#trope mash-up
sionisjaune · 5 months
Baby fic x everybody knows/mistaken for a couple… dealers choice on pairing
[Trope mash up prompts]
Loathe as Lewis is to be sitting across from Nico on the terrace of a cafe in Los Feliz, he’s forced to admit that he doesn’t have anyone else who could possibly advise him on this issue. Well, there are plenty of people who could advise him, but no one who would offer their unfiltered opinion. And Lewis really needs an unfiltered opinion. 
“Cute,” says Nico, gesturing with his spoon at the baby in Lewis’s lap. “He looks like you.” 
“Thanks,” says Lewis, for lack of anything else to say. He bounces his son on his knee, praying that he doesn’t wake up before Lewis and Nico are done lunching. He can’t really stand to leave him at the apartment, even with his family. His mother is a non-starter. 
“So,” says Nico, plunging his spoon into the frittata in front of him. “I’m just going to state the obvious. How did this happen?” 
Lewis’s son gurgles, and Lewis pats his back, willing him to remain asleep. He squints against the harsh midday sun. “Do you need a lesson in sex ed?” 
“Oh, I know how to make babies,” says Nico, amused. A strand of hair falls over his brow. “You know what I’m asking. How young was she? One of those girls that you bring on the boats?” 
Lewis doesn’t dignify that with a response, suppressing the irritation rising hotly in his chest. He knew what he was getting into with Nico. “Doesn’t matter,” he says, marshalling his most diplomatic words. “I just… Jesus. I need some advice. You’re… experienced.” 
Nico blinks at Lewis, wrinkling his brow, and then he begins to laugh. Sunlight sparkles in his eyes and glints in his hair and his nose scrunches, delicate wrinkles appearing at the corners of his eyes. Lewis sucks in a breath.
When he’s finished laughing, he wipes his eyes with the back of his hand. “I guess I am,” says Nico, still snorting. “God. I’ve finally beat you at something, haven’t I?” 
Nico’s chortling is momentarily interrupted when the waiter returns to the table to top up Nico’s mimosa and serve Lewis his salad. Miraculously, the baby is still sleeping against Lewis’s chest, undisturbed by the clinking of dishware and cutlery. 
“Thanks,” says Lewis, accepting his plate. The waiter grins radiantly at Lewis, bending at the waist to peer at the baby. 
“So adorable,” he coos, wiggling a finger at Lewis’s son’s face. Lewis doesn’t know whether to feel annoyed or flattered. “You’re too lucky—he looks like both of you,” says the waiter. “My partner and I have been searching for a donor for months and we just can’t find the right one.”
“We’re not—” says Lewis, but Nico cuts him off. 
“Thanks,” says Nico, eyes glittering, his mimosa held loosely in one hand. “He’s our little angel.”
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ladylilithprime · 2 months
24 + 58, whatever configuration of Sam, Dean, and Castiel being involved in the mess you like
24: Soulmate AU
58: Accidental Eavesdropping  
AND HERE I thought angels didn't have soulmates!"
That was Dean's voice, tense and biting. Sam felt the urge to cringe away from the tone if not the words and made himself be still to avoid drawing attention. When his brother was in a mood to use that tone of voice, no attention was good attention.
"Normally we do not," came the response, predictably in Castiel's voice, though the angel (former angel? Angel once removed?) sounded far more frustrated than Sam had ever heard him. "We are also not usually human while still retaining our memories as an angel. My situation is, once again, unprecedented."
"And you're sure it's not Jimmy's soulmark?" Dean pressed. "Or, hell, a tattoo he might've gotten before you took up residence?"
"Jimmy's soulmark disappeared from this body when he was Reaped during the Apocalypse," Castiel huffed. "And he did not have any tattoos. Nor did this mark appear until after Metatron precipitated my Fall!"
Well, that definitely sounded like it was a soulmark.
Apparently Dean agreed, because he changed his approach a bit. "So why come to me? I'm no good at this kinda touchy feely crap; that's more Sam's wheelhouse than mine."
