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HEY Y'ALL as someone dedicated to sharing about Fresh and in general being a big fan of him, take a look at this sicknasty video on the topic of the man(?) himself!!! If NOTHING else, this is a FANTASTIC overview of the history of Fresh that takes a LOT of genuine searching to find- I applaud how thoroughly this was researched and massively appreciate the effort put in!!
Honestly- there's details here that not even I've been able to dig up in my own very passionate research, which is CRAZY to me- I'm thrilled to bits to see it!!
There are a few things I didn't see mentioned in the video though- I realized halfway through typing this part that I absolutely must put this under a read more because, as is true of Every Time I've Talked About Fresh On This Blog, this is far too long to reblog raw. TL;DR I talk about one amendment, and two rps EDIT: LIKE 5+ RPS that didn't get mentioned whatsoever here (still from the BestFresh90sMess official Fresh Blog!)
One is an amendment from CQ about Fresh's ability to possess humans- He can in what was, at least, said most recently by BestFresh90sMess! (Mar. 18th 2017) (This is actually the most recent post on that blog!)
I personally take this to mean that, perhaps, Fresh has grown stronger with time, and could perhaps possess anything he grew magical enough to overtake- BUT that's absolutely just the sort of headcanon I enjoy that can explain inconsistencies in portrayal and character (Which CQ herself says has been reworked more than any character- and I'd believe it given where he is now!)
The second REALLY notable bits of characterization that weren't mentioned at all (that stood out massively to me) were the Shamchat Roleplays, of which there were two! Potentially they just weren't seen as important to his overall lore, but I want to mention them here because- well frankly because I personally just think they're neat :D MANY. There were a variety of Shamchat RPs and none of them got mentioned! This was something CQ had clearly done a few sessions of and saved the best bits from, so let's take a look!
The way Shamchat worked in rp contexts was that you would set your name as the name of the character you planned to use, and would have a typically script style rp on the fly with a random stranger, so while we can 100% confirm Fresh to be CQ in all these interactions, there's typically no way to know who was writing any other character mentioned. I'll link the post to each archived Shamchat here, in the title of the rp archive post, but I'll also give a play by play bit of my own analysis similar to what was done in the video!
These Rps are titled by CQ as "ShamChat Fun with the Fresh Pt 1,"
Posted February 23rd 2016 by CQ's main blog then reblogged two days later to Fresh's blog, this is a collection of multiple short rps that happened on Shamchat! This definitely seems to have been largely for fun as mentioned, but it's nice to see the characterization and also how people would react to Fresh!
We start with a Chara, who Fresh greets and then swiftly says he won't chat with, because they're a "stabbin lil freak child" and he doesn't want that- so he goes into PSA mode and tells Chara they don't need to be hating and also stabbing people, to which Chara says "And what if I kill you about it" and Fresh just says he's eternal about (Which isn't true but go off king)
Fresh then pretty swiftly and abruptly starts talking about his sicknasty existential crisis, return to PSA mode and ask if he needs to touch Chara's face(??) until they stop stabbing, and then clarifying that actually they can stab anyone they want to so long as it isn't him. Chara says "Yup, I'm in hell," Fresh states "WE ALL ARE <3," and then quotes bill cipher at Chara and the interaction ends.
The second interaction is with a Frisk, to whom Fresh introduces himself as the "raddest baddest brah in the multiverse," and then waxes existential immediately to someone he has never met. Very socially graceful of you Fresh! Frisk seems to be a bit concerned and largely confused by Fresh, who is talking about a variety of thoughts he's been having recently with very little filter, before getting uncomfortably close to Frisk and telling them to have a wonderful night and avoid all contact with trees, because they will kill you, apparently.
The third is an interaction with no response with (checks post) "Undertale rp chat(ask for link)," apparently, to which Fresh says "That's a weird name" and they leave
The fourth is between Monster Kid and Fresh, which is also not reciprocated- Fresh says "BROOOOO, YOUR ARMS. you have none. brah" and the MK leaves
The fifth is with "Double Trouble Charas Here," (so perhaps just a Chara?) who starts off the interaction with the classic "Buddy Chum Pal Friend Buddy" copypasta from early undertale glory. Fresh, if I'm assuming right, seems to be quoting a different fan song I'm not familiar with, potentially replacing part of a lyric to use a plastic knife rather than a real one, to which Chara says "Metal works better," and Fresh, offended, leaves
The Sixth and Last is another that went without reciprocation with someone named "Toriel (Asgore?)," to who Fresh shows confusion towards. He also says all this
Safe to say I also want some delicious mashed popstapalsos. Big mood here.
This rp is titled by Rainbowmomo as "The Beginning of One... Terrifying... Friendship....."
And I have some bad news.
This Shamchat log was NOT posted by CQ or Fresh's blog, it was posted by someone else! The roleplayer behind Time Sans, even, which is exciting!! We get to see a Shamchat where we know who both parties are!
Except... we don't. Because it was posted to a blog that is now deactivated under a Read More, we can now only access what's above the read more, which is not much at all. It was reblogged February 24th, 2016 by Fresh's Blog, with the comments of "FRESH NO DON'T MAKE FRIENDS WITH THE PSYCHOPATH from the TIME PARTY," from CQ, and "WHY. WHY ALL OF THAT FLIRTING. HE IS SUCH A BAD INFLUENCE FRESH JESUS," from the one and only Pacifrisk!!
In the little we do see, Fresh says before anything else, he forgives him for all the weird "Being possessed and trying to murder us" stuff, then states he wants a serious conversation, which Time Sans agrees to try and have. Fresh starts with a friendly how have you been, and then follows up by asking what it was like, "almost killing your friends? I bet it hurt." He responds to Time Sans' silence by saying it was a good thing he was there to hurt, because it'd have been just awful if Time Sans had murdered his friends against his will like that!
Time Sans agrees, smirking and eyeing Fresh, and Fresh returns the smile ask he states that "It was FUN though, right?" which could be talking about the overall event, or the murder, both are possible here given his character. He states that Tone is great, and that it's a shame he only got to know him after trying to murder him-
and that's all we see. If anyone has any record of this, or a way to access the information, PLEASE reblog, reply, or anything else with that, because this is probably one of the MOST important shamchats considering who it's with, the confirmed writers involved, and the lacking information we have from Time Party.
This next post is one I would say counts as EXTREMELY important, given CQ herself tagged it with "oh god I consider this canon," something which gives the interaction MASSIVE weight to me in the overall lore of Fresh, and is in fact why I bothered talking about all this Shamchat stuff in the first place! If you don't read any of the other Shamchats, PLEASE at least read "Fresh and Fresh 2.0 Part 1/2?)", they're huge!!
This rp is untitled by CQ, but I will title it "Fresh and Fresh 2.0 (Part 1)" given future logs we see.
This log was posted by Fresh's blog February 26th, 2016. This one is fantastic, because as assumable by the title, it is between "Fresh," played by CQ of course, and "Fresh 2.0," played by an anonymous genious who, in my opinion, can be listed among the long list of other "People who introduced an idea about Fresh so good CQ just made it canon" folks.
The interaction starts with Fresh not even greeting the other version of himself (who I will now refer to as just "2.0" for brevity's sake), instead just saying "YOU." 2.0 Does greet him, as his "obsolete broseph," asking how his existential crisis is going, to which Fresh says 2.0 is uncool for thinking he's better than him, and then starts to fumble and tell 2.0 not to talk about the crisis while he's recovering from it.
2.0 seems to affirm the allegation that he said he was better than Fresh, stating that he's "up tighter than tight with the puppeteers," which severely throws Fresh off his groove, in disbelief at 2.0's statements. 2.0 says Fresh is screwing himself over by being a drag, and that no one likes that, telling a scrambling-to-recover Fresh that they'll cut his string over it.
Fresh got defensive, saying that he isn't doing anything wrong, and that he's entertaining the multiverse with his rad vibes, to which 2.0 states that he only exists BECAUSE Fresh is fumbling. That he's going to replace Fresh when they get rid of him. Fresh in denial of this tries to brush it off as a joke, but 2.0 offers that he might just be around to get rid of Fresh himself, although he's not into "bullying a bro when he's down," not having any active intent to harm Fresh.
Fresh still tries to deflect, but 2.0 states that he's not joking, prompting Fresh to get more defensive, stating that he's the ORIGINAL Fresh, and that he's irreplaceable, that 2.0 isn't better than him- to which 2.0 calls out the fact that Fresh had been talking about his life being nothing before, and saying that he's right, it's true- "they hold all the cards," and if you don't do what they want, they'll kill you for it.
