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healthy143 ¡ 2 years ago
Power Bull CBD Gummies : Shocking Report, Ingredients & Side Effects?
All guys who are having sexual problems, listen up! Once you start taking Power Bull CBD Gummies, you can feel like a guy again. With this healing formula, you will no longer have to deal with embarrassing words or moments in bed. With this great recipe, your sex drive will go up and your staying power will last all night and all day. Taking these sweets will be your dream job because they will make you the strongest man in the world. You don't have to live a life of shame and pain because you can't get it up. Take advantage of the deal that is only valid this week. Click on any picture on this page to get the best price on Power Bull+ CBD Gummies right away.
You don't have to go through a time when you don't enjoy being sexual. CBD has been shown to help with sexual problems that get in the way of your sex life. Power Bull CBD Gummies are the only way to forever boost your libido and improve your sexual performance. Do not believe what doctors or ads say. These are the most popular candies for men's health on the market right now. We promise that once you try these, you won't be let down. 
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The price of Power Bull CBD Gummies is nothing compared to the price of being embarrassed sexually. There is no way that these great treats won't help you, whether you want to grow your hair or make it last longer. You will get better beyond your wildest dreams without the help of doctors or surgeons. We all hate having to go in for a checkup every year. We can promise that taking these won't feel like one of those checkups. You can be sure that you will get the best healing and that your sexual skills will grow. Once you start taking these great, energizing gummies, you feel like you are 21 again. Men who use them say they can see results in as little as five days. This means you will also see results quickly and clearly.
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cladeymoore ¡ 3 years ago
FROST: Flexible Round-Optimized Schnorr Threshold Signatures
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By Daniel Zhou
FROST is a round-optimal threshold Schnorr signature protocol. Here we introduce why Coinbase decided to use FROST, what FROST is, and what we discovered while evaluating FROST.
In order to improve efficiency of Coinbase’s threshold-signing systems, we decided to explore the FROST threshold Schnorr signature protocol, which features the following advantages over other Schnorr-based threshold signature protocols [GJKR03, SS01]:
Low round complexity in both the distributed key-generation and signing phases. The distributed key generation phase can be completed in 2 rounds. The signing phase can be completed in less or equal to 3 rounds depending on whether we use a signature aggregator role and a preprocessing stage. That is,
1-round signing with a trusted signature aggregator and a preprocessing stage.
2-round signing with a trusted signature aggregator, but no preprocessing stage.
3-round signing without a trusted signature aggregator and no preprocessing stage.
Concurrent security. The signing phase is secure when performed concurrently. That is, an unlimited number of signature operations can be performed in parallel. In contrast with other threshold Schnorr signature protocols, there are existing Schnorr-based threshold signature protocols, such as [GJKR03, SS01], that have the same round complexity, but they suffer from limited concurrency to protect against the attack of Drijvers et al. [DEF19]. This attack was originally proposed in a Schnorr multi-signature n-out-of-n setting, but it also applies similarly in a threshold t-out-of-n setting with the same parameters for an adversary that controls up to t-1 participants. We refer readers to section 2.6 of the FROST draft for more details. To prevent this attack without limiting concurrency, FROST binds each participant’s response to a specific message as well as the set of participants and their set of elliptic curve (EC) points used for that particular signing operation. In doing so, combining responses over different messages or EC point pairs results in an invalid signature, thwarting attacks such as those of Drijvers, et al.
Secure against dishonest majority. FROST is secure against adversaries which control up to t-1 signers in the signing phase.
Simple cryptographic building blocks and assumptions. FROST is built upon the threshold Shamir secret sharing and Feldman verifiable secret sharing schemes and it relies only on the discrete logarithm assumption.
How does FROST work?
Before we introduce how FROST works, we first recall how the standalone Schnorr signature works.
A Schnorr digital signature algorithm is a triple of algorithms: (KeyGen, Sign, Verify).
Let G be a group generator of a cyclic group with prime order p, and let H be a cryptographic hash function mapping to the field Zₚ* . A Schnorr signature is generated over a message m by the following steps:
KeyGen -> (sk, vk)
Randomly sample the secret key sk <- Zₚ.
Return (sk, vk = sk * G).
Sign(sk, m) -> sig
Randomly sample a secret nonce k <- Zₚ.
R = k * G
c = H(m, R)
z = k + sk * c (mod p)
Return signature sig = (z, c)
Verify(vk, m, sig) -> true/false
Parse sig = (z’, c’)
R’ = z * G -c * vk
c’ = H(m, R’)
Return true if c = c’, otherwise return false.
We call (sk, vk) the secret and verification keys respectively. We call m the message being signed and sig the Schnorr digital signature.
FROST is a threshold Schnorr signature protocol that contains two important components. First, n participants run a distributed key generation (DKG) protocol to generate a common verification key; at the end, each participant obtains a private secret key share and a public verification key share. Afterwards, any t-out-of-n participants can run a threshold signing protocol to collaboratively generate a valid Schnorr signature. The figure below gives a high-level sketch of how FROST works in the case of t = 3 and n = 5.
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(3, 5) — FROST DKG + Threshold Signing Overview
In the following context, we introduce FROST distributed key generation and threshold signing in more technical details.
FROST — distributed key generation (DKG). The secret signing key in Schnorr signature is an element in the field Zₚ. The goal of this phase is to generate long-lived secret key shares and a joint verification key. This phase is run by n participants. FROST builds its own key generation phase upon Pedersen’s DKG [GJKR03], in which it uses both Shamir secret sharing and Feldman’s verifiable secret sharing schemes as subroutines. In addition, FROST also requires each participant to demonstrate knowledge of their own secret by sending to other participants a zero-knowledge proof, which itself is a Schnorr signature. This additional step protects against rogue-key attacks in the setting where t ≥ n/2.
At the end of the DKG protocol, a joint verification key vk is generated. Also, each participant Pᵢ holds a value (i, skᵢ) that is their long-lived secret share and a verification key share vkᵢ = skᵢ*G. Participant Pᵢ’s verification key share vkᵢ is used by other participants to verify the correctness of Pᵢ’s signature shares in the signing phase, while the verification key vk is used by external parties to verify signatures issued by the group.
