#tryabva da si ti
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l-homme-triste-qui-rit · 10 months ago
Това момче има страшен потенциал, заслужава да бъде повече оценено! 🔝💯
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meanrichbitch · 3 years ago
Da, shte ochakvam ot teb da mi kupish kinder yaice kato sum v losho nastroenie, da gledash detski s men sled strashen film, za da se uspokoya i da si navit za spontanni razhodki kudeto i da e.
A, i da imash ogunche. Vinagi shte ti tryabva ogunche.
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jenifferjenner · 5 years ago
How to become ROYAL
Vie si nyamate na idea kakvo razbrah.
Pishkata se reje ot ranna vuzrast za da moje deteto da stane Princ. "No" samo ako maikata go e duhala. "No" za proshtalnika. - Za sila i vlast.
Ako e momiche no samo shest do osemnatdeset godini, tryabva malko me e sram (da mu napravite "sefteto ") . Taka e ! Bashtata veche go e pipal, ta nali sa princesi...
No tova e za da mojete da si izkarvate neshtata. To zapochva ot sluncheviyat split.
Taka se stava Royal za malki.
Za po-golemite Anglichani:
Putkata (veche ya imate) se chepi ot korena do korena i kosmatoto se slaga na kura na muja. Daje ako znaehte- tova e. Chepi se.
No tuk obache ima edna hvatka- ako mujat otchepi kura si pruv i go sloji na jenata shte i otneme parite. Ta dami, gledaite da go napravite purvi. Posle se slaga tumerik, da.
Taka se stava Royal za golemi.
Kak se prevzema:
Ako e frenka- zabiite samo edin piron na chepa i
Ako e Bulgarka - zabiite samo edin shish v ushite i
Ako e Poliakinia - otrejete nosut i go naduvkvate tri puti s chest
Ako e Turkinia - Nastupete krakata i. Harajata sam shte doide
Drugite sa prokleti....
Ako zubat ti e kriv shte imash dva krivi zuba. Molia vi - izvadete go, no samo kriviat. Daje I da go izvadite - dva krivi zuba. Tova si e taka.
Ako si go slojite na kura shte imate pari.
Ako si go slojite na putkata (veche ya imate) shte imate dvoino poveche imushtestvo.
Ako si go slojite vuv glavata (samo da vi go otkopira budata) shte imate zdrave vo veka.
Ako si go slojite v nosa (pak samo otlivkata ) shte imate shte imate hem kusmet, hem pari hem zdrave.
Ako si go mushnete taino , shte e momiche, no samo ako e na sobsveniyat vi muj.
Ako si go mushnete potaino i ya pobarate, hem bebe puk bogato! (Ta nali shte e princesa)
Ako si go glutnete - pari shte valiat. Po mebelite, ma - ne po bifshata.
Ako puk ne vi se vadi - teglete i mainata na parite! Nikoga ne se obviniavaite che te ne sa bili nikoga vashi, obviniavaite se che ne ste si go izvadili - (zubut). Nyama da vi chakam - as veche vi go kazah.