Fresh nervously states that 2.0 has been chatting with "others" and figuring things out, and 2.0 points out the comments as part of Fresh's downfall- that he's not acting "correct," and that he shouldn't let people cause him so much grief and give him so much emotional baggage. That it's not what "they" like, and that they're suspicious of everything he does now
Fresh slips into his persona again here, asserting that it isn't a problem and won't ever BE a problem, that it was just a minor slip up- 2.0 says they don't trust he'll stay in line, and that with him here Fresh is on thin ice, and Fresh more firmly asserts that it won't be a problem, that knowing they exist won't stop him from being entertaining, they have nothing to worry about, he's doing a great job-
2.0 states that he's a slight upgrade to Fresh, himself. Less susceptible to emotions, he can last longer in a host, that he's all around better than Fresh, and that Fresh isn't doing nearly as good a job as he wants to be. Fresh denies that he's failing, to with 2.0 counters that the reason he's being watched so closely is BECAUSE he's doing a bad job, asking how it feels to be dangling by a thread like this while Fresh struggles to regain a foothold in the conversation.
Fresh points out that 2.0 is being antagonizing and should stop, and 2.0 happily replies that he would never do that, because bullying is unfresh! He's just making sure Fresh stays on the right track! Fresh isn't fooled by his own tricks, clearly, unamusedly stating that yeah, it is unfresh of him, before getting back into his groove and stating that there's no need to worry about him because he's fine! A little bit of a problem for a moment, maybe he's been straying a bit from the path, but he's fine now!
2.0 presses again that "they" don't think so, and "they're" the only ones who matter, because one slip up, and no more "us," a fascinating shift from "you" given now 2.0 is including himself in this threat, that's continued with the fact that there would be no more ANYTHING if it's bad enough.
This gets Fresh to beg!! Fresh asks 2.0 what they want, saying that he'd do anything for them, that he'd find a way, but 2.0 doesn't give an answer, saying that they'd get HIM for telling something like that to Fresh, something he doesn't want either. That if Fresh doesn't start acting how they want, they will get rid of him
Fresh says that 2.0 is right, and says he'll fix the problem, get himself right again. 2.0 says he better start soon, because there's a certain frisk making him slip way too far, and he can't let that happen because it'll be the start of the end. Fresh admits he's right, that trusting people is a great way to end up ended, that he didn't even realize he was doing it, that he'll cut them off.
2.0 says he better, that it's a game a lot of people play, trying to get you on their side. Fresh thanks him, saying 2.0's saved him a lot of trouble, and 2.0 happily reciprocates that if Fresh plays nice, their next encounter won't have to be a bad one! Fresh thanks him again, saying it's them who infects other people, not the other way around, and 2.0 agrees, saying that everyone they meet is against them, and that anyone they befriend is a strike against them, to which Fresh agrees.
Fresh agrees again, stating he's fine, taking a reminder from 2.0 not to be nervous smoothly with an affirmation that 2.0's been good for him here, that he can't believe he was even messing anything up when all he wanted was a good time. 2.0 throws in a line about the both of them, that they're "Cool, collected, Fresh," and that that's all they need to be, to which Fresh agrees, saying they gotta show the whole multiverse that's true.
Fresh then says he has one last thing he wants to say to 2.0 before he goes his own way, that he'd wanted to say earlier but didn't get a good chance to. At 2.0's prompting, Fresh tells him "There are always imitators. But nothing is better, then classic Fresh. Ya dig?"
2.0 gives a single "Heh," in response, and then reminds Fresh that he better not mess up, before leaving.
Honestly if I haven't written a whole post about 2.0 yet you guys should expect to see that soon on this blog because this stuff makes me crazy.
Next log was a Shamchat between Grillby and Fresh, a DELIGHTFUL read, one I recommend looking at directly for sure!
This rp is titled by CQ as "Fun at Grillbys,"
This rp log was posted March 4th, 2016- We start with Fresh entering Grillby's establishment in rough emotional state. Grillby, confused at his appearance, asks if this is sans, to which Fresh replies that he's technically a sans, because his body is a sans, and makes a great bone pun to prove his legitimacy as a sans.
Grillby is, understandably, concerned by this, and overall by Fresh's behavior as the interaction progresses, asking concerned questions about his state that Fresh fumbles massively due to, clearly, not being familiar with the life/history of his host (Assuming Grillby was offering alcohol when offering him a drink (he was being offered ketchup)), and most certainly not acting like the sans of this situation should (To the point of Grillby asking if he is drunk, something Fresh obviously denies)
Fresh also starts this interaction appearing to be in a state of emotional turmoil, stating repeatedly (perhaps insistingly) that he's in a good mood, and totally fine, and completely happy and normal. That he gets excited when he's "freaking out, and nervous, ABOUT HOW EXCITED" he is- Something very much so reflecting his attitude of repressing his feelings and also his existential dread!
Fresh says that sometimes, all you need to be happy is to be forced into it, and takes Grillby up on that offer for Ketchup. Grillby does give it to him, but also seems to have reached a tipping point in his suspicion, and starts asking questions and making prying comments towards Fresh, stating that various behaviors are extremely out of character for Sans (Showing up early, calling Grillby his "Best Bro," and not knowing what happened "last time you stayed past closing" when asked about it)
Here is where we get to see Fresh start to realize he might need to start playing a social game himself! He lies and makes guesses at what Grillby is asking after, dodging the question of what they did (after originally mis-answering WHEN he had stayed past closing, not what they'd done) by giving a very safe, and vague answer of "We were just chattin an talkin and all up having FUN together," which Grillby doesn't take well.
Fresh tries to excuse his lack of knowledge as, instead, a case of forgetting what happened, asking for a refresher that he almost immediately after decides he doesn't want, saying that Grillby was right and he wants to forget about it. Grillby calls his lie out, stating that "you" (Sans at the time, but directed at the now-fresh) had told him he'd liked it, only prompting Fresh to more assertively recommend they drop the subject altogether.
Grillby shifts to being more hostile here, trapping Fresh in the bar and asking where his sans is- which Fresh answers very willingly! Stating that Sans is there with him, and happily declaring himself as a friend, so long as Grillby lets him be one. Making a few statements about the wellbeing of Sans that he quickly reveals himself to be lies, riling Grillby up
Grillby threatens Fresh, and Fresh IMMEDIATELY uses his host as a hostage, stating that whatever Grillby does to stop him will end up hurting the host. Grillby pushes it, saying that while he doesn't want to hurt sans, he's sure Sans doesn't want a parasite inside of him, which Fresh seems thrilled to hear!
After the initial shock of being called out for what he is, he drops all pretenses and gets direct about the situation, that his host is practically screaming in pain, asking teasingly if Grillby wants to hear it only to state that, unfortunately, Grillby can't, only Fresh gets to hear it. But assuring Grillby that he'll leave eventually, and that his host won't die, given it's not "Beneficial" to him, but that he will be rather unwell, likely needing Grillby to take care of him after the fact.
Grillby, emotions building, asks Fresh why he's doing this, to which Fresh answers that it's because he has to- and because he has to, he WANTS to, he ENJOYS it, and he goes on to taunt Grillby with it, describing the process he's doing to Sans until Grillby tells him to shut up about it.
Fresh continues antagonizing Grillby, saying he doesn't understand the big deal, and why Grillby's so upset even knowing that Sans won't die- but he offers a deal to Grillby, saying that he'd willingly leave now provided he was given another body to shift into. Grillby refuses, and Fresh states that it's fine, he'll just run the host he has now into the ground and return him nearly dead to Grillby!
Grillby states he, reasonably, can't just kidnap someone and then offer them to Fresh, which Fresh concedes is a fairly selfish thing for Fresh to ask for- so offers the alternative of finding someone himself and then giving Sans back, which Grillby accepts.
Fresh ends the interaction by calling out Grillby's bias, the selfishness of caring about someone he knows over someone he doesn't, and then leaves, dropping a "twenty" (currency unknown, likely G) on the nearest table as a tip on his way out.
And that's the whole interaction!! Really a fantastic showcase of his various traits all condensed down into a quick package of exploration via writing- Starting with his emotional turmoil and dread, progressing into his attempts at lying and manipulation, and then ending with his outright sadism and continued manipulation, as well as his overconfidence and views on emotional hypocrisy. Yahoo!
This rp is titled by CQ as "Fresh and Fresh 2.0 (Part 2?),"
Also posted March 4th, 2016, This is a return(?) of 2.0!!! Now, a few things worth making clear about this interaction, and in fact why this is "Part 2?" rather than "Part 2," I mentioned before that there isn't a way to confirm who the other user is in a Shamchat unless they have said it was them, or posted the logs on their own end such as with Time Sans' log. This means that there is no concrete proof that THIS Fresh 2.0 is the same as the first one, and indeed while the log considered part one has a character name of "Fresh 2.0," this log states the character as just "2.0," and to my eyes at least has a somewhat different typing style to the first.
