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"Do you feel better now you've sunk your fangs into something?"
A smile formed on the elder Frenchman's face that was far more tender than it had any right to be, given the hurt and anger reflected in his lover's question. He did so love to rile him and Brendan in this manner, for it made their blood all the hotter and sweeter in his mouth when he felt the urge to taste them. In this moment, however, he was not the one to pierce the tender flesh of Loki's hand--that honour went to Brendan himself, though the Scotsman had done so on Matthieu's wordless command. Loki's words seemed to show at least some understanding of this; though the bite had not come from Matthieu directly, it was his all the same.
"I was never truly angry with you, mon cher," Matthieu admitted before pressing his lips to the still bleeding cut on the younger man's palm. It was deep enough to hurt, but not so much as to leave a scar. To Matthieu, that was the most important thing right now. Despite outward appearances, he was not in search of Loki's forgiveness. "This is all still very new for you, my boy, but in time you will understand that this is merely one of the ways in which I show my love." He said it with such sincerity that it almost covered the cruelty underneath those words. Almost. Because while there was truth in what he said, his actions were brought on something more than his twisted, self-proclaimed "affection". It was a display of his power, of his control over Loki and Brendan both, and a reminder that they were not all on equal footing. Yet.
"In time.." the Frenchman continued in a slow drawl, "I will teach you to properly behave, just as I once taught Brendan. Eventually, I will not have to say anything for you to act on my command. You will know and you will do it.. If, one day, I want you to bite Brendan, the way I made him bite you today, you will know and you will do it."
#trustmygloriouspurpose#trust-my-glorious-purpose#Matthieu forever being a bigger monster than Brendan#like it's a goddamn competition lmfao
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closed starter for @trust-my-glorious-purpose
Sigyn had heard stories of the Fae every since she was small, her parents had taught her to always have a high respect for them, as those who didn't were known to have met cruel fates. As she grew, Sigyn made a habit of leaving gifts for the fae whenever she picked wildflowers near areas she knew they dwelled. She even began to tell her own stories to the children in her village.
However, no matter how high her respects, the fae always seemed to pick on her. Many times had they tripped her, causing her to fall into the creek, or pulled out her braids randomly. But those were simply more of mundane teasing she suffered.
"I do wish we could be friends," the young girl mumbled to herself as she approached a flower-filled clearing in the forest just outside her village. This was her favorite spot to visit when she wanted to have time to read to herself. Not only was it quiet, but she also sensed a high presence of the fae here. This was also the spot where she left many of her offerings. "I have another story for you today!" She calls out, forgetting to watch where she walked. Only was it too late had she realized. . . she had stepped into the fae circle in the middle of the clearing. "Oh no. . ."
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@trust-my-glorious-purpose from x
And frankly, that was kind of cute...he actually looked a little flustered. Which, fair, Tony got it. If he wasn't used to being in the forefront of events like this, it was easy to get intimidated by all the cameras, the rich and famous (or infamous) attendees. But Luca had to get used to these situations somehow if he were going to be Tony's backup when needed.
Pepper had been an unmatched star at managing people with more money than they knew what to do with and inflated self-worths (can't imagine where she got that on-the-job training), but she'd moved up the ladder, as it were, and he needed someone else to step up to bat.
"No worries," Tony waved a hand dismissively as he pulled his phone from his back pocket. "Two days should be plenty of time to have something tweaked for you. Gimme a minute."
His bespoke tailor picked up on the first ring, unsurprisingly, and Tony took a few moments to make an appointment for the following morning before thanking him and hanging up. "See? No problem. He'll bring a few things for you to try on, and we'll go from there. Zero stress. Other than the typical being in my life stress, but that's what you signed up for."
Clapping his hands briskly, Tony grinned. "It'll be an adventure. You can schmooze with drunk politicians, dance with reporters that'll hit you up for privileged information and meet a bunch of people that can't stand me but feel compelled to be in photos with me, anyway. Oh! Hey, J? Can you add him to the roster for one of the suites we've reserved?"
"Of course, Sir. I've assigned him to the suite adjacent to the penthouse, if that will suffice? I've also been asked by Miss Potts to remind you that you have an appointment in thirty minutes."
"Right." Drawing out the vowel, Tony glanced at his phone again and cursed under his breath. "Okay, I actually gotta run. See you in the morning?"
#trustmygloriouspurpose#v: better to burn out#a: agent of chaos#[ sorry for the repost doll#that legacy thread was murdering me#i was gonna be a casualty#ahfjkd ]
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Sigyn knew the war had gotten bad, Hel she had been on the frontlines herself quite a few times, but she never expected this. Freya and Iwaldi were strong and she always believed nothing would take them down. Yet, it seemed the Norns had a different idea.
