elizadushkudaily · 7 months
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TRU CALLING | 1.20 "Two Weddings and a Funeral" Original air date: April 29, 2004
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jackinalex · 9 months
I would also like to point out in Jack’s 2023 Photo Dump the only person he responded to was Alex… he didn’t even reply to his own sister 🥹🥰🥹
Literally!!!!!! He will always reply to Alex no matter what. Like that is his favorite person in the world. 🥹🥹🥹🥹
Jack’s theme song.
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bluerosesburnblue · 11 months
1. I have a question for you about Tru Calling for fun, if you want:) So, as you know, they tried to keep the stuff with Tru and Jack not as black and white as it might have initially seemed. Everyone at first surely would have wanted to be on Tru's side because she saved lives and Jack took them, or so it seemed. But Jack did raise some good points about how there could be drastic consequences to what Tru did. Maybe not with a few saves. But that when they started stacking up.
2. Tru thought that Jack was messing with fate. But he thought that she was. And actually, when the writers revealed some of their plans for the show, I think it was somewhat revealed that JACK was right about this part of it. And that the writers had somewhat based their lore on "Paradise Lost." Tru WAS messing with fate/what the gods wanted or whatever. But their lore had it so there were a few times that you could do that before things started to drastically shift (paraphrasing there). 3. And I think the original writer's post about this might have gotten taken down, sadly. But my question is, knowing all of this, if you had to choose a side: who were you with? Tru or Jack?;)
Ah, I remember us talking about this. And the thing is, I think it really depends on how much you trust these Powers That Be. Are the ones in control of the universe right? Benevolent? At least in terms of what we got to know in the show, it's almost impossible to say, so I really don't know whose side I'd be on. Both are just acting in accordance with what they think is right (short-term salvation of a single life vs. long-term good for all) and who actually is is dependent on that nebulous end goal of the gods
It's just the trolley problem. If Tru saves one life, but it dooms others because of how fate works, then can we really say she's right or wrong? Is the gods' true future "right" if it means that innocents have to die? And I don't think, in this instance, that there's meant to be an answer (or, at least, there hadn't been one we were meant to see yet at the point things were cancelled). And it's a real shame that the show didn't go on for longer to actually start delving into these things, and who gave Tru and Jack their powers and why, because if it did I might actually be able to come up with an answer
If this kind of philosophical question interests you, though, then I'd definitely recommend checking out the webcomic One Last God: Kubera. It's a bit of a long one, but the main crux of the plot actually is this exact issue. It may not look it at first, but as of the current updates it's apparent that the plot is a battle between a god who always tries to get the "best future" in every universe, even if this "best future" means sacrificing the lives of countless good people (and no one even knows what "best" means), and a goddess of chaos who wants him to fail. The whole thing is even referred to as a "game" between them, and our main characters are the "pieces" who slowly learn more about why things are the way that they are and if either of the gods are really right. And, thankfully, it looks like this story will actually be able to go on long enough to talk about the implications of it
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party-time · 2 years
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Bringing back one of my fav OC's, with a small redesign and a doodle of him with @softcaktus lil Nini (luv her ✨✨)
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trusp-3-q · 2 years
Jacke oc by @trusp-3-q
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juanabaloo · 2 months
i wish Tru Calling had lasted for 4+ seasons. i wish Tru and Luc ended S1 as a couple and never stopped. i wish the Jack arc was intense but like he never truly threatened the Tru x Luc bond. gahhhhh.
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Jack saying to Tru (who are enemies with some UST... and maybe some feelings despite themselves, because they were kind of friends once, but not really [it's complicated]) after he comes back from the summer to resume their fight, "I missed this, Tru (our battles). I really did," while laughing gleefully (but you can also kind of tell he's somewhat lying and maybe a bit tired?, but it's mostly the former), would so very much have been Angelus to Buffy if those two had ever gotten to cross paths again.
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dprvivi · 1 month
p1h reaction to you saying no to having sex
pairing: 0t6 x fem!reader
summery: reader saying that they are not in the mood/don’t want to have sex when their partner wants to have sex (different scenario for each member)
warnings: suggestiv but no smut!
a/n: im a whore for angsty smutty comfort… so I Hope you like this too. Feedback is appreciated!
Thank you so so much for all the love, reblogs and likes on the last post! It means the world!