So it's extremely likely that there are two separate writers of Fresh 2.0, neither of which we know, OR that there is one writer who ended up changing their nickname somewhat and having a slightly different writing style- however!! BOTH potential writers demonstrated an awareness of Fresh, of 2.0's existential place writing wise (as Fresh's replacement), and of the events currently going on in Fresh's immediate life (The first referencing Loveball, and the second referencing Time Party). I think that it's ok if they were written by two different people, and whether they were or weren't, Fresh was still written by CQ- and that's the characterization we're looking at most closely!
That said, let's begin! 2.0 heelyz into the room, asking Fresh how he's doing, and how things are going with his "sibling" (likely referring to Error, but it's somewhat vague). Fresh says they both know he has no siblings, asking why 2.0 is bugging him today, to which 2.0 replies that Fresh doesn't have any sibling anymore, right?
Fresh sarcastically states that 2.0 is always so radical, to which 2.0 agrees and asks if Fresh has been feeling well recently, emphasis on the feeling. Fresh says he's radical as always, and 2.0 says he just wanted to check, to make sure no one would get angry with him, referencing the people in control of them both.
Fresh says he's totally fine, he's got a party to go to tomorrow, but awful things keep happening there, 2.0 stating that yeah, from what he's seen Fresh hasn't been great. Fresh says he's got the message, hence why he's great- then tells 2.0 that the kiddos (Pacifrisk and Pillow Frisk) are dead, which means he doesn't have any problems anymore!
2.0 stares at him, then says that Fresh wouldn't have done it himself, would he? to which Fresh uneasily replies that he isn't a killer- usually, anyways. 2.0 gets real close, and tells Fresh that he has to do whatever it takes to survive, even if that means killing, prompting Fresh to step away and ask why it matters so much who did it, because in the end they're dead anyways.
2.0 tells Fresh that killing them had been what he was pressuring Fresh to do before, with Fresh stating again that he's not a murderer. 2.0 backs up, conceding that sure, they're dead, but what if error wasn't around to do it? to which fresh says they'd still be alive- but that's not how it went, so why should it matter?
This prompts 2.0 to tell him that this is why he's better than Fresh, Fresh is letting himself fall, which Fresh obviously denies- 2.0 presses it, stating that "they" don't like all his attachments, that it's why 2.0 exists in the first place, which causes an outburst from Fresh, saying that his attachments are done, so it's about time for 2.0 to disappear because HE is the one useless now.
2.0 says it's never going to happen, so long as Fresh still has a chance of straying too far, and then asserting that Fresh WILL end up failing, and that he'll be there to take his place and make everything right. Fresh bluntly states that they're dead, and that he corrupted an entire universe just from attending the last party- he isn't going to stray again.
2.0 asks him if those two were the only problem, saying that he's already started down the wrong path before. Fresh asks 2.0 if he can take away his emotions, saying that he won't stray if he does- and 2.0 refuses to, saying "not yet," that "they're" willing to give Fresh a chance, if he knocks off all the serious stuff for real this time. Also saying that he's willing to help Fresh, if he can in fact cut it out.
Fresh says he wants to be rid of his feelings, he doesn't want them, but they keep coming back anyways, stating that he thought that because 2.0 seemed to know as much as he did, he could help fix things for Fresh. 2.0 says he plans to help, eventually, when he's given the OK to, but also says that it only keeps coming back because Fresh lets it, and it's become his worst enemy that now he's gotta fight.
Fresh says he's doing his best, and that it's awful for him, that he can't stop thinking about what happened. He initially starts asking for advice, but stops himself, saying that he'll figure it out himself, that he'll fight it and make sure "they" enjoy the ride. 2.0 tells him he has to, that it'll fade, that they're nothing anymore and he's gotta leave it be. Telling Fresh that if he keeps on worrying about it, he'll be showing he can't do it- but get over it, and he'll show he can be right back like he's supposed to be.
Fresh agrees, reaffirming what 2.0 said, and stating that "they'll" see how unnecessary 2.0 is in the end. 2.0 reminds Fresh that the only way to avoid his fate is to avoid trusting anyone, and dares Fresh to try and get rid of him, before giving Fresh a gift. The gift is fundip, and he offers it alongside a "No hard feelings," which Fresh accepts with some amount of confusion. 2.0 reminds him a last time to stop straying, and then leaves, the interaction ending.
And THAT is the last of the Shamchat roleplays!!
I don't have more to add here because. Well. Frankly I oughta take it to a new post and not into the poor reblogs of someone else's analysis video owo' BUT I hope this has provided a bit MORE history to people curious!! Again, WATCH THE ABOVE VIDEO ITS SOOO SO SO GOOD GENUINELY and I love it a lot. Absolutely fantastic stuff!!
Hello again tumblr! I have no idea what happened but yall suddenly liked my Ink video so please have a radical Fresh one!
#fresh sans#freshtale#fresh parasite#fresh#I didn't mention lucida but to be fair#Lucidia hasn't happened yet and so Fresh was technically never seen in it#truefreshinfo#what a treat!!#Thank you so much for this and I hope YOU enjoy reading also!#Although I can't imagine you didn't see these already
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Taking a Closer Look at Freshās Actions
Fresh does a lot of weird stuff, even weirder if you donāt know why heād make the choices he does. The perception of Fresh amongst fans is all over the place, so knowing Freshās character is nigh impossible unless youāve spent a lot of time and effort trying to get ahold of it.
Luckily for you, I have in fact spent a lot of time and effort trying to understand Fresh and learn everything I possibly can about him, and Iām here to try and tackle explaining what the heck Fresh has been up to- because why he would act how he did in these combat scenarios is a delight to analyze.
So letās get this ball rolling! For clarity, Iām discussing Underverse 0.7 Part One here, analyzing his actions in the animation and how well it suits his character, and this post is part one of multiple. The next part is posted!
Starting with the least surprising action taken by Fresh;Ā
1: Running away.
This one isnāt too hard to understand no matter how you slice it. Most interpretations of Fresh would have him run away here- but for those who may not know it, it will be explained nonetheless! Especially because he runs away multiple times in the various conflicts, showing that this isnāt just something he was doing because of Error, this is a regular response to any kind of confrontations like these.
Fresh running comes from a variety of places that tie into each other. The most important reason to run is the fact that he wants to live above all else- NOTHING is more important to him than his own life, and any choice that has a real chance of putting his life in danger he will avoid as much as possible.Ā
So obviously, a fight with Error is a situation he would just leave, especially given he now has everything he wants out of this place. Error is very strong, and Fresh was able to score a good attack because Error was distracted and he had help. Fresh does NOT want to get into a direct fight with Error if he doesnāt have to. So he gets outta there baby!
Fresh has another big reason to run away, however, and this reason ties into why he would choose to run away from Ink as well! That reason is his persona- being a super radical 90s broskie is also important to Fresh, and preserving the perception that heās a harmless weirdo is a part of that. If people saw him fight, they would know heās actually pretty powerful and worth being scared of, which is terrible for him!
He needs people not to be afraid of him. He needs people to trust him, or at least he needs them to underestimate him- and he succeeds, wonderfully.
Fresh IS regularly underestimated- you can see this actively in the way that Ink just brushes him off when he initially confronts him with a complaint about the gift. Ink doesnāt see Fresh as very important at that moment, and not a big deal- which at THAT point, is a detriment to Fresh, so Fresh starts to push the idea of the opposite. Getting in Inkās way (and surprising ink as he does so) and telling Ink heād show him āwhoās really da weakest,ā referencing the fact that people see Fresh as weak.
And that theyāre wrong to think so.
But thatās getting off topic from his habitual running away! So I will offer a very important piece of insight thatās easy to miss if you donāt stop and consider it yourself, given itās not stated explicitly.
Fresh DIDNāT run from Ink. He did run from Error in the start, but he did not actually run from Ink. He at best pretended to run from Ink, because he knew he had a reputation- and he knew it would work with his plan.Ā
How do we know he wasnāt running away? Because if he was running away, he would be gone. Fresh has more than enough ability to get away whenever he wants, if he actually wanted to escape he could have ran off into who knows where in the multiverse and hid via teleportation before Ink had a chance to blink. If he actually wanted to steal the vials, he wouldnāt have shown them to Ink, he just would have left with them.
āRunning awayā was part of a much larger manipulation of Ink on Freshās part.
2: The larger manipulation
You may be less aware of this depending on how big a fan of Fresh you are, but this guy is a liar and a manipulator of the highest order. He enters any situation he can with a fully thought out plan, and acts how he needs to in order to execute that plan. His motives are his own survival, of course, as far as the results he gets, but the method is fun.
He does enjoy having fun. His idea of fun is being successful, especially at other peopleās expense, and he enjoys winning so much heās likely made his persona a game in of itself, that he wins when he convinces people itās real.
