#ts3 cooking skill
simspaghetti · 1 year
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It's a slow morning in the Blossom household...
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tireds1mmer · 2 years
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Fall quickly passes and winter comes - along with a new romance in Gio
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simsreaper · 11 months
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We might have another cook in the house
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id-element0 · 29 days
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Oni28's Blueberry Cheesecake for TS3
I've been sitting on this for days because, well, 'real life'... Anyways, it's done. You can check this and this post for further info and more pictures.
The cake can be purchased from the catalogue and a single slice can be bought from a food register. But I haven't check the Rabbit Hole Grocery Store. It also comes with a recipe book and a custom buff which are documented in the posts linked above. Two versions: A BGC one with a recipe requiring eggs, fruits (if there's no blueberry) and cheese. And a Baker's Basket version with a recipe requiring creme cheese, sugar and fruits (if there's no blueberry) which is shown in the screenshot above.
The cooking process in this post is for BGC version. Baker's Basket version has a slightly different process. During testing, upon eating the cake Gigi was so delighted she wanted to learn the recipe which amused me quite a bit so I included the screenshot of it.
Both versions require Custom Cake Connector and CCloader. Baker's Basket version additionally requires, well, Baker's Basket. You ONLY need ONE version since they're exactly the same except ingredients and cooking process which will conflict if you have both.
Technical details for the nerds: I changed the UVMap of the cake to make room for the serving tray. The berries and their sauce beds are decimated to acceptable levels. Polys are 734 for the cake and 138 for the slice. One thing to note, Baker's Basket already have a recipe for Blueberry Cheesecake. Still, the meshes and the textures are really different. Also, this one's recipe book costs §150 and requires level 5 of cooking skill. So you can easily sort them out. Have fun. And let me know if things are not right.
- Credits -
@oni28 for the mesh and textures
@martassimsbookcc for conversion to TS3
@echoweaver for the Custom Cake Connector
douglasveiga for CCLoader
@icemunmun-spicy-scalpel for Baker's Basket
@sarasccblog for that ask :)
Made with: s3oc, s3pe, Blender, GIMP
@pis3update @kpccfinds @xto3conversionsfinds
- DOWNLOAD - The Base Game Compatible version
- DOWNLOAD - The Baker's Basket version
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blossom-sims · 11 months
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Elemental Legacy Challenge for TS3
Hi all, this is my first Sims 3 legacy challenge I've made myself, it is a result of my boredom on a Saturday evening but it was a lot of fun, so I'll throw this at you ☺
This elemental legacy challenge is for The Sims 3 and spans 9 Generations. It is inspired by the Chinese Zodaic Elements and also inspiration from my favourite JRPG's which utlise a lot of elemental themed magic. It has guided ideas and generational requirements with story themes throughout. Feel free to tag me if you have a go at this ✨
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I have listed the intended requirements for each generation, move on to the next generation once the requirements are complete or the next heir becomes a young adult
I have listed some guidance on careers, lifetime wishes and traits. I recommend taking 2-3 of the traits listed but they aren't mandatory
You can use money cheats if you wish, I've tried to write the generational order to put you in the desired financial spot for storytelling, but please just have fun with it
Please do alter and play this how you wish & how your stories pan out, the guidance is just there for ideas and isn't meant to limit you
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Generation 1 - Earth
Child of earth, you are grounded and resillient. Your goal is to provide your family with solid foundations for the generations to come. You are selfless, stubborn and driven. You know what you want and will work your upmost to achieve it. Your ambitious and frugal nature can get on other's nerves and prompts the question: with so much planning for the future, are you really taking time to enjoy your own life?
Traits: Ambitious, Frugal, Natural Cook, Snob, Workaholic
Job: Medical Career
LTW: World Renowned Surgeon
Begin in a starter house. You should not move lots or houses this Generation and instead add extensions onto your house when needed
Master the cooking and nectar making skills
Fall in love and marry one person in your lifetime
Do not have children until you reach level 8 of your career
Save 20,000 for the next generation
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Generation 2 - Water
Child of water, thanks to your parents hardwork, you had a carefree childhood and now plenty of savings behind you. You are a calm free spirit that lets the oceans currents carry you to your next adventure. You are in no rush to settle in one place just yet, why rush when you are having such fun? Your time for settling down will come evetually. Whatever will be will be.
Traits: Adventurous, Loves to swim, Commitment Issues, Easily Impressed, Athletic
LTW: Seaside Saviour/Seasoned Traveler/Deep Sea Diver
Job: Lifeguard
Travel to 3 different destinations
Do not get married and settle down until adulthood
Have at least 3 children with 3 different people you meet in your travels
Master the diving skill
Own a boat or live in a houseboat
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Generation 3 - Fire
Child of fire, you are passionate and hot-headed, throwing yourself headfirst into your work and relationships with a grandeur flair. You wear your heart on your sleeve, making many flock to you for friendship or more. Your self-awareness around your temper certainly helps your popularity as you channel your temper into your physical fitness. You certainly aren't burning out anytime soon!