FROST — threshold signing. We now introduce the signing protocol for FROST. This phase builds upon known techniques that employ additive secret sharing and share conversion to non-interactively generate the nonce for each signature. This phase also leverages binding techniques to avoid known forgery attacks without limiting concurrency.
Our implementation is slightly adapted from the FROST draft. In our implementation, we opted to not use the signature aggregator role. Instead, each participant is a signature aggregator. This design is more secure: all the participants of the protocol verify what others have computed to achieve a higher level of security and reduce risk. In contrast with other open source libraries, as far as we know, we are the first to implement FROST without the signature aggregator role. Furthermore, we have chosen not to do the (one-time) preprocessing stage in order to speed up the implementation. In the preprocessing stage, each participant prepares a fixed number of EC point pairs for further use, which is run for a single time for multiple threshold signing phases. However, we take this stage as an additional round and only prepare a single pair of EC points, which means we run it every time for each threshold signing phase. In more detail, there are two major differences between our implementation and the original draft.
First, the signature aggregator, as described in the draft, validates messages that are broadcast by cosigners and computes the final signature. In our implementation, we do not use such a role. Instead, each participant simply performs a broadcast in place of a signature aggregator performing coordination. Note that FROST can be instantiated without such a signature aggregator as stressed in the draft. Also, implementing it in a decentralized way is more appropriate to Coinbase’s multiparty computation approach.
Second, the protocol in the draft uses a preprocessing stage prior to signing, where each participant Pᵢ samples a sequence number, say Q, of single-use nonces (dᵢⱼ, eᵢⱼ), computes and broadcasts pairs of public points (Dᵢⱼ = dᵢⱼ*G, Eᵢⱼ = eᵢⱼ*G) for further use in subsequent signing rounds, where j = 1….Q. This preprocessing stage is a once-for-all stage. That is, each participant can prepare a fixed number of EC point pairs, say Q, and broadcast them to the signature aggregator, then the signature aggregator distributes these EC point pairs to all participants for further use. Once these pairs of EC points are used up, then these participants should run another preprocessing stage. Since we opted to not use such a signature aggregator role in our implementation, we have chosen instead to let each participant generate a single pair of EC points (Dᵢ, Eᵢ). Therefore, there is no preprocessing stage in our implementation and thus there are 3 rounds in our threshold signing phase instead of 2. Also note that whether our implementation contains the preprocessing stage or not simply depends on how many EC point pairs are generated in signing round 1. If each participant generates a Q number of EC point pairs in the signing round 1, then this round can be viewed as the preprocessing stage and our implementation becomes a 2-round signing protocol.
We describe how these three signing rounds work and give some technical details.
Signing Round 1. Each participant Pᾢ begins by generating a single private nonce pair (dᾢ, eᾢ) and corresponding pair of EC points (Dᾢ, Eᾢ) and broadcasts this pair of points to all other participants. Each participant stores these pairs of EC points received for use later. Signing rounds 2 and 3 are the actual operations in which t-out-of-n participants cooperate to create a valid Schnorr signature.
Signing Round 2. To create a valid Schnorr signature, any t participants work together to execute this round. The core technique behind this round is t-out-of-t additive secret sharing. This technique creates the secret nonce k = SUM(kᵢ), which is the same value generated in the single-party Schnorr signing algorithm, and each kᵢ is the share computed by participant Pᵢ. To do this, each participant prepares the set of pairs of EC points B = (D₁, E₁)���…(Dₜ, Eₜ) received in round 1, and then computes kᵢ = dᵢ+eᵢ*rᵢ , where rᵢ=H(i, m, B) and H is a hash function whose outputs are in the field Zₚ. Computing rᵢ is important since it works as a binding value for each participant to prevent the forgery attack. Then each participant computes the commitment Rᵢ=Dᵢ+Eᵢ*rᵢ such that it binds the message m, the set of signing participants and each participant’s EC points to each signature share, such that signature shares for one message cannot be used for another. This prevents the forgery attack because attackers cannot combine signature shares across distinct signing operations or permute the set of signers or published points for each signer. The commitment for the set of signers is then simply R = SUM(Rᵢ). As in single-party Schnorr signatures, each participant computes the challenge c = H(m, R).
Having computed the challenge c, each participant is able to compute the response zᵢ to the challenge using the single-use nonces (dᵢ, eᵢ) and the long-term secret shares skᵢ, which are t-out-of-n (degree t-1) Shamir secret shares of the group’s long-lived key sk. One main observation that FROST leverages is that if kᵢ are additive shares of k, then each kᵢ/Lᵢ are t-out-of-n Shamir shares of k, where Lᵢ is the Lagrange coefficient for participant Pᵢ. That is, Lᵢ = prod(i/(j-i)), where j = 1,…,t, j ≠i. This observation is due to the work by Benaloh and Leichter [BL88] and the work by Cramer, Damgaard and Ishai [CDI05]. They present a non-interactive mechanism for participants to locally convert additive shares generated via the Benaloh and Leichter t-out-of-n secret sharing construction to Shamir’s polynomial form. FROST uses the simplest t-out-of-t case of this transformation. Thus kᵢ/Lᵢ+skᵢ*c are degree t-1 Shamir secret shares of the correct response z = k+sk*c for a plain (single-party) Schnorr signature. Using share conversion again and the value each participant has computed (namely, kᵢ = dᵢ+eᵢ*rᵢ), we get that zᵢ=dᵢ+eᵢ*rᵢ+Lᵢ*skᵢ*c are t-out-of-t additive shares of z. At the end of signing round 2, each participant broadcasts zᵢ to other participants.
Signing Round 3. After receiving zᾢ from all other participants, each participant checks the consistency of these reported zᾢ, with their pair of EC points (Dᾢ, Eᾢ) and their verification key share vkᾢ. This can be done by checking the equation zᾢ*G = Rᾢ+c*Lᾢ*vkᾢ. Once all zᾢ are valid, then each participant computes z = SUM(zᾢ) and output (z, c) as the final Schnorr signature. This signature will verify properly to any party unaware that FROST was used to generate the signature, and can check it with the standard single-party Schnorr verification equation with vk as the verification key. As we have mentioned, we do not use the signature aggregator role in our implementation. Thus, each participant works as a signature aggregator. Therefore, we let each participant self-verify its own signature before outputting it.