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kingviktxria · 8 years ago
tryabva da znam dali tova si ti
molya se da si ti
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tessa9879-blog · 7 years ago
<br class="Apple-interchange-newline"><div></div>4121/5000- Blagodarya! - kazakh sŭneno i se nadignakh. Kogato slyazokh ot samoleta seriozno si se stresnakh - ne znaekh koĭ shte me chaka ili kŭde tryabva da otida. Strakhovete mi se okazakha naprazni - pri posreshtachite se otkroyavashe yarka grupichka.edno mlado momiche stoeshe i dŭrzheshe byal list, na koĭto be napisano imeto mi na bŭlgarski. Do neya edin mŭzh si poglezhdashe chasovnika i se oglezhdashe lyubopitno. Tezi dvamata byakha zaobikoleni ot chetirima zdravi mŭzhagi, koito dŭrzhakha nastrana nyakolko zhurnalista. Da mu se ne vidi, maĭ pristiganeto mi be obshtestvena taĭna. Pomŭknakh kufara i otidokh pravo pri momicheto. - Zdraveĭte! - kazakh na angliĭski. Tya me pogledna, usmikhna se i zapochna da plyampa na bŭlgarski. - Zdrasti, az sŭm Mariya, no mozhe da mi kazvash Meri. Shte bŭda tvoyata prevodachka. Tova e Pol, toĭ e... - Znam koĭ e - prekŭsnakh ya - Izvinyavaĭ, ne iskam da bŭda gruba, no az govorya perfektno angliĭski! - tova naistina si beshe taka - angliĭskiya mi beshe kato roden ezik. - Chudesno! - Meri vŭobshte ne se obidi - Az i bez tova sŭm za malko, shte ti pomagam samo v shouto. - tya se obŭrna kŭm Pol - Pol, tova e Katerina. - Zdrasti! - kaza toĭ dokato se zdravisvakhme i otnovo pogledna chasovnika si - Khaĭde, vreme e da trŭgvame, shte zakŭsneem za shouto. - Kakvo shou? - popitakh. - Tova, v koeto shte uchastvash! - otgovori Meri i podade kufara mi na edin mŭzhagite. - Kakvo?! - pochti izvikakh, a Pol se obŭrna i me pogledna pretsenyavashto. - Govorish li angliĭski? - Perfektno - otgovorikh mu dosta po-tikho. - Ooo, tova shte bŭde naistina zabavno - kaza i lukava usmivchitsa se poyavi na ustnite mu - Kakto i da e, ima promyana v plana, shouto shte se snima dnes - zapochna da obyasnyava dokato vŭrvyakhme kŭm izkhoda. - No nali utre... - usetikh kak pochvam da mrŭnkam - V smisŭl, iskam pone da se izkŭpya i da se preobleka... - Shte se izkŭpesh posle v khotela - veche byakhme otvŭn, otvori mi vratata na ogromen cheren dzhip i kaza milo - Naistina sŭzhalyavam! Az svikh primireno ramene i se kachikh, a dokato pŭtuvakhme kŭm studioto bleekh prez prozoretsa. - E, kak se chuvstvash? - opita se da povede razgovor Meri. - Dobre - izlŭgakh. Vsŭshtnost vŭobshte ne byakh dobre. Pochnakh seriozno da se panik’osvam. Mislekh, che intervyuto shte e utre i shte imam dostatŭchno vreme da se nastroya psikhicheski za nego. No yavno nyamashe da imam tazi vŭzmozhnost. Pŭtuvaneto do studioto prodŭlzhi 30-40 minuti. Spryakhme pred edna visoka sgrada v tsentŭra na London, sled koeto se kachikhme na petiyat etazh. Tam beshe studioto, a vŭtre tsareshe istinski khaos. Napred - nazad tichakha khora, raznasyakha se kameri i mikrofoni. Mariya i Pol me zavedokha v edna grim’orna i mi kazakha, che imam polovin chas da se prigotvya, pozhelakha mi uspekh i me ostavikha sama. Okolo 5 minuti gledakh tŭpo kŭm vratata i migakh na partsali. "O Bozhe moĭ, kakvo si prichinyavakh?" pomislikh si, a posle izlyazokh ot transa, v koĭto byakh izpadnala. Ogledakh se za kufara si, no nego go nyamashe. Mamka mu, yavno shte tryabva da izlyaza s drekhite, koito nosekh. Byakh oblechena s byal prilepnat potnik, a vŭrkhu nego cheren, po-shirok i bez grŭb, tŭmno sini dŭnki i ketsove. Ne e tolkova zle, pomislikh, pri drugi obstoyatelstva shtyakh da obleka neshto podobno. V grim’ornata imashe oshte edna malka staichka i pravilno predpolozhikh, che e toaletnata. Vlyazokh i si izmikh litseto i rŭtsete. Dobre, che nesesera s grimovete beshe v damskata mi chanta. Ryadko se grimirakh i po printsip ne polzvakh fon d’o ten, no v momenta byakh bleda kato prizrakh i nyamashe da e zle da pridam malko tsvyat na litseto si. Podchertakh ochite si s ochna liniya i cheren moliv, nakraya slozhikh i spirala. Pusnakh kosata si ot opashkata i ya sresakh. Ne sŭm pŭrva krasavitsa, no ne sŭm i koĭ znae kolko grozna, ili pone az si mislekh taka. Imam golemi sini ochi, pŭlni ustni, chipo nosle, formata na litseto mi ne e nito krŭgla, nito ovalna, a nyakakva krŭstoska mezhdu dvete, ne moga da opredelya. Tezha 50 kilograma i sŭm visoka 1,60. Kato tsyalo vŭnshniya mi vid vŭobshte ne vliza v kategoriyata "klasicheska krasavitsa", no zdrave da e. Kharesvam edinstveno kosata si - cherna, s lek chervenikav ottenŭk, stigashta do sredata na zadnite mi chasti. Nyakoĭ pochuka na vratata i az podskochikh. Beshe Meri.