#truly the cutest movie I’ve seen since Luca
whaleiumsharkspeare · 2 months
No because it’s how Willy never would have learned his mother’s secret if Noodle didn’t teach him to read, it’s how he said that sometimes flamingos just need someone to show them along so they can learn to fly and he helped Noodle fly too, in a literal and metaphorical sense, it’s how she helped him be just a little bit more cautious in a harsh world and he showed her how to have fun and enjoy life and see wonder and joy in things and to not give up on your dreams and to believe in hope and the possibility of a better future, it’s how through Noodle teaching Willy to read he was finally able to reconnect with his mother again, and it was through Noodle teaching him to read that he was able to learn who her own mother was and he was able to reunite them too, it’s about found family, it’s about how pinky promises are the most solemn vow there is, it’s about who you share the chocolate with, it’s about surrogate brothers and sisters, it’s noodles and strudels and don’ts and doodles and snakes, flamingos, bears, and poodles, and how singing this song will improve your moodle
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vinylackles · 6 years
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word count: 1,800
summary: sam has never had much luck with homes, but you’re on a mission to change that
all my works || request imagines here
You loved the bunker, you really truly did. It’s concrete walls and long hallways had become so endearing to you over the years you’d spent there with the boys. It held memories for you - cooking in the kitchen with Dean, your first kiss (any many there after) with your boyfriend Sam. Reading over lore books with Cas, making popcorn for the movies you watched when you could. It had really become home to you... you just wished Sam felt the same way.
Every time you went into Sam’s room you couldn’t help but sigh a little bit. It looked almost exactly as it did when he first stepped foot in it, besides the pair of shoes on the floor, the empty duffle bag in the corner, and all the books he had lugged in from the library. You’d convinced him to buy a new blanket and lamp, but that was about all he would muster in terms of personalizing the place. And you understood why.
No matter how much Sam tried to deny it, he never really wanted to call anywhere home anymore. Why would he? His first one burnt down, and then his apartment after that. Everywhere he put down roots and tried to make his own just fell apart, the life he had there crumbling with it. He had decided long ago to stick to dingy motel rooms and the passenger seat of the impala. You’d first caught on when he talked about how the bunker was where you all worked, not where you lived. But when you asked him about it later he’d explained how he felt, and you could tell that something was just holding him back from truly making it somewhere for him to live. 
Which is how you ended up stuck with bags on each arm, lugging them into the bunker after a long day of shopping. You were determined to make that place home for him, no matter what it took. 
Lucky for you, Dean had actually listened to you and managed to get him out of the bunker for the afternoon. He’d rummaged up a story about needing a specific herb for a new ritual he wanted to try, and how it only grew in one specific place. Day trip for the boys, decorating time for you. 
You took all the bags back to your and Sam’s room, leaving again to track down a hammer and nails. Once you had everything together that you needed, you got to work hanging, arranging and brightening up the space as best you could before the boys got back.
It was oddly quiet when he got back to the bunker. He knew that Y/N was there, and he’d expected to hear her music or a TV on. 
“Well, um, I’m going to go organize the.... herb drawer,” Dean said very matter of factly, starting to walk away in the opposite direction of where they stored their ingredients.
“Since when do we have an herb drawer?” Sam asked, his suspicion growing. 
“Since... now?”
“Okay, what’s going on with you? You’ve been acting weird all day.”
“I’ve been acting weird all day? Pshhh, you’ve been acting weird all day. You weirdo.” Dean deflected, slowly inching his way down the hallway. Always so skilled with the come-backs. 
“Uh-huh.... right,” Sam narrowed his eyes, prepared to follow his brother until Y/N appeared through the other entrance, a nervous smile on her face as she came up to him, pulling him into a hug. Something was definitely up. 
“I’m assuming you have something to do with why he’s been so keyed up all day?” He asked, quirking an eyebrow as he looked down at her. Y/N shrugged, stepping up on her tip-toes to kiss him. He kissed her back, not really caring about what was going on with Dean for a moment. He’d missed her, even if it’d only been a few hours. 
“Maybe,” she grinned.
“You wanna fill me in?” 
“Promise to have an open mind?” She asked, using her best puppy dog eyes. She only pulled those out on rare occasions, and it gave him a bit of a pit in his stomach. There was no telling what she had been up to. 
“I’ll try?” was all he could muster.
“Good enough for me. Come see.” She took his hand, so small compared to his, and pulled him down the hallway and to the right. He did a bit of a double take to make sure he was in the right room. 
