souvlakicocaine · 3 months
how I look w ftm inmy bio
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undervaluedagent · 2 years
Kinda want to cry also i feel nothing 👍
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totally-transfem · 4 months
Hello all. I am totally transfem and this is my account for just being me.
I am transfem 🏳️‍⚧️ (fly that flag proudly :3)
I use she/her pronouns and I go by Hazel
I am not afraid of the block button
Anyone who is questioning or even just wants to learn more please read this website
I currently am not happy with my body shape, so I've started dieting recently, you might see some posts about that.
On top of this I'm probably gonna be doing tgirl tummy Tuesdays.
Dni list:
terf, trutrans, GC, homophobes, transphobes, etc.
Do interact:
Everyone else, you're awesome and I love you /p
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hexagon-club · 8 months
I’ve been thinking about your reblog where you stated that “there's something about the way gendies argue where I can't help but get the feeling that they don't even comprehend opposing views” and especially the line “they understand so little of how other people think that they don't even understand that they don't understand how others think.” 
I remember arguing with a TRA and explaining to her that I wholly supported womens (ie., females) right to be as masculine and gender-non-conforming as they wanted. Somehow we started arguing about this TIM who has a full-on beard and basically makes no effort to convey that he wishes to be perceived as a woman. I said that I wouldn’t want someone like that in women’s spaces, and the TRA I was arguing with said, “It’s funny how you talk about her beard, and then parade around like you don’t care if women are masculine.” Like, she really thought my issue was that the TIM we were arguing about was masculine, not that he was male. She couldn’t even conceptualize the idea that I did not view him as a woman. 
I think TRAs are such a unique category of people with delusional beliefs, because every other group of people with delusional beliefs at least has the language and vocabulary to articulate what they think (religious people, conspiracy theorists, etc). They can at least demonstrate a degree of reasoning behind their thoughts, no matter how flawed that reasoning may be. TRAs don’t even have that—they don’t even pretend to. It’s just circular definitions and the assertion that their internal feelings change material reality. I’m so dismayed that this ideology which is not grounded in linguistics, science, reason, material reality, or anything else has gained the popularity that it has.
I wanted to ask you what you think will become of the trans movement in the next five to ten years? Do you think we will continue to descend more and more into unreason? Do you think radfems will become more appealing in the process? I would love to know your thoughts. 
I think you're on to something. Other belief systems, even ones that are considered to be absurd by the general public, have a consistent internal vocabulary based on words that have a very clear meaning among the group members. Often they will use words in a way that is different to the way people outside the group would use them, cults love jargon after all, but they can generally communicate quite clearly with each other. If not with outsiders.
One of the many things that makes arguing with TRAs difficult is that they are not even on the same page as each other, there's the trutrans/transtrender divide, but even among the "transtrenders" which have become the mainstream of the trans movement their beliefs seem weirdly inconsistent. One of them will try to make a point, I'll debunk it, and then another will accuse me of attacking a strawman and insist that no trans person believes the thing I just debunked. They can't even clearly communicate their beliefs to each other, so they're not on the same page. But in a weird sort of way this is a strength not a weakness, because it means we're constantly trying to hit a moving target, can't really debunk an ideology if the ideology is so inconsistent no one can agree on what it even is.
On that note I just realised something, so I don't know how aware you are of this, I only learned about this after the fact, but there was something of a war on tumblr in the early 2010s between the two wings of the trans movement. The trutrans/transmedicalists represent what was essentially the mainstream of the transgender movement in the 2000s, their philosophy is essentially that being trans is something akin to a chronic illness. One that can be treated through transition, but not cured. This is in contrast to the more modern wave of TRAs who think of "gender" something more like a form of self expression. The trutrans were actually some of the earliest critics of tumblr identities and mogai stuff, because they saw that as making light of (what they believed to be) their legitimate medical disorder.
Anyway, my point is that I don't think the current mainstream of the trans community even have a word for themselves. The trutrans people call them tucutes and transtrenders. But they don't seem to have a word that refers exclusively to themselves, but not to the trutrans. That's weird, they don't even have the language to acknowledge that they are a subfaction of a larger ideology.
