#trying to quit carts again (really im just too broke to buy any
wifkin · 3 months
My body is the worst with temperature changes i came in from smoking a bowl stoned as hell crawled into bed shivering like a leaf thinking mannn it must have gotten cold outside but its 70f. Ok. Also i think i gave myself like tennis elbow or pinched a nerve or something IDK if its bc imm drawing wayyu more than i have in a few years or if it's my cookie run addiction but i have the most annoying dull pain from my elbow to wrist and my fingies keep going kinda numb ANOYYING i can hardly pickup anything without it hurting that arm its so weak and frail . I took hella ibuprofen im just gonna try to sleep it off
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unofficialsapphire · 1 year
Finally having the guts to request a oneshot JWHAHAHDDHDHDH
okay anyways-
Its no surprise that Im of course gonna ask a muichiro x reader that’s a fucking dumbass (aka: her attention span is low and can easily get distracted by anything in sight. But that changes when it comes to fighting demons and training)
I guess a scenario i csn come up with is that both of them fought a demon together and muichiro would notice how focused the reader is… but then after literally just killing the demon, she saw something of interest and immediately runs towards it)
…this is very confusing so im sorry, sapphire 💔💔
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Hi cloudy! I just wrote them today. I'm sorry it was late ..
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Being the Mist Pillar's Tsuguko, there are a lot of traits before you would be considered as one.
Pure determination to eradicate all demons, undeniable strength, Patience and most important of all, focus.
You have all the traits, except for one. It's a wonder how you became his tsuguko.
Today, you and Muichiro were supposed to have early training, but you are now running late due to a few distractions along the way.
"White or Black, mmm" You contemplated, holding the two hair bows in each of your hands. You were in a hurry on your way to The Mist Hashira's Estate but you got sidetracked when your eyes caught the small cart selling hair bow ties.
"Why don't you buy them both Miss? They both look good on you." The young lady said, you eyed the seller, checking out whether she was telling the truth or just wanted to sell them both.
It took you long enough to decide: white or black? White is cute, but it can easily get dirty. The black one is cute too, but you already have one. You contemplated for a while, and in the end, you decided to buy a dark blue hair bow tie instead.
You arrived in the Mist Hashira's Estate late, you were breathing heavily as you try to catch your breath. "I'm sorry I'm late" you said to the Hashira who was looking at you unamused.
"What's new? You're always late" he grumbles, standing up, grasping his katana before looking at you intently "What is it this time?"
"I..uh..I.. was feeling sick and I woke up late" You lied, Muichiro will scold you again if he finds out you were late over something not important.
He got mad at you when one time he caught you playing around the flower field instead of training. "You're supposed to be training not playing, stop wasting time!"
He examined your features, looking for any signs of sickness. "You're not sick" he said plainly. "You bought a hair bow" he stated, mint-green eyes bore into your now wide eyes. "What? How could you possibly notice that?!" You exclaim, you were not expecting him to notice it.
"It's called paying attention Y/n! As a demon slayer and as my tsuguko, you should know that paying attention to your surroundings is vital part of being a slayer." Muichiro started to lecture you, again.
"You should be ready at all times. How would you be able to detect demons if you are not paying attention,Y/n! You shouldn't...." Muichiro's words muffled out as soon as you saw the blue butterfly fly around in his back. You were captivated by its beauty that you forgot about Muichiro's lecture.
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Muichiro took notice of this, following your gaze, he spot the butterfly you were looking for. "REALLY Y/N?!" Muichiro exasperated, his loud voice boomed in the area, making you snap you back into reality.
Your eyes widen as you look at Muichiro, red face, veins almost popping, mint-green eyes glaring at you. He is mad --- mad.
"I'm..." Just right when you were about to apologize. Muichiro cut you off.
"Just right when I'm lecturing you about the importance of paying attention. You are not listening! You rather watch a butterfly than listen to what I say! This is not time to waste my time." He angrily spat, each words laced with venom.
"We are at war here Y/n! I don't need you playing around and wasting my time. It's either you grow up or quit the demon slayer corp." Muichiro's harsh words broke you. You lower your head to hide your tears threatening to fall. "I'm sorry Muichiro-san" you whisper, your lips quivering as you try to stop yourself from crying out there.
"Practice your sword swinging! I'd better not see you playing around" Muichiro scoffed as he walked out on you.
You nodded softly and started to train by yourself the whole day.
The sun is about to set and you were still upset with him because he raised his voice at you over a butterfly, which was petty. 'I'm still young' you angrily uttered to yourself while fiercely wielding your wooden sword against the tree, letting out your anger there.
"Don't I get to enjoy over little things? I am capable enough to slay demons while enjoying little things" you uttered, glaring at the tree in front of you.
You understand where Muichiro is coming from. He is also young, the same age as you, but he became a slayer at the younger age. He became a hashira at the young age, forcing himself to grow up for the sake of people around him.
You were saddened at the thought of it. "It's not his fault" you muttered softly. You were sweating a lot and decided to rest a bit when you stepped on a mimosa plant.
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"Wow" you were in awe when the little leaves started to close upon contact.
You sit down on the ground, eyes looking at them in amazement as you touch the other part of the leaves and they instantly close again.
Your ears perk up at the sound of his footsteps. You immediately scramble up, quickly apologizing as he once again cut you playing around.
"I'm sorry Muichiro-san," you bow as you apologize.
Muichiro notices your features: your eyes are red from your frustrated tears and your hair is a mess from constantly running your fingers through your hair in frustration.
His eyes soften at the sight of you, he was harsh earlier and he felt bad.
"I should be apologizing. I should have been careful with my words" Muichiro murmured softly. You eyes widened slightly. He never apologize before. This is the first.
"I should be sorry, I should have paid more attention Muichiro-san" You quickly remark, looking at him sincerely.
"I should have been more patient, I'll try my best to be more understanding" He said. "Truce?"
You smiled at him, "Truce"
Just in time, both of your crows are squawking loudly, giving the mission for both of you.
"So we're on a mission together" You said, beaming at him. He nod at you, "Fix your hair first and let's go" he muttered before he started walking.
You blush slightly, 'Muichiro saw you as a mess" you thought to yourself before catching up to him. You tied your hair back in a ponytail and attached the hair bow to it.
It was expected that you will face a kizuki but what you didn't anticipate is that there will be two of them.
"Fall back!" Muichiro yelled. He didn't anticipate it either that there will be two of them. If he had known, he wouldn't have let you come with him. He needed to protect you, thus making you retreat and back away.
"No! We are on this together!" You yelled back, not taking your eyes off from the demon in front of you, standing on your ground, heightening your senses, anticipating their next move.
You heard the demon on your left leap off the ground and about to pounce on you. You quickly dodge the attack, but Muichiro, who was looking at you, shouting, didn't notice the other demon's incoming attack on him.
It's filthy hand land a hit on his chest, enough to put damage on him but you managed to cut its arms off. You stood in front of him, your back facing him as you glare at the demons in front of you "I thought pay attention to your surroundings?!" You snapped at him.
You took a quick peek at his chest to see blood oozing out. That made you snap.
"I'll fucking end you" You growled at the demon who dared to hurt Muichiro. You control your breathing, to increase your stamina. You went for a strike, Muichiro tried to help as much as he could, inflicting damage to slow them down. He used his breathing technique to temporarily hide you in the mist.