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you were in the kitchen making dinner. It was one of those rare times that nobody else was in the apartment, so you were using your time to cook together. The last few weeks have been tough for your relationship since p1h has been everywhere but home and not seeing each other so much has definitely made it tough to feel connected. While cooking you noticed that he was trying to shift the mood to a more sexual one a few times. Kissing your neck while standing behind you, lightly smacking your ass when you bend down or lifting you onto the counter and kiss you. But the last thing you wanted was to have sex. It was the first time you two saw each other again, you wanted to be close to him but not in this way. You wanted to reconnect emotionally and not physically.
After eating you went into the living room still trying to make the mood more emotionally connected and comfortable rather then physical. But for some reason keeho didn’t notice your attempts to turn his advances down. As you were sitting on the couch together talking about something that wasn’t that important. At some point his gaze noticeably shifted more towards your body and he pulled you closer kissing you passionately.
Not that you didn’t want to have sex with your beautiful and kind boyfriend but for some reason it didn’t feel right. You hasn’t seen each other so long and this wasn’t what you wanted to do right now, you wanted to cuddle and watch a movie talking about unimportant things while looking into each other eyes like there are no other people in the world.
When he pulled you into his lap your heart was racing to point that he could have probably heard it. „Keeho….can we stop please“ came out of your mouth without a time to process what you just said. You didn’t want to make him feel bad or make things awkward but you also didn’t want to have sex. He pulled away looking into your eyes with a look that made your heart drop down to your knees. „I’m sorry I-…“ you said filling the silence „no. y/n don’t apologize please“ he cupped your face with hand and you could tell he was feeling bad. „ y/n im so sorry if I pushed you to anything you didn’t want-…“ he says so quietly and nervously it was something you rarely ever heart from him. „No keeho I… you didn’t push me I was just… can we just cuddle tonight?“ you cut him off.
He pushes a strand of hair away from your face looking into your eyes with so much love „ I’m sorry y/n-…“ „keeho it’s fine really-…“ „no let me apologize, I should have payed more attention I’m sorry. Now please choose a movie and we can cuddle until we see sunlight okay?“he said while lifting you off his lap.
Theo and you had been out all day, running some errands, getting dinner at your favorite sushi place and going for a walk in the park near their dorm. By the time you got back to the dorm you were exhausted. You walked tru the front door of the dorm being greeted being met with the familiar faces of Theos members. „Y/n! heyyyy your back“ intak said from the kitchen wanting you to feel at home. Theo closed the door behind you two. He was carrying all the stuff you two have bought today and placed them onto the kitchen counter while you were removing your shoes and jacked. You followed into the kitchen, hugging intak while greeting him and then grabbing a glass of water for yourself.
„It’s pretty late already do you just want to head to bed or stay in the livingroom with the members?“ Theo asked you. „I’m pretty tired let’s just head to bed“ you said walking past him to his room only stoping to give him a small kiss. You entered his room going to your overnight bag and getting your toothbrush, pjs and makeup remover before heading into the bathroom. You did notice Theo following you to the bathroom so you waited for him to come in before shutting the door. The gave you a kiss before grabbing his toothbrush and starting to brush his teeth, you did the same. Once you were done he was starting to get changed while you were taking off your makeup. You were comfortable around him but removing your makeup in front of him always left you feeling a bit insecure. Theo,the boyfriend he truly was, obviously knew that and like always didn’t miss his chance to come up behind you in the mirror and hug you from behind „you look so beautiful“ he said. „Stop lying“ you joked, both of you laughing while he shook his head.
You moved to the side pulling you pants down and grabbing them from the floor. Your top was next leaving you in underwear only. Not that Theo didn’t see you in underwear (or less) all the time but he loved you body and he could never get enough. He moved closer to you grabbing your waist while standing in front of you while giving you a kiss. „Do you want my help with this?“ he asked you, smirking while reaching his hands up to your bra clasp and undoing it. As your bra feel to the floor, he pulled you closer, kissing you again. His hands were roaming your body, cherishing your breast and waist. You knew what direction he was heading in but you were absolutely exhausted and tired.
„Im sorry Theo but I’m so tired“ you said between his kisses. He pulled back looking into your eyes. You thought he would look disappointed but I was more the opposite. He was still smiling, he put his hand below your chin pulling you head up just a bit before kissing you quickly. „That’s okay, let’s head to bed honey“ he said giving you your pj shirt into your hand. After you finished changing you finally headed to bed.