But today he isnāt focused on THAT game. The goal of the game today is to possess Ink, but thereās a catch here. Ink doesnāt have a soul, not traditionally, and Fresh needs to use the energy out of a hostās soul to survive and successfully possess them. Thus the goal of the game is revealed; He needs to make Ink drink as many vials as possible.
You may notice that he missed one! You noticed wrong- He couldnāt let Ink drink the last vial for reasons that Iāll explain in a moment, because I want to go through the first part of the interaction first.
The first thing Fresh has to do is upset Ink, which is VERY easy to do with a few things. Firstly;
Fresh stole Inkāsā¦ inks. The sash- he straight up stole that. It may have fallen off of ink in the battle with Error, but he snatched it and was keeping it hidden on his person for use in his plan directly. Fresh knows that the vials are how Ink functions- he calls it out directly when showing Ink he has them. Look at how shocked Ink is to see him with them- Ink was wholly focused on finding the vials, only to see that Fresh had found them first and was keeping them from him intentionally.Ā
This is the start of making Ink upset with him, albeit not the first thing Fresh did directly to upset Ink. Fresh also used the āgiftā heād gotten from Ink, the unlimited vial, on Ink. He FORCED Ink to drink it.
This is almost funny! When you see it initially itās so sudden that you might laugh as a first instinct, because it seems so out of left field. But itās not. And then you realize Fresh genuinely made him drink it, and you realize when he shows the rest of the vials he knew what he was doing. He was making Ink be effected by something, and itās important to note that while Fresh knows how the vials WORK, he doesnāt know what each one individually DOES. Especially not the unlimited vial, something thatās never been seen before.
Well, he needs to make Ink upset. And he also needs to find out what this vial even does, and he knows if he shoves the whole thing in Inkās mouth Inkāll have a reaction large enough that he can probably guess what it does and react appropriately. Thus this scene, and then the one after where when witnessing the state Ink was in, he makes fun of him.
He calls Ink out on trying to give him a gift clearly not meant for him, and especially trying to get him to drink something that would probably cause him distress if it worked. Making fun of Ink for it, and then revealing the rest of the vials, setting up perfectly for the next part of his plan. Heās underlined how important the vials are for ink, and shown that he has them. Now he needs Ink to feel desperate enough to drink them right now.
Obviously, he canāt just force Ink to drink all the vials like he did the unlimited vial. Ink would never let him pull it off, and heās not about to try and pin down Ink, protector of the multiverse single handedly to even start attempting that. He needs to convince Ink to drink them himself- which is the next immediate thing he does.Ā
He tells Ink heās gonna show him whoās weak, and then āruns,ā initiating a chase. He knows Ink will follow him, because Ink is impulsive and upset with him right now, and needs the vials back. That means he can convince Ink to drink them himself.
Fresh starts out the chase poking at Inkās fears and current concern, remarking āI bet yaād hate to have nothinā left.ā Turning around to see that Ink is chasing him with a blaster, he can be sure that step one is complete without a doubt, as Ink has indeed decided to chase him, but he has to keep up the illusion of this being a ārealā chase. The idea that Ink actually has to catch him and fight- so he pretends to be surprised at Ink being upset and chasing him!
But his smile and shades switching to say āOKAYā betrays the truth for us, only happening as Fresh turns away from Ink. He knows heās in the clear and just has to keep up appearances long enough for Ink to drink the rest.Ā
His next comments also betray a secondary goal; Making sure Ink uses as little magic as possible. The plan is to possess ink: He needs Ink to have the maximum amount of power possible when he gets there, so he IMMEDIATELY reprimands Ink for firing off an attack at him. Warning Ink that if he keeps attacking heāll run out of magic before he gets the vial back, and reminding Ink of the danger of that- Fresh has his vials, if he runs out of magic heās hosed.
This is also why itās important that Fresh is being CHASED by Ink, not FIGHTING Ink. He probably could fight Ink, but itād be inefficient and dangerous. He needs Ink to be taking him seriously enough to drink the vials when getting them back, hence the threat of taking them and disappearing that pushes Ink to make sure he has the power he needs to grab them.
Then, he carefully starts giving Ink back some of the vials. Making it seem to Ink that this game of cat and mouse is going to be one heāll draw out as long as possible- making it seem more important to Ink that he catches Fresh as soon as possible, otherwise he may actually lose some of the vials.
An interesting thing to note in this screenshot, by the way; Jakeiās attention to detail is astounding. The vials on the sash are in the same order as they are on the tracker- albeit while upside down now itās reversed. But the order goes Orange, Yellow, Green, Teal, Blue, Pink, etcā¦ And Jakei made sure to have the spots for Green and Yellow empty! Obviously, heās throwing them out hereā¦
But the slot for Blue is ALSO empty. We saw Fresh holding it earlier- but he didnāt put it back in the sash. He kept it on his person, likely because itās the vial thatās most full. Itās also worth noting that he tossed out Green and Yellow- he doesnāt know what each colour does, but he DOES know those two are by far the emptiest vials at this point. Tossing them to Ink wonāt make him too powerful, itāll just make him hopeful enough in his success to continue the chase while Fresh continues to make fun of him for it.
He also is aware of Ink having magic at his disposal from the infinite vial from before, because surely if it worked like the other vials itād work to power him as well. He uses it to his advantage here, calling Ink a liar again (something he saw firsthand upset Ink) and calling into question whether the infinite vial is even worth anything. Pushing the idea that Ink desperately wants the sash back by intentionally making fun of it.
Itās a subtle thing. But by making fun of Inkās want to get the vials back, heās introducing that idea to Ink again- that Ink needs the vials, that he absolutely has to catch Fresh ASAP to get them back.
Ink grabs the Sash and rips all the vials away from Fresh after. All but oneā¦
He drinks all the vials he has immediately, as we see on the tracker. But Fresh stops running, which to Ink would be strange. Maybe he thinks heās lost? But with the amount of confidence Fresh has, thatās clearly not true. Inkās also definitely aware that Fresh has the Blue vial. But after playing keep away for so long, Fresh does something that absolutely baffles Ink.
He tosses Ink the vial.
This doesnāt make any sense to Ink and it shows. When Ink catches the vial he doesnāt drink it immediately. He looks at Fresh, trying to actually listen to what the other is saying now, trying to understand why in the world Fresh would hand it back to him after keeping it from him very intentionally before now.
And then in an instant Fresh is in front of him. Very close. And after having lorded it over Ink this whole time, calling Ink impulsive and foolish and lording himself as being smarter and better at this than Ink is, he reveals his hand.
Heās wanted to possess Ink this whole time. He just needed to use Inkās impulsivity against him, and he succeeded with flying colours. Ink is also immediately aware of the fact he messed up, reacting in frustration at having been duped like that, which is quickly shut down. Because again, this spotlight is on Fresh, this is HIS success and Inkās failure, and Fresh is having the time of his life with it. He is having so, so much fun being better than Ink.
Now I mentioned before and you can see it here, so as the last thought to end off this part of the character analysis; Why didnāt Fresh want Ink to drink the blue vial? If you look at only the goal to possess Ink, that doesnāt make a lot of sense. Wouldnāt having Ink drink all of them give him more time?
It would! However thereās another bigger plan at play here that makes it worthwhile for Ink to have extra paint when heās through with him; the fact that Fresh wants to survive.
I donāt know if youāve noticed, but in Underverse the multiverse is doing pretty rough. The doodlesphere is in shambles, multiple AUs have been directly disrupted, the main timeline itself is under attack right at that instant and itās getting worse, and Fresh canāt predict everything. He can tell itās getting worse and worse though- which means he needs something from Ink.
He needs Ink to stop being an antagonist. He needs Ink to save the multiverse because he knows Ink actually can. That means he needs Ink to be emotional when heās done with him- because while possessing Ink, heās going to be consuming all the material that Ink had drunk up to that point. So there needs to be a little extra left over for Inkās sake.
This is why he gives Ink the blue vial in a way that doesnāt prompt Ink to drink it. Heās the hero fighting an antagonist here, but heās doing it by essentially out-villaining Ink. Forcing Inkās hand and trying to make him realize he canāt keep playing games with X Gaster, he needs to fix this, and quick.Ā
Besides, he doesnāt need THAT much time to deal with Error. Thatās just icing on top for him.
Thatās all I think I can say in this part of my analysis without making this post REALLY stretch too long- so Iāll be making a part two!! Further discussing things like Freshās mindset while in this fight, more about his actions while fighting Error, and whatever else I can fit into that post. Look forward to it!!