He watches as you elegantly sever their head with your own breathing style, with the help of his breathing techniques, you managed to do it. He felt silly, he was worried as hell, thinking that he needed to protect you because you always lose your focus, but tonight, you just proved to him that you are capable enough.
You smiled at him, as you walked over to him, "ha, 'pay attention to your surroundings'" you teased him and before he could answer, you gasp as you notice the fireflies around.
"They're so pretty" you squeal, you could see in your peripheral vision that he was shaking his head at you as you ran towards the fireflies.
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"That's one of my favourite memory of you dad" You told to your twins as you tell them a bed time story.
"You're so cool mom" One of your twins said, his mint-green eyes, the same features as their father's shines in amazement as they stare at you.
You chuckled at them, tucking them in bed. "What about your least favourite memory mom?" You paused at their question. Your heart breaking at the thought of it. You smiled at your twins to hide your pain. "What about you both sleep first and that's another night for story to tell? Mmm?" You said to them.
"But moooom" Your twin whined, it was a good thing that his older brother, scolded him, "let's go to sleep, let mom go "
"Okay, Good night mommy"
"Good Night mom"
"Goodnight too, sweetdreams" You said to them sweetly, kissing both of their foreheads before heading back to your room.
You let out a shaky breath you were holding, your memories of him being stab was still fresh.
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It was the final battle, facing off the upper moon one demon. The audacity he had to tell you over and over again to pay attention to your surroundings but he kept all his attention to you. You were capable enough. Why must he worry about you? The upper moon went to attack you, his sword landing a deep slash on your upper arm, if you weren't quick enough, he would've successfully cut your arm off.
Muichiro was enraged, he went to face him off alone but the moment he heard your small whimper of pain, he diverted his attention to you for a second. That second alone was enough to cut his arm off.
"Muichiro" You yelled, wincing in pain as you push yourself to stand up, the upper one had completely worn you out.
You watched as the upper demon stab him, making you see bright red.
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Your eyes welled up in tears as you recall that event. You blamed yourself for being weak. If only Muichiro didn't pay attention to you. He wouldn't have gotten hurt. He was hurt and you couldn't protect him like he did for you.
You are truly sorry and you'll keep apologising for it
"Love?" A voice called out to you from behind before his arm wrapped around you, you turned around to hug him, "I'm sorry Mui" you murmured softly.
You felt him kiss your head before asking you, "what for?" He murmured, swaying the both of you as he held you.
"For not keeping you safe" you mumbled in his neck as you nuzzle your head in.
"That again?" He said, "You know I don't regret anything." He assures you.
"But ---" he cut you off with a swift kiss. "Shhhh shut up" he whisper sofly. "I love you" "I love you too".
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petite-ely · 4 years
Afraid // JJ Maybank
two - the calm after the storm
Pairing: JJ Maybank x fem routledge! reader
Warnings: bad language (as usual), underage drinking, fear of drowning and deep waters, mention of a hurricane, probably some mistakes too lol
Description: After the surge hit the island, the pogues decide to enjoy a nice day out on the hms pogue, until they find something unusual hidden in the marsh.
A/n : hey there buckaroos, I know I just posted the previous part but I felt so bad for not updating sooner. So here ya go. Hope you like it :)
Previously next
Afraid masterlist
Song recommendation:
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There was always something really weird about the day right after a hurricane. It was like that feeling when you know something isn’t right but can’t quite put your finger on it, at least that’s what it was like for y/n. She found those days both extremely stressful and relaxing at the same time. As a child she never had to worry about the stressful part, but as someone who lived alone with two teenage boys and no adults, it was pretty nerve racking. She used to wake up really late on those days, enjoying the silence and comfort that reigned inside the Château. It was not something she did anymore.
When big John disappeared, John B and her had to learn how to take care of themselves. And that also meant becoming more responsible. So here she was, at 9:30 in the morning, standing in the fruit aisle of the grocery store, debating whether to buy cherries or peaches.
Fuck it, she thought putting both in her shopping cart.
You see living without parents at 16 also brought a thing called learning things the hard way. For example, if ever there’s a big storm or hurricane hitting your town and there’s a chance of the power being cut, you have to go grocery shopping before. Otherwise you have only two options. Either wake up at the butt crack of dawn and hunt down which grocery store is still open (and that’s only if no one else raided it before you ). Or you have to survive on the only things still good in your pantry - probably molded bread and peanut butter- until the nearest store opens.
Y/n being the intelligent teenager she was, decided to go with option one. So she woke up super early, wrote a note for her brother - which he probably wouldn’t even see, carefully attached a cooler to back of her bicycle and made her way into town. It was now almost two hours later. She had finished buying the necessities for the next few days and had already put all the perishable things inside her cooler and taped it shut so it wouldn’t spill its content onto the road.
She looked at her phone quickly. The hurricane had not only taken away the power but also the cell service towers. Which meant she couldn’t contact any of her friends at the moment. A sigh leaving her lips, she made her way to Kie’s house, hoping the other pogues hadn’t already picked her up.
“Hey, girlie,” her friend greeted as she turned into the driveway. “Hey, cutie,” y/n responded, placing her bike against the side of the house. “The pogues haven’t come by yet?”
“Nope, it’s just you and me for now. Come, we’ll go chat one the deck until they come.” Kiara motioned to the dock further away. “So, how bad is it at the chateau?”
“Oh you know, the usual,” she sat down beside Kiara, “no power, leaking roof, the yard is pretty dirty too, oh and I think a tree fell down.”
The two girls looked away in the distance as they heard the sound of a boat engine approaching them. “I think that’s our ride.”
Y/n saw her brother nudge JJ’s arm and point at her. “See, I told you she’d be here.”
“I left you a note, dumbass, didn’t know you couldn’t read anymore,” she put her cooler and her backpack onto the boat before getting in. “I went to get food for the week so we wouldn’t, you know, starve.” JJ snickered at her comment.
“Well, good morning to you too, y/n/n.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Here’s your breakfast, you greedy cow.” She tossed him a breakfast burrito. It was still warm and fresh, bringing a tasty smell in the air as it flew from y/n’s hand to her brother’s.
“Hey, no need for such words, I was only being polite.” Stated John B. “Thank you, for feeding me, my dearest sister.” Y/n cringed at his horrible impression of a British accent.
Just as she was going to make a joke about it, she noticed something sticky on her arm. Turning her head to the front of the boat, her eyes landed on JJ. He was, once again, trying his stupid beer trick, which failed and only resulted in splashing alcohol everywhere but in his mouth.
As she heard all of her friends complain about his behaviour, she decided it was enough and got up. She was about to take the bottle out of the blond’s hand, when the boat crashed into something. The impact had been hard enough to eject JJ out of the boat and make him fall right into the marsh.
“Ugh,” y/n groaned loudly. Since she had been standing when the boat stopped, she had tripped and fell into a very uncomfortable position. She had landed butt first on the hard metal edge of the boat, hitting her thigh at the same time.
“Jesus, Pope!” Kie said from where she was seated.
“You okay, JJ?”
“I think my heels touched the back of my head.” Usually, this kind of remark would have made y/n laugh, or even smile, but right now, she was not in the mood for laughter.
“Is everyone else okay? Y/n? Kie?” John B offered his hand to his friend. “Yeah, I’m good.”