Traits: Social Butterfly, Hot-Headed, Artistic, Loves the Heat, Flirty
LTW: Super Popular
Job: Self-employed Painter
Master the painting and martial arts skills
Have at least 20 friends and maintain friendships until you are an elder or the next generation takes over
Have 3 passionate lovers in your lifetime
Throw a party once per week
Woohoo once per week
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Generation 4 - Grass
Child of grass, you just can't get enough of babies, especially your own! Your family and their wellbeing are your whole world. You live to nourish, protect and teach your loved ones. However, you have been told on one or more occasions that you can be overbearing...a helicopter parent perhaps? Don't they know you only want what is best for them?
Traits: Nurturing, Perfectionist, Loves the Outdoors, Family Orientated, Green Thumb,
LTW: Surrounded by Family/The Perfect Garden
Job: Daycare
Have a garden and live off the land, using your grown produce for meals
Max the gardening skill
Fall in love and marry your childhood sweetheart
Have 5 children and a bad relationship with at least one
Teach all of your children their toddler skills
Live within your means in a small-medium house - never have more than 10,000 in household funds
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Generation 5 - Ice
Child of ice, your parents doting nature only added onto your pressure. You never felt like you fit in with your family, never felt understood. They were all so extroverted and loud whilst you much preferred your quiet isolation. Perhaps that's why you prefer animals over people. You have a lot of love to give, I can only hope you will find someone to share that with (who is not one of your many pets).
Traits: Shy, Animal Lover, Hates the Outdoors, Savvy Sculptor, Loves the cold
LTW: Descendant of Da Vinci
Jobs: Self employed Sculptor/Painter/Inventor
Have a poor relatioship with your parents and siblings, you will leave your childhood family home as soon as you age into a young adult
Have 3 pets at one time
Only leave your house when necessary
Meet your lover through online dating
Master the sculpting and inventing skills
Have a child through the time machine
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Generation 6 - Electricity
Child of electricity, you sure are a shocker! You thrive in the spotlight and want all eyes on you, for better or worse. You would never miss an opportunity to make a good story for the headlines. Rumours have been circulating that your appearances are a rouse: you're broke, narcissistic and even miserable! They're just jealous of your fame and fortune...right?
Traits: Inappropriate, Star Quality, Charismatic, Daredevil, Irresistible
LTW: Superstar Actor/Rock Star/Vocal Legend
Job: Actor/Musician/Singer
Reach Celebrity Level 5
Reach Level 10 of your chosen career
Have 3 negative scandals in your lifetime
Act inappropriately once per week
Live beyond your means - live in a large mansion and keep your household funds below 5,000. Spend any additional income on items, spa treatments and activities
Have a fall from grace and leave your children with nothing
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Generation 7 - Metal
Child of metal, you know what it's like to be at rock bottom. Due to your parents neglect and carelessness, you taught yourself all you know to get by and find your next meal, even if you aren't proud of it. You are stubborn, self-reliant and one hell of an evil genius. You won't hit rock bottom again. Ever.
Traits: Evil, Kleptomaniac, Genius, Night Owl, Rebellious
LTW: Become a Master Thief
Job: Criminal Career
As a teen: consistently maintain D's at school, skip school, pull pranks and steal from neighbours
Work for tips as a mixologist in your young adulthood
Master the mixologist skill and learn every drink recipe
Have a found family
Steal an item every week
Never fall below 2,000 simoleons when you are independant. If you do or are about to, start doing whatever is necessary. We will never hit rock bottom
Marry a rich sim, have a child with them and kill your partner off
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Generation 8 - Air
Child of air, your life so far has been turbulent and chaotic. Your parents death has scarred you and you have floated through life lost. You try to travel on the right path for your late parent, but you can't help but feel there is more to life than what meets the eye. There are sounds at night that wake you, unexplained foresight into future events and a pull to the paranormal. Perhaps it is time to stop fighting this unknown path and instead let the winds carry you to where you are meant to be.
Traits: Good, Light Sleeper, Unlucky, Over-Emotional, Neurotic
LTW: Master of Mysticism/Paranormal Profiteer
Job: Fortune Teller/Ghost Hunter
Join a base game job in young adulthood. Quit once you reach level 3
Reach level 10 of your chosen career
Donate money to charity every week to honour your late parent
Marry a supernatural or one of your clients
Do one exceptionally good thing in your lifetime (examples include: cure a supernatural, adopt a child, revive a dead sim)
Have a close relationship with your children
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Generation 9 - Space
Child of space, you certainly are special. With your parents holding a unique view on the world and the afterlife, you grew up with an open mind and childlike awe of life's wonders and mysteries. Your parents advocated for you to question the world, and question you did! You excelled in your studies and took a particular interest in space. Is it true you become a star if you die?
