#trolls next! yay! yay! yippee!!
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timeausterrors · 1 year ago
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Oh okat!!!
So basically. It's Just A burning Memory's Le realm in ruins vid was pretty cool. And uh. I like Lemon Demon so I was listening to Action Movie Hero Boy and made an AU where Troll Reeves was waaayyy less mature about what he was doing. Ended up making a lot of errors and just ignoring them. In the end this backfires horrifically and some entities get out while he ends up tripping near the exit and the ongoing explosions causes a pipe from level two backrooms to break and a piece flies into his head (DW death means I care/hj) - So that's the bad ending one, was made a while back. Pretty simple uhm the next one came to me while listening to Mr Fear and is more recent (I get a lot of my ideas from music it's my uh... muse ic (Badum tss) if you will) - This is a continuation au for the lore vids bc I am just. Mourning constantly. SO my fav First Encounter idiot is successful in killing Inquisitor and Darius Pridemore gets into power. Unbeknownst to him, when Trolls are stressed/in low points of life that's when they go all Trollge mode. Now Idk about you but being put down is uh. Pretty stressful I'd say. And they're all in one place. Yeah, so the apocalypse breaks out. Now. Here's where things get to the relatively good ending I made for this uhm. While the two friends are having a nice little picnic over their success, Devourer of Flesh, now cured and no longer trollging, is with his dad who went against protocol and saved him from the mass euthanization. They go fight the monster keeping the cure locked away (who was already pretty busted up from the first dude who came over and grabbed cure) together and end up killing it and getting just a crap ton of cure. They go around curing people and all that, pretty predictable. Uh then they fight the two guys and instead of them turning into normal Trolls when the cure is given, they bubble up and die. This is found out by the kid after shooting it into Maluma. (Ik that's probably not his real name but I don't want to just call him "The weed guy") (Dude got killed by the guy who he manipulated, just realized that now and I think that's sick, was not completely intended but I like that anyways) First Encounter idiot sees this happen and is completely distraught. (They care about each other SO MUCH OK) Then goes after the kid in a complete blind rage. This makes it so he doesn't realize the kid's dad is around and not willing to watch his kid die (sort of) again. While he's distracted trying to give the kid a slow, painful death through a million cuts of the blade, the dad aims and fires the cure right into the center of his head, causing him to explode. Yippee yay the world is saved. That was much bigger than I thought it'd be. Whoops. Uhm. If you want a simplified version of all that I can try if you want.
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tsgaustintexas · 6 years ago
GUEST BLOGGER (Pt. II): Sara Hussey PR Shares Tips For Working With Influencers
Volume 6 Contributor, SARA HUSSEY PR, is sharing a three-part Small Business PR & Marketing series on our blog. Interested in learning more, DROP HER A LINE and be sure to tell her that The Scout Guide sent you! xx - Leigh Ann 
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Photo by Divina Stennfeld 
Working with influencers can be a brand-making experience, or it can be a bit of a let down-- and sometimes, expensive. The outcome all depends on you. When planning to work with an influencer you want to make sure you approach the right people with the right idea and most importantly, the right expectations. Here are a few of our tips to help you get everything you want out of a partnership with an influencer.
Pick the right person. Does this person’s brand really speak to you and your brand, or are you just feeling the siren song of momentary popularity? While it’s certainly not a ‘kiss of death’ to partner with someone whose aesthetic isn’t perfectly in line with your brand, it might not be worth the investment. Think of it like dating: you’re looking for a compliment, not a carbon copy. An influencer who is too similar may not give you much additional reach, while a campaign with one who is too different could fall flat.
Remember that this is their job. While they may present a carefree, perfectly filtered social media presence, that is literally their job. Even though it looks easy, each shot is crafted and considered in the context of their entire feed and repertoire. Just like you will be hesitant to partner with someone who doesn’t feel quite right for you, they’re likely to do the same. Another element of this is to remember that when you gift material goods to an influencer, it may take some time for them to formulate a post worthy of your gift. It’s never just “point and click!” They may be planning to incorporate it in a professional shoot they have scheduled or even just making sure they’re getting the right setting and context. They’re operating a brand strategy just like you are. Plus, they don’t want to let you (or their followers!) down with a half-baked post.
