#triggered if you weren't dating a dude who reminded you of your ex specifically after the torture and psychotic break that made him decide
winepresswrath · 3 months
"#but come on lil buddy there's more people born every day. we've got billions now" utterly hilarious plot twist for the modern day story would be if it were revealed that louis was only with armand bc lestat actually did move on and was happily shacked up with someone else
I feel few things with absolutely certainty about this show but one of them is that this version of Lestat could have finally got his shit together in an actually happy and functional relationship, see Louis vague about him on social media and immediately blow the whole thing up. He could be shacked up in New Orleans with David and Mojo and that dog would abruptly become the child of a broken home. He's going to be up on the stratosphere making out with goqueenmommy, sense Louis making a jealous face, and accidentally save everyone so he can mon cher about it. His actual literal mom could be there and paying attention to him and he'd still probably be like "Louis! I'm so glad I can finally introduce you to Maman. Let us get dinner, the three of us."
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