#true love's kiss trope
mossy-aro · 20 days
i hate to be a Downer but no i don’t think making the tenth generic post abt how ‘true love’ is and always will be the most powerful force in the universe and that nothing else compares gives you a personality actually. sorry.
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tielmamon · 10 months
A mage kidnaps Jaskier and sets him with a sleeping curse as a way to prove that witchers are heartless, bloodthirsty monsters themselves who know nothing but to kill-
Geralt swifty makes his way to Jaskier, who is currently laying dramatically on the ground near a tree. Just as quick, he places a soft almost playful kiss on the bard's sleeping lips and-
"Get up, come on." Geralt rumbles unhelpfully, smacking the bard's face a few times, smirking down at Jaskier who yawns right in his face.
"Shit, again? What is with you mages and true love kiss curses? And always around this time of the year too! Are you all just collectively lonely and bitter nearing Belletyn?" The bard hauls himself up, yawning once more while he leans on his witcher's side. A warm, armoured hand clasps the back of his neck, pulling him closer.
"Are you complaining?" With a bark of laughter, Jaskier answers with a kiss on the cheek.
"Hardly. Just wish there was a bit more variety, you know? Say, oh i don't know, true love's blow j-" He receives a smack up the back of his head and a chuckle at his side.
"Fuck off and find the amulet for the contract-" With a flourish, Jaskier pulls the amulet out of his coat pocket
"All done, darling. Do keep up." The mage watches from the sidelines, still tied up and horrified and embarassed. The two turn to him, one looking menacing and the other smiling brightly down at him. He's not quite sure which one he fears more.
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hanafubukki · 1 year
Imagine you and malleus were in a relationship before he overblotted.
You were put to sleep and you had been helping Silver through his UM to wake everyone up.
Eventually, malleus is defeated and everyone wakes up.
Except for you
Malleus is stricken. You, the one who is so precious to him, is not waking up. Because of him
He goes to you, shaken.
He begs you to wake up, please.
But you sleep without any change.
He leans in and kisses you.
It’s his only choice.
He has no power left.
No other way to wake you.
But to depend on a fairy tale solution.
But miraculously, you awaken.
And you call his name fondly.
Malleus finally finally breathes and cries into you.
Welcome back you say
I’m home he says back
Amongst the destruction, his family, and of course, you.
He really is back.
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aroaessidhe · 1 year
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2023 reads
The Spider And Her Demons
YA Australian urban fantasy/horror
about a Malaysian-Chinese girl who’s half spider-demon, just trying to keep her head down and survive high school
when she accidentally kills and eats a man in front of the most popular girl at school, they strike up a strange friendship and she starts to learn more about herself and the supernatural world
aroacespec/sapphic ish
#The Spider And Her Demons#Sydney Khoo#loveozya#aroaessidhe 2023 reads#you give me a teenage girl with giant hair spider legs who scuttles across her bedroom wall on page 3#and then eats a man and i am already sold.#also aus books are always so familiar compared to US books :)#and yes sexuality stuff is ambiguous but basically: a bunch of discussion on relationship hierachies (ie friendship equally/more important)#themes of feeling unlovable bc you're different and different forms of love#multiple times the MC says she has no interest in dating or relationships and also is touch (and maybe sex) repulsed#- but of course that Also has to do with the whole Being A Monster thing#and it definitely shows some kind of attraction to dior - ie looking at her lips/bare skin; blushing; etc#and ends on sort of hand kiss / 'is this something??' vibes#I asked the author and they said they see them as QPR / platonic soulmates but are not at the point where they would know what to call it#which makes total sense to me!#the part of me who wants more obvious aroace YA wishes it was a little more specific#but also I DO love ambiguity and I think it wouldn't be true to the characters#who are clearly not even ready to start figuring that stuff out.#and also. aroacespec sapphics is like. also something i want#also like. I think it's reductive to assume just because 'looks at lips' is a common allo attraction trope....doesn't necessarily mean#it has to be that. yknow.#anyway. i loved it a lot.#gross spidergirl (affectionate)......#also dior is such an interesting and complex character. like another book could have made her nicer or less fucked up