As to your last paragraph, I really don't know where we go from here, it's amazing that the trans movement has gotten as far as it has given how ideologically incoherent it is. But it is incredibly profitable, gender affirming care is big business, and plastic surgeons and drug companies aren't going to want to leave money on the table by letting it become less accessible. Incidentally I think this is one of the reasons why other trans identities (transrace, transage, transabled, otherkin) are never going to catch on, they are much harder to monetise, so there's no point marketing them.
The left seems to have decided this is the hill they want to die on. They seem to view gender as a sort of individual freedom. And think that people not acknowledging it is the same thing as trying to force people into rigidly defined gender roles. Like, in their minds, if they hear me say something like "non-binary is nonsense" they equate that to me saying "all women need to become stay at home housewives who wear high heels and dresses." Because they equate the word "woman" to the feminine gender role, and don't even really understand the concept of it as a purely biological classification. Even though that's what they basically all believed 15 years ago.
If the current trans position becomes untenable I think there will probably be a retreat to the "trutrans" identity. People like Blair White, Marcus Dibbs, and Buck Angel are hated by a lot of the mainstream trans community, but they are actually helping them out by preparing a fallback position for when mainstream society gets sick of their shit. I think people will mostly tolerate that, not that I think "trutrans" makes any more sense than the current position, but it's less evangelical and overall less annoying than what they currently preach. Also, quite frankly I think there are a lot of men (left wing and right wing) who are sick of TRA nonsense, but are also deeply antifeminist, and who will want to keep transgender ideology alive because they can use it against feminists.
I'm thinking of this meme I got from Sargon of Akkad's twitter account:
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So there's a group of men who know that transgender ideology is nonsense, but still get a certain sadistic pleasure at seeing it get used against women.
I'm not really sure if things are going to get more irrational from here. Both the left and the right seem to be getting more and more unhinged, the left has chosen transgender/queer ideology as its cult of choice, whereas the right has QAnon and it's weird offshoots. It does seem like we are entering an era of unreality where people are giving up on the concept of a shared objective truth and are retreating into fantasy.
That's a depressing note to end on, sorry if I rambled a bit.
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deirdreskye · 2 years
Okay I know we're all nonbinary trans women with weird genders here but like, I do not think whether or not some hypothetical dude in a Walmart in Arkansas understands the differences between a crossdresser, a femboy, an HSTS trutrans, an it/its traumadog, a drag queen, and an effeminate gay guy necessarily means that there are no meaningful distinctions to be made between any of these types of gender divergent amab people like. It kind of reminds me of when transandrophobia guys claim that nobody is truly "transmisogyny exempt" because a hypothetical ignorant jughooter doesn't know that trans men and trans women aren't the same lol.
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butch-reidentified · 7 months
You say your reason for debating TRAs is so that any normies/fence sitters will see what radfems actually believe and are really like; that's exactly how I got into radical feminism, and I considered myself trans at the time.
Seeing innocuous, only vaguely feminist posts get derailed by accusations of transphobia, when the posts themselves had literally nothing to do with trans people (like saying women shouldn't have to shave or wear make-up), everyone dogpiling op who's begging for forgiveness, and then radfems coming in and being the only reasonable and kind ones. Who op often turns against and insults to further distance herself from them and to mollify the crowd.
Or seeing radfems in the comment sections of trans posts mostly politely asking questions and explaining things, and noticing how no one was ever actually able to answer, and how I didn't have any answers either. Only for them to be responded to with rape and murder threats, as well as suicide baiting.
Obviously there's a few radfems who are rude, or use language I disagree with, but it's outweighed by vastly more who are great.