“I think I broke my ass,” y/n winced as pain shot in her leg. “God, I never knew I was that flexible.”
The girl untangled her legs from the unnatural position they were forced into and reached for the cooler, taking a beer bottle inside. To minimize the pain she walked in a penguin-like way, taking very small steps. She must have looked very ridiculous doing so due to the weird look Pope gave her. She hissed as the cold of the bottle hit her leg. “What even was that?”
“Sandbar. The channel changed .” JJ swam back towards the hms. “No shit.” “Ugh this is probably gonna mess this whole place up.”
Pope approached the end of the boat, looking down with confusion painted on his face. “Guys,” his eyebrows scrunched even more, his eyes focusing on something hidden in the depth of the water. “I think there’s a boat down there.”
“Shut up.” “What?” “No way.” “Uh?” Y/n furrowed her eyebrows and looked down at the spot where Pope’s gaze was fixed. To her surprise there was actually a boat there, sunken and stuck into a pile of sand.
“Oh my god.” She looked back at her friends behind her. “He’s right!” She focused her attention back to the boat, trying to catch details of it. A thought crossed her mind. Could it be? No, it couldn’t. It wasn’t possible. There was no way that was her father’s boat down there, right?
“Guys.. Is this?” Y/n looked at her brother, he had thought the same thing as her. “It’s a boat!” Pope shouted with excitement.
“Holy shit he’s right, let’s go!”
Y/n’s friends all rushed to remove their clothes and jumped into the water. They seemed so excited. A small feeling of anxiety grew in the pit of her stomach. She felt left out, but at the same time she was scared. She practically knew the marsh like the back of her hand and yet she couldn’t help but worry. She looked down at the boat, it was way too far, she could never swim that deep.
The girl winced as she sat on the tip of the boat. She was looking at her four friends, their figures slowly shrinking as they swam deeper. When she looked at them it seemed so easy. Here they were swimming so carelessly. Why couldn’t that be her. Maybe one day she’d get over her phobia, but for now, it seemed impossible.
She let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding when the heads of her friends reappeared at the surface. She could hear them talk with excitement, but they were too far for her to understand exactly what they were saying. Clearly, they had found something.
“You guys found anything cool?” She offered her hand to Kie. “It’s a Grady White,” JJ shook his wet hair. “A new one of these is like 500 Gs easy.”
“It’s a primo rig.”
“Yeah, that’s the boat I saw when I surfed the surge.” JB added, making his sister’s smile disappear. “Maybe it hit the jetty or something.”
“You surfed the surge?” Kiara’s tone dripped with worry. “What the heck.” Her voice lowered down as she spoke those last few words. “That’s my boy! Pogue style!” JJ encouraged, giving a slight pat to John’s back.
Y/n frowned at his words. “Please don’t encourage him, J.” She crossed her arms on her chest. “It was a very stupid thing to do.”
“Wait, wait. Do we even know whose boat it is?” “No, but we’re about to find out.”
“Wait ,” y/n gripped her brother’s arm, “ are you sure it’s safe?” “Yeah dude, it’s too deep.”
John B bent down to pick up the anchor from the compartment where it was kept. “Only for the weak and feeble JJ.” “Well, I’m not resuscitating you I’m just making that clear.”
“That’s fine.” He turned to his sister, who was looking at him with worried eyes. “Please be safe, okay bird?” She was using the nickname their father had given him when they were younger. She barely used it anymore, so he knew she was really worried.
“I promise,” he nudged her shoulder softly, “little bug.” “Diver down, fool.”
“Diver down.”
@drewswannabegirl @kaelyn-lobrutto24 @poguestyle17 @im-a-stranger-thing @lasnaro @thoughtsofthestars @briandaflores19 @lunaposey @allycat449-blog @ifilwtmfc
This means it wouldn’t let me tag you :(
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logsfm · 3 years
hey my loves   !   i’m mia  ,  21 from the east coast   !   i have not roleplayed in sheeeesh   ...   like five or six months   ?   but i am so excited to be here for opening with all of y’all   .   i spent like all morning trying to weed out this gal logan right here   ...   she’s a trip   ,   that’s the best overall description i have for ya   .   anywho   ,  lets get to the actual thing you’re here for her lil intro   .   also if you wanna mssg on discord here ya go   𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐬 𝖜𝖍𝖔𝖗𝖊#7040   .
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logan samara-de jaager was spotted in the fashion district adorning  air force 1’s university blue  , with some airpod pros on . they’re most likely listening to  benz i know by kelvyn colt  . you may know them as  @delogan  or as that  bella hadid  lookalike . their  twenty fourth  birthday just passed . while living in  the upper east side  , they’ve gained a bit of a reputation . they’re known to be  querulous  but on the other hand  passionate  . wonder if they’ll be the next person to hit the headlines . ( cisfemale / she/her +  mia / twenty one / she/her ) + ( “ logan de jaager seen shoving ex in hotel footage during heated argument , not so sweet huh? ” / “ miss de jaager was spotted sneaking into ex beau’s apartment , what could she be up to? ” / “ sweet socialite or greedy trust fund baby ? milan de jaager publicly accuses daughter logan of stealing $1M … ” )
born into the true lap of luxury . the daughter of real estate magnate & high - profile attorney milan de jaager and his wife , british born socialite lana samara . the two of them held high favor within the 1% but were also able to find a perfect balance . they did a great job of separating personal life from the tabloids . it was rare to really know the happenings of their day to day . they had this particular kind of mystery to them , if you will .
it wasn’t long before lana began to instill the very same rhetoric she received as a child into her own   .   quality over quantity   ,   was the motto   .   just not in the way you’d assume   .   the quality at which a de jaager presented themselves to you was much more important than than quantity of time you spent with them   .   looks   ?   they’re everything   ,   in the de jaager household   .   time was simply a societal construct implemented to catch you on a bad day   ,   for that very line of thinking they embodied being late   .   rushing out of the house to finish your make up in the car   ?   a literal sin in the eyes of her mother   .
she was encouraged to take part in ballet and beauty pageants growing up   .   anything that could showcase how beautiful their daughter was lana and milan were on board for   .   personally logan hated ballet but she couldn’t deny she loved the applause the night of a showcase   .   she also couldn’t stand pageants but loved having all eyes on her as she went on stage   .
it became quite clear as the years went on that her parents were much more like close friends to their daughter than like rule - instilling guardians   .   she would text them to dismiss her from school   ,   get them to buy her   &   her friends alcohol for sleepovers  /  parties   ,   was very much so that kid who got high with her parents   .   really anything you could do with your friends   ?   was fair game with logan   &   her folks   .
at sixteen a friend of her moms who was going to be a designer for spring fashion week that year asked if logan would want to walk for him   .   she was quick to accept the offer and before she knew it she had multiple offers to walk in that years fall fashion weeks   ,   because of how easy it came to her   -    though   ,    she’s the first to admit she never really took modeling all that seriously   .
it was just a year later that her way of life changed drastically , logan and her twin brother had been caught by paparazzi on a friends boat in the hamptons snorting a white substance , anyone with eyes knew exactly what the group of teenagers were doing . upon returning home the two received the crackdown of the century . their once friendly parents turned to strict jail like guardians . often reminded that they put the families reputation at stake . the pressure to be perfect was something logan had never had to deal with until now & she almost cracked under the pressure at every turn .
