#truck girl vickie agenda
devondespresso · 2 years
I saw your tags on my one-sided ronance post and think you're talking about my fic Robin and Steve's Epic Platonic Soulmate Mixtape with truckgirl Vickie who's ankle Robin sees and makes her so normal. But even if not I'm glad the truck girl Vickie agenda is out there. It's what we deserve.
im only 58% embarrassed that i didn't remember that you were the one that wrote that one but at least you remembered for me thanks for that m8
imma be honest your truck girl vickie agenda singlehandedly converted me to a rockie enjoyer and its become one of those headcanons that i actively apply to everything i read (like how in my brain I'll make steve hoh in fics that don't even mention it) so yea slay
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motownfiction · 4 months
Sam takes himself for a fool.
He doesn’t do it often. Sure, he slacks off in all his classes, but mediocre-to-shitty grades are never enough to convince him that he’s dumb. He could knock the brain out of just about anyone’s head at St. Catherine’s if he really tried. It sounds arrogant, but he knows he’s smart. Brilliant, maybe, on a good day, after a good sleep or a particularly revelatory listen-through of a great record. He knows he’s smart. He can spin an idea out of nothing.
But he can also observe things that go down right in front of him.
Nobody seems to remember that. They think that because Sam has all these fantastical ideas and jokes, that because his brain is made up mostly of popular and obscure song lyrics, then he must not actually see the things in front of his face. His own mother repeatedly says that Sam is confused by the shadow of his own nose. And of course there are times when he lets his imagination carry him away. That’s the best part of having an imagination. Letting it sweep you up and lift you out of whatever it is that’s scaring you.
But he’s not imagining this one.
How could he be?
It happens outside his own home on a hot Friday afternoon in July. He and Steph just got back from the mall, where she finally bought a pair of shoes she hadn’t been able to stop talking about for almost two months. They ran into Daniel, who had just successfully run away from Vicky St. John and her propositioning.
“I don’t get it,” Sam says. “I thought you liked hooking up with Vicky.”
“I do,” Daniel says. “I just have another thing later tonight. That’s all.”
Out of the corner of his eye, Sam thinks he sees Steph blush, but it’s probably just because it’s awkward to think of Daniel – sweet, quiet Daniel – hooking up with almost every girl in the Class of 1985.
“Damn, man,” Sam says. “A girl a day. That’s your limit?”
“Pretty much, yeah.”
“Damn. Well, I guess you gotta preserve some tradition. Must make going to Confession a lot easier.”
Daniel laughs, and Sam thinks it sounds a little strained. Maybe he just feels awkward about how many girls he’s been with, too. If Sam were a different kind of guy, he might ask him why he’s garnered this specific reputation over the past year. But it’s probably not like that. It’s probably just that it’s fun, and if Daniel can swing it, why not? Everybody’s sleeping with somebody now. Even Lucy and Will finally got around to it. That’s probably all it is.
The ice cream truck comes by. Sam, eternally nine years old, hits his pockets for loose change. He’s got enough for two Bomb Pops – one for him, one for Steph. He looks at Daniel apologetically, but Daniel shakes his head.
“I don’t need one,” he says. “I don’t like how they turn my teeth blue once you get to the bottom of ‘em.”
“Shit, that’s the best part!” Sam says.
“Let him like what he likes,” Steph says, suddenly popping into the conversation out of nowhere. It shouldn’t feel surprising. Steph isn’t exactly shy. But whenever they get around Daniel … sometimes it’s like she is. Sam assumes she’s just matching him. That’s probably it.
Once they get the Bomb Pops, they stand outside in the heat of the day, just talking. Daniel mentions something about meeting up with Kim Campbell a few nights ago, and the story turns so unexpectedly salacious, both Sam and Steph forget they’re supposed to be eating popsicles. Sam watches as Steph looks down at her hand – a stream of red and blue juices falling around her wrist and between the fingers of her right hand. Instinctively, she raises her hand to her lips, and with a lick or two, the melted purplish stuff disappears.
But Daniel was watching her the whole time.
And it seemed like he liked what he saw.
Not in a way that you like just any beautiful girl, either. No. This was … this was like he had an agenda. Like he’d already crossed it – her – off the top of his “to-do” list.
Steph looks back at him, still blushing, even though they haven’t exchanged any words.