Rude. Accurate, probably, but still! Sam was ready to just keep pretending to be asleep now just to force Dean to man up and deal with the emotions for once, except he didn't think that would be fair to Castiel to make him flounder just because he had gone to Dean first.
"Dean, please at least attempt to have some compassion," Castiel snapped. Actually snapped! Stunned as he was, Sam almost missed the rustle of fabric before the former angel growled, "Look!"
There was a heavy silence that lasted for six of Sam's heartbeats - not that he was counting - before Dean mumbled, "Oh." And then, "Shit."
"Exactly," Castiel agreed in grim tones, leaving Sam even more confused than before.
"But I thought he had--"
"A ploy on the part of Azazel's agent," came the almost nonsensical reply. "But you see why I chose to speak to you about this, despite your ineptitude."
"Hey!" And there was Dean's offended, audible pout, because God possibly literally forbid that anyone point out Dean's emotional constipation besides Dean himself, and that was almost enough to distract Sam from--
"He still mourns her, even nearly a decade since losing her," Castiel said, sober and quiet and agonized. "It would be the height of cruelty to show him proof that it was all a fabrication of Hell, especially when I have no proof that the mark will remain when I am able to reclaim my Grace."
"So what, you plan to just.... keep it covered and never make skin contact with Sammy while living here with him?" Dean demanded, sounding angry again. To be fair, Sam was starting to feel a bit angry himself, because what the hell, Cas? Even with the unfortunate (heartwrenching) truth that Castiel having Sam's soulmark implied about his bond with Jess, that wasn't something you just hid from someone you lived with whom you also claimed to be a friend!
"I have no intention of hiding it, or of avoiding Sam!" Castiel growled back, and suddenly Sam was battling down a very different sort of flush of heat, because that tone was doing things to him. "I was hoping, perhaps erroneously, that you would have insight into how to break it to him gently that his true soulmate is not only a former angel who may one day soon cease being human and thus no longer have a soul, but also one who has previously betrayed him heinously and would completely understand if he would rather have nothing to do with me than be bound to me for all eternity!"
"Well if you're going for gentle," Sam found himself saying into the silence, carefully sitting up from the couch and peering over the back at his brother and, apparently, his soulmate, "maybe don't have a loud argument three feet from my head while I'm trying to nap?"
"Sam," Castiel breathed, eyes wide even with the painfully pronounced bags under them from lack of sleep, before shooting a panicked look in Dean's direction.
"Hey, Sammy," Dean said, his voice higher than usual and looking torn between caught out and gleeful. "So, uh... you heard--"
"Most of it," Sam broke in, stifling a yawn with the back of his hand. "And I'm still tired, so having any deeply emotional conversations should probably wait until we're all better rested."
He got up, prying himself away from the comfortable warmth of the couch by reminding himself that it was only warm because of his body heat and that his bed would be more warm and comfortable. Without really thinking about it, he reached out and took Castiel's hand, stroking his thumb over the skin as the former angel's breath caught and Sam felt the tingle of the gray and black feather on the inside of his left arm presumably filling with true color for the first time.
"Just so there's no misunderstanding, now or later," Sam murmured, looking down into celestial blue eyes, "Eternity with you sounds a lot better than the rest of my life without you. So don't run away on me, okay?"
"Okay, Sam," Castiel murmured, staring up at him in wonder even as their hands shifted, fingers entwining.
"And if that's at least temporarily settled," Dean said, throwing up his hands, "I say you two go get a room and we all go get more sleep!"
"That," Castiel said dryly, "is the first useful suggestion you have had this entire conversation."
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ginnyw-potter · 6 months
50 & 96 for the ask 🤍 (hinny of course 🤍)
50. Arranged Marriage
96. Scars
Okay, I may have gotten a little carried away with this one.
She had shouted and fought and physically refused to go, but in the end it had not mattered. After a quick wedding, both of them were wordlessly escorted to their new home. She did not even get to see it, they were brought to their room and the door was locked.
Left to the mercy of a man she barely knew more of than his name. For the rest of her life.
