#trying new brushes with a portrait of Nicki
krimsnkramsart · 1 month
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theloveliestfool · 4 years
So that exchange of "we killed each other" "many times" got me thinking
Nicky said "the love of my life was of the people i had been taught to hate" so it sounds like this belief system ran pretty deep and nicky is so kind but that type of prejudice that you are raised into is hard to break so i think it took quite awhile before they got together and they both had to work really hard on their biases
So they kill each other in battle and then continue killing each other until andy and quynh get there to explain. And they HATE that they have to stick together now.
Idk if that other dude had already died and if they knew that they could die yet but even if they did, nicky and joe took full advantage of that "too new to die" loophole.
They are constantly trying to catch the other unawares.
Booby traps left around the house.
Making tea as a peace offering but its poisoned
One of them makes a pun at dinner and the other one snipes him with a butter knife
One morning andy is drinking coffee in the kitchen and tiredly takes a dagger away from joe as he passes by to stab nicky while hes sleeping
Andy and quynh know nicky and joe like each other and have a bet going on how long it will take them to pull their heads out of their asses
Despite their best efforts, they do get to know each other since its hard not too when youre traveling with someone for decades to centuries
Nicky notices joe quietly sketching next to the fire every night but doesnt see his drawings for years until joe accidentally leaves it out and nicky sees the most beautiful sketches.
Portraits of each person in the group. Small details that nicky hadnt even noticed. The mole on andys chin. Quynhs dimples. And several of nicky.
His hands, his silhouette, his face in profile. (When he sees that, he thinks joe is making fun of his nose. He immediately gets up and walks over to joe and stabs him without preamble. When joe comes back he demands to know what that one was for but nicky refuses to explain)
Joe notices nickys kindness. Listening to quyhn as she describes the village she grew up in that no longer exists. Feeding any stray dog in their path A child trips as they are walking through a city and they start crying. Nicky immediately stops to help them up, he wipes off their tears and brushes the dirt off. He speaks gently, telling them their ok and look, there's not even a scratch. It was then that joe knew he was in trouble.
Joe comes around first (though it still takes awhile), he stops trying to kill nicky and starts trying to talk with him instead and nicky finds it suspicious but slowly starts opening up too
One day after like 50 years of this theyre training and andy pairs joe and nicky together. She swears its because they always fight harder when theyre paired together but quyhn is glaring because andys deadline on the bet is coming up and shes trying to force the two together
After several minutes of furious dueling, nicky disarms joe and holds his sword tip against joes throat.
Joe winks at him "what are you gonna do, stab me?"
He does
Nicky starts wiping off his blade waiting for joe to get up so they can go again. After a couple of minutes he realized joe hasnt moved
Nicky kicks his foot "hey, get up we're not done yet. Nap later"
Joes foot rolls with the impact but other than that he isnt moving
Nicky FREAKS he drops his sword and starts yelling for andy and quyhn. He falls to his knees next to joe and starts frantically wiping at all the blood on his neck to see if the wound had healed. As soon as he clears enough away to see that it had, in fact, healed joe cracks open one eye
"Awww i knew you liked me"
Nicky slumps over in relief "oh you are such an asshole"
But he leans over to kiss joe anyway
In the background andy smugly holds out her hand while quynh counts out some coins muttering that she cheated
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365days365movies · 4 years
February 20, 2021: An Affair to Remember (1957) (Part 1)
OK, Sleepless in Seattle, I’m calling your bluff.
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In case you don’t remember, this film was a major part of Sleepless in Seattle, inspiring its climax. It also acted as a focal point for several conversations in the film, as well as one of its most iconic (and funniest) moments, seen above. But  how I am “calling its bluff?”
See, Sleepless maintained that only women understand why this movie is great, and I obviously challenge that assessment, being of the man variety. So, yeah, let’s go! Seriously, after the last movie, I’m ready for something that I could actually enjoy, so let’s start it UP. SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
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Vic Damone sings us in, as we see 1959-era Central Park, still pretty damn recognizable. On the news that night, we find out that Nicolò “Nickie” Ferrante (Cary Grant), a big game hunter, is getting married to a...”beautiful tomata with a lotta lettuce,” as news reporter Robert Q. Lewis (Robert Q. Lewis) says. Said vegetable-person is Lois Clark (Neva Patterson).