Implementation Challenges
We referred to some known FROST implementations: two Rust implementations — one by ZCash foundation and another by frost-dalek — but they are not appropriate to our tech stack. One Golang implementation is from the Taurus group, but unfortunately this Go implementation is not ready for production use and has not been externally audited. As a result, we decided to implement the protocol in-house.
One feature of FROST signing is that each participant must know Lagrange coefficients for each participant in order to compute zᵢ. This is uncommon in other threshold signature protocols that use Feldman verifiable secret sharing as a sub-protocol, so there are few existing Go libraries to support THIS. Most existing libraries support generating secret shares, polynomials, and their interpolation, but do not support Lagrange coefficient computation. To fill in this technical gap, we implemented participants’ Lagrange coefficients given arbitrary t participant IDs as input. Before running the threshold signing protocol, it takes input IDs of the t participants and generates all Lagrange coefficients. As the FROST draft suggests, we assign these coefficients to each participant before signing to improve performance.
FROST is a flexible, round-optimized Schnorr threshold signature scheme that minimizes the network overhead of producing Schnorr signatures in a threshold setting while allowing for unrestricted parallelism of signing operations and only a threshold number of signing participants. We introduce FROST, highlight its features, and describe it in a fully decentralized approach (i.e., without any third-party signature aggregator). This post exposes what Coinbase discovered while evaluating and implementing the FROST protocol and we look forward to adding it to our suite of threshold signing services.
If you are interested in cutting-edge cryptography, Coinbase is hiring.
FROST: Flexible Round-Optimized Schnorr Threshold Signatures was originally published in The Coinbase Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
from Money 101 https://blog.coinbase.com/frost-flexible-round-optimized-schnorr-threshold-signatures-b2e950164ee1?source=rss----c114225aeaf7---4 via http://www.rssmix.com/
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sbknews ¡ 4 years ago
Triumph To Power Moto2 For Another Three Years
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Triumph Motorcycles will continue to provide their record-breaking 765cc triple powerplants as Exclusive Engine Supplier to the FIM Moto2™ World Championship for another three seasons, from 2022-2024. Since the start of the 2019 season, Triumph Motorcycles has provided all of the teams with race-tuned 765cc triples, each of which is based on the class-leading Street Triple RS engine. With developments that allow it to breathe more freely, rev harder and deliver a peak power output of more than 140PS (an increase of over 17% on the production engine). This 765cc triple brought to the category a much-welcomed boost in power, transforming the performance and level of competition. Following Dorna’s intent to bring the Moto2™ series closer to MotoGP™, the increase in power and torque, combined with a more advanced electronics package, has provided a more relevant training and development ground, whilst enhancing the overall racing in its own right.
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In the last two years Moto2™ graduates have gone on to take podiums and victories in their first seasons in the premier MotoGP class: 2019 Moto2™ World Champion Alex Marquez taking a pair of second places in 2020, and title rival Brad Binder with a victory also in 2020 and more recently in Austria 2021. Jorge Martin took his first Moto2™ victory in 2020, followed a year later with his maiden MotoGP™ win and a further two podiums in 2021. These incredible results go to prove how Moto2™ has become the natural springboard for MotoGP™ that Dorna envisaged. Redefining the category, records have also fallen across the board. As well as 14 different race winners since 2019 there have been lap records set at 34 events, including records which have been broken and re-broken year-on-year, and the first ever 300+km/h top speed for a Moto2™ machine. The record stands at 301.8km/h at Phillip Island, Australia. Reflecting these great successes, the wonderful feedback and partnerships we have had with the riders and their teams, and the incredible response from Triumph fans across the world, we have decided in partnership with Dorna, along with the continuing support of Externpro, to extend our relationship and sign a new contract for another three years of racing.
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Steve Sargent, Triumph Motorcycles Chief Product Officer ”Moto2 has been the perfect environment to showcase, and prove the reliability and performance advantages of, our triple engines, where we have seen the top 20 qualifying times consistently come within a second of each other. Not only has it raised our profile and credibility on the world stage, for me the success of Moto2 has also been an incredible catalyst, reigniting the passion for racing within Triumph motorcycles. I am delighted to have played a part in this landmark activity for Triumph and excited to see the extension to another 3 seasons. We are committed to delivering further improvements to the performance of the engines, which we are sure will be appreciated by both the riders and the teams.
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Carlos Ezpeleta, Dorna Sports Managing Director, said: “Our first years together have been a wonderful success and I’d like to thank Triumph for their help and hard work over these first three years - especially during the pandemic. The FIM, IRTA and Dorna are happy with the results this project has shown and it’s validated the consistency of the steps between Moto3™, Moto2™ and MotoGP™. Overall, we are pleased with the partnership and we look forward to three more exciting years together.”
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Checkout our dedicated Triumph Motorcycles News page Triumph Motorcycles News/ or head to the official Triumph Motorcycles website triumphmotorcycles.co.uk Follow us on social media: Instagram: @superbikenews Twitter: @sbknews Facebook: @superbikenews
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gethealthy18-blog ¡ 5 years ago
How to Get Enough Calcium Without Dairy
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/news/how-to-get-enough-calcium-without-dairy/
How to Get Enough Calcium Without Dairy
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When our third child started to eat solid foods, we found out that he had a pretty severe dairy allergy. It started with bad gas and mucousy stools, then progressed to skin reactions and even worse digestive problems.
Food allergies are common in babies born early, and my son was five weeks premature (that whole story and my other birth stories here).
In response to this new information, I cut dairy out of my diet because I was still breastfeeding my son. Even though I was only eating raw and organic forms of dairy before, I found that I felt much better, I lost weight more quickly, and had smoother skin in response to the dietary change. While I was sad to give up my favorite raw cheeses, was glad to know that my body didn’t tolerate dairy well, either.
While the baby and I felt better without cow’s milk products, there was a new thing to be concerned about: How will we get enough calcium without dairy?
How Much Calcium Do We Need?
Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body. As we know, it is vital for strong bones and teeth, and it’s also important for muscle development, healthy blood pressure, and skin health.