She sat on the bed still wearing her wedding dress. He had not looked at her since they entered, turned away from her as he sat at the end of the bed, and she at the head. In a way, it was somewhat reassuring. She wondered if he'd start talking.
She watched as he bent down and undid his shoes, untying the laces slowly before stepping out and then setting them aside. He took his vest off and loosened his tie. She did not move an inch and kept her arms folded around her knees.
He unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off. She saw the lashes down his back, some old and one far too fresh.
She couldn't help the gasp that escaped her throat. She slapped her hand in front of her mouth to make sure no other unwarranted noise escaped.
"I'm sorry," he spoke. "I know they're ugly."
"No!" she quickly spoke. "They're not." She found herself moving towards him. "Who did this to you?" She took a spot beside him.
"Who do you think?" he asked. "I disobey, I'll suffer for it." He looked down at the clutched shirt in his hands. "It had been a while but my last attempt to stop this wedding..."
"It appears nothing we could've done, or said, would've stopped this," she muttered. She glanced at the fresh one. "That looks like it hurts."
He shrugged. "It'll fade."
This wouldn't do. She couldn't let him suffer like this. She found herself pushing off the bed and to her two bags in the corner. She rummaged around in the smallest one until she found the numbing ointment.
She turned around and met his eyes for perhaps the third time since they had met. "Can I?" She showed him the little tin.
"You couldn't possibly make it worse."
With that vote of confidence, she walked back to the bed and sat behind him. He flinched at the first touch but then his shoulders relaxed and she continued applying it.
Then he sighed with relief. "That feels so much better," he said. "Thank you."
She came to sit back down beside him. "Just tell me when it hurts again, and we can reapply."
He looked at her for a long moment and then he nodded. "Thank you," he said once again. "I'm sorry about all of this."
She breathed out and offered him a weak smile. "Me too."
For Fanfiction trope mash-up (send me 2 tropes and a ship!)
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cryscendo · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
rachel berry + tv tropes
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theresthesnitch · 6 months
40 + 95 wolfstarbucks pleaseee <3
Ohhhh do you have any idea how much I love these tropes? I LOVE these tropes! This needs to be ridiculous so I don't accidently try to write it.
Play the trope mash up game with me!
40. Almost Kiss + 95. Sleep Intimacy
Following a quidditch injury, James is put on a regular medicine rotaion Unfortunately, it makes him sleep walk. Cue him waking up in (esbalished) Wolfstar's bed. The first time it happens, They wake up with james in the middle being spooned by both of them. Sirius and Remus are unaware that it's not just the two of them. Remus rolls over to kiss Sirius (and maybe start a little something) and *narrowly* misses kissing james. Profuse apologies, James thinks he just needs more sleep, goes back to bed. Sirius and Remus lock their door.
Remus has a weak overnight bladder, and he gets up to go pee. when he comes back to bed, James has crawled on top of Sirius, sprawled right across him, and Sirius is just cuddling him back, even as still-asleep James nuzzles under his chin. remus wakes him up again, puts him back to bed, and goes back to Sirius.
It doesn't happen or a few nights after that, and they assume it's just a weird coincidence. About a week later, Remus and Sirius go to bed naked after getting a little frisky before bed. When they wake up in the morning, James is sprawled completely naked in bed between them both, starfishing and pushing them both to the edge. Cue: did we do something last ngiht we don't remember? But no, they just slept, and sleepwalking james strikes again.
It's a few more nights of no incidents, then Remus wakes up to a middle of the night blowjob. "Oh, Sirius" followed by Sirius sleepily waking up next to him and "What?" Turns out that sleep walking has turned into sleep blowjobs. But what do they do now? Do they wake him up? is james going to be embarassed to find himself in this position? Is it even safe to wake someone who is sleep walking? (Don't tell them they did it the last time. they're rationalizing!)
Before they decide what they're going to do, Remus comes. (can you blame him? James does a really good blowjob!) James immediately turns and starts blowing Sirius and, well, he seems so intent on it. We can't stop him now. Can't wake him up and all that, right? And Remus really wants to watch, so... After Sirus comes, James wakes up and profusely apologizes for sleep walking again (seemingly not realizing that he's just blown both of them) and goes back to his bed. Remus and Sirius try to stop him, but james doesn't let them talk and goes to bed.
