#trying to get back in an editing mood by editing monster prom. i think these are cute
strawberrysnipes · 3 months
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no one requested, self indulgent
psd by @canarysage
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Survey #54
“girls are not supposed to fight dirty, never look a day past 30.”
have you ever witnessed a birth?   for humans, no, but cats, yes. do you buy eggnog around the holidays?   this was the first year i tried it.  fucking gross. do you know any one who lives in california?   no friends, but i mean i've "met" some people online who live there. have you ever been told you were a good writer?   that's one of the most common compliments i get. have you ever been on a farm?   yes.  ashley had a friend who lived at one. what are you listening to?   "girls" by marina and the diamonds.  i love her voice so much. are you one to take naps?   every day, yeah.  makes me feel lazy occasionally, but then i remind myself naps are good for you. did you ever have braces?   for too long, yes.  i had them so long that my bottom teeth went in too far; we couldn't afford to take them out.  thank god they're gone now. how often do you drink monster?   never.  i don't like it. are you easy to get along with?    if you're understanding, then i honestly think i am.  i'm very tolerant of different people and try to keep my mind open.  i'm just going to be quiet. is there someone you want to let go of?   yes and no.  i feel both emotions towards jason. who was the last person to have to deal with you having an attitude?   my mother, i'm sure. have you ever suspected anyone of cheating on you?   nope. does your bedroom door lock?   yeah. the last time you washed your hair, did you use conditioner?   i never use conditioner.  it adds oil back into your hair. has your partner ever accused you of cheating when you actually didn’t?   no. how old were you when you had your first kiss?   the first time a boy kissed me, i think i was 15?  first time i kissed a boy, i was 16, i think. if I handed you a concert ticket right now, who would you want to be the performer?    metallica, please! would you ever get into a long distance relationship?   i mean i guess if i really liked the person. for your birthday, what kind of cake do you ask for?   doughnut cake from annie's. would you rather carve pumpkins or wrap presents?    carve pumpkins! do you believe in fairies?   nope. if you were given the chance to be immortal, would you take it?   NO. what are you tired of people telling you?   that shit will get better.  you don't know that.  some people don't get happy endings, that's just life. do you have a little sister? what’s her name?    nicole, yes. when you graduate, what color will your gown be?   when i graduated, it was an ugly red. when you were a baby, did you have a favorite blanket?   yes.  it had baby animals all over it. have you ever gotten detention?   yes, for too many tardies. why do you hate your ex?   who says i hate him? do you like the color orange?   yup. whose hoodie did you wear last?   my own.  it has pikachu sleeping on it and says "current mood."  it's super cute. do you think that you’re good enough for the one you like?   if i'm being rational, yes.  if i let my depression and whatnot make the decision, no. what was the last game you won?   probably a replay of a "silent hill" game. what is your favorite thing about concerts?   THE HYPE.  the sheer excitement of everyone enjoying music is otherworldly. what is the last album you listened to all the way through?   ozzy's "black rain" i think. what is an unpopular opinion that you have?   abortion is murder, period. do you prefer space, nude, architecture, or nature photographs?   nature what was the last concert you went to?   one and only concert i've ever been to was alice cooper. describe your wallet:   it's red, black, and white with multiple artworks of harley quinn. describe your tattoos:   my first was a semicolon butterfly.  second was "perfectly flawed" (reference to an otep song).  third was "ohana" and half of a heart. describe your piercings:   two in each earlobe, right tragus, left cartilage, right side of nose. what do you like most about your body?   uhhhh.  i am not fond of my body.  i guess i like my slim wrists and long, slim fingers. how many fillings do you have?   hell if i know. describe your fashion:   if i had the money (and permission from my mother, as she buys my clothes, rip) i would absolutely dress gothic.  it's my aesthetic, big time.  gothic clothes just tend to be very expensive.  i also love graphic tees, and in general tend to look geekish. do you wear a watch?   nope. are you a vegetarian?   no. do you think meat is murder?   i mean, technically, yeah, but at the same time, i don't think it's wrong. your view on drinking:   do it responsibly, and we're fine. your view on pornography:   fucking gross. your view on pre-marital sex:   i really don't know anymore??  i was and i guess i still am abstinent, but i question it.  like the main reason i'm abstinent is because of religious reasons, but after all, half the old testament was forgiven by jesus' coming, yada yada yada, it may not even be "wrong" anymore.  besides that, i just really, really love(d) jason.  now i'm going to regret for the rest of my life the fact i didn't let him fully get to know me in every way possible.  if he, by some god-given miracle, comes back, i'm leaving my abstinence at my feet.  whether it's wrong or right.  because i'll sin for that man. have you ever slept in a water bed?   yeah. how do you feel about having sex during your menstrual period?   