Traits: Genius, Childish, Athletic, Slob, Ambitious
LTW: Perfect Student
Job: Military
Keep straight A's throughout school
Go to university and achieve a perfect GPA
Master the logic skill
Reach space by becoming an astronaut (Reach level 10 of the military career)
Have an alien baby
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simmeradventures · 1 month
Boba Legacy Challenge (TS3)
I have taken a break from sims 3 and while I am still working on my lepacy, I sometimes need a break and so look for more challenges. @tomatosoupcat posted a Boba challenge and didn't see a TS3 version so decided to covert it. THIS IS NOT MY IDEA AND I MIGHT NOT BE THE ONLY ONE. I kept within the theme and didn't write a massive story to them but did try add a creative spin.
Gen 1: Brown Sugar
Leaving home is tough, but you will always have mum's cooking to keep you safe.
Traits: Couch Potato, Natural Chef, Green Thumb (Randomise The Rest)
LTW: Bottomless Wine Cellar OR Master Chef
Career: Nectar Maker OR Culinary
Skills: Cooking, Gardening and Nectar making
Colours: Brown, White
Master LTW
Marry a sim with 2 matching traits.
Max out skills
Gen 2: Blueberry
The farm life was nice, but there's a great big world waiting for you.
Traits: Non-Committal, Loves The Outdoors (Randomise The Rest)
LTW: Seasoned traveller OR Grand Explorer
Career: Part-Time Jobs Or Skill Based Profession (after quitting business job)
Skills: Fitness or Martial Arts (or both if your fancy), Scuba diving
Colours: Blue. Purple
Reach level 3 of the business career before quitting to travel
have a one night stand on your travels
never marry
Travel until child is a young adult
Max skills
Gen 3: Matcha
You've seen the world, but now all you want is a career and a forever home...or mansion.
Traits: Ambitious, Snob, workaholic (Randomise The Rest)
Careers: Any (based on degree)
Skills: logic (plus whatever is related to the degree.)
Colours: Light green
Go to university and graduate
Befriend and date co-worker (either break up once you reach level 10 of career or get married.)
Go to the spa every weekend
Complete LTW
Max Career
Max Skills
Gen 4: Passionfruit Mango
All work and no play so pick up a guitar and play anything you want.
Traits: Socially Awkward, Family Oriented, virtuoso (Randomise The Rest)
LTW: One sim band OR Rockstar
Career: Music
Skills: Guitar, Bass, Drum, Piano
Colours: Yellow, Orange
Play instruments throughout childhood
Date and marry someone with the Avant Garde or artistic trait
Go on art dates (museums or a cute art café)
Complete Career
Max Skills
Gen 5: Sakura
You are a party girl, but also a lover girl.
Traits: Flirty, Family Oriented, Hopeless Romantic (Randomise The Rest)
LTW: Master Romancer OR Master Mixology OR Surrounded By Family
Skills: Mixology, Charisma
Colour: Pink
Have a high school BFF
Sign up for online dating and date 5 sims (and fail)
Marry BFF
Complete LTW
Gen 6: Dragon fruit
Who needs love when you could rule the world?!
Traits: Evil, Childish, Irresistible (Randomise The Rest.)
LTW: Heartbreaker OR Gold Digger OR Emperor of Evil
Career: Criminal
Skills: Charisma, Athletic
Colours: Dark Red, Purple
Marry a wealthy sim and have them get into a "tragic accident."
Have a negative relationship with children
Max career
Max Skills
Gen 7: Taro
Never give up on your dreams even if life throws a baby at you.
Traits: Genius, Cat person (Randomise The Rest.)
LTW: Scientific Specialist OR Become A Creature Robot Cross Breeder
Career: Based on LTW
Skills: Science, Handiness, Logic
Colours: Light Purple
Join after school club (idk if its a mod but there's a chess club, can add other ones through Nraas)
Go to university and drop out when pregnant (if not using mods or using mod that allows you to go to university in hometown then drop out and then get pregnant 
Work part-time till the baby is a toddler
Go back to university and graduate
Adopt a cat. 
Gen 8 Lychee
“You're always on that damn phone!” and “I hate normal people.” made a baby 
Traits: Unflirty, Loner (Randomise The Rest.)
LTW:  Blog Artist OR Forensic Specialist
Career: Based on LTW/ Free pass
Skills: Social Networking, Science
Colours: Pink, White
Have a plant sim
Max Skills
Max Career
Gen 9: Thai Tea
Sometimes it's good to look back. Spread the founder’s love of food! 
Traits: Adventurous, Perceptive (Randomise The Rest)
LTW: Star News Anchor OR Professional Author 
Career: Journalism OR Writer Profession
Skills: Writing, Photography, Cooking
Colours: Orange
Visit France, China and Egypt to collect recipes 
Throw dinner parties (once a season.)
Max Career
Max Skills
Gen 10: Sunset
Humans have been fun, but everyone knows the supernatural have the most fun.
Traits: Hopeless Romantic, Good  (Randomise The Rest)
LTW: Master Mysticism OR Resort Empire
Career: Based on LTW
Skills: Scuba Diving, Alchemy, Painting
Colours: Purple, Red, Orange
Fall in love and marry a supernatural (if you choose resort empire LTW then you have to marry a mermaid.)
Decorate home with your art.