You normally don’t visit jiung in the studio because very often the other members are there. Not because you didn’t like the other members you loved them but you felt kind of out of place at the studio with them.
„do you want to come over i miss u“ was the text you received about 30 minutes ago. You had seen each other a few days ago but obviously you missed him too. So there you were Finally arriving at the studio knocking at his small rooms door. He was sitting at his pc working on a new song but when he heard your knock he immediately stood up and opens the door for you.
„heyyy“ he said when he opens the door giving you a quick kiss and hugging you quickly but firmly. „do you want to sit down or-…“ you sit down on his couch cutting him off by saying „are you nervous or something“ you giggling teasing him because you knew he is always nervous about having you at work especially because he’s nervous to show you knew songs. „Whattttt noooo“ he responded sarcastically while sitting down next to you. You took his hand looking him in the eyes. You loved seeing him like this, without makeup and in baggy comfortable clothing. „do you want to hear my new song?“
„obviously“you said while giving you a kiss on the cheek before he stood up to his pc. Clicking buttons you didn’t understand until a song started playing. It was beautiful, not finished but absolutely beautiful. „did you write this?“ he nodded still waiting for you to say something. „Jiung it’s so beautiful… I love it“ you said.
He moved to the couch again and kissing you. This time deeper. He moved over you, you now were laying on your back on the couch him on top of you. You loved being with him but this was a bit to risky for your comfort. You were shy and you were aware of that. When he started to move his hand down to undo your pants you couldn’t hold back anymore „jiung- I dont-…can we stop?“ you said fast and quiet. Shutting your eyes while saying it. You felt his hand Cup your face „hey… of course. Are you okay?“. He moved to sit besides you, holding your hand. „yes I …. Im okay this is just a bit out of my comfort zone… I love having sex with you but … maybe not here“. You looked at him and he just smiled. „I’m glad you said something, I don’t want you to be uncomfortable, are you sure you are okay ?“ he looked at you with so much love it was kind of strange that you actually thought he would be mad. You nodded at him giving him a smile before he gave you a kiss on the forehead „I love you darling don’t forget that“. You stayed on the couch a bit before heading home.
You two were in his room, laying on his bed. It was pretty late already and you had come over only a few hours ago. „Oh my god just pick one“ you said laughing. Intak had been scrolling thru Netflix for half an hour finding a reason for each movie not to watch it. „Noooo y/n I want a movie we both will like“ he responded looking at you with a pout. „This one… what about this one“ you said pointing to the screen. „fineeee“ he said finally clicking play on a romcom.
He was rested with his back against the wall with you in between his legs, your back pressed against his torso and the back of his head rested against his chest. After a while of just talking and the movie fading into the background he softly started kissing your neck and the top of your head from behind. You moaned slightly at the sensation, his warm breath feeling so electrifying against your neck. You felt his hands start reaching up your shirt from behind. You finally turned around being on top of him. He put his hands on your neck pulling you closer and kissing you deeply. He reached under your shirt and started pulling it over your head. He groaned when you reached your hands under his shirt, teaming his trained body.
When his hands started wandering lower you suddenly remembered something important. You had started your period today, you totally forgot to tell him. You subconsciously pulled away a bit. „wait- intak im on my period“ you said breathless between kisses. He stoped kissing you looking you into the eyes with his beautiful dark puppy eyes. He moved a stray strand of hair out of your face as you were hovering over him. „all good princess“ he said casually but sweet and gentle with a soft smile on his face.„Cuddling is underrated anyway“ he said with a chuckle. You moved over to lay besides him „I agree“ you said with a big smile as he wrapped his arm around you while you got comfortable laying your head onto his chest.
The relationship was still fresh, not new but you were still taking a lot of first steps together since you were taking things rather slow. You both had never been in a relationship before and both of you knew that.
You were sitting at his pc on his fancy little gaming chair. He was sitting behind you on the bed as you were playing some kind of game together. You had absolutely no idea what you were even doing but he was smiling and laughing so cutely that was all you needed anyway.