i personally wouldn't.  sounds messy. how do you feel about anal sex?   ew. does your ex have a job?    yup. share 3 nice memories you have of the person you fell hardest for.   OH MY GOD, only three?  i'll try to narrow it down to the best, this may take awhile.  1.) dancing in the headlights of his car in my front yard to "stairway to heaven"  2.) me storming into his kitchen to playfully tell him off, only to slide on the floor and land on my ass; we laughed/sobbed for like ten minutes  3.) us lying on his floor, binge-watching "supernatural" while he was moving into his new room, and it ended in him seeing me naked for the first time and still treating me like i was beautiful. tell me about the person you had your first kiss with. how do you feel about that person now?   you want a novel, fam? how old were you when you entered your first relationship?   idk the age, i just know i was in the 7th grade. are there any songs you can’t listen to because they remind you of someone/something?   yup. do you have a tumblr crush?   nah. have you ever found yourself worrying about commitment?   no, and though i don't judge people who do worry about commitment (jason was at the beginning of our relationship when i asked him what his biggest fear was), i don't understand it.  like... it's not a hard concept.  don't commit, ex. get married to a person, if you see any potential issue. has anyone of the opposite sex seen you at your worst?   yep. would you live with someone without marrying them first?   i have before, and i'd do it again. do you believe your most recent ex still thinks about you?   i honestly don't know.  it'd be nice, but i don't know if he truly does. have you ever kissed someone while they were driving?   jesus christ do i want to die? what would you do if your best friend went after your ex the day after you split?   LMAAOOOOOO DON'T. have you ever self harmed?   yup. do you have a birthmark? if so, where?   actually no, i think. were your parents married when you were born?   yeah. when you need to vent, who do you turn to?   mom, usually. do you get a lot of tourists in the area where you live? if so, are there more tourists during a particular time of the year?   i don't think i've EVER seen someone obviously a tourist here, because this part of north carolina ain't shit??? what's the strangest or most interesting compliment you've ever received?   hm, not entirely sure. when you're upset, do you tend to make rash decisions?   YUP. do you prefer to shop online or in an actual store, and why?   online, definitely.  i just tend to find more variety. do you enjoy watching vlogs? if so, are there any specific people or topics you enjoy watching in particular?   yeah, they're all right.  like when pokemon go came out, i particularly got interested in three vlogers of the subject (trainer tips, ali-a, and lachlan).  pretty sure there are other vlogers i watch occasionally, i'm not sure... what was the last new video game you were excited about?   THE LAST GUARDIAN OMG what band/singer do you listen to the most?   i mean it really does depend on my mood and if i've discovered a new artist or not. what’s your favorite quote?   i have SO MANY.  i guess i can pick one that applies most/means most to me, though: "harleen, what did he tell you?" "he said he loved me" from suicide squad.  i nearly broke down in the theater when she said that 'cuz if that ain't me like holy shit.  a very simple quote, but it carries SO MUCH WEIGHT. have you ever dated someone that was a different race than you?   for less than a day, if you even count him. how old is your best friend?   21. do you like writing papers for english classes?   i honestly didn't mind it.  give me a subject, and i can usually write, hunny. don’t edited versions of songs annoy you?   they tend to, yes. if your ex suddenly kissed you right now, what would you do?   without saying a word to me?  i'd either a.) slap him or b.) grab his face and kiss him back.  lmao i know, totally opposite ends of the spectrum, but.  i really don't know which would come first. is your best friend dating anyone?   she's married. do you like lady gaga or does she try too hard?   as a person, she's wildly unique, which i have great respect for.  as an artist, i, surprisingly, like a couple of her songs. where did you last wear a bathing suit?   the beach. have you ever dressed unlike yourself to impress a guy?   i've said this before in another survey: is that not prom?  it's not like i'd go everyday in a big, extravagant dress.  the other day as well, i didn't dress unlike myself, but i seriously did it up because i thought i'd be "running into" jason, so. if you were offered to smoke some weed right now would you accept?   idk, probably not. have you ever done something outrageously dumb?   sure have. have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?   yep. do you go to the mall on friday nights?   no, because i don't want to get shot. do you listen to country music?   only when i'm with colleen. who is your best guy friend?   my only two guy friends period are really sam and girt, and i don't want to pick between them. have you ever had a boyfriend your parents didn’t like?   no. do you shave your legs?   yeah.  i personally would feel too self-conscious revealing my legs if they weren't shaved. has a boy ever spent the night at your house?   plenty of times. who was the last person to sleep over?   chelsea. do you forward the chain letters in your email?   absolutely not. are you on birth control?   