#fresh#fresh underverse#underverse 0.7#underverse#ink#truefreshinfo#error#not tagging the other one as the man is just in the screenshot at the start#and not really discussed in this any#I tried not to make this too long#but there was so much to talk about with just this one thing#and I'm not even done talking about it#I am however having fun
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Possession, PSAs, and his Shades
Weāve gone over a lot already, but man. I just keep on looking at everything happening and thinking about it nonstop. Thereās so much to talk about where Fresh is involved and while analyzing the character directly in the context of underverse is absolutely still on the table, I can think of more things to talk about.
So Iām going to do that! This postāll be about a bit more of a variety of things, especially in regards to stuff I personally enjoyed massively. Letās go!!
The Possession
This part may be a bit scrambled and I apologize in advance, and I also warn that trying to find information on THIS in particular is fairly difficult. There are some things that are a fact, for sure;
Fresh is the parasite whoās possessing the body (that purple thing up there? Thatās Fresh), and consumes the Hostās SOUL while in their body for sustenance. The Host does not have control while being possessed.
ā¦And that is all the facts Iām 100% sure on. The rest? From what I could find briefly searching the records I know of, much harder to confirm. For Underverse, itās safe to assume āThe Host is Conscious while possessedā is true, given Ink responds to Freshās PSA after being freed from his control, and itās been heavily implied that being possessed hurts a LOT given, yknow, having your soul slowly eaten away by a parasite cannot possibly be pleasant.
I will note that it probably hurt less for Ink because Ink doesnāt have a soul. BUT WAIT, if Fresh needs a soul to possess someone, and Ink doesnāt have one, how does the possession work?? Iām glad but also surprised you asked because Fresh explains it himself to Ink!
Fresh may not need the vials himself, but Ink absolutely runs off them. At the very least Inkās emotions run off them, and for most other monsters having a SOUL is connected to having emotions (or at least, NOT having a soul is explicitly connected to NOT having emotions). That makes the vials a suitable substitute for the magic Fresh needs to consume from a host to live, at least for Underverse!
This would also explain why Freshā possession lasted no longer than a few minutes before running out completely- the material in those vials does NOT last long, not even for Ink! Ink has to refill them and drink them regularly, and Inkās body is probably better at processing them. Fresh, meanwhile, is insatiable, constantly drawing on the magic for his own survival without regard to the hostās well being, and that would drain the effects of the vials even FASTER than their already short time frame.
I also want to talk about physically how Fresh possessed Ink. Nothing weird, but details about the battle that absolutely delight me.
Magically we know at this point Fresh had to trick Ink into drinking the vials so the possession would function. But PHYSICALLY, Fresh ALSO needed to get Ink into a position where he would be susceptible to possession!
A LOT of legwork was done for him beforehand. Error had done some damage to Ink already, wearing him down magically and physically for a bit before being interrupted, and thatās not even looking at the fact that Ink was already a bit roughed up before Error got to him.
Fresh forced Ink to drink the Unlimited Vial as well, which while he didnāt know it would do this, helped to wear Ink down further. Forcing Ink to feel something overwhelmingly oppressive that Ink could only think to describe as āPainā in the moment. This may not have physically negatively affected Ink, but it did have a mental effect, and that matters just as much in this case.
Then, before Ink had any time to really recover, Fresh forced him to chase him- something that pushed Ink to start using magic and of course having to physically follow after Fresh. And this chase is FAST, based on how much the wind is whipping at their clothes in the animation, Fresh is making Ink WORK for those vials.
Ink is physically exhausted, as emotionally exhausted as heās capable of being, and mentally exhausted as well (potentially also why heās so quick to make foolish predictable decisions around FRESH, someone heās obviously familiar with to SOME degree). After everything heās been put through heās tired, and in perfect condition for Fresh.
Physically, Fresh gets VERY close to Ink, very quickly. Heās in front of Ink before Inkās realized whatās happening, and he only gets closer as the scene progresses. The view from Inkās perspective is wonderful, Fresh absolutely looming over him (and the camera) with how much taller he is and how close heās standing. Fresh also reaches out to Ink himself, nearly close enough to touch Ink.
Obviously, the physical process is Poofād out in the animation, which Iām not surprised by at all because as has been stated by CQ and others, āItās pretty gross,ā and also probably pretty difficult to animate. We donāt need to see that, we understand whatās going on here and we have a battle flow to keep up because Error is there pretty immediately after. I ADORE how menacing it was the entire time leading up though, THAT is delicious.
And then we get to the actual being possessed part!
In my various analysis posts, I havenāt talked about Fresh!Ink as a separate, 3rd character of some kind whatsoever, and that is VERY intentional. Fresh!Ink is not a character of its own, itās a state of being, specifically Inkās status as Actively Possessed. This isnāt a fusion situation where both of their mindsets and thoughts are contributing to their actions, this is exclusively Fresh.
This is something ESSENTIAL to keep in mind. Ink is nothing more than a body in the Fresh!Ink dynamic, Fresh is as in control here as he is in his own typical hosts. Trying to imply that Fresh!Ink is a separate character from Fresh somehow is completely misunderstanding how Fresh!Ink even functions on a baseline level- itās largely an aesthetic change that, in this case, was only important because Ink needed to be unrecognizable for a while.
Fresh loves addressing us directly. Itās a sure-fire way to ensure heās the center of attention to what REALLY matters, the audience, even if it means being ignored in universe or confusing to other characters.Ā
Nothing exemplifies this better than when he gets into a PSA (short for Public Service Announcement), a part of his 90s facade where characters would stop and address the audience in order to teach a lesson of some kind. Said character often being portrayed as cool and competent, or at least knowledgeable about the topic at hand, and using the situation around them to deliver some kind of moral message with the other characters.
This is good context to have on who Freshās dialogue is for and why in the world he would say everything he does. I mentioned this before, but it bears repeating that Fresh is a character that is not only 100% aware of the fourth wall, but is known for interacting with it himself to some degree. Fresh is meant to be funny, so this awareness is played as a joke in most cases, but you better believe there is some intense existential dread deeply baked into his character as a result.
Anyways! Letās look at the dialogue during the fight and really pull apart what it means.
Fresh: Dude, dese days have been kinda on the wacko side for everyone, huh? I smell unrad vibes just all over da dang place.Ā
Error: You're dead, Ink!!
Fresh: I think ya talkin' to da wrong broski. Our glitchy pal needs a chill pill. Let's learn how ta handle dis here situation. Sometimes when people get angry all dey get is a well-deserved time out. So- tell ya rainbow buddy- whats makin' ya so unhappy?
Error: Quit playing games, you fu[nking mu]stard!!
Fresh: Unrad, Bro! Nobody like it when ya rude! As ya can see, hostility can be challengin' at times. It's a sign dat they're all up in their head, fightin' a much harder battle dan da external. And most people aren't aware of it. Find out what it is dats tormentin' dem. And use dat weakness against dem ta destroy their life. let dem know dat nobody messes with you. ...And dat mah friendos, is how ya come ta realize dat you must care about yaself first and above anyone else!Ā
Error: You're [Fun]king crazy!!! I'm wasting my time with freaks like you! Once I'm done with Ink, you're next, whoever you are!!!
This is the full exchange Fresh has with Error, and what Error and Ink witnessed on their end- with a reminder that Fresh was very rarely actually talking to Error, often facing away from Error while speaking in the battle. Itās also worth noting that in the episode itself, all of this text is in uppercase, I made the decision to put it in lowercase here for the sake of legibility- but it being in uppercase IS important, theyāre both being loud here.
This is a message from Fresh about how to handle someone actively attacking you, based on context. Heās sharing what to do in a battle to get out on the other side of it alright, based on what he knows and thinks of course. His delivery here is patronizing and weird, but there IS real substance to this.
His first piece of advice is to force the opponent into ātime out,ā which he demonstrates is getting the opponent into a state of being less able to attack, via slapping Error out of the air and to the ground. The flow of Errorās attacks are interrupted now that heās been disrupted like that, and Fresh moves onto the next step!
The time out is, apparently, intended as a way to get them to stop fighting and start talking, as Fresh immediately asks Error directly a question, something he would only need to do to get Errorās side during this little informational encounter. As has been said, he doesnāt care about actually talking to Error here, heād just keep talking to us at home if he didnāt think it was fitting for his message to chat with Error.
Obviously Error is just furious more than anything, immediately retaliating against Fresh. This is fine, though- Fresh IS trying to give advice on what to do in a battle, and sometimes talking to someone doesnāt work! So of course, you need to be able to keep calm, and follow the next steps of success.
It starts off as a very typical āthinking of the other personā friendliness type thing, noting that someone whoās engaging in a fight with you has something going on in their head making them think choosing that violence is a good or worthwhile idea. That theyāre fighting an internal battle that most people wouldnāt even know about.Ā
And hey! Internal battle in your head that no one knows aboutā¦ just like the internal struggle of his hosts against him, that no one else ever thinks about, right guys? Making a little ominous tangent is something he does for us at home, because he knows there are a lot of people that enjoy that about him- and that it makes him interesting, having things about him that arenāt what you expect and make you want to look closer at him.