The very next night, Sirius wakes up with James cuddling him and two fingers deep into opening him up. He wakes Remus with a "what do we do?" and Remus immediately suggests that there's nothing for it but to see what James does. What else can they do? Which, inevitably, leads to Remus jerking off while Sirius is sleep-fucked by James. When James finishes, he rolls over and snores into Sirius's pillow, and well... they all go to sleep.
The next night (weird how we stopped skipping night? hmmm) and Remus wakes up the same way Sirius did--with james already two fingers deep inside him. Cue repeat of the night before, only in reverse. "What are we going to do?" "I guess you have to let him have his way with you!" "Oh noooo how terrible for meeeee"
The next night, James comes to their room and they're still awake. He stumbles into their bed, already naked, and and lands face first between them. He snuffles a bit into the pillow, and then reaches a hand back with conjured lube and starts prepping his own hole. They watch for a bit, again not sure if they should help or if that would be a bad idea (and also, like.... watching that is hot) until James says: "Are you two really just going to watch, or are you going to help out?"
(James only took the medicine for one night. He's been faking i since then. He makes it up to them by being the bottom of their eifle tower.)
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orange-peony · 8 months
Written for the tropes mash-up with the prompts 86 (I Didn’t Mean to Turn You) + 94 (Hair Brushing/Braiding) for the lovely @pato-roldnart. Happy belated birthday, Patito! Thank you so much for this wonderful ask.
This is Ron/Viktor - rated M.
“Like that,” Viktor whispers.
His fingers are careful on Ron’s shoulders, the fluffy towel wrapping around his neck as Viktor’s other palm presses to Ron’s waist. He makes Ron sit down between his legs on the bed. Ron’s shoulders are stiff, his heartbeat faster than it probably should be, considering that Viktor simply said he was going to dry Ron’s hair.
It’s getting longer, and Ron’s mum won’t stop bothering him about it. But Viktor seems to like it. It was the first thing Viktor said when they met again, on the Quidditch pitch this time. Your hair’s longer. I like it. Ron still remembers how badly he blushed. How much he stuttered when Viktor asked him out for drinks later. How hard he came that first evening with Viktor’s fingers wrapped around his length and his deep voice whispering what a good boy he was in Ron’s ear.
“You don’t need to—” Ron starts, still a little embarrassed by how tender Viktor is with him, how intimate this gesture seems.
“I want to,” Viktor simply replies.
Ron is not used to it. To be pampered; to be at the centre of attention. He remembers when he was little and he used to watch his mother comb Ginny’s hair, lovingly braiding it. He remembers that gaping hole in his chest, the gnawing feeling of always coming last. The last boy of six. The last one to inherit all the hand-me-down clothes his brothers had reduced to tatters. 
But Viktor makes him feel special. With his tender touch and his murmured lyubimi against Ron’s skin. Darling. Ron’s never been called that by a lover.
Viktor dries his hair with warm puffs of air from his wand, and Ron gradually relaxes, tilting his head when Viktor asks him to. Closing his eyes to let the feelings sink all the way to his heart. 
Good boy.
Desire stirs easily in him, Viktor’s hands too good on his sensitive skin, his fingers so featherlight that Ron wonders where he learnt to be so tender with his strong, calloused hands. 
“Ah—” he lets out an involuntary little moan when Viktor’s fingers slide through his hair and his palm spreads against Ron’s scalp. 
Viktor pauses for a moment, and Ron feels a wave of embarrassment setting his cheeks on fire.
“Mili,” Viktor whispers hotly. “You want me…”
“Always,” Ron confesses, so bashful that he can’t even open his eyes. Not yet. “Lie on the bed for me,” Viktor says, and Ron knows he will end up opening his eyes because he still can’t believe this is real. That he gets to have this. Them. “Like that. So perfect for me.”