So, Sam takes himself for a fool.Because how could he ever take the alternative?
(part of @nosebleedclub june challenge -- day 4!)
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annaphoenix1994 · 2 years
The Taking
"My blood runs cold; Like the killer you know... The killer you chose; Oh, I'm the devil you know."
"The Devil You Know" by Blues Saraceno
Inside the children's clinic at Haddonfield Memorial, Allyson pulled the lamp closer to see inside of Julian's ear. "Mom says I got all that wax in there 'cause I wear my headphones all the time. As soon as I get out of my bath, when my ears are still wet, I put 'em in, and I even wear them when I go to bed. But I can't live without my music, so I just gotta deal with the wax." 
Allyson smiled. Julian grew to have more swagger than any fifteen-year-old she knew. And when he lay on the exam table, she couldn't help but be thankful that Vicky wasn't in Michael's way that fateful Halloween night, knowing that Vicky was babysitting Julian. Finishing a good ear-syringing, no wax came from his ear canal. "Here, let's tilt your head, Julian," She told him as she helped direct the angle. Then she gently shook it. "Hold on, I think I see it."
"Wax supposed to just fall out?" He asked. He adjusted his posture, but nothing happened.
He winced at the feeling of the long tweezers in his ear before he fell back on his hands, putting a hand over his mouth as he saw the tiny spider Allyson had removed from his ear, "Oh, shit! I had a spider in my ear?" 
"Looks like it," She said as she dropped the spider into a cup and examined it. "Maybe it just wanted to hear what you were listening to." 
"Nurse Allyson, I think I'm gonna pass out." 
She then wet a cloth and handed it to Julian. He melodramatically leaned back and draped it over his head. She couldn't help but giggle at the sight, acknowledging the paramedics that had been on their route back to their ambulance. "Hey, Marvin. Hey, John." She nodded. 
"Allyson," John, Little John to his closest friends and family, flashed her a friendly smile as he remembered her from that night -- on his front porch, crying out of fear as well as triumphant as she knew she had led Michael to Mia that night. "How are you?" 
Finally, her curiosity about Mia's well-being had arose, knowing that she probably wouldn't see John again for a few days. "I'm well," She nodded. "Can I ask you something? If you're not busy?" 
"Anything, hun." He smiled, slinging his bag of gear over his shoulder. 
Glancing at Julian still on the table, she ensured that he was taking deep breaths to keep himself from passing out, watching his foot tap to the rhythm of 'From Austin' by Zach Bryan playing from the nearby radio. She hated country, but here lately, after listening to the words, she began to enjoy it. True country music -- raw, emotional, and meaningful. 
"H-How's Mia? If I had to be honest, I'm too afraid to reach out-"
"Don't be," He assured her, patting her arm. "She made a recovery. She had a beautiful baby girl. Ella." 
Ella, she said to herself. "I had been wondering about her all these years." 
"I understand," He nodded, his face falling to a frown. "Although I'm afraid that poor Ella has been missing since mid-October. We're all working with the sheriff in hopes of finding her soon." 
Allyson's jaw dropped, "W-What?" 
"Someone with bad intentions took her. They moved out of state and somehow someone with a cruel agenda just couldn't keep the past behind them," He said with a low tone. "Someone had put one of those AirTags behind Ella's hairbrush and whoever it was that took her had been tracking her." 
Allyson's eyes froze over with rage, knowing exactly who it was, knowing that Laurie had recently gotten an AirTag for herself to "keep on her truck just in case it was stolen" after Allyson had to make another trip to the local store to get a new charging cable for her phone, the same teller that rang up Laurie recognizing her granddaughter and bringing it up with an innocent conversation. I'm going to fucking go off! 
Allyson was at a true loss for words, unable to speak as her rage peaked once again. For now, she kept silent until she knew for sure that it was Laurie that did this. Although she didn't want to believe it, she knew that it was a bad feeling if the first person she thought of when finding out Ella was kidnapped was her own grandmother, that it was with a cruel intention. With that information, she knew that Michael was back. 
John pulled her aside quickly and out of Julian's vision briefly, stepping closer to whisper in her ear, "Please, don't put yourself in his way." 