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atomtanned · 1 year
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🌹 atomtanned's Trait-Based Chemistry
I've used @lilbabydilljr's Turn-Ons & Turn-Offs for a while now, and I love that he added in 3t2 traits when calculating chemistry. I wanted to tweak it for my game, and I finally learned how to do so. This is a heavily-modified version of his mod, so most of the credit goes to him - I just added/removed traits and changed some images and text strings.
Like any mod that involves traits, this requires @hexagonal-bipyramid's Easy Inventory Check.
This is definitely the most involved BHAV editing I've done yet, so please let me know if you find any errors, as it's a bit hard to test in game.
UPDATE: If you use Clean UI (or any other UI mod that uses Clean UI as a base) this mod will need to load after. Or you can delete the turn-on images that are included with that mod.
UPDATE 2: @cityof2morrow let me know that this mod (and I believe any other custom turnon/turnoff mods) also conflict with NickM406's No More Loading the * Family mod. Thank you!!
I've included the full list of turn-ons/turn-offs below the Read More link. The original names of Dill's Turn-Ons are in parentheses where applicable. Please note that this list uses the original TS3 trait names for clarity, but there's recommendations for changed trait names below as well.
Adventurous: 3 vacations, Adventurous, Daredevil, Sailor
Alien: Trait, skin, eyes
Animal Lover: 2 pet friends, Animal Lover, Cat Person, Dog Person, Equestrian
Artistic: Artistic, Avant Garde, Photographer's Eye, Savvy Sculptor, Flower Arranging/Pottery/Sewing badge, Arts & Crafts hobby, Creative skill
Athletic: Athletic, Equestrian, Loves to Swim, Sports/Fitness hobby, Body skill
Charismatic: Born Salesperson, Charismatic, Flirty, Irresistible, Schmoozer, Star Quality, Charisma skill
Cultured (Bookish): Avant Garde, Bookworm, Film & Literature Hobby
Daydreamer (Dumb): Absent-Minded, Neurotic, Socially Awkward, Unstable, < 2 Logic Skill
Fitness/Fatness: no change from Maxis game behavior
Foodie: Natural Cook, Cuisine hobby, Cooking skill
Indoorsy (Gamer): Bookworm, Computer Whiz, Couch Potato, Hates the Outdoors, Film & Literature Hobby, Games Hobby
Infamous (Bad Rep): Negative Reputation, Evil, Mean-Spirited
Intellectual (Smart): Bookworm, Genius, Logic Skill
Laid Back (Slacker): Couch Potato, Mooch, Slob, Personality
Mechanical: Servo, Bot Fan, Computer Whiz, Handy, Vehicle Enthusiast, Robotics Badge, Tinkering hobby, Mechanical skill
Musical: Natural Born Performer, Star Quality, Virtuoso, Music & Dance hobby, Dance skill, Creativity skill
Occult: Werewolf, Plantsim, Bigfoot, Witch, Fairy, Mermaid
Outdoorsy: Angler, Green Thumb, Loves the Outdoors, Sailor, Gardening badge, Fishing badge, Nature hobby
Outgoing (Indoorsy): Friendly, Natural Born Performer, Party Animal, Social Butterfly
Plant Lover: Eco-Friendly, Gatherer, Green Thumb, Vegetarian, Flower/Gardening badge, Plantsim, Fairy
Rebellious (Baddie): Daredevil, Inappropriate, Kleptomaniac, Party Animal, Rebellious
Reserved (Timid): Disciplined, Loner, Proper, Shy, Unflirty, Personality
Serious (Productive): Brooding, Disciplined, Frugal, No Sense of Humor, Perfectionist, Workaholic
Stylish: Avant Garde, Diva, Irresistible, Cosmetology badge, Fashion interest
Tidy (Neat Freak): Neat, Cleaning skill, Personality
Undead: Ghost, Vampire, Zombie
Unique (Magic): Avant Garde, Childish, Eccentric, Insane, Loser
Well-Liked (Good Rep): Good reputation, Friendly, Good, Good Sense of Humor
I use updated trait names/descriptions for several traits, mostly to be more positive or less ableist, and those are what I had in mind when I made the chemistry changes above. A few I made myself, so those are included in the RAR in a separate folder, and I recommend getting the ones linked below too:
Childish > Young at Heart
Commitment Issues > Noncommittal (@equinoxts2)
Evil > Devious (@equinoxts2)
Good > Kind
Insane > Erratic (@dreadpirate)
Kleptomaniac > Sticky Fingers
Loser > Underdog
Neurotic > Anxious
Unstable > Indecisive (@equinoxts2)
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sims2functionalfinds · 4 months
what are the best ui mods or modernization mods that add useful qol features or general gameplay improvement from s3 and s4 to sims 2 in your opinion?