The recommended daily intake is 1,000 mg of calcium for men and women, and those calcium requirements rise to about 1,200 mg for older adults. Tracking your intake can be tricky because calcium isn’t always properly absorbed — meaning we generally might need to consume more than we think.
For reference, calcium from dairy products is about 30-35% bioavailable. Other calcium-rich foods that are more absorbable than dairy include fish with bones and cooked veggies like bok choy, kale, and broccoli.
Some foods are often suggested as a good dietary source of calcium but are not as absorbable. For example, spinach contains only around 5% of bioavailable calcium.
Middle-of-the-line options are edamame and soy milk (24% bioavailable), white beans (22%), and sesame seeds (21%).
Bottom line: When tracking your calcium intake, it’s important to consider how easily our bodies can absorb the nutrients in different food sources.
Vitamins That Help the Body Absorb Calcium
Another factor to consider in the bioavailability of calcium is the other vitamins you’re getting in your diet.
Vitamin D is required for the proper absorption of calcium, with one study showing that people who were deficient in vitamin D only absorbed 14% of the calcium from food, versus 58% absorption from those with adequate levels. Fortunately, many natural food sources of calcium (like fatty fish) are also good sources of vitamin D.
It’s also important to get enough magnesium, as it helps to convert vitamin D into its active form. Magnesium is also used in the creation of the hormone calcitonin. Calcitonin keeps calcium in the bones and not in the bloodstream, lowering the likelihood of osteoporosis, some forms of arthritis, heart attack, and kidney stones.
Keep in mind though that magnesium must be in the proper ratio to be used correctly. It’s important to be mindful of getting calcium from synthetic sources that are low in magnesium.
Vitamin K is also important for calcium synthesis, as it helps keep calcium in bones and out of arteries and muscles. Great sources include dark leafy greens, grass-fed butter, chicken livers and natto (a form of fermented soybeans).
Aside from getting enough of these nutrients, you may also want to consider limiting the amount of grains you eat. Grains are high in phytic acid, which can inhibit proper calcium uptake.
The bottom line: Calcium is ineffective without magnesium, vitamin K, and vitamin D. Eating too many grains can make calcium absorption more difficult as well.
Why Calcium Supplements Are Not the Answer
Since it seems so complicated to get enough calcium without dairy every day, you might be tempted (like I was) to try calcium supplements. However, it seems like that’s not a great choice. (Here’s why.)
Calcium supplements ups your risk of ingesting too much calcium. This can lead to increased risk of kidney stones, heart disease, and more.
As Chris Kresser explains, supplemental intake of calcium can be problematic, but dietary intake of calcium is considered safe and healthy:
Beyond being ineffective for bone health, calcium supplements are associated with some pretty serious health risks. Studies on the relationship between calcium and cardiovascular disease (CVD) suggest that dietary intake of calcium protects against heart disease, but supplemental calcium may increase the risk. A large study of 24,000 men and women aged 35–64 years published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) in 2012 found that those who used calcium supplements had a 139% greater risk of heart attack during the 11-year study period, while intake of calcium from food did not increase the risk. A meta-analysis of studies involving more than 12,000 participants also published in BMJ found that calcium supplementation increases the risk of heart attack by 31%, stroke by 20% and death from all causes by 9%.
To be safe, calcium should be consumed from real food sources and not synthetic supplements or artificially fortified foods, like orange juice (where the synthetically added amount of calcium just settles to the bottom of the carton anyway).
Non-Dairy Sources of Calcium
While dairy is known to be a good source of calcium, there are many people who are lactose intolerant, allergic, or otherwise sensitive to dairy. In fact, it is estimated that 65% of the human population has a reduced ability to process dairy beyond infanthood.
Fortunately, there are lots of nutritious ways you can get calcium without dairy. Here are some of the best sources of calcium — and they’re all budget-friendly!
Bone Broth
Bone broth is a great source of calcium and many other minerals, and it’s so easy to make (but if you’re looking for a store-bought version, I recommend this one!) Broth made from healthy bones also contain amino acids that are great for other areas of your health, including digestion, skin, nervous system and joints.
Broth can be made from chicken, beef, lamb, bison, or even fish bones for just pennies a cup. Slow simmering the bones for long periods is best, as it allows the calcium and other minerals to dissolve into the water. As the Weston A Price Foundation puts it:
Science validates what our grandmothers knew. Rich homemade chicken broths help cure colds. Stock contains minerals in a form the body can absorb easily—not just calcium but also magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sulphur and trace minerals. It contains the broken down material from cartilage and tendons–stuff like chondroitin sulphates and glucosamine, now sold as expensive supplements for arthritis and joint pain.
Fish With Bones
Fatty fish, especially those with the bones still intact, contain an impressive calcium content, and absorb easily. Canned fish like salmon and sardines are an easy and inexpensive way to get your fill, since the bones become soft and edible during the canning process. Just be sure to buy BPA-free tins and cans whenever possible!
I know, you might have just wrinkled your nose in disgust at the thought of eating whole sardines, but as Diane of Balanced Bites so perfectly put it:
Y’all need to put your big boy or girl pants on, get a tin of wild sardines, grab some sea salt and lemon or hot sauce, and DIG IN.
One six-ounce serving of canned wild salmon has over 110 milligrams of absorbable calcium and canned sardines rank about the same (or higher). Since these foods are also a good source of vitamin D, they enhance digestion of the calcium and make it more usable.
(If you’re curious, I get my salmon and other seafood from Vital Choice, and sardines from Thrive Market (the Thrive Market brand).
Dark, Leafy Greens
Dark leafy greens are another great dietary source of calcium and are probably your best bet if you’re vegan. However, not all leafy greens are created equal. Collard greens, turnip greens, bok choy, kale, and broccoli all ranked high as absorbable sources of calcium.
Dark leafy greens are also great sources of folate, vitamins A, C, E and K, and B-vitamins. Jonathan Bailor, author of The Calorie Myth, is fond of saying that if you make no other changes in your diet, you will see positive results just from adding a few extra servings of green leafy vegetables a day.
If you’re looking for dietary program to follow that doubles (or triples?) your veggie intake, I highly recommend the Wahls Diet Protocol because of her emphasis on vegetables en masse.
