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everythingfandom12 · 1 year ago
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allthingsfandomx · 10 months ago
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everythingfandom23 · 1 year ago
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fanme25 · 2 months ago
What if Troy reunited with Sharpay many years later, with both of them matured? Chad and Ryan also reunite and get together?
When Sharpay gets pregnant, she finds a diary with bad things about her and Ryan, written or said by Troy and Chad. Sharpay leaves desperate, calls Ryan and tells everything that she discovered. She ends up suffering an accident and Troy feels too much bad about it. He learned to love Sharpay and their life together. He couldn't imagine his life without her and his children that never were born. Because of his diary, Chad got a divorce from Ryan. Chad isn't talking to Troy anymore. His life is horrible right now.
Feeling lost without his wife, unborn babies and best friend, Troy goes to a fountain of wishes and makes a wish to fix his mistakes.
Then, Troy wakes up in his teenage body, in his High School time . Now, he has the chance to change everything. He'll try to be cupid for Chad and Ryan. He'll go after Sharpay this time, not Gabriella. He also will destroy his diary.
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olistar255 · 2 years ago
which of your characters is your favourite? c:
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Tropez (pronounced 'tropay', like the city) is high up there. always liked their design since i came up with em; and they're the cliché rich entitled bratty teen which is a trope i always liked.. they always try to think of fancy schemes to be the news' next headline, but often don't think of the details (they own a whole casino they can't even enter cause too young), and most of the time can't tell when they're being manipulated or puppeteered (their dad is a famous director and member of the royal family, and only have a kid because it's good for his public image :( )
thank you for the question!!! soon i'll post more about all the 'Mr Echo' characters so i can use this blog as a sort of archive for them cause i don't trust my brain to remember everything!! so i really appreciate it!!
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zanessaconfessions · 3 years ago
M rated fanfictions of Tropay or Zikki. Which one is worse? I say both can cause serious Diarrhoea
RHHDHS i don’t read both
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noosphe-re · 5 years ago
The progenitor of this rival metaphysical tradition was Heraclitus. For him, reality is not a constellation of things at all, but one of processes. The fundamental 'stuff' of the world is not material substance but volatile flux, namely 'fire,' and all things are versions thereof (puros tropai). Process is fundamental: the river is not an object, but a continuing flow; the sun is not a thing, but an enduring fire. Everything is a matter of process, of activity, of change (panta rhei). Not stable things but fundamental forces and the varied and fluctuating activities they manifest constitute the world. We must at all costs avoid the fallacy of materializing nature.
Nicholas Rescher
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secretlygirl-blog01 · 4 years ago
"Poti sa tropai in voie pe coridoare, prin vieti sau relatii, fara sa te gandesti la consecințe"
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rigginsstreet · 5 years ago
Why is the fact that you were a tropay girl not surprise me at all 😭
sharpay evans was ROBBED
she was the STAR of that franchise and i deserved to see her and troy end up together. what the fuck was gabriellas whack no personality having ass doing? NOTHING
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counciljuice · 5 years ago
omg i just realised that st tropez and “san tropay” are the same place....
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laccariaamethystina · 6 years ago
Consideri ca e rusinos ca o fata sa ajunga la 20-21 de ani si sa fie virgina?
Dpmdv e penibil sa te gandesti ca asa ceva ar fi rusinos. Nu dau 2 bani pe chestia asta. Daca persoana respectiva n-a fost pregatita psihic cand a avut ocazia sau pur si simplu nu a avut sansa sa o faca, de ce o judeci? Va scremeti atat pe subiectul asta. Scrie undeva ca trebuie sa o faca la 18 ani? Nu! E alegerea fiecarui om, indiferent de gen. Daca tropaie hormonii in tine, go for it, in fond nu ii pasa nimanui de asta mai mult decat de un subiect de barfa. P.S. Sex fac si animalele, incearca sa faci ceva in plus fata de ele, nu degeaba faci parte din ultima veriga a lantului trofic.
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takethistoyourstardust · 7 years ago
Someone’s made a TV Tropes page for Ex-Aid Abridges do like an egotistical maniac I’m gonna look at all the tropes that involve Nico.
(Under Affectionate Parody) The parody is much less affectionate toward Kamen Rider Ghost, which only SpecialForm12 (the voice of Kuroto) and Mage (the voice of Nico) genuinely like, while the others hate it.
I didn’t even know SpecialForm liked it, so that makes two of us.
(Under Berserk Button) During the Cards Against Humanity game, Nico tends to respond negatively whenever people call her a Lolicon and/or insinuate that she’s in a relationship with Taiga.
In said stream, I think I threatend to block anyone who made another fucking loli joke. Also, our Taiga was very against the jokes while in character, too, it wasn’t just me. And pretty much everyone was grossed out by it in the chat itself, they just kept their mouth shut.
