#trouble lucked into literally the best present anyone could ever give trick xD
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queen-scribbles · 3 months ago
From the Heart
woooo Christmas @shepherds-of-haven fic starring the oblivious Idiot Gun Children(affectionate) ~1.5k ---
Trouble was late.
Trick rocked back on her heels, bounced on the balls of her feet. He was almost never late, they always met here, did she need to go look-
"Sorry!" Trouble tumbled around the corner in a rush of tousled blonde hair and heavy breaths clouding the cold air. "Had a stop to make, took longer'n I expected. Thanks for waitin'."
"'Course, I need my sidekick to watch my back," she teased, linking her arm through his to start along their patrol route.
"Hey, now-"
"Trouble, we've had this debate three times already," Trick said with a giggle.
"And I refuse to admit defeat," he countered cheerfully, tweaking her braid.
"Well, fine, then. To put it another way, Blade would have a fit if I patrolled alone." She bit her lip and shivered at a swirling gust of wind. "Also, I have something I wanted to give you before we started, but I guess it can wait til the end..."
"Somethin' like a present?" Trouble asked, eyes narrowing over a hopeful grin.
"Yeah. It's that time of year, ain't it?" She gestured to the snow dusted streets and decorations adorning half the shops and homes they passed.
"Yeah. Could I open it while we're walkin'?"
"And be distracted from potential threats?"
He grinned at her exaggerated scandal. "That's why there's two of us, right? Catch things the other misses?"
"Hmm... I dunno...." Trick hummed in feigned reluctance, withdrawing her arm from his to shove both hands in her pockets. One curled around the small parcel meant for him. She was a little nervous about giving it, but not enough to back out.
"What if I said I had somethin' for you, too?" Trouble said, words casual, but a sly gleam in his eye as he watched her reaction.
"Well, in that case... we usually take a break at the halfway point, yeah?" She hunched her shoulders against the cold. "We can swap then."
"Good plan," Trouble nodded and tugged his scarf up to warm more of his face.
They walked in silence a few minutes, scanning for Endarkened or other threats before Trick spoke up. "S'that why you were late? Gettin' the somethin' for me?"
"Yeah, sorry." He slung an arm around her shoulders. "I know how you are about cold."
"It was only a few minutes, Trouble, it's okay." She did lean in to the warmth soaking though his coat, though, for the rest of their patrol through their break. They posted up in an alcove partially sheltered from the cold, and each slipped a hand in their pocket to reach for their gifts.
"Who's givin' first?" Trick asked.
Trouble thought a moment. "Roshambo for it?"
She nodded, and they raised their free hands to do the three count and throw their choice.
Trouble won, grin near splitting his face as he worked his gift for her free of his pocket. "Hope you like it."
It wasn't wrapped any special way; just the heavy brown paper shopkeeps used to wrap purchases, tied with red twine and sealed with a bookshop's mark. Size and shape further bore out the chance it was a book, which was already promising and had her intrigued.
"I'm sure I w-" She froze as the paper shucked off, staring at the cover revealed inside.
Trouble's brows shot up. "'Zat a good or bad shocked silence?" When she didn't answer he poked her shoulder. "Trick?"
"Where'd you find this?!" she demanded, still staring. In the Emerald's Shadow. He found-
He frowned. "The bookshop by the mermaid fountain, Gage's place. I know you like the Agatha Judge books an' hadn't seen this one in your collection and I thought--" His eyes widened. "Oh, shit, did you not have it 'cause you don't like it? Did-"
"No, Trouble--" Trick grabbed his arm to cut him off. "This one's out of print. There were murmurs when it came out that it was... soft on Diminished, so while it was never outright banned, the printer quietly 'discontinued' it, and..." Her eyes narrowed. Something this rare couldn't have been cheap. You weren't really s'pposed to ask about presents, but-- "This had t' cost an arm and a leg, you didn't hock anything for it, did you-?!"
Trouble snorted. "Trick, c'mon, I have money--"
"Gage let me do layaway," he shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck. "It really wasn't that much, I swear, an' if it's makin' you smile like that, s'worth every deucalion."
She hadn't even realized she was grinning ear to ear. Her fingers clenched the book so hard they hurt. "I just can't... I've been lookin' for years-- Thank you!!" She finally got her senses and lunged forward to hug him, arms tight around his neck. "I love it." She pressed an enthusiastic kiss to his cheek for emphasis.
Trouble hugged her back, arms warm and face red to the ears. "Shit, you're welcome. Didn't even realize it was such a surefire win." He cleared his throat as they stepped back. "You... you wanna give me mine now?"
"I'm kind of afraid to," Trick laughed sheepishly. Her trepidation from before was multiplied; it hadn't felt like much of a gift before and now seemed stunningly inadequate. "I dunno if it's good enough..."
"Oh, c'mon, it's from you, I'm sure I'll love it." Trouble gave her a wheedling grin.
"Fine." One hand dipped in her pocket, squeezing the parcel but not withdrawing it yet. "Y'know how I started knitting again a few months back? Figured it would be good to pick back up as a hobby?" She'd had to give it up when she couldn't afford yarn. "Well. I made somethin'."
His whole face lit up. "For me?"
"No, for Caine, that's why I brought it up while we're exchanging gifts," she deadpanned. "Yes, for you." She braced herself with a deep breath and handed it over. "Hope you like it."
"'Course I will," Trouble laughed, already ripping open the paper. He flat out whooped when the contents were revealed, hugging her tight enough to pop her spine. "Thanks, I love it!"
She laughed and caught the paper he shook off before it hit the ground. "I'm glad, and stars know you need one, but maybe make sure it fits first." She'd been forced to estimate, in order to keep this a surprise.
"I'm sure it's fine." Trouble twirled the blue knit hat on his finger before pulling it on. It came all the way down to his nape, almost completely covered his ears, and sat right above his eyes. "See? A perfect fit."
Trick giggled. Perfect was exaggerating, but a little big was better than a little small, she supposed. "Good. I wanted to match your scarf, but could not find red yarn for love or money anywhere, so I hope the colors are okay." The brown section at the crown was thanks to running out of blue and scrambling for something that matched so she could finish.
"Oh, yeah, they look great," he promised, "and it's really warm."
"That's a relief," she joked, reaching up to straighten the hat ever so slightly. She'd inadvertently used the same blue as his eyes. Something warm squiggled in her chest that he was so enthusiastic about it, but this was Trouble. She shouldn't be surprised. "Dunno if it equals the book though."
"Of fucking course it does," Trouble proclaimed. "I love mine and you love yours. That makes 'em equal in my book."
"Lumpy handmade hat by a hobbyist shakin' off the rust" --she poked one of the lumps in the hat and he grinned-- "equals a rare out of print mystery novel? Charitable book you got."
"Trick." He put a hand on each of her shoulders and stared her in the eye. "It's from the heart, right? You were thinkin' of me when you made it?"
She nodded, fighting the temptation to yank said hat down over his eyes and crack a joke. Her stomach was all tight and she didn't think it was from cold.
"Then that's what counts." Trouble pulled her in for another, gentler hug-- and shoved her hat down over her eyes and slung an arm around her shoulders as she squawked protest. "C'mon, we should get back to it."
"Yeah, yeah." Trick pushed her hat back up and tucked the new book in her pocket, wrapping an arm around his waist as they resumed patrol. Strangely, despite the cold, and even with a new book to read, she wasn't in any hurry for this to end.
--- (what's this? a mote of potential awareness for my daughter she just might be falling in love with her best friend? IMPOSSIBLE. A HOLIDAY MIRACLE- aaaand she shook it off. god would you two just kiss already?????)
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