And wow, surprise surprise, no rape threats coming from this side!
thank you for this! this is a pretty common story, I've found. a lot of people, especially formerly trans-identifying ones (and even some who still do!) have told me similar. actually this was a huge part of my journey from semi-transmedicalist (semi bc i never was on board with their weird gender essentialism, saying to be trutrans you had to be totally gender conforming with your identified gender) to radblr icon 😎
playfulness aside though, I really do think that it's one of the most important things I do on here! don't get me wrong, rudefems are based and are a needed part of the community. but we ALSO need people who are very loud but still "approachable" to the fence sitters, the people like I used to be who are trans or trans allies but never stopped dissenting, never fully got on board with all the rhetoric. because those are the women who deep down are LOOKING for a community like this one, they just don't realize it exists. a place for women to be outspoken and to dissent freely, even from each other, and still fight by each other's sides at the end of the day.
I do struggle to be polite a lot of the time. I definitely have a hard time and sometimes just want to roast the ever loving shit out of a male TRA who thinks he's God's gift and is condescending as fuck arguing with me despite being wrong about every basic scientific fact as well as what radical feminism actually is. it's messages like these that I hold present in my mind in those moments, remind myself why I'm here. because yeah, seeing a radfem explain her views and realizing you've been deceived, all while she's being kind and rational and the "right side of history" folks are talking about raping and murdering her... it's a powerful moment for so many women who end up coming to radical feminism.
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girlthingdecay · 4 months
am i a faggy estrognized male or a pink souled TruTrans ? you decide but either way please envision me as a canine furry otherwise ill appear behind you at midnight like a doggy jeff The Killer
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roleshirked · 2 years
i do endure a lot of cognitive dissonance between my personal views on gender, the immutable fact of sex, and the simple fact that a handful of my friends ID as trans. and they span the entire spectrum, from spicy cis NBs to fully stealth "trutrans".
LRB made me think about how my personal feelings on the whole thing mirror my feelings of religion 1:1 - that if you're not hurting others or yourself and not imposing your worldview, then live and let live (for the most part). but then sometimes i think about how the tolerance paradox has to kick in at some point - and where is that line drawn? on the world stage, on the internet at large, and in my friend circles?
another parallel is how i escaped a deeply rooted catholic family life, and how if it wasn't for being an embittered closeted lesbian growing up, i might not've discovered feminism so early. and if not for that, who knows? maybe my handful of friends who keep they/theming me behind my back because they don't know how to handle a butch woman despite knowing her, her sex, and her pronouns for almost 15 years might've had an influence on me, too. our lived experiences are not so different, it's just that our worldviews are. how we cope is different.
it's a little painful. because i love them, and i want them to love themselves, and i want them to respect me as i love myself, but even encroaching the subject in the tamest of ways is a major major faux pas, taboo. paramount to questioning the existence of god while at post-sunday mass brunch, or something.
smaller things, too. they discovered gender ideology, and now it's at the centerfold of every conversation, every dnd night, every minor joke or bit has something to do with it. "this character is cool" turned into "i want her/his gender." discussing headcanons has nothing to do with lore and is exclusively about which characters are trans. like a born-again christian who injects god or god's love into every single little thing they do or say. it makes you feel like, "i don't want to disrespect your experiences, especially if it's helping you navigate the world in a peaceful way, but this is suffocating for the rest of us"
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akihatohnoofficial · 1 month
instead of blazing akiha's post, creating a secret discourse blog with carefully selected opinions that make akieri a target specifically (chronic boymoders steal healthcare resources from trutrans, fictives are roleplay, dysautonomia isn't real, subsystems are fake, headmates shouldn't share blogs or accounts, f cups are evil, parahumans and umineko are irredeemable media, calling fetishes by their Japanese names is cultural appropriation, fetishes are also inherently evil and violent, lying about being white is bad) and once it gets popular, writing a 5000 word akieri callout (and blazing it to 50,000 people)
I would simply delete my blog
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listlessnessss · 7 months