Ferrante’s on a cruise, and is extremely famous for whatever reason. However, it would appear that h’s also a inveterate playboy, as revealed by a call from a woman enraged that he’s getting married. Shortly afterwards, he’s greeted by Ned Hathaway (Charles Watts), his neighbor on the cruise, but he rushes out when he notices that his cigarette case is missing.
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It’s been found by Terry McKay (Deborah Kerr), and the two meet and have  conversation. Ever the playboy, he wishes to speak with her, and she’s mostly OK with it. And of course, Nickie...yeah, Nickie hits on her, and she’s not not interested. And, of course...here comes the shadows of infidelity.
INFIDELITY. ALWAYS WITH THE GODDAMN INFIDELITY! Nickie’s playboy, so I guess I shouldn’t have expected anything less. And...ugh, it is the 1950s. Doesn’t make it OK, obviously, but I guess I should’ve expected this. Anyway, Terry objects, as she’s also in a relationship, with a rather wealthy gentleman at that. And yet, despite this, she still proposes having dinner with him.
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They two begin a friendship, and if I know anything about these stories, it’s gonna become a bit more than just a friendship. The next morning, they both receive letters from their partners, but quickly brush those off to speak with each other about their pasts and their lives.
And even though their relationship involves infidelity, I’m absolutely sure, the two have quite a bit of chemistry. Like...really good chemistry. And they seem to recognize this as well, as Terry notes that they can’t be seen with each other. This is, of course, as a would-be paparazzo takes their picture together.
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They encounter each other again when they help a child caught on the stairs. Cute kid. They arrive at the bar separately, and both order the same drink of rose champagne, which sounds pretty good to me. But at fear of gossippers on the ship, they once again part ways with each other.
However, to the delight of the shipgoers (and admittedly to me), they end up getting seated next to each other at dinner, back-to-back.
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Embarrassed by the ABSOLUTE ASSHOLES ON THIS SHIP, GODDAMN, Terry leaves the dining hall. But of course, the two incidentally find each other AGAIN in the pool, as the ship itself gets close to a French port, Villefranche-sur-Mer. There, Nickie is set to meet his grandmother. Terry doesn’t believe that, so he invited her to meet her. She accepts, and they head into the definitely-not-romantic little village together.
Well, Nickie was telling the truth, as they meet his grandmother, Janou (Cathleen Nesbitt), who’s only 16 years older than Cary Grant, so...yeah, why not make her his mother, rather than grandmother? Weird choice, there, but whatever. She’s been praying in the chapel, likely to remember her lost husband as well. Terry asks if she can see it, and Janou gladly lets her. Nickie soon follows.
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And this is a...it’s a nice little quiet moment. Not entirely quiet, as there’s some nice music in the background. But there’s no dialogue here. Just a quiet moment of prayer. It’s quite sweet, to be honest. Once the two leave, they spend more time with Nickie’s grandmother, and he gives her a portrait of her late husband, which he himself has painted. And DAMN, it’s a good painting!
For her part, Terry sings the French version of the opening song to Janou’s piano playing, but the boat whistle sounds, ending their visit altogether. And seeing this side of Nickie’s life is eye-opening for Terry, and Nickie is likewise intrigued with Terry. Well...it might be infidelity...but damn me if they don’t have a strong connection.
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And they’re definitely feeling that, too. Terry initially refuses, but then draws Nickie in for the kiss on the stairs, which is offscreen in a GORGEOUS shot. They part ways, but they continue to see each other over the course of the ship, both professing that they miss each other. They try to keep out of the public eye, but their connection is still obviously strong.
However, this is complicated when Mr. Hathaway shows up and reveals that the ship’s photographer is selling pictures of them to everybody on the ship, which is amusing to nearly everyone on the ship. I tell you, this goddamn ship is a toxic dating environment, and these people are the nosiest busybodies in the world.