I don't use any UI mods, I've always preferred the Sims 2 UI to any of the other games. The other color schemes tend to hurt my eyes, I find a can play longer with the Sims 2 blue
I use the 3t2 Traits Project and feel that it adds some nice character work to my game, I can randomize traits for Sims then use them for inspiration in how I play them. Downtown Build/Buy Mode enabler will let you get into a Sims inventory on community lots so they can bring food and stuff on outings, the Bon Voyage update is on this page and works with all EPs
@midgethetree made playable mermaids, ghosts, and genies, and a bunch of other mods to expand game play, especially with the supernatural sims
Squinge has mods that are worth looking through, although some are out of date or have been incorporated into the Traits project. Lamare's page on Mod The Sims has a bunch of cool stuff: More Lifetime Wants, the Gardening Overhaul, and Job Options are some of my favorites. Simler90 has a ton of mods, I use the Toy & Games and Business mods. Numenor has a mod to let Sims sleep on Community lots and various people have done Community Skilling mods. I use a lot of Cyjon's mod, they haven't been active in a while and and sometimes other Simmers update their mods but the original site is still worth going through
@episims has some mods that add features to in game stuff like Biotech station and sunlamps. BSTU made a ts3 style Cooking System but I haven't used it
There's a massive amount of Sims 2 mods because the game has been around for so long, and everyone has different mod needs because we all play the game differently. The best advice is to find a few modders you like and go through their stuff, they usually talk about other mods they like which will help you find more modders that fit your game style
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thesims3help · 10 months
Masterlist - Gameplay enhancing mods pt 2. [100+ Sims 3 mods!]
Part 1 || This is everything that didn't fit in part 1.
Testers Wanted: Harder Celebrity Difficulty & More (Late Night)
Cooking and Ingredients Overhaul + More Nectar Ingredients
Let them eat cake! - Non-Birthday Birthday Cakes
Toddler Food Bowl
Quicker Cooking & Eating OverRide
Breakfast At Twinsimming's (Update 7/8/23) - No Cooking Overhaul Version
Baby Food Default Replacement
Pasteurize Milk Mod (Update 7/18/23) - Tunable Hunger Motive Delta
Buy Takeout And Order Food At Restaurants
Nectar Combinatorics
No More Acrobatics! - bartending animations tweaks
Better Bartending!
Eat & Put Away Your Leftovers
Coffee Ingredients Made Choosable
Gain Cooking Skill Faster At Work!
Winter Holiday Cookies
Quicker Cooking & Eating OverRide
Pets Don't Eat Plants
Bathe Animals Correctly
[Pets] Improved Beloved Pet, and other Animal-Related Traits - 1.63 - 1.67 by Nona Mena (simlogical.com)
[Pets] Improved Relationship Gain with Pets by Nona Mena (simlogical.com)
New Pet Genetics - No More Skinny Clones
Minor Pets Won't Run Away
Dogs collecting shinies fills Destruction motive
Cats stalking for crawlies fills Scratch motive
Lost & Found: Honors Scholarship (Plus Other Aptitude Test Tweaks)
Write Scholarships for Money
New Scholarships (Update 10/26/23) - Talent Scholarships & No Store Version
Attend University Online (Update 10/26/23) - Wish Fix
University Life Visual Fixes (Send Insulting Text, Texting Idle, Heat of the Moment Kiss)
Studying Tweaks
Check For Work In Rabbitholes
Observatory Assistant -- Part-Time Astronomy Job
Flower Arranging - Interaction and Skill
Knitting for TS3 - Interaction and Skill
Writing, Painting, Gardening, Tinkering More Fun
Study Skills Online V37
Yoga Mod (Update 3/1/23) - New Features!
Scribbling Pad + Buzzler's Scribbling Pad - Fixed
TS2 > TS3 Functional Sewing table [BETA V2.0.0]
Programming Skill
Investment Mod (Update 9/3/23) - MultiTab Compatible
Lost&Found: Stock Market
Sim State - The Sims 3 Open For Business Mini Expansion v1.4
Layoff Mod
Ultimate Careers (Version 4.3)
Functional Washboard - Sims 4 Conversion
Harvestable Tree Default Replacement
Same Energy Gain For Every Bed
Super Hampers -- Automatic Laundry Pick Up (Plus Bigger Hampers) by Nona Mena (simlogical.com)
Spring Harvest And CookBook
Harvestable Flowers
Better Hoverboards
Canning Station Overhaul
One More Slot Please! (with vertical shifting)
[TS3] Catalog Search Mod | Patreon
Add Any Lot Size
TS3 HD Textures Series - Terrain Pack [UPDATE: Fixed road tiling]
No more ugly snowprints
Builder Stuff
Reworked & Improved EA Lights
More Light Coming Through Windows
Write Thank You Notes Fix
Futuristic Transportation Charge
Advice Social Interactions
Have Sim Arrested Mod
No (or fewer) automatic memories (with custom tool to make your own mod) Edited 01/16/2014
nraas - OnceRead
nraas - Woohooer
Retuned Attraction System
More Traits for All Ages
Lot Population Mod
No Social Groups
Random Sim Fixes 2.0
SetHour Cheat
Let Me Take a Selfie (Update 9/3/23) - Pets Fix
Burglars Steal Simoleons Too
Tooth Fairy Mod
Dirty Laundry Mod (Update 8/8/23) - Maid & Butler Tweaks
Acne Mod (Update 7/22/23) - Version 2.2
Enhanced Hospitals(Updated 30/1/23)
More Senarios Upon Moving
The Journal Mod
[Public Beta] The Randomizer Mod - REWORKED!