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unsurebazookacore · 3 months
hot take, mike and el arent in love, because they are fourteen
well i guess mike is fifteen but still like as someone who has been fourteen/fifteen
D. ALL OF THE ABOVE (the answer is D by the way)
"I knew right then and there in that moment that I loved you" MY ASS
#byler#mike wheeler#like i truly need to stress this so much this is NOT mileven hate like this is putting any like feature or fact about their dynamic aside#they are children#and yes i know there are people who meet their partners when they're young kids childhood friends to lovers is a trope for a reason#but no one NO ONE (or at least statistically very few people cuz i know my ass was not)#is making for real love declarations at Fourteen (or Fifteen humor me)#and “oh rey then how can you ship lumax-” LUMAX HASNT SAID I LOVE YOU YET#LUMAX IS THE MOST ACCURATE DEPICTION OF AN EARLY TEENAGE ROMANCE IN THE ENTIRE GODDAMNED SHOW BECAUSE THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS ARE SO AWKWARD#AND ITS ADORABLE#AND THATS IT#THEY HAVENT EVEN KISSED SINCE SEASON 2#YOU WANNA KNOW WHY??#BECAUSE THAT'S REALISTIC#BECAUSE THEY ARE KIDS AND KISSING IS GROSS#listen im not saying this with the intention that ohh kids are immature they dont know what true feelings are blah blah blah#kids have feelings no shit#but esPECIALLY when it comes to mileven it seems so goddamned performative#like it FEELS like they both just watched a bunch of romance movies and are now mimicking whatever they've seen the adults in those movies#(who are supposedly in love) do#like watch lucas's talk with max in the back of the like trailer thing where he tells her he wants her to stop pushing him away watch that#and then tell me mike's aMaZinG AnD drAmaTiC LOvE cONfESioN doesnt sound formulaic as fuck#like you wanna know how a teenager makes a love confession#they say smth emotionally vulnerable; want to die after saying the emotionally vulnerable thing; and then tell a shitty joke to salvage it#not “I don't know how to live without you. I feel like my life started that day we found you in the woods” no fucking teenager says that#and that is why lumax is as mr mclaughlin said himself: “real love”#damn i kinda cooked with the tags on this one#(also fun fact i learned that tumblr has a tag limit by making this post which is why half of the tags are at the 140 character limit)
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the little bit in the first neverafter where pinocchio pushes lord what’s-his-face on the sheets not being good enough and brennan justifies the 22 persuasion by saying that “he knows that in these types of stories you always give the magical creature whatever they ask for” is just delightful. that’s EXACTLY what i want to see from my genre-aware fairy tale worlds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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jidem · 9 months
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bataddictedloony · 1 year
listen this might be something that seems obvious to me because I actually like the art of film and storytelling and art in general, but maybe… don’t make movies based off of old movies you very obviously hate. Why should I watch your remake if all you do is shittalk the source material you based it off of? How is that supposed to convince me your “new and improved” version is going to be better if you keep telling me the bar is literally rock bottom?
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happy-emmdings · 1 year
OUAT be like ‘True love is the rarest magic of all’ and then they expect me to believe that fucking Brennan Jones fell in love in his sleep and a nurse fell in love with him without ever having a reciprocated conversation with him or ever getting to personally know him and it was actual True Love™ that managed to break a sleeping curse. And now suddenly he’s completely reformed and such a good guy because the woman ✨fixed him✨ And they expect me to accept this in the same episode where they show him selling his children without showing the slightest hint of remorse. Okay. Umm, what the fuck?
Also him telling Killian that if he had known the nurse back then he never would have done that and everything would have been different must have been an extra punch in the gut to Killian because if he was at all close to his mother when he was little, it must have felt like Brennan was absolutely dismissing her. As if Brennan was saying he needed a woman to make him a good person but Killian’s mother wasn’t good enough. What an asshole.