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They decide to abandon their caution, and go dancing together with everyone else. They share a romantic dance alone on the deck, but Terry stops, realizing how transient this affair is. They have a moment together, and that’s when one of the most iconic scenes of the film takes place. You know...
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It’s quite a good line, and is prefaced by a proposal from Nickie. And I do mean a marriage proposal, of sorts. See, the two realize that they both have a certain standard of living, and that abandoning their prospective spouses for each other would mean sacrifice and lifestyle change. But for love, they’re willing to do it.
The next day, the ship reaches New York City. They agree that, if things work out, they will meet each other in six months, at the top of the Empire State Building. They kiss goodbye, while Terry worries that something may happen. But perish the thought.
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With that, the two part ways with their respective partners, albeit unwillingly, and we reach the midway point.
See you in Part 2!
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kiwisfics · 5 years
[Nova and Her Family] [2]
A barrage of bullets cascaded off of the surface of the building Nova had only just dodged behind, narrowly evading the bullets' path. Her hands grasped her shotgun tight enough to turn her knuckles white, but fear was the furthest thing from her mind.
Being on a battlefield really did being out the adrenaline junkie in her. "Best type of drug is the one that comes from jumping off buildings and fist fighting super mutants," she'd stated with a grin after she'd beaten an aforementioned mutant to death with the butt of her pistol when it'd ran out of bullets.
She was a dangerous force, muscles strengthened farther since she's first left the vault and aim better suited for the environment she'd awoken to. She'd earned the nickname the human deathclaw, not that she'd heard it.
It was like something snapped when she was faced with bullets and fists compared with the mundane touches, arms over her shoulders, hands on her shoulders, hands brushing her own, and whatnot that frightened her. It almost seemed that her fear turned into unadulterated rage.
She chanced a few peeks from behind the building, baiting the few remaining raiders to exhaust their ammo. Hancock brought down one of the men and the two remaining raiders turned their attention to him.
She wasted no time in darting around the edge of the building and charging them, wrapping her forearm around the woman's neck and using her as a shield when the man fired. As the female raider's body slumped in her arms, she slammed the barrel of her shotgun into the man's nose and fired.
Both of the bodies thudded to the ground and Nova glanced back to the shelter Hancock and Nick had taken. "You alright? Need any stimpacks?" In answer to her question, they both walked from behind their cover, looking none the worse for wear. Nova's attention quickly turned to the bodies, checking their pockets and stuffing the caps and ammo she found into her pack.  "So much for sneaking by, huh?"
Hancock caught the pack of ammo she tossed to him, "If I didn't know better, I might think you wanted to get caught."
The self-satisfied smile that played on her lips spoke volumes, "Well, glad you know better."
"Just a coincidence that you tripped. Again."
She grinned at Nick with the confident grin neither of them could resist. "I just don't know what's wrong with me today."
A shuffling behind a nearby building flipped a switch, all of them falling silent as their hands went to their weapons. "I got it." Her voice was almost silent and the slightly more labored breaths escaping her showed the signs of her excitement dying down.
She stalked around the building with measured steps, prepared for more raiders searching for the source of gunfire or even some super mutants attracted by the noise. She got neither and the moment she turned the corner, her gun fell to her side.
They were at her side in a moment, guns at the ready, but her own gun was on her back, her arms holding a wiggling form to her chest as it licked at her face. It jumped from her arms, running to a larger body nearby.
"Is that what I think it is?" Nick questioned while Hancock lifted a jet inhaler to his mouth.
The small creature let out sad cries as it nudged what was assumedly it's mother.
"A deathclaw. She's just a baby." Nova walked to the form and picked it up with only slight protest. "I won't leave her alone."
"You'd trust that thing in one of your settlements?"
The words clearly didn't shake her resolve at all. "She's just a baby. Besides, animals only attack when threatened." Nova's face settled in a portrait of determination, her small form making the deathclaw look larger than it really was.
"Save your breath, Nicky, there's no changin' her mind once it's set."
