#trey and cater my beloved heartslabyul bois
samsspambox · 2 years
chapter 7 diasomnia spoilers after the cut :D
i was refreshing two accounts last night and the second the tweets were uploaded i screamed like
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and here's the thing, while in the shower it hit me how the fucking chapter started. malleus teasing lilia about not being the first one to wake up, right?
it gets harder to wake up when you're sick.
i think i woke up the neighbors with the 'oh fuck' i let out LMAOOO
and i fucking know i called it, but fuck i was hoping i would be wrong! and also Yuu/MC finding a possible lead to go home? malleus being the one to fucking blot?! im scared sjbdfkjs. also fucking silver??? like that's his whole ass dad, he's gonna be so sad.
the way lilia is choosing to retire is so sad to me too! it's giving wounded animal energy! like, lilia won't return home, instead going to where the Longs live. it feels like he's hiding how weak he actually is, its so sad like bROOOO LET YOURSELF BE TAKEN CARE OF! be with malleus until the end!!
i'm excited for it tho, i wanna see the shitshow that is malleus' overblot. also grim's. maybe. actually, maybe they milk grim's for chapter 8? but for sure i'm excited to see if they put ace's UM in this chapter. i must know what the ginger is capable of LMAO.
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
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heartslabyul is in shambles. if u even care.
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shinjisdone · 1 year
How I Imagine TWST Could Be If There Was A Female!MC
Had a bad day yesterday and just wanted to write some brainrot for myself
TW: MC/Reader is solely female here and will be main point talked about/focused on. Many mentions on bullying because you are a girl in an all-boys-academy.
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Little differences/somethings there would be I think if MC was female:
Since NRC is an all-boys-academy I think there might be some differences on how the MC might be treated.
Let's just pretend you are really the only girl there, for simplicity's sake.
Grim might feel indifferent OR is stupid enough to not get why being a girl in an all-boys-academy might be a big deal for everyone.
Crowley might go HMMMM how UnusUAL, I'm sure my schOOL isn't miXED....HMMMMM...pondering very deeply.
Oh, well. Who cares. Do his chores anyway.
Would give you the usual school uniform, might ask if you'd like a skirt or even maybe dig up some old skirts. Who knows, maybe NRC used to be mixed.
If you do want that, he'd make you -PSYCH! Of COURSE he'd tell Sam to buy you one. Size and length as well as style can be chosen by you, it just needs to fit with the rest of the uniform.
When barging into the ceremony I believe everyone would be too startled/beside themselves to notice. Grim is the nuisance having to be dealt with.
If there is anything you specifically need...Crowley will just throw it your way.
On your first day Ace might need a second to realize you are a girl. Uh, not only do you not know who the Great Sevens are but you are at the wrong school, too, idiot! Haha! What's a girlie doing here?
Shenanigans happen quickly and Deuce comes to the rescue!
Needs much longer to realize you are a girl. You speak your thanks and as he says it's no problem he - suddenly - clams - up. Oh. Oh. You...g-g-g-girl...? Female....? A womf...?
Blushes like crazy and can't get a peep out, still as a statue. Ace's yelling is what snaps him out of it.
When Ace asks you if he could stay the night since...he got cuffed...you are first like - hmmm. Hmmm.
Nah, nah, nah! It ain't like that! He's gonna sleep on the couch in the lounge! There is no other place and Ramshakle is as good as abandonded anyway. What, you just want some cat as company?
...What do u mean here are ghosts ಠ_ಠ
Trey would be like, oh. Hello. Um, well, I didn't expect you here.
Well, if the headmaster says so, please, feel welcome! Anyone and everyone is welcome to a tea party! (well, if it aligns with the rules...)
Cater might be more surprised. You are so cute! Like, don't take it the wrong way but he just...finds you cute! From the way you make your hair to how you get a unique outfit (if you choose to wear an uniform skirt), oh he wishes he could do it too! Unfortunately, he can't cuz well, uniform is UNIform...
Riddle is too preoccupied and pissy to even notice a new person in the room. He'd probably only notice you after his overblot is over.
Cue in a few days later and he comes to apologize and properly introduce himself. As you introduce yourself back he makes the silent note that you are actually a girl. Huh. This school is not mixed...and you being here certainly must break a rule somewhere...but...you don't seem so bad, so he'll just ignore it. He is the dormleader of Heartslabyul, not of the entirety of NRC.
All in all: Ace barely cares that you are a girl and would just throw his usual jokes and jabs. Would sometimes throw in some that have to do with you being female but those are never in ill will.
Deuce my beloved would at the beginning be very shy but grows used to you and proclaim you as his best friend anyway. Would sometimes forget you are a girl and catch himself in the act. Might feel sheepish or EXTREMELY embarrassed. When the topic of you being female comes up anywhere, no matter with whom, he gets flustered and shy regardless of how close you are.
Trey is the most indifferent but throws in some protective advice anyhow. As your senior and you as his junior, he has to look out for you and he takes you being the only girl in an all-boys-school in account as well while doing so.
Cater annooooooys you to hell and back about how cute you are. He just thinks girls have much more variety when it comes to styling and likes to show you new trends. He has sisters as well so he is more used hanging around girls, anyway.
Riddle is also indifferent but he catches himself often in situations where he focuses intently on you being female. Do you feel comfortable? Is anyone bullying you? That behaviour is unacceptable, so do tell him when something like that happens. Riddle tries to grow from his flaws but will gladly cuff someone's head for that anyday... Would also act more gentlemanly for you. Opens doors, tells Ace and Deuce to hold your books can't you see they are heavy, invites you over to tea parties and takes out the chair for you. A bit more reliant with you when it comes to rule-breaking.
Savanclaw issssss...a bit more attentive of you being female.
Jack is a million times x 100000 more protective of you. You are the only girl here and people here kinda suck are like twisted villains. What are you doing here?!
He has little siblings so he somewhat sees you as his third one (if you'd like that. Though he would never admit that...) and just asks and asks and asks if you are okay, if you need something.
Will walk you from class to your dorm or anywhere else you need to be even if he doesn't, no matter what.
10000000% tsundere. He's...not doing this cuz he's worried...or likes to take care of you.
Ruggie is confused??? On what??? you??? are??? doing here???
UH this is not a mixed school!!! Helloooo??? Does something go 'ding ding ding'! in your head or what?
Also protective, mostly because of his own siblings and that he thinks you are naive. People that are different in any regard are unfortunately easy targets for others. This school won't be easy for you he already knows. So he might as well help out instead of being another troublemaker for you.
While he helps out he is also kinda wary of you??? Women in his home are uh, intimidating and if you have been doing good so far, you surely are, well, at least something that he doesn't want to mess with. Better stay on your good side, even IF you are a more gentle and meek one.
Leona issss....weird?
Makes fun of you but makes sure you aren't messed with at the same time? Tsundere that drank respect women juice.
Don't hang around him, don't bother him...but also stay out of trouble, if someone bothers you, tell them Leona sent you.
Softer around you and while he does tease you, he never really disrespects you. Distant but not cold.
Azul is intriguied but perhaps wouldn't care too much - unless he can make a deal out of this.
Aren't you tired getting all of this attention? You are magicless and the only girl to boot! Azul can help you...just sign here.
Might try to win your favor by being a suck-up gentleman by calling you Miss (Name). How are you today? Need any help?
Only if you can offer anything useful to him. Like, no offense but you're magicless...and unfortunately not as stupid as ADeuce.
Besides, his gentlemanly acts aren't as genuine as Riddle's.
Floyd has a 50/50 chance of not caring a bit or straight up interested in you because you are female.
Either: Huh? So what, you are just another plankton.
Or: Huh? A fishie swimming against the stream? What's a girl doing here?
However, if you are not interesting enough expect his interest to go down the drain.
If you heavily react to being picked on because you are girl, don't show it. Otherwise Floyd will exploit it like crazy. Will mention how lonely it might be to be the only girl, will pull on your hair, might switch between Shrimpy and Miss Shrimpy or straight up call you girlie or lassie. Kind of a bully but likes you nonethless if you are interesting.
Jade will increase his gentlemanly behaviour 100%!
Is more intrigued by you than Floyd. Oya, oya, what do we have here?
More keen on calling you miss or whatever you prefer and treats you quite nicely, almost like a princess, especially if you are regular at Monstro Longue.
Just as teasing as his brother but more consistent with it. Likes to mess with you but acts less roudy than Floyd but there is still...a certain air to him that makes him even more unbearable than his twin. A weird mix of looking down at you and treating you like you are special.
A good boy 100%. Stupid enough or rather oblivious to notice that you are indeed the only girl here!
Nothing would change to how he treats you honestly. A good guy, a real champ. Is definitely gonna give you nicknames however if you are sweet to him, ending your name with the honorific '-chan' and you cannot convince me otherwise.
Can be very stupid about how your situation might affect you. Treats it like nothing's wrong, cuz there IS nothing wrong!
Kinda confused as well? Well, you've been here long enough and are surrounded by good friends so he takes it you are or will be fine.
Still, be careful, okay? There are some meanies out here...he's not saying it out of worry, it is common sense.
Might keep an extra eye out for you but if nothing happens, he'll stop. His priority is Kalim and if you are okay, then everything else is okay, too.
Will tell Kalim to stop being so unaware of your situation. Show a bit of decency, try to see it from her perspective. You are magicless as well so things are sure to be difficult.
Might also ask Ace on how you are doing to get a third party's perspective of things during basketball training. Just as pre-information, nothing more...
Will definietly not ask Floyd. He knows how he is and if the topic turns to be about you and he hears it, he gets all "Heeee, you're talkin' about Shrimpy????"
It's annoying. It's even more annoying how much Floyd wants to annoy you.
Might think of his sister when he sees you and remembers to write to her a bit more frequently.
Epel: "Wait, you are a girl for real?! I thought yer just looked like one, like me! ...O-Or pretended to be one, maybe, I think..."
Squints his eyes reaaaal hard to really identify you. You sure you're a girl? And not just...a pretty boy like him?
Hm, ah shucks. Kinda hoped he might find another cursed soul like him. Well, at least you get it when people treat you a certain way just because of your looks.
Might have an easier time to show you his true self when speaking since you might either see through him easily or because he just knows he doesn't need to pretend in front of you.
He has a feeling you get it.
And when you agree and tell him how cool he is? Aquired yourself immediately a fierce friend (or crush, he kinda liked it when you called him cool...)
Hell, yeah, you get it!
Does actively NOT treat you with you being female in mind. You're one of the boyz. Doesn't want you to feel any different or casted out.
Got your back like crazy. He finds himself feeling more confident around you and will defend you like nothing else. So what if you are a magicless girl?! You're hella cool yourself!
Will call you cool and not cute, even if it isn't accurate.
The most annoying for sure is Rook.
The guy is a romantic at heart and believes it is fate that you came here.
You aren't an outcast! No, you are like a chosen hero! A princess around 22 twisted villains~ How exciting! Doesn't it make your heart beat faster?!
'Mademoiselle' is thrown at you constantlyyyy. The moment you hear the word you know Rook is around the corner, watching you. Weirdly nice and romantic towards you. He truly does believe you being in NRC is something special. He cannot help but gush about it!
When it comes to special events, he offers to prepare you for it with outfits or make-up. He's creative and sees you as his canvas and believes that no matter will be done or not, you will look beautiful! 100 points!
Vil is *sucks in breath* quick to criticize.
Doesn't truly care...but if you show the slightest bit of interest in fashion and beauty, hooh boy will he be watching.