it wasn’t until she left for college that she was finally given some room to breathe , attending the university of florida was the best choice for what logan truly wanted to do with her life - become a sports analyst . growing up she was infatuated with sports & and would have been involved in much more than just cheerleading had her mom allowed for her to get so much as a speck of dirt on her . during her time in florida the paparazzi seemed to find her more often than not , something her parents often denounced both over the phone & in public . the longer she spent away from the upper east side the more she became america’s sweetheart & simultaneously a thorn in her parents side . she graduated from university in 2018 , only returning back to new york for the sake of work . she’d been offered a reporting job with espn , on top of taking up modeling gigs here & there when ever she felt necessary .
personality …
one thing is very true about the de jaager’s & is very much so the same for logan ; she is not to be trusted . she can be extremely charming when she wants to be . she could sell a bag of rocks to a beach & get a princess to sell her sole to sex work . she knows exactly what people want to hear & when they want to hear it and has no qualms about lying straight to someone’s face if it means she gets something out of it . in fact sometimes , she might lie to your face just for the sheer fun of being able to call you gullible .
she’s very much so a spoiled brat although she hates when anyone call her one , she feels like she has more layers to her than that broad term . hand in hand with that is her drama queen like tendencies , any situation were there is a simple solution she will find a way to blow vastly out of portion .
due to her mother’s heavy influence growing up , she can be rather vein & materialistic . catch her like “ i can’t date a garbage person ” to someone simply because they’re not as rich or known enough for her liking .
it’s rare that you’ll ever see her jump out of character . she’s very calculated & aware of who she is ( or who she needs to seem like ) so if you ever see her emotions getting the better of her , you’ve really broken her .
she’s the type to dabble in a little bit of anything   ?   she’s a rich nyc party girl who’s been partying well before anyone should have allowed her to so she’s done it all   .    you’d be kidding yourself to think you could surprise  /  scare logan on a wild night out   .
she’s quick   &   creative with her sense of humor   .   she has both a crude / dry sense of humor   ,   as well   ,   and really just doesn’t find goofy things to be funny but more or less embarrassing   ( so if she ever tells you you’re goofy , remember it’s not a compliment ) .
her upbringing   &   parents sentiment on tabloids once reflected massively on logan   ,   but now she couldn’t quite care less about it all . after all she spends hours in front of cameras on a regular basis for work . although she does tend to shy away from people who she deems are hungry for fame or attention   .   she’s been used in the past for fame   &   will never let it happen again   , plus she’s the type to lap up attention so she likes to have as little fame whores around her as possible , more shine for her .
when she isn’t being a total nightmare though she’s actually really fun to be around ? she’s playful & loves to keep the party alive . often can be found claiming “ i’m high on life ” although everyone saw the pictures , logan , we know what you’re really high on , girl .
very chatty girl , too . victim of foot - in - mouth syndrome , big time . she doesn’t try to be disloyal & spill people’s secrets ( or does she ? ) but she can’t help herself . if she has piping hot tea she’s gonna spill it because she doesn’t wanna burn herself .
very observant girl , who loves to people watch but her observations can sometimes get muddled when she starts judging people a little too hardcore .
she’s also a undercover couch potato    &    by that i mean if you give her an option to go out   &   do something she’ll never outwardly choose to stay home to watch netflix and snuggle up under the blankets but secretly she’s hoping   &   praying she gets a chance to do so   .
plots   ...
END THIS ( L.O.V.E ) / her first love   .   these two brought the absolute worst out of one another   .    they messed her up so much that she has a weird perspective on what love between two s/o’s should even feel like now   .   maybe they had another s/o at the same time as her   &   kinda just strung her on   &   when it came out were able to lie so much to her that she believed them   .   idk   ,   in truth we could really plot something completely different as to what they did   &   inevitably what the breaking point was   .   maybe they broke up with her   &   had they not ended it maybe she would’ve still been okay with being in the relationship   .   idk i just feel like this one could be fun as hell   .     also they’d be the one whom she was caught arguing with in one of her headlines   .   ( 0 / 1 )
AFTER PARTY / this is a more reckless take of party buddies   .   im envisioning a group of people who when the parties over they all pull up to close by gulf course   ,   indulge even more in their choices of substance   ,   there is a naked gulf tournament going on   ,   there are drunks driving golf carts   ,   swerving and pouring bacardi all over the course   .   running from security when they pop up   .   it’s tradition at this point   &   if someone doesn’t come it’s almost disrespectful at this point   .   idk i just love the thought of this kinda vibe   .   ( 2 / ? )
SECRETS / okay so this one is messy   .   basically logan was very private for most of her life   (   thanks mom   &   dad   )   and during the early stages of highschool she lied to everyone saying she was a virgin   .   she told each one of these individuals that they were her first whether it be to make them fall for her   “   innocence   ”   ,   want to chase after her   ,   or whatever else we might be able to plot out   .   inevitably they compare notes at some point and find out that she’d been lying to them all   .   we can plot out how they confronted her i feel like we could make this real dramatic though   .   this would also be a backstory plot so   ,   we  can also plot out how things have transpired since for them   .   ( 0 / 3 or 4 )
BEST FRIEND / these two girls take best friends to the next level   .   they relate to one another on every level and are there for one another at all times   .   there is never a moment where they are competing with one another because they know that their #1 in there respective category   .   they are one another’s ultimate hype beasts   .   they truly embody chaotic goddess vibes   .   it’s like they were placed on this earth simply to be friends because they compliment one another that well   .   ( 0 / 1 )
LETS FALL IN LOVE FOR THE NIGHT / they are the one that’s there whenever she’s down   .   they have the ability to make her feel like they have some sort of old love whenever she’s around them   .   those feelings only last for the night though   .   they enjoy when she rambles on about sports or the novel she just recently read or really just anything she enjoys can put a smile on their face   .    they know better than to ever confuse what is going on between them though   ,   they know that she’ll never be theirs   .   whether they’re okay with this or not we can definitely plot out   .   ( 0 / 1 )
MOANA / they are not a fan of logan   .   they see her for what she is   :   an attention seeking   ,    spoiled brat and the fact that they don’t want anything to do with her makes her want them all the more   .    when they finally slept with her it was only to prove a point to her s/o at the time   ,   to prove that she’s not the sweet girlfriend she claimed to be   .   basically they’re the person who outed her for being a ho ho ho but despite knowing that they outed her for that she still tries to hook up with them because they were the best she ever had    .   they often turn her down but after a while not even they can deny that they’re attracted to her   .   they still don’t fuck with her though   .   also i think it’d be cool if their were two of them   &   maybe they worked together to out her to her s/o that didn’t believe she was a cheater   ( 0 / 2 )   also bring the s/o that they outed her to   ( 0 / 1 )
ELEVEN / the type of relationship that is stuck in the grey area   .   they’re more than friends but they don’t necessarily admit to having feelings for one another   .   honestly they probably don��t even think they have feelings for one another   .   it’s a weird dynamic   .   they spend the most of their time together late at night   .   there meeting time    ?   11pm   .    they go on wild joy rides to the beach   .   heads out of the sun roof as they let out a loud woo   .    the only thing accompanying them is a big bag of weed   .    sometimes they have deep talks   ,   honestly they probably know more about one another than anyone else   ?   because of these adventurous of theirs   .   when they aren’t having deep talks they’re running across the beach aimlessly   &   rolling around in the sand with one another   .   it’s really just a very pure plot that i need in my life   .  ( 0 / 1 )
TRUST NOBODY / this is someone who used logan for fame / attention   .   they either became close friends or even started dating   &   they used everything they learned about her or what went on between them to relay back to a tabloid / would call paparazzi to come and take pictures of them together whenever they’d go out   .   ( 0 / 1 )
some other plot ideas i’d love to see   :   x   ,   x   ,   x   ,   x   ,   x   ,   x   ,   x   ,   x   ,   x   ,   x   ,   x   .