Nova grinned, knowing she'd won and that she had one heck of a surprise for Deacon, along with a new charge under her protection. She turned her attention to the deathclaw in her arms, slightly too big to be comfortable, and pressed a kiss to its forehead. "You're such a cute little lady." The idea was written on her face the moment it popped into her mind. "In fact, that's what I'm going to call you. Lady."
As they traveled to one of the settlements Preston had informed Nova needed help, the deathclaw traveled behind them, frequently crying for Nova or her companions to lift her. Nova had already grown attached to the creature, sneaking her scraps as she snacked trying not to let Nick or John see, but they were quickly beginning to enjoy Lady's company as well.
There was no denying the little deathclaw clinging to Nova's leg or chirping at any of them was adorable. Dogmeat was going to have a fit when she brought this little monster home.
Lady was particularly fond of Nova, even bringing her an animal she'd hunted down and dropping it in front of her. Both men were shocked when Nova praised the deathclaw for it, though she nudged the mangled corpse to the side. When she noticed their looks she shrugged. "My cats used to do it, they do it because they like you. Wouldn't see any animal bringing meat to someone shootin' at them."
As they neared the settlement, Nova began to talk about one of the happiest aspects of her past. "I always loved animals. Any and every animal I came across, I wanted to keep. One time I even gained the trust of a feral cat, didn't get a scratch on me."
She laughed as she relayed stories of the many pets she'd had, cats, dogs, bunnies, even the story of her tarantula that had terrified her the first time she held it.
When she deemed it close enough to the settlement, she clicked her tongue, sending Lady running to her. She lifted her and held her protectively as she marched into the settlement, head held high and jaw set, a trick she'd learned could easily intimidate even the scariest people when they knew exactly what she'd done—even if she didn't see it as much.
The looks of horror that crossed the faces of the settlers when they saw Lady sparked the protective nature Nova was so prone to. Lady was officially under her protection and that was never a bad place to be.
"Oh, Preston!" Nova's sing-song voice filtered through the door of the house he was sitting in, surprising him.
"I wasn't expecting to see you back so soon." He accepted the hug she offered somewhat awkwardly, still not used to the affection she so willingly gave out. She only allowed those close to her to touch her and had shied away from anything more than a handshake for months after meeting him.
"Well, a mom's gotta make sure her kids are safe, right?"
It was only then he noticed the small creature wandering around the room, sniffing at chairs and table legs as Dogmeat sniffed at it.
"Preston, this is Lady and I want her to be protected."
"Nova," he took a breath, not wanting to strike a nerve with her, knowing her protection, once earned, was practically impossible to lose, "we can't have a deathclaw in Sanctuary."
"Preston, she's just a baby, if we protect her she'll return the favor when she's big and strong. Isn't that right, sweetheart?" She crouched down, patting the deathclaw as Dogmeat seemed to accept the creature.
It was cute.
Still, it wasn't until Nova lifted her and held her in front of his face that he caved. The moment she cocked her head, with what he could swear was a smile on her face—a reptilian smile, but one all the same—he knew he couldn't kick it into the wasteland to be slaughtered.
"Fine, General, but I'm not its parent."
"'Course not. I am. You're her brother."
He choked on the breath he'd just taken.
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alexjosten · 6 years
Peppermint Toads
Gift fic for @scattered-shadows who requested a Neil & Andrew Hogwarts AU as part of the 2017 Winter @aftgexchange. I was really thankful when I got this prompt, because I’m a huge Potterhead so this was an absolute pleasure to research and write. Enjoy!
Rating: T Words: 2586
(P.S. I plan on continuing this at some point, so feel free to drop headcanons in my inbox!)
Breaking into the headmaster’s office at Hogwarts wasn’t particularly difficult for Andrew, considering the passwords had historically always been the names of various magical sweets. After seven years of visiting Honeydukes (only four of which were permitted), Andrew had sampled and memorised the entire store’s catalogue, so reeling off names until he landed on ‘Peppermint Toads’ was more a test of his patience rather than his cleverness.
