null-ified-blog1 · 7 years
15. Fandoms? (and muses opinion about it)
“Oh god fandoms. Well an obvious one being Pokemon, specifically the main series games and Colosseum. She’s a goddamn weeb, so a shit ton of anime that I can’t even pronounce. Then there is DC comics more accurately the Batman affiliated characters. Aka all the broody characters, can you tell she has a type? Then we’ve got Digimon, which is fucking weird. Why is charmander yellow? That one children’s card game that sends people to hell- Yugioh was it? Then you’ve got Kingdom hearts which is about a kid who swings around a giant fucking key with an angry duck and a dog.”
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undellabay-rp · 7 years
So I'm really sorry to my thread partners but I think I'll actually be dropping my other three muses and just keeping N here (so no more Street Performer Clara, Michael, or Wanderer Javier). Thanks!
Not a problem, sometimes we just need to let go and stick to something small! We’ll drop Clara, Michael and Javier, and keep N where he is for you.
> Chimchar-Mod
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nationalpark-rp · 8 years
These characters have dropped:
Dragon Tamer Selene
Furisode Girl Jeanne
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vialeroyale · 7 years
As much as it pains me to do so, I've done some thinking and believe I have to drop N. I'm leaving the pokemon rp group community entirely, but I wish you mods all the best in creating a fresh and welcoming space.
We’re sorry to hear that you’ll be leaving the group, and the community altogether, Sparrow, but it’s completely understandable! The Ultra Mods want to thank you for your time here in Viale Royale as N and to wish you the best in the future! If you ever do decide to return, we’ll be here for you and welcome you with open arms!
We have dropped N for you. Again, we’d like to thank you for your time here with us. We’ll miss you!
— lunala-mod
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sxlverlining-blog · 8 years
Snowed Inn [Event] || Silver & N
Winter in Blackthorn City was bitterly cold. It always managed to get the most snow out of anywhere in Johto being so close to the mountains. An unpleasant layer of snow blanketed the ground most of the times, with there being little refuge from the obnoxious weather. Silver had always felt less than favorably towards winter, but up until he’d moved into Blackthorn, he hadn’t experienced it like this. The only thing to do was hole up in his house and hope for warmer days to come.
Meteorologists had called for blizzard conditions that day. By the time Silver had even heard, a heavy, consistent curtain of snow was already coming down from the sky. No training for him, then. He’d be staying in and waiting for the storm to pass. Feraligatr hated it as much as he did; it stayed closed to him, a shivering mass curled up underneath a blanket. It was not a good time to be an ectothermic Pokemon, that was for sure. At least they would suffer through this together.
It was then that Silver heard a knock at the door. Who the hell would be out in this weather? It was hard to even see through the storm, let alone travel in it. Although, that did provide its own answer. They might be looking for refuge or help. He stood up from the couch, Feraligatr crying in displeasure, and approached the door. He opened it, faced with a young man. No one he knew, but he did not look all too prepared for the storm.
“Uh. Hi,” Silver began. “Can I help you?”
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plasmaliri · 8 years
My Lord | Liri & N
She couldn’t believe that it had already been two years since Team Plasma had disbanded. The whole time between then and now Liri had basically been wasting her life, just traveling everywhere to find a new place to fit in. Well, maybe she wouldn’t have considered it a complete waste of her time if she had found a place by now.
Most people in Unova didn’t accept her. Eventually they would find out about her previous affiliation with the team, and reject her immediately. After all, she had been a faithful member for three years. Still, she doesn’t regret those years at all. In fact, Liri cherishes those memories, knowing she was doing the right thing then. The only thing she’d be more than happy to forget would be Ghetsis.
Maybe it was time to leave Unova again. One of the only reasons she came back was to find her family, but even now Liri doubted they’d accept her again. She was just shunned by the last community she was in, and left because it was too obvious they didn’t want her there.
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Liri was sitting on the edge of a Route, not knowing where to go next. She threw a pebble, lazily watching as it accelerated down a slope. It stopped rolling as its path was blocked by a pair of shoes. Blue eyes slowly raised up from the pebble to the man’s face, and then she realized who it was.
Her instincts from two years ago sprang right back in, and she already hopped up and was semi-bowing. “M-m-my Lord N! I didn’t expect to see you here!”
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questinghilda-blog · 8 years
surprise reunion || N & Hilda
Almost from the very moment N had disappeared, Hilda had been looking for him. She had searched in every possible place she could think of. Where he liked to go, everywhere he had been seen after, she even briefly went to another region because she heard he’d been there. No matter where HIlda went she never had any luck in finding N.
It was a bit frustrating. After searching for so long Hilda would have thought by now that she would have at least seen a glimpse of the man, but she hadn’t and it was frustrating. Despite this, the brunette tried not to let it bother her to much. It wasn’t like her to be bothered by a challenge.