Her coronation had only been a few weeks ago, now she was learning how to rule a kingdom and taking care of her seven sisters all on her own. While Sigyn had been named the direct heir by her Mother before her passing, the goddess knew she’d still have to lay claim to her throne in her own way. While marriage was one of the last things on her mind, she knew that finding a suitor would be one of the best ways to secure her line. At least this way she could find someone she’d hopefully grow to like and would benefit her kingdom. However, most of the men who she’d seen so far were. . . Less than ideal.
It was only when she heard that Asgard was sending someone that interested piqued. So, she decided to entertain their chosen. She had to admit he was handsome, and did not seem as pompous and full of himself as many of other men whom she’d met. Perhaps he’d be a fair choice, she’d make him court her first of course. . . But so far this “Loki” seemed promising.
“It is a pleasure to meet you, Loki of Asgard,” She says from her throne, sapphire eyes making quick observation of him before motioning for him to stand. “Tell me sir, what do you hope to gain of this union should you win my favor.” A question she had asked everyone who’d come so far. How he answered would determine how they would proceed and whether or not she’d deem him worthy of being given a chance.
Loki had been cursed for as long as he could remember, there wasn’t a time since he’d been able to form a conscious thought that this curse hadn’t followed him. By day, he was a member of Asgard’s royal family, not that the citizens of Asgard were aware their King and Queen had more than one child. Loki was kept hidden away from the eyes of the public, interacting with a select few who had been entrusted to keep the family’s secret. Every night, he would change into a monstrous form, one that many across the realms knew to fear. Loki knew of his true lineage and that it was important that no one ever see him in that form. He knew terrible things could happen if he were to be discovered. There had been many attempts to break the curse, but none had ever been successful. Despite his strange upbringing, Loki had grown into a fine young man. He was handsome, intelligent, and learned in the ways of magic, combat, and diplomacy.
It came to be that the Queen of Vanaheim was looking for a suitor, one that would solidify her newly claimed position to the throne. Loki had been informed that many suitors had sought her hand and none had yet been successful. His role was to attempt to secure his position at her side to gain a tactical alliance between the realms of Asgard and Vanaheim. He had been assigned a role as a member of the high court of Asgard and that was to be his alias until the time he was able to marry the Queen of Vanaheim or he had to return home by dismissal. Understanding the weight of the task before him, Loki entered into the throne room where Vanaheim’s beautiful Queen sat on her throne. Loki approached the steps, stopping at the bottom and bowing low before her. “Your Majesty, it is an honor to meet you.” He stood to face her once more, “I am Loki, of Asgard, and I come as a diplomat of the high courts. They heard you were seeking a suitor and sent me to see if myself or the high courts could aid you until such a time comes that you find the one you are seeking. If it would please your Majesty, it would be an honor for Asgard and myself to serve you in this time of change.”
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danger game!
It doesn’t really matter that Topaz just finished winding the guy: En Dwi is on him in a heartbeat, curling fingers under his chin and forcing his face up to meet his eyes.He’s a pretty little snack, isn’t he? Dumb, young, but PRETTY.
En Dwi smiles like the cat who caught the canary, fairly purrs at the sight of shocked pain in those deep eyes before him, before squatting down onto the new guy’s level. Nice. Chummy.
“Now I, ah. Don’t wanna have to get Topaz involved with us again, baby,” he says, lifting his other hand to push back the new guy’s hair, to stroke his cheek, to settle on his clavicle, his chest, “so let’s...let’s try that one again, huh? What’d you do with my coke?”
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"Forgiving yourself - that's the hardest thing." (thxs-xs-my-desxgn)
“...Yeah. Especially if you’re reminded of it constantly.”
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Hidden omega
@trust-my-glorious-purpose Steve set the robe aside for later and watched Loki carefully. "If I got you some water an' food you think you could keep it down?" He asked, having to swallow more often since Loki's scent was making him drool.
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Brock damn near rolls his eyes when he sees Steve make eye contact to give a reassuring nod to their hostage. ‘Didn’t know the boss was into fuckin’ boy scouts, this one probably was an Eagle Scout or some shit.’ Rumlow couldn’t help but ponder to himself while he watched Steve approach. “I ain’t got all day, get your ass over here before I get trigger happy.” He barked, looking about ready to follow up on his command.