Means to help but is, uh...mean. So, so, so mean.
But other than that...I don't think he'd care? HE is the fairest of them all...and you are just a potato.
Huh? Oh no, is this some shojo manga and you are the heroine getting a reverse harem or somethin'?
Idia is...weirded out but as long as he doesn't have to deal with you, he'll be fine.
Until you start getting involved in these overblots and...everything turns out okay? Like in a happy ending of a fairytale?
OMG are you a heroine?
No, he doesn't wanna be part of your harem!
Maaaaybe a bit more shy but just maybe. Will avoid you just as he does to everyone.
When in a good and braver mood, will call you 'heroine' when some 'anime shenanigans' happen as he calls them. If you're confused, will scream internally out of embarassment but also HOW COULD U NOT KNOW THAT TERM U NORMIE
Might call you that more often to mess with you.
Orhto kinda...won't care?
Probably scans you on your first meeting and goes 'yep, indeed f for female'.
As long as you are nice to his brother, all is good. Hey, be his friend too, while you're add it! Pretty please?
Malleus wouldn't care either. You being a magicless girl in NRC is quite curious and he will ask you about that...but no matter what your answer might be, he will listen, maybe take it to heart and set it aside, here and there. He doesn't care much for it.
As long as your bravery and willingness to be his friend remains, he won't ever make a fuss about it. Just be you.
During your meeting he might ask, "Oh? Are you perhaps a witch with a fitting black cat living here now in this abandonded house with a few ghostly roommates? Heh, I jest."
No matter what, you will still be his Child of Man.
If you do end up having trouble in school because you are a girl, he might go to Lilia for advice. He never had to deal with something like this before...shall he burn these bullies to crisps for making you school life difficult?
Lilia secretly agrees but tells him not to.
Other than that, same old Tsunotarou.
Lilia would go like "oh!" and that's it.
Curious, this is unusual for NRC but he is always happy and excited when changes happen.
Like the old man that he is he offers you his advice and help in anything. Even if he is an ancient fae, he is also your senior, so go ahead and ask him, alright?
Will also call you something endearing like Kalim and Rook. Adds the honorific '-chan' to you, definitely.
Very glad you are Malleus' friend, for that you automatically earned his protection. Just call when something's up, k?
Silver first needs to wake up.
huh????? zzz...
Wait, let him wake up...
Still a bit more.
There we go. Now that he is fully awake he realizes you are a girl.
Still somewhat in his dream lands, might wake up and say, "Wait, I didn't dream about a princess...or did I?" when he sees you.
Sometimes he does not fully realize its you when he freshly woke up. Needs to blink away the weariness before he goes "oh."
A tad bit more worried about you than his old man. Anything could happen and while you are in good hands not Crowley Silver sometimes tends to think about your happiness and safety here at NRC. You doing okay with the lessons? The teachers? The classmates? He's willing to offer his protection too, you know.
Perhaps its a knight thing to protect the maidens or smth, i dunno.
A meanie, especially at the beginning since he doesn't believe you belong here.
Magicless at a magic school? Failure.
Female at an all-boys-school? Unaccaptable.
He will warm up to you though...it takes time. Protective as Silver but not as subtle.
Means well but...obnoxious.
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blues824 · 1 year
🌹Can I please request the heartslabyul boys reacting to their female s/o acedently getting white bunny ears during a chemistry accident and just goes with it.
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(I had to Google his name it's. Nivens McTwisp)
❤️Her going to there dorm dressed like the white rabbit from Alice in wonderland who was the red queen's herald who specifically told her the time with a golden watch that was ironically always late.
🌹Imagen her coming intentonly late to a unbirtday party and then they see her running up to them holding something and before riddle could nag to her he sees her outfit (houd he let her go for being late in this situation. )
❤️And her just playing her role perfectly as the rabbit.
🌹What would the heartslabyul students find of their s/o doing it for their dorm instead of saying she is not coming.
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Riddle Rosehearts
Ace and Deuce reported to him that you had received bunny ears due to a chemistry accident, and he was about to behead them when he saw you running in exclaiming how you were late, you were late, you were late.
Just one look at the soft white ears that sat upon the top of your head had the Housewarden’s heart fluttering. Your outfit didn’t make his already-red face clear up at all. Any thought of scolding you for being late for your date in the labyrinth was gone as he just admired you.
“Your Majesty, I’m sorry I’m late! I can only beg for your forgiveness!” You pleaded as you knelt to the ground and bowed before Riddle.
The poor boy didn’t know what to do; he was truly at a loss for words. He heard Ace make some comment about how he was ‘down bad for you’, and he resumed the beheading before asking you to rise. He extended his arm out to you, and you took it and you both made your way through the rose garden to the spot he set up for your afternoon tea outing.
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Trey Clover
He let out an exasperated sigh when the ADeuce duo told him that because of a chemistry incident, you had gained bunny ears. Every single time you were involved with those two, you always ended up with an entirely new problem. But, right then you walked into the kitchen while looking at a golden pocket watch.
Trey greeted you, which broke you out of your panicked trance. He thought you looked absolutely adorable with the ears, but he didn’t dwell on it too much. After all, he was glad that his beloved was finally there to help him with baking.
“Sorry I’m late, Trey! My watch is a few minutes behind, now that I think about it,” you scratched the back of your head, and he just chuckled as he placed a kiss on your forehead.
It didn’t matter to the baker, because as long as you were there at all everything was alright. You got started on mixing the dry ingredients of the tart together when you felt your boyfriend wrap his arms around your torso from behind. Your ears twitched in embarrassment, but it made him a bit smug.
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Cater Diamond
This man was intrigued when Ace texted him and said that you got rabbit ears because of an accident in chemistry. From what he could tell, you already seemed adorable. So, imagine his reaction when you walked into the garden with white bunny ears, a cute outfit, and a golden pocket watch to go with.
You were walking quickly, mumbling to yourself that you were late. If you thought that Cater would quickly pull out his phone and take a picture of you, you would be correct. However, he is not planning on posting it. This photo is for him and him alone.
“Here I am, Cater! Sorry for being late!” Once you spotted him, you ran up to him and gave him a hug, to which he gladly reciprocated. 
Oh, you were going to kill him if you continued to be this cute. But if this is how he went out, then he would die a happy man. He pulled away from the embrace to grab your hand and lead you to the unbirthday party, to which you were now both late to. 
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Ace Trappola
He was probably the one who messed up the potion in the first place, but he was definitely not upset at the result. His oh-so-lovely girlfriend got rabbit ears as a consequence, and he is eating it up. Don’t even get me started on when you went to change and came to Heartlabyul dressed in an outfit based on the White Rabbit. 
This man just about died from how cute you were with the ears, and the way you were looking for him in a frenzied way. Did you do all of this for him? Is the room growing hotter? Is it just him? Wait, he’s outside…
“Sorry I’m late, Ace! Do you need help with the table decorations?” You asked innocently after pressing a short kiss to his lips.
Immediate nosebleed. He was way too flustered to even begin comprehending what just happened, and a few of his dorm members started laughing at how much of a simp he was being. But, he honestly didn’t care. None of the other guys had a super cute/hot girlfriend who dresses up for them.
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Deuce Spade
He was in the classroom when Ace accidentally dropped an unfinished potion on you, so that means he saw the bunny ears grow out of the top of your head. You were dismissed from class early, but you texted him and said that you would be able to make it for the unbirthday party. 
What he did not expect was for you to 1) be late and 2) show up in a cute outfit. You were checking a pocket watch that you had while also looking for someone, presumably him. When you did find him, you ran and threw your arms about his neck as you pulled him into a kiss.
“I’m finally here! Do you like my outfit?” You asked in a very excited manner.
The poor man’s heart was racing, and his face was glowing red at this point. It took everything in him to not have his nose bleed. Then, the teasing from Ace began, and he would have thrown hands had you not laced your arm with his. You really did have him wrapped around your finger, didn’t you?
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sweetbunpura · 5 months
So in my own gremlin way, a question popped up in my head about Yuu. If she had her time of the month and needed stuff, who would she be calling? And I narrowed it down to: Vil, Trey, Cater and Jamil.
Mostly because out of the Heartslabyul boys, Cater has probably been in this situation more times than he can count and Trey is big bro. Riddle wouldn't know, I am a firm believer that his mother didn't teach him shit about stuff like this. Ace would probably make a joke about it while Yuu's "I'm done with people's shit" side would cause Ace to nearly get his ass handed to him multiple times. Deuce is a sweetheart and would try his hardest, but would ultimately be too embarrassed to get stuff.
Leona is a maybe, but like, I feel he would be overly helping Yuu with this and by overly helping, I mean he would let Yuu borrow Ruggie for a few days and have him be her helper. Ruggie would help, but most likely for a price and Yuu is already suffering enough with the non existence allowance Crowley gives her. Jack is also a maybe, but just like Deuce, would probably be too embarrassed, but would offer an outlet for Yuu is she needs to vent while in pain.
The whole of our beloved Octotrio would be a no, since they would not know and would automatically assume the worse about what happened.
Kalim, as sweet as he is, would buy basically everything related to what Yuu asked and she would end up with way more than she ever needs. Jamil has also had the same experience as Cater, meaning Najma probably asked him to pick up stuff out of the kindness of his heart and being a big brother.
Vil would give Yuu what she needed on top of added things to help with the pain and the emotions, offers her a heating pad in her trying time. Rook was a hard no and already knows what Yuu's in pain, he offers to help but Yuu says no. Epel would be in the same line as Jack and Deuce, but he would probably get farther than Jack did by actually going to the store but being too embarrassed to ask for what she needed.
Idia is a no, the man does not leave his room for anything, last time he did, he got kidnapped by a ghost bride. Ortho is also a no, but he offers support for Yuu.
All of the Diasomnia boys are a no, she loves them but she has no idea what would even happen if she tried to ask anyone.
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ravenlking · 2 years
Hi!! Could I perhaps request MC in a poly relationship with Malleus and Riddle? Fluff headcanons would be fine! Thank you!!
gender-neutral warnings: genre: fluff a/n: - literally had to summon all the braincells to make this cause we never get any interactions of them tgt?? like when?? trying my best for you ofc :D - the banners belong to me, but the pictures is from the official manga! please do not steal! - please give me feedback :)
Let me know if you'd like more!
