hope things will calm down a bit and I'll be able to return with some new/finished stuff for all of my wonderful followers. Until then, I hope y'all are doing well! <3
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simaddix · 3 years
Final Testing for Grass!
Gonna go ahead and show what I've got for the grasses! I still have flowers and such to figure out but these are the final choices from my grass files! Woohoo! This is a huge step for the world, as I'll be replacing EA grasses around lots, and getting general terrain decorated. (I will have some extras that fit the tulip field better, so stay tuned for those, too)
Note for later: My world is a bit darker than the standard EA/ tropical ones, so if you're playing a brighter world feel free to edit the images so it'll suit your game. Just please don't redistribute without changing the SPT files, as it will overwrite the original.
Here we go(: These next few are the most realistic out of the bunch (Also my favorites)
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These are slightly less realistic, but still loads better than the total toon of EA
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These are somewhere in between the two.
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Let me know what you think!(:
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simaddix · 3 years
Plants Continued
Never thought I would be so excited for weeds... but these took FOREVER to finally get right so... I am. I'm excited for weeds! Also for my historical/medieval players, dandelions have a ton of medicinal purposes! I'm wanting the world to have harvestable plants around the hills for realistic food gathering. I see an apothecary featuring in the village! <3
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With and without grass on UV >
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These are the tulip fields. These tend to show more of the "base" or grass of the plant than the fields, and these are only good for flat ground since they're flat/even, but they're still pretty for lots and stuff that have even ground.
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Still have more flowers to get through, but I'm starting to get through the pile now. I'll be finishing getting the textures into UVs (for testing) here pretty quick, then I can figure out which mesh I'm going to use for the flowers, edit them for various colors if they play nice, and then make packages for the ones who pass all the tests. (: I already have a few that are in the "Ooh gotta have those" pile lol. Hope y'all are excited for some flora despite the cold weather coming soon!
(Ironic, seeing as winter is my favorite season and I'm over here playing spring :D lol)
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As you can see from this, I have... lots of options. Not all of these will make it through but I'm all about variety.
This is also why I'm so indecisive 90% of the time :/ Guilty
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simaddix · 3 years
Trees Continued
I. Love. My. Hobby.
Please enlarge the picture so you can get the full effect, pictures really don't do them justice but hopefully before too long you'll see them in game yourself! :D
These are the first three "set" packages (meaning they've passed testing phase and will be left alone). I'm still going through and fixing errors/making tweaks to shape and coloring.
They will all be labeled Cottonwood trees as that is what the SPT comes from, but the one on the far left is technically a hibiscus, the middle one is from Skyrim (FINALLY! GAH I'VE WANTED IT FOR FOREVER) and the right is a crepe-myrtle. They all have various bark textures so it'll be a nice mix if you decide to use them together.
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Can't wait to get all of them done, omg. I'm so happy with these so far(((:
@murfeelee I hope you like the flowers on the myrtle tree! I went back and added extra blossoms just for you(: <3
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simaddix · 3 years
More Plant Testing
Making some tweaks to the grasses and testing my tree and shrub files. I would like to get the plants finalized for the world and then finish up some more of the landscape stuff, as well as finish and test the kitchen deco objects, so all in all, I have a ton to do still. But it's getting there.
For now, I have my own version of the cottonwood tree prepared for NEW trees in TS3!!! I used my experience with the cedars (ugh, that learning curve... yikes) and adjusted the shape and size, made new billboards, and have several versions in my test file to try out and see what we've got. The first ones are here, still in process, but I'm pretty happy considering they're the prototype.
Fruit trees!
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Right now there's a new version of the apple tree, as well as a pear tree and walnut.
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They also have some pretty decent wind settings, so they'll sway like my crop fields do. I lived in a pretty windy place growing up, so maybe I'm just used to plants moving, instead of sitting there perfectly still.
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Here are the two I managed to finalize, I have no clue how I'm going to make billboards for the one on the left, but I'm determined. I've always wanted trees that dragged the ground a bit. Again, maybe it's my experience growing up, but the trees were never as manicured as they are in ts3 lol.
