#ts3 toddler skill books
olomaya · 1 year
More Activities Activity Table
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Eat, Play, Learn! Family Fun for Everyone!
2-Sep Update: Thank you @jeebeehey for the French translation. Please redownload if you'd like them.
Updated for redownload (27 July):
Fixed an issue where the interaction cancels out if a toddler doesn't like the food. Thanks to @zemyna for catching!
Added the non-English stbls. Sorry, I swear I'm not one of those Anglophones that thinks English is the only language (I actually speak 3!), it's just a small step in the upload process that's easy to forget.
This is the final part of my little Kids and Toddlers mod series. It's meant to complement the Coloring Book and the Toddler foods mods so you will need those for this.
When I started this, I didn't think through how many new animations or custom details it would entail and I as continued, I kept having to add more and more. There are like 60 animations and 40 image assets 😭 hence why the two main files are so large for a mod.
What I've done is added more activities to the Activity Table after years of being annoyed that the Activity Table we have in TS3, despite being the EXACT SAME table from TS2, does not in fact allow your Sims to draw on it. EA, so lazy!
Anyway, what this does is add 4 new interactions to the Activity Table: Coloring, Arts & Crafts, Puzzles and the ability to serve toddlers food so they can eat there.
The activities are for toddlers and kids only but Teens+ can join in the puzzles if it's already been started by a toddler or child.
Note this will work with any of the Activity Tables in the game or Store but the puzzle will look weird as it's placed in the same spot as where the blocks are. You can use it with custom/cc activity tables provided only the mesh has been edited (for example, if slots are changed or removed, it may not work).
Credits/Thanks: The glue bottle, crayon, CAS paint items and one of the arts and crafts image assets are from @aroundthesims. Thanks as always to Sandy for her generosity and creativity in making Sims content! I originally only wanted to add the option to color/draw but this set of hers inspired me to add in more features. (hmm, maybe I shouldn't be thanking you then considering what a pain that was 🤔😅) All other objects and images are from TS4. Custom animations are by me using TS4 and TS3 as bases.
All buyable objects (table, crayons, puzzles) can be found in Kids Room/Toys.
Check out my other mods in the Kids and Toddlers series: Coloring Book for Kids, Toddler Bed, Toddler Foods and Snacks.
If you run into any issues (and YOU'VE READ THROUGH THE INSTRUCTIONS) please let me know!
Please read below the cut for all the details on features and how to play.
Download here | Alternate Link: SFS
Coloring: Toddlers and Kids can color if there is a crayon box on the lot. Just like using a coloring book, coloring a picture will take up one crayon. Coloring increases painting skill for both. When completed, the final project will be in their inventory.
Arts & Crafts: Toddlers and Kids can do an arts and craft project. Not additional object is needed. They go pretty crazy with the glitter and glue so it can be dirty stuff if they don't have the neat trait. This activity decreases their hygiene and they will get covered in glitter paint when done. Similar to coloring, when completed, the final project will go in their inventory and they get painting skill while playing.
Puzzles: You need to buy a puzzle box and have it on your lot to do puzzles. There are two puzzle boxes but they do the same thing. And they stack! (I love stackable things) There are 3 puzzle types: Easy, medium and Hard. Toddlers can only do Easy puzzles. Children can do either easy, medium or Hard puzzles depending on their Logic skill (for Hard, logic needs to be 3 or higher). The puzzle difficulty will also determine how long it takes to complete the puzzle. Teens+ can help with puzzles but they can't start a puzzle on their own. Toddlers can kids can start a puzzle on their own or help another Sim with a puzzle. Puzzles increase Logic skill for all those playing it but will increase faster for whoever starts the puzzle. If a puzzle is completed, everyone who helped put it together will get bonus skill points. If there is already a puzzle on the table, there is no option to start another, you can only help with the current puzzle. There are different puzzle images (15 in total) but there's no difference between them. The only thing that matters is puzzle difficulty. If the Sim who started the puzzle stops for whatever reason (you or the game cancels the interaction), everyone else helping will stop as well.
Eating: Children+ can serve toddlers meals or snacks. It works the same as my Toddler Foods and Snacks mod. They will place the tray/bowl on the activity table and then call the toddler to eat. If the toddler is hungry, they will go over and start eating. Otherwise, they can always eat it later.
Known Issues:
Animations aren't perfect (but what in life is?) so there's some clipping, especially on the toddlers when they kneel.
The comically large puzzle piece accessory jumps around a little and sits kind of weird in the toddler's hand. I suspect this is because the game is using the adult version of the object animation. I've noted it for fixing whenever I do a second pass on the mod.
The food tray is upside down. Setting object rotation in-game messes up the routing for the table so I'm leaving it as is as it doesn't really bother me.
If there is a food tray or bowl on the table, you shouldn't be able to do anything else there because that slot/part is being used but I had this happen once where my tester child started coloring there. It didn't happen again but if it does happen in your game, simply cancel out the interaction and route them to another part of the table.
The puzzle leaves a shadow even when it's pile form because the shadow mesh is there but you only see it until the geostate changes.
This is not an issue but the alternate material states for objects are only available in high so if you play with graphic settings for objects on medium or low, you're going to see the default image for the puzzles or pictures.