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honestly? i think the dynamics would be really awkward in the beginning. like you have riddle who recovered from an overblot, slightly lost on whether to be strict or not...and then you have malleus who isn't used to human interaction and is probably wondering how is he supposed to act around not one, but two children of man
you're the poor soul that ties these two together; the glue in the relationship. it takes a while until they are used to the new dynamic - dating you while sharing you with the other. sooner or later, they get quite close and you'll often find them chatting together about the latest novel they've read or planning dates together
it's quite strange when you reveal that you're dating not one, but both housewardens. riddle nor malleus is big on PDA, they are very discrete with their acts of love towards you, so it comes to a shock to everyone.
ace, deuce, and sebek are impacted the most. they have to deal with the boys going love-eyes all over you the moment they are back in their respective dorms, waiting to see you again. they have to deal with a teary-eyed queen and king respectively, moaning and groaning about how they have to be seperated from their beloved prefect...sigh, can you just come over and get them please y/n? #saveacedeuceandsebekfromlovesickboys
lilia is beyond delighted!! finally, malleus has a lover after so many decades~~ his teaching skills are really put to use at last!
trey and cater are like riddle's supportive parents. cater is more than happy to snap pictures of you on dates with them (how he gets some shots are really a mystery) and/or suggest date ideas to riddle. trey is also happy to bake goods for riddle on your little tea-time dates together, constantly helping riddle to make sure that everything goes smoothly
dates with riddle:
hanging out in heartslabyul, painting the roses red together, grooming the hedgehogs together and laughing when one gives riddle's adorable cheeks a cute kiss
your queen of hearts have never blushed as he does now; his face is a cute shade of maroon, almost rivalling his hair color
tea time in the rose maze is a common occurance of a heartslabyul student to see on occasion. trey is more than happy to support riddle in his relationship by baking strawberry tarts for both of you to eat. you spoon-feed riddle, smiling and cooing as riddle obliges, but not without yet another blush
study dates!! riddle is constantly making sure that not only is he scoring well, but you're also acing your studies. just because you're his king of hearts doesn't mean you get to slack off too! of course, sometimes riddle's fingers linger on your hands and his ears will glow red when he gets too close. he makes sure that you're drinking some relaxing tea to calm your nerves, making sure that you're on top of your studies as always
dates with malleus:
hanging out around ramshackle, under the starry nights, smiling gently as malleus hugs you from the back while resting his head on top of yours before pointing out to you all those constellations
when it's too dark, malleus will summon an army of fireflies, their bodies glowing a shade of green that rivaled the shade of his eyes
he is very gentle!! if you're cold, he's immediately talking off his blazer and wrapping it around you, but if that's not enough, he'll also summon a scarf the shade of diasomnia green to wrap around your neck!!
sometimes, you'll bring along new flavors of ice cream for the dragon fae to try. you never fail to laugh when malleus's eyes go adorably wide when he tries a new, unusually flavor, before he tries to feed you the same thing
dont forget about his baby, gao-gao dragon-kun! he also orders one for you, but if you refuse, malleus is adamantly on raising his tamagotchi together with you.
dates with both:
riddle and malleus try their hardest to spoil you (which is quite easy when you remember riddle is the son of a wealthy doctor and malleus is literally an heir to the throne). sometimes, you have to reign them in, saying they can't just spend so much on you
the most PDA they'll do is hand-holding or a couple of feather-light kisses. they're very polite gentlemen who know how to respect your boundaries, so you never have to fear embarassed in public nor blushing until your cheeks are rose-red. however, if they feel particularly jealous/possesive, an arm would sneak around your waist before pulling you closer, their eyes glowing ominously at the poor soul who decided to look at what's theirs
they take turns planning the dates; riddle mostly goes for something calm like a date at the local bookstore, malleus goes for food dates so he can try some new dishes, and you? you suggest the daring ones - amusement park rides, carnival activities, and/or movie dates! with you, riddle and malleus are constantly pushing out of their little bubble, exploring things together with you
that's it for now, happy reading! :D
let me know if you want part 2/with other characters!
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twstbookclub · 1 year
Until I Met You
Summary: Trey didn’t think about White Day much. It was the day where he could give back to everyone who gave him something for Valentine’s Day. Well, that was until you came into the picture. POV: 2nd person Admin/Writer: Cressa 🦋 Pronouns: Gender Neutral Tags: Fluff, Romance, Slight Angst, Trey Clover my beloved, Holiday Romance (but how did it come to this), Mentions of Food (i.e. chocolate and pastries)
Word count: 1,782
Thank you for all of your love and support for the Idia fic I wrote 💕
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Trey could smell the heavenly fragrance of chocolates and sweets in his family bakery when March rolled around.
His five-year-old self peered through the glass display case and looked at the couples and singles crowding the pâtisserie. One pair enjoyed a plate of strawberry shortcake together while a single person looked through all of the pastries before deciding on buying chocolate cupcakes. The rest milled about the area as they scrutinized the baked goods and savored the tart sweetness that came with them. His golden gaze drifted to his parents, who passed each other candied rose petals and a brief kiss before continuing with work.
He always wondered what was so special about March when February had Valentine’s Day.
Ten-year-old Trey watched one of the popular boys in his school give chocolates and gifts to anyone who gave him presents during Valentine’s Day. March has come again, and Trey has a small bag of goodies from the bakery himself. It took five years for Trey to understand why the pâtisserie was always crowded during the third month of the year: White Day. A day dedicated to giving back gifts, whether with romantic or platonic intention.
Surprisingly (to him at least), he received some chocolates from his class. Growing up as the oldest brother in the family, Trey felt it would be irresponsible to ignore White Day and return their kindness with nothing. So, the green-haired child went on his way to celebrate White Day only a child like him would know how.
Eighteen-year-old Trey Clover stared at the handcrafted chocolates in the mold. The smell of freshly made chocolate permeated the air of the Heartslabyul kitchen that no one could mistake it for anything else. All he could see and smell were the chocolates he baked for the Ramshackle Prefect.
Trey’s eyes darted towards the chilled, gift-wrapped chocolates he made for his friends yesterday. He made sure to make dark chocolate for Cater since he disliked sweets. Riddle’s strawberry tarts were stashed away in Trey’s room, just in case another incident of tart thievery would happen. Now that would ruin White Day for everyone.
Trey didn’t know when his crush for the magicless prefect began and where it ended. Would he take the plunge of asking you on a date? Would he take a step back and continue admiring you from afar? Considering how you were surrounded by other people who Trey was certain held affection for you, he felt like it would be a one-in-a-million chance that you would say yes to him. Much less return his feelings.
There’s also the fact that you’re from a world entirely different from his reality. The moment Crowley finds a way home for you, Trey knew you’d take the chance in a heartbeat. With how much you talked about your friends and family from where you came, the same way he told stories about his own family, Trey would have no choice but to say goodbye to you.
“Easy there, tiger,” Trey sighed, dragging a hand down his face. “Give the chocolates, then think about asking them out before you have a midlife crisis.”
“Huh? That’s what you’re going for?” Ace’s voice echoed in Trey’s mind as he put the finishing touches and arranged the chocolates in a white box wrapped with a ribbon in your favorite color.
He could imagine Ace sneering at the cheesy gesture, Deuce asking him who the chocolates are for, and Cater wanting to know about the juicy details of the lucky individual who caught Trey’s attention. Knowing Riddle, he wouldn’t pry, but he would offer some advice if Trey wanted it. The Heartslabyul vice housewarden doubts that Riddle knew anything about romance, even if the latter read all of the books in the world.
Tucking away the chocolates in the fridge, Trey hoped that he could give you his gift without a problem. White Day had always been uneventful for him. If things went well tomorrow, then Trey could ask you out on a date without any worries. The thought gave him some confidence before he called it a night.
Come White Day, and Trey Clover—Riddle's reliable and responsible right-hand man, big brother to all Heartslabyul students, who’s composed under any circumstance—willed himself not to run around like a headless chicken in search of you.
It’s as if some higher power prevented him from running into you and vice versa. The Heartslabyul third year hasn’t seen you all day, and his courage began to fade bit by bit. He fidgeted with his glasses in the guise of fixing them. His palms are sweaty. His eyes scanned the courtyard as if you’d pop up at random. He struggled to breathe due to the lump in his throat.
Trey couldn’t remember a time he had been this nervous before. Maybe because Trey couldn’t stop thinking about you whose smile could rival the intensity and beauty of the sun, whose determination in helping anyone captivated him, whose kindness could be seen in the gentle way you pet one of the hedgehogs in the rose garden before an Unbirthday party. Maybe because this is the first time he wanted to be by someone’s side—yours—every single day.
Even if it meant that same person would leave him to return home one day.
“Where are you…?” Trey sighed, sitting down on one of the stone benches with a groan. “Classes are done, so they might be studying in the library or they went back to Ramshackle Dorm.”
An image of Grim, Ace, and Deuce flashed in his mind which made Trey chuckle. “On second thought, those three would drag them around anywhere. It’s not easy looking after those troublemakers.”
“I came by to say hi, but now I’m afraid to ask what you’re talking about, Trey.”
If Trey had been any other man, he’d have been a flustered mess and doubled over at the coincidence. You stood in front of him with a nervous smile and a hand half-heartedly raised in a wave. Your hair stuck out every which way. Your tie was loose, fighting for its life to stay on your collar. Creases littered your uniform coat as if you had worn it in a rush. In short, you looked like you've been struck by a tornado and barely made it out alive.
Trey couldn't help but think you were still gorgeous like this.
He felt his lips curve into a smile. He called your name in a soft and gentle tone, with an underlying passion even Trey didn't know he was capable of.
"Hey there. Why don't you take a seat? You could use the rest from whatever you're up to."
"You have no idea," you grinned, plopping yourself next to him. You're so close that Trey could feel your warmth radiate through his own coat. Your knee brushed with his, and you still faintly smelled like roses despite looking dead on your feet. Trey recognized that it was the expensive perfume Riddle and the others bought for you in the last Unbirthday party.
"Sam had a special White Day sale, and it got really crowded around the shop. I lost Ace and Deuce and Grim, so… here I am."
Trey took back whatever he said about the higher power. They literally gave him a chance to confess without anyone ruining it right now.
"Then I'm lucky I was around the area," Trey hummed. The smile you shot him afterwards said more than any words could. Without even thinking, he took out your chocolates from his book bag and handed it over to you.
If the situation wasn't so serious, Trey would've laughed at how cute you looked. Your eyes grew wide and your lips slightly parted. He swore there was a hint of a blush on your cheeks, but with the setting sun casting an ethereal light on you, Trey couldn't tell. All he could focus on was how adorable you are.
"It's for White Day. As thanks for the chocolate you gave me on Valentine's."
"Oh w-wow, um, I—" Oh Seven, you're so cute. "—I didn't think you'd remember that after a month, Trey."
How could I? I've been waiting for yours since the sun was up and I couldn't sleep after, Trey thought. Although, he'll bring this secret to the grave.
You cleared your throat and gingerly took the box from Trey after a bit of nudging from him. He watched you hold the box as if it was a diamond. Your fingers ghosted the fabric of the ribbon before untying it to unveil the chocolate within.
"... You remembered."
"You said you missed having them from your home before," Trey fiddled with his glasses again. "So I tried to recreate them based on your description."
Anyone who'd look at your favorite chocolates in your hands would just see the chocolate. For you, though? You see your family and friends in them. Back home, you'd buy this type of chocolate whenever you had the chance and share them with loved ones on occasion. He heard you sniffle, but kept quiet when you faked a cough.
"This means a lot to me. I…" Your lips quivered a little as you tied the ribbon around the box again. "I love them. Thanks, Trey."
The third year student couldn't help himself. Everything just felt right.
"I like you," Trey blurted out. He didn't give you—stunned and speechless—a chance to reply as he continued, "I don't know when and how. I don't think I ever gave it much thought. I just know I've never felt like this for anyone else."
The sun has long since kissed the earth. Twilight dawned on the pair underneath a tree, hiding the intimate moment from any onlookers and passersby. Stray leaves danced in the air as a spring breeze rustled your hair, making it more of a mess than earlier. You kept looking at him with wide eyes and your hands clutching the box.
At this point, Trey could care less if anyone else passed by. All he cared about was you.
"I could be with you for just one day, and I won't regret it."
You didn't say anything, but the moment he caught you in his arms when you hugged him, Trey knew he'd cherish every day with you. He wrapped his arms around you tighter. He tucked your head in the crook of his neck as he buried a hand in your hair. Stray strands tickled his cheek when he leaned on your head. Trey felt your smile the more you snuggled into his shoulder.