Getting Calcium… Without Dairy
Whether you’re allergic to dairy or just trying to avoid it for your own personal health reasons, there are plenty of ways you can get enough calcium without dairy. Supplementing is not necessary! Just make an effort to eat plenty of calcium-rich foods like broth, fish with bones, veggies (especially the green leafy kind), and other healthy sources of fats, protein, and probiotics as part of a varied diet.
While the above suggestions worked great for my family and me, keep in mind that I’m not a doctor and can’t tell you what your individual needs are. Be sure to check in with a health professional to get your nutrient levels checked and to discuss the best calcium sources for you.
This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Lauren Jefferis, board certified in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor or work with a doctor at SteadyMD.
Do you eat dairy? Do you try to get your calcium in other ways? Share below!
Chesnut III, C. H., Silverman, S., Andriano, K., Genant, H., Gimona, A., Harris, S., … & Moniz, C. (2000). A randomized trial of nasal spray salmon calcitonin in postmenopausal women with established osteoporosis: the prevent recurrence of osteoporotic fractures study. The American Journal of Medicine, 109(4), 267-276.
Curhan, G. C., Willett, W. C., Rimm, E. B., & Stampfer, M. J. (1993). A prospective study of dietary calcium and other nutrients and the risk of symptomatic kidney stones. New England Journal of Medicine, 328(12), 833-838.
Hsu, D. J., Lee, C. W., Tsai, W. C., & Chien, Y. C. (2017). Essential and toxic metals in animal bone broths. Food & Nutrition Research, 61(1), 1347478.
Lansdown, A. B. (2002). Calcium: a potential central regulator in wound healing in the skin. Wound repair and regeneration, 10(5), 271-285.
LÜnnerdal, B. O., Sandberg, A. S., SandstrÜm, B., & Kunz, C. (1989). Inhibitory effects of phytic acid and other inositol phosphates on zinc and calcium absorption in suckling rats. The Journal of nutrition, 119(2), 211-214.
Lucas, A., Brooke, O. G., Cole, T. J., Morley, R., & Bamford, M. F. (1990). Food and drug reactions, wheezing, and eczema in preterm infants. Archives of disease in childhood, 65(4), 411-415.
Malde, M. K., Bßgel, S., Kristensen, M., Malde, K., Graff, I. E., & Pedersen, J. I. (2010). Calcium from salmon and cod bone is well absorbed in young healthy men: a double-blinded randomised crossover design. Nutrition & metabolism, 7(1), 61.
on Diet, C., & National Research Council. (1989). Minerals. In Diet and Health: Implications for Reducing Chronic Disease Risk. National Academies Press (US).
Polonsky, T. S., McClelland, R. L., Jorgensen, N. W., Bild, D. E., Burke, G. L., Guerci, A. D., & Greenland, P. (2010). Coronary artery calcium score and risk classification for coronary heart disease prediction. Jama, 303(16), 1610-1616.
Siebecker, A. (2005). Traditional bone broth in modern health and disease. Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, (259-260), 74-82.
Titchenal, C. A., & Dobbs, J. (2007). A system to assess the quality of food sources of calcium. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 20(8), 717-724.
Wasserman, R. H. (2004). Vitamin D and the dual processes of intestinal calcium absorption. The Journal of nutrition, 134(11), 3137-3139
Source: https://wellnessmama.com/18369/calcium-without-dairy/
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nerdcorp ¡ 8 years ago
News: 1/28/17
NXT TakeOver Updates - The NXT TakeOver: Dallas Pre-Show panel tonight will feature Nigel McGuinness, Charly Caruso, and Corey Graves. The pre-show will air on the WWE Network tonight at 7PM EST. Additionally, extra tickets were released today after production on the TakeOver set concluded. At the normal rate, the seats were probably seats with some visibility obstructed a bit, but usually tend to sell out fast regardless of that.
CONOR MCGREGOR/WWE UPDATE - The Irish Sun reports that Conor McGregor has reportedly turned down a huge offer from WWE to appear at Wrestlemania. According to the website, WWE contacted McGregor’s camp and told him to name his price. McGregor is currently on an extended hiatus with partner Dee Devlin, as he will be a father later this year.A source said: “WWE has made no secret of its desire to do something with Conor McGregor and there were talks between the two parties about this year. Because he’s taking time off from the UFC, there was a talk about doing something at this year’s Wrestlemania in April, but it wasn’t to be despite a hefty offer.”Sports stars like Muhammad Ali, Floyd Mayweather, Shaquille O’Neal, Mike Tyson and Ronda Rousey have all appeared at the even in the past. Mayweather reportedly earned over $17 million for a match against The Big Show in 2008.
After McGregor became a dual champion in November, his agent Audie Attar said: “I think it’s all about business, man. If WWE is going to come with an offer, we’re willing to entertain it.”
Meanwhile, Triple H praised McGregor and expressed an interest in him showing up. He said: “He could come over, he’s got it all, man. He’s got the personality, the skills, the talk. He’s an entertainer.”
McGregor, however, has taken shots at WWE in the past. While praising Vince McMahon, he also called John Cena a “big fat, 40-year-old failed Mr Olympia mother******.”
SUNNY UPDATE - PWInsider has the latest update on the current issues for WWE Hall of Famer Tammy Sytch. Court records indicate that she was fined $1,496.45 in Northhampton County Court in Easton, Pennsylvania due to her pleading guilty to driving without a license, driving an unregistered vehicle, operating a vehicle without required financial responsibility (meaning no insurance), displaying plate card in improper vehicle (which means that license plates were placed on a car they didn’t belong to), operating a vehicle without valid inspection, and driving without Evidence of an Emission Inspection (a state law requirement). Sytch’s fine was an agreement with the court after her most severe charge, receiving stolen property and a charge of fraudulent use or removal of registered licensed plates were withdrawn by prosecutors. Sytch reportedly appeared to receive no jail time since her most severe charges were dropped. Additionally, she was already incarcerated in Carbon County, Pennsylvania, which is about 45 minutes away from Easton.This issue stems from her arrest while she was on probation in Carbon County where she plead guilty to three DUIs in 2015 after she completed a rehab program. As a result, she was sentenced to 97 days in jail, but she received credit for 95 days in rehab and only stayed in jail for two days. After her release, the former WWE talent was warned that if she got into trouble again during her probation, there would be severe consequences.