Moar Interactions
DouglasVeiga's Dancer Service
Aging Manager
No Car Relationships
Lightning Enhanced Mod (Lightning in the Sky and Strikes)
Realistically Slower Cars, Taxis, and Bikes
Take Sims To Court - Sue Sims, Become a Lawyer, Have Court Weddings and More!
Social Clubs Mod (+ banking) - Grow Memberships, Push Activities, Make Bank Accounts and More!
Deep Conversations
Sleep on the couch, new interaction
o violet on Tumblr - Pure CAS lighting mod
Reduce/Remove Lag caused by Houseboats
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weirdgirlsimmer · 7 months
Disney Princess 10 generations legacy challenge!!👸
So I got this challenge of Reddit and the op got it from ts4 but brought it to ts3, but idk who originally made. I gonna add my own add, but there optional, ANYWAYS
General rules for all gen’s
Must look the princess (my own add: doesn’t have to be an exact depiction but similar style/ and coloring)
Complete lifetime wish
Generation 1: Snow White 🍎
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If you want to be more realistic make her a teenager (14) and give her an evil stepmother, but this is optional.
Rules: Must be female. Should never answer the door to strangers or old women. She should have 7 children with the same partner. She should know all her children traits. Complete her lifetime wish.
Child rules: Must have one negative trait (commitment issues, over emotional, rebellious, clumsy, unstable, klepto, etc.)
Generation 2: Cinderella 🥿
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“Even though you had 6 brothers and sisters, you had to always do the cooking and cleaning But you kinda loved it, it made you feel relieved”
Rules: Complete your lifetime wish. Must clean and cook every day (own add on: til married). Must meet your partner at a party/social event. You can’t marry until your mother dies. You can’t have more than 3 kids. Must have perfectionist and neat traits.
Generation 3: Tiana 🍽️
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“Your family wasn’t that good in the past two generations, so you gotta change that!”
Rules: Must have the aspiration celebrated five-star chef. Must have ambitious trait. Your father must die before you turn into an adult. Must marry a sim that has something green on its genetics (hair, eyes, skin, wings, etc.). With the sim state mod, you have to buy a restaurant and run it (if you can’t have it, you have to buy a restaurant property). (Own add on: max out cooking skill before owning restaurant).
Generation 4: Aurora 🛌 💤
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“Thanks to your mothers success, you had everything in life, except love, since your father was overprotective and barely let you go out”
Rules: Must have the couch potato trait. You can’t have more than 3 friends. Meet your future partner while your parents are asleep at night. Must have private wedding. Have only 2 children (better if they’re two twin girls)
Generation 5: Anna ❄️
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“Your sister locked herself away for no reason. As toddler, you were best friends, but now it’s just a dream”
Rules: Lose all contact with your siblings until you’re a young adult. Find love with a criminal. Experience near death by your lover. Become best friends forever with your sibling. Find your partner after reuniting with your sibling. Have only one child.
Generation 6: Rapunzel ☀️
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“Your mother never trusted you or the outside world. You never knew about her past (and don’t want to). All you’ve gotten was loneliness.”
Rules: Must have artistic and loner traits. Must reach level 4 painting before becoming a young adult. Your future partner must be your only friend until you marry. Must have a private wedding. You have to sneak out at night and have a strict relationship with your parents. (Own add on: must have long hair until married, must have easily impressed or some naive trait, partner must be older OR criminal)
Generation 7: Belle 🌹
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“You always loved books and visited the library often. You think that the beauty of every person is inside. Everyone was in love with you, but you turned them down. You wanted to choose someone that will actually love you.”
Rules: Must have the bookworm trait (own add on: irresistible trait). Date at least 5 men before meeting the love of your life. Marry an ugly or supernatural sim (OAO: preferably wolf, or rich person). Your partner must become beautiful after your first child is born (OAO: OR after you marry)(If it’s an ugly sim edit in cas, if it’s an supernatural you can make it human or edit the genetics).
Generation 8: Mulan ⛰️
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“Your family always wanted that you bring fortune back to your family by marrying a high status sim, but you don’t want love, you want glory
Rules: Must have active trait. Fall in love with a coworker, marry and have kids when you reach the highest points of your career. You have to be a militar(???). You have to get famous by your career and reach at least 2 stars of fame.
Generation 9: Jasmine 💎
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“You hated being rich and living like a princess. Your father wants you to marry a rich person, but you don’t want money in your life.”
Rules: have a childhood best friend (if you have the pets expansion it must be a pet). You can only leave home for school. Your partner must be poor, your partner must be on the criminal career. Have maximum of 4 children
Generation 10: Merida 🐻
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“You always judge your mother for leaving her rich life and marrying someone poor. Your adventures lead you to trouble and getting grounded.”
Rules: you must have the rebellious trait. Lose yours siblings and mother in an accident.
Now you can choose two endings:
You try to change your families past, but you fail. You don’t believe in love and you never marry. You believe you’re cursed so you never have kids. When you’re older you realize you weren’t and you reject (oao: I think they meant regret) not having kids.