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kalpasio · 1 year
imagine kalpas turns into a marketable plushie and reader just finds a very small rage filled kalpas plushie
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I could definitely see very smol Kalpas with very larg rage lol
reader is just shopping randomly and sees the plush and goes "huh." like, you know the flame chasers are popular but you didn't expect there to be plushies of them, so you pick up the plushie to give to Kalpas as a joke but is IS Kalpas and now he's just. in your room? he can't really move, but he sure can talk and he has somehow gotten angrier now than he normally gets during fights even
reader frantically trying to get him back to normal just running around base with a Kalpas plushie 😭 can you fix my blorbo? at the same time, you definitely have to set him down and walk away with muffled yelling coming through the door when you go to train or need to eat lunch and he can't come with you
it turns out Elysia did it as a prank and once hes back to normal Kalpas doesn't even care? like I imagine he's the type to hold a grudge but what he considers irritating enough to be grudge-worth is very random and doesn't make sense to most people. you also have to take care of his sorry butt because he doesn't realize he hasn't eaten in a couple days and he can't just go off fighting he does not believe in blood sugar
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adarkrainbow · 2 years
A reaction to TV Tropes’ “Dead Unicorn Tropes”
TV Tropes and Idioms is a great site, and a bad website.
For dissecting fiction, identifying tropes, throwing little tidbits of cool info and fun trivia, it is a great site.
For actually teaching people real things about the world, or when it comes to its generalizations of genres and styles... it can be very bad. 
I have this love-dislike relationship (not hate though) with TV Tropes because this site was so useful for me so many times I can’t imagine not living without it ; BUT I also noticed so much wrong things posted or written in pages because TV Tropes is not kept by actual experts and anyone can actually write anything in there - hopefully people double-check and hold the website together, but a lot of false, incomplete or biased information just slips by as it lacks Wikipedia’s stern neutral position. 
And as I was scrolling through the pages I found the “Dead Unicorn Tropes” page. A page listing tropes that are basically “dead horse tropes” (that is to say over-used, over-parodied, over-played with, over-referenced tropes to the point they are seen as painfully cliche, greatly unfunny or dreadfully doll and boring owadays) - but with the twist that they are “unicorns”. Aka... while everyone treat these tropes as ancient, worn-out, over-used cliches, they never actually existed as “tropes” in the first place. They never were as popular and widespread as people believed - it is basically the Mandela Effect, but for popular culture. 
For example many people think that James Bond wears a tuxedo all the time - when in truth he always just wore tuxedos for a few crucial scenes. But given they were among the most iconic and well-known scenes, popular culture developped the belief that James Bond was ALWAYS in a tuxedo. Or a lot of people parody romance animes by having the main protagonist running late for school with a toast in their mouth only to bump into someone... despite this scenario never being widespread or really used in the first place in animes of this genre. 
Anyway... What caught my eye was a specific section of this page. A section dedicated to fairytales. And this being a fairytale blog... let’s react! 
Fairy tales' supposed idealism and inevitable happy endings are commonly mocked and "deconstructed", most people being unaware that the real stories were often violent, cynical, and depressing. It's something of a Cyclic Trope, since the original stories had such a grim tone, before being bowdlerized and Disneyfied because Children Are Innocent (which is in itself an example of this trope), causing the stories to end up in an Animation Age Ghetto, which left them filled with Fridge Logic and other ripe fodder for deconstruction. On the other end of the spectrum, the belief that all fairy tales were originally gory grimdark horror stories before their Disneyfication is similarly exaggerated; the most common gratuitously violent passages that modern adaptations tend to leave out involve the deaths of the villains at the story's end. Grimmification as a trope is a rather ironic appellation, as The Brothers Grimm were in fact the Ur-Example of Disneyfication, with many of their stories being even darker before the Grimms retold them (but still not the nightmare gorefest people like to think).
I don’t have much to add to this section. The complicated thing with TV Tropes is that it mixes all fairytales together, not separating their origins, genres, cultural context - but what you can be sure about is that when they generalize “fairytales”, they actually talk of the “Western fairytales”, the specific chain of fairytales that went Italian-French-German. 