Today, Hilda was somewhere she had been a million times before. The Ferris Wheel always gave her some kind of comfort when she was feeling a bit down. She smiled at the operator like she always did and waited for the giant wheel to come to a stop. She wasn’t really paying attention to the person the operator was directing out of the car, too preoccupied with a loose string on her shirt, but once they walked past her she knew that this was who she was looking for.
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Hilda’s jaw dropped at the surprise. She almost couldn’t believe it. N was here, only a few steps away from her at most. Never in a million years did she actually think she would find him here. It was almost too obvious.
“N,” she shouted, unable to help herself. “I’ve been searching for you everywhere!”
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undellabay-rp · 7 years
I've done a lot of thinking about this, and while it pains me to let go of my muses who mean so much to me, I can no longer stay here in the tumblr RP scene. Maybe I return someday, but either way, please know you've been wonderful and welcoming here, and I'm deeply sorry to those I was threading with. Thank you for having me while I was here, and please drop N, Blanche, Selene, and Jeanne for me.
Ah Sparrow, we could only ever understand. RP, above all, is a hobby that one should enjoy and do on their free time; it isn’t a life-or-death obligation that one should be bound to. Once the motivation goes or life returns, roleplay takes a backseat, and that’s understandable.
As for your words of kindness — they’re very well appreciated. We’re very glad to have been an open community for you to have enjoyed, even if it was for such a short time. It was a joy having you here. And if you return, know that our doors and our beachside is always open and ready for you.
For now, consider your four muses dropped. Take care until then.
~ The Mods of UBR
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nationalpark-rp · 8 years
Hey, sorry but do you mind extending my hiatus a week? Life's kicking my ass right now.
I’m sorry to hear that you’re going through such a time.  It seems like February was a terrible month for everyone.  I don’t mind extending your hiatus so that you can focus on recovering and feeling mentally well.  I want you to be happy when you roleplay.  I hope to see you and your characters back by March 8th.  See you then!
~ Manectric-mod
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vialeroyale · 7 years
Heyyy hate to do this so soon after opening but thesis stuff is kinda driving me crazy, could I have a hiatus to get back on my feet? Thank you!
School is really important so we understand! We hope you pass, though! We have put N on hiatus until March 4th! Hopefully that’ll be enough time to finish that thesis and get back on your feet. If you ever need it to be extended, don’t be afraid to ask!
— Lunala-mod
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rxdcastlx-blog · 8 years
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[ ☀ ]   “Pardon me.”
Simple and clean, unlike his heart. He simply felt the need to say it; he was the only other one in the elevator, and felt it impolite to not acknowledge the possible inconvenience of the presence of another. Repetitive, boring music rang in the background, as the man leaned against the back wall, glancing over at the green locked lad. Odd vibe, the kid was giving off…not that he was one to talk. Hopefully he’s not talkative…
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denandnow-blog1 · 8 years
Otsukimi Recital - YuiKonnu Cover
To the sunlight, feeling blueTruthfully, I’m worried about you
The eyes become watery“I’m such a coward, it’s done for….”
But I believe, because it’s youLook straight forwardWhen it’s really done for, I’ll support your heart
Happiness was something incredibly important to Dennis, but not happiness for himself. That was far too selfish enough as it was, and he already knew how selfish he could get. He wanted to spread it more than he wanted to experience it, if anyone ever asked him. He’d taken it upon himself to make sure that everyone could feel happy, even just a little bit, even just for one little second.
He’d realized that N needed happiness more than the greenet knew it. This is how the biker ended up dragging him around Nimbasa City, trying to cram everything in on one day just to get him to smile. They’d gone to see sports games, to eat at the best places, they’d gotten ice cream, they watched a musical. But so far, he wasn’t getting much progress. If anything, he was probably tiring the both of them out… But that wasn’t going to make him give up! Not when there was someone so important to attend to. Besides, he had to make this last attempt worth it and give it everything he had.
“Hey,” Dennis began, looking over his shoulder to N and away from the view he had in one of the chambers of the Rondez-View Ferris Wheel. “You’re really somethin’ else, y’know? You… You’re real strong. One a’ the strongest people I ever met. N’ I mean that you’re strong in the way where it really counts. But bein’ that strong… It’s real tough, ain’t it?”
“…I’m here though, remember that.” He smiled over at him, his care genuine and his concern real. “All that weight on your shoulders, ya got me ta help! All that heavy liftin’ I do ain’t for nothin’, after all. No matter what happens, I gotcha. I’m here for ya! Ya don’t gotta be alone anymore, I promise.”
The moonlight shined momentarily over N’s eyes.
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undellabay-rp · 7 years
Heya, can I get a week's hiatus on all four of my characters? I need a little time to sort some things out. Thanks!