You gain the commitment issues trait as a young adult and you never marry. You can choose to adopt a child or be child free when you complete your lifetime wish.
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moonbiscuitsims · 6 months
Into the Future Part 1 (TS3)
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PART 2 HERE Not exactly cyberpunk but went for that look. I played the dystopian future and basically it's just smog, meteorites, dirty buildings and trash everywhere but I preferred to mainly have a futuristic sim in present day.
Her name is Teri Wilkie and she does actually have real sim friends despite how it looks, it's just that every time she goes to their parties the game crashes and she got so sick of it she decided to make robot friends instead :D
Well first she made the pink plumbot as just a general maid gardener cook and handyman, but then slowly began making more bots (more in part 2). The pink one got promoted at some point into a musician/dj bot and she named it D4FTPUNK. Made a romance bot called L0V3807 and a friend bot called 8UDDY. The silverish one is slightly different now but originally she made it so it could get a job so she wouldn't have to as bot/chip building wasn't very lucrative at first and took a long time. She named that one 1NK0M3 and it works in business but I might change it to the science career. None of the bots are sentient and here they all just had simple trait chips for exactly their simple function. But they slowly grow more complex, having simulated emotions, social needs and able to build skills.
I also at some point placed spawners for nanites in her garden once she had planted crystals. Technically its a cheaty way to get them but going to the future was too unstable for my game which often crashes and to get nanites and processors you need to go to the bot emporium. So my headcanon is that after planting the crystal plants and releasing some nanites into the garden they populated it. She can also just build them but i combine this with collecting them. I also love all the future objects, the food synthesizer is amazing and the hoverboard and the laser instrument are fun too.
The world I'm playing in is a custom world called Los Aniegos.
See some of my older Los Aniegos pics here
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tireds1mmer · 2 years
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fierce-sims · 7 months
hcs for my downtown sims bc I can part one(?)
Recently received an ask from an anon who wanted me to speak more about my downtownies. Hope this works.
Yogi Chi:
Yes, Yogi is based on Chester V from Cloudy and it's still fucking hilarious to me.
He is originally from Twikkii Island, and his parents are immigrants from Takemizu Village and Shang Simla (so Japan and China, with Twikkii being Hawaii).
He is actually related to one of my Sims 3 families, the Lius. Maybe I’ll post about them someday. I haven't played ts3 in a while.
He's a vegetarian and loves cooking with fresh, organic ingredients. His favorite dish to make is a quinoa salad with roasted vegetables.
Yogi is very knowledgeable about herbs and plants, and sometimes he'll collect them on his hiking trips. He uses some of those plants to create his own custom tea blends.
He can be a bit vain and cares a lot about his appearance. He spends a lot of time and money on skincare products, hair products, and his wardrobe.
Greta Green:
Despite having a reserved demeanor, she's a total romantic at heart. She dreams of being swept off her feet.
Her family owns a greenhouse and she spent many of her childhood summers there, surrounded by plants and green spaces. This is what sparked her passion for environmentalism.
She has a soft spot for vintage clothing. She inherited a lot of her clothes from her grandma, who was an avid thrifter.
Greta is a bit of a klutz and tends to get lost.
Davyd Escarlata:
His favorite song is "Bloody Murder," and he loves to perform for his fans at concerts. He often ends his performances with a dramatic fake-bite to the neck of one of the backup dancers.
He is very protective of his younger sister, and that is usually why they fight.
To manage his desire for blood, he carries pig’s blood with him at all times in little packets. Yes, he hates it when people call them ‘juice boxes’.
Davyd is afraid of heights and has a fear of flying, even in his bat form.
Reid Stifled:
Reid can play multiple instruments, but his favorite is the guitar. He even knows how to play some complex pieces, but he never shares them with the band because he feels insecure about his skills.
He is a god-awful cook.
Reid is very sensitive to textures and smells, and he can be very picky about what clothes he wears and what he eats. He tries not to let it interfere with his day-to-day life, but it can make some things more challenging for him. (Yes, he’s autistic)
He often carries a sketchpad with him, filling the pages with his creative ideas and observations.
Reid is a Hipster™️
If you are new and don’t know who these sims are, you can read about them here
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snapdragoned · 1 year
sims tag!
tagged by @simmer-until-tender & @themeasureofasim (so long ago, whoops) thank you!
Favorite sims death?
I've only ever seen drowning, fire, and old age in my game (so boring, I know) but I think I have to go with Murphy Bed for sheer "unlikely but plausible" horror.
Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
Maxis Match with a little soupçon of semi-realism, particularly with hair. I just love that classic Pooklet shine.
Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
No way -- the Townie Body Diversity Project is one of my favorite mods for a reason! We need more fat sims! If I could have one no-questions-asked Sims 2 wish granted, it would be more diverse bodytypes for all existing meshes (dream on, I know).
Do you use move objects?
Who doesn't? I basically only have it off to place diagonal doors and windows.
Favorite mod?