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citnamora · 2 months
Growing up is realizing you don't hate shipping, you just really wish the execution of it was less amatonormative
#hot aro shit#actually aromantic#romance repulsed#amatonormativity#like. I roll my eyes at ship culture for the most part. but it really isn't the ships themselves. it's just how weird ppl are about it..#a lot of folks will pair everyone. e v e r y o n e. and it's like.. in doing so they just kinda mix and match who 'works best' with who-#without really considering if they would partner with anyone in the first place. like. ppl are nonpartnering for a number of reasons#besides being aspec or adjacent. it's just weird assuming everyone would get with someone when single ppl exist!#and the way a lot of shipping is set up.. it feels like they're lopping chunks of the characters off. mangling them beyond recognition-#just to fit them into these specific dynamics. specifically romantic tropes. instead of embracing tropes that compliment the character-#and preserve the integrity if you are truly utilizing these characters. and look. I get the appeal of shipping. it's fun to mash characters-#together like dolls and set up these stories with them. but if you have to fundamentally erase every unique aspect of them for it-#or ignore large chunks of what makes them who they are in the first place? are you really shipping those characters? or are you making them-#original characters with the names and faces of your favorites?#pairing everybody is also just incredibly lazy lmfao. like. ignoring the fact nonpartnering ppl (both aspec and otherwise) exist..#you're barring yourself from exploring narratives you otherwise would be able to expand upon with characters- that sometimes-#matches don't really work out. or the pressure to find someone when no one 'fits.' abuse victims relearning who they are outside-#of what they bring to the relationships in their day to day lives. friendships that defy the idea romance is the strongest love.#deconstructing the idea of love being something everyone needs. like. you cannot execute that when you pair everyone!#anyways. ship what you ship. idc. but please be mindful of how harmful the ideas you're pushing can be.
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princelancey · 10 days
For the fic mashup:
Strollonso with 40. almost kiss and 95. sleep intimacy
Rocki I am so sorry for taking so long to do this, but college is done fic time is now!
so at the end of the season, the whole Aston team are out celebrating, enjoying themselves, everyone is a little bit north of tipsy by the end of the night. Fernando has enjoyed himself a bit more than most so Lance decides to walk with him back to his hotel room just to make sure Nando makes it back alright, his mother raised him to be a gentleman of course. When they get to the hotel room Lance is very glad he came along because Fernando spends a solid five minutes searching for his key card, refusing help because quote "he's got this" and Lance just has to sit back and watch in amusement (he doesn't have to but he's gonna)
eventually Fernando finds his key card and gets into the room, Lance follows him in to make sure he doesn't do something stupid because after what he just witnessed at the door, his faith in Nando is pretty low. With much tugging and nagging Lance helps Nando get ready for sleep and guides him towards the bed. Nando flops down on the bed gracelessly, but with a surprising surge of strength, drags Lance down beside, for his part Lance goes willingly enough and lands with a grunt beside Fernando.
Fernando rolls over to face Lance, their two faces mere centimeters from each other. Lance freezes in place, breath catching in his throat, he's often dreamed but never thought he'd be so close to Fernando, especially not while laying in a bed. Fernando is not making his silent internal panic any easier as his eyes roam over Lance's face flitting from his eyes to his lips and back again. Lance can feel himself leaning forward, being pulled in by Fernando's gaze, and it seems to him that Fernando is doing the same. Fernando's eyes flit back down to Lance's lips one more time before fluttering closed and he stills. Lance can hear soft snores coming from the man across from him, and can do nothing but huff out a breath and roll onto his back, so much for finally kissing him.
Trope Mash up
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kiwiana-writes · 8 months
For the trope mash up: 4 and 36 firstprince
4 Coffee Shop AU & 36 Text/Letter Fic
FULLY EPISTOLARY BABY. I would create a skin that looks like the side of a to-go cup for this... somehow 🤣
Barista Alex and customer Henry, and their love story as told in messages on the sides of the to-go cup. So we start off with, like, "Guy who orders tea in a coffee shop" and then the next skin is a feedback card, filled out by Henry, with a comment along the lines of "While I understand that the ambient noise in a coffee shop can make it difficult to hear names sometimes, especially when the name is spoken in a foreign accent, I assure you 'Henry' is quite simple."