The uncertainty of the future be damned. He just wanted to be with you.
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spongeofaces · 5 months
hihi! i'd like a romantic match up for twst please!
my name is nana, i use she/her pronouns and im under the ace umbrella.
im pretty shy and awkward when you first meet me as im very bad at small talk, but once i get to know you i don't really stop talking. seriously i don't. i'll just have a soliloquy moment if no one is listening. i can be very bubbly. i love teasing my friends and i can get kinda mean with it but im never serious. i have a hard time describing emotions and the way i feel without making very odd and obscure comparisons. i often need even simple things broken down into smaller and more specific directions and will freak out if given a broad project. i get jelaous very easily and im very protective of my loved ones. sometimes i go uncharacteristically quiet for a few hours. it doesn't mean im upset, i just might have too much going on or ran out of things to say. i also don't talk about my feelings that often but i love talking to others about theirs
as for hobbies i definitely hobby hoard. im in show choir and get pretty absorbed in it with predictions and watching other groups. i love acting and being in musicals although i don't do it anymore. i adore dance and at least dip my toes into every performing art i can. i also bake and cook alot! i garden and specifically grow roses (they're the only thing i can keep alive ironically enough) i also enjoy writing from time to time! i spend too many hours a day playing games with my friends. sometimes i go on deep dives into different parts of history including different queens, mideval times, the renaissance, french revolution, and ancient greece. and i collect literature!
as for likes and dislikes, i love sweets, teasing people (giving and receiving), tea, cold weather, fruit, music (especially classical) swimming/being in water, soft things like pillows and stuffed animals and ghibli movies!
i don't like over the top loud noise, being alone for too long, vegetables, math, bugs, hot weather and when my glasses fog up
my love languages are acts of service, quality time, and gift giving!
i think that's about it! and thank you so very much!
I match Nana with...
🌹 Riddle Rosehearts🌹
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The queen of everyone's hearts, Riddle. The temperamental cinnamon roll, the traumatized sweetheart. And now, your beloved.
He adores you, and is very willing to show it. He might try to present it as platonic, but every little blush that appears on his face will further prove that it's more than that.
He's a little awkward socially, well, he can communicate efficiently, but he isn't the most emotionally intelligent. So, don't mind your struggle with determining feelings, he's just as confused.
You are going to drown in gifts, stuffed animals, flowers, chocolates, sweets, poetry books, cute little trinkets for anywhere and everywhere. He loves to see the look on you face afterwards, always looking forward to the smile he fell for.
You hate math? He'll do his best to make it easier for you, helping out in you studies, explaining everything bit by bit. He'll search for a strategy that you would find easiest to use, or something less boring.
You'll definitely be invited to dance at some point. Many times even.
Sit and relax in Heartslabyul's rose gardens with him, rest your head on his shoulder, or let him rest his on yours.
He doesn't mind if you're quiet, or talkative. He'll listen and try to engage with you.
Tease him and he'll go beet-red. The boy might even try to run away! Oh, your compliments do make his heart quicken. And he'll awkwardly try to do the same for you. Maybe he'll go to Cater for advice, or Trey.
Please love him. He needs it.
The amount of romantic dates is extraordinary. Picnics, late-night walks down the lake, beaches, coffee dates, sweet shops, cat cafes, the aquarium, amusement parks, everywhere. He wants you to enjoy life as much as possible, and it's an added bonus that he gets to be with you throughout all of it.
Other options: Kalim and Lilia.
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ritcchamadayo · 2 years
Marriage? (TWST x Reader) Heartslabyul ver!
( Gender Neutral reader )
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Wedding headcanons for our Heartslabyul gang ❤️
Riddle Rosehearts
His mother would definitely try to arrange his marriage with someone she deems worthy- but fear not! Riddle would never give up on his beloved rose, even if it means off with his head. I think he'd want a rather simplistic wedding. Just him, his closest friends, and you- his dearest, walking down the aisle with the reddest, prettiest roses that he personally picked in your hands.
(Trey definitely made the wedding cake! Strawberries, because he knows it's Riddle's favorite.)
"You look simply stunning, love. Hehe, I knew those roses would fit you. I hand-picked them myself, after all! Come now, everyone's waiting for us."
Ace Trappola
His family would be delighted to have such a sweet person caring for their son! Especially his big brother, I think he wouldn't stop crying on Ace's shoulder for a while. He's not the type of person who would want a simple wedding, but he wouldn't want an overly extravagant one either. Whatever it is, he'll make sure to ask you for your ideas first. Though, whatever you decide on, Ace would definitely make sure the wedding goes out with a bang!
(not a literal one, i hope. it's... an option though, if you're into the chaos.)
"So? You like it~? I prepared this especially for you, so you better be smiling today or else! We're gonna be havin' a blast to remember until we're old!"
Deuce Spade
Oh boy, this one's a nervous wreck.. He came to his mother and told her about the wedding plans, and you better grab a few boxes of tissue- they're gonna be crying it out for the day. Deuce's wedding isn't extravagant compared to any other, but it's not everyday you get to see the groom and his partner arriving at the wedding hall on a magical wheel!
(Ace scoffs, saying his wedding was more of a banger while dabbing the tears out of his eyes.)
"Hold tight, we're going to give them the best entrance they've ever seen! Make sure to hold onto my waist so you won't get blown away by the wind!"
Cater Diamond
Cater would definitely have the most extravagant wedding out of everyone else in Heartslabyul. He would soft launch your relationship on Magicam, posting everyday until the day he posts a picture of the two of you with rings on your fingers~ He wants the entire venue to be photo-op, magicam worthy sceneries! His sisters would most likely take charge of the clothing and make up though, to make sure you look more stunning than the venue itself!
(Trey and Riddle were pulled into a lot of pics, but they're happy.)
"Let's take lots of pictures today, kay? I'd love to post them on Magicam, but I wanna keep our pictures somewhere so we can look back in the future~"
Trey Clover
He'd definitely opt for a simple wedding with his closest friends and family, but his family is quite crowded still! His siblings would be all over you, teasing their brother and overall having fun with the newest addition to their family! Trey would make the wedding cake himself, with the help of his parents. His parents are proud that Trey's going to have the perfect partner to accompany him in his culinary journey!
(Cater definitely came over a few times to taste-test the wedding food...)
"Here, have a bite. I made the cake with your favorite flavors, so I hope you like it! ..Mm? You have a bit of cream on your mouth, haha. Is it really that tasty?"
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italoniponic · 2 years
Okay first off happy 1k cherry! You deserve it so much!! Your writing is so delectable I'm so happy you reached this big milestone! You are such a shining star and an amazing person, you're very talented and very sweet so im not that suprised that so many people like you and your work. I also hope that I'm here to see you reach more milestones like these in the future!
may I pretty plz request your opinions on Chizuru Yoshida or Ayane Yano (from kimi no todoke) and if you dont mind I wanna also request character bingo with dear yulia's opinion on cater!
Thanks so much, Yako <3 your message was really sweet! I hope you can reach high grounds in the future too and we can both grow together, as blogs and ofc as people too. Lots of success for you too~ also don’t worry, I’m just happy with having your ask <3
I want to also communicate here that I felt like one bingo didn’t cover much my opinions, so I’ll be doing the one I mentioned in the event post alongside the unhinged bingo (just bc it’s really funny)
now, for Chizu-chan and Yano-chin~ [we get Cater later]
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I want to adopt Chizuru and Yano is such a gem. It’s been a while since I last watched Kimi ni Todoke but I’m currently finishing reading the manga and, let me say, I was really (gladly) surprised since episode 1 that Chizuru and Yano would become such good friends for Sawako in all ways
Because they really start off as a bit absent minded and just like everybody, they didn’t get that Sawako was really gentle and not-scary at all, but the friendship that grows between the three of them and as the manga/anime flesh out their characters, you simply fall in love with them. 
I love how Chizu is this big tall delinquent-ish (without actually being one) with a big heart and 100% air head in everything lol she’s so precious <3 as for Yano, at the same time I didn’t think much about her previously (more bc she’s a very solid character and that’s enough for me), reading the manga helped me see more of her and discover a lot of development and growth that was really interesting. Her arc is very deep but so good!
In summary, I love them! Like Hanajima and Uotani from Fruits Basket, Chizuru and Yano are another iconic best supporting friends duo for our beloved protagonists <3
hold up, it’s Cay-kun time~~
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Now, Yulia is an introvert and Cater is an extrovert. That alone sums up the situation they have lol While it’s true that Yulia is not so intimate of Cater as with other Heartslabyul boys (especially Deuce, Riddle and Trey), they have a normal acquaintance relationship and Cater treats Yulia like the little sister he never had: quiet and that don’t drives him crazy~
So in general they might not be besties~ but Cater likes Yulia’s presence in Heartslabyul and will try to spoil her a little bit (more like bribing her to help him take photos and eat at cafes so someone can dispose of the cute pies and cakes that he will never eat).
Yulia does know of Cater’s backstory and his inner sadness with all the personal stories she read about him previous to her isekai’d situation, and she relates to him about having to move out from where one was previously established a lot of times bc it happened to her too in her world. “He’s like me fr” — she cries a bit remembering it
But that’s how far and relatable Cater can be for her tho. Yulia senses really fast that Cater hides a lot of insecurities behind his facade and that his social-driven personality is very influenced by this problem too (at the same time, there’s a bit of truth in it). And yes, she will run away from having to go outside NRC in most cases bc she already dislikes interacting needlessly and going out really burns her out, so she has to be strong when Cater cries out that “it will be so fun to go shopping and see stuff!!~” and she denies. Sometimes too fast that it should be considered rude. 
Cater laughs at this, believe it or not. Maybe bc it reminds him of Idia and while Yulia is a bit more outspoken if measured next to Idia, she has most of his mannerisms and dislikes. Then again, Yulia’s quiet personality is something that Cater started to appreciate, especially next to the fact that he was surrounded by energetic girls like his older sisters. Also, Yulia has a sweet tooth, so Cater can always count on her to eat his leftovers from Unbirthday Parties when he couldn’t get Trey to change the flavor.
Yulia is not particularly someone who asks to eat something a second time but she is really, 100% thankful that Cater helps her out on that. 1) bc she doesn't need to ask for more herself, 2) her stomach is a black hole when it’s about cake and chocolate. 
In summary, Yulia gives a 6/10 for Cater in terms of good average relationship. No, she will not call him “Cay-kun” or “Cater-senpai” in a cute voice. All things considered, it would be easier to get her to say that than taking a picture together lol
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justanotherfanfolks · 11 months
Twisted Wonderland Main Story Scattered Thoughts (Book 1 Chapter 1-4)
BOOk 1 BOOK 1 BOOK 1! I’m so ready for this! Oh the visions! Painting the roses red! Alice! Oh, my beloved Alice in Wonderlan, I’m so excited! Okay, who knocks at a door at the middle of the night? People are trying to sleep here! Oh, wait is this Ace? I’m pretty sure his, um INCIDENT happened at midnight. Gosh, this place is trashed. Acey! Heh, this is gonna be good. AH THE COLLAR! Sir, the school year just started. I had no idea the INCIDENT happened in literally the first chapter. He’s so salty! That was so short! Well, I mean of course it had to be. Ace couldn’t have that line and NOT have the Chapter end! I would’ve been salty myself if it didn’t, it’s just how it works.