Tagging for reblogs: @kpccfinds @katsujiiccfinds @pis3update
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weirdgirlsimmer · 6 months
Disney Princess 10 generations legacy challenge!!👸
So I got this challenge of Reddit and the op got it from ts4 but brought it to ts3, but idk who originally made. I gonna add my own add, but there optional, ANYWAYS
General rules for all gen’s
Must look the princess (my own add: doesn’t have to be an exact depiction but similar style/ and coloring)
Complete lifetime wish
Generation 1: Snow White 🍎
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If you want to be more realistic make her a teenager (14) and give her an evil stepmother, but this is optional.
Rules: Must be female. Should never answer the door to strangers or old women. She should have 7 children with the same partner. She should know all her children traits. Complete her lifetime wish.
Child rules: Must have one negative trait (commitment issues, over emotional, rebellious, clumsy, unstable, klepto, etc.)
Generation 2: Cinderella 🥿
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“Even though you had 6 brothers and sisters, you had to always do the cooking and cleaning But you kinda loved it, it made you feel relieved”
Rules: Complete your lifetime wish. Must clean and cook every day (own add on: til married). Must meet your partner at a party/social event. You can’t marry until your mother dies. You can’t have more than 3 kids. Must have perfectionist and neat traits.
Generation 3: Tiana 🍽️
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“Your family wasn’t that good in the past two generations, so you gotta change that!”
Rules: Must have the aspiration celebrated five-star chef. Must have ambitious trait. Your father must die before you turn into an adult. Must marry a sim that has something green on its genetics (hair, eyes, skin, wings, etc.). With the sim state mod, you have to buy a restaurant and run it (if you can’t have it, you have to buy a restaurant property). (Own add on: max out cooking skill before owning restaurant).
Generation 4: Aurora 🛌 💤
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“Thanks to your mothers success, you had everything in life, except love, since your father was overprotective and barely let you go out”
Rules: Must have the couch potato trait. You can’t have more than 3 friends. Meet your future partner while your parents are asleep at night. Must have private wedding. Have only 2 children (better if they’re two twin girls)
Generation 5: Anna ❄️
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“Your sister locked herself away for no reason. As toddler, you were best friends, but now it’s just a dream”
Rules: Lose all contact with your siblings until you’re a young adult. Find love with a criminal. Experience near death by your lover. Become best friends forever with your sibling. Find your partner after reuniting with your sibling. Have only one child.
Generation 6: Rapunzel ☀️
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“Your mother never trusted you or the outside world. You never knew about her past (and don’t want to). All you’ve gotten was loneliness.”
Rules: Must have artistic and loner traits. Must reach level 4 painting before becoming a young adult. Your future partner must be your only friend until you marry. Must have a private wedding. You have to sneak out at night and have a strict relationship with your parents. (Own add on: must have long hair until married, must have easily impressed or some naive trait, partner must be older OR criminal)
Generation 7: Belle 🌹
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“You always loved books and visited the library often. You think that the beauty of every person is inside. Everyone was in love with you, but you turned them down. You wanted to choose someone that will actually love you.”
Rules: Must have the bookworm trait (own add on: irresistible trait). Date at least 5 men before meeting the love of your life. Marry an ugly or supernatural sim (OAO: preferably wolf, or rich person). Your partner must become beautiful after your first child is born (OAO: OR after you marry)(If it’s an ugly sim edit in cas, if it’s an supernatural you can make it human or edit the genetics).
Generation 8: Mulan ⛰️
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“Your family always wanted that you bring fortune back to your family by marrying a high status sim, but you don’t want love, you want glory
Rules: Must have active trait. Fall in love with a coworker, marry and have kids when you reach the highest points of your career. You have to be a militar(???). You have to get famous by your career and reach at least 2 stars of fame.
Generation 9: Jasmine 💎
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“You hated being rich and living like a princess. Your father wants you to marry a rich person, but you don’t want money in your life.”
Rules: have a childhood best friend (if you have the pets expansion it must be a pet). You can only leave home for school. Your partner must be poor, your partner must be on the criminal career. Have maximum of 4 children
Generation 10: Merida 🐻
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“You always judge your mother for leaving her rich life and marrying someone poor. Your adventures lead you to trouble and getting grounded.”
Rules: you must have the rebellious trait. Lose yours siblings and mother in an accident.
Now you can choose two endings:
You try to change your families past, but you fail. You don’t believe in love and you never marry. You believe you’re cursed so you never have kids. When you’re older you realize you weren’t and you reject (oao: I think they meant regret) not having kids.
You gain the commitment issues trait as a young adult and you never marry. You can choose to adopt a child or be child free when you complete your lifetime wish.
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purplepxls · 5 months
TS4 Lepacy Challenge (or how TS4 finally got me) pt.2
Gen 9: Vampires + Vintage Glamour stuff
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This generation was really, really boring! I'm not into the supernatural theme, so... Forgotten Hollow is tiny, but it's kinda cool for certain sims (great for photos and storytelling). The sim was a real sweetheart, and just because of that, I didn't skip this generation. He was an apprentice to Count Vladislaus Straud, met a girl in Windenburg, found the cure for vampirism, and had a daughter with her. He had a butler and lived in a luxurious house.
