Hello and Welcome Friends! :)
Hello there!
For those of you who may not know me, my name is Trinity and this is the launch of my first blog! AHH, I am so beyond excited for this experience and opportunity to share my heart and my thoughts with you all on a weekly basis! I wanted to give just a little information about me, and what my vision for this blog is before I dive all the way in and start posting every week on Thursdays!
I was born, raised and currently reside in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I love my hometown and although most people can’t wait to get out of the “Land of Enchantment”, I’m very content staying here. I married my husband Kevin in July of 2016 -- we were middle/high school sweethearts and I am so blessed to be loved by him. He is the greatest blessing to me, I have never met a more selfless and hardworking individual in my life!
I am very thankful for and involved in my church -- East Gate Church. I work there full time as the Administrative Director for one of our biggest ministries -- East Gate Kids. EGK is a daycare attached to the church. We have the honor and privilege of serving over 200 children and their families. I love my job so so much; it’s a blessing in my life, for sure! In addition to my position at the daycare, I am also a part of our Service Coordination team! I get to work alongside one of my best friends, Mandi, to coordinate service teams, as well as make sure that the people we are blessed to serve, have the things they need. It’s a complete honor and the Lord is teaching us new ways to do things and improve every day!
There are several reasons I considered starting a blog. To start, I have been in the process of writing a book for about the last 6 months, and although that process has been incredible, it’s been hard to not see any sort of finished product -- YET. The fruits of my labor, so to speak. Secondly, I’ve had a strong desire to start writing more, on all different things. Posting weekly gives me the perfect opportunity to do so! And finally, I would love to have an ongoing conversation with you about the topics I post about. Every person has incredible thoughts and points of view and I love a good discussion! That being said, I would love to hear from you! Blogging gives me the chance to see all of these things come to life on a weekly basis, and I couldn’t be more excited!
As for my vision for my blog, I see this space being a place where I can open up and share my heart; especially about the glorious things that God is doing in my life and what He is showing me throughout each day. I would love to post about a wide variety of things, so I’m pretty certain everyone will be able to find something in each post that would be of interest to them and even something they can relate to. I am completely open to suggestion and I’m always up for discussion. Additionally, if there is ever anything you’d like me to pray about and cover in a blog please reach out and let me know! Like I said, I would love to hear from you AND I would love to pray with/for you.
The main topics I have planned for the next little while include what my life as a Christian has looked like past to present, being a wife and what that entails, what does a Godly woman look like?, going through scripture and seeing what the Lord is saying to our hearts today, and homemaking! And that’s just the beginning!
I look so forward to going on this adventure with you all. Thank you for your support and encouragement in the infancy phase of my blog. I am so blessed by each one of you already! The first official post will be up this Thursday! See you then!
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