„Baby you just killed me“ he said giggling and putting his controller down. „Did I? Im sorry“ you said turning around to give him a kiss as you moved to the bed. Instead of sitting down next to him you pushed him down onto his back, moving on top of him so you were seated on him. „Okay I forgive you“ he said smirking until he pulled your head down to his and kiss you. You started fidgeting with the hem of his tanktop before pulling it over his head. „god shota…“ you said while running your hands over his abs. He turned his head to the side embarrassed but you knew he really appreciated the compliment. He kissed you again and again and god was it hot. But When you started feeling how his hand down into your pants you got nervous. „Shota… I’ve never done this before“ you admitted nervously. He pulled his fingers away placing them at your waist as you were still seated on top of him. He was smiling softly nodding and never breaking eye contact „that’s okay we don’t have to…“ „no I mean we can“ you cut him off but he could tell you were super nervous. „No let’s make your first time special, okay?“ he looked at you rubbing circles with his thumbs at the curve of your waist.
You were backstage next to jongseob but sitting with the other members. Luckily you loved his members and they loved you two. „We have 25 minutes left before we should head out“ keeho reminded his members knowing that some of them probably already forgot. „Yes mom“ Theo replied sarcastically. You and jongseob were watching TikTok on his phone, sitting very close together. His hand was rested on your thigh which was very cute but he normally wasn’t really into pda in front of his members. You still appreciated the gesture.
„Do you want to go into the dressing room with me I want to add some other accessories“ he said quietly into your direction. „yeah sure“ you responded giving him a kiss on the cheek before standing up together. The other members didn’t say anything when they saw you leaving into the dressing room but that probably only because they didn’t care what you did, the only thing that mattered was that you two were back in time for the stage.
The door of the dressing room closed behind the two of you. He really did reach for accessories which you honestly thought was the only thing you had in mind. But after changing on accessorie and asking you if you liked it he walked over to you and showed his true intentions. He kissed you deeply but with a certain kind of speed you weren’t used two. Not that you didn’t have sex or made out but never in a quicky way. The two of you always took you time having sweet and wholesome sex. Not that you were opposed to the idea of having quicker or rougher sex but this was going so fast and in an environment you didn’t feel comfortable in. He started walking towards a wall with you, pushing you softly against it. He took your hands and put them over your head, holding them against the wall with one of his hands. He started kissing you from your lips down to your chest.
But the only thing you had in mind was the ticking clock. It was 25 minutes until the stage started like 10 minuets ago. Did you really wanted to have sex right now? You loved having sex with him but normally it was different.
„Wait jongseob… wait“ you said breathless between moans and breaths. He pulled away and locked you into the eyes waiting for you to say more. „I don’t know if I want this here… i mean you have to be on stage in like 15 minutes“ you rambled on like you needed some kind of hood excuse but for jongseob anything but a clear yes was a complete no go. He let go of you hands giving you a kiss on the cheek „don’t worry we don’t have to“ he responded cutely.
He tried fixing your hair a bit before heading out to the other members again.
A/n: I’m still new so feedback is still appreciated:) let me know which member was your favorite<3
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mcytblrconfessions · 2 months
my favourite experience of this blog has got to be reading that one ask about how jack manifold is trans, with the comments debating whether that’s wrong to speculate about, just to tune into twitch.tv the next day and watch finnster forcefem him without remorse. finn isn’t truthing he’s fucking real-ing. realisation of dreams. now etho fans should take notes and pay etho to become a jehovas witness to make their theories come tru
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wyattjohnston · 1 month
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with the posting of the masterlist, the summer fic exchange 2k24 has come to an end! 33 fics written by 31 people. i am eternally grateful that these exchanges are still going strong and that people are having fun with it!
please read all the fics below, even if it's a player you don't normally read for. a lot of work has gone into these fics and they all deserve your time. make sure to reblog and leave comments when you've read it!
please respect all warnings at the beginning of fics. if a fic has been marked as smut or 18+ and you are younger than, do the right thing and do not read it.
i'm still unsure if i'm running a winter exchange or if i'm going to maybe reconsider the timing, but please come back and feel free to ask questions around november/december if i haven't said anything!