yes, but only for my period cramps. do your parents use social media? if so, which ones?   my mom has a facebook. do you and your last ex hate each other?   after that "yeah, no" the other day, pretty sure he hates me.  there's no way in hell i could ever hate him. have you ever made out for more than a half hour straight?   longer than that. do you collect anything?   meerkat stuff.  silent hill merchandise.  band stuff.  jaybird feathers. do you have any nieces or nephews? describe them.   aubree is very lively, but can be shy.  she loves minnie mouse and dory.  ryder is just a baby, so doesn't have much of a personality, really.  at least that i can detect. when was the last time you were sick?   now, actually.  my throat is killing me. can you handle a lot of drama?   NO NO NO NO NO. when you were a kid, was there a boy/girl that you said you were going to marry?   nope.  i didn't even want to marry as a kid. have you ever had a significant other with a mental disorder?   not to my knowledge.  i mean jason had low self-esteem, but he was not mentally ill. are flea markets trashy?   in general, no.  any store though can be trashy.  but generally, no, they're great.  you can find great deals. when you get nervous, does it show physically (i.e shaky hands)?   yes.  i sweat, i quiver, i play with my hands... tell me one unique quality about your own handwriting.   it's a mix of cursive and print. when was the last time you were pissed beyond belief and why?   when colleen implied i wasn't trying hard enough in regards to my depression, anxiety, etc.  i nearly walked out her door. what qualities of yours do you think could potentially harm a relationship?   well i mean apparently being mentally ill is a fucking issue.  like i can help it. what sort of conditions do you require in order for you to fall asleep?   have the fan on (usually), have the television on but on silent. do you have a favorite punk band?   green day for sure. as far as relationships go, what are your biggest deal-breakers?   having kids already, doing drugs, drinking excessively... i've got a number. what’s your favorite mythical being?   dragons if you’re a girl, what’s your bra size?   d-something will you go to your senior prom?   i already did. do you make fun of people who play magic: the gathering or yu-gi-oh! cards?   i've never understood this shit, like, why ridicule someone for enjoying cards?  are we as humans truly that petty?  besides that, magic is like jason's biggest passion, so i'd be making fun of him if i had an issue with it.  he got me to play it occasionally, too, and it's kinda fun.  just damn, this question's got me irritated.  who the fuck has a problem with cards. got a lot of deep, depressing poetry and artwork stashed?   don't find my dA pls ever attempted suicide or self-mutilated yourself?   yeah. what’s the last movie you rented?   "blaire witch" has anyone ever hacked your accounts before?    i allowed my former best friend megan to hack my old youtube once and she allowed me to hack hers so we could put one of those lovey-dubby letters on each other's pages, ha.  have i ever been seriously hacked, no. what was the last thing you ordered online?   a shirt and flip-flops from hottopic where did your last kiss take place?   at my house, odds are, from jason dropping me off. do you reveal a lot about yourself online? are you careful about not revealing too much? would you say you reveal more about yourself than others seem to do?   i do, and i mean i'm cautious with some things, like i won't share my last name, address, stuff like that.  i'd say i reveal just about as much as the other survey takers i read. if you're interested in fashion, what inspires your style most? do you look to celebrities or other famous people for inspiration?   i'm not interested in fashion at all.  i don't care what's "in" and whatnot, i just wear either what is comfortable or i find aesthetically pleasing. is there anything you feel pressured to do by a certain age (i.e. get married)?   honestly?  yeah.  society and family history makes me think i should either already be married or get so within the next like five years and have kids before 30. have you ever lived in a mobile home?   no. friend asks you to hide drugs, booze etc for them, do you do it?   no, honestly. animal you like to watch but sort of creeps you out?   i like watching large spiders.  emphasis on "watching." have you ever been to an open casket wake or funeral?   yup. scariest driver you’ve ridden with?   my dad that one day he was really pissed off, picking nicole and i up from school.  i legitimately thought i was going to die.  he was running red lights, passing illegally... have you/do you plan to go to college?   i am in college, but i am sincerely contemplating dropping out.  things aren't going well. have you ever dated someone named kyle?   no, but i had a crush on a kyle in high school. do you think greasy hair is a turn off?   it's definitely not a turn on.  in interest of my significant other's health, i'd want you to take a shower if your hair was greasy. your computer crashes, deletes EVERYTHING, can you survive?   lmao pls don't tell me about the last time you had sex?   i've never had sex, just done sexual things.  it's been over a year since i've "done anything" though, so i couldn't tell you about the last time. what is your biggest mistake in life?   letting my depression literally consume me to the point it made the love of my fucking life fall out of love with me. what was the last thing you drank?   some strawberry fruit juice.
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