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lumassen · 4 years
Kinda dumb au but pirate Monaco (im thinking Francis' first mate who really like booty ;)) and Mermaid (or siren) Seychelles. Love your writing thanks for reading my ask
Hiya! Thanks so much for your ask, I LOVED writing this little AU! It ended up being a little longer than I wanted it to be, and the end might be a little abrupt, but I really enjoyed writing Monaco (Lucille) as a pirate! Hopefully you like it! :) If anyone else would like me to write them something, drop me an ask!
The waves parted along the bow as The Elusive finally broke into calmer waters. The South Atlantic could be unforgiving and had claimed many a ship in its history, but over the past few days it had been no match for The Elusive.
Magnificent sails cracked in the wind and the sea foamed in the wake of the great ship as it slipped through the water, now making good time and perfectly on course, thanks to its Captain. She was as beautiful as her ship was. There were many ships that sailed the seven seas, but hardly any compared to Captain Lucille and her crew. At first she’d been looked down upon, sneered and spat at, and outright ignored simply because she was a lady. But a skilled swordsman she was, and soon most rival ships around the globe had come to fear her. Dressed in the finest silks and feathers that gold could buy, at first glance one might only see elegance, grace and beauty, but underneath all the decadence was a true pirate, so much so that many swore instead of blood, it was saltwater ran through her veins.
Long, braided hair the colour of barley ran down her back as she stood proudly at the helm and took in a deep breath of the sea air she loved so much. Now that The Elusive was safely out of the storm that had engulfed the South Atlantic in the past hours she could finally relax after bringing her ship and her crew to safety once again. The deck was an inch or so deep in saltwater, clumps of seaweed and driftwood debris strewn everywhere from the 10 foot waves that had crashed up the sides of the ship. The Captain could only hope that too much hadn’t seeped below to the quarters or the hold. She was soaked to the skin as she had stayed at the helm all through the night to ensure that they came out of the storm in one piece. Her wide brimmed ostrich feather hat and velvet breeches the colour of deep wine were no doubt ruined, but such things were replaceable whereas a valued crew was not.
Lucille would bet her life that she had the most formidable crew on the sea and each member of the ships company had proved themselves worthy and pledged loyalty to their Captain in many ways. Her Gunners were her best men, some of whom she had stolen from a rival ship that had abandoned their previous captain just for the chance to serve Lucille after she had plundered them and looted all of their riches in a single attack.
Her Sailing Master was known across land and sea for his extensive skills when it came to route plotting, navigation and co-ordination. She had sailed all the way to England and paid a pretty penny to persuade him to come aboard The Elusive. The day he finally bowed beneath her heeled boot and pledged to serve her was one of her greatest triumphs.
Finally, her First Mate and Quartermaster was someone who she trusted with her life, and that was hard to do if you were a wealthy and strong Captain with such a strong ship as she was where even your crew mates might slit your throat in your sleep. Francis Bonnefoy was the closest person that Lucille had to a family. Dragged up on the streets of coastal Cannes, France as an orphan, Lucille had to fight her way to glory and Francis had been by her side every step of the way. Although he was 8 years older than she was, Lucille and Francis had always been equal.
Francis was cunning and clever, and could always manage to swindle his way out of paying for bread at the bakery so that they could fill their stomachs, and Lucille was brave and had her wits about her, somehow managing to get away with hitching rides on the back of a horse and cart to save their aching feet or swipe some jewels from an unsuspecting rich man’s pocket in a crowd. Francis had taken Lucille under his wing, expecting nothing in return from her apart from her company. She was a pretty girl and as they were growing up as nothing but sewer rats he could have done anything he wanted with her. He could have sold her away as a slave or chambermaid, or forced her to marry him and they could have crawled through society together, but instead Francis had let Lucille lead him, and he followed in her every footstep. The belief he had in her strength had paid off when the young girl grew into a young woman, and one day she tricked a fisherman into giving her his boat in exchange for a night with her. The two of them had stolen away in the night out into the open sea after leaving the fisherman with a good blow to the head out cold in a run-down brothel somewhere.
Some 15 years and a lot of trading, clawing and plundering later, they were now wealthy pirates in charge of the Mediterranean.
“Mon trésor, I can man the helm for a while. Manon has lain out some dry clothes in your chambers for you.” Francis spoke up from behind Lucille, and she looked over her shoulder to meet his gaze.
He looked at her as salt water sprayed up the side of the ship and her hair blew in the sudden gust of wind that the wave brought with it, her eyes shining and her face alive with the thrill of being out on the water at the helm of her ship. Francis had always known that he’d loved Lucille, and just looking at his Captain as she stood before him, the trying sun shining through the breaking storm clouds casting rays of light onto her, he felt that love now more than ever.
Quickly she took one hand from the wheel and removed her sopping wet hat from her head and took her braid out, shaking her hair free.
“But we’re out of the thick of it now, and we’re so close I can smell it. I’ll soon dry in this breeze.” She said with a grin, then turned back to the helm and gripped the wheel with both hands, steering starboard slightly. Francis smiled at the back of her and shook his head, bending down to pick up her discarded hat from where it lay on the desk at her feet, its feathers’ sea soaked beyond repair.  
The Elusive and its crew had set off from the coast of France a few weeks ago in search of an island somewhere in the Indian Ocean that sail master Arthur had overheard some scallies talking about in hushed tones over a pint one evening. He’d sat in the pub for hours and worked out a map, listening as best he could to their talk about how to apparently find it until he’d been shooed out into the night once the pub closed its doors. Whenever they were docked and on shore, Lucille would send Arthur out to scope out as much information as he could about riches and treasures that were there for the taking if you were brave enough. As well as being a skilled sail master, Arthur was resourceful and could force words right out of a person’s mouth, even if he had to hold a dagger to their throat. He was ruthless, sly, and quite frankly strikingly handsome, not having any trouble taking people to bed to entice them to reveal any secrets that they knew.
Judging by the tropical storm that they had passed through, Captain Lucille and her crew weren’t far from their destination. If Arthur was right and the scallies from the pub weren’t talking nonsense, then an undiscovered island of riches and otherworldly wonders were in their wake.
Francis hung Lucilles hat on a hook in the mast pole in an attempt to dry it out in the warm breeze, then tied his blond hair back with a ribbon before peering over the edge of the ship. The waters that lapped against the hull were clear and blue, a mighty comparison to the cold and dark waters of the Atlantic that had stretched around The Elusive as far as its crew’s eyes could see for the past few weeks.
“Land ahoy, Captain!” the watchman called from his station atop the mast.
“Francis! Man the helm!” Lucille shouted, already half way across the deck by the time Francis had turned away from the edge of the ship.
