#trust me I'm a scientist
chaos-otter · 7 months
Transphobes be so quick to say, "it's in your DNA!" Well, babe, I checked, and the only things in my DNA are deoxyribose, phosphate groups, purines, and pyrimidines, soooooo
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zeus-japonicus · 2 years
happy ace awareness week trice forgotten fans, every character on the netaoanson was born from a braincell created from my 🖤🤍💜  🖤🤍💚 ribs and so is, in one way or another, on the acearo spectrum ; that’s just how science works
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suncaptor · 6 months
Jess didn't actually die 🙄🙄 Brady just made Sam hallucinate her on the ceiling
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thelordofshrimp · 9 months
worst thing gymtok has done is make women think they should look cute while lifting
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teesummer75 · 2 years
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(via Trust Me I'm A Scientist T- Shirt - Scientist Clothing - Science T-Shirt Lightweight Hoodie by Teesummer75)
Trust me I'm a Scientist. We all know a person like this- a real science nerd who loves experimenting with things in the lab and wearing safety goggles. Science is cool! Let your nerd flag fly! This "Trust me I'm a scientist" t-shirt makes a great gift for a science enthusiast. Mammoth Flossy Toothbrush *** A super soft and flexible toothbrush which is extra soft and gentle on gums. Features: -A super soft and flexible
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misswoozi · 4 days
Who has shiny Magikarp vibes and who has shiny Gyarados vibes?
Jungkook and Dino are both shiny Magikarp and then Yuju and Minho are shiny Gyarados
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e-kamski-cyberlifeceo · 7 months
Yes you're "following" me, but would you let me preform human testing on you? It's for science, I promise
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melonisopod · 2 years
I take back every mean thing I said about Sakurai. She gets an award for the part where Abe no Seimei roasts the shit out of Ashiya Douman via text message.
“Ashiya Douman you stupid little bitchass clown. You complete fucking fool. You utter dumbfuck imbecile. I am laughing at you even as I type these words,”
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
I'm done with the best flying animal poll, ftr, I divided the non-mammal biased vote too much and I just can't deal with these ignorant people in my notes anymore. so no more reblogs or discourse on that.
I'm so tired, you guys. I'm so tired.
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clochanamarc · 9 months
aisling being yanked into a kiss is wonderful but consider, 5'2 aisling yanking UR muse into the most breath-stealing, head-reeling, heart-obliterating kiss ever, her hand buried in their hair, her other hand against the small of their back, while the world descends into chaos around them??
bonus: aisling being briefly disillusioned until ur muse gives her a small word of encouragement, and THEN the Kiss Of All Kisses happens, and as they pull apart, her eyes open again, and this time there's a look of perfect and absolute determination in her eyes as she sets out to save the world for your muse.
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octoagentmiles · 2 years
you've heard my GUP headcanons, now get ready for........ *drumroll* .......... Octopod headcanons!:
The wall dividing Barnacles' and Kwazii's pod feels cold on Kwazii's side, and warm on Barnacles' side, because of how different the temperatures are in their rooms. Because science.
The screens in the bedroom pods are basically iPads put into the wall. They can be fully customized with different apps and functions; everyone has completely unique settings. Peso's screen is built in lower so he doesn't have to jump. The screens in the hallway work the same, but have preset settings.
Any screen can be used to communicate, play games or music, as a camera, as a mirror, as a TV, and of course—sound the Octoalert.
Y'know those metal sheet/cover/thingies that cover the glass of the pods during a storm? They work like convertible roofs, and anyone in one of the bedroom pods can put them down only on their side, if they need privacy.
On the topic of privacy; there are similar metal cover thingies that Tweak can pull down over her loft room or her workshop, if she needs to. They work kinda like garage doors.
There's actually a LOT of space in the launch bay pool. There must be, since they keep all the GUPs down there.
The closet in the hallway was originally going to be a bedroom for Shellington, but he never ended up using it.
The steering wheel being a traditional wooden wheel was a present for Barnacles' first birthday as captain.
The first Octopod's crashing was... a lot more traumatic than they made it seem <333 anyway- (especially for Barnacles and Tweak since they already had ship crashing related trauma)
When Kwazii first joined the crew, his room was completely empty (aside from maybe a few welcome gifts from the others). Everything in it now, is treasure that he's collected over the years.
There are so many secret passages/exits in case of emergencies. Barnacles, Tweak, and Kwazii are the only ones who know where they all are.
The glass is literally indestructible and the entire ship weighs like,, a million tons.
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susartwork · 2 years
Muni: Hi I'm here, to bring back a cat but I've lost *head*
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shin-tsukimii · 7 months
Shal is canon
.................Get out of here, faceless idiot.
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shy-forceghost · 2 years
Dr. Salvius talking about things from the other realm: "This a quantum expression of a Newtonian force :0 "
Also Dr. Salvius:
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solradguy · 2 years
I wish I had more reasons to wear my belt pants but they're a pain in the ass to wash because I have to take the belts off and turn them inside out and then air dry them but maybe I should start just like wearing them around the house for no reason. To remind them that they're still loved
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