He ignored the suspicious glances and whispered words from the portraits of the previous headmasters as he rifled through the contents of Headmistress McGonagall’s desk. It didn’t take him long to find what he was looking for: the register of students who were staying at Hogwarts over the winter holidays.
He scanned through the Ravenclaws, looking to see if Aaron or Katelyn had been added to the list. His twin had boldly proclaimed he was going home for the holidays with him and Nicky, but Andrew hadn’t believed it for a second after Aaron had conspired to stay unsupervised in the castle with Katelyn last year. Andrew had only discovered his brother’s betrayal after he was already stuck in a carriage on the Hogwarts Express going home. He wouldn’t be tricked twice.
It seemed that this year, however, Aaron was telling the truth. Andrew was about to toss the list back to McGonagall’s desk when a name under a different house caught his eye. It was a name that he recognised from the list of Death Eaters that were still at large after breaking out of Azkaban during the Second Wizarding War: Wesninski.
It didn’t surprise him to find the name was under Slytherin. What concerned him was that Kevin hadn’t told him someone from an infamous Death Eater family was in his house- which meant that Kevin didn’t know. And if Kevin, as paranoid as he was after his history, wasn’t aware… that meant this particular student was keeping his identity a secret.
Andrew didn’t like secrets. Especially ones that threatened his things.
He picked up a quill and scratched his own name onto the list.
Hogwarts felt larger after the majority of the student body packed their trunks and went home. The Great Hall tried to compensate by boasting Christmas trees so gigantic that their tips brushed against the snowy skies of the Enchanted Ceiling. The woven garlands of holly, mistletoe and tinsel in every doorway were so ostentatiously bulky that students had to squeeze together to get through the narrow space that was left. Even the warm, dry snow fluttering down from above seemed determined to collect upon the books and homework of the remaining students to distract them with festive cheer, however Andrew was more focused than ever.
After sifting through the lies of the Daily Prophet and the utter nonsense of the Quibbler from the back catalogue in the library, Andrew pieced together a working theory: Nathan Wesninski had been a werewolf serving under Fenrir Greyback during the Second Wizarding War, sentenced to life in Azkaban but broken out shortly before the Battle of Hogwarts. Further research revealed that he had a son, Nathaniel Wesninski, born in January 1987- which would have placed him in the same school year as both Andrew and Kevin.
Since the other Slytherin seventh years had gone home for the holidays, this narrowed Andrew’s hunt down to the one remaining student: Neil Josten, starting Chaser for the Slytherin Quidditch team.
Andrew knew him, of course. Over their seven years at Hogwarts they had shared various classes together. Neil stood out- not only for the auburn hair that made him the butt of every Weasley joke, but also for the deep gashes that scored the skin on one side of his face. Wounds like that weren’t uncommon after the war, even on the younger students, but now combined with Andrew’s theory about who Neil actually was, he couldn’t help but think those scars looked awfully like claw marks.
Considering Kevin was close to Neil as a fellow Chaser and Captain of the Slytherin team, and would be sharing a dorm with him when he returned to school in a week, Andrew felt the need to act quickly.
Neil was minding his own business eating his Christmas dinner when Andrew dropped a four inch thick tome on the table in front of him with a resounding slam.
“Lupine Lawlessness: Why Lycanthropes Don’t Deserve to Live, by Professor Emerett Picardy. Fascinating read,” Andrew drawled as he took the bench opposite his new nemesis.
Neil flicked him an annoyed glance and then went back to slicing through a rare cut of roast beef, “Go away, Minyard. The werewolf jokes got old in third year.”
“I know what you are. Or should I say who? Interesting how you managed to get all of the professors to play along and call you by your new name in class.”
That got Neil’s attention. His chin snapped up and he held his head high as he stared Andrew down. His lips contracted in a snarl, “Are you really so bored without Kevin around that you’ve resorted to making up fantasies? Leave me alone.”
Andrew drummed his fingers across the book’s cover, underlining the subtitle, “How about I present you a deal. If you can score on me, I’ll leave you alone and your secret stays safe. If I block all your shots, I let the Prophet find out that Hogwarts is knowingly housing a class five beast, you pack your bags and get the fuck out of my school.”