- Thanks! "I said sleepy, and I rose. When I got off the plane, I was really startled - I did not know who would be waiting for me or where to go.     My fears turned out to be in vain - there was a bright group standing at the meeting. A young girl stood and held a white sheet on which my name was written in Bulgarian. Beside her, a man looked at his watch and looked curiously. These two were surrounded by four healthy men who held away a few journalists. Not to see him, my arrival was a public secret. I pulled the suitcase and went straight to the girl.     - Hello! - I said in English. She looked at me, smiled and began to spit in Bulgarian.     "Hi, I'm Maria, but you can tell me Mary. I'll be your translator. This is Paul, he is ...     - I know who it is - I broke it - Sorry, I do not want to be rude, but I speak perfectly English! - it was really like that - my English was like a native language.     - Great! - Mary was not offended at all - I'm not that short, I'll only help you on the show. She turned to Paul Paul, that's Catherine.     - Hello! he said as we shuffled and looked at his watch again. "Come on, it's time to go, we'll be late for the show."     - What show? - I asked.     - What you're going to be in! Mary answered, handing my suitcase to one of the men.     - What ?! I almost cried out, and Paul turned and looked at me.     - Speak English?     "Perfect," I answered him rather quietly.     "Oh, that's gonna be really fun," and a sly smile appeared on his lips. "Anyway, there's a change in the plan the show will be shooting today," he began to explain as we walked toward the exit.     - But tomorrow ... - I felt how I started to mumble - In the sense, I want at least to wash and change my clothes ...     "Then you will be bathed in the hotel - we were already outside, opened the door to a huge black jeep and said good-bye - I'm really sorry! I shrugged my shoulders and climbed, and while we were traveling to the studio, I was blinking out the window.    - Well, how are you feeling? He tried to talk to Mary.    "Okay," I lied. Actually, I was not good at all. I was seriously panicked. I thought the interview would be tomorrow, and I'll have enough time to adjust mentally for it. But obviously I would not have this opportunity.      The trip to the studio lasted for 30-40 minutes. We stopped in front of a tall building in the center of London, then climbed to the fifth floor. There was the studio there, and there was real chaos inside. There were people running back and forth, chambers and microphones spread. Maria and Paul took me to a dressmaker and told me I had half an hour to prepare, wished my success, and left me alone. About 5 minutes I was dull looking at the door and blinking at the rags. "Oh my God, what did I do?" I thought, and then came out of the trance that I had fallen into. I looked around for my suitcase, but he was gone.Shit, I'm gonna have to go out with the clothes I wore. I was wearing a white adidas, and black, wider and without back, dark blue jeans and sneakers. Not so bad, I thought, in other circumstances, I would wear something like this. There was another small room in the dressing room and rightly assumed it was the toilet. I went in and washed my face and hands. Good thing the make-up was in my handbag. I was rarely making up and generally not using a background, but at the moment I was pale as a ghost, and it would be a good idea to put a little color on my face. I emphasized my eyes with a line of eye and a black pencil, and then I put on and spiraled. I dropped my hair from the tail and cut it. I'm not the first beauty, but I'm not too ugly, or at least I thought so. I have big blue eyes, full lips, chick nose, the shape of my face is neither round nor oval, but some cross between the two, I can not determine. I weigh 50 kilos and I am 1.60 high. As a whole, my appearance is not in the "classic beauty" category, but the health is. I only like my hair - black, with a slight reddish tinge reaching the middle of my back. Somebody knocked on the door and I jumped. It was Mary.
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