I wonder how long after the Prologue this is happening? Psycho?! I mean… no, no, we’re not being rude to my boy, even if there hasn’t been character development yet! “I ate a tart” details, man. Are you sure about that? This just happened, right? Ace, you gotta stash snacks in your room, that’s what I do in case I get hungry. OH, this is right after the Prologue! Poor dude, he didn’t get to eat anything! I wonder if Deuce went to sleep hungry or if he managed to get some food. Were they pre-cut? Riddle jumpscare! I miss his jumpscares, I don’t think he does them anymore. Everytime someone did something wrong, he was always right there. I wish he still randomly appeared behind people, it was funny. But there’s my boy! In all his glory! It’s funny that he makes a comment about Trey’s skills instead of going straight into yelling, love that for him. Of topic, but how does Riddle’s crown stay on his head? Ooop, messed with Riddle’s tarts. Even if it wasn’t a rule, NEVER touch the sugar of someone with a sweet tooth. I say this as someone with a major sweet tooth, don’t do it. “You’re both terrible” why is that making me laugh? Ace… there could have been 20. DON’T TOUCH PEOPLE’S SUGAR! Good point Grim. I wonder if they were for a party? I mean, Trey usually likes his stuff fresh out of the oven, but… Master Detective Grim! Aw, I can’t wait to see the Ramshackle Duo in their Detective Era next book! Ace, you haven’t been doing a good job of convincing me of this tyranny. I mean, I know it’s there, I know the deal with Book 1. I mean he was hungry. Hm. Oh, you know what’s something I really wish was in Book 1 that I don’t think is from my understanding? A trial. Like Alice’s trial. I saw Riddle’s dorm art, I really wish there was a trial of some sorts in this book! “Stealing food is a serious offense” indeed it is! Grim’s like “yo, my tuna” so true, he never got it! We’ve lost him. Yes, we know you hate cleaning, Ace. I read the Prologue. “Allow me to introduce you to the lounge sofa” heh. Same actually, I hate sleeping next to people. “Who’s pounding at the door at this hour?” Ace, who was pounding at the door at the midnight hour? Deucey? Deuce! Omg, does everyone know about the tart? Deuce: Oh yeah, he’s just irritated. He only collared like, three people today. They seem a little used to this, how much time passed between orientation and the first day of classes? Is Grim talking to NPC’s? Oh he’s just disrespecting Ace. I love his little gumble. Wait that’s such a good point, he can’t participate in class. Kind of a flawed punishment, there Riddle, don’t you want your dorm to excel? Ace, how hard is it to say “I’m sorry I ate your tart.” He doesn’t even know about the apology tart yet. Are we going to Heartslabyul? Field trip, field trip! I wanna see! Oh, that was so much longer than the first chapter!
Twistune? Twistune! Oh my gosh, I love the portal! Ramshackle is indeed a WIP. And perfectly represents WIPs everywhere, as it still looks the same. CATER! CATER! CATERRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!! Ahem, sorry about that. I like the dude. Unpopular opinion, I love his ENG lines. “Aw yeah, I’m getting my paint on!” you go king. Yuu relating real life to the visions. And not SAYING anything. Yuu will actively see a one-for-one event and just watch in silence. Wait, hold on. We- we’ve never met Cater in the main story. Why isn’t he ??? ? Ace and Deuce don’t know about painting the roses red yet? “You put the ‘n’ in newb.” THE WAY GOSSIP FLIES IN THIS SCHOOL IS INSANE! Yes Ace, it will haunt you forever. Selfie? SELFIE! Agh, I love Cater, what an introduction. Ace says you don’t get to know my last name. SEE! He just introduced himself, why wasn’t he ???!? Cay-Cay! YUU! DON’T BE MEAN! Superficial, the boy’s got Cangst, leave him alone! It has been less than 24 hours, how does he know about the prefect thing?! Homeboy doesn’t know they paint the roses red. They color the flamingos? Do they color the hedgehogs, too? I thought they were naturally colored like that. No one’s birthday, I believe. *gasp* UNbirthday? UNBIRTHDAY! Wait, it’s based on Riddle’s feelings? Yeah Ace, this is wonderland. Don’t ask questions. It’s just the way it is. Why not use split card, Cater? Freshman use paint brushes, Cater, they don’t know color changing magic. TWISTUNE! …what is that? Um… I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do here. Let’s try it out. “Not pink, not green, not aquamarine!” The references! Ok, I got it! I was scared by the instructions! Grim! You literally did what you were told not to do! Yay, I did it! That was awesome, I’ve never seen the purple notes before! And the music was a bop!
Oh gosh, the battle. I know we have to fight Cater. Alas. Deuce’s scream when the rose turned blue, I love him. GRIM! All he knows is how to commit arson! The garden flowers put on a concert!? Eeee, I love that, can we see! I really wanna see that, aaaaa just like the movie! They would’t seen insane if you watched the movie, Grim. Really being the vice-vice housewarden there, Cater. Ooo, endurance battle. And 8000 HP. And my Duo magic is available. Mmmmmmmm, done. He really threw him out! Ace didn’t even have to leave of his own accord then! Does that mean his stuff is stuck there? RIP Ace. Aw, he really wants to learn magic. Ok, I guess the game implies it. By it, I mean Cater using Split Card when he was throwing them out of the dorm. He used it in the manga and it was so hype! Let's go Class 1-A! Let's go to class!
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extrasweetcoffee · 1 year
Just got the Heartslabyul manga. I'm pogged~ Gonna ramble about it. (spoilers under the cut)
The manga is doing a stellar job of endearing me to this version of Grim. Like I love this gremlin cat already whereas in the game I was eh about Grim until chapter 4 (and arguably still on the fence about him)
I think the manga trims the fat of the prologue nicely. It’s so refreshing to not have to go through the chandelier and the ghost fight this time around.
Though at the same time they skipped great bits like Deuce throwing Ace and Grim working with MC at Ramshackle.
Ruining the Great Seven statues is treated with greater severity here; worthy of expulsion rather than the window washing in game. On one hand I'm thinking that's overkill when they have magic to clean it anyway whereas you can't easily replace a valuable magestone. But then again everyone stopped to mourn the statues when they were knocked over on Halloween so maybe it's not too out there of a punishment(?) This is an abridged version of the prologue so I guess my expectations are more generous. Catch me on another day and I'll probably think something different.
It’s super cute how Ace and Deuce are already acquainted and on their BS in this retelling. "stop following me >:(" "I'm going to class, idiot >:(" It's great.
They kept the Juice joke, I'm happy.
Riddle plays a bigger part, most certainly because this is about Heartslabyul, but damn he’s serving.
That shoujo as hell shot where Riddle gets tackled to the floor lmaoooo I wouldn't be surprised if people started shipping Riddle and Yuken.
There’s a few funny faces here I’m dying lol look at that scuffed Trey.
Kalim didn’t get burned in this one. Good for him. :D
The way Azul is drawn, he looks like a wine-drinking aunt. I mean, he always does, but the vibes are a lot stronger.
Boy's def got a longer face than his in-game appearance. He looks older in a sense.
Look at Kalim eagerly watching the events awwww.
It’s neat to see how the mirror hall is supposed to look. I'd always thought it was just a big round room, but here its layout is similar to a church. Makes sense because of the coffin motif.
Idia wearing his robes even in his room is a nice touch (calling back to his ceremonial robes vignette)
Yuken is hella huge holy shit. I heard he was built but seeing it in person is something else lol
IDT they mentioned Malleus by name at all like the game prologue did (and Lilia didn’t appear either). So you see the panels of him earlier in the book and like oooh whos' that???
Overall the housewardens presence at the ceremony is less pronounced. Vil and Idia only said like one line each lol I kinda forgot they were there. I guess that's the trade-off for having Cater and Trey being introduced this early.
Crowley: "You're the protagonist." Yuken: "I got kendo, dawg. No I ain't".
Yuken is such a based protagonist I love him. Just happily rooms with ghosts and accept the janitor job like it’s nothing.
I like how they gave that one dude his own character card in the beginning as if it was going to mean anything. Nice subversion lol
I wonder how confusing it would be to find this manga on a bookshelf or online with no prior knowledge of TWST, looking it up and learning it’s a whole ass gacha game that’s currently on its 7th chapter (chapter 6 for the localized versions) and there’s a bunch of side stories and stuff. Because the book doesn’t say anything like “adapted from the game of the same title” or something.
Ok, they kinda do, but it’s in the blurb by the storyboard artist.
Deuce is great, I don't remember if he took this much initiative in the game (then again, it's been a year since I went through the prologue).
Ace is also less of a lil' shit in this version. He's pretty chill all things considered.
Yuken’s just carrying Deuce like a bag of flour lol
Holy shit Riddle’s here. CANON DIVERSION MY BELOVED. Oh and Trey and Cater are there too lol
YOU FUCKERS MISSED GLEE CLUB PRACTICE. You're gonna lose at nationals.
Dawg, who's the narc that told Riddle about the hedgehog sneezing? Like bro could've said nothing and saved everyone the headache.
Cater and Trey look hella good in this panel at least.
Hell yeah model sheets.
Yana Toboso drew Yuken’s character sheet. That's neat.
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cerealmonster15 · 2 years
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todays cater of the day [and also trey. again. they are a Set] comes from me refreshing a theme generator like 6 times before deciding to use “juggling” and “kitchen” 🕺
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linawritesocs · 2 years
vance's birthday ssr vignette!
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it's our beloved gamer boy's not you idia birthday!
some notes: this happens after vance's overblot, so his relationship with trey is not so good right now. also even though his oc appellations say that he would refer to mc as "prefect-san", i think he would call seth by his first name and "-kun" because he sees him as a friend.
(picrew link)
[ part 1 ]
[ heartslabyul dorm lounge - birthday venue ]
seth: happy birthday, vance-chan~
vance: !! seth-kun! i'm so happy you're here!
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seth: and you have no idea how happy i am to be here! you look so adorable in your birthday outfit too!
vance: hehe, thank you~ cater-kun took so many photos of me, he said that i look so cute, he just can't stop taking pics!
seth: if i had my phone with me right now, i would take as many photos as i could! but i have to focus on this interview thing..
vance: ooh, i think i heard about it before. you're gonna ask me some birthday-related questions, right?
seth: yeah, something like that. just remember that if any question makes you uncomfortable, you can tell me and we'll skip it. your birthday is supposed to be fun, right? we don't wanna ruin it.
*hayden's birthday ssr vignette flashback*
seth: *thinking* "i don't want the same thing to happen again.."
seth: okay, let's start! can you tell us about one of your past birthdays?
vance: hmm.. would my tenth birthday be okay?
seth: sure! ahh, i bet you were just as cute when you were little! just imagining tiny vance-chan running around makes me feel so warm and soft..
seth: i mean, you still are tiny-
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seth: okay, okay, you don't have to glare at me like that!
vance: so, me turning ten years old was a big deal for my family. everyone was super excited and i was so happy, because wow, i'm ten now! i'm not a little kid anymore!
vance: or so i thought. but later i realized that all of them still saw me as a little kid.
seth: i mean, when you're ten, you are still a child, even though celebrating your tenth birthday feels so special..
seth: but i totally get what you're saying! i can imagine that you were quite a rebellious type when you were little.
vance: oh, i wasn't like that at all, actually.
vance: everyone thought that i was a very sweet kid, who would never disobey his parents and grandpa and they often said things like "i wish my son was just as nice as you, vance-kun!" and "your parents are so lucky to have a son like you!"
seth: really?? wow, it's only a first question, but i learned something new about you already.
vance: well, considering my big brother's behavior, of course, people would think that i'm better than him..
seth: ah, wasn't your big brother a nrc student as well? i think he was in savanaclaw?
vance: yeah, that's one of the reasons why i wanted to be sorted into savanaclaw. he was much more loud and rebellious and he refused to listen to my parents and my grandpa especially.
vance: i still think he's really cool though! i want to be just like him when i become older!
seth: *thinking* "i heard that vance-chan's big bro was a huge troublemaker.. i don't wanna ruin his dreams or anything, but maybe it's better for him to not follow his example."
seth: *thinking* "riddle-chan wouldn't like that at all.."
vance: my tenth birthday was really fun, i got so many gifts, it was mostly toys, but i didn't mind.. though i wanted to get something more "mature" for once.
vance: my grandpa's gift was exactly like that, but it was.. the worst one, haha.
seth: your grandpa..