Neil ignored the threat and focused on the challenge instead, “Quidditch? I’ve never seen you play.”
“Exactly. So it should be easy for you, no?”
Neil looked bewildered, “You did hear that I got an offer to play for the Montrose Magpies when I graduate?”
Of course he had. Kevin hadn’t shut up about it when he had gotten his matching offer letter the same day. Andrew rolled his eyes, “I don’t care. Is it a deal? Yes or no.”
“Fine. Deal.”
Visibility was poor when they stepped out onto the Quidditch pitch. The beginnings of a blizzard had picked up as dusk fell, swirling around and slicing mercilessly at every sliver of exposed skin. Dark snow clouds loomed above, casting a grey shadow over everything that dared to step foot outside of the safety of the castle. Neil had tried to convince him to play on another night, but Andrew had chosen that night for a reason: in a matter of a few hours, it was going to be a full moon.
Choosing to spend time alone with a potential werewolf who was about to turn was reckless to say the least. Doing so while balancing being a hundred feet in the air with his crippling fear of heights made it downright suicidal. It was a wonder how Andrew had survived this long when he made a regular habit of making self destructive decisions in order to get what he wanted.
Andrew’s gloved fingers already felt numb as he tightened his grip around his broomstick, but not from the cold. Rather, it was from the way his stomach had bottomed out and his head span when he kicked off the ground and took to the sky. Neil had briefly attempted to delay their challenge again, even going as far as claiming to feel poorly- which only added to Andrew’s conviction that he was, in fact, a werewolf. However all complaints stopped once he had a Quaffle in his hands.
Andrew had seen Neil play before; Kevin had begged Andrew to supervise enough of his games, terrified of another jinx cursing his broom and leading to an even worse accident. But Andrew had never seen Neil play up close before. If Andrew hadn’t been so focused on determining if Neil was a threat, he would have lingered a bit longer on the thought of how the wind swept his hair back and brought colour to his cheeks . The boyish, competitive grin on his lips pulled Andrew’s attention away long enough that he nearly missed blocking the first shot.
Neil zipped away on his broom to collect the rebounded Quaffle and returned to hover a few feet away from Andrew, concentration and concern now knitted into his features. Having his shot blocked by some nobody was most likely alarming for a rising star like him, and Andrew took great pleasure in the distress he had caused. When Andrew continued to whip around and effortlessly block each subsequent shot, Neil started to get angry.
“What the hell, Minyard? I thought you didn’t play!”
“I don’t,” he replied coolly. His gaze drifted to the horizon and his heart dropped into his gut when he remembered how high up he was, and he continued in order to distract himself from his unease, “I’ve been practicing in private with Kevin since first year. We have a deal.”
Neil was astonished, “Why don’t you play for Ravenclaw? You could go pro. None of the other Keepers at school can block my shots like that.”
Andrew simply shrugged one shoulder, the movement jostling him on his broom and making his vision swim. He didn’t need to tell Neil about his fear of heights. He already felt dangerously close to the edge of tumbling loose from his perch - verbalising it would be the final push.
“Are we going to talk or are we going to play?” he snipped back.
Neil didn’t need to be told twice. He tucked the Quaffle under his arm and darted out of sight, disappearing into the snowstorm in a matter of seconds. Andrew squinted into the dusk, trying to spot where he would be approaching from. With each passing moment, the nausea gurgled in his stomach forebodingly. His temples pounded and threatened to collapse the dark edges of his vision inwards. He couldn’t tell if the ringing in his ears was from the wind whistling by or if it was all in his head.
He finally spotted Neil hurtling towards him from below. Andrew jerked his broom to the side to block his shot, but swayed into the motion too hard, taking his balance with him. His grip slipped. He tilted too far. And then, he fell.
Andrew came to in a dark place, the only light dimly provided by the moon pouring in through the frost-speckled windows. He sat up and the deep green Quidditch robe that had been keeping him warm slipped down to pool in his lap. He was in the Slytherin changing rooms, and he wasn’t alone.
Sat further down on the bench that he had been laying on was Neil. He was hunched over with his head in his hands, and he jolted upwards when he heard Andrew move.