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the summer fic exchange 2k24 masterlist
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Boston Bruins
Jeremy Swayman
Indoor Cat by @nhl-stories for @ bqstqnbruin
Carolina Hurricanes
Andrei Svechnikov
i’ve been yours since you stepped through the door tonight by @writingonleaves for @ callsign-denmark
Third Time's the Charm by @typical-simplelove for @ kurlyteuvo
Frederik Andersen
But Baby, It Feels Like Love by @callsign-denmark for @ mp0625
Chicago Hawks
Teuvo Teravainen
I Think I Dreamed You Into Life by @kurlyteuvo for @ lila-rose
Colorado Avalanche
Nathan MacKinnon
hide the sun by @ohmyeyesmyeyes for @ wyattjohnston
Edmonton Oilers
Connor McDavid
i'm half-doomed and you're semi-sweet by @offside-the-lines for @ hiding-from-reality-56
Leon Draisaitl
… but you're going to by @senditcolton for @ thewintersoldierdisaster
Blue Hair and Pronouns by @hiding-from-reality-56 for @ nhl-stories
Florida Panthers
Matthew Tkachuk
always attract by @dunnerlars for @ sc0tters
truth or dare by @boqvistsbabe for @ ohmyeyesmyeyes
Montreal Canadiens
Cole Caufield
four weddings and a funeral by @thewintersoldierdisaster for @ prettytoxicrevolver
Juraj Slafkovsky
Summer Vacation by @prettytoxicrevolver for @ lam-ila
New Jersey Devils
Dawson Mercer
Baseball and Love by @lam-ila for @ hischier-papaya
Jack Hughes
CHASING YES by @puckology101 for @ tonsypep
Nico Hischier
home is just another word for you by @fallinallincurls for @ puckology101
felt like magic by @laurenairay for @ selfindulgentpoorlywritten
good luck, babe by @nol-pat for @ fallinallincurls
turbulent by @wyattjohnston for @ dunnerlars
walked in and dream came trued it for ya by @gravestrain for @ nol-pat
New York Islanders
Mat Barzal
First Time Feeling by @huuuuughes for @ ahockeywrites
truth or dare by @dunnerlars for @ writingonleaves
Matt Martin
I can't help it if I like it by @laurenairay for @ comphy-and-cozy
New York Rangers
Alexis Lafreniere
Romance in The Hamptons by @lifeofpriya for @ wildrangers
Matt Rempe
MEDICINE by @lila-rose for @ 2 manytabsopen
Pittsburgh Penguins
Anthony Beauvillier
one night standards by @comphy-and-cozy for @ offsidethelines
Tattoos of You by @bqstqnbruin for @ senditcolton
Ryan Graves
The First Time by @selfindulgentpoorlywritten for @ gravestrain
Seattle Kraken
Philipp Grubauer
Pfirsich by @mp0625 for @ huuuuughes
Toronto Maple Leafs
Joseph Woll
sunset by @hischier-papaya for @ lifeofpriya
William Nylander
I Wish You Would by @wildrangers for @ typical-simplelove
Vancouver Canucks
Quinn Hughes
somehow still stuck on you by @matthewtkachuk for @ boqvistsbabe
walkin' with his head down, i'm the one he's walking to by @tonyspep for @ laurenairay
if the person you wrote for hasn’t read and reblogged your fic, please tell me.
i only tag the person who wrote the fic as there are limited tags.
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bunnwich · 5 months
I love when you guys send me asks like this like -
"Sire, look look a new card of your catman has arrived!"
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1.) I'm am so happy they didn't jack up his face. (Sorry not sorry.) They go so off-model with his face in cards sometimes and I just don't get it. Or make his mouth look weird and thank god!!! (Let's pray the groovy doesn't wash him out!)
2.) AND THE HIGH PONY PREDICTION CAME TRU. I had a feeling he was gonna get the pony but what's more-
3.) THE RETURN OF THE FOREHEAD. I personally think he looks better when his bangs are back, and we haven't got good forehead since his pre-groovy robe card. (Ironically that's my favorite way they have drawn his face/skin.) 4.) HE HAS SUNGLASSES INSTEAD OF GOGGLES????? THAT'S JUST SO ON POINT WITH HOW I HC HIS STYLE VIBES. UNLESS THEY ARE JUST SLIM GOGGLES. VERY GOOD SIR. I'll give you that one.
WOOHOO. The simps can rest now. TBH I'm more excited for the voicelines. I love the tidbits of lore they have. ALSO-
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The shoes are wild, but they fit his personality so I'll let him live for now. They remind me of a cheetah. Gotta go fast!! As for lil old me, I am tempted to redo my Spelldrive art from my old account bc I was going through some funk art-style growing pains. I can do it even more justice now I think. >:3c
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laundrybiscuits · 1 year
written for the @steddiemicrofic prompt: 'pool' | wc: 442 | rated: G | cw: mild alcohol use (and cussing I guess? do we warn for PG-13 language?)