In September 2016, she was arrested several times. She’s currently awaiting her hearing in Carbon County on February 17 regarding her probation and parole being revoked. She could face up to five years imprisonment and other penalties.
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emmajenna ¡ 7 years ago
Online Relationship Ends in Divorce
When you begin dating it’s a whole new world with several prospects on the horizon. Online dating has made it easier to find love in an already difficult dating scene. Many websites will match you to people with similar interests in your area. You can get to know each other and begin an intimate relationship without ever meeting in person. Many relationships that begin online end in marriage. Things are blissful for some time and then here comes the dreaded divorce talk and threats of finding the best divorce lawyer. When the dreaded prospect of divorce arises contact a Salt Lake City divorce attorney to discuss options. There are several reasons why a relationship that begins online has a higher chance of ending in divorce.
When the relationship is based solely online and through a screen, the chemistry feels electric. Then it comes time to meet face to face and the chemistry just doesn’t translate. You can’t stand each other and simply just don’t get along. There is absolutely no attraction but yet you’re stuck here with nowhere else to go. Even though many dating sites will match you with someone in your area some couples have to travel different states or countries to be with each other. In theory, you think you are both meant to be. You have similar backgrounds and morals. It’s a perfect match well that’s what the dating site says anyways.
Chemistry can also fade over time as with any relationship. It can be great without any issues, you even make it to the altar without any major relationship problems. You had talked and fantasized about this from the moment you started dating and your time has arrived; wedded bliss. The expectations are high and aren’t being met. One partner feels let down and disappointed leading to resentment. The other partner begins to feel as if they have let you down. You both come to the conclusion that divorce may be the only way out.
When couples live in different areas and aren’t close together this puts a major strain on the relationship. They have to move figuratively and literally to resolve the issue. One partner will need to uproot their entire life to make things work. This is a big step that requires many changes and a lot of compromises. One spouse will need to give up their home, job, friends, and family for love. The first step is finding a new job which isn’t always easy so in the meantime, you have to depend on your partner for financial assistance or eat up any savings you have. This starts to build resentment if the communication isn’t there yet. When things don’t end up working out and it gets too difficult, arguments begin leading towards a downward spiral ending in separation and divorce. Couples should sit down and come up with a realistic plan of action and have contingency options if things go awry.
Child Custody Cases: There are few bonds more precious than a parent and their child. In many instances, fathers take a very active role as their child’s development. But in far too many cases, the rights of fathers are constantly under attack. For example, Utah’s adoption laws call for the consent of one parent. In the vast majority of those cases, fathers often find themselves in a powerless situation. The bias against fathers in Utah involving adoption is extremely blatant. State laws allow mothers to place their child up for adoption without consent of the father. In fact, the father does not have sign the papers. The state’s adoption law bias is so notorious, many mothers from other states travel to Utah just place their child for adoption.
Divorce can often get messy.  Child custody is one of the most complex issues in Utah family law. In addition to complying with legal obligations, fathers must also wrestle with emotional issues when it comes to the custody of their children. There are many questions that need to be answered. Who has access to the children when they are with the other parent? How much time will the child get to spend with each parent? The sad truth is many parents do not properly follow the child custody arrangements made by the court. The amount of custodial interference cases in has skyrocketed in recent years. In far too many cases, the rights of fathers are being ignored.  Here is how fathers can protect themselves.
Present the divorce decree signed by the judge to prove your legal parental obligations
Never file a petition with family court based on revenge or vengeance.
Make sure to document important evidence, including emails, phone conversations and text messages between you and your former spouse.
A recent study conducted by a respect law firm indicates, there is a clear bias against father–particularly in cases involving custodial interference.
64% of custodial interference cases against mothers are thrown out by courts
Custodial interference cases have tripled in the last decade.
The average time between filing for custodial interference cases is 232 days.
Free Consultation with Divorce Lawyer
When you need a divorce attorney, call Ascent Law for your Free Consultation (801) 676-5506. We will help you.
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usatrendingsports ¡ 7 years ago
WWE Raw results, recap: Massive title change, Paige returns with her own faction
One night after a loaded Survivor Series card was nearly spoiled by a curious booking decision to close the main event, WWE made sure to send the fans home happy to end Raw. Monday's three-hour episode, already filled with an equal mix of highs and lows, ended with a bang thanks to an exciting intercontinental championship match between The Miz and Roman Reigns, which felt like it wouldn't have been out of place on Sunday's card.  
WWE also did well to repair some of the bad feelings lingering from Sunday's decision to have Triple H sabotage his own teammate by accelerating the storyline. Mixing that with yet another surprising revel on Monday -- Paige's return and the debut of a new women's faction -- and you have an episode of Raw worth talking about as the early seeds continue to get planted on the build toward WrestleMania 34.
AND NEW ... intercontinental champion
Joined by his Shield brethren, Reigns was a guest on Miz TV earlier in the night. The Miz berated him, calling The Shield ungrateful and demanding credit for their reunion (along with residual checks from their merchandise). The crowd responded by giving him a "Miz is awesome" chant. The segment ended with Reigns challenging Miz for his intercontinental title and The Shield taking out Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel as The Miz sheepishly escaped.  After the Miz's attempt to beg Raw general manager Kurt Angle to cancel the match were unsuccessful, the two met in the main event.
A long series of dramatic near falls ensued as Miz countered a pair of Superman punches into kicks to the head for two. Reigns then nearly ended matters when he caught Miz off the top rope with a Superman punch. Out came The Bar to provide a distraction, allowing Miz to hit his Skull-Crushing Finale. But Reigns kicked out again, triggering a run-in from Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose to deal with Sheamus and Cesaro. Reigns then hit a spear to end the match and complete the career grand slam by winning his first intercontinental title.  
Great piece of booking by WWE. Not only did the surprise finish put an exciting bow on the episode, a Reigns-Miz feud has the potential to be fire. This match produced pay-per-view level feels and intertwined nicely with the overarching program against The Miz and The Bar that has been in place since The Shield's reunion.