And he continues with that darker tone, because his answer to continued conflict is to fight back; specifically, to fight back smarter, not harder than your enemy. Find out whatās wrong with your opponent, what will hurt them the worst possible, what their weakness is- and utterly destroy them with it. End it in one decisive hit, striking at the weakest part of your enemy as hard as possible.
And of course, he demonstrates doing this! Lovely Error is someone he knows pretty well, well enough to exploit Errorās fears in this fight. When Fresh counter-attacks, Error actually runs entirely from that attack. If you watch carefully, you can see error make a portal out of the doodlesphere as the hands reach toward him, and back away into it to avoid being hit.
Which, guess what? Means that Fresh wins! Obviously, if your opponent flees from a battle, you can consider that a win, because they are now no longer fighting you- the goal of all this advice!Ā
His final moral message to the viewers is his own personal standpoint, that you have to care about yourself more than you care about anyone else! Donāt pity the enemy or try to offer kindness when theyāre fighting you, tear them apart and show them it was a mistake to try and trap you in a battle. NO one messes with you, or else.
And then the possession is over! With Ink telling Fresh that what he said didnāt make any sense at all, which is probably due to a mix of Freshās speech patterns, Freshās intended audience being us, and also Ink not having a lot of time to process and consider what Fresh is talking about (unlike us who can spend days looking at the same 5 minutes of animation and tearing it apart piece by piece).
Fresh doesnāt push it, likely because it IS a pretty significant insight into his thought process (not to mention the fact the message wasnāt mainly for Ink anyways). Instead he starts deflecting by pointing out that eating paint doesnāt make any sense either, but Ink still does that, putting Ink in a kind of āgotchyaā position where heād have to explain eating paint before Fresh explains his little message there- which Fresh knows Ink isnāt going to do, at minimum because Core is here and Inkās only just noticed.
I did word my thoughts as āthe message wasnāt mainly for Inkā intentionally though. Fresh had spent the lead up to the fight berating Ink on his thoughtlessness, and on his dramatic lack of planning ahead when faced with a situation in the moment (By comparison to Fresh, at least. I do think Ink is capable of planning ahead to SOME degree given his actions over the course of Underverse absolutely being planned in their own right, but Fresh is berating him for not planning ahead ENOUGH, hence the current state of everything right now and also his dramatic victory.)
I think to Fresh, Ink could also benefit from this message on how to stop having ridiculous fights (with error especially) that waste time and donāt end with a clear enough winner to make the opposing party back off. Ink wastes a TON of resources and gets into a lot of risky situations that could be avoided if he fought more heartlessly AND efficiently, so this advice could help if Ink ever plans to start ignoring his feelings again.
Right now, of course, the advice hardly applies at all. Obviously, Ink is presently emotional, especially after the battle and drinking all the vials (more or less). And, Ink potentially canāt succeed in this situation following Freshās advice, it may be more worthwhile to use some level of sympathy and kindness to dissolve the situation, something Ink specifically is in the perfect position to do as a friend of X Gaster.
Thatās the delicious crux of this situation though, isnāt it?
Ink is in a very, very unique position as someone who knows a lot about X Gaster. A LOT about X Gaster, more than essentially anyone else in the multiverse that isnāt from XTale directly. There are a few routes Ink can go down in now, helping the āgood sideā to combat him. As an old friend, he could try to appeal emotionally, trying to work with XGaster for a different resolution to everything having seen that itās gone too far.
Orā¦ maybe everything Fresh said here just doesnāt make sense YET. Freshās message to us and to Ink could be foreshadowing for the future- that the battle is going to be ended because Ink, or someone else extremely close to XGaster, is going to reveal XGasterās weakness. That with that weakness, theyāre not just going to fight XGaster, theyāre going to utterly destroy XGaster, so that there is no question whatsoever who won.
Thatās just speculation of courseā¦ Canāt say for sure if it was foreshadowing when we canāt look to the future yet and see it play out. Cool as heck if it is foreshadowing though, could you imagine. Iād go crazy, again, and probably write like three more posts about how Fresh is a genius and the true hero of underverse and other equally ridiculous claims.
His Shades
The last thing I want to talk about here is short and itās about Freshās shades. This is mostly me just wanting to talk about them because I love them and the attention to detail in these animations is absolutely incredible and worth discussing. BUT HEY I bet people would like to hear about how they work and what they mean for Fresh and yada yada ok cool letās jump in.
SO Fresh is known for his awesome āYOLOā shades, of course, but they can change to display other text!! This is a cool fact that Iāve never seen so beautifully executed, but has always been enjoyed on my end- but the way Freshās shades work is a bit hard to pin down!
I think, to some degree, itās safe to say Fresh has control over what his shades say. I wouldnāt necessarily say heās in perfect control over what they say, though, moreso that they respond to him directly. I say this because of how they shift when heās attacked by Error- during some of the impact frames they change to say āoof!ā and react in perfect time with him expressing worry or concern over situations.
It is possible he controls them entirely and is just that good at it, but itās up for debate, and either way heās still using his shades to convey his intentions as much as any other form of body language.
You may have noticed that sometimes, however, his Shades donāt show ANY text. Specifically, three or four times that are notable (There are others but theyāre during moments when Fresh is very VERY distant or when heās in heavy motions, where itās more likely his shades just arenāt big enough to have fit any kinds of letters on for the sake of animating, and I donāt think those count for here).
First, when heās forcing Ink to drink the vial. Second, when he tells Ink that the both of them are very different and heās smarter (they stay off until Fresh has possessed ink), Third for a moment before jumping up to hit Error that may just be another case of āanimating the words here wasnāt worth itā but that I have trouble believing given other instances thereāre words, and then after Error has them pinned to the ground tied up in strings for more or less the rest of the fight.
All of these moments are unique in that they also coincide with moments where Fresh is being MOST genuinely himself, and not lying nearly as much as every other time. Showcasing his lack of any feelings at forcing Ink to drink the unlimited vial, devoid of anything but cold curiosity. Tipping his hand in preparation for possessing Ink, blankly stating that he and Ink are very very different, and that relating them too much to each other is a dangerous mistake to make.
Again, with jumping up to meet Error in the air, it could be a moment of āanimation dropping the text,ā but to humor if it isnāt, Fresh is ACTIVELY accepting combat in that moment. The break in text is the break in his facade and active focus on us at home, he has to take a moment to actually engage in this battle- but itās entirely unnecessary to display any text about it in that moment. Heās deciding his next move, calculating and waiting for the perfect time to jump.
Itās easy to assume the fourth instance where heās tied up, the letters are gone because the visor is visibly broken. That could make sense, perhaps- but soon after itās shown that no, the visor still absolutely works, and could be displaying a visual.
Not displaying any text here has just as much reason as not displaying any text any other time, and in this case is used for two reasons. Itās used for this moment of being very ominous, for one, giving us this excellent shot intended to be pretty frightening juxtaposed against Freshās usual behavior and atmosphere. But yet again itās also a tell for when Fresh is being āmost genuineā in his exchanges!
At this point is where heās talking about how to defeat someone who wonāt stop fighting, by taking advantage of any weakness they show and destroying them completely as a consequence for it. Thatās very genuinely something Fresh would and probably did do to people, and he doesnāt need to sugar coat it with fun visuals and lies. After all, we know what heās like, that he doesnāt care and that at his most truthful, there is nothing he is feeling to convey. Heās emptyā¦ Just like his shades are, showing nothing to us because thereās nothing to see.
Instances when his shades do have text still do bleed into his reactions, like I mentioned, and show his current state of being to some degree. Displaying āHAHAā at multiple times within the battle as heās enjoying himself, showing to say āOK UHā when heās looking at Inkās vials to decide which to toss at him, and a ton of other fun little moments! Itās a delight to watch and fills me with joy every time I look at it, absolutely wonderful.
Thatās all for this post though! I covered a lot of ground here and said a lot, but thatās kind of why I wanted to talk about this at all! I had a lot of thoughts that could do with being shared, and I hope you all enjoy this one as much as the others!
#fresh#fresh underverse#underverse 0.7#underverse#ink#error#truefreshinfo#shocking no one I may have more to say even still#I have been watching the fights on loop just thinking non stop#I might take requests#if people have questions it could be fun#I get to talk about fresh more and you get to know more things#I would love to see it#x gaster#xgaster#not sure which is best#fresh!ink#tumblr put my post in the tags challenge impossible
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Fresh is one of my all time biggest comfort characters, a lovely blorbo, this needs to be seen and I honestly just-
This is so well written and I'm excited to see the other posts frfr
So, Underverse 0.7 Huh?