Gen 10: Parenthood + Movie Hangout, Kids Room & Toddler stuffs
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Babies, babies, and more babies. This girl had a HUGE family! And I tried to follow everything that was asked for in this generation. She married young and had only one love her entire life. She had as many children as she desired, adopted a child, and kept a super well-tended and beautiful garden. This expansion pack is really cute and adds a lot of depth to the relationship between parents and children. It was fun taking care of so many kids, but exhausting! She lived in Newcrest since there wasn't a city requirement.
Gen 11: Cats & Dogs + Laundry Day & My First Pet stuff
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In this generation, I ended up getting more attached to the couple's youngest daughter. She was "different," you know how it is. She was all about animals, ran her own vet clinic and worked hard every day. She had a house full of cute kitties and adopted a little girl. Brindleton Bay is simply amazing! I spent a lot of time exploring the town. The pets expansion is also adorable, and I think it's my favorite of all the game's generations (I hardly ever played with pets in TS2 and TS3 because I found it too much work).
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(Looks like someone finally got Reshade!) In this generation, I started feeling like taking pictures again, maybe to post them here someday. It's hard to get back :(
Gen 12: Jungle Adventure
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I took so many screenshots in this generation, but they just disappeared. I don't know what I did wrong =(
She was a journalist and explorer. Explored a lot of Selvadorada and wrote books about her travels.
Selvadorada is beautiful, but BORING! It was a short generation because I couldn't handle it anymore. I really loved her, but I lost her to an exploration curse.
Gen 13: Seasons + Spooky & Backyard stuff
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My long-awaited Seasons expansion! It was such a cute generation!
He reached the top of the gardening career, tended to his garden, and followed all the holiday traditions. He had a little daughter who was a scout. They lived a quiet life in Brindleton Bay.
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He tried to make up for everything his mom missed out on because she was always traveling. But they had a good relationship until the end.
Gen 14: Get Famous (Part 1)
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OMG, I never thought I'd have such a blast with this expansion! It turned out to be one of the longest ones 'cause I turned off aging in the game.
Del Sol Valley is beautiful but small. Again! I think that's one of the few downsides of TS4 cities. There's very little space for lots. I had so many ideas for this city...
The expansion is really fun, the acting career is well-developed, and it was quite challenging to become a celebrity! I loved all the games, parties, and schemes she had to pull off to truly be considered a star. But most of all, the hard work. I maxed out all the necessary skills. She was perfect! She was the boss! Rich, famous, choosing who she wanted to be with and how. After a while, her job was just being beautiful, hitting the gym, and dodging the paparazzi.
The only one not vibing with all this was her daughter, who went nuts.
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miniwolfsbane · 5 months
I need to stay awake, so here's a list of things we should have gotten in The Sims 4's Growing together that would have improved it even more! (Also pleading in some spots. If they could just refresh it slightly, that would be boss.):
An easier (even customizable) compatibility system. (I loved the idea, but trying to get one of my sims to have mutual dislike with his future-son-in law is like trying to find chicken lips. I even changed his traits, but it didn't help. Unless my game was glitched, IDK. I haven't looked at that save file in months.)
Gender reveal parties (Because let's bring the chaos of those into sims. Fits perfectly!
New careers would've been fire. (Something similar to an OBGYN, if EA is so scared of scarring special snowflakes and supposed children playing this freaking game (GIVE US BURGLARS BACK YOU COWARDS!!), call it a baby doctor and give us real ultrasounds already. I mostly play on console, so mods aren't an option.
LESS infant milestones. (I understand that they were clearly going for realism and longform play, but I think I got my favorite (and only) mermaid twins to do nearly all of the applicable ones (with my game glitching slightly because it didn't register the first trip to the park) before turning them into toddlers. But if you have your sims on non-aging, it can get tedious. I had to cheat needs to do all that, keeping them awake constantly and they still got the tired moodlet as infants. They should have cut them back by 10 or 12 and not gone so hard on this. We love our realism as players, but sometimes enough is enough. Also the standing up milestone is broken on console. Ugh.)
This or HSY would have been the perfect EP to put driving lessons. Even if we don't have cars yet...well...was gonna say it wouldn't make sense, but it could have just been a rabbit hole to driver's ed or driving school. (Just writing those words gives me PTSD. I had a hard time of things.)
They could have really expanded on stuff for kids. The toy options are endless. Hula hoops, new teddy bears that are actually useable, dolls (knock off Barbie maybe?), new action figures for boys (and girls), more toddler specific toys, And we got bikes? BIKES?! I know 4 Rent was awful for bugs, but at least they gave us marbles and hopscotch. Better than nothing. Glad modders exist, but that doesn't help people who play exclusively on console because of disabilities or other reasons.
Maybe pregnancy specific clothes, I dunno. Seems pointless, but also sounds cute.
Bring back the dang pregnancy cravings (unless I imagined these?), and add in some mood swings. Teenagers get mood swings, but pregnant women don't? Yeah, nice going EA. *Sarcastic clap*
On that note, as long as it's from my head, we could have used some more realism, if just slightly. (Keep in mind I've never been preggers and haven't had anyone close to me be pregnant, just parent's friends or people older than me at the time. Edit and family members out-of-state many years ago.) Sore boob moodlets, milk pumps, swollen feet, real back aches and not just stretching, baby books (I miss those!!), maybe some stuff for the dads to be but I can't think of anything off had atm but books? Maybe some "I want to teach my kid about repair skills" want or moodlet when they hit the child stage, pacifiers (the CC ones are so cute!), teething if we didn't get it already I can't remember, teething toys, being able to put infants/toddlers on beds (mixed bag because in real life you shouldn't have babies in bed with you because it's dangerous. Saw a story about it.), more stuff for grandparents, plus the canes from TS3 and so on.