“Thank Merlin. Are you okay? Did you break anything?”
Andrew frowned, but peeled off his gloves to flex his fingers, and then patted himself down to check for injuries. He didn’t remember hitting the ground, but he must have. His clothes had been nearly soaked from flying in the snow earlier, yet now they were magically dry, most likely due to a hot air charm.
“I know I should have taken you to Madame Pomfrey, but if they found out we were flying in this weather and you got hurt, I could get banned from playing for the rest of the season, and my offer from the Magpies depends on-”
Andrew cut him off, “Did you score?”
“Before I passed out. Did you score, Wesninski?”
Neil flinched and fell quiet. Andrew became acutely aware of the moonlight painting pale strips across Neil’s scarred face. Andrew stood and pointed his wand at him.
“I’m not a werewolf,” Neil declared confidently, however his voice wavered as he continued, “But since you know that name, you know who my father is.”
His hands were trembling as he gestured to his cheek, “This wasn’t from the war. It was from him. He tried to turn me before he was sent to Azkaban.”
Andrew slowly lowered his wand, “But he escaped.”
“Yes,” Neil shuddered, and lowered his head back into his hands. Andrew recognised the resignation in his body as something all too familiar he had once felt himself.
“He’s coming for you, isn’t he?”
Neil nodded.
“Hogwarts can only protect you for so long,” Andrew pointed out coldly, “What are you going to do when you and Kevin graduate? Once a werewolf shows up at a match and your real name gets out, your career will be ruined. Kevin’s too, most likely. No team will want to be associated with a Death Eater family.”
“You don’t think I know that?” Neil snapped and ripped his hands away from his face, “You don’t think I obsess over this every fucking day?” He stood up, getting in Andrew’s space as his blood boiled. “Do you have any idea how hard it was to dispel the rumours after we studied werewolves in third year? I’d get so anxious on the nights of a full moon that he was coming for me that I couldn’t get out of bed. People noticed. And there’s only so long you can live in a dorm with four other guys before someone finds out you have bite marks on your body. I know my days are numbered, and I don’t need someone like you telling me.”
Andrew pushed two fingers into Neil’s chest to get him to back off. Something about the touch deflated him, and he crumpled back down onto the bench.
“You are a mess,” Andrew declared, “And you are creating problems for me.”
“This doesn’t involve you,” Neil hissed.
“Yes it does. I told you I have a deal with Kevin, didn’t I? I agreed to protect him. You are making that complicated by putting a target on his back.”
“Then uncomplicate it,” Neil retorted petulantly.
“Tell the Magpies you won’t accept their offer.”
“What?” Neil looked like he had been sucker punched.
“If you don’t play for them, Kevin won’t get caught in the crossfire,” Andrew explained dispassionately.
Neil stared at him in disbelief, “You’re insane. They’re the best team in the UK. I can’t turn them down. That would end my career even faster.”
“I don’t care about your career.”
“Well, I don’t care about your stupid deal you made with Kevin.”
They were at an impasse. Neither were willing to back down.
“I could expose you,” Andrew threatened.
“And risk dragging Kevin’s reputation down with me? We’ve been inseparable on the pitch since first year.” Neil reminded him. Andrew wanted to wipe that cocky smirk off his face.
“You are impossible,” Andrew sighed, and the last of his resistance left his body in one breath, “Unfortunately, as long as my deal with Kevin is in place, you are inextricably part of it.”
Neil narrowed his eyes at him, “What do you mean?”
“After we graduate, I will watch your back for one year. During that time, I will prevent your reputation, and thus Kevin’s, from being dragged through the dirt. Additionally, I will protect you from your father.”
Andrew didn’t miss the flicker of hope that widened Neil’s eyes, before they narrowed back in distrust, “What’s in it for you?”
“Starting from now, you will detangle yourself from Kevin’s life. So when our deal ends, if you go down, you will not take him with you.”
Neil fell silent as he considered the terms. Then, he stood and held out his hand. Andrew appraised it before carefully slotting his own into it.
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