It looked... different. There was a new rug on the floor, some small decorations on the dresser. The books that had been stacked on the shelf by the head of the bed were up on a bookshelf - he recognized it later as the one from the basement that had been cleaned up. Where they had stood were picture frames, all different sizes. And as he went down each one, he couldn’t help but smile.
There was one of him, Bobby and Dean when he was about 12, all of them sat up on the couch before a football game in Bobby’s living room. Next was one of him and Dean from when they were kids, one of the few pictures John took of them after Mom died. Dean had him in a head lock, a wide smile on both their faces. Next was a picture of him and Y/N after a hunt, both of them covered in bandages but laughing uncontrollably - Dean had told them they looked like mummies and snapped a picture. She still looked just as beautiful. He didn’t finish looking at them as the map on the other side of the room caught his eye.
It was rather large, covering most of the empty wall space with the outlines of the states, but that wasn’t what was interesting. He stepped closer, fingertips running over the multicolored pins that were carefully placed throughout the states, each one with a tiny little tag on it. It took him a moment to place the names that were scribbled on them in Y/N’s scrawl. Diana in Baltimore, Lucas in Wisconsin, Tyler in Connecticut. It clicked for him after that. All names of people that he had helped save, scattered all across the map, from coast to coast. 
“How long did this take you?” He asked in awe.
“The pins only took a few hours, but i’ve been working on the list for a while now. The pictures came from some of your and Dean’s old stuff. I hope it’s not too much,” she murmured, and he knew she was beginning to second guess herself for redoing the room. He had been reluctant to it before, that was true.
“Are you kidding? I love it!” He exclaimed, and he couldn’t help but pull her to him and kiss her. He could feel the surprise on her lips for a moment, but she melted into him like she always did. He pressed her to him, his hand against the small of her back. 
“Really? You really love it?” She asked, beaming.
“Yeah, it really makes it feel more like h-”
He cut himself off before he could finish.
“It’s okay Sam. Say it,” she encouraged, offering him a soft smile as she ran a hand over his cheek. He leaned into her palm automatically. He wanted to give into it so bad, but it terrified him. It sounded irrational to him when he tried to explain how he felt about the whole concept, but it wasn’t something that he could help. 
“Baby,” he whispered, unable to say anything else. He turned his head a bit, pressing a kiss to her hand, hoping she understood his silent apology.
“I know it’s hard, and I know you’re scared. But we’re safe here. Nothing bad is going to happen to me, or Dean or you or Cas or anybody in these walls, okay? It’s where were gonna keep building good memories, not make any new bad ones. It’s our home. We’re home.”
He could only nod, a bit surprised at the tears that were welling up in his eyes. He had never realized how much being ‘homeless’ had really weighed on him until now. She wiped them away with her thumbs. 
“Yeah... home.” He tested out the word, letting it bring a cautious smile to his lips. Y/N looked as if she was going to burst with joy, but she held it in as best she could, rocking a bit on her heels in excitement as she gave him time to process. 
“C’mere,” he chuckled, pulling her into another hug. He lifted her up off her feet this time, spinning a bit until they were on the bed, her falling on top of him as he landed on the pillows. He brushed her hair back from her face, watching her beam down at him. 
“Thank you, for all of this. I love you.”
“I love you too, I’m glad you like it,” she smiled, leaning down to kiss him. Her hair fell through his finger, tickling at his cheeks. 
“By the way, next time you need to hatch a master plan, you should probably enlist someone other than Dean as your cover. Pretty sure we drove all the way to Missouri so he could buy some oregano,” Sam teased.
“I have limited options you know,” she countered, scrunching her nose. She yawned halfway through, making it quite possibly one of the cutest things Sam had ever seen.
“Tired hmm? Wanna take a nap?” He hummed, running a thumb along her cheek.
“Decorating is hard work you know. Plus, that bookshelf is made of some heavy duty shit. That thing was weighs a ton,” she explained, tucking her head down and resting it on his chest. His arms went around her automatically - it was how they usually slept, both arms around her. Nothing could get to her if she was in his arms, he was sure of that.
“Sleep then. I could go for some shut eye myself,” he assured her, even though it was a lie. He knew she’d never go to sleep if he was still up, not after he was gone all day.
“Okay,” she sighed, cuddling herself closer to him. He rested his cheek on the crown of her head, pressing a few kisses into her hair and beginning to hum as she held onto him, her breathing getting deeper and deeper as she fell asleep.
He had mastered the art of retrieving the blanket from the end of the bed without waking her - she fell asleep on him often - and as he pulled it over the both of them he reminded himself of a new pin he wanted to place when she woke up.
A bright red one, right in the middle of Lebanon, Kansas.
And he would label it home.
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