Which naturally just makes Alex WORSE. We get cups with such notations as "Male Karen", "Earl grey addiction hotline", "British dude reading Jane Austen what a cliche". Then maybe there's like a printed receipt that shows yet another order name and scrawled across is it "I beg you to stop".
So then the cup names start to get flirtier: "Legs-For-Days", "eyes like an ocean storm", etc etc etc. Then there's one that's like "you can do better than this guy" and another receipt with "I very much doubt that, actually" which means the next cup just has a phone number on it—Alex's, obviously.
After that we still have the coffee cups, but with more skins mixed in as well, i.e. texts and whatnot. But when we get cups it's things like "don't stay up too late sweetheart" and... listen I have no idea where this ends but IT'S JUST WORK SKINS ALL THE WAY DOWN.
[Fanfiction Trope MASH-UP]
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sionisjaune · 5 months
Roommate au and pregnancy fic for princess cake but make it het and make Jenson the girl byeeeee
[Trope mash up prompt list] Remind me to tell you about the butch lesbian high school cool girl Jenson I was developing for an AU a while back.... N E WAY here you go!
Jenson finds herself sitting on the toilet, a drugstore pregnancy test in her hand and her panties on the floor around her ankles after she skips her period and clues into the fact that she never, ever skips her period. She stares fixedly at the little oval on the test stick, waiting for one or two lines to resolve. 
“Can you hurry up in there?” says Nico, pounding on the door. Their shitty flat only has the one bathroom, and Nico probably wants to get in to fetch his expensive hair products and spend half an hour in the mirror artfully fucking up his hair in a manner that is reminiscent of the style he sports when Jenson wakes up with a hangover and rolls onto her side to find Nico in her bed. 
“Fuck off,” says Jenson, squinting at the stick. Can it take any longer?
Nico pounds on the door again. “I need to piss,” he whines. Jenson buries her head in the hand not holding the test stick. She doesn’t know why she sleeps with him. Repeatedly. Her brain reminds her that it’s probably because he’s utterly shameless in bed and lets her tie him up and slap him around and generally seems to get off on Jenson emasculating him. 
“Just—one second,” Jenson says. She deposits the pregnancy test on the sink and pulls her panties up her hips, flushing the toilet. She washes her hands in the sink, scrutinizing her reflection in the vanity. The mascara she couldn’t be arsed to wash off last night is smeared around her eyes, making her look like a rather freckly racoon. She towels off her hands and unlocks the door for Nico, who is standing immediately outside of the washroom with his hand poised to knock on the door again, a white button down with the wrong buttons fastened slipping off his shoulders and a pair of skin-tight boxer briefs riding high on his thighs. 
“Fucking finally,” says Nico, rolling his eyes. He shoulders past Jenson, and Jenson swears she catches a whiff of a candy-scented perfume off the collar of his shirt. He went out with his friends last night, who are far weirder and less affable than Jenson’s friends. 
He slams the door behind him while Jenson pads through the flat to plop on the couch, tucking her legs under her. She listens to the toilet flush and the sink run. The door creaks open again, and Nico exits the washroom, rubbing a hand through his hair. 
“JB,” he says, hesitating. He’s clutching something in his hand. Oh shit, Jenson thinks. She watches him raise the pregnancy test Jenson forgot on the sink with a panicked look on his pouty face. “What’s this?”
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ladylilithprime · 2 months
2 + 51 + sastiel
2. Royal AU
51. Accidentally Married
HOW IN THE Seven Hells do you get accidentally married?!"
That was certainly the question of the hour onboard the TSS Impala, with the first contact crew clustered around the conference table for the debrief. The question was being asked by Captain Robert Singer as he stared down the team, specifically the remarkably stoic face of his Science Officer, Commander Samuel Winchester. His First Officer, Sam's older brother Dean, was being no help whatsoever as he lounged back in his chair with a shit-eating grin that he was only getting away with because he knew Captain Singer didn't give a shit about protocol so long as orders were followed when the chips were down.