Okay, I might edit this later. Starting to feel tapped out for ideas
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dreamsongsims · 3 years
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After Betty’s graduation and lunch at the Bistro, Bob heads to the library with his little bookworm and they finish reading all of the toddler skill books together.
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tiny-tany-thaanos · 5 years
Simmer - ‘Get to Know’
by @cupcakegnome
I was tagged by the wonderful @silverspringsimmer! Thank you!
Your name: My name’s Anna! It is often shortened as Anya (which, I know, is a separate name in some languages but not in Russian) or Anyuta (ah-new-tah).
Languages you speak: Russian (native), English (C1), German (B2-C1), I learned French in highschool but decided not to continue it, I’m also trying to learn Norwegian via Duolingo Are you a mermaid: luckily no - I don’t like most types of seafood Your play style: sometimes just mess in CAS and take screenshots, other times I’m playing with my sims with some storyline playing inside my head.
Your selfsim picture:
Feat. my brand new glasses!
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Read on…
Stories or gameplay, builds, lookbooks, edits or cc: right now: gameplay with minimum story (which may or may not change later), sometimes edits, random  portraits of sims I made, etc. Your favorite age state: toddler, young adult
Your favorite season: Summer; I also really like snow and the landscapes at winter but I don’t like sims changing outwear for hours and “it’s a snow day!” thing Your favorite holiday: Halloween! oh, sorry, Spooky Day How was your day: pretty good actually Your favorite career: Ghost-buster in TS3! Probably also Detective if the cases weren’t that lame (a toothbrush got lost, omg!) Your favorite aspiration: Actually the ones connected with knowledge and creativity Your favorite EP, SP or GP: TS3 Ambitions, TS3 Supernatural, TS4 Vampires and TS4 City Living How old is your simblr: 3 years and a quarter if I’m not mistaken Have you woohooed: *coughs, mumbles something incoherent* Your favorite skill: writing!  The size of your mods folder:  TS4 (4,05 GB), TS3… slightly bigger? I dunno Your 3 favorite mods: Master Controller in TS3, NCCC in TS4 and Pose Player in TS4  Your interests (other than sims): writing (also I’m kinda slow with it lately but I’m trying to recover!), music (various genres), foreign languages, books, psychology and reading about true crimes (although I’m kinda fed up with them at the moment) Your favorite sim (picture if possible):
I got a lot of them! Phoenix is easily one of my most favorite ones and by that point a “mascot” of my blog, so I’ll go with her
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Which Sims games you have played (including mobile games): TS2, TS3, TS4, Sims Medieval, Castaway Stories, I tried both mobile games but liked neither Propose a crazy scheme: EA adding new aspirations/character traits/interactions to the TS4 or improving the base game in any other ways? Best part of simblr: All the wonderful people I’ve met here! The ability to share the screenshots from our favorite game! I’ve been feeling really great and cozy around lately and I hope it’ll stay so! 
Worst part of simblr: *sighs* Everybody says that and I’m going to repeat it: so called “Simblr Drama” or, generally speaking, cyber bullying because what is it if not that? 
What other games you play: Cookie Run! Sometimes Choices and other mobile games 
Other websites or accounts (origin, twitter etc..): origin, of course, twitter (I mostly post about Cookie Run there),Instagram, vkontakte (Russian social media) also Facebook which I use rarely - it rather confuses me. 
Are you single: Yup. 
I’m sure by this point everyone was either tagged or has done ot so I’m tagging anyone who wants to and wasn’t tagged!
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liulingsims-blog · 5 years
Just hoping that my feedback message will be heard and read for what I would like to see in TS5. Here is what I wrote to them:
In case the Sims 5 is still in its beginning phase there are a few suggestions that I have to make gaming smoother for those playing on the pc.
I have been playing the sims since its infancy with The Sims. I have seen a lot of differences and some good and some bad.
What I miss:
being able to put the foundation inside of the house (from TS2) to make a taller platform. For example: in the living room if you want to add the dining room but make it a higher than the living room....you would put the foundation in and then add the stairs...it adds height, depth and dimension to the room/build
L-shaped, spiral, and U-shaped stairs. Doing work-arounds can be very nerve grinding ridiculousness for a builder...it doesn't help..it hurts.
TS3 store had some great items for the game...not having them in TS4 was a real bummer Chun Co. Teppanyaki Grill - what a marvelous invention.
Sizzle Baby Pro Deep Fryer - I so miss being able to deep fry food.