i don’t always get political w it because i do feel like questions of desire and legitimacy pollute the logistics, i’m not about to beg trutrans (that now is taken to mean ‘no longer pretrans/repressed’, btw) people for things when i need to be a better “cis”ally to them, and i’m only sorting out desire and legitimacy. i understand how politically and personally offputting i can be, as a concept, to actual trans ppl. yet of course those desires are deeply political in nature, but i don’t see how politics can be just this stand-in for desire that alludes to desire when transmasculine desire is a thing that doesn’t yet exist politically because it’s denied/dismissed as something else or actively derided as the purview of [some kind of privilege]. i was a tiktok theyfab in 2020-22 and often saw people’s transmasculine desire dissected apart down to each of its components and exposed for how fucked up their desires are, all the things (fatphobic, racist, a white-woman fragility moment, homophobic, transmisogynistic) but the thing is, i don’t even think that *all* of those critiques are unwarranted, but one is left to wonder… since i assume everyone “in my orbit”(that’s what it’s called, i think, lmao) on here is at least tertiarily involved with the project of creating a coherent if-and-only-if, divergent-not-convergent, transmasculine sense of meaning/narrative where one is severely lacking or entirely absent (think: why is there no ftm whipping girl? and take it as a challenge) without being this logical so-as-follows ‘mirror counterpart’ to transfemininity NOR incredibly butch cis women, because those sets of comparisons are bound in many important ways to be false, to not apply. this is where the TQ complaint of ‘erasure’ is a real thing, even if 14 y/o’s feeling invalidated in the moment don’t exactly articulate its further implications very well. my point is/was when i was deep in tiktok theyfabbery, is a perfect feminist politic a mandatory prerequisite to creating such a narrative? (think about the particular moral mandate along the lines of ‘being a man is about respecting women’: yes, yes absolutely you need to, but without it, does one cease to be a man? or are you now this empty, voided, “masc-not-butch” “nonbinary is just a negation, it’s not a thing” person having your white woman moments, having your cake and eating it too) everyone agrees that the edgy teenage phase of many newer trans people is offputting and uncanny, albeit necessary for growth and development, but i do wonder if coming out the other end of transmasculinity therefore becomes this careful disavowal, deliberately manufactured to be apolitical and uncontroversial, and if political, aligned with feminism the way lesbians are. i also find the tMRA shit, (MRAshit wrapped in a toothpaste flag) to be weird and offputting and not ideal politically and evidence of a total unawareness of how one is perceived. thinking about that tweet that said “it is not up to ftms to fix masculinity, go to the gym lol” and if you want, you should, you can, but an implication is that by virtue of who we are and what we want, we are particularly ill-equipped to be able to simultaneously take it seriously wrt ourselves while also being capable of meaningfully contributing to philosophy, discourse, (culture) politics without leaving ourselves behind in some way. if that’s not the other classic TQ complaint of “infantilization”, then i’m not sure what is. it’s put up or shut up, and if you knew me, you’d find that i shut up in real life, as is ideal while i’m in a proto- state and still politically uncanny and incoherent. while i myself am a gaymaxxer(my cope is that i’m in part like this because i’m gay-male-ideated not because i WNBAM),
i found that i became far more robustly left wing and feminist and all that once i stopped trying to think about myself as a cis woman, once i listened to disk horse on “toxic masculinity” and “male loneliness epidemic” shit, i see some breadtuber spaces as having struggled with creating a similar meaning/story for cis men that isn’t just anti-woman. i also heard there that pre-leftist cis men were afraid of, but had to make peace with, the supposed threat that transfemininity posed to the security of their gender identity and expression, and of those who remain men, some get to realize that they’re queer. I heard quite deep and meaningful comparisons made between cis women’s and trans women’s lives and struggles for meaning. the matrix style gender theory, “fuck gender, be a woman”, was all of our redpill, however hard to swallow. but of nobody’s fault but my own, i was at this time beginning to not internally identify as a woman, and realized that there’s no such thing as a transmasculine redpill. still no story, still no sense of meaning, still I should learn to feel/be the butch or be like the other girls and okay with that, a thing i’m just not and never was. transmasculine desire is still shameful and unspeakable as is the opposite in any other part of life and the political landscape—
i can identify this problem, yes, but i’m not smart enough nor in real life enough nor materially affected enough to be an ideal candidate to begin to create the solution, but i think the boy hypno content is a step in the right direction, for sure, though there may yet be unforeseen social/political consequences.