It is true that the original Italian fairytales (well... they weren’t fairytales because the term fairytale was invented by the French, but these were proto-fairytales) were filled with sex, violence and grotesque elements - but that was because they were farcical humoristic stories, part of a long tradition of surreal bawdy slapstick tales inherited from medieval times, and they were entirely destined to adults. 
The French fairytales were a “Disneyification” as TV Tropes says : because they became courtly tales told by nobles, aristocrats and intellectuals - it was the introduction of traditional fairytale princesses, of virtues and beauty winning over vice and ugliness, of delicate dialogues and scenes out of pastoral romances, etc... Perrault was the one who removed from Little Red Riding Hood the most gruesome details (such as how the wolf, according to some versions, leaves a bit of the blood and flesh of the grandmother for Little Red to eat). BUT on the flipside, French fairytales were FAR away from being Disney fairytales. They were “dark” as while they removed obvious sexuality they kept all the violence, from Bluebeard killing his wives in a chamber of blood to ogres eating their own children while being drunk one night. And while happy endings were very common, they weren’t a standard of fairytales: Charles Perrault’s Little Red Riding Hood ends with the girl being eaten by the Wolf, and that’s it - because it is a warning tale ; while Madame d’Aulnoy’s The Yellow Dwarf ends with the two lovers dying and becoming a couple of trees - due to the story being inspired by ancient myths. 
As for the German fairytales, the work of the Brothers Grimm... On one side they do seem “darker” than the French fairytales due to trying to imitate/stay more faithful to the original folktales, and thus they include much less refinment, much less clear virtues and vices, much more bizarre, disturbing or murky elements... But nothing is too simple, as the Brothers Grimm also HEAVILY “Disneyified” fairytales - they cut down many tales from their book they deemed too “immoral” ; they added many happy endings (they invented the Woodsman saving Little Red Riding Hood) and they changed many dark elements (Snow-White’s stepmother was originally the girl’s mother). 
Overall it is impossible to pin-point a specific “culprit” for making fairytales “lighter” or “darker” because each new incarnation of them has its own part of darkness and lightness... But TV Tropes might also evoke “fairytales” as in “literary fairytales VS folkloric fairytales” - opposing the fairytales written down by authors who actually tried to create a work of literature (all the fairytales talked about above are part of this category) to the actual “fairytales” told by common people, part of folklore and which inspired the literary fairytales. That is another often overlooked simplification: the fairytales we know are all literary works - inspired by folktales yes, but the same way you can have television shows, movies or podcasts inspired by folktales. And under this angle - yes, definitively, all the literary works put a “lighter” twist on the original tales of the common folk. 
True Love's Kiss is not an original element to most fairy tales, but is rather a Disneyfication element. Many fairy tales' protagonists did indeed have The Big Damn Kiss, but it's not meant to be something especially powerful or magical, like a Deus ex Machina. Taking a survey of the most popular such kisses: in the Grimms' version of "Sleeping Beauty", the prince does awake the title character with a kiss, but that's just coincidence because he happened to be there when her hundred-year curse expired;note and in "Snow White", the prince never kisses Snow White, but instead drops her coffin and dislodged the chunk of poisoned apple stuck in her throat. The Ur-Example of the trope was in Norse Mythology, of the Valkyrie Brunhilda who was punished by Odin to sleep on a couch surrounded by fire and was awakened with a kiss from the hero Siegfried.
True! Well, almost... “true love kiss” was present in some French fairytales (as part of the “courtly love” angle - later taken back by the Grimms who wanted to make some tales “cleaner”), and fairytales do have magical kisses of various kinds, but 1) the term “true love kiss” was invented by Disney for its Snow-White movie and 2) the concept of a magical kiss has been taken out of proportions in fairytales. As the text points out: no versions of Snow-White, from the Grimms or from others, have the princess being woken up with a kiss - it was a Disney invention. But given Disney’s two most prominent and famous fairy-tale adaptations (Snow-White and Sleeping Beauty) used the “true love kiss” resolution, people learning of fairytales through Disney thought it was a traditional ending - and Disney’s capitalizing on it did ot help. 
