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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 😀 3 for $20 NWT Men Women Thick Vinyl Rain Poncho.
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Trekmates Rigg Gloves Gore-Tex Infinite de venta en Todo-Deporte.com https://www.todo-deporte.com/es/gorros-guantes/trekmates-rigg-gloves-gore-tex-infinite
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WARNING - DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME. Trekveda https://trekveda.com
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Trek mates.... When you got lucky enough to find someone for 9km of trek..... #trekmates #travelgram https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxp1lIdB_Cg/?igshid=ynm96k4rkwzf
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Hai Trekmate jadi kapan nih km mau ajak jalan keluarga kesentul, menikmati keindahan alam dan kesegaran air terjun yg ada di sentul. Info Paket Trekking Private Group, Family, Corporate Silahkan Klik Link di Bio langsung terhubung dengan admin ☎️ Contact & detail:? 📞 0812-8468-3295 (Whatsapp/call)? Note : ✅ Kegiatan PRIVATE ( tidak di gabung dengan kelompok lain ) ✅ Minimal Usia Peserta 3 Tahun ✅ Trekking Buka Setiap Hari ( Weekday dan Weekend ) ✅ Wajib Membawa Masker dan Handsanitaizer ✅ Wajib Menggunakan Sepatu dengan Sol Tebal atau Sendal Gunung ✅ Wajib Melakukan Olahraga di Rumah agar tidak terjadinya Kram Mari Kita Terapkan Wisata yang Bersih, Sehat, Aman, Lingkungan wisata yang berkelanjutan (CHSE) dan selalu menerapkan 3M ( Memakai Masker, Menjaga Jarak dan Mencuci Tangan ) #lintasalamsentul #explorewisatasentul #hikingsentul #explore #wisatasentul #pemandutrekking #sentultrekking #adventure #landscape #naturephotography #travelphotography #wanderlust #naturelovers #photooftheday #layanganputus #curugsentul #jktinfo #travelgram #explorebogor #bogorkotahijau #enjoybogor #backtonature #waterfallphotography #pesonaairterjunindonesia #travelgram #jejakpetualang #jktinfo #wisatatrekkingsentul #bogorjuaratrip (di Bogor, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZdMwmMBKoy/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Cerita Jum'at! suatu hari bang roni ibrahim telp saya, dia bilang Mas Aris, kamu di tunggu om Ripto! tampa mikir lama2 tancap gas, ketemulah saya dengan orang yg saya hormati dalam dunia Mountaineering Guides. Ripto, sy mengenal sudah lama tapi saya tidak pernah ketemu, saya tau om Ripto dari beberapa buku Mountaineering. salah satu nya Buku karya Neville Shulman "in the remotest new guinea" adventure in the jungles and mountain of irian jaya" Om ripto lah guide nya Neville shulman, om ripto juga pernah