Mia had wanted to step outside and get fresh air as she felt she had slept too much the night before, unaware that Michael and John were slipping hospital-strength melatonin into her drink at dinner. She sat on the front porch of the former Myers House, now known as her brother's home -- a place to have Christmas, a place to have Thanksgiving... a place to have a family. Although bad things had happened there, she felt that the renovation had given it a new life since Big and Little John purchased it. 
She fought the urge to cry again, but it was uncontrollable as she ignored the worried text messages on her phone from friends and coworkers, knowing exactly why they were contacting her. She wept silently on the front porch as the Halloween decorations Big John had set up concealed her live form from onlookers and anyone else who wanted to be out of pocket on the holiday. 
Both of the John's were gone at work, leaving only Mia and Michael in the house. She frowned as she saw Michael's mask still on the kitchen islander from the other night, anyone except Mia and Michael being too afraid to touch it. 
Correction: even Mia was too afraid to touch it without Michael's permission, knowing the things that mask had seen over the years -- things Mia didn't want to see, but she refused to believe that the Michael she knew was not the man behind the mask. 
But it was inevitable. 
It was almost ten o'clock and Mia continued to rock gently in the rocking chair, forcing herself to look out onto the street in front of her, picking a random fallen leaf to track as the breeze picked it up, carrying it several feet away before it landed on the concrete again. She cried as she watched the leaf, comparing it to her sweet Ella -- being picked up and taken against her will only to land somewhere that wasn't safe... that wasn't home. 
It was then that Mia swore that if she could beat Michael to it, she would kill Laurie herself or whoever it was that took her daughter, but she knew that if anyone deserved it, it was Laurie, although she hated to think so cruelly. 
Her phone buzzed of a notification, causing her head to snap in its direction, hoping it was a call from Sheriff Barker or even a slight rising of good news. Instead, it was just a silly notification from her email on one of her online subscriptions. She couldn't help but glance at the message notifications from the previous days before, each one being from her friends hoping that good news was found regarding Ella. 
Hearing the breeze pick up again, Mia began to feel like she was being watched, but she knew it wasn't Michael. Or is it? she thought. 
Shaking the thought from her mind, the gut feeling was still prominent, causing her to feel uneasy. She tried to shake it off as someone taking a photo of the house from a passing car or from one of the other houses across the street, but this feeling was one that was similar to knowing someone was standing over your shoulder watching what you were doing. 
Looking around slowly, she saw nothing but felt an immense presence close to her. This presence was not her Michael, not even The Shape himself, but what felt like a wave of negative energy approaching as slowly as a tsunami. 
She stood from the rocking chair, leaving her mug of unfinished cider on the banister as she pushed her phone into the pocket of her cotton pants and shut the front door behind her, unaware of the open kitchen door from the other side of the house. Locking the deadbolt quickly, she exhaled a deep breath before turning around to suspend the sudden urge of hunger in her stomach as her chest collided with Michael's, a sharp gasp leaving her body. 
"Are you alright?" He asked, rubbing her arms with his palms, feeling the cold kiss of autumn on her skin, sure that she knew he was behind her as he could have sworn she watched him come down the stairs when she entered the house, but he guessed he was wrong. 
She forced herself to nod, "Yeah. Just a little uneasy is all." 
"Even outside?" He tilted his head. "I figured you were in the backyard watching Scout?" 
She furrowed her brows, "No? I haven't taken her out yet." 
As the couple shared a confused look between each other, Michael looked towards the open door in the kitchen, briefly confused before looking at the empty space on the countertop. 
His mask was gone. 
Corey took a sharp breath as he had sprinted for a couple of blocks before stopping to catch his breath. The singed hair of the mask scratching against Corey's infected palm. Now sitting on his motorcycle, he brought the mask in front of him, sitting it against the fuel tank of his motorcycle, looking at the empty pits of the mask, wondering what his eyes would look like behind it. His trembling breath soon turned to a slowed breathing. 
A frightening calm came over him -- he felt powerful. 
"And what are you going to do now?" He asked with growing conviction, wondering if Michael could hear him although it was clear Corey was talking to himself. Slowly, a smirk crept onto his face. 
He had plans this Halloween. 
It wasn't about Laurie's plan to trap Michael anymore. 
And it wasn't about keeping Ella hidden from Michael and Mia. 
But now, a new shape has evolved. 