This is such a hard question because there are /hundreds/ of tiny QOL mods that add up into such incredible gameplay. But I'm going to go with either the Community Time Project or Skilling on Community Lots! The latter especially makes so many community lots... actually worth it. I don't think I could play without it. Why bother otherwise?
First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
I think I actually got Nightlife before University and I loved it. Everyone was a vampire and had the most expensive car. Life was simple and good.
Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
Live as in "we're going live!" The other way feels so bizarre in my mouth.
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
I will always have a soft spot for an alien sim named Laika from many, many neighborhoods ago. She was my icon for a long time!
Have you made a simself?
Only when I was younger! I like The Sims (and most media, tbh) to be as indulgent and escapist from my own life as possible. Like, what am I doing there?? I have the same reaction to self-insert fanfiction too. What is my purpose in this narrative? No thanks.
What sims traits do you give yourself?
For TS2: Lazy, Playful, Pleasure Aspiration.
For TS3: Vegetarian, Absent-Minded, Good Sense of Humor, Neurotic, Over-Emotional 🥲
Which is your favorite EA hair color?
I assume this is a question tailored to one of the other games, lol. As a kid I always loved shortslick in red because it was a slightly different shade than the other red hairstyles in the game, and it felt like the closest I could get to a new hair color without CC (which I didn't know how to download).
Favorite EA hair?
I really love the paperboycap hairstyle that came with Apartment Life! I wish there were pookleted defaults of it that just retextured the hair and kept the hat. Sometimes I use it anyway even though it doesn't match the rest of the hair in my game. It's cute!
Favorite life stage?
I actually really, really love the Child life state! There is so much that children can do (painting! gardening! cooking!) and it feels like after a toddler life state that doesn't have much variety between sims, you finally get to get a feel for what kind of person they're going to be. Plus, so many cute social interactions between other children and their parents. I'm always sad to see them grow into teens :(
Are you a builder or are you in it for the game play?
Both! I'm honestly not a very good builder and often get impatient because I just want to play and take pictures. But then if the world doesn't feel "real" or visually appealing enough, I get frustrated because the gameplay isn't as satisfying. I constantly have to force myself to stop and focus on building so I don't overshoot on the playing in a way that feels dissatisfying. Fun hobby.
Are you a CC creator?
No, but I have a lot of practice downloading things :)
Do you have any simblr friends/a sims squad?
I've never been in the Sims community consistently enough for that, but there are plenty of names that give me the happy little "ah, you! 🥰" thought bubble over my head for when I see them on my dashboard!
What’s your favorite game (1,2,3,4)?
Must you even ask?
Do you have any sims merch?
I have a pair of plumbob earrings! They're understated enough that I feel like I can get away with wearing them to work. Someone actually correctly ID'd them once, too!
Do you have a youtube for sims?
No, editing pictures and posting here is enough of a timesink on its own. But I love watching speedbuilds!
How has your “sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
Wow, so much. If this is about visuals, I didn't really have a cohesive style until I stumbled upon GOS in 2007 or so. The grungy look and my emo phase were like a wine & cheese pairing for the ages. When I got back into the Sims again in college in 2012, I'd shifted to a brighter style bordering on cartoonish (hello snapdragoned psd!). I think now I'm a sitting somewhere a little more muted, but hopefully still fun to look at 😬
If this question is geared more towards play style, I'm playing in rounds for the first time in... ever. I used to just wander into households and play until I got bored, or focus only on one family. What a difference it makes! I don't think I've ever been so hooked/consistently eager to play.
What’s your origin ID?
You people still use Origin?
Who’s your favorite cc creator?
Don't make me pick! There are a mind-boggling number of active creators out there still making beautiful, functional content. I adore and appreciate all of them! The game still feels so new and fresh. It was such a treat to come back to after a long hiatus.
How long have you had a simblr?
...eleven years 🥲 My GOD, do you ever feel old?!
How do you edit your pictures?
I should have read ahead before I mentioned the PSD, lol. I use Greenshot to take screenshots, then manually resize them in an old, super legal copy of Photoshop. Then I run a batch Photoshop action (sharpening, brightening, making colors more vivid) on them. Done and dusted.
What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
I guess I'll use this section for my dream mod. I would love more crafting benches/craftable items and more hobby options for the Freetime hobbies! Or a new Supernatural life state.
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tau1tvec · 1 year
💌 simblr asks: what is your favorite skill to max out and which one is the least?
For TS4 I enjoy the cooking skill, since it actually serves some purpose beyond just… cooking for your household, otherwise all the other skills are just kinda meh, or they’re so easy to max out I never really pay any attention to them so long as they give my sim something to do.
For TS3 I enjoy almost all the skills, so it’s really hard to choose, but if I were to choose a few it’d be the Science, Collecting, and Alchemy skills.
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whatawhim · 1 year
💌 simblr asks: what is your favorite skill to max out and which one is the least?
My favorite skill is Fabrication (because there are different ways to level it, it's useful and is at least a bit challenging); my least favorite is Cooking (it levels too easily and is very simple; I much-much prefer the Cooking skill of TS3)!
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