Loki would have to chastise Brock for getting snippy, but he really couldn’t complain too much as long as they finished this task. He too was growing impatient and was slumped over his desk, head rested on his arms as he watched the body cam footage like a petulant child. “Such bravado, Captain, you truly are putting on a show for them. Feigning heroics and bravery, little do they know that you’re mine.” He spoke to the screen.
The two agents allow Steve the time to make negotiations with his crew, watching to make sure things don’t go sideways. When it seems negotiations have finished, Rumlow and Rollins prepare for the exchange. Brock assessed with a sharp eye the way one of the officers came in to grab Steve’s surrendered weapons and gear, he allowed everything to be picked up, but just as the officer was starting to stand back up after picking up the last item, Brock shot close to where he stood. A warning round. “If you fuckers come back in here when this one walks out,” Brock gestured to the hostage who had closed their eyes after the shot was fired, “I’ll shoot every single one of you as you come in.” He threatened.
“This is an even exchange, they’ll get let go when we’ve got you.” Brock kept a steady grip on their hostage who at this point was babbling pleas to just be let go. He watched as Steve approached, silently thinking to himself how ridiculous this all was. Brock had his reasons for sticking around but that didn’t mean he thought all of Loki’s plans were perfect. But, as long as he did what the boss asked, he got a decent cut and could live more than comfortably. And so, he risked everything doing shit like this. Initiating a hostage situation to get the attention of Loki’s current interest.
☆ Well, if Steve’s orders weren’t clear enough already ( or if one of his men stubbornly wanted to ignore said orders ) then the warning shot certainly must convince them otherwise. Steve has no doubt that these guys – Loki’s guys – will shoot one of his colleagues if necessary, and Steve hopes that they’ll be smart enough to actually keep their distance. Or even better; leave.
He catches the hostage’s gaze in the midst of their pleas and gives a slight nod as though to reassure them, then moves to look at the gunman who he gives a nod as well. Probably won’t do much, but it’s Steve way to let the guy know he understands every single word they said.
Steve’s hands are still up as he approaches and he makes sure to lift them a little higher the moment he nears the entrance. He may have gotten rid of his weapons, but Steve knows there’s a good chance they’re going to search him after the exchange. To be fair; he is still carrying spare clips of ammunition, a portable scanner/radio, and a knife safely tucked away in his ankle wrap ( which isn’t even a part of his official loadout ).
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Send ‘😡’ for your muse to hit mine out of anger
They had been brothers, partners and friends for eons. Sometimes it was hard to remember he had to keep his guard up when he was around Loki now. It was hard to believe Loki wanted to intentionally hurt him. Thor always paid dearly for his mistakes: Loki’s spell hit him with the force of a bilgesnipe, forcing the air out of his lungs. He was quick to recover: ignoring the dizziness, he delivered a powerful kick to Loki’s nose with a sickening sound. He hoped it had broken, he thought to himself as he wiped the blood from his lips.
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Be honest… When you had me locked in your dungeon for a year, what did you do in the time you weren’t spending with me? Did you carry on as usual or lay low? Were there times where your attention to me interfered with your life up above or vice versa?
send me “be honest…” with a question your muse has been dying to ask mine and they’ll answer truthfully.
Brendan was seated across from Loki at the kitchen table, his dark eyes fixated on the younger man. His expression was blank, unreadable, but there was a feeling in the air about him that suggested his volatile anger may have been kindled by the inquiries posed to him. "Are yeh askin' me if yeh were important enough for me tae rearrange my entire life 'round takin' care o' yeh, back when yeh were still a disobedient little pet?" he asked pointedly. There was a hint of mirth in the question, but his expression remained unchanged. His gaze suddenly moved from Loki's face then, traveling down his body to where the young man's hands were resting on the table. Without warning, he snatched one of them and brought it to his mouth, letting his lips brush against the delicate underside of Loki's wrist in a gesture that was as romantic as it was threatening. "Of course," he said at last. "I stayed as close tae my usual routines as I could, lest I rouse suspicions, but o' course adjustments had tae be made tae ensure yeh were properly looked after by me. I couldnae trust anyone else wit' your care, yeh understand. Does it please yeh tae know tha' yeh were makin' my life difficult back then, when I was still bein' sae cruel tae yeh? Surely it's the least I deserved, hmm?"
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@trust-my-glorious-purpose liked for a starter
"I never wanted it you know. . . the crown. I would have done, everything to keep them here. . . but I wasn't strong enough. If I had been on the front lines with her. . . there's a chance my mother would still be alive."
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send 👀 for a dirty thought and/or fantasy my muse has had about yours.