If he had to admit it, in all due fairness, Dean had probably earned the right to a little smugness since it was usually Sam pulling Dean's (often bare-assed naked) behind out of the fire and some alien woman's bed before people started stooting. The fact that it was Sam currently in the proverbial hot seat was unexpected and Bobby wasn't entirely sure how to handle it... especially when Sam himself was being so damn calm about it!
"Sam?" Bobby prodded pointedly.
"It's all in my report," Sam repeated, the same thing he had said when the subject of his accidental nuptials with one of the scions of Yngyx's royal family had first come up in the verbal debrief.
"Summarize it for me," Bobby gritted out, eyes narrowed.
Sam shot his still-grinning brother a dark look and sighed. "While Yngyx is aware of the broader galaxy, they're by and large content to observe from a distance and not get involved in what they call extra-planetary affairs unless they have due personal cause. This is because of their own culture and history involving war--"
"--which is covered more thoroughly in my report," Dean broke in, nudging Sam a bit harder than was probably necessary. "Quit stalling and get to the good part, Sammy, y'know, the part where 'due personal cause' means 'directly affecting the ruling royal family'."
"Are you going to make me skip the part where our linguistics team clearly missed some key elements in programming the universal translator with the primary language of Yngyx that misses the nuances of dialect and political maneuvering?" Sam snapped at his brother. "Because I will swear to anything or anyone you want that the paperwork we signed before wine drinking was to have Princex Cas'tyl join my team as a diplomatic liaison and cultural advisor for our future dealings with Yngyx. It was not made clear that they were marrying Princex Cas'tyl off to me until we were due to retire for the night and King Mykaex was asking his offspring if we would be spending the night in the palace or if Princex Cas'tyl would be retiring to the Impala with his new husband."
"So what exactly does this mean for us?" Bobby broke into the brewing argument with all the practice afforded him of having halfway been a father to the brothers back when the freshly orphaned boys had joined the Space Force as teenagers. "Bottom line it for me."
"Bottom line is that I'm married to Princex Cas'tyl," Sam said after a moment longer of staring Dean down. "What that looks like going forward, whether it's in name only or we try to make it work as we get to know each other, is really up to us and it's really no business of Space Force Command beyond our doing our jobs and the team continuing to run with our usual level of professionalism and efficiency."
"Hmph," Bobby scrubbed a hand over his face before turning to look at the only new face at the table who had spent the last half an hour of the debrief silently watching the team, Sam in particular, with those strange, swirling, featureless blue eyes of the Yngyxans. "How about you, your highness? What're your thoughts on the situation?"
Cas'tyl was visibly startled to be addressed, eyes blinking twice, before the newly married royal carefully extended their hands palms up in a gesture that Bobby wasn't quite sure how to translate.
"I am a Child of Yngyx," the princex said in a gutteral, growling voice that somehow still carried the undercurrents of wind chimes. "For always is my fate to bond with one not of Yngyx, that our peoples be united as greater-family. Some see shame, to be sent away from Yngyx. I see honor, to join with one who takes me into the stars and will teach me much more than just of Yngyx."
"Fair enough," Bobby sighed, then cleared his throat. "Well then. Guess the only thing left to do is to get you both moved into a set of couples' quarters since that single you're using right now ain't big enough for the pair of you."
"Wait, what?" Dean sat up sharply, frowning. "That's it? No lecture, no disappointed stare, just shipping 'em off to bigger quarters?"
"You're right, almost forgot something," Bobby said solmenly, smirking beneath his beard as he turned his body so that he was looking equally at Sam and his new spouse. "Congratulations on your wedding, son. Unexpected as it may be, I hope you both'll be very happy together."
"Thanks, Uncle Bobby," Sam answered gravely, his tone belied by an answering smirk as Dean slumped back in his seat with a disgruntled scowl. "I'm sure we will."