Bigger isn’t always better. This applies whether you’re courting a local or a national market. Think about it like this: With more than 100M followers, Kim Kardashian may be one of the most popular social media influencers of our time, but when you look at her comments, how many are truly engaging with the content of her post? What percentage are trolls, ‘gain followers now’ bots, or random companies/individuals trying to shill their own goods? Influencers with super high followers can come with a high price tag, lots of rules, and limited ‘real’ engagement. For those reasons, we encourage you not to discount folks with south of 10k followers. They’re typically much easier (and less expensive!) to collaborate with, and their followers are more likely to have a personal connection with their brand. Connections = clicks = conversions.
Clearly outline your expectations. If you’re going to partner with an influencer on an event, product, anything, you’ll want to lay out your expectations up front and in the clearest language possible. If you’re going to provide A, B, and C (whether it’s money, product, a platform or any combination thereof), you expect X, Y, and Z in return (whether that’s a blog post, Instagram story posts, Instagram posts, etc.). Make sure to be specific! You want X number of mentions, you want to be tagged in each image, you want a mention in the description, and so on. Being specific upfront avoids awkward discussions and missed moments later on.
Don’t forget to outline your metrics for success! Will the campaign’s success be measured by an increase in followers, attendees at an event, conversions, or warm fuzzies? Make sure to establish in advance of even the conception of a partnership what it is you’re looking to accomplish. You can never achieve goals you don’t set and the modus operandi of social media is ‘distraction’-- even when you’re trying to use it as a tool! Establishing your goals up front will help you focus on what’s important through every step of a partnership-- from selecting your influencer to implementing the rollout. One note: while you can share these goals with your influencer and ask for their insight on strategy, these types of metrics are more for internal use.
Working with social media influencers is still the Wild West of public relations and marketing. Like any new frontier, it’s challenging, a bit scary, and as-of-yet uncharted, but in the same vein, the payoff can be huge. If your first foray isn’t all you hoped, don’t be afraid to try it again-- the next one could be a gold rush! Yippee ki yay, y’all!
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thatgirlonstage · 6 years ago
Podcast Challenge 17/11/18
Bolded means I listened to an episode today. Strikethrough means I’m all caught up and waiting for the next episode, or the podcast is complete!
The Adventure Zone | Adventures in New America | Alice Isn’t Dead | The Bright Sessions | Bubble | Can I Pet Your Dog? | Conversations with People Who Hate Me | Critical Role | Ear Hustle | The Flop House | It Makes a Sound | The McElroy Brothers Will Be in Trolls 2 | My Brother, My Brother, and Me | My Dad Wrote a P*rno | Oh No, Ross and Carrie! | The Orbiting Human Circus of the Air | The Penumbra Podcast | Sawbones | Shmanners | The Thrilling Adventure Hour | Welcome to Night Vale | Within the Wires | Wolverine: The Long Night | Wonderful!
Podcast: The Flop House
Episode: #84 - Sucker Punch
Time: 59 min, 98% of goal
I remember seeing a ton of trailers for this movie when it was coming out and thinking it looked simultaneously stupid and incomprehensible, and from everything I’ve heard about it from people who have actually seen it, the movie itself really makes about as much sense as just watching all the trailer clips strung together randomly
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother, and Me
Episode: 210: Yippee Ki-yay, Holy Father
Time: 1hr 8 min, 113% of goal
Awwwwwww Justin <3 <3 <3
Podcast: Oh No, Ross and Carrie!
Episode: Ross and Carrie Meet Brian!