*vance's overblot flashback*
seth: um, i'm sorry that i'm asking, but what did he get you? i'm just curious, haha..
vance: ...
vance: *laughing* he thought it would be a good idea to get me this huge book about computers, how they were invented, how to build one, stuff like that.
vance: it was full of words that a 10 year old boy like me couldn't understand and i had to ask him what they mean, but he just told me that if i don't know that, i'm probably too stupid to read this book.
seth: vance-chan-
vance: but to be honest, i think my grandpa actually had good intentions.
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seth: huh?? why do you think so?
vance: well, i liked video games a lot since i was a child and he always told me how bad they are, but he still got me this book about computers for some reason even though he could get me something "more serious". you know, like, maybe a book about mathematics or biology.
vance: so.. i want to believe that he had a reason for buying that book and that reason was him trying to understand my interests better.
vance: it doesn't mean that i forgive him for what he did to me, though. that old man still sucks and i hate him with passion, but hey, i have to appreciate the effort.
seth: .. you're right, vance-chan.
seth: even if he's a part of your family, it doesn't mean that he deserves to be forgiven.
seth: i also want to believe that he got that book for you because he knew about your love for video games.
[ part 2 ]
seth: by the way, you can't eat sweet stuff, right? so what about your birthday cake?
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vance: ah, trey made sure it's more sour rather than sweet, so i don't have to worry about that.
vance: i could just tell him that i don't need a cake, but i still wanted to try one, because i deserve it and it's my birthday.
seth: *thinking* "he sounds kinda annoyed right now.. probably because of what happened between him and trey-chan."
seth: *thinking* "quick, gotta change the subject!"
seth: o-okay, so, did anyone wish you a happy birthday today, aside from the heartslabyul students?
vance: yeah, a lot of people actually! i'm pretty popular here, hehe~
vance: kalim-senpai, epel-kun, ortho-kun, hayden-senpai, merrill-senpai..
vance: idia also tried to say something to me, but he got too scared and left. he's so pathetic..
seth: wow, you don't like him at all, even though your interests are so similar.
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vance: well, that's because i'm better than him! i'm trying to quit that "using gamer slang every five seconds" habit of mine and i think i sound better like this. also even though i'm a gamer, i'm not a shut-in and i actually go outside and make friends! you know, i don't need reminders to go and touch some grass or anything! i even beat him in some games before!
vance: riley-kun beat him in a rhythm game before too. he's so cool, don't you think so?
seth: oh yeah, about him, did he wish you a happy birthday as well?
vance: he sure did! he was one of the first people to do that.
seth: and what did he get you?
vance: oh, riley-kun said that he's not good at giving gifts and apologized for that. he said that he hopes going to an amusement park later today will be enough and that he wants to tell me something really important there..
seth: interesting! so, did you agree to go?
vance: of course i did! i'm not sad about not getting a gift from riley-kun, i just really want to spend more time with him.
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vance: *blushing* s-so yeah, i'm very excited about it, hehe.. i'm especially curious to hear what he has to say..
seth: .. vance-chan, do you know what that means?
vance: huh?
seth: he asked you out on a date, you dummy! he's totally going to confess his feelings today!
vance: n-no, we're just friends, really! why would it be a date, haha..
seth: but do you want it to be a date?
vance: yes- i mean, uh..
vance: i-if that's what riley-kun w-wants..
seth: hehe, don't worry, your senpai's got your back. i will help you with everything, just stay calm, okay? riley-kun would never hate you or anything.
vance: um.. thank you, seth-kun.
vance: or would it be better for me to call you seth-senpai?
vance: honestly, even though you're a first-year, i feel like i can trust you more than some.. uh, other upperclassmen.
seth: *thinking* "oh, he totally means trey-chan."
seth: *thinking* "but i'm glad he thinks of me as a senpai! i just need to make other first-years think of me like that as well.."
[ part 3 ]
seth: okay, our interview is gonna end soon, but i have some questions left.
seth: now that i think about it, it's your first time celebrating your birthday here, right?
seth: so, did it turn out to be exactly what you expected from your dorm and this school?
vance: well, when i was sorted into this dorm, i hated the idea of celebrating my birthday here. i just knew that riddle-senpai will ruin everything.
vance: i even thought that he cares about unbirthday parties more than the birthday ones, haha..
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vance: *thinking* "riddle-senpai will definitely kill me if he reads this interview.."
vance: but actually, this birthday party is much more fun than i imagined it to be. riddle-senpai even said that he will allow me to do pretty much anything i want, because it's my birthday.
seth: oh, really? so what did you do-
vance: nothing special. i really want to do something dangerous or risky, but i'm way too scared of riddle-senpai even though he gave me a permission.
vance: also i have to stay safe if i want to meet up with riley-kun later..
seth: *laughing* you're right. i would support you no matter what you do, but if you end up injuring yourself again..
seth: even if you have riddle-chan's permission, he won't shut up about it and your future birthday parties won't be as fun.
vance: yeah. i'm surprised that he even decided to go easy on me today. i thought that he would be just as strict today..
vance: hm, maybe that's your influence, seth-kun?
seth: what do you mean?
vance: well, you two argue quite often and riddle-senpai never has anything good to say about you, but i noticed that he looks more.. relaxed when you're around?
vance: maybe he got this idea from you? i feel like he actually respects you a lot.
seth: .. i'm not so sure about that, but i'll ask him later.
seth: okay, is there anything else you're excited about, vance-chan?
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vance: do you know how some games have these birthday log-in bonuses and stuff? i can't wait to log in later today and get all those cool gifts!
vance: idia, if you're reading this interview, this is your punishment for telling me that i have awful gacha luck. maybe my luck isn't so good, but i have more in-game currency than you.
seth: ahaha, i'd love to see idia-chan's reaction to this!
seth: oh well, it looks like it's time for me to go. once again, happy birthday, vance-chan!
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midnightcinderella · 2 years
My favs when their s/o gets love potioned
Inspired by this post! In case the link is broken, I’ve reblogged it so it’ll be right below this post on my blog!
3/18/23: Did some editing, added some things to hopefully flesh things out a bit and make it easier to understand
Characters (word count): Trey (800), Leona (700), Silver (600)
Summary: Basically a love potion explodes in your face during class and the first person you lay eyes on after that is not your boyfriend, though that’s of no concern to the potion. Neither he nor the new object of your affections is too jazzed about it
Notes: no gendered pronouns for reader, some jealousy based fluff
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Trey Clover
Of course. Of course it had to be someone from his own dorm you saw after the potion incident
Originally he’d been planning to keep an eye on you anyway, but now it seemed he didn’t have a choice. You kept a vice grip on Cater’s arm, preventing him from fleeing the Heartslabyul kitchen
“Are you hungry, honey? I know you don’t like sweets so how about I make us some sandwiches?”
Rip his heart out, why don’t you?
He just barely suppressed the grief from showing on his face upon hearing the pet name meant for him used on Cater
When Trey turned to meet Cater’s gaze, all he could do was shoot him a sheepish grin, wiggling his arm in your grip in hopes that Trey would see that he was being held captive
Whether it was because you noticed that he wanted to be let go or because you needed both hands to make sandwiches was unknown to either of them, but you let Cater go anyway
Cater moved to leave but you called him back, saying you were almost done
At Cater’s excuse that he was busy and had plans, you replied that you chose that time to hang out with him because you knew he would be free
The boys were unsure whether they were impressed with your planning or concerned that you managed to learn Cater’s schedule in such a short time
Sandwiches made and grin on your face, you dragged Cater to eat outside with you in the warm sunshine, leaving your poor boyfriend behind to quietly bake for the dorm’s next tea party :(
His phone dinged while he was busy waiting for the pastries to bake and feeling sorry for himself. It was a Magicam notification
You’d just posted two pictures captioned “#TogetherForever”
The first was a tasteful shot of the sandwiches you’d made and the second was a selfie of you and Cater, pressed cheek to cheek with matching grins on your faces
Trey sighed. Cater never could resist a good photo op
In the garden, you were scrolling through your phone. “Look, Cater! We’ve already got so many comments!”
“You posted it?” he asked in disbelief. Trey was going to kill him. Or worse, mess with his meals
“Yeah!” you laughed, not noticing the disparity between your moods as you read through the comments
They were all confused. When had you and Trey broken up, they asked.
As you stared at the comments, wondering why they all mentioned Trey, the fog blocking a part of your brain began to clear
You were dating Trey, not Cater
You called Cater honey. Right in front of Trey
Oh shit
Without a word, you jumped to your feet and rushed toward the kitchen where you hoped your beloved still was
You only made it a few steps, however, before turning on your heel and coming back to snag your uneaten sandwich
You’d just finished the last bite when you reached the kitchen and sighed in relief when you saw that Trey was still there
He was scrolling through his phone, only noticing you when you got close
Given no time to process what was happening, Trey let out a grunt as you barrelled into him, squishing his arms to his sides as you hugged him tight
“Trey! Honey, I’m so sorry!” You were hiding your face in his shoulder, unable to see his face as you babbled one apology after another
In the middle of you swearing up and down that whatever you did with Cater wasn’t real, he wiggled one arm out of your grasp and held up a hand to stop you
Your blood ran cold at the feeling of him breaking away from you and you were almost afraid to look at him
Trey called your name softly and you finally met his eyes, terrified of what you might find. What if he was really upset?
Though you found no anger in his expression, you were still uneasy, not knowing what he was feeling
“I get a get out of jail free card for this,” was all he said. You nodded readily, pursing your lips. “Then all is forgiven.”
You planted a sloppy kiss on his cheek and held him tighter, wailing about how you’d never leave his side again
He didn’t even need to ask you to take down the pictures you took with Cater; you did it as soon as you let him go
The very next day, you posted a picture of a honey cake captioned, “With all my love to my sweet baker <3″
The comments were once again flooded with confused people, wondering if you’d thought the previous day was April Fool’s day or something
Leona Kingscholar
How weird that you were seeing Leona everywhere today, you thought
Unable to take your attention off of Jack for more than a moment, you didn’t notice that it was no coincidence
You also didn’t notice how Leona’s jaw clenched or how his tongue clicked whenever you had any interaction with Jack
What you did notice, however, was the way Jack would glance nervously behind you every so often
You’d turned to look once or twice but never saw anyone looking to do either of you harm. It was just Leona and neither of you had done anything to piss him off
“Come to the Mystery Shop with me, Jackie!” you said, pulling him along by the hand. You started off in the opposite direction of where Leona was leaning against a wall
“Wha- Can’t you shop on your own?” he asked. He glanced behind him to see Leona standing up straight once again to follow
“I could, but I really want you to come with me,” you said. “No one will mess with me if you’re there.”