Corey chuckled to himself, putting the mask in the saddlebag of his motorcycle, "Happy fucking Halloween." 
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Lost Girls- 2
"She may only have a few hours" Stefan reveals. "She's upstairs with him now" Elena says in frantic panic. Elena leans across the table, raking her hair.
"It's okay. She doesn't know what's happening to her yet" Stefan assures.
"So when is she gonna know?" I ask.
"Right now, she doesn't remember anything. A part of her is still human. But slowly the deeper she gets into the transition, the memories will start to come back. And then she'll know she has to make the choice" Elena straightens up and looks at him.
"The same choice you made?" He doesn't say anything, looking away slowly.
I spin on my heels when I hear Matt yell Vicki's name. I run towards the front to see Matt looking around the yard in worry. I run after him, and everyone else runs behind us.
"She was fine and then she just-she just freaked out" Jeremy exclaimed from the door.
I look around in panic, she's gone. "I'm gonna go look for her, call me if you hear anything" Matt says to me, I nod and let him go.
"Be careful, please!" I call out to him as he gets in his truck.
"I can track her" Stefan says to both me and Elena. "I'm going with you. I can't lose more family" I command. He shakes his head.
"No, Ariel"
"But Stefan" I whine like a kid.
"Your human, she's already struggling. You stay here. I'll call if anything"
I sit at the Gilbert's table. Raking fingers through my hair. I can't think straight. All I can think about is how Vicki is become a vampire. God. This was never supposed to happen. Damon was supposed to have died.
Zach would still be alive, and Vicki wasn't supposed to be going through this right now.
How has my life gone to absolute hell?
The doorbell rings making me snap out of my thoughts. The three of us, Elena, Jermey and I head to see who it is. Elena opens the door but the second she does try's to shut it. It's no use and Damon opens the door wider with easy.
"Jeremy, go upstairs" Elena orders of him. Jeremy frowns but does as he's told.
"Your afraid of me." Damon says amused. "I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess. Stefan finally fessed up" He tilts his head at me.
"Am I wrong?" I growl and hiss. "Go to hell"
"We'll now, there's no need to be rude. I'm just was just looking for Stefan. May I come in?" He directs the last bit at Elena.
"Oh wait. Of course I can I've been invited" Both of us take small steps back as he comes in. He closes the door and scans the door before back at us.
"We can cut to the chase. I'm not gonna kill you right now. That wouldn't serve my greater agenda" He says crossing his arms. "So...where's Stefan" I'm about to lie, say the first thing that comes to mind, but Elena beats me to it.
"He's out looking for Vicki" I close my eyes shut and ball my fists. Great. "Don't look at me with those judges little eyes. Girls gonna thank me for what I did to her" Damon says stepping closer. We back away but hit the railing. "Did you thank Katherine?" I sneer in his direction. He only replies him a 'Mmh'. He heads to the door.
"Tell my brother I'm looking for him. Oh, tip for later. Be careful who you invite in the house"
Me and Elena sit on her porch swing. We're are both equally anxious. We still aren't talking. I feel bad. I shouldn't have snapped at her like that, I was about to apologize for what I said when Stefan came into view.
His shirt was soaked in blood.
"You're bleeding" Elena says as she gets up and goes to him. He grabs her hands, "It's okay, I'm okay" I swallow the lump in my throat.
She's not with him. I slowly rise from my seat, my breath giving out. Stefan turns to me with sorrow in his eyes.
"I couldn't stop her. I tried" I feel the tears wanting to fall already.
"What does that mean?" I ask, my voice quavering. He let go of Elena and walked to me, "She fed, and then I lost her" . Behind him Elena gasps. My mouth opens and closes, trying to figure out what to say.
He grabs me, "I will find her, and I will show her, that she can live like I do. I will make sure that she does not hurt anybody, Ariel. I promise you"
Ok, well she feed. I mean at least she's not dead, I mean that's good right?
Stefan sighs and turns to me. "I am so sorry" I sniff as the tears slowly start falling down my face.
"I need to go, I-I can't be here, right now" I say picking up my purse and fleeing.
When I got home I found the small bag with my prescription hidden in a vase. I pick the bag up and go inside, I enter the kitchen and take a pill. At least they'll help with the attacks.
I get under the covers of my head and drift asleep.
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