I will also add that while the Grimms’ use of the “magical love kiss” might have been influenced by the Germanic myth of Siegfried (after all the Grimms heavily studied and reconstructed Germanic mythology) ; the “magical love kiss” of French fairytales was obviously taken rather from Greco-Roman sources, more precisely from the tale of “Psyche and Cupid”, THE first proto-fairytale. 
The Knight in Shining Armor rescuing the Damsel in Distress from a dragon is commonly associated with fairy tales, but this is rather rare; The Brothers Grimm only used it twice.
Kind-of-true too. Dragons are NOT typical or traditional fairytale villains - except maybe in folktales and rural legends. Similarly, male heroes in fairytales are rarely knights - they are mostly princes/nobles or peasants of some sort - sometimes a soldier, but that’s all. In fact, beyond the rare Brothers Grimm example cited above, the only other manifestations of this scenario appear in French fairytales, which loved to have a noble male hero save a damsel from some sort of monster - but dragons weren’t more popular than giants or wicked sorcerers, and the male hero rarely was a “knight” and rather a warrior-prince or fighting king. 
The Unicorn (natch) is even more rare. If you do catch one, it won't be the delicate and pure creature like the modern trope, but the fierce and dangerous version of actual medieval legend.
True, because unicorns do not belong to the world of fairytales, but to the world of legends! I never saw one “original” fairytale, literary or otherwise, using a unicorn. Unicorns were part of medieval bestiaries and legends, and as thus were then reused in works of the “fantasy” genre in modern days - and then fantasy “bled” and got a bit confused with fairytales, and unicorns hoped into the “modern fairytale” conception... But yeah, unicorns in fairytales are basically completely unseen.
The Fairy Godmother is extremely rare and appears to have been introduced from literary variants. Sleeping Beauty is often just the victim of a prophesied fate. Cinderella is generally helped by her dead mother in some way, or by some magical beings whose good will she's earned. Even when she appears, it's not that "fairy godmother" is a type of supernatural being akin to a "guardian angel", but rather that a character's godmother, someone everyone in medieval Christendom would have and would already know as a close family friend, is unexpectedly revealed to be a fairy in disguise.
Ah... “Literary variants”. Now that’s a very interesting thing. You know, for a very long time the critics, the teachers, the ones studying fairytales, had this approach: look for folklore, rural legends, the “folktales” first, then look at the literary fairytales later and compare the two, seeing literary fairytales as “reimaginations” of the “original” tales. Nowaday, people in universities, and experts of literature, and critics, recognize that this approach is false and outdated - thanks to the research proving that most of the “folktales” we claim were the “original” sources... actually are just rural twins or doubles of the literary fairytales, which became so popular they spread to the lower classes. And fairytale history nowadays begins with the literary fairytales first - heck, the very term “fairy tale” was invented to designate the literary tales. Fairytales was originally a literary genre - and the term was only later broadened to include “folktales” in it (resulting in many mythological legends or religious tales being often incoherently called “fairytales”). 
That being said... “The Fairy Godmother is very rare”. Oh boy... you feel whoever wrote this only knows of German fairytales, aka the Grimms’ work. Fairy godmothers are EVERYWHERE in the French fairytales. Why do you think the genre was called “fairy tale”? BECAUSE THERE WERE FRIGGIN FAIRIES EVERYWHERE!!! What’s even funnier is that the whole idea of “The Fairy Godmother protects the heroine” was invented by Grimms and Disney. A lot of fairytales in Madame d’Aulnoy’s books are actually persecuted by the fairy godmothers of the story’s villains, or of their rivals! Sometimes you even have battles of fairy godmothers! 
Fairies themselves. Almost any conversation involving them will bring up that in the original tales fairies weren't good or helpful but were supposedly all represented by the most sinister interpretations of The Fair Folk. In reality fairies in the old tales and mythology tend to run the whole gamut from being good and/or helpful to being downright vicious. In many tales the behaviour of the same fairy type or fairy character can vary wildly depending on how a human interacts with them (usually courteous and virtuous behaviour will be rewarded, while vanity and other character flaws will be punished)
On top of what I said above, the article of TV Tropes here also keeps practicing a big confusion between several types of fairytales. 