She swung herself up onto the forecastle deck at the very front of the ship in a swift motion, using one of the loose sail ropes to pull herself up and unclasped her telescope from its sheath at her hip. Raising it to her eye, the Captain looked out over the ocean in front of her, and sure enough, there it was. Land, at last. Wonder began to well inside of her just as it always did when she had made another successful voyage, and she never tired at the thrill of the adventure. All they had to do now was land ashore. Her polished leather boots hit the wooden lower deck hard as she jumped down and made her way back over to the helm.
“Bring her in steady Francis; we’re only a league or so from shore.” Lucille said with a grin, and then turned her attention to three of the gunners who had emerged from below deck as a result of the cries of land ahoy, ready and waiting for their Captains orders. They worked on lowering the sails and slowing down The Elusive as they neared the shore, and Lucille took a good swing and hit at the large gong the ship used to signal to any other rival ships of their arrival.
“Captain Lucille, you’d better take a look ahead!” the watchman called again from atop the mask, waving down at Lucille and pointing to the shore ahead of them as it grew nearer. Leaning over the side of the ship, Lucille brought her telescope to her eye once more, her breath hitching in her throat as the lens focused on what she could only imagine the watchman intended for her to look at.
“What is it? What do you see?” Francis asked as he hurried to her side, peering at the shore before them. Lucille didn’t say a word and just slowly passed the telescope to Francis in a stunned silence. It took a moment for him to focus, but Lucille could feel him tense beside her once he’d spotted it.
“Mon dieu, is that really a… siren?” he choked out, hardly believing the words that left his own lips as he lowered the telescope. It was unmistakeably a Siren, lain out on a rock only a few feet from the shore.
Every pirate that had ever sailed the seas knew the legends and myths about Sirens and Merfolk, and every pirate knew that they were dangerous and were probably the last thing you ever saw if you came across one. Lucille’s mouth had gone dry and her voice rasped as she cried out for the crew to lower the anchors and stop their course for shore at once, and she watched as calmly as she could as her men got to work. If the tales and legends were true, then the company of The Elusive were in trouble. As far as Lucille knew, she was the only female Captain that sailed the Mediterranean at least, and possibly the majority of the seven seas, and she and her galley maid Manon were the only women on board. In the legends there was never any mention of Sirens effects on a woman, but that could simply be because Lucille was not meant to be aboard a ship, let alone be its captain according the tradition and society and so women had never been included in the tales.
“Captain, we’re surrounded by them,” the watchman said as he jumped down from the ladder on the mast, his expression full of concern.
Lucille looked to Francis for guidance, even though she had a plan that was forming in the back of her mind.
“I have an idea, and you have to trust me.” She said, looking deep into his eyes. She could see the fear in them despite him holding his head high. Francis shook his head,
“I’ve always trusted you, but now you’ve made me nervous.” He said, his voice hesitant.
Hearing the commotion, most of the crew had come up from below deck, and they all stood around their Captain, too scared to even cast their gaze over the side of the ship should it fall upon a Siren.
“I’m not going to let my ship and my crew sink at the hands of these creatures we all thought to be a myth until now,” she began, tying her hair back into a ponytail and away from her face, “so unless any of you boys have a better idea, I need you to hoist me down in the rowboat.” Lucille finished, trying to remain as absolute as she could when her crew gasped around her and Francis grabbed her arm.
“You can’t be serious. I know that we’re pirates and you’ve fought many enemies for us, but those foes have been human.” Francis pleaded, realising what it was that Lucille planned to do, and the crew nodded and murmured in agreement.
Lucille sighed heavily in exasperation as she shook Francis’s grip from her arm. Her heart was in her mouth, and she was terrified of what creatures lay beneath the waves, but she couldn’t reveal that to her crew. She was their Captain, and she was going to save them.
After much persuasion and the raising of her voice, Arthur and Francis finally began to lower the ropes that held Lucille and the wooden rowboat that she was sat in to the hull of The Elusive. They kept their eyes averted away from the ocean as they did so for fear that they would catch the eye of a Siren in the waters and throw themselves overboard if it was so much as to will them to. Even if Lucille’s plan didn’t work, they were probably going to die out here in the middle of the Indian Ocean anyway, but they would have rather died with their Captain at least, as they were bound to do as her crew.
Francis’ hands were trembling as he held the ropes, and he wanted to do nothing more than to pull his Captain back up on deck, but he couldn’t. He had allowed Lucille to go down to greet the Sirens in an attempt to make peace with them and spare their lives on one condition, which was that if anything seemed to be going wrong she would signal to him and he would dive in after her. To Lucille, it didn’t seem like a good plan or a good rescue attempt at all, because as soon as Francis hit the water he would likely be lured to his death by the sirens anyway, but she couldn’t refuse his request. If she were going to die, she wanted to die with Francis by her side.
Clutching her crossbow to her breast, Captain Lucille tensed as the boat hit the sea and rocked a little in the wake of the waves that crashed back and forth against the hull of her ship. Hastily, she un-hooked the ropes that connected the rowboat to it, then grabbed an ore and pushed away from the shadow of The Elusive before she could have second thoughts. Looking out across the vast waters that now surrounded her as she rowed out, Lucille’s eyes narrowed, searching for any trace of movement from the depths below. Heart still drumming in her chest, she could feel how her pulse quickened at every sound, every call of a gull in the sky above, every creak that the boat made beneath her.
Then, all of a sudden, a Siren emerged out from under the water just inches from the boat, and stared up into Lucille’s face as she scrambled to reach for her crossbow from where she laid it down beside her. Compared to Lucille’s rugged beauty the Siren was otherworldly, and she was transfixed. Its hair was as dark as jet, as were its eyes as they bored into the blue of Lucille’s. Her body felt as though it had turned to stone as she took in the angular features of the Sirens face as it clutched the side of the boat, pulling itself up so that it was now only inches from Lucille’s face. She noticed the darkness of its skin and scales, and the gills that opened and closed on either side of its neck. As it gazed at her, Lucille found that she couldn’t look anywhere else, her muscles refusing to move and her eyes suddenly unable to blink even as a scaled hand reached out to grasp her hair. Perplexed, the Siren ran Lucille’s long hair through webbed fingers, the tip of its tail rising out of the water, curling in curiosity. Although Lucille knew that she was caught under the Siren’s spell, something about this being in front of her didn’t seem like the tales she’d heard of ugly, half human half fish creatures that would sing sweetly whilst pulling you under the waves to your death.
Without warning, it suddenly felt as though an invisible bubble had burst around her, and her body slumped forward as she quickly regained control over her muscles again. Hastily, she looked over her shoulder and back to her ship, waving to Francis and Arthur and her crew who all hung over the sides, signalling that she was okay. Then she felt the boat jolt and clung onto the oars to steady herself. The siren had grabbed hold of the edge of the rowboat and was pulling Lucille toward the shore and out of the deep water.
“What are you doing? Where are you taking me?” Lucille asked, panic rising in her chest a little, but she tried to swallow it back down again, knowing that the Siren probably couldn’t understand her. More of them had appeared now, their heads just breaking the surface of the water as they swam alongside the boat.
“You are not like the others,” One of them said, its voice soft and melodic, “We will not harm you.”
