#trevor zegas imagine
starsandhughes · 1 year
Sissy and Trevor having a pregnancy scare! maybe once he’s already one the ducks so they can be older
( set pre engagement )
“fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck,” you frantically muttered when you heard the keys to the house being unlocked. you tossed the test into the trashcan and opened some pads to roll up and cover it.
you were late, you were freaking out, you couldn’t tell if you feeling sick was from a pregnancy confirmation or anxiety, and you haven’t called Quinn.
you flushed the toilet to make it seem like that’s why you were in the bathroom and splashed some cold water onto your face.
“welcome home, babes!” you faked some cheer as your boyfriend and his best friend walked through the door. you threw your arms around Trevor and kissed him before moving on to Jamie.
“we missed you!” Jamie said.
“i missed you most,” Trevor added in a serious tone, getting a laugh out of you.
“i have no doubt that you did,” you said as you kissed him again.
then, by the good grace of the universe, your ringtone for Quinn started playing, “sorry boys, we don’t have a scheduled call so i gotta take this!”
you ran up the stairs and into your and Trevor’s room and locked the door behind you. you sat on the edge of your bed and took a deep breath, “hey, Quintin, what’s up?”
“is something wrong? i have a feeling something is wrong with you and i’m always right about those,” Quinn said. your guard dropped the second he said that and you burst into tears. “hey, no, shhhh, it’s okay, Sissy. what’s wrong?”
“i think i might be pregnant,” you said through tears. you heard nothing on the phone. no gasp, no sigh, nothing. “don’t be mad, i-“
“y/n, i’m not mad at you about this. you two are grown adults and things happen,” Quinn assured you. “how would you feel if you were?”
“i don’t know,” you said quietly. “we’ve talked about them, but we aren’t married yet! we aren’t even engaged! and we’re both so young and if i’m going to have a baby with him i am planning it so the baby is hopefully born at the end of the season so he can be with us over the summer.”
“none of us would love that baby any less if they were born in december instead of april, Sissy,” Quinn said calmingly. “have you told, Z?”
“not yet,” you mumbled.
“go get him. i can be on the phone with you if you’d like.”
“no,” you sighed. “i need to do this myself.”
“look at you growing up!” Quinn teased you. “whatever happens, it’s going to be okay, alright? i love you. take a few more tests before fully freaking out and know that you got this. whatever happens, i’ll be there, okay?”
“okay. i love you, too, Quinny,” you said with a soft smile creeping on to your face.
you came out of your room to yell for Trevor over the banister to come here. he was a little confused, but came.
“is something wr-“
“i think i might be pregnant,” you blurted out, cutting your boyfriend off.
Trevor let out a big breath in disbelief, “i wasn’t expecting that. wow, okay. wow.”
“you don’t seem happy,” he said, scooting closer to you and placing a hand on your thigh.
“we aren’t ready. i’m not ready. Jamie certainly isn’t ready,” you laughed at the end.
“is Quinn ready?”
“that’s what he called you for, right? so you told him you might be pregnant. is he ready?”
“yeah. yeah, he is. but i’m not. and he said to take a few more tests to make sure.”
you two agreed that what Quinn said was best, so you once again made a trip to the bathroom. after waiting the ten minutes the box said to wait, you called Trevor into the bathroom.
he grabbed your hand, “ready?”
you nodded and flipped the test over, relief washing over you when it was negative.
“it’s negative!” you said in relief. “it’s negative…”
Trevor wrapped his arms around you from behind and kissed your cheek. you looked up and you two looked at each other via the mirror.
“one day, you will become a beautiful mom, and i will become a sexy dad, and we will make the most wonderful child to ever exist. just not yet,” he said softly.
“just not yet,” you smiled at him. “i can work with yet.”
Trevor turned you around to kiss you fully, “me, too.”
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