#trust the process guysies
dewritoz · 10 months
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aww eridan wip becaus exams ar killin me!! its my last day tomorroww anywways
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roboyomo · 2 months
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haiii this is a big rant about aridam and maude, the guysies from yesterday. Because they are Infesting My Thoughts rn
firstly some context about them as characters. both are part of the AT crew like Kenix, Azrael and Sora so they are also part of the cursed/seven deadly sins crew
Wrath, as in someone being taken over by rage and destruction, without knowing or having a reason to keep causing destruction out of their anger. Maude, is the AT crew member that had the Curse of keeping Chaos as an energy inside of his own body. Maude’s original wish from his past, to cause destruction in the name of Justice for himself who had been hurt, that was corrupted after he’s had a taste of “Chaos”. With this interpretation of Wrath, his wish had been turned into a uncontrollable desire to destroy everything in his path by everything he felt threatened by, to cause “Chaos”. Unlike others who’ve had their curses amplify their desires into something more destructive and to let the user suffer their own consequences, Maude’s curse had him “punished” in the way of having to contain all the Chaos that they have created as an energy. With more Wrath that he unleashes, it brings him more suffering by making Maude bear more and more energy that eats at him away. But that could not stop him, as it amplifies the desire for destruction, blinding him with rage more and more. With the only possible reason being the instinct of self-preservation. To save himself.
Pride, as in worshipping oneself to the point of becoming delusional, seeing yourself as a celestial being while hurting the ones around you with your selfishness and egotistical intentions. Like being in love with yourself. Aridam, a pretty self confident person whose wish was to be admired and loved by others more. With this interpretation of Pride, Aridam’s wish is taken over by his ego and turned into a desire, hurting others with no thought about others’ wellbeing. Being incredibly selfish to the point of forcing others to love him, to admire him and his actions, to act like his followers, only getting joy out of it while disregarding the same people around him in the process. His actions that seem like he is doing something “good” is covered up by the pretending, only having egotistical intentions behind them. His curse only makes others obsess over him more, it is like an ability to make others feed into his delusions, almost alien-like. Because he practically is an alien. While becoming more delusional, he brings only more and more damage to others and even himself with his ability, as it drains sanity. The more he makes others obsessed with him, the more amount of sanity he drains from them and himself. Just like Maude, his curse makes him crave the desire the feeling of fulfilling it more and more. But his curse’s ability doesnt work on the others from the AT crew though and that. Angers him sometimes
Since maude’s deadly sin is wrath and with the horns, black claws and one wing on his body, he is visibly a dragon in some sense. A hurt one, that is. Maude has. A lot of Hurt Animal Imagery if you could call it that. Someone that has been hurt for no reason, forever engraving that memory into oneself and now biting at the hand that tries to feed. Like a neglected or a stray dog. His wrath bringing pain to everyone in his path out of association that other people are equal to danger, a dragon's wrath. Now suppressing said instincts in hopes of being able to find someone that won’t hurt him like that. He is like. A very hurt dog. Try to touch the dog and it will only answer with anger and hostility out of instinct of self-preservation, and that’s kind of what he has going on. He is hurt he bites he has trust issues and he just ignores all those completely Maude was found by Aridam right after becoming this cursed being. Looking like the most scuffed and scratched up aggressive creature. and aridam just finds him and thinks “that’s one fucked up looking dog” (/joking but still). maude is literally dragon wrath and chaos embodied. And aridam is still like “Yea no in my opinion i am stronger therefore i’m better^_^” “ok. you do you.” aridam and maude seem to be always next to each other and look to be on good terms but both of them actually have extremely mixed and complicated feelings about each other’s presence that is just watered down to “okay. Tolerance™”. They themselves and their lives got so intertwined in a way that even though they are not. Particularly friends, they spend most of time being near each other because none of them have a bond on such a deep level with anyone else but. Some random person they just regard to as Background noise. so they really have no choice other than having to keep coming back to each other's company because their social circle is really not that broad.
they’re so fascinating just by how stupid they are when it comes to even describing whatever they got going on. they’re dumbasses they cannot even explain what they have going on. aridam just made maude follow him one day and ever since then he is still following him like some sort of sidekick and doesn’t say a word. Unfortunately for maude, his fidelity stat is high so he stays loyal and keeps being near aridam even though the both of them wouldn’t even call each other friends to begin with.
Maude is very much dog imagery with his loyalty that is pretty much an unconscious decision but also acting like an aggressive stray dog who can’t trust humans out of association of them with danger. And aridam isn’t really. A responsible person in the first place so it is miracle that they tolerate each other so well. It has always been complicated with those two. they seem hostile, they seem friendly and when they try to explain each other in the most simplest terms, they fumble. they’re so fucking stupid like are they friends?? are they enemies????? rivals????? are they strangers???????? not even they themselves know. aridam is also very much feeling superior over others so he is. Mean at times. And maude found a way to deal with that - by throwing tiny rocks at aridam. Makes him reflect on what he does. Aridam will say something mean, not even directed at maude, and maude still will just throw a tiny rock at him as a sign that he fucked up. just holding a little baggy of tiny rocks in his pocket for these occasions.
But maude would probably do most of the things Aridam would tell him to do without a question. I think at this point Maude doesn’t have a strong moral code other than “people = dangerous”. So Maude will do anything he needs to or someone tells him no questions asked. Unless he just doesn’t feel like doing it. But just give him the task he’s gonna get it done
there is also other stuff to how outsiders see the whatever the fuck these two have going on. Aridam is always trying to be the center of attention so maude just ends up standing next to him looking awfully bored with absolutely nothing to do at all and others that interact with aridam assume either one of two things maude is either “a sidekick” to aridam, or he is his “bodyguard” because others can’t properly understand why this person constantly follows aridam around and does practically anything he is asked to with no questions. And also because maude just seems to scare off people by looking more menacing and dropping hints that he Can Tear things into shreds. They both are stupid, they are incompatible and they are still talking to each other on a daily basis for hours on end like they’re the besties of ever. When they are. In fact. The Worsties™. they are weird. Very Much So. and that’s how they still stay by each other’s side
additional silly thing: since maude would do anything he is told to do,
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this well could happen. Don’t ask about where the butcher knife came from you do not need to know
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