Fairies are actually pretty much absent from the fairytales of the Brother Grimms, who rather leave place for either magical dwarfs and imps, either witches, and sometimes supernatural ladies such as Frau Höle. The fairies REALLY come from the French fairytales - again, I have to insist, the very term “fairy tale” (conte de fées) was invented to talk about the works of Perrault and d’Aulnoy. And fairies in French fairytales were far from the “all good, kind and cute” fairies - again, this is Disney’s work (and actually it is also the work of Victorian literature, but that’s another subject). In French fairytales you have both good fairies and wicked fairies - though most of the time they are clearly divided by a manicheism of “good, kind, beautiful, benevolent fairies” VS “ugly, monstrous, old evil fairy”. However, some fairytales (such as those of Aulnoy) still blurred the line between the two as good fairies could be easily offended and thus do wicked things. 
But here TV Tropes again refers mostly to “folktales” VS “literary tales” - and of course in “folktales” fairies are wildly different from their literary counterpart... Though even there is yet again another layer of confusion (so many...), because the French “fées” are NOT the English “fairies” even though they do translate by the same word. In English “fairies” originally designates a lot of inhabitants of the Otherworld ranging from pixies to monsters: in French “une fée” is originally a supernatural lady of the Otherworld, a cross between a goddess and a druidess/priestess, halfway between a nymph and sorceress. 
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this is so specific to me only but. i was an og fan of The School for Good and Evil series. i *devoured* those books as a tween. im now watching the 2022 adaptation and... it being a movie MURDERS the pacing that made the books good. 
also agatha being objectively ugly was SO important to the story. her actress is literally gorgeous, so all the comments about her being gross and ‘witchlike’ for... not wearing a dress when she first showed up and being kind of snarky fall flat. agatha was UGLY but she was GOOD!! she was loved and kind and brave and still ugly!!! even the ball scene where she has her ~glow-up~, the features that made her ‘ugly’ dont disappear- she literally just learns to smile and project happiness and her inner kindness and that’s what makes her pretty. 
i also hate the direction they took for sophie. i guess it was to make her more sympathetic, but her viewing agatha as a charity case that she grew to love was such a great demonstration of her selfishness, but also her capacity to still love despite being vain and shallow and ambitious. in the movie, we’re told she earnestly loves aggie right from the start. 
there’s also a bunch of small beats and the way things unfold that i know were done to cut time to fit in a movie-length runtime, and exposition dumps instead of it more naturally unfolding with the story... but the story suffers for it. it’s such an easy fix too!! just make it a TV show! it has the perfect pacing with the mystery elements and a clear overarching goal!! why did they make it a movie????
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chemicalbrew · 2 years
okay let’s be real: live a live probably didn’t age as well as most people think it did (bc i still can’t shake the feeling of ct having similar ideas and vibes executed way better after playing for weeks), but like. complaining about the game having a single optional female protagonist is not it chief
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lonesomedotmp3 · 2 years
true love's kiss will break any curse 🖤 so true
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out-of-jams · 6 months
Too many beds
Accidentally kidnapping a mafia boss
Really nice guy who hates only you
Academic rivals except it’s two teachers who compete to have the best class
Divorce of convenience
Too much communication
True hate’s kiss (only kissing your enemy can break a curse)
Dating your enemy’s sibling
Lovers to enemies
Hate at first sight
Love triangle where the two love interests get together instead
Fake amnesia
Soulmates who are fated to kill each other
Strangers to enemies
Instead of fake dating, everyone is convinced that you aren’t actually dating
Too hot to cuddle
Love interest CEO is a himbo/bimbo who runs their company into the ground
Nursing home au
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sculptambitio · 10 hours
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ㅤㅤKNUCKLES. ㅤit feels as though you have fought every day of your life. sometimes, you cannot even tell how much of the blood on your hands is your own... and how much comes from those who've tried to hurt those you defend. you deserve the gentleness of a kiss to your bruised knuckles and broken skin, a reminder that you are not only made of violence.
Tagged by: no one! stole it Tagging: y o u .
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