Lucille thought she must have imagined it, but then the Siren who had first approached her that was pulling her in the boat spoke,
“Many have sought our treasure, yet none have ever been worthy of it.” It said, and the boat came to a halt a few metres shy of the shore. Lucille watched as the other Sirens gathered around the darker haired Siren who had last spoken and they all reached out toward it, placing their hands over any part of its skin that wasn’t already covered by another’s until a ring of bright light began to glow around them. Lucille shielded her eyes from its intensity as it grew brighter and brighter, and once it had faded and she opened her eyes again she saw that the Siren now had a pearl necklace in its upturned palms, holding it out towards her.
“We Sirens can be found in all of the seven seas, just like you pirates. But you are not just a pirate, you are like us. To protect yourself and your crew while exploring our seas, wear this necklace. Your crew is made up of men, and most Sirens will not be as understanding as we are, but if you wear this your ship and its crew will be protected from our wrath should you ever stray too close again.”
The pearls were cold and smooth as the Siren pressed the necklace into Lucille’s hands,
“They call me Seychelles, and we are the Sirens of this isle. May we now part as friends, for you are like us.”
Lucille closed her fingers tightly around the necklace as she grasped it as a tear rolled down her cheek. Although she loved her crew, most men of the sea were not like they were. She’d been plundered many times just because other ships and their crews thought her to be weak or an easy target, but it was more at a loss to them as each time she rose again even stronger. She had often considered cutting her hair short and trying to disguise herself as a male but every time fought against herself. At a loss for words, Lucille didn’t have time to speak or say anything to the Sirens before the disappeared back under the waves as quickly as they had appeared, leaving her sat aboard her little rowboat.
She was a woman of the sea, just like the Sirens.
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roses-and-oceans · 8 years
OMFG SO IM SO INLOVE WITH PROMPTO IN FFXV BUT I FEEL AS THOUGH THEY LACK HIS MORE SERIOUS SIDE so can i request avit of a oneshot where prompto was a chain smoker but he stopped smoking for his health and takes it up and the guys get onto him about it and he kinda blows up while giving them a more widened perspective of himself and they are left with realising that hes not just the joker of the group LOTS OF LOVE IF YOU DO THIS ONLY IF YOU WANT BE APPRECIATED XX
Hi hello!! Thank you for sending something in!! And for being so darn patient omgggg.
Okay so at first i was like ???? but then I was like !!!! and so i got to writing. I’ve been doing it on and off during work, my spare time and this is what I got. I never step down from a request, if you’ve read my last post LOL.
I hope you like it I hope I didn’t mess it up hhhhh ;w;
The Smoking Gun
It all started in high school. It was just a silly thing to do with Noct. Behind arcades with a cool, sweating can of soda, taking drags of menthol cigarettes. Noctis brought the pack and he showed Prompto how to crush the pod in the butt, light and inhale. Noctis already looked like he had been doing it for ages. Prompto decided, why not?
He liked the scent and the taste. It was sort of relaxing. 
Of course, Noct had to stop when Ignis found out, and then Gladio and him grouped up together to threaten him with telling his father.
Prompto’s parents weren’t even really home to notice, so he continued. He liked to smoke when making scrapbooks, taking pictures, studying for exams. It took the edge off.
And then he discovered these cucumber flavored ones and he smoked two a day. He liked the way his room smelled of sweet cucumbers.
The number of cigs a day climbed to three.
When he would do his cardio, he found it hard to catch his breath and keep going. He’d cough until his voice became hoarse. He’d also have less money for snacks and video games, which sucked. 
He didn’t think about it much,  but then he was buying two packs at a time. It was starting to become a nuisance.
He didn’t like how his teeth were becoming less white and he was getting sick so often now. His stomach hurt a lot more. The guys were banging down on him to quit and so he did.
He started cutting back. He limited himself, tried to go without. He bought so many packs of gum and soon, the smell of spearmint overcame the cucumbers. Noctis patted him on the back and Ignis no longer assaulted him with a can of air freshener. He’d never felt better.
And then Insomnia fell.
The cravings were hell but he pushed through. For the boys.
Then Altissia…
Lady Lunafreya died. Iggy was blinded, and Noctis and Gladio were at each other’s throats all day. Noctis mourned and was caving in on himself.
Prompto’s heart hurt and he wished he could mend the rifts in everyone’s heart. He wanted to cheer everyone up but things weren’t easy. No one took any of the bait. There was no laughter. 
Prompto felt defeated.
He went to the shop at the next stop and bought two packs of cucumber 100′s and a lighter. He went to the railing and admired the view of the valley below. He lit up and as he took his first drag, he felt knots unwind and he could somehow breathe easier. He ashed his cig and watched the ashes dance in the wind. As he looked up to the night sky , he teared up.
How did it get like this, man?
He turned his head and saw Noctis. Noctis eyed the dying cigarette in his friend’s hand. Prompto found he was indifferent. Instead of acknowledging it, he said, “The train should be taking off soon.”
Noct didn’t say anything. He just nodded. Prompto stubbed out the butt on the railing and tossed it into a nearby trash can.
They walked to the train together and Noctis said, “Haven’t smelled that on you for a while now.”
“Hadn’t needed to for a while.”
“You mean ‘wanted to’.”
Prompto took a deep breath through his nose. He tried making a joke but his jaw was stuck and the words died in his throat. His heart wasn’t in it tonight.
Noctis and Prompto slid into the booths and while Gladio and Ignis were seated at the bar. Prompto could hear Gladio’s nostrils flare.
Prompto wanted to light a cigarette, right there and then, just in spite. He sighed and wondered where his head was going. Oh, well. Can’t be sunny all the time. That night, he smoked two cigarettes, so the nicotine high could wear him down and get him to sleep.
The next day wasn’t any easier. At Cartarnica, they went down to the mines for whatever damned reason. It was another day filled with venomous words, angry retorts, wasted efforts to heal wounds. They trekked for hours through murky water, trying to get generators to work and roadblocks out of the way. After a night of restless sleep at a haven, they were able to get to the King’s tomb, but had to defeat a Malboro. Prompto took a few hits for Iggy but they were able to get the ball rolling with Ignis’ new strategy and take the Arms. 
They made it back to the train in one piece and before they boarded the next train to Gralea, Prompto lit up and groaned to himself, stretching at a railing. And he lit another one before last call to the train. Once on the train, he went to the smoking cart and lit up again.
That night, when he went back to his cart with the boys, Gladio stood square in the middle, arms crossed. Ignis seemed to be waiting and Noctis was hunched over in his seat.
“You’re smoking again.” His tone was laced with a near-quiet rage.
“I guess so,” Prompto dead-panned. Gladio puffed up.
“You guess so? Is this all a game to you? Is this high school to you?!”
Prompto let out a breath, “If it was, my friends wouldn’t be always fighting.”
“Well this ain’t high school. You need to get your head out of your ass and grow up!”
Prompto sighed, shook his head and looked at the seat cushions. After days enduring his jabs at Noct, he had the gall…
“As blunt as he is, Prompto,” Ignis spoke up, “Gladio is right. Did you forget how frequent your colds became? Or the coughing? Did you forget all your hard work to-?”
“It’s fine, I’m fine. I just wanted to relax.”
Noctis piped up, “This isn’t it, Prompto.”