“Get in on this, Steve,” Robin says directly into his ear, way too loud. She’s had most of a Long Island iced tea; her face is bright pink.
“In on what,” Steve says, shoving at her.
“Nancy thinks Eddie’s gonna strike out again, but I believe in tru-u-ue lo-o-ove,” she warbles, clinging to his arm like a tipsy limpet. “So we’re betting. Five bucks. Who’re you siding with.”
It’s not like Steve hadn’t noticed Eddie talking to some guy, he'd just thought—
He swats at her again, futilely. “Yeah, I’m sure some random asshole at a dive bar is his true love.”
“Please, that’s probably Eddie's idea of a metalhead fairytale. They’re gonna make scuzzy little musician babies.”
“Do we have to talk about the birds and the bees, Robin?” He glances over at Nancy, listing against Jonathan’s side. Steve fights the urge to push Robin away again, but he shifts uncomfortably. The four of them probably look like interlopers here—tourists.
Nancy’s not flushed like Robin, but she looks a little looser than she’s let herself be in a while. It’s nice.
She’s smiling as she watches Eddie and the random asshole. “Eddie’s not doing too badly this time. Guess there’s someone for everyone.”
“Don't bias Steve,” whines Robin. “I want his money.”
“I’m not gonna bet, this is stupid,” says Steve. “It’s shitty to start a betting pool on Eddie’s—love life, or whatever.”
“They’re just having fun, man,” says Jonathan. “We all just want Eddie to be happy.”
“Sure. Some random asshole’s gonna make him happy.” Steve leans back against the bar, folding his arms.
“Steve.” Robin’s staring at him. “Oh my god, Steve. Wait. Steve.”
He winces.
“Steve,” she says. “Do you—”
“No. Shut up,” says Steve.
Jonathan glances from Steve to Robin to Eddie, and back to Steve. “Oh, shit,” he says. “Dude. Uh. Not to like, betray any confidences, but. You should tell him.”
“Wait, what?” Steve blinks. The jack and coke he's been nursing might be hitting. “You mean…”
Robin shoves him hard enough that he almost overbalances. “Go get your man! Team True Love!” She’s not even trying to be quiet. Across the bar, Eddie jumps a little and turns to stare back at them.
Steve’s face warms. He waves, like a loser, and Eddie’s expression goes from confused to something else. Something new.
Eddie touches the random asshole’s arm, but whatever he says makes the guy laugh and fuck off, so that's okay.
As Steve pushes away from the bar and starts to walk towards Eddie's growing smile, he hears Nancy saying, “I think this means you owe me,” while Robin shrieks, “Oh, like hell—”
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blvckentropy · 28 days
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Meet the Cast (top to bottom, left to right)
Trumere Douglas | 32 | Professional Photographer | Simadelphia (Newcrest) | VC🔊: Trumere "Tru" is a well-known photographer celebrated in the celebrity world. She thrives in her entrepreneurial journey, running a successful studio that has gained popularity. With a passion for creativity and a love for the arts, she also enjoys letting loose at parties during her free time. Although she struggled initially, she discovered her unique talent for capturing stunning sceneries and fine art. While her parents never viewed photography as a viable career, they take pride in her business achievements. Her entire persona revolves around her work, with little focus on anything else apart from her relationship with her boyfriend. However, everything could change when she encounters a charming stranger.
Zachary "Zach" Love | 34 | Freelancing | Simadelphia | VC 🔊| : (Traits: Goofball, Bro, Maker) Zachary is a true visionary at heart. His greatest aspiration is to contribute to his community and launch his own contracting business. Currently, he juggles his responsibilities as a construction and mill worker, striving to make ends meet. Contrary to popular belief, he experienced a period of immaturity in his younger years, which led to him maturing later in life. After a significant life transformation, he finally has something to look forward to, yet he still feels distant from finding a partner to share that journey with. Despite his parents' separation, he holds love in high esteem, much like his name suggests. Zach has always been easygoing, but it seems he may have finally found someone who challenges him.