“Do people mess with you often?” he asked. You nodded, not looking back
“Yeah. Some of them try to prank me, others try to flirt. It’s a headache every time.”
Jack hadn’t known about this. When he looked to Leona, it seemed the lion beastman was in the same boat
Jack had never been the best at identifying emotions, even less so when it came to inexpressive people, but Leona wore the most unreadable expression he’d seen yet
Finally, after a moment of Jack wondering if he should block or dodge, Leona nodded his chin forward, telling him to go with you
With Leona’s blessing, Jack kept your pace all the way to the shop
As you browsed the shelves, a voice in your head nagged at you that something was wrong
It wouldn’t stop and became unbearable to the point that you put the can of tuna back in its place and looked around you in all directions to prove to the voice that you were fine, there was no one in sight but you and Jack
See? You were perfectly safe. But still the voice wouldn’t shut up
It was relentless, screaming at you that you were in an unnatural situation, that you didn’t belong here. You couldn’t even focus on reading the product labels anymore
Instead you told Jack that you could shop another time and that you wanted to hang out by Savanaclaw’s pool for a bit
Which is how Jack found himself lying right beside the pool with you cuddling up to him
The sound of the water gently lapping at the edge of the pool was his only solace as he watched Leona pretend to nap nearby on a lounge chair
You laid you head on Jack’s arm, accepting that you would just have to be content with what you were given
You tapped your finger gently on his vest, right where you’d originally wanted to rest your head
He’d denied you when you asked and you gave him your best puppy dog eyes, hoping to change his mind
Unfortunately for Jack, he couldn’t tell the difference between puppy dog eyes and the look of someone about to cry
Worried that you were going to start the waterworks at any time, he offered you his arm instead
You stopped your tapping and laid your hand flat on his chest
“Jackie,” you said softly. He turned to look at you gazing at him sweetly as you laughed. “Your heart is beating so fast.”
A moment later, your world turned on its axis as a pair of arms hooked under you and hauled you into the air
Spluttering in surprise, you looked to Jack just in time to see Leona plant his boot on his hip
With no deliberation, he pushed Jack right into the pool
“Leo! What do you think you’re doing?!” And suddenly you stopped. Why had you called him Leo? And why wasn’t he annoyed by the new nickname?
One by one, the memories returned to you. Leo wasn’t a new nickname. You’d been calling him that since you started dating
“Leo,” you said again, this time looking at him as if you’d met him for the first time in years
“Welcome back, bunny,” he said, and you could feel his voice rumble through his chest. “We’ve got some naps to catch up on.”
This wasn’t funny. This wasn’t funny At All
Of all the people you could have seen after the potion exploded in your face, it had to be his father?
Well, he supposed it could have been worse. If it had to be any other Diasomnia student, he guessed he was glad it was Lilia
If it had been Sebek, he’d fear that his brusque mannerisms might hurt your feelings
And if it had been Malleus.... Sebek would be even more likely to hurt your feelings, he thought
Still, he couldn’t say it was pleasant watching his love fawn over his father the way you were doing
He was able to convince Malleus to spend more time with Lilia today so that he could keep an eye on you, much to Sebek’s outrage
“Silver! How dare you try to order our lord around just to selfishly spend time with your partner!”
Malleus only laughed and told Sebek to settle down, that Silver was only worried about you since you were affected by a potion
Though, if he were to be even more honest, he’d admit that was worried about you as well. Humans weren’t so hardy as fae and he wasn’t sure what exactly was in the potion
So now the three of them sat in the lounge watching as you giggled at all the attention Lilia was showering upon you, each with different feelings on the situation: annoyance, amusement, and disgust
Lilia chuckled, gently patting your head as you twirled the flower he’d given you between your fingers
It was plucked from one of the vases in the lounge, but it was the thought that counted, right?
You couldn’t seem to see that the affection he was giving you was the same that he’d given Silver when he was a young boy
Or perhaps you didn’t want to see it, just pleased to have him smiling at you and giving you gifts
Still, all daydreams must come to an end. Yours did when, with a lighthearted laugh, Lilia told you that you reminded him of a little boy he used to take care of
Little? You were here thinking he was flirting back while he saw it as babysitting?
Suddenly feeling very embarrassed, you put the flower into the nearest vase and gave Lilia a flimsy excuse about homework as you readied to leave
Happening to catch Silver’s gaze on your way out, you made your way over to him, ready to tell him what had just happened
“You don’t see me as a little kid, right? You take me seriously?”
Silver, patient as he’d always been, assured you that you were not childlike (at least not to the point that anyone would treat you like a child) and that everyone took you and your feelings seriously
“He was just teasing you,” he said, smoothing down your hair
Just as you were about to ask once again if he was sure, you raised your head to see him smiling at you
This smile was one reserved for you and you alone
But how did you know that?
And why was your first thought when you saw him to go to him for comfort? How had you known he would comfort you?
And why was he doing it so gently?
Without you even knowing that your expression had changed, Silver patted your head again
“It’s ok,” he said, and you knew he wasn’t just talking about the way Lilia teased you
He’d watched over you
He’d comforted you when you got upset over something silly
He’d forgiven you before you could even apologize
“Silver,” you said, lip wobbling
Rather than say anything else, he simply pulled you into his arms, his muscles relaxing at having you right where you belonged
You nuzzled into his shoulder and if he felt the tears soaking into his jacket, he didn’t mention them
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traumxrei-archive · 3 years
I saw ur slots werent filled all the way yet, so could i possibly request love language headcanons (receiving and giving) for the heartslabyul?? Plz and thank you ❤
【 ways to say "i love you" 】
author's note: y e s. i've been dying to write the heartslabyul boys !! i didn't notice a lotta requests for them so thank you <3 it's a different format than my usual using you/yours and they/them, but i hope it's still enjoyable to read ! also i made it very long bc i had brainworms and i hit 250 followers. thank you so much for enjoying my writing :D
characters: riddle rosehearts, trey clover, cater diamond, ace trappola, deuce spade (heartslabyul boys !)
gender neutral! s/o + you/yours used, headcanon + drabbles, request!
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Riddle Rosehearts
[ giving : acts of service / quality time ]
how does riddle say i love you? he wasn't quite the one to voice things out, or get physical on his own accord. he preferred a more subtle way of showing his love; something that wouldn't flush his face too much when he did it.
what better way to do that than doing you favors? are your grades in one class dropping? he'll tutor you! don't worry, he aced that quiz when he was in his first year. you're going to check out some books from the library? let him help you carry them back, he's strong enough!
it's also good to note that this boy is busy. on top of maintaining an average of 100% on his grades, he's also the housewarden of heartslabyul, and that came with a whole different set of responsibilities.
but somehow, he finds a way to get his daily hour or so with you without fail. whether he's tired and stressed or in a good mood, he'd be right there with you, pouring you a cup of tea, an assortment of snacks ready for you to enjoy.
sometimes you guys don't talk at all, busy with your own things, and he's content with that. he's happy to be able to spend time in your presence. it's a moment of peace within the hectic day. time with you was a reverie for him.
"riddle?" the housewarden hummed, hearing the voice of his beloved. he looked up to see them smiling at him. "thank you for tutoring me last time, i got a good score on my quiz because of you."
riddle couldn't help a soft smile at that, "it is nothing, my sweet. i'm glad that i could be of help to you." while he did help them study, it was their own efforts that got them their grades. and he was proud to be able to help them reach their full potential.
"you flatterer," they said fondly, biting into a scone. "c'mon, take a break from that. your tea's getting cold." and how could riddle refuse such an innocent request?
[ receiving - physical touch / words of affirmation ]
two words. touch starved. riddle wasn't that familiar with physical touch, as his parents never indulged in him in that way. even friendly touches were foreign for him, so it was quite hard to get him to open up.
pda is still something he's not fond of, and even holding your hand as he walks will make him nervous. so usually when you initiate physical touch, it's when you two are alone.
it took a while to even work up to holding hands. it started with a brush on his shoulder there, a pat on his arm here. until one day you took the plunge and held his hand. he turned red immediately, but he didn't shrug you off, which was a win. things slowly built up from there.
and kissing was...chaste. slow. and soft. he was inexperienced, so he never initiated it, but he liked receiving kisses on his hands and his temple; a light reminder that you loved him. and whenever you did kiss, it had his heart fluttering a certain way, so much so that he couldn't keep the flush from reaching even his ears.
his favorite type of physical touch is when you were relaxed in bed with him. you would gently run your hands through his hair, moving ever so slightly as if not to scare him.
and often times, you'd be talking. telling him he was doing well, not to worry too much, that he was growing as a person. it's these sweet words that make him fall a little more in love with you every time.
there's a hand in his hair, and he couldn't help but lean into their palm when they cupped his cheek, "my kindhearted riddle. you've worked hard enough today. why don't we keep studying tomorrow, hm?"
he nodded and they led him over to his bed. hesitantly, he stared at their open arms before they pouted rather cutely, signifying he was taking too long. he huffed out a laugh before joining them, slipping into their loose embrace.
there were fingers running over his features now, eyebrows, nose, lips, jaw- "you're always working so hard, and i find that admirable." his eyes fluttered open in time to see them lean forward, brushing their lips against his, "don't run yourself too ragged, okay? i don't want you to get sick." riddle swallowed down the butterflies, nodding before tightening his hold on them. they always seemed to know what to say.
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Trey Clover
[ giving - gifts giving / acts of service ]
trey was the resident baker of heartslabyul. the dorm members had tea time often, as dictated by the rules of the queen of hearts. and so, he ends up spending a lot of time baking.
he always puts aside a few of your favorite treats to give you whenever you'd meet. sometimes you'd be helping around in the kitchen, and he would give you any imperfect treats. just because they were imperfect didn't mean they tasted bad, you're talking to the person who's been baking literally his whole life! (spoiler: they were always 100% delicious)
he's not only giving you treats, sometimes he would swing by your lunch table to give you your favorite drink that he had snagged earlier. (yes, he remembered all your favorites by heart.)
or maybe you'd be greeted with fresh roses that he had pruned from the gardens. of course, he already enchanted them with a spell so they don't wilt as easily. only the best for his beloved.
he would also try helping out with any chores that you have. he's a vice warden, which makes him sorta busy, but he wouldn't pass up an opportunity to help you.
whenever you mentioned something you had to do, suddenly he's there to accompany or help you! that's how he shows you he cares, of course. and he loved seeing your grateful smiles.
"trey? what are you doing here so early?" they smiled, and trey couldn't help the grin spreading on his face. "and it's the weekend, weren't you going to bake more treats for the week?"
"i was about to, and then i thought about my beautiful partner cleaning their room all alone and well..." he ruffled their hair as he walked in. "here i am to help. and i also brought some leftover treats from this week. wouldn't want them to go to waste."
"you're the best, trey!" and trey almost preened at the praise. deep inside he felt lucky to have someone like them to cherish in his life.