Huh, not a question I ever thought I'd get from you. Not that looks can't be deceiving. Or that I'm mad about it, to be clear. I'm really, really not. So what's the story? Either you're just very forthright when you're not on the clock, or I guess you could be a closet player that somehow escaped Pepper's exceedingly thorough background examination process.
Oh, speaking of Pep. I thought for sure when she hired you, she was messing with me. I'm still not sure she wasn't, honestly. I mean, look at you. You're a tall drink of water, as Happy would say, and I actually forgot how to use my words for a solid thirty seconds when I first saw you. That might be a record. I was grateful for the desk being there, too, not gonna lie. Literal cockblock. Until I had a couple of sexy-personal-assistant-on-the-desk visions and we had to get to a public space, ASAP to avoid needing HR arbitration before you were even actually hired.
Anyway, where were we? Right. I'd say glad to have you aboard, but in recognition of my recent confession, maybe I'll just edit that to: Pepper's literally never wrong.
#trustmygloriouspurpose#v: better to burn out#a: agent of chaos#[ moral of this story#he wants to drink Luka??#that's what I got from it#inappropriate rambling as a 9th language for 1000 Alec ]
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“That would be a great help!” Mobius grinned at Loki as they walked towards the kitchen. He started to smell the food which only made him smile wider as his stomach grumbled. He’d skipped lunch that day because he’d been too busy with work. “Want to take the food back to my quarters? More private.” He suggested looking up at the god with a wry smile and a tilt of his head.
“Precious kitty~” (Mobius, somethingxgreater)
Loki lifted his eyes just enough to see Mobius from over the book he was reading, keeping the lower half of his face obscured. “And to what do I owe this pleasure?” Loki replied. He’s dressed down, jacket draped over one arm of the chair he’s sitting in, tie loosened just a bit. “It’s not often that people come to me with sweet words, I’ve found that usually the conversation that follows is either to ask me for something or to initiate something else. So, which of them is it for you, Agent?”
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You don't mean that. (Thor)
The blond god raised an eyebrow and looked into Loki’s eyes. “Yes I do,” he took a step closer, bracing the younger god’s shoulders with his hands. “I. Love. You. Loki. You’re going to have to accept that as a fact.”
#trustmygloriouspurpose#ask memes: you don't mean that#answered#thunderer#c: thunder#trust-my-glorious-purpose
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arcane //closed
“You can do it too, can’t you? Magic?”
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Learn. Realization.
I learned a lot. So I learn who are fake and real ones. I learn to appreciate life despite the stress and how exhausted I am from work. I learn to let go of good memories even if it hurts me. I learn to move on with the heartbreak, sad and bad experience. I learn to see things differently. I learn to dwell with my own thoughts and fighting my inner enemy in myself. I learn to conquer my fear. I learn to fake my laugh in front of my friends and family. I learn to create my lines to excuse and get away with a confusing situation. I learn to cry on my own problem without asking for others comfort. I learn to talk to myself and give myself an advice that life will be okay in my own way. I learn to cheer myself up when I'm tearing apart. I learn to control someone's life for him/her not to be happy. Meaning, I am selfish. But most specially, I learn to love myself even more despite those negative way I learn in life last year. 2018 teach me to realize I should be more on myself than with anybody else. I need to give myself a self worth this year. I am not anybody else but me, myself. I am loved and will always be love with the people who believe in me. No matter what I do and what I look like there will always be people who love me but unfortunately, there are also people who will hate me and dislike me but idc because they are not worth my time. I also realize this year to accept my flaws. I made mistakes and I hardly understand someone's opinion but I am human. I make wrong decision and opinion too but it doesn't mean you have the right to judge me. I am known for my strengths not my weakness.No one expected me to be perfect. I can allow myself to do anything I want either bad or good. Mom always keep on telling me when I was a kid that I am important because God created me in HIS own way. God created me because I have purpose in life. So I now treat myself the way I want to. I need to stop myself pleasing other people and take time to please myself because I am worth it. I thought I wouldn't say this to myself but here I am now realizing I am worth it. I AM WORTH IT. YOU ARE WORTH IT KAYLIT. YOU WILL ALWAYS BE WORTH IT IN THIS LIFETIME. Realizing my self worth is difficult but I made it. I need to continue to remember myself worth. I promise not to let myself down. No more defeat in any instances. I will be expecting from this year to myself. Grab good oppurtunities for happiness. I am not going to waste my time for those toxic people and fake love. I am so ready to rock and do better this year. For myself. Tap your back Kaylit because you made it this year. You are strong and continue to be strong. Trust yourself and your own decision.
#learningmyownself#moreonmyself itstimetobehappy#realization#trustmygloriouspurpose#happinessisthekey
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