#triplewart seadevil anglerfish
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(feel free to correct me if any of the below information is false! I'm just one guy! I won't be able to edit these posts, but a correction is always appreciated anyways)
The Giant Phantom Jelly likes to stay mysterious, we've seen them so few times that we don't really know a lot about them! They can't sting and instead use their arms to capture their prey! Their bell alone can grow as big as 3.3 ft (1 meter)!
Triplewart Seadevil Anglerfish experience sexual parasitism, where the males attach themselves to females and get nutrients and what they need to survive from them, giving nothing but sperm back! Once attached, males stay with a female for life and fuse with them!
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silkflovvers · 7 months
I’ve seen posts floating around regarding what animals people want to see Arknights operators designed after. I’ve seen lots of people asking for mantis shrimp and while I GET IT, a mantis shrimp brawler would be so fun, but what I think we really need is more Aegir, but of the severely unwieldy variety. I want to see some really messed up fish people based on some of the most insane sea life.
I know the seaborn and Abyssal Hunters side plot is basically done and over, especially with IS3 basically wrapping it all up in a canon alternate universe shaped bow, but what if? We still don’t have answers for all the Aegir and their back stories. I’d love to learn more about Whisperain, especially.
Personal dream list of nightmare fish people includes (please be warned some of these organisms may genuinely freak some people out, so search these names with caution if you’re curious):
Gulper eel
Ghost shark (since were robbed)
Wolf eel
Sea angel
Large-eye snaggletooth
Flying fish
Sea butterfly
Frill shark
Common fangtooth
Atacama snailfish
Velvet belly lanternshark
Pale pike smelt
Common Atlantic grenadier
Black scabbardfish
Triplewart seadevil
Phantom jellyfish
Bathymetrinae incert
Pearl octopus
Strawberry flower star
Mobular ray
Honestly getting like two of these would be a dream come true.
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carefree-atsea · 1 year
☕️ + Anglerfish
my favorite is the triplewart seadevil (Cryptopsaras couesii) just for the sexual dimorphism alone!
the males are itty bitty 🤏 (1-3cm) while the females can get up to a foot long.
i also like the influence the anglerfish has had on horror 🎃 you can see it all over if you look hard enough.
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Deep Sea Fish Tourney Round 1 Brackets!
THE GIRLS ARE FIGHTING!!!!!! Side A's polls have concluded, and side B polls are now up!
Both sides have concluded!
Masterlist under the cut
Side A (concluded):
Bigfin Squid (Magnapinna) vs Frilled Shark
Giant Isopod vs Osedax (Boneworm/Zombieworm)
Compleat Anglerfish vs Bloody Belly Comb Jelly
Hagfish vs Japanese Spider Crab
Tomopteris Worm vs Harp Sponge
Goblin Shark vs Telescope Fish
Cookie Cutter Shark vs Barreleye (Spookfish)
Coelacanth vs Vampire Squid
Side B:
Stoplight Loosejaw vs Oarfish
Yeti Crab vs Googly-Eyed Stubby Squid
Glass Octopus vs Longnose Lancetfish
Scale Worm vs Pacific Footballfish
Venus Girdle vs Strawberry Squid (Jewel Squid)
Giant Phantom Jelly vs Triplewart Seadevil Anglerfish
Giant Tube Worm vs Gulper Eel (Pelican Eel)
Blobfish vs Siphonophore
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