Halo Wallis | 31 | Student/Night worker | Simadelphia | VC 🔊: (Traits: Geek, Overachiever, Snob) Halo is one of Tru's closest friends. As the middle child in a family of five, she faced several challenges growing up, including sacrifices related to her education. By the time she turned 18, she found herself needing to make a difficult choice about her future. An opportunity arose when Madame Darling, the owner of a nightclub, offered her a job. Although she could have turned it down, the reality of her situation made it hard to say no. By the age of 21, she was working discreetly at the club and had saved enough money to move out of her parents' house and into her own place. Over the years, she continued her job at the club while also managing to save for her education. Now, she is focused on her studies, aiming to become a physical therapist or pursue a doctorate.
James "JB" Blake | 33 | Jack of All trade | Simdelphia | VC 🔊: (Traits: Bro, Ambitious, Adventurous) Just like his best friend Zach, James is a dreamer. He has multiple jobs ranging from freelancing and construction work with Zach. You can say he's a jack of all trades trying to reach his lifetime goal of owning a customization auto repair shop. He got his obsession for cars and how they work from his old man. James was always a workaholic and struggle turning it off. That is until his friend invited him out to a unspeakable night out
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binahs-sinbin · 9 months
Hii, can i request the nut kicking with savanaclaw please?
Hello! So wrote this as as Leona being the getting kicked as he’s the trouble maker! (I hope this is alright!)
(All characters below are 18+!)
Leona loves pushing your buttons, and today was no different, he started the day getting in your way and dragging you to the greenhouse to nap. You didn’t WANT to rage a nap or go there.
Crewel was upset you skipped class and thank to Leona you now had extra work and what was his response?
Try to make you nap again and when you yelled at him and trued to leave, he first blocked the door, but you instantly tried to duck under his arm.
He lifted you up by your shirt and held you there. You were so frustrated you decided to make him drop so you could run. You swung your foot back and Aimee between his legs.
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He jumped embarrassingly enough, but he did let go of you! And you ran and was out of his sight before he even realized what happened
He’s more impressed that you did that, given his most people avoid arguments, but you just hit him in the balls and ran, he knows you are upset with him so…
He waits almost an entire week before testing his luck and springing you again. You still weren’t happy but he was being stupid and said you should apologize
He instantly left and waited another week before apologizing. He also informs you you are more intimidating when mad.
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He just stares in confusion fir a second, Leona knows you get mad about this shit, that you would beat his ass if he got you in trouble once more.
And then he does this and he honestly isn’t even upset With you and straight up goes to you to check if your ok, given Leani dropped you and you clearly hit stuff while trying to catch yourself!
Ruggie dosent steal from you for a month thinking you’re gonna be more on edge around him since he’s always with Leona
He pushes Leona into apologizing since he can sense the anger radiating off you when Leona approaches
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He’s in complete shock at first. He wants to scold you, check on Leona and figure out what just happened all at the same time
He does say Leona, deserved it you shouldn’t have done it. (He does literally apologize on Leona’s behalf and talks to him over how he did have it coming)
He honestly treats you like you were hurt, I mean he’s seen you upset and you’ve never kicked anyone so…maybe leona was being a big bitch-
He’s extra friendly to you afterwards for a while. He lets you feel his ears and tail to help cheer you up!
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trusp-3-q · 1 year
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Brothers picture
Harry wasn't liking this shirt XD
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sobri-k-eyt · 3 months
Psych x Batman ideas,,,
Some fics for hypothetical fellow Batman fans: -After Maddie leaves and things with Henry becomes too tough, a young Shawn Spencer venture to Gotham City, finally wanting to follow his own fantastical dreams. Too bad he technically counts as an orphan though -World's Greatest Detective v. Psychic Detective: The Battle of wits between Batman and Psych-Man -Tim and Shawn genius crack bonding- perhaps a certain psychic is consulted during Brucequest, or even just the online ramblings of two sleep-deprived idiots, each truing to show the other up -Jack Drake and Uncle Jack? What an interesting coincidence, especially when both are connected to a Red Robin -The SBPD and GCPD collab -Batman and the JLU try and figure out just what the heck is wrong with Santa Barbara and why it has so much crime! (like the musical) -What happened in Shawn's years abroad? Certainly, he didn't just work dead-end jobs?(edited)
Credit me if you use them, or scream with me in reblogs or comments!
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