And it began again. All the griping and moaning. Prompto took a deep breath and said over their voices, “Do you know how hard it is?”
They all paused. 
“It’s hard. It’s hard to keep everyone’s spirits up. Or even try to in the first place. Or even to get a chuckle. All there is now, is fighting and worrying and squabbling. And i just want things to be normal again.”
Gladio opened his mouth to say something but Prompto cut him off before he could, “Yeah, I know. I get it, ‘grow up’. It won’t ever be normal again. Well, things are going tits up and I feel like there’s no stable ground. Like there’s nothing to hold on to.”
Begrudgingly, Prompto took out his half empty pack and his unopened one, and gave them to Gladio, “That’s all I got.”
Immediately, Gladio ripped both packs in half and tossed them into the garbage. He clapped Prompto’s shoulder and left the cart. Prompto sighed and took a seat.
Ignis spoke again, his accent lilting, “You’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. And you shouldn’t be.”
“I just want-.” Prompto’s voice broke and he took deep breaths. Noctis went over to him and nudged him, “Wanna play a round? We haven’t played King’s Knight in a while.”
Prompto took a gulp of air, nodded and loaded up the game on his phone. He leaned against Noctis and the prince fell asleep like that against him.
Gladio came in a few minutes later and handed a bottle of water to Prompto and a chocolate egg with a surprise keychain inside. Prompto smiled gratefully. And chose to save the chocolate egg for later and shared it with the rest of the boys.
Even now, being held in Zegnautus Keep, he felt the weight of the keychain in his pocket. He would never even think about lighting up again if he saw the boys again.
But if he died, he wondered if it would be too much of a cliche to ask for a final cigarette.
Ahhhhh I hope its okay!! I hope i did your request justiceeeeeee. did I go too far or not enough. omg telll me if it was bad aughhhhhhhhhh. 
Thank you for sending something in!! and thank you for being so patient!!
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weightloss18-blog1 · 6 years
What I’m Loving Lately 120
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What I’m Loving Lately 120
Hi, guys!
Boy, did this week fly by with the Monday holiday and heading off to Des Moines this morning. I’m taking a quick trip for the Niman Ranch Farmers’ Appreciation Dinner. I actually attended this same event 8 (!!) years ago – back when I was interested in where my food came from, but now I’m REALLY interested in where my food comes from. I’m excited to experience the trip with a whole new perspective. If you’re on Instagram, I’ll be sharing my adventures on Stories, so be sure to tune in! And, of course, I’ll share on the blog next week! 🙂
Since it’s Friday and all, I wanted to share what I am loving this week. It’s quite the mix of newfound foodie favs + the usual mix of random finds that I am especially digging lately. Enjoy!
The North Face Campshire Fleece Pullover – Once the temps drop in southern Massachusetts, I practically live in a cozy fleece jacket. Whether it’s heading to the gym, taking Murphy for a walk, or hitting the grocery store, this versatile jacket is one of my must-have fall and winter buys. The North Face always makes great gear, and I love that this fleece pullovers comes in 10 different colors! NEED.
Real Food Slow Cooker Recipes Ebook – I broke out this oldie but goodie ebook the other day, and I’m excited to dive in again, especially now that the cooler weather is here. We really love the Fully Loaded Taco Meat – it’s so easy and delicious! Each recipe inside is strictly Paleo and Whole30-friendly. No grains, dairy, sugar, natural sweeteners, legumes or alcohol – just real food and flavor. Use the code CARROTS30 at checkout and get 30% off the ebook!
Latest Videos
Beautycounter’s new Countercontrol line – I have definitely had my fair share of skin issues over the years – I shared my full story here if you are interested. Fortunately, I discovered Beautycounter and have continued to be impressed by the new lines of safe and effective skin care products that they put out. This new line really excites me as someone who has struggled with acne, even as an adult. The new Countercontrol line is designed for those with oily and blemish-prone skin, but don’t want tons of harsh chemicals that ultimately dry out your skin and make things worse. It’s definitely worth checking out if you struggle with acne and want to upgrade your skincare routine with non-toxic products.
Big Book of Bugs – Quinn loves all things creepy crawly, especially bugs! I’m generally not a fan of bugs, Quinn is fascinated by them, and I am more than happy to encourage his interests. This book has so many fun bug facts inside -and while it’s obviously great for kids, it’s been super interesting for Mal and me as well! The family that bug hunts together, stays together, right? 🙂 This book is awesome for kids of all ages and would make a great gift!
Zella Old School Daydream Jacket – I’m always keeping my eyes peeled for new markdowns at Nordstrom, especially the Zella brand, which is one of my favs. This zip-up jacket is similar to the Zella Day Dream Jacket that I blogged about last week. (FYI: It’s still on sale.) This jacket comes in white and red, which would add a fun pop to your workout wardrobe!
Guardians of the Galaxy Soundtrack – Mal played this soundtrack the other night and EVERY song on it was awesome! It had so many classic hits in one place, so I didn’t have the urge to skip around. Big fan!
Thrive Market– I’m still loving Thrive Market and find myself buying more and more of our staples and pantry items there. I initially was buying a lot of the same brands I bought at Whole Foods, but, recently, I’ve been exploring the Thrive Market line. The result? LOVING IT! In our most recent order, we received Thrive Market brand oats, coconut oil, canned salmon and tuna, and coconut wraps, which are like 1/2 price compared to Whole Foods.
Curious about even more of our Thrive Market favorites, check out this blog post! Thinking about giving Thrive Market a try? Well, you are in luck! They’re offering full-size gifts with purchase. You just select your gift from the available options when you order – it’s as simple as that.
Coffee Chip O’MY Dairy Free Gelato – I have SO many awesome things to say about O’MY Dairy Free Gelato, which one of the founders actually brought to our home to try! How’s that for service? 🙂 The coffee chip flavor, in particular, is out of this world delicious – like dangerously delicious! I love that this line of gelato is allergen-friendly, so lots of people can enjoy it. It’s dairy, gluten, tree nut, peanut, egg, and soy free! Pretty great, right? I also love supporting a woman-run small business producing great products. Definitely keep a look out for it in stores!
No Bake Brownie Bites – Need I say more than brownie bites?! As I mentioned a few weeks back, I am loving the recipes that keep popping up from Kate Scarlata’s website and these are no exception. I really enjoy that she focuses on digestively friendly recipes, but, most importantly, they always look fantastic.
State Preete Bootie – One of the BEST parts of fall has to be boots and booties. Am I right? They are a great way to make a simple outfit look so much more stylish – something I always need! I’m lovvving these booties, which come in 4 different colors and are on sale for 40% off! I’m also loving these Born Cupra Tall Boot, which are great for wide calves and also 40% off right now. I’m definitely grabbing a pair of these to dress up my jeans!
Primal Kitchen Honey Mustard Vinaigrette & Marinade – Here’s another great Thrive Market find for a MUCH better price than at the store. I love Primal Kitchen’s products because they don’t use any weird oils or unnecessary preservatives, which is actually really hard to find in pre-made salad dressings and sauces. This honey mustard vinaigrette is delicious as a salad dressing and flavorful chicken marinade. Make sure you toss it in your cart the next time you order from Thrive Market!
Question of the Day
Are you a fan of Thrive Market?
What is your favorite fall wardrobe staple?
Oh, It’s Too Early for That
Our Decision to Have One Child
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