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More will come(: As always, let me know what you think, I look forward to hearing your thoughts!
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simaddix · 3 years
Have I mentioned I hate billboards?
Well if I haven't, let me correct that... I HATE BILLBOARDS
I've spent way too long making these... but here are the first two matching billboards to the trees. Only... several more to go.
Visual in Gimp:
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The pain I had to go through in order to make anything other than total blobs was intense.
I'm getting there though. Progress.
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simaddix · 3 years
Update on testers
Tested the grasses with flowers last night to see what mixes well. Had to pop in and grab a screenshot to show you the results! I found a new poppy plant to test and I can feel the medieval vibes from here! :D
I've been in a debate with myself whether to keep the grasses all separate by texture or to mix them to get a varied look. In the end of it I think I'll actually do both. That way you can mix with the other grasses and flower fields without them standing out so much. There will be the separate grasses, and then a couple of mixed that I think go well together. If you want to mix and match your own when they come out, feel free to do so! I'm going to wrap these up and get them to y'all later tonight so stay tuned!
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simaddix · 3 years
Example A
This is why making plants can be such a nightmare to deal with, and why it takes so long to make them.
This doesn't even include trying to get a custom mesh... which could be a book by itself.
These are 6 different trees, and all of them came from the exact same texture. There are different mixtures of textures you can use (color, shadows, normal maps, highlights, displacements, etc), a thousand different variations of hue, color and shading, or you can make a tree look completely different by adding a different branch to your UV image. Then there's picking apart the original texture to get that one piece to restructure the original shape, because the shape of the leaves will either make a spectacular tree or a lump of garbage.
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Closeup to show how different they really are.
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Example of picking apart the image to get that piece... you can see where I separated the lower branch to be able to paste it on the UV.
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And here's the UV. See the side panel on the right of the screen? Those are all the pieces I've added to the original piece to give it the shape I want. That can get super confusing, btw, trying to figure out whether said piece needs to be above or under the original, erasing bits that get too layered, and the frustrating as hell part where any time you scale or rotate a layer it gets blurry. Ack.
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And then you test. And edit coloring because it's way too bright. Then test. Then edit because it's too green. Annndddd test. Fix alpha because you forgot to when you edited the color and now you have shadows that shouldn't be there (or other plants, whoops).
Finally get it where you want it. Start editing billboard to match... repeat last paragraph. lol
But... it's worth it... as long as you finally get something out of it... right? :D
Give love to your favorite plant makers! They really do work for their CC lol
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simaddix · 3 years
Oh I'm so excitedddd! CROPS!
Don't panic.... I'm still doing rocks, I swear. The point of doing the rocks is also to work on my world though, so I'm... multitasking....
Hopefully it'll be worth it for you too ;D
I fiddled around with some different speedtree plants until I figured out which ones I like best, and I like the swamp grass because of it's size and the way it waves back and forth, but it was too sprawled out and... swampy looking... so I reclustered it in speedtree and added a few textures to see what I could get.
Oats! I GOT OATS!!! (And wheat, but I only have one of these bad boys cloned so one at a time lol)
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I even managed to get it (kind of...) squared out. I'm using two fields here, but it's the only way I could get even close to the possibility of a field, so I'm extremely happy with the shape I got (:
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This one will actually be released, I have to do the hex editor magic first and I'll put it out for download(: I'm also going through all of my plant tests and will be (slowly) getting those done, too.
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SECRET GARDEN Summer Flower Mix
Spring has sprung and summer is fast approaching, so I thought I would share some of the flowers I have been lovingly tending during the last month! Two of them uses CAWBLOG’s textures that I have edited and cloned into a more compact form as I found the originals a little hard to place onto sloped terrains. You do not need the originals, but you can have them in game at the same time if you wish. I pulled out my lighting mod and turned my Reshade off while taking the pictures above, so what you see here is exactly what you get.
Base game compatible
Original meshes by EA, lupin and poppy textures by CAWBLOG
Enabled for both CAW & in game
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