A week’s hiatus! Done and done! Hopefully your four muses could get themselves sorted out by 7/22! We’ll see them then!
~ Rowlet-Mod
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nationalpark-rp · 8 years
Hey, I've been having it a little rough lately and was wondering if I could take a week or two hiatus on N, Jeanne, and Selene? I'm hoping I won't need it but just in case. Thank you.
Well, shucks.  Looks like the bug that’s caught me has affected you in other ways, huh?  Seems like that’s been going around lately.  I’m sorry you’re going through such a hard time.  Let’s do two weeks on your hiatus just in case, shall we?  You can never be too sure.  We’ll see you and your muses back on March 1st!  Please take care of yourself!
~ Manectric-mod
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pokemon-channel · 8 years
        The entirety of the luxury liner was a madhouse.  Everywhere she turned, new faces greeted her.  She’d been hugged several times that day, and the requests for autographs were endless. DJ Mary didn’t think her event would be so popular.  
        When she’d asked the Pokémon League for their support, never in a thousand years could she imagine that the turnout would be this huge.  Hundreds of people, especially Trainers, showed up for the chance to help out the Pokémon Adoption Agency.  All of them hoped for the chance to adopt one of the four very special Pokémon that made the trip.  She nearly cried when they had to turn people away—there simply wasn’t enough tickets to go around!  Mary shuddered to think just how much it would have cost had the S.S. Anne’s owner not donated so much of his time and money for the cause.
        I’m so glad the Captain is such a softie! she thought, overcome with glee.  Mary held her manuscript to her heart and closed her eyes.  Oh, what a wonderful experience this trip was turning out to be!  People having the time of their life, Pokémon getting adopted and going to loving new homes… there wasn’t anything better in the world.  DJ Mary practically skipped the rest of the way to the main deck, where her announcement was set to take place.
        The cruise was nearly over, and everyone would be forced to disembark in Vermilion City when they reached the dock.  What better way to end the party of the year by setting up her booth?  Music, love, and Pokémon were her favorite past times.   This would be the biggest bash yet.  Once she was all geared up, Mary took to the stage.  She was met with whoops and hollers and whistles and catcalls.  Everyone was as excited for this moment as she was.  It’s showtime!
        “How’s everyone doing tonight?” Mary asked the cheering crowd. Her eyes roamed the audience.   Four of these lucky people would be going home with a new friend and partner.  The audience chanted her name.  DJ Mary beamed.  “I’m so glad you could make it out here tonight!  As you all know…”
        She finished her introductory speech to roaring applause.  Her heart soared.  Everyone loved Pokémon just as much as she did.  Ben would be so proud.  Mary grinned wide and raised her microphone over her head. “Now what I’m going to do is bring out the… ta-da!  Raffle Ball Chooser of Wonders Machine!”  She gave a big flourish to the raffle machine her two assistants wheeled out.  Inside were raffle balls with the names of everyone who participated in this awareness event.
        DJ Mary turned on the machine.  A hush went over the crowd.  “In just a few moments, four names will pop out of this wonderful gizmo!” she began, speaking over the whirring of the machine.  She set the machine to ‘automatic’ and stepped away, instead crossing the stage to address her expectant fans.
“Now what I want you to do is scream and shout for each winner—don’t hold back now!—when their name is called!  These winners will be the proud new adoptive parents to some needy Pokémon.  Let’s give them a great big thank-you with our cheers!
                                   “Are you ready?  In three!  Two!  One!”
CLAIR, N, AND ARTIST FONTAINE—Congratulations!  Your names were the first to be drawn in the raffle.  You may now pick one (1) shiny Pokémon as your very own so long as it is a Fire-, Electric-, or Dragon-type.  Because Clair’s name was chosen first, she gets her choice between the three types. Once she has chosen, N can choose from the two remaining types.  Fontaine then gets whatever type that has not yet been picked.
SNAGGER WES—Congratulations!  Although you weren’t part of the Top Three winners, you will still receive a prize.  Head on over to DJ Mary’s booth once the raffle has ended to claim your reward; she has something very special for you.
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attentater-blog1 · 9 years
New Beginnings || N & Ingo
Ingo stopped, giving a blink. There was no mistaking who that was. Frankly the only member of Team Plasma he was willing to forgive. He’d heard about how the boy had been used and despised that. Walking over, he rested a hand on his shoulder, “Are you lost? I can help you if you’d like.” He was good at spotting when someone was after a few years working in the station.
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And for once, his expression was soft, as well as his tone. He wasn’t looking to turn the boy in, that much would show. Having gone through all that he did, he felt that was enough punishment for a lifetime. He’d gladly vouch for him if anyone saw them together. He deserved a second chance after all. The Subway Boss had gotten one and in his eyes, he was far less redeemable than N.
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