Early-Bird Cameo: The Cards Against Humanity stream served as this for Nico and Masamune, as it was held between the release of the second and third episodes, far before either of those characters appeared in the show yet.
Extreme Omnivore: Kuroto reportedly ate the JuJu Burger Gashat after claiming it, much to Nico’s shock and Parado’s disgust.
I don’t remember this but this absolutely sounds like something we’d say.
The Friend Nobody Likes: Pretty much everyone to everyone, basically, but special mention to Takeru, who is treated as an annoyance by everybody except Nico (and even then, it's debatable if it's Nico who likes him, or just her voice actress).
Its Pronounced Tropay: Emu needles Nico about her tendency to mispronounce Gaim as, "Gai-am," something that her voice actress also struggles with.
I also have trouble with “Agito” (Ah-ge-toe) and “Kabuto” (Kahbuto, said as one word with nothing really stressed).
She Is Not My Girlfriend: Taiga and Nico vehemently deny being in a relationship.
Vitriolic Best Buds: Despite Nico’s antagonism towards Emu actually being mutual in this, he apparently has no qualms with commissioning her to write explicit fan fiction about him and Poppy, and Nico has no problem with writing such fan fiction at his request.
Maddie (Emu’s voice actress) and I are really close outside of the show so this one’s funny from an irony standpoint.
Yaoi Fangirl: Asuna and Nico.
I hate the name of this trope a lot but I can’t deny it.
Conclusion: TVTropes is still Fuck.
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yuvabeachbar-blog · 5 years ago
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Ba! nu veni ca e nasol... Azi m-am trezit cu ochii fixati pe geam, rasarea soarele intr-un rosu ciudat! Si m-a luat un gol in stomac! Nu era sigur de la foame, deci am stat cateva secunde si am cercetat, era de dor! Era de dor de mare, dor de Vama, dor de Yuva! Dor sa-mi caut un fotoliu de nuiele in care sa ma arunc fix inainte ca primele raze de lumina sa rasara din mare! Sa zac acolo si sa ma uit cum incet, incet, viata de noapte apune in spatele meu si cum soarele deschide posibilitatile unei noi zile! Sa-mi pun ochelarii pe ochi si sa adorm mangaiat timid de zori si briza! Fara fite, fara figuri, cel mai bun pat din Vama! Sa te trezesti nitel chinuit pe la 12, sa mananci o ciorba la micul dejun si sa te tarai pana in camera, pe care iti dai seama ca ai dat bani doar pentru dus! Sa-l folosesti, sa-ti revii si sa te intorci pe plaja, acolo unde forfota bronzatilor a luat cu asalt plaja! Te plantezi pe un scaun inalt la Yuva, acolo unde barmanul te lasa sa-ti sprijini capul de bar fara suparare, si-ti ofera o cafea inainte ca tu sa o ceri, stie si el, a fost o noapte lunga! Iti face un fresh sa-ti revii si stie el ce sa puna in el ca sa te pregateasca usor usor pentru o noua noapte! Si, dintr-o data, incepe sa bata iar briza, la inceput miseleste, de parca ar vrea sa te surprinda si apoi amenintator, pregatindu-te pentru ce are sa se intample in doar cateva ore! Ca intr-un vals militaresc se face schimbarea de garda in bar! Yuva-tenders de dimineata paseaza tin-urile argintate catre trupa de noapte! Apar fresh, cu flori si fructe in mana si cu un zambet care provoaca la scandal! Isi pregatesc meticulos statiile, isi aseaza acaretele la indemana si privesc unul la altul de parca vor sa-si dea startul in acelasi timp! 1,2,3 si! Muzica buna incepe sa razbata din difuzoare! Dj-ul e pregatit si pus pe scandal! O da tare din prima! Nu asteapta! Nu are rost! Mai sunt doar cateva ore pana dimineata si nu trebuie irosita nici o secunda! Yuva People se aduna! Alti oameni, acelasi spirit! Nu vezi in alta parte asa adunare, nu ai cum! Parca se aleg pe spranceana! Cei mai speciali oameni din tara tropaie la unison pe aceeasi podea! Fara imbulz (at YUVA Beach Bar) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0QxvEwIvLG/?igshid=zth59nnv6afs
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suzabel · 8 years ago
i love your hsm au ʕ>ᴥ
oh my god i love this this is so much more up my alley
at the end max lets suzy and isabel perform a song together and its great and gay
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bg1952 · 6 years ago
Adrian Papahagi: Cei care regretă comunismul își regretă sclavia și sărăcia, și tropăie pe mormintele tuturor celor uciși pentru acest proiect criminal - ILD
Adrian Papahagi: Cei care regretă comunismul își regretă sclavia și sărăcia, și tropăie pe mormintele tuturor celor uciși pentru acest proiect criminal – ILD
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zanessaconfessions · 3 years ago
Sharpay/Tropay are fictional. Nikki/Zikki is an irl wattpad nightmare
thank god i stopped using wattpad-
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