Kane attacks Braun Strowman ... again 
Raw opened with commissioner Stephanie McMahon bragging about the red brand's victory at Survivor Series and ensuring Angle's job security. Out came Triple H to celebrate but he was instantly interrupted by Angle, who got in his face. "This is not Kurt Angle the general manager talking to you, this is the Olympic gold medalist and WWE Hall of Famer telling you that if you ever attack me from behind as you did last night, you can take this job and shove it because I'm coming for you," Angle said. McMahon warned Angle to watch his words in the face of the WWE's COO and Jason Jordan came out to defend his father, anxiously pitching for a match against Triple H. Jordan called him a coward, which forced Triple H to remove his coat. But after McMahon warned that her husband isn't afraid of anyone in the company, out came Strowman for an intense staredown. Triple H ultimately backed away and an angry Steph booked a Strowman-Jordan match for later.
Citing his knee injury that still isn't 100 percent, Jordan pleaded unsuccessfully backstage to have Angle call off the match. Jordan later approached Matt Hardy in the locker room and was discouraged by the advice he received on how to face "The Mountain Among Men." Once the match started, an ill-advised slap to the face was all the offense Jordan would mount as he tweaked his knee while Strowman threw him around the ring. 
But just as Strowman appeared to go for the finish, Kane emerged from the crowd to cut out his legs and beat him down with a chair. The finishing shot was a chair to the throat outside the ring, which left Strowman, who later refused medical attention, barely able to breathe.   
It's 2017 and Kane won't stop getting in the way of good storylines. After a two-hour focus on Jordan, seeing another gratuitous swerve involving Kane was sure to test the patience of any fan. Even if WWE gets the storyline right in the long term, using Kane's attack as a means to realign him with Triple H and the Authority, the feeling of being trolled yet again by "The Big Red Machine" is hard to shake.
Paige makes surprise return ... with some friends
Raw women's champion Alexa Bliss entered the ring to make excuses and complain about her frustrating loss to Charlotte Flair at Survivor Series. Out came Mickie James, Bayley, Sasha Banks and Alicia Fox in succession to plead their case for a title shot. Angle followed next and predictably booked a fatal 4-way match for a shot at Bliss' title.  
It didn't take long after the start of the match for Paige to emerge on the ramp, making her first appearance on WWE television since July 2016. "Did you miss me?" she asked. "I'm back … but I didn't come alone." NXT wrestlers Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville emerged from the crowd to take out Banks and Bayley in the ring with their finishers. Paige followed with a kick to the head on Banks and her Rampaige finisher on Bayley as a scared Fox ran to the locker room.  
After the new faction raised their arms and celebrated in the ring, their backstage interview was crashed by Bliss, who applauded them for giving Banks and Bayley "exactly what they deserved." Paige got into Bliss' face for a staredown before viciously attacking her as all three contributed to the beating.  
Talk about a shot in the arm for the division. While the union of Paige and a pair of debuting talents (who hadn't even been used in the NXT title picture) might not seem like a natural one, the intensity they showed in delivering their attacks brought something fresh to Raw that has been lacking. Paige can handle herself on the microphone and provided the moment with the arrogance and severity it needed. Rose and Deville were just as impressive in successfully translating the gritty and more realistic NXT style to the main roster. Here's to hoping we see more of that. Paige's return also couldn't have come at a better time, moments after Raw appeared to be going back to the well for another stale multi-women match to determine the next title contender.
What else happened on Raw? 
Samoa Joe def. Finn Balor via submission: Good intensity in this two-segment match. The spots weren't bad, either, including a textbook Tope Con Hilo from Balor and a stiff suicide dive from Joe that crushed Balor into the barrier wall. But it was Joe who received the strong booking in the end when he put Balor to sleep with the Coquina Clutch.  
Asuka def. Dana Brooke via pinfall: WWE continues to do right on the main roster building of Asuka, one night after she was the sole survivor for Team Raw at Survivor Series. Brooke did plenty of selling in this glorified squash match. After Brooke taunted Asuka and slapped her in the face, the former NXT champion answered with a flurry of stiff strikes and two kicks to the head for the 1-2-3.  
Dean Ambrose def. Sheamus via pinfall: Decent action in this otherwise pedestrian match created to reignite the feud between The Shield and The Bar. Sheamus hit the spot of the match with a rolling senton off the top rope which could only get two. In the end, Rollins ran through the ring to hit a suicide dive on Cesaro outside. The distraction allowed Ambrose to hit his Dirty Deeds on Sheamus to end it. 
Akira Tozawa, Cedric Alexander, Mustafa Ali & Rich Swann def. Drew Gulak, Tony Nese, Ariya Daivari & Noam Dar via pinfall: This eight-man cruiserweight tag team match came to be as a predictable spinoff to a promo by Enzo Amore and his heel faction, the Zo Train. Both the match and the stale dialogue between faces and heels beforehand felt like a low moment for the division. It's just not working. Ali hit a reverse 450 splash on Dar for the finish.  
Elias brawls with Matt Hardy: One night after Elias defeated Hardy handily on the Survivor Series kickoff show, he played a song on guitar taunting him in the lyrics. Out came Hardy in street clothes and nursing a left arm injury. Elias instantly attacked and they brawled until Hardy got the upper hand and Elias retreated to boos.  
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fromtheringapron ¡ 7 years ago
WWF Survivor Series 1997
Tumblr media
Date: November 9, 1997
Location: Molson Centre in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Attendance: 20,593
Commentary: Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler
1. Survivor Series Elimination Match: The New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg & Billy Gunn) and The Godwinns (Henry Godwinn & Phineas Godwinn) defeated The Headbangers (Mosh & Thrasher) and The New Blackjacks (Bradshaw & Barry Windham). The New Age Outlaws were the survivors. 
2. Survivor Series Elimination Match: The Truth Commission (The Jackyl, Sniper, Recon, and The Interrogator) defeated The Disciples of the Apocalypse (Crush, Chainz, Skull, 8-Ball). The Interrogator was the sole survivor.
3. Survivor Series Elimination Match: Team Canada (The British Bulldog, Jim Neidhart, Phil Lafon, and Doug Furnas) defeated Team USA (Vader, Marc Mero, Goldust, and Steve Blackman) w/Sable. The British Bulldog was the sole survivor. 