World of Wonder Carousel Collection Everything in here is worth having again
Last Venue of Amore - the gondola was amazing
The Boardwalk - the roller coaster
bakers station - not only having the station but adding more baking goods to create
it's business time industrial oven - double ovens....please!
playpen and toddler walker - so cute for the babies and also the baby swings
canning station - same as the baking station...being able to can more fruits and veggies
dragons - duh!
dbl sliding bookcases
tileable bookcases - really cool and great feature for libraries
water wheel - loved that feature from the brunch at the old mill
the tea set from brunch at the old mill
being able to have all harvestables from TS2, TS3 and TS4 combined in TS5 as well as nuts of every kind
fowl and feathers chicken coop
Milkin' It Dairy Corral
Aims Co. Choc-O-Falls Fountain
Setting up a store for TS5 just like TS3. Extra stuff sets and misc items available for purchase with simpoints....I love this idea. It is actually cheaper for those paying for a whole pack. Not everyone can afford a whole pack and this added "new" items without breaking the bank.
I know the franchise wants to make money, but keeping in mind that there are low income consumers would be very beneficial for the franchise as well. Some of us only live on $800/mo due to having disabilities, but are still able to function enough to play a game like the sims...it can develop certain brain skills that they did not have before and it can also help with creating brain pathways on some levels. Such as seeing what cause and effect does and being able to take that into real life. If my sim starts a fire while cooking and gets burned and dies and the fire consumes the house because there wasn't a smoke detector to get the fire dept to come, this too can happen in real life...on a certain level...Some people are concrete and this helps with that because they can see it.
Having all of these packs is not helpful. There are a few that could have been lumped together. Also, when there is a pack or a set coming out, including all of the cas and build/buy mode items images for that set or pack is very beneficial to those who are buying the pack. I know I like to see what I am getting before I get it. I may not want everything in the pack, and I won't buy if there is only one thing in there that I want. I know there are more consumers out there like me.
Having more valentine day stuff would be great as well as some more christmas items...st patrick day stuff, Asian holiday items, India and other cultural holiday stuff would be great too.
CREATE-A-STYLE really does need to come back. Most of the items in TS4 just do not have enough swatches let alone some....I just would not put together.
Having different animal sculptures for creating a zoo or just making those animals or having a set or a pack that deal with just a zoo...that would be awesome!
Books and bookcases --- major overhaul
I am putting together a library right now. And am discovering some things going on with the bookcases. If I remove all books from a bookcase, then set it up to have only the LEVEL 1 skill books, the bookcase goes back to "normal" if I upload it with a lot for the person downloading the lot. I have to make the bookcase a deco piece before I can upload it with a lot. So, being able to make bookcases to where they are similar to an actual bookcase library would be very helpful and beneficial for those of us creating a library for our sims. Also, the bookstore-spa, bookstore-diner combos....that was a wonderful idea in TS3.
CARS, CARS, CARS...did I mention cars!
Some of the items in Into the Future were pretty amazing. The holograms was a brilliant idea.
Please keep in mind that the graphics for console games and pcs are actually different; therefore, camera controls should be set up differently for the two. I do not like the camera controls in TS4 even with the option of the TS3 camera control. And seeing the world through the eyes of the current sim in play, is not beneficial either; the sims is just not a battlefield game...that was not a good idea.
I know my ideas and the items and stuff I have mentioned may not be worth reading doing anything about, but I do feel that I have the right to state my opinion. I do believe that every company should listen very closely to their consumers remarks....even the bad ones because the company does not deal with the end result 24/7...the consumer does. We need to be heard, we need to be understood, and we need to be happy. When we are happy, you make money.
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anotherleosims3 · 5 years
Ultimate Sim Challenge
Ultimate Sim Challenge, by anotherleo
Do not use mods.
Have installed the following expansion/packs: Supernatural, Into the Future, Late Night, Ambitions, World Adventures. Generations is optional.
Use any stuff collections that you want. I used Diesel and High End Loft.
Optional Start, for who have the Generations:
Create a YA/A Sim and a Toddler. The Toddler will be your Ultimate Sim, so raise up until YA and split from your parent make your own path.
Alternatively, you can start with a couple that decides to have a child, or even a single parent decided to have a kid. That’s on you.
This is cool to have some backgrounds skills, driver license, some trophies from high school, some relationships… But won’t change that much the game below.
Starting Rules
Do not use cheats.
Create a sim, regardless gender. The Sim needs to be YA/Adult.
You cannot start the challenge with a supernatural Sim. You can’t change your Sim into a supernatural being throughout the challenge unless its specified to.
During the challenge, you can’t have more than one sim in the active family.
Choose any LTW.
Choose any traits.
Since Into the Future make life much more easier, you cannot acquire this furniture itens to your house unless its specified to. You can’t learn how to make plumbots either.
Do not travel unless you’re specified to.
It’s up to you to play with story progression and aging system.
Do not forget to save your game very often.
This is sort of huge. Just to be explicit about it.
Remaking Sunset Valley
I recommend this: to choose Sunset Valley, then modify to fulfill your needs and desires.
If you want, create new characters to put in your neighborhood. You can even delete the original ones of the city: it’s yours, after all.
You can also use the Create a World tool to make your own world! :)
The Residential Lot
Edit your city to have a 10x10 lot. Put your Ultimate Sim to live there. This small little place will be yours throught the challenge, you will have opportunity to change the lot sometimes.
You can build up and down as you wish.
You can furniture the place as you want.
Make a lot of screenshots telling the life of your Sim!
Celebrate the end of every phase by doing a party with your Sim!
Would be cool if you’re able to keep a storytelling blog of your gameplay.
Can you keep track of how many days in game took to finish every Phase below?
First Phase - Starting Life Celebration.