[ receiving - quality time / acts of service ]
trey loved it when you spent time with him. whether it was in the kitchen, or just chilling in his room, he loved that you took time out of your day to be with him.
you were his little assistant in the kitchen! you'd help him whip together desserts and help him remember to take breaks. he was more than happy to teach you the ins and outs of baking.
and you'd also frequently visit him when he was tending to heartslabyul's rose bushes. he never let you get your hands on the pruning shears, he was too scared that you'd hurt yourself on those sharp thorns. when he was pruning, you talking to him helped pass the time.
oh but, he definitely let you paint the roses with him. and sometimes he'd teasingly smear paint on your cheeks just to see the fond-annoyed look you sent him. (of course, he's getting covered in paint after those shenanigans) overall, his job as a vice-warden-slash-baker was much easier and enjoyable thanks to you.
his favorite moments had to be when he was alone with you. you could be studying, or you could even just be dozing off. but he couldn't take his eyes off you. not in a creepy way, he was just...admiring you. honest.
he could probably spend hours just watching you do your thing, he couldn't help it, he just loved that you were right in front of him! where he could hold and talk to and, well, admire. (oh, if you catch him staring, make sure to take his glasses away. serves him right for staring for so long.)
"what's your favorite dessert again?" the question caught trey off guard, causing him to pipe a really big macaron shell. "oops, sorry for distracting you," there's a short laugh from them. "i guess that one's mine now~"
"hey you..." trey just sighed, exasperated by his lover's actions. "never mind. why did you ask anyway?"
"mmm, what if i just wanted to bake something for my hard-working boyfriend?" trey almost broke the piping bag from squeezing it too hard. he better stop piping for now, or else he'd destroy the whole batch.
trey turned to pull his partner into a loose embrace as payback for distracting him twice, "why don't we bake it together then? i promise i'll teach you well."
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Cater Diamond
[ giving - gifts giving / physical affection ]
what better way to tell someone you loved them than giving them gifts ! cater's the type of person who liked buying gifts for the people he loves.
watch as he has a whole online cart full of things that he thinks would suit you. he's a stylish person, so he loved to buy you clothes that are in the trend right now. you'll never be out of style with all the clothes he gets you, so say thank you to cay-cay!
another thing he loves is food. you wouldn't believe the amount of food accounts this man follows on magicam. he would take you to the most viral restaurants and cafes in sage island.
if you like sweet food, he's content taking pictures of how cute you look with your desserts. and if you're into salty stuff, well, you guys are definitely sharing!
of course he loves taking pictures with both you and the food, and he's not afraid to get physical. he'd wrap an arm around your shoulders, and one of his favorite things to do is taking a quick picture of you while he's kissing your cheek. the surprised look on his face never fails to make him happy.
he peppers your face with kisses when you're wearing the clothes he bought you, and he's holding your hand when you guys walk to the new ramen restaurant he wanted to check out. when you two are alone, he gets especially clingy, so be prepared to be used as a headrest or a pillow.
"c-cater do i really have to do this?" the slight embarrassed tone in his partner's voice almost made him coo. they were always so adorable, he thought as he adjusted the lighting on his phone's camera.
"eh~ c'mon, i want a picture of my cute and lovely partner, what's wrong with that?" cater smiled cheekily. "and besides, you're wearing the new jacket i got you! it looks amazing, like i expected. now stay still, a couple more and we'll be on our way to flavortown!"
[ receiving - words of affirmation / physical affection ]
contrary to how he was, he wasn't an easy person to read, and you learned that after a while. he's a person who's prone to try acting happy every time he's around someone he loved.
it took a while to get into his walls; to see the cater that's quieter and softer. he showed it to you after you had expressed that you don't want him to not be comfortable with who he was around you. that you'd accept all sides of him, not just his happy side.
sometimes, all he needed was to hear the way you adored him. he would close his eyes, and he could listen to you talking forever. your kind words, coupled with the soft touches that came after served to calm him.
and in public too. he loved it when you'd notice the little things about him. he loved it when you'd hype him up while you take pictures for him. he also loved it when you'd blurt out random compliments, or even professions of love when you walked alongside him.
the sweet sound of your voice, your reassurance, your compliments, they all made his days. he really appreciated it! he was so happy to receive them all that he would hug you if only to feel the way you'd squeeze him just as hard.
"oh, are those new earrings?" cater felt a flutter in his chest at the question. "they're the ones you showed me on magicam, right? they look pretty on you." and ah, he didn't even flaunt them yet and they already noticed. that was one of the things he loved about them.
"ding ding ding! one hundred points for my cutie," cater turned to his partner with a bright smile. "and when don't earrings look great on me?"
their laugh echoed his, grabbing his hand in the process, "never. you're always gonna look great to me, no matter what." he felt that flutter yet again.
normally he would tease the hell out of them for such a cheesy comment. but hearing the care in their voice had him tilting his face away. hopefully they didn't see the blush that covered his face...
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Ace Trappola
[ giving - physical affection / quality time ]
ace was quite a physical person. no, seriously. even with his friends he was pretty handsy. a ruffle of hair, a shove of the shoulder, an elbow to the ribs- he was the kind of guy that will smack you on the arm as he laughs, he wasn't afraid to admit.
and since you're dating him, these interactions doubles in frequency. he always slung an arm over your shoulder whenever you walked together. his hands would always wander towards yours when he was bored. he just likes fiddling with your hands okay! it's nothing weird, he promised!
he loved it when he hugged you out of nowhere and you'd shyly reciprocate. seeing you fluster was one of his favorite things, he was a little shit after all. (your little shit, you'd remind yourself)
and don't start on surprise kisses. he would cheekily pull you into random empty classrooms, peppering your face with kisses, or even giving you a long kiss before running out with no explanation. he did stay long enough to see you sputter slightly. well he couldn't help it, he had the urge to kiss you sometimes, and he's definitely not doing it in front of others.
this clingy piece of shit also likes hogging your time. he's your boyfriend, so you should spend at least 24 hours cuddling with him, okay? or alternately, at least 12 hours giving him kisses and holding his hands. whatever, just let him show you he loves you already !!
"wh- ace-?" before they could finish their question he already kissed them. he grinned into the kiss, eyes open to take in the surprise on their face. he carded a hand through their hair, cupping their face before pulling away.
"i missed you, baby," he said lightly as they glared daggers at him. nothing he wasn't used to. he liked the fierce expression on them.
"what part of suddenly kidnapping me from the hallway is missing me?" they grumbled, and ace just waited patiently for them to stop complaining before kissing them again.
"this is just me using my boyfriend privileges," he claimed in between kissing them silly. their skin grew warm beneath his touches and yeah, he really loved doing this. as he kissed them again, he thought of how lucky he was to have such a cute lover.
[ receiving - receiving gifts / physical touch ]
so how does ace receive love? well...he liked to be spoiled. great seven, what a brat! clingy and spoiled? that was exactly your ace and you loved him and were annoyed by him all the same.
ace was always secretly very happy whenever you'd buy him his favorite snacks from the school store. it was the perfect way to help him focus on studying! he couldn't just study on an empty stomach...that was way too cruel.
oh and the one time you bought him a whole cherry tart from that new bakery on sage island? you bet his heart was melting. i mean, his face was turning as red as the tart. he couldn't even bring himself to bite into the tart because he was so touched. (he secretly took pictures of the tart before he ate it so he could remember that moment. don't tell anyone.)
and you're quite literally a deity to him when you give him your notes for the classes that he dozes through. 70% of the time, he thinks that he's only passing thanks to your notes. he loves you. so much for that.
another one of his favorite types of gifts was when you'd initiate physical contact with him. sometimes it'd be you surprising him with a hug, which was the perfect counterattack.
or the times where you'd bring him snacks? sometimes you'd sit next to him and your ankle would hook under his subsconciously. he froze up slightly. that's him trying to process that you're sitting close to him because you're comfortable with him.
movie night. it was his idea, and his baby was quite enthusiastic about it, much to his delight. he shoved another handful of popcorn into his mouth when he felt them leaning against him.
"ace?" he hummed, still watching the movie intently. "'m feeling sleepy, i'll just..." there's a yawn, and he looked over in time to see them wrapping their arms around his waist. "...use you as a pillow for a bit." they nuzzled into his side and he felt a blush exploding onto his face.
"uh. yeah, that's cool. you...you do that," ace said stiffly, placing his clean hand on their shoulder lightly. thank the seven they couldn't hear his heartbeat. he swore that his heart had never beat as fast as this before. oh, the things they did to him...
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Deuce Spade
[ giving - acts of service / quality time ]
deuce believed that he was quite the straight forward person. he was striving to be an honor student. he tried his best in track and field. he loved his mom and his family. he loved his friends. and he l-loved you, his p-p-part- okay, he was still shy to admit you guys were dating. (it took him a while, but he even told his mom about you. that's how much he loved you.)
he loved to do things for you! he wasn't very good at this whole dating thing, so it made him happy whenever he was able to help you with anything.
from menial tasks like grabbing a book from your shelf and giving it to you while you guys studied, to more rigorous tasks like grabbing you a snack between classes, there was nothing this boy wouldn't do for you. mostly. (don't ask him to commit crimes please-)
he especially loved taking you on his blastcycle. he couldn't do it often because of school, but whenever he had a chunk of free time, he'd definitely be dragging you to ride with him.
it's to relax, or so he said. he doesn't want you stressing out too much, so he'd take you before you guys had exams or finals. he also...really liked it when you'd wrap your arms around him whenever you guys would ride together. it made him feel all warm inside.
if he could help you stress less, and he could get prolonged hugs as well as the sight of your smile from the rearview mirror? then that's the biggest win-win he could get.
"this is a horrible idea." deuce couldn't help but chuckle at the way their hands shook as they held the handle bars of the blastcycle. "stop laughing, this isn't funny, deuce!"
"okay, okay, scoot forward," deuce leaned forward a little, wrapping his hands around theirs. "there. i'll be helping you control the acceleration with my magic. it's an empty road, so it'll be okay."
it belatedly hit him how close he was to them. oh great seven, their back was pressed flushed against his front, and hands were holding theirs? he short circuited for a second before he heard them calling for him. he had to act cool, he couldn't just clam up now!
[ receiving - words of affirmation / physical touch ]
the first time you left a note for him, deuce was red-faced for around ten minutes straight. he had to go to the bathroom and splash cold water on his face to calm down. your note was so sweet, cheering him on for his next track and field meet.
little did he know that this would be happening quite often. ohhhh deuce was quite easy to fluster, so he wasn't sure how he was going to live with this.
you left him notes everywhere, little encouraging snippets telling him how much you loved him, and how you were proud of him for his efforts. they never failed to make his day each time he found them.
it's almost like a treasure hunt. he wasn't sure how you did it, but he would find them in the places he needed it the most. inside the textbook for the test he was studying for, stuck to his water bottle at track practice, or even on his back? did you put that on him as you walked by? how sneaky!
he kept all the notes you gave him in a special notebook he got. the usually clumsy boy was very careful when handling your notes, and not even one of them were wrinkled as he placed them inside that notebook to immortalize.
the only thing he loved more than your notes were hearing those words you wrote said aloud. sometimes you'd cup his face and just compliment him, and he would slowly die inside.
he'd tackle you in a hug as revenge, and it'd hurt quite a bit, this big baby is quite muscular after all. if you pet his head he would be dying all over again. and seven forbid you kiss him on the cheek-
"deuce?" they called out. he turned his head to feel something soft on his cheek. his eyes widen when he realized that his partner just gave him a kiss on the cheek-
"wh- why- what's the occasion?" he asked dumbly, turning to stare at them like the lovesick puppy he was. he really couldn't understand them, despite how much he tried.
"just because. your alchemy grades improved right?" they smiled at him brightly. "congrats! you've been working hard, future honor student." and deuce couldn't help the swell of happiness in his chest as he scooped them into an embarrassed hug. he'd rather hug them tightly then let them see how red his face was from their compliments.
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