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zenkindoflove · 5 months
Historical x modern 😏
Historical and Modern?? Anon you wild haha
But also this was fun to think about. Maybe I'd go back to my roots and do a 1970s sitcom style story (lmao sound familiar) with the ACOTAR characters. Lucien is deep into the punk rock scene and Elain is grappling with her desire to marry and the women's liberation movement she's learning about in college. Seems like a perfect time to experiment when she meets Lucien. Maybe set it near San Fran and have Eris and Alexius have some fun times in The Castro.
Fanfic trope mash up
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cryscendo · 1 year
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kurt hummel + tv tropes (pt 2)
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cuddleswinchester · 2 years
My favorite MASH thing is when they have to do field surgery with even less resources, sanitation, and time than they have at the unit. Charles longing to be back at the 4077 as he stabs a guy in the chest with a pocketknife to alleviate pressure on his collapsed lung. Hawkeye dipping bloodied hands in an almost empty basin of alcohol for half a second between patients at the aid station and knowing it doesn’t do any good. Father Mulcahy being talked through a tracheotomy over the phone. Margaret delivering a baby on a dirt floor. It just raises the stakes and shows how much these people both need and want to help, no matter what.
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ginnyw-potter · 6 months
please please please do no. 50 and no. 75!
Another arranged marriage one! Dangerous business!
50. Arranged Marriage 75. Bed Sharing
They have been betrothed to each other since childhood and they don't hate each other, but suddenly have to share the bed with their new spouse they are definitely not in love with. They get to the room, and they are meant to have sex but it is awkward and too new. They stand on each side of the bed in their pyjamas, looking at it like it's Mount Everest. They could simply sleep, but it should be discussed.
"We don't have to have sex," Harry said. "I know it's expected."
"Right." Ginny nodded slowly and refused to meet his eyes. "We certainly don't have to. That's okay... unless you want to."
The shock in his voice made her head shot up, looking at him. "If you want to... that'd be alright."
His cheeks coloured a deeper red and he ran a hand through his hair. "Only if you want to."
She swallowed hard and she felt her stomach drop. "You know what? We have our whole lives to figure this out," she continued. "Doesn't have to be tonight." And she resolutely stepped into bed.
Harry followed her example. They pulled the sheets up and lay there next to each other. Ginny counted seconds. The mattress dipped as Harry rolled towards her.
He leaned on his elbow as his face appeared above her. "Do you want to?" he asked softly.
And now they were already closer together, it didn't feel like an insurmountable event. She locked eyes with him and nodded her head without saying a word.
For Fanfiction trope mash-up (send me 2 tropes and a ship!)
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mycupofrum · 6 months
14 + 97 with prongsfoot >:))) (if you want to ofc! <33)
Thanks for the ask, anon! 🩷 This one took me some time to think over. :D Super interesting tropes! It's an AU where James and Sirius didn't go to Hogwarts together but Sirius went to Durmstrang.
Bodyguard AU + Time Travel
Auror James Potter is in his late 30s, and the Ministry has finally captured Sirius Black who is claimed to be a notorious dark wizard. Black has refused to confess to his crimes or in fact to say anything to anyone who is trying to interrogate him. He doesn't even give in to Verisetarum. However, his reaction to James is strange when they first meet. He finally speaks. Gives him an address.
James goes there to find a timeturner. Something goes wrong and he goes back in time 20 years. He returns to the Ministry and explains what happened but doesn’t mention Sirius Black by name or give the officials his own real name because he's a bit suspicious and time travel can mess things up anyway. They will try to find a way to send James back to his time but in the meanwhile he is assigned to take care of an important family's heir who has been a target of a murder attempt. Turns out it's a 19-year old Sirius Black.
At first he is as reluctant as James is for the arrangement, especially since all James knows about him is the facts he has read from his file. But the more time he spends with younger Sirius Black, the more he realises that underneath the cool and distant exterior is a good person. How did he end up becoming a dark wizard? Was it really him or was he framed?
Gradually they become friends and then more than that. They start a forbidden relationship over the months James has to spend in the past. Eventually James returns back to his own time and when he looks into the eyes of Sirius Black again, there is understanding. There is love. They've finally met in the right time, and James is determined to prove Sirius is innocent, after all.
Fanfiction trope mash-up ask game
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