During the first week in game, your character can’t have any job.
You need to make at least one party everyday.
Focus on your social life and the Charisma skill.
Bonus: don’t get a bad Reputation on your romantic life.
Bonus: acquire level of Celebrity.
Second Phase - The Career
After the first week, choose a job for your Sim and pursue it until reach the top. It can’t be a profession or autonomous. This is your first career!
You can focus on any skill during this period.
Bonus: woohoo in every place you’re able to. Remember to not add any other Sim to your active family.
Bonus: max out the skills of your career.
Third Phase - Direction Change
Make sure to have 4 max out skills -- this is more than needed for the Renaissance Sim LTW.
Turn your life upside down and change your job to the opposite direction: if you’re a cop, now you’re going to be a criminal. This is your second career.
Reach the top of your new career.
Bonus: acquire a total of 15 relationships, one at time and not at the same time.
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Fourth Phase - The Profession
You want more action in your life? Quit your job and get a profession. I do not recommend to play Architecture right now.
Be aware of bugs in some professions.
Reach at least the level 5 of the profession before quitting. You can max out if you want, too.
Bonus: put some building types from Late Night in your city.
If you don’t have it yet, be friend with at least 20 Sims -- equals the Super Popular LTW.
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Fifth Phase - Three is a Charm
Choose a new career. Reach the top. This is your third career, and should be the third career related LTW you get -- unless you’re in the Education, that don’t have related big dreams about, what a shame TS3…
If you don’t have it yet, reach Level 5 of Celebrity.
If you don’t have it yet, reach the max level of Mixology or Alchemy.
If you don’t have it yet, have at least 10 past b/g.friend relationships -- equals the Heartbreaker LTW.
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Sixth Phase - Good Life
You’re already a good creature, aren’t you? Take a time to design your house with the most expensive things you find, if have not already did that.
If you make the above objective right, you’ll “Have Household Net Worth of 100,000 Simoleons”, which means you achieve the Living in the Lap of Luxury LTW.
If you make the Fifth Phase okay, now you should be able to complete the Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous LTW, fulfilling the requisites “Reach Celebrity Star Level 5 and Be Worth at Least 100,000 Simoleons”.
And well, take your time to be the best Angler the world have seem. Be autonomous and reach at least the level 7 before quitting. You can max out if you want, too.
“Have at Least 13 Different Species of Perfect Fish in Fishbowls” -- completing the Presenting the Perfect Private Aquarium LTW.
Bonus: why don’t you throw some parties in your house? Are you a good enough anfitrian?
Seventh Phase - Faerie Wishes
With a lot of fishs, you can have a pretty good garden, too. Change your life to be a Gardener, even re-design your house if you have to.
If you still don’t, max out the Gardening skill.
Plant until fulfill “Plant and Grow 8 Different Species of Perfect Plant”, to complete The Perfect Garden LTW.
If you still don’t, “Have 50,000 Simoleons in Household Funds”, fulfilling the Swimming in Cash LTW.
If you have Alchemy, you can make a potion to change youself into a Fairy right now. You should not buy the potion, only make it on your own.
As a fairy, you can Make 100 Plants Grow Using Bloom, fulffiling the LTW Greener Gardens.
In the moment you finalize this phase, took a potion to get back into a normal Sim.
If you have Supernatural expansion, well… Don’t let the zombies eat your plants!
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Eight Phase - Goos Taste
Now let’s get to the kitchen. Choose the Chef career, if you’re already didn’t reach the top of it. If you did, choose any other full time job to be your fourth career. Get to the top, baby!
Now you’re a Jack of All Trades -- past over the requisits of Reach level 5 in four different careers of the LTW.
Reach max of Culinary Skill.
Learn every single recipe from the bookstore -- past over the The Culinary Librarian LTW requisites.
Now travel the world to get the foreigns recipes or learn from some other way. You can only make one trip to Shang Simla, one to Champ Les Sims, and one to Al Simhara. Enjoy while you there -- the Phases with travel will come later.
Bonus: get the fishs and the plants of the foreigns!
Bonus: take photos of exotic locations!
Bonus: buy foreign items!
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Nineth Phase - Suit of Business
Now you’re decided to make some business. Choose a new career: Politics or Comercial. If you’re already made both, choose Athlete or Military. This will be your fifth career, and make it to the top.
Buy at least five lots of rabbit holes.
During this phase, you can be a Vampire. You can choose if you want to be a child from other creature of night, or if you want to turn yourself using a selfmade potion.
While a vampire, you can fulfill “Drink from 20 Sims and Turn 5 Sims into Vampires” to get Turn the Town LTW.
By the end of the phase, took a potion to get back into a normal Sim.
If you still don’t, “WooHoo in 5 Different Places with 5 Different Sims”, now its the time -- equals the Master Romancer LTW.
Now you can have a servant… err, I mean, a mordome.
Tenth Phase - Mark of Success
If you don’t have it yet, learn the four instruments skills to the max! This gives you the One Sim Band LTW.
If you don’t have it yet, get the top of the Musical career. If you already did that, choose Movie career. This will be your sixth career so far.
Buy a Bar lot. If you already made the Mixology skill to the top, then you fulfilled the Master Mixologist LTW.