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viciar · 1 year
the most masc and trutrans thing you can do as a man is be really into oldschool gothic lolita
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yugotrash · 2 years
This idea that every pro troon actor is a masquerading straight is so fucking tiring at this point. Gay men pushed for NAMBLA. Gay men are arguably the original transexuals. Gay men created culture around them drenched in misogyny and fetishism. Gay men often consume porn about turning straight men gay and putting men in degrading, misogynistic "female roles". Gay men defend exhibitionism and fetish at public pride parades. Yes, "not all (gay) men" and yes, those gay men are fucking over normal homosexuals. You can defend the right to marriage, housing and employment of homosexuals without covering your ears and shouting at everyone for being homophobic when it is rightly pointed out at these pernicious traits are very much part of a subsect of gay culture, the subsect that is now in power and pushing these woman-hating, fetishistic, borderline pedo shit. You sure as shit cannot possibly believe every one of them is actually a straight man in disguise. What a load of fallacious bullshit. Reeks of the troon argument "when a troon rapes a woman he's not actually a trutrans but a creepy crossdresser" Who are you to decide? Different ideologies, same methods by mentally deficient teenagers in their 30s. Supporting the rights of homosexual people under the law and to be free from violence does not mean you also have to ignore all the deviant degenerate shit some homosexuals get up, get it through your thick fucking skulls.
thank you, i've been saying this!! god, i'm glad you took the time to send this bc so often it feels like talking to a fucking wall with this stuff
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deirdreskye · 2 years
What is a jughooter?
Kinda love that you're hung up on this but not "it/its traumadog" or "HSTS trutrans". A jug hooter is a guy who loves to go to hooters to look at the jugs. Or a guy who produces beautiful music by blowing into one of these
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streetl4mp · 1 year
4chan is always like ‘ bbbbbbut trutrans… social contagion’ and its so fucking dumb cause who actually gives a fuck if a couple of teenagers lie to their own detriment. does the reward of so many people being happy not outweigh the risk of some people lying or being confused.
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happ-iie · 1 year
hey, I'm Kieran and i was on here previously but i lost access to my accounts(like an idiot lmfao). but am back and in pain.
pronouns are it/its, ae/aer.
agender, genderfluid, aroflux, cupioromantic and questioning(leaning towards omni lesbian)
Métis (aboriginal and french) and 20.
i like cheese <3
INTERESTS(bolded is strong):
lalaloopsy, mega man, kirby, kingdom hearts, pikmin, the denpa men(a community veteran too!), pokemon, puyo puyo, lost media, sonic the hedgehog, old computers, the legendary starfy.
bigots, racists, anti-semites, anti-lgbtqia+, xenophobic, terfs/radfems, trutrans/transmeds/trumeds, tehms, intrasexist(i think thats the term), mspec exclus(ESPECIALLY anti-mspec lesbians and gays), etc.
people who LARP as psychologists, y'know "(insert name)iS fAakINg MENTAL ILLNESS!!111!!!" and system exclus. kindly, stop pretending to play psychologist.
nsfw/kink blogs, i may be an adult but i'd rather not have nsfw accounts engage with me. thank you for understanding
people who post/defend loli/shota/cub/filly
shipcourse centric blogs, kindly stay away from me about the topic as a whole or if your deeply in the trenches of it.
lastly. if you lack basic common sense, avoid me like the plague!
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cloudoffilth · 1 year
Sissification is a subversion of gender norms forced feminization is a subversion of LGBT politics. Consider, the "trutrans" 5 year old stealth transitioner or the boomer who comes out to claim their true identity.
"I was always a woman all along" robs the forced bi sissy fetish of its subversive element. A woman having sex with a man is just heterosexuality.
Forced fem queers the identity narrative. Identity is fluid and not self determined. Yes, feminization says, I am not a woman I was made a woman.
It is the world around us that codes a dress as woman. In a way we are all transvestites forced into gender costumes.
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