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philoursmars · 8 months ago
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Douai (Nord), le Musée de la Chartreuse. Une visite pour la Nuit des Musées.
pendule à l'étude - 1805
Albert Bouquillon : "L'Ethiopienne"
Henry Serrur : "Mort d'un soldat grec à la prise de Tripolitza"
François-Louis Français : "Sentier dans les blés"
couperet de guillotine - Douai, 1813-1870
Jules Scalbert : "Les Trois Âges"
Louis Watteau : "La famille du Grand Gayant de Douai"
Georges Barnetche: "'Vue de Douai"
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divanquotes · 5 years ago
Pouqueville, Travels Through the Morea Albania and several other parts of the Ottoman Empire to Constantinople, 1806
Page 12: Our Reis now perceived that he had committed a fault by putting himself into the power of the Turks: and affecting an air of friendship, assured us that before night we should sail for Tripoli; where we should find protection from the Bey, who was at pace with France. But he was no longer the master of his actions; for immediately afterwards the port captain, having as a mark of distinction a plate of marble suspended from his neck, came to pay us a visit. From his looks and gestures we fully ascertain that he was not our friend: he took the Reis ashore; and conducted him to the Vechil, or commercial agent of the Bey of Tripoli, his master.
He speedily returned; and we saw the shores covered with the inhabitants, who had come thither from motives of curiosity. Several Greeks repaired on board the tartane, to purchase our spoils: the barbarians sold them whatever they did not choose to keep; and among the articles was an image of the Madona di Monte Negro, which a Papas bought for two piastres. Towards evening we were ordered to land and enter the town, that we might be presented to the Bey. We found him in the midst of his divan, sitting at the corner of a sofa in a grave and haughty attitude. Our reception was at first severe: but on the appearance of two trunks which contained the remnant of our effects, the members of the divan began to smile; and immediately put seals upon them, as a security for their inspection on the following day.
Page 46: Having said thus much on Laconia, I shall return to the subject of Tripolitza and the Morea in general. The government of the whole of the Morea is intrusted to the pacha with three tails, who resides at Tripolitza; in time of war a pacha with two tails, who is subordinate to the former, commands at Naupli. The beys of Navarin, Coron, Modon, Mistra, Argos, Corinth, Patras, and Gastauni; the chiefs of Arcadia, Andritzena, Andreossa, and Londari; and the codja-bachis of Caritene, Sinano, Vostitza, Vasilico, &c. pour their tributes into the coffers of the pacha beglier-bey, who has an intendant, the Defter-kiaya, and a comptroller, Moucabel-edgi. The taxes are levied on persons and property; the Turks pay nothing but the land-tax, and every subject who is not a Mussulman furnishes a poll-tax, called the caratsch, to which every vassal is subjected on attaining the age of twelve years. The pacha fixes the total amount of the collections, which he divides, in his divan or assembled council, between the codja-bachis of the cantons, whom he summons before him; these, in concert with the pacha, convoke by circular letters the notables of their districts, and meet in the churches to discuss the assessments. The codja-bachis are the most vile and contemptible agents of the satraps of the sultan, and are employed in nothing but extortion, as their fortune is founded on the oppression of the people. The land-tax belongs to the Turkish government.
Page 147: The invasion of Egypt displayed more and more the weakness of the empire. On this news, Constantinople was thrown into alarm; the divan hardly dared to speak, and the mufti refused to answer: it was necessary for the allies of the weak-minded sultan to prevail on him to act, and the whole force of his empire was not sufficient to oppose to a few brave men, who occupied one of his provinces.
Page 149: Kutchuk-Hussein, then capoudan pacha, in obedience to the orders of his master, caused two galiondgis to be hanged; but these men were already in prison for offenses which they had committed, and were perfect strangers to the event that had taken place. Their comrades who witnessed the execution, indignant that Mussulmans should be punished for having assassinated Christians, assembled afterwards, took them from the gibbet, and buried them contrary to orders, in a magnificent manner; thus doubly insulting Russia. This power might have demanded satisfaction, or have taken vengeance for such conduct; but the moment was not arrived, and it contented itself with taking possession of Georgia, of which the divan might think as it pleased, but dared not manifest any discontent. Scarcely, however, had the first impressions of this event begun to subside, when a second insult was offered to some persons of distinction.