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Eleventh Phase - Cult Aspirations
Now your Sim is into the artistic and cultural vibe… Be autonomous in painting or sculpture, or do both. Be at least level 5 before quitting, but you can max out, too.
If you don’t have it yet, max out Painting skill.
If you don’t have it yet, max out Sculpture skill.
Decorate your house with your own artistic works.
Buy the Museum of Art, redecorate with your own pieces.
Twelveth Phase - Nerd Aspect
What books can do for a person? Be an autonomous writer!
If you don’t have it yet, max out the writing skill.
Write at least one book of each available type, enough to make $ 4.000 of profit per week, fulfilling the Professional Author LTW.
Buy the Library.
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Thirteenth Phase - Outside
Time to get out of the house! Open up the collection book and go hunt down some gems and butterflies!* During this phase you can be a werewolf. You can be turned by someone or by your own selfmade potion. By this way, you can complete “Convert 5 Sims to Werewolves and Find 40,000 Simoleons Worth of Objects While Hunting With Pack”, fulfilling the Leader of the Pack LTW.
You can only make one trip to Shang Simla, one to Champ Les Sims, and one to Al Simhara to collect the local items.
By the end of the phase, turn yourself human again.
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Fourteenth Phase - Master of Strategy
Choose your seventh career and max out.
If you still don’t, max out the Logic skill.
If you still don’t, “Become a Grand Master in Chess”, and enjoy the Chess Legend LTW by the end of this phase.
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Fifthteenth Phase - Science or Magic?
Too much Logic made you see a whole new world. Choose Investigation or Ghost Hunter profession and max out.
If you still don’t, max ou the Inventing skill -- if you did right the Eleventh Phase, now you’re completed Descendant of da Vinci LTW.
If you still don’t, reach out the top of Medical career.
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Sixteenth Phase - French Vibe
Go travel to Champs Les Sims and learn what is necessary to become a hardcore Nectar Maker autonomous!
Acquire the maximum Visa for Champs Les Sims. This is a first step for Seasoned Traveler.
Fulfill this: “Have a Current Collection of Nectar Bottles Worth 10,000 Simoleons and Have at least 50 Bottles of Nectar in your Nectar Cellar”, so you’ll be honored with the Bottomless Nectar Cellar LTW.
If you fully explore 6 tombs in Champs Les Sims, will be your first step of the Great Explorer.
If you still don’t, took 10 photos and hang in your home lot. This is the first step of the World-Class Gallery.
Seventeenth Phase
Go travel to Shang Simla…
Eighteenth Phase
Go travel to Al Simhara
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imi-reblogged · 4 years
Trait Mods (updated 15/07/20)
Major WIP for now... Thanks to the resources here, here (for checking conflicts) and here. Thanks to @hexagonal-bipyramid​, @midgethetree​, @deedee-sims​...
TS3 traits to TS2 - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
The Trait Randomizer - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Easy Inventory Check - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Naturally Good at Their Jobs - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Toy preferences and other tweaks - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Higher chance to forget cooking food - Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Animal Lover:
Train pets 15% faster - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Witches/Warlocks may roll a want to summon their spectral cat despite not having the magic skill requirement - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
No comfort and energy penalty and more fun when working out, struggle less - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Loves the sports TV channel - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Can go jogging regardless of enthusiasm level - by DeeDee
More fun from reading books in general. They will be more attracted to reading books - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Born Salesperson:
Bot Fan:
Shower and bathe longer (if they don’t have conflicting traits) - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
More attracted to writing in diary - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Thinks a lot more - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Can’t Stand Art:
Cat Person:
Train cats 25% faster - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Witches/Warlocks may roll a want to summon their spectral cat despite not having the magic skill requirement - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Charisma bonus even without charisma skill for jokes - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Train pets like they have 2 more charisma points, a bit faster - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Loves the kids TV channel - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Can play in the bathtub and can do it autonomously - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
More fun from reading children books - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Immaturity is childish (more immature interactions) - midgethetree
Increased chance to fail when repairing objects - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Do goofy dance for longer even with higher dance skill level - Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Higher chance to burn food or cause a fire while cooking food - Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Commitment Issues:
Computer Whiz:
More fun from reading scifi books - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Couch Potato:
Lose more comfort and energy, lose fun when working out, struggle more - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Veg out interaction enabled - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Lazy change clothes animation - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Won’t roll wants about being abducted by aliens even if they have the Supernatural Fan trait or see ghosts - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
No comfort and energy penalty, more fun when doing yoga - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Dislikes Children:
Lower encourage effectiveness - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Hates the kids TV channel - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
No want to spawn a plantbaby for PlantSims - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Dog Person:
Train dogs 25% faster - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
More fun from reading drama books - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Easily Impressed:
Only autonomously shower or bath when theyir hygiene is very low, take less time doing it - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Witches/Warlocks won’t have a want to cast a good spell or reach maximum goodness - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Higher encourage effectiveness - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Can do the sexy walk when being directed to do romantic interactions - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Witches/Warlocks won’t have a want to cast an evil spell or reach maximum badness - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Good Sense of Humour:
High chance to tell a good joke, positive reaction to jokes told by others - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Great Kisser:
Green Thumb:
Needs and "moodlets" bigger effect on mood + mood mod - by midgethetree
Never fail when repairing objects - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Hates the Outdoor:
Needs and "moodlets" bigger effect on mood + mood mod - by midgethetree
Won’t autonomously birdwatch or hunt for bugs - by DeeDee
Heavy Sleeper:
Not woken by noises in their room, can sleep regardless of energy level - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Hopeless Romantic:
More fun from reading romance books - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Less autonomous pools and lose fun when in water - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid (except Exit Hot Tub Sooner)
Exit Hot Tub Sooner - by midgethetree
Only autonomously shower or bathe is their hygiene is very low, lose fun and look depressed when directed to it - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Won’t roll wants about swimming, bathing or hottub - by DeeDee
Sponge bath interaction unlocked and they will change into underwear after taking a bath/shower - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Light Sleeper:
Woken by noises even outside their room, can sleep regardless of energy level - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Needs and "moodlets" bigger effect on mood + mood mod - by midgethetree
Less likely appear on comunity lots or as walkbys - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Greater chance to make an excuse and refuse an invitation - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Toddlers ask for attention and follow sims less - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Loves the Cold:
Needs and "moodlets" bigger effect on mood + mood mod - by midgethetree
Loves the Heat:
Needs and "moodlets" bigger effect on mood + mood mod - by midgethetree
Loves the Outdoors:
Needs and "moodlets" bigger effect on mood + mood mod - by midgethetree
Can go hiking regardless of enthusiasm level - by DeeDee
Loves to Swim:
More autonomous pools and more fun when in water - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Autonomous Ocean Swimming - by midgethetree
Decreased chance to fail when repairing objects - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Mean Spirited:
Natural Born Performer:
Natural Cook:
Loves the cooking TV channel - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
More fun from reading cooking books - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Never burn food or cause a fire while cooking food - Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Always make bed when wake up alone - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Never Nude:
Changes to swimwear instead of nude, is embarassed by nudity - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Night Owl:
Needs and "moodlets" bigger effect on mood + mood mod - by midgethetree
Can be called during the night - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
No Sense of Humour:
Lower chance to tell a good joke, negative reaction to jokes told by others - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Higher encourage effectiveness - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Likes the kids TV channel - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Needs and "moodlets" bigger effect on mood + mood mod - by midgethetree
Party Animal:
Party guests more likely to accept invitation - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
More fun from reading mystery books - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Always make bed when wake up alone - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Photographer’s Eye:
"Proper greeting" (the one performed by butlers) enabled regardless of relationship - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Can play in the bathtub and can do it autonomously, will have more fun and play in tub for longer - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Savvy Sculptor:
Do the Shy dance and won’t do the goofy dance even with low dancing skill (and even if they have the clumsy trait) - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Bladder will go up when showering - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Eat from trash, salvage trash, lick plates clean - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Social Butterfly:
Socially Awkward:
Star Quality:
Supernatural Fan:
Have wants about being a supernatural and fears of being cured - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Have a 50% boost in learning magic - by midgethetree
Have positive supernatural memories - by midgethetree
Supernatural Sceptic:
Have fears about being a supernatural and wants of being cured - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Slower to learning magic - by midgethetree Have negative supernatural memories - by midgethetree
Hates any TV channel - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Won’t roll wants about buying or using technology - by DeeDee
Increased chance to fail when repairing objects - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Higher chance for TV to fall off wall - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Vehicle Enthusiast:
Loves the music TV channel - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Won’t do the goofy dance even with low dancing skill (and even if they have the clumsy trait) - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Won’t lose fun while at school/work, gain fun 20% faster while at jobs that raise sim's fun - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Not Currently Installed:
For Klepotomaniacs - Sneak option - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
For Star Quality - Will gain/lose more reputation from interacting with Sims on community lots - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
For inappropriate - Automatically invite themselves into the current house if they are a household friend - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
Multi-Traits: No Need Aspiration Benefits - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
For flirty and inappropriate: Chance to be lecherous - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
For irresistible - Other sims will swoon - by Hexagonal-Bipyramid
For absent-minded - Might turn off TV even when others are watching - Hexagonal-Bipyramid (possible conflict with Simsky’s TV mod)
For childish - Sliding down stairs interaction enabled - by DeeDee
For bookworm and perspective - Writing mod - by DeeDee
0 notes
dreamsongsims · 4 years
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Grandma Maizie shares her love of reading with her granddaughter, Lavendula.
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dreamsongsims · 4 years
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While the boys are having their fun, Pitaya has some quality time with his daughter. Lavendula has mastered all of her skills and has started on the skill books. Daddy loves reading to his sweet flower.
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dreamsongsims · 4 years
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Grandma Claire reads toddler skill books with Ursula. She’s thrilled to be doing exactly what she planned for her retirement. Spending time with her sweet grandbabies is the best!
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dreamsongsims · 4 years
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Agnes is thankful to have this time with her grandson, Justus. She spends the day with him at the library reading him all of the toddler skill books. He’s going to be one accomplished little guy!
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dreamsongsims · 4 years
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Grandpa Connor teaches little Justus to talk while they hangout at the library.
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dreamsongsims · 4 years
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Mommy teaches her little man from a variety of toddler skill books. He’s already learning to help turn the pages!
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dreamsongsims · 4 years
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Guess who’s learned all of her toddler skills, mastered both toddler toys, and read all of the toddler books. Chicha Morada, that’s who!
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