4. Kane w/Paul Bearer defeated Mankind.
5. Survivor Series Elimination Match: Ken Shamrock, Ahmed Johnson, and The Legion of Doom (Hawk & Animal) defeated The Nation of Domination (Farooq, The Rock, D’Lo Brown, and Kama Mustafa). Ken Shamrock was the sole survivor. 
6. WWF Intercontinental Championship Match: Steve Austin defeated Owen Hart (champion) w/Team Canada to win the title. 
7. WWF World Heavyweight Championship Match: Shawn Michaels defeated Bret Hart (champion) to win the title. 
Since his first world title win in the fall of 1992, it’s become abundantly clear Bret Hart is always playing second fiddle to someone else. Just when it seems he’s finally clinched the top spot on the roster, it’s snatched away from him by the powers that be and given to the likes of Hulk Hogan, Lex Luger, Yokozuna, Shawn Michaels, Diesel, and even a middle aged Bob Backlund. Worse, beginning in the fall of 1996, he’s been threatened to be usurped by Steve Austin, who spits on Hart’s signature pink & black without any remorse. With all that in mind, it’s not surprising Hart has been vocalizing his concerns since the dawn of 1997, albeit to a mixed response. Fans in the Untied States are quick to denounce him as a whiner, while his native Canada continues to view him as a hero. This tension reaches its climax at the year’s Survivor Series, which not only serves as confirmation of Hart’s fears and suspicions but also as a narratively perfect ending to the New Generation era.
Right from the start, Survivor Series 1997 is dripping with a sense of foreboding. The cartoonish, family-friendly nature of the New Generation era is completely gone, as the energy in Montreal is marked with hostility and nervousness. The crowd is ruthless in their cheers and jeers. No doubt few of them could expect what will occur in the show’s main event, but it’s revelatory watching this show in hindsight and immediately feeling like something major will occur. The atmosphere is incomparable to any other show in WWF history, and it warrants a watch almost on that basis alone.
The energy in the crowd spills wonderfully into the main event which, in terms of the actual match, doesn’t get discussed that much. It’s obviously different from any previous Bret/Shawn encounter. However, it does set the template for every Attitude Era main event to come by featuring wild brawling, minimal stalling, a screwy finish, etc.⏤how many times will we see Steve Austin, The Rock, and Triple H have the exact same match in the years following this show? The legit heat between the two can be felt throughout, and it’s kinda surprising the match didn’t turn into a legit fight at some point.
The match’s finish needs no recap. The Montreal Screwjob is one of the most infamous moments in wrestling history. Its notoriety has extended beyond the annals of the WWF/E. One facet of it that doesn’t get stated enough, however, is that it marks the exact moment where storyline and backstage drama come together seamlessly. For as much as it’s remembered for its real-life implications, it also winds up serving as the definitive end point for Hart’s onscreen story. It’s the moment we as an audience see all of Hart’s claims of the WWF being one huge conspiracy against him, which had previously been scoffed at and disregarded, proven to be true. There will never be another moment in wrestling when the real and the scripted blend together this perfectly.
As the show draws to a close, suspicion immediately falls on Vince McMahon, whose position as owner of the WWF finally rears its ugly head. It’s a neat way to lead us into the Attitude Era, as unintended as it may be. There’s no better way to kick off an era known for its focus on realism than revealing the man behind the curtain. Survivor Series 1997 is known by some as the night Bret screwed Bret. However, as the show’s ending and the trajectory of the past five years reveals, working with someone like McMahon ensured Bret was screwed long before that.
My Random Notes 
I really need to write a book on how the New Generation era is simply the saga of Bret Hart. For as much as the era is always criticized for its barrage of failed characters and slow business, it’s so much more palatable as one long-term tale of a working man’s struggle against the system until he finally snaps.
I love the addition of the French ring announcer. He makes everyone’s names sound so badass.
Man, I know he was huge asshole in real life during this time, but ‘90s prick heel HBK is seriously amazing. I love when some fan throws beer on him, shakes it off, and then proceeds to wipe his ass with the Canadian flag. His 92-95 heel character is sleazy but still rather cartoonish. This heel HBK seems like a real piece of shit.
Speaking of HBK, I have no idea how to assess his “performance” during the actual Screwjob. He jumps up in anger far too quickly for it to be super convincing but, I mean, I worry for his safety could’ve been in jeopardy had he just immediately started celebrating and rubbing it in Bret’s face because someone in Montreal that night surely would’ve murdered him.
The crowd bays for Billy Gunn’s blood. Seriously, the heat he gets in the opening match is unreal for one half of a tag team, including some unfortunate homophobic slurs (the Montreal crowd are just as much dicks as they are passionate).
Fun drinking game: Take a shot every time someone uses a sidewalk slam in the DOA/Truth Commission match.
Confession: I was terrified of Kane when he first he debuted. The red lighting and the mask freaked me out. I was only five years old, so cut me some slack.
I’m not sure what the hell they were intending with that USA vs. Canada match but it felt some bizarre recreation of the Canadian Stampede match from earlier in the year. Also, the F.U. painted on Goldust’s face is a shining example of Vince Russo’s complete lack of subtlety.
We all have our thoughts on the Screwjob, so here are mine: Bret’s stubbornness over dropping the title was petty and for as much as he tries to present himself as this humble, salt-of-the-earth folk hero, he’s got an ego the size of Calgary (read his book; you can feel the hubris). Sure, working (and possibly losing) to your worst, real-life enemy in your native Canada isn’t ideal, but the average working person in this world would’ve just put up with it. On the flip side, I’ll never be in the business of defending Vince McMahon for anything because I think he’s a huge piece of shit despite him being the reason I can even have this blog to begin with. I do believe his fears over the WWF title situation were valid, but surely there could’ve been a more productive way to solve the problem than outright lying to one of your most loyal employees yet giving him your world title belt mere months before leaving anyway. I mean, there was a ton of time before the Survivor Series to take the title off him, yes? The Montreal Screwjob is the perfect storm of both guys’ worst tendencies coming out at the exact same time. There’s always the argument of who was right in the situation, but I think both are to blame for bringing about the historic, business-changing shit show we know the Screwjob as today.
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