Page 158: The Frenchmen who accompanied him, as well as the crew of the vessel, were sent off for the same destination; and on arriving they were all thrown into the Bagne. M. Beauchamp, who was sent upon an honourable mission, arrived like a criminal, and was immediately confined in a little coffee-house on the Bosphorus, under a guard of galiondgis: here he passed three days, and was then taken out to be conducted to Bebek, the place where the European ambassadors hold their conferences with the ministers of the court. Here he found the drogman of the Porte, and Spencer Smith, the latter of whom interrogated him; and as the letters which he bore did not furnish him with sufficient information, he wished to get some confessions from M. Beauchamp, who only answered by insisting on being presented to the divan, and heard by the Grand Seignior. Spencer Smith then flew in a rage, seized him by the throat, and treated him just as Troubridge had done before, vociferating: “you d—d rascal, you shall be hanged, and serve for an example to the banditti of your nation and your general Buonaparte, who cannot escape us much longer.” In short, this envoy proceeded to such extremes, that, as a matter of prudence, they took M. Beauchamp from his presence, and shut him up in the dungeon of Fanaraki, where he remained twenty-eight months. On the news of our victories in Italy, the Turks consented to let him respire the fresh air, and he was allowed to go into the courtyard once a week; but the unhealthiness of the place in which he was confined, had altered the system of his organization; and before he regained his liberty, he received a mortal stroke. In a few days after my arrival, I removed him to Constantinople, whence he set out for France, and on arriving at Nice, terminated his career*.
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dolkin · 7 years ago
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#weddingphotography #bride #groom #ckphotography #traditional #orthodox #greek #tripolis #greece #wedding #Ceremony #loveisintheair #γαμος #στέφανα #maidsofhonor #κουμπάρος (στην τοποθεσία Tripolitza, Arkadhia, Greece)
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poltergeist100 · 8 years ago
(со страницы https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hkdwR-PH6s)
Триполис - это административный центр греческой периферии Пелопоннес, центр самой южной греческой периферии. Для тех, кто слабо разбирается в географии, прошу не путать греческий Триполис с ливанским городом Триполи. Триполи - это столица Ливана, а Триполис (иногда на него тоже говорят Триполи) - это греческий город. На английском языке его название звучит также, как и название столицы Ливана - Триполи. Город очень красивый. Здесь в полную меру ощущается Южная Греция - здесь не бывает снега. Три́полиc (греч. Τρίπολη или Τρίπολις; ранее — Триполица (греч. Τριπολιτσά от итал. Tripolitza или Tripolizza)) — город в Греции, центр Пелопоннесa, столица и крупнейший город нома Аркадия. Расположен вблизи развалин античных городов Тегеи и Мантинеи. Нас��ление: около 35 000 жителей (2013 год). В античные времена близ современного Триполиса развились античные города Тегея и Мантинея. Во времена раннего Средневековья, по данным находок Филологического сообщества в 1934 году[источник не указан 120 дней], центральная Морея (Пелопоннес) была наводнена южными славянами. Долгое время здесь существовало славянское поселение Дроболица. Официальные греческие источники оспаривают этимологию корня слова. В поздневизантийский период поселение также приходит в упадок, сельская местность в округе наводняется полукочевыми племенами албанцев-арнаутов. Современный Триполис был основан турками-османами в 1770 году, которые возвели замок с хорошо укреплённым центром города, ставший основой турецкой власти в Морее, за полный контроль над которой долго и безуспешно боролись средневековые Византия, Венеция и Латинская империя. После возведения крепости началась интенсивная исламизация региона. Основное население города составляли турки, отуреченные мусульмане и евреи-сефарды. Город и его окрестности трижды становились местом кровавой резни. В 1820 году резню христиан учинили мусульмане, опасавшиеся начала греческого движения за независимость, в 1821 году осада Триполицы силами греческих повстанцев закончилась массовой резнёй турок и евреев: не менее 8000—10 000 мужчин, женщин и детей были убиты. В 1825 году сотрудничавший с турками египетский генерал Ибрагим-паша, при рождении православный грек, вновь захватил город, учинив новую резню христиан, последний конфликт в истории города. В начале ХХ века в городе проживало около 15 тысяч человек.  Ссылка: Википедия https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A2%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%81_(%D0%93%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F) Кому интересно - подписываемся на интересный канал! https://www.youtube.com/user/zzz82166able
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