As you may or may not have heard, Underverse 0.7 Part One released on youtube and it was BEAUTIFUL, absolutely incredible stuff as always. I, however, am a freak, and while all of the episode was wonderful and a delightful next part to the Underverse story, there is only one thing I plan to talk about.
If you know anything about me you know what weāre here for.
Letās talk about Fresh and his most recent appearance in Underverse.
For this post specifically, letās talk specifically about him in combat- Magic especially.Ā
Keep reading
#underverse#fresh#freshtale#fresh sans#fresh lucidia#fresh underverse#truefreshinfo#fresh!ink#error#loverofpiggies#cross sans#underverse 0.7#undertale
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The āProtagonistā of Underverse 0.7 (Part 1)
Now, this is an interesting one. This is also a hot take, potentially, and maybe a bad choice of words- āprotagonistā typically suggests a main character and Underverse is a series where a true one main character is hard to pin down. Iād say Protagonist is definitely the wrong word actually, thinking about it- but Iām not sure how else to phrase thisā¦
Maybe itād make more sense to call them the battle perspective. That is, the person youāre meant to be rooting for in this battle, and the person whoās side is followed closest throughout the conflict once it gets rolling.
Letās talk about why in the WORLD I would think the character in this role is FRESH, and not Ink.Ā
LET ME ALSO MAKE IT CLEAR NOW. Iām not about to suggest Fresh is the next main big character in Underverse or that heās going to be saving the day or anything of the sort. If anything, I think now, heās basically going to disappear until maybe the very end to show up in a final shot of some kind exactly the same as he was. (I would love to be proven wrong about that but I doubt it.)
Iām talking exclusively about the second half of Underverse 0.7 Part 1 that takes place in the Antivoid/Doodlesphere, specifically the conflict that happens in the doodlesphere. So just the parts Fresh is there for. Everyone clear on that? Yeah? Alrighty.
So, how could I possibly think FRESH is the main perspective on this battle and not Ink!?? Ink is present for all the conflicts much more directly as the focus, is the one who has a character arc in the episode, and has been super important for basically the entirety of underverse what with his connection to X Gaster and everything else. Inkās TOTALLY main character material while Fresh is super background!! Surely this is me actually being out of my mind right?
Maybe. But hear me out, because Iāve got some interesting evidence for this.
Point 1: How Fresh arrives
Fresh shows up to the scene as one part of a duo with someone who is undoubtedly a main character, Cross. This still signs him up as a sidekick more than anything, on its own, but thereās more to this than that. Specifically; The Gift. AKA, Freshās Payment for the favor he did Ink, something Cross doesnāt know about, but has been used in promotion and as a symbol of this episode for a while now.
That Gift has so little to do with Cross that he didnāt even get told what it was in vague terms by Core, all Core said was āDonāt worry about it, just go,ā even though Core could have answered that Cross was going with Fresh of all people because ink gave him a promise, or a gift, or a favor, or something of the like.
Cross is also kicked off into what we find out to be Aftertale within the first few minutes of showing up- I think itās safe to say that for this episode, Cross is not a focal point for the part of the video Iām focusing on here.
Thereās also what Ink is doing when they show up. Besides, yāknow, being thrown around like a wet sock by Error.
Heās holding the gift and looking for Fresh.
Heās PROTECTING that gift very very hard. To the point of when error was throwing him around, his focus was on making sure he did not lose that gift, even despite losing his vials in a blast soon after this. Ink didnāt remember what it was initially! But when he realized that was singularly his focus; Get this gift to Fresh.
Error is obviously an antagonist here who is preventing Ink from delivering that gift to Fresh. Also not consistently present- definitely showing up multiple times, but not there the entire time. You love to see him throwing a fit about the lack of spotlight only to hilariously still be losing the spotlight to, of all people, Fresh.
We can tell that everything here is centered around Fresh and ceases to function without him here, but thereās a much more compelling reason why I think Fresh is meant to be the focus here and the lens through which we view these battles.
Point 2: The Vials
These are Inkās Vials! Yes, I can hear the confusion starting again. These Vials, however, are what keyed me into the fact that Fresh is the one weāre watching, not Ink. If this graphic hadnāt existed then I wouldnāt have realized it myself- but they work in a very peculiar way in this fight/chase sequence.
Fresh, currently, has all the vials. Heās playing a game of keep-away with Ink, skateboarding away with them to keep them out of his hands, meanwhile Ink is trying to attack him to get them back, and drink them.
This graphic is pretty unnecessary if it was solid. You can know the colours of the vials if you look at inks design, so itās purpose isnāt apparent until a few moments later, when Fresh tosses out the Green and the Yellow, which are then caught by Inkā¦
Who drinks them. Regular Ink behavior- but now we see what the vials are there for! Ink drinking them emptied them, marking them as no longer a piece in play, completely greyed out.
ā¦That doesnāt make a lot of sense, does it?
Ink is trying to get the vials back from Fresh. If the visual was trying to keep track of how many Ink had gotten back, then all of them should be unavailable until Ink has them. Especially given at this point, Ink is being actively taunted about a variety of things Iāll dig into more in other posts- but that needless to say are encouraging him to magically pursue Fresh.Ā
Perhaps theyāre simply keeping track of how much material is in each vial..? But that would also be odd, wouldnāt it? Why would Ink need to keep track of which vials are full or empty? His magic isnāt tied to the colours he has access to, and the vials donāt change when magic is used by Ink, just when theyāre drunk. Not to mention, Ink doesnāt have those vials yet- Fresh has them.
And you know who would profit from keeping track of their volume, and which ones have been consumed? Fresh would. It's VERY important that Fresh keeps track of which ones Inkās drunk, for reasons that are made clear later. HE is the one that is making that visual matter- and itās tied to HIS goal, not Inkās. Weāre seeing his side of this battle, the side where he has to know which vials are empty for the last part of this battle.
When the vials are no longer a checklist. Theyāre a timer.
These Vials, in the latter half of their fight, become a timer that goes down at a steady rate over the next few minutes. This timer is very very obviously for Fresh specifically, marking how much time he has to be in control of inkās body. Anything he wants to do, he has to do it before he runs out of the material now in those vials- making this graphic undeniably one that applies to Fresh specifically, not Ink.
Why does this matter? Whatās the point of knowing whoās perspective we have on this battle when weāre watching from the third person anyways? Well, for one itās cool as heck to see this and ponder it, but for two; itās so that the shift to Fresh!Ink isnāt that strange or jarring. Having Fresh take over the main character and perspective of the battle would be odd, and would mean forcing your main character to take a back seat. Itād mean Fresh was actively uprooting something planned and prepared before and causing a disruption.
Thatās no good! But that problem goes away if Fresh was always the focus. No need to shift perspectives, no need to see how Ink feels while being possessed, none of that. Fresh is the one whoās in the spotlight- and this is further accentuated by how he acts while possessing Ink. Heās not talking to Error, thatās for sure, and heās at best kind of talking to Ink, maybe.
Thatās not actually it though. No, heās talking to us, full on PSA mode, turned towards the camera and giving a guide on how he plans to win as he proceeds to. The spotlight on him makes overwhelming sense, with that- and itās EXACTLY the kind of thing he would want, maybe even fitting payment that he decided to take for himself when Inkās gift was so sub par.
He wants us to pay attention to him. He wants to be seen, to be remembered, to be adored and to exist without question. Because thatās what it means to be a character. Thatās how you continue to be there, how you keep from fading away into irrelevancy- how you end up getting replaced, and written out of your own life.
And he is terrified of being replaced. He would do anything to keep himself important enough for us to care about.
Maybe the gift was the funniest thing in the multiverse after all. An opportunity for Fresh- ridiculous, overshadowed, often misunderstood and ignored Fresh- to temporarily take the biggest spotlight possible from one of the main characters of the series, asserting himself in legendary, radical fashion as an essential part of this otherwise very serious high stakes story that cannot be overlooked or replaced. Because you have to admit, THAT is hilarious.
#fresh#fresh underverse#underverse#underverse 0.7#ink#error#cross sans#fresh!ink#truefreshinfo#This one is very speculative I'll admit#but it's cool to speculate on#and also I feel like I have something here#Surely it's not just me
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This is a very silly question, but understanding Fresh hurts my brain. Fresh is the parasite, right? Is he possessing a sans? In the Underverse stuff, when he possessed Ink, I don't understand how that worked since it would have meant leaving the body he's possessing behind to jump into Ink, right? I'm assuming it's just glossed over because that would have ruined the flow otherwise, but I'm not missing something about him am i?