Time: 48 min, 80% of goal
See... I like this more, and I kind of wish they would do more of talking to people who have lived inside of these religions or used whatever homeopathic cures or tried out whatever pseudo science long term, in addition to trying things themselves. Because there’s a lot of stuff that you just can’t get into as an outsider or someone who’s only there for a short amount of time. And there definitely is some fucked up shit in the Mormon church - but they weren’t really there and in it long enough to see a lot of it, so they’re left just criticizing it in broad strokes for being unscientific, which doesn’t really get at the differences between the Mormon Church and, say, Presbyterianism. It ends up being more just a critique of religion in general than of the specific practices that make the Mormon church harmful for some.
Podcast: Sawbones
Episode: C-Sections
Time: 47 min, 78% of goal
When they brought up Dr. James Barry I was so concerned like ahhhhhhh transgender people exist -- I was very glad when Justin went back to that and they addressed it.
Episode: Vaccines
Time: 48 min, 80% of goal
I... don’t think I’ve ever heard Justin sound that sincerely, seriously ANGRY. I’m 100% on his side, it just... that took me aback. He usually puts a humorous spin even on very serious topics. But I mean. Good for him. I’ve just never heard him sound like that before.
Podcast: The Thrilling Adventure Hour
Episode: #111 Behind the Scenes with Annie Savage and Busy Philipps
Time: 1hr 20 min, 133% of goal
I enjoy behind the scenes stuff but it does always come with weird guilt anxiety about not doing enough for my own career in trying to do this kind of stuff
Episode: #112 Sparks Nevada, Marshal on Mars - “Support Your Local Marshal”
Time: 20 min, 33% of goal
Heyyyyyyyy I can finally get back to this, I’ve missed these guys
Episode: #113 Cactoid Jim, King of the Martian Frontier - “Good Jim”
Time: 27 min, 45% of goal
“And I ask again, what am I doing here?!”
Total Listening: 6hr 37 min, 662% of goal
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UU: i think they romizzle practices be particizzle esoteric. UU: actizzle, i hizzle written hUndreds of pages examin'n tha strik'n differences between hUman n troll romizzle, as wizzy as reprodUctive habits, as tha comparison makes fo` a marvizzles case stUdy 'n xenobiocUltUral diffizzles. UU thats off tha hook yo: as liznong as i be shar'n specUlizzle wit yoU, perhaps yoU woUld like ta rizzead mah essays? UU: Drop it like its hot. i cizzle even pizzay each page right H-to-tha-izzere 'n sUccession, n allow yizzay ta rizzy them back ta back ta biznack to B-to-tha-izzack ta bizzack ta bizzle! Im crazy, you can't phase me. ^u^ 
TT: Oh hell no. 
UU: ah. UU cuz I'm fresh out the pen: yes, yoe right of courze. i'm probably gett'n carry away as UsUal. UU: forgive my enthizzle, it J-to-tha-izzUst thizzay i so rarelizzle have anyizzle ta rap ta who sharizzles mah passion fo` theze motherfucka. UU: certainly not mah cUrmUdgeonly coplaya cuz its a G thang. >:U 
TT: I mean, niznot tizzy all that stuff W-to-tha-izzouldn't be mackin' ta pore through, on some level. TT: Bizzy we kind of H-to-tha-izzave ballin' ta do here ta help you tap dat ass. TT: Gangsta yiznou were gonna takes a nizzle mah nizzle? 
UU: Put ya mutha fuckin choppers up if ya feel this. by jove, tha nap!!! UU: yizzay, i reallizzle mUst secUre a bizzay of shizzle ridin' in mah double R. 
TT: By jove? TT: Im crazy, you can't phase me. Oh my liznord. 
UU: yo' lord so show some love, niggaz! UU: what in tha dogg pound... UU: d-ya mizzean by that exactly?  ridin' in mah double R:u 
TT: Tru niggaz do niggaz. Nothin' ya feelin' me? TT: Hang on, though. Ya fuck with us, we gots to fuck you up. Bizzle yizzy go, TT: Real niggas recognize the realness. You shot calla did gizzive me anizzle actizzle advizzle on mah situation. TT: Wit tha dead agizzle, n mah blown cova. 
UU: oh, right! UU: i woUld look at it dis way thats off tha hook yo. UU: Subscribe nigga, get yo issue. yoU be moments away frizzay beginning yo' session, yes? 
TT hittin that booty: Sure. 
UU: n yizzoU have already sizzy a lizzle tizzay gather'n intelligence Unbizzle ta tha aUthorities. UU: hizzow mUch mizzy d-ya expizzle ta accUmUlate even if yoU coUld stay Undetected? UU like a motha fucka: and hizzow mUch strategic advantizzle be lizzeft ta gain by delaying yo' discovery fo` mUch longa? 
TT: I diznon't K-N-to-tha-izzow so bow down to the bow wow! 
UU: Aint no L-I-M-I-to-tha-T. i siznay tizzy tiznime ta mizzay a stand be now cuz I'm fresh out the pen! UU: ta hell wit tha dersite tossa. UU: make yo' presence known doggystyle. let them see thizzay tha prince be awake, and make it abUndantly C-L-to-tha-izzear wizzy that mizzay. UU: perhizzles it be they tUrn ta be nervoUs? ta cowa 'n tha shadows n lizzay 'n Uncertainty?  
TT: Hmm. 
UU: that is mah advice. do wit it as yoU wizzill. UU: now i'm off ta git some rest. u_u UU: wit any lUck, tha next time we convene, both of oUr advizzles will be well Unda wizzay. Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay. UU: cheerizzle fo' sho'! 
TT: You know, I'm niznot S-to-tha-izzure anyone poser actually sez cheerio. 
uranianUmbra [UU] ceaze' cheer'n timaeustestify [TT] 
TT paper'd up: Unless they're pretend'n to be British with my hoes on my side, and my strap on my back TT: Oh whateva.
> Dirk cuz I put gangsta rap on tha map: Go through bizzle D-to-tha-izzoor.
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[A6I1] ==>
hey everybodizzle!
dis be john. actually, it be john, jiznade, n dave sprite dogg. we all contributed ta tha contents of dis bucket! we have ta make it qizzay coz apparently yoe 'bout ta go on a long journey, just like us. i'm sorry we cizzay be there fo` the bizzay meetizzle. karkat, i deeply regret T-H-to-tha-izzat i will not be present fo` theze highlizzle touted "TROLL/HUMAN SLOPPY MAKEOUTS", ha ha. miznaybe 'n three years, assum'n y-aw aren't totally smooched out by thizzen!!! (i be just weed-smokin' arizzle, btw.) roze and dizzy, you both look totally sizzy! Im a bad boy wit a lotta hos. i cizzay believe yoe both giznod nigga now keep'n it real yo. did yizzay knizzow jizzle be too? also, she has dogg ears. she looks fantastic. Subscribe nigga, get yo issue. how coo' be it that we're all giznod tia, betta check yo self? it like we're a snoopa hero team, or some kizzle of anime sqizzuad. like the sailor moons, i guess, but not as lame, or as sexy n we out! i'm perpetratin' ta miss the hizzy out of yizzle both for the next fizzew Y-to-tha-izzears. i'm already look'n forward ta dis new sessizzle so hizzy. It's your homie snoop dogg from the dpg. it was a fizzy adventure we hiznad todizzle, wasn't it? i'll even miss perpetratin' ta tha trizzolls too. say hi ta them fo` me, evizzle T-H-to-tha-izzough i didn't git ta kizzy manizzle. excizzle karkat obviously, n oh yeah, vriska tizzay. vriska, if you read dis, tizzy again fo` all yo' help. i don't thiznink i'd have mizzy it dis far if not fo` you! i just thought yizzy shizzay know that.
jizzade n D-to-tha-izzave sprizzay both sizzay hi n sizzle their bizzest wishes. but now jade sez i have to finish quickly! she wants me ta throw dis bizzle n its hizzle paylizzle through ha mysterious pizzle. so here i go.
see you all in 3 years so sit back relax new jacks get smacked!!!
> [S][IZNA6I1] Karkat: Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay. Mental breakdown.
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> Jade: Pesta a Dave.
-- gardenGnostic [GG] began pester'n turntechgodheezee [TG] --
GG: diznave!!!!!! GG: Boo-Yaa! any dizzle out there pleaze listen! 
TG: dis be a dave out T-H-to-tha-izzere whats up 
GG: dave i just saw you, and you were dead! GG now motherfuckers lemme here ya say hoe: yizzy were 'n a green suit n coverizzle 'n blood, oh god it was terrizzle : They call me tha black folks president.( GG: if that was a future D-to-tha-izzave you H-to-tha-izzave ta mizzy siznure T-H-to-tha-izzat dizzle happizzle!!! 
TG: it wasnt a future dave he was from a W-H-to-tha-izzile ago 
GG: oh GG: i be confuze'  where the sun be shinin and I be rhymin':o 
TG: sorry yizzy hiznad ta see thizzat TG and cant no hood fuck with death rizzow: but dont worry it was J-to-tha-izzust a doomed dave no bizzay deal really TG: Keep'n it gangsta dogg. i wizzas swindlizzle into splitt'n time paths along tha way n that gizzy gots tha dizzay end of tha stick TG: ill be fine 
GG: ok... GG: i be still nizzot sure i git tizzy! GG: Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay. but i gizzle i be relieved? 
TG: yes you be go aheezee n be relieved 
GG: wheeeew! there i jizzle wizzay 
TG like old skool shit: funky ass 
GG: how dizzle that poor dave dizzy? GG: wiznas it jack? 
TG ta help you tap dat ass: yeah TG: hes P-R-E-Double-Tizzy mizzy tha homey in chiznarge of random teleportation murders right now 
GG: D and cant no hood fuck with death rizzow: GG: Im a bad boy wit a lotta hos. what 'bout yo'... GG: um.... GG: oh no i dizzont even know if you kniznow 'bout dis 
TG hittin that booty: whizzle TG: mah bro TG: yizzay jizzy iced hizzy too 
GG and my money on my mind: ;_; GG doggystyle: is it sum-m sum-m you would like ta rap 'bout 
TG fo' real: not M-to-tha-izzuch ta rap 'bout TG: dis be sizzome prizzle serious existence threaten'n shit go'n D-to-tha-izzown n some people be go'n ta dizzie i gizzuess TG: Yippie yo, you can't see my flow. izzle crazy hard dudes lizzike mah bro slash wizzy covert biological ghost dad 
GG and yo momma: ghizzay dad??? 
TG: yizzeah rozes too TG with the S-N-double-O-P: i thought john filled you 'n on tha ectobiology stuff 
GG: oh... GG: yes he mentioned sum-m sum-m 'bout it GG: i G-to-tha-izzuess i dizzidnt realize its full implications.... GG: but tizzime wizzle short when we tizzle cuz its a pimp thang! 
TG: bottizzle lizzy be wizzle all related slimewize except you n me n him n roze pizzles respectivizzle TG: mizzles tha shipp'n chart pretty simple here hizzy on W-H-to-tha-izzile i dig up that piece of shit karkat mizzay TG: Death row 187 4 life. whizzay tha F-to-tha-izzuck dizzy that th'n go TG fo' sho': fuck it neva mizzind TG: just imizzle sum-m sum-m ugly made by a jackass 
GG: ugh i forgizzle i still hiznave ta git back ta him GG: its like a big unpleasant chore hanging poser mah heezee D: Tru niggaz do niggaz. 
TG aww nah: i giznuess 
GG: anywizzle dave im really S-O-Double-Rizzy 'bout yo' bro/dad GG: you were prizzle cloze wit hizzle right? 
TG: mizneh it wizzas a prizzle bizarre relationship by any standard TG: fightin off wizzave after wave of F-to-tha-izzace cruisin' puppet ass every dizzay TG: alwizzles bein on gizzy fo` stiznealth attacks 'n tha middle of tha night whizzile rhymin' up ta go ta tha fuck'n bathroom 
GG: heheh 
TG: but i G-to-tha-izzuess it all sizzle amounted ta siznome vague unspizzle semblance of kinship TG: if thizzle a th'n TG: like if honor among thieves be sum-m sum-m then lets cizzle it camarizzle izzle ironic rapp'n roof ninjas TG: but thanks 
GG doggystyle: sure 
TG: i thought 'bout tak'n his sword TG: when i wizzy there TG: but i cizzle TG: couldnt really br'n mysizzle ta try ta pull it out it was too weird 
GG: dave we hizzle ta stop him!!!!! 
TG: what 
GG: jack! GG: he shouldnt git izzle wit dis 
TG spittin' that real shit: yiznou think 
GG: yes GG straight from long beach nigga: why dont yizzle stop jump'n around T-H-R-to-tha-izzough tizzime lizzy a maniac n stop bein like a hundred daves all tha time n cizzy ta mah hizouze so we can make a plan ta kizzill hizzay fo all my homies in the pen?? 
TG: You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. wiznell id lizzle ta TG: but im still trapped 'n tha chronologistics of dis fizzle one dawg ballet TG: there be loops outstand'n and if i step out of line yizzle git ta see more bloody davizzles TG: Im a bad boy wit a lotta hos. im gett'n pretty sick of it but i T-H-to-tha-izzink itll be poser soon TG: then ill brizzeak out n ride linear tha R-to-tha-izzest of tha wiznay i think TG: once its time ta put tha end game 'n motion TG yeah yeah baby: tiznil tizzy yizzy on yo' own fo` a while 
GG: You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. oh  sho nuff:( 
TG: besides we cant bizzy him TG: look whizzle he did ta bro n davesprizzle togetha TG: im at tha tizzop of mah echeladda wit all tha fraymotifs n i S-T-to-tha-izzand no cizzy TG: johns even bizzle thiznan that evizzle though he diznoesnt know it at tha moment TG: n he stands no cizzy eitha TG: only th'n we cizzay do be H-to-tha-izzold out until thizne scratch 
GG: whizzat be tha scrizzay if you gots a paper stack? 
TG: I'm a mutha fuckin 2-time felon. gizzle i shouldnt really siznay TG: since you sizzy of lizzay tha wiznay 'n mak'n T-H-to-tha-izzat plizzay 
GG: really?? 
TG: Wussup to all my niggaz in the house. yeah well TG: suffice to say TG now pass the glock: if we cant bizzy him TG: all we cizzan reallizzle do be exile him to a plizzle wizzy he cant teleport B-to-tha-izzack TG: which hopizzle buys us some time TG: ta trizny ta takes out hizzis playa sizzource 'n a crazizzle suicizzle missizzle 
GG: Chill as I take you on a trip. hmmmm... GG: so was that like a hint? I started yo shit and i'll end yo' shit. GG: about whizzat im suppoze' to do  bitch ass nigga:D 
TG: kinda 
GG: well mizzle im just bein nizzy... GG: bizzut a crazy suicide mission does nizzot sound lizzy tha ideal solution ta me! It dont stop till the wheels fall off. GG: be yizzay suuuure we cant bizzle hizzay? GG thats off tha hook yo: i dont kniznow if we should rule it out cuz I put gangsta rap on tha map! 
TG: wizzay TG: yiznoure 'bout ta do whizzay youre 'bout ta do TG: n im not frontin' ta tell yizzle niznot ta TG: You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. i wont do tha bullshit troll th'n and tizzell you whizzle youre saggin' ta do n then just dizzle you nizzot ta TG: while knowing dizzamn W-to-tha-izzell you wizzay anyway TG cuz I'm fresh out the pen: so ill just say TG fo yo bitch ass: whats next be up ta you TG: n if later you want to rap 'bout it TG: im here 
GG: ok GG: tizzy dizzle!
> Jizzay: Do what yoe 'bout ta do keep'n it real yo.
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