Mhm!! He is indeed a parasite and I think it's safe to assume it was glossed over somewhat in order to maintain the pacing and also dodge some awkward questions- who knows, maybe that big poof of magic or ink (whatever the dust cloud was that had to clear to reveal Fresh!ink) was an intentional tactic used to hide the OG host skeleton somewhere Error couldn't find them for a bit.
That's a bit of a stretch to just go and assume w/o any real evidence though. I have thought about that before, trust me, but I've also thought about what I'd do about it myself, and what Jakei did makes the most sense to me from an animation standpoint. Fresh's got a lot of shenanigans and Ink has even MORE shenanigans Fresh would by proxy have access to, I think it's ok to gloss over the detail given what was meant to have focus in the episode at the time.
#fresh!ink#fresh lucidia#fresh sans#truefreshinfo#sorry this took me five million years to reply to#got overwhelmed by my own self#feeling less whelmed now though
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After reviewing the screenshots Iāve taken, all of which I feel can be analyzed in depth and torn apart to showcase the deep aspects of Freshās character, Iāve come to a wonderful and terrifying conclusion
Iām gonna need multiple posts
because otherwise this would be much, much too long to actually process for any person who wasnāt me.
Maybe I start a Fresh info tag for myself that is... something sensible. truefreshinfo maybe. Thatād mean I could easily link together any posts I make in the future too.
I will also make a google doc of all the info for the underverse scenes specifically though that way it can be all in one place and not all in like 16 posts
#so genuine about 16 posts I have 160 screenshots#I know what I'm doing first for sure#also not tagging this so it doesn't end up in the main tags
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Pls people read all dat because it is generally informational fresh facts.
So, Underverse 0.7 Huh?
As you may or may not have heard, Underverse 0.7 Part One released on youtube and it was BEAUTIFUL, absolutely incredible stuff as always. I, however, am a freak, and while all of the episode was wonderful and a delightful next part to the Underverse story, there is only one thing I plan to talk about.
If you know anything about me you know what weāre here for.
Letās talk about Fresh and his most recent appearance in Underverse.
For this post specifically, letās talk specifically about him in combat- Magic especially.Ā
Keep reading
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So, Underverse 0.7 Huh?
As you may or may not have heard, Underverse 0.7 Part One released on youtube and it was BEAUTIFUL, absolutely incredible stuff as always. I, however, am a freak, and while all of the episode was wonderful and a delightful next part to the Underverse story, there is only one thing I plan to talk about.
If you know anything about me you know what weāre here for.
Letās talk about Fresh and his most recent appearance in Underverse.
For this post specifically, letās talk specifically about him in combat- Magic especially.Ā
First off Iām making these for two reasons!! Reason one is because Iām incapable of being normal about Fresh and seeing him delights my heart immensely. Reason two is because Iāve seen a lot of people surprised or confused about things that I was so intimately familiar with that it baffled me people DIDNāT know!
And then yāknow I remembered that most people didnāt spend weeks at a time hunting down every scrap of information about fresh from any source that was connected to the source material whatsoever (be it LoverOfPiggies herself, friends that interacted closely with her, or creators that had reached out to ask for information themselves).Ā
SO now Iām here to share what I know with everyone else!! With the fair warning that I am deep in it and also have very strong opinions and an ego the size of the sun, and also the warning that this is also my interpretation of what happened based on what I know and an analysis of Freshās portrayal in Underverse compared to the information on Fresh available.Ā
Letās start with one of the most shockingly unknown facts Iāve seen people be surprised about;
āFreshās Furbies blew up!?? They were BOMBS?ā
Yep!!!! This has been a part of his arsenal for a LONG time, along with the baseball bat- and this information was in fact straight from CQ, answered and public for the past 6 years
Fresh has essentially always been able to do this!! Or, more accurately, HAS been doing this? Same thing I think, you get the gist. Furbies rigged to blow and a bat (wiffle in the answer, but Iād say baseball bat is a fair substitute) to smack someone around with has been a weapon he uses for a long time.
This is also the best place to bring up how physically capable Fresh is. Fresh is FIT, and SKILLED, he knows how to move and how to use a weapon- or at least how to hit someone real hard with something. As seen in the first pictures he is using that bat beautifully against Error- but he does this twice actually!!
Fresh seems, at the very least, familiar with blunt weapons like bats, using them twice in the span of a single episode, wowie- and there are a lot of reasons I could see this being the case! All of his weapons are things he can easily explain away- the furby bombs? Little friends! Baseball bat? Thatās just a sport objects, yāknow, something for games! Stick of markers connected end to end? Honestly who hasnāt snapped those things together and pretended to have a very long marker or an epic stick when given the opportunity.Ā
This would be MUCH harder to do with something more traditionally recognized as a weapon. You think he can walk around with some kind of KNIFE?? Absolutely not! Thatās dangerous! Someone could get hurt! Or suspect him of being a threat! He would never want to do that- and any physical weapons otherwise fall under similar issues. Sure he probably COULD get ahold of swords, hammers, tridents, or any other kind of weapon- but those are decidedly weapons and he is decidedly harmless.
Thereās also the matter of his spacial awareness and body control
Look at the pose he has here. This is a pose he holds for multiple seconds, up until heās counter attacked and physically pulled out of it. Thatās INCREDIBLE balance, and potentially a testament to how strong or how lightweight ink is- but also, LOOK at that pose! Thatās not just any pose to me. That looks similar to a handplant- a skateboarding trick that involves pausing upside down on one hand while you hold the board and other hand above you. Obviously, there are differences, including but not limited to a distinct lack of boardā¦
But thatās also not what Iām getting at. Iām getting at the fact that physically, heās OBVIOUSLY skilled. He TRAINS himself- and he likely pulls from the knowledge and skills around his āinterestsā in order to do some of the movements he has! We absolutely saw him doing little skateboard tricks when running from ink, this is very much so in line with that and completely in the realm of possibility for him. Donāt even get me started on how he manages to heely backwards at high speeds without absolutely wiping out.
This DOES bring up an interesting question though!! What about other magic?
The answered ask by CQ is a bit vague, honestly- and there are PLENTY of examples of Fresh using magic drawn by CQ herself that eludes to a higher capability than just physical objects set up for violence (Coloured bone magic attacks and the āFRESH POOF!ā come to mind immediately for me, in art with Pacifrisk and comics respectively), so what CAN Fresh do?
Itāsā¦ hard to answer that solidly, honestly. Thereās a lot of interpretations for this answer, from a variety of sources that were (at the time) in close proximity to CQ and Fresh especially- The most typical interpretation is that Fresh is able to at minimum use the same magic as his current Host, and this DOES seem to be the interpretation Underverse runs with!! You can tell based on the second (third?) fight scene, more on that when I get there in another post.
I will say! It does seem like Fresh has some abilities not explained wholly by his host, unless what heās capable of is partially because his host isnāt sans, itās some other kind of skeleton who may just be able to do those things.
Fresh has shown to be able to definitely use: Teleportation (Both with Fresh Poof and without if he chooses to). I think itās also fair to assume he has access to other kinds of magic- Dimensional Magic being an option here given the retrieval/stashing of various objects throughout the episode (putting the furbies in place, suddenly having Inkās sash visible, and suddenly having a skateboard being prime examples).
I would argue that the ability to censor peopleās swears also falls under magic, as do his visual effects (like the question marks) and the word changes on his shades, but THAT is also dependent on whether or not you see āfourth wall shenaniganeryā as a magic or not. Thereās also a point where he jumps up and flips upside down in order to avoid getting blasted by ink that I could easily relate to the gravity-esque magic Sans has- yāknow, that thing where he makes your soul fall in a certain direction? Like that! Food for thought.
Thereās also the possibility that Fresh has the magic of being funny. And thatās only mildly a joke- magically being able to do things that would be funny or amusing in a given situation IS very in line with the kind of character he is and could explain a lot of the nonsense he has access to- of COURSE he can just summon stuff at will, itās hilarious when he does that and it makes him a delight to watch. Again, Fourth Wall Shenaniganery Magic in that case though.
By the way. Fresh is very, VERY aware of the fourth wall. This Iām going to be making its own post about.
ANYWAYS I think thatās all I have to say about the magic use on his part in underverse- I have NOT gotten into the possession here because that is itās OWN thing but do be aware that possessing people is also obviously something he can do and you love to see that. Enjoy and look forward to my further upcoming posts about Fresh!
#underverse#fresh#freshtale#fresh sans#fresh lucidia#fresh underverse#truefreshinfo#fresh!ink#error#loverofpiggies#cross sans#underverse 0.7#the first of many is already so long#good luck everyone#this is just the functional mechanics thing#the mechanics of ONE PART. goodness#Yeah I'm going to be insufferable about this one#no I will not apologize#I am going to have a blast writing these#and I hope people have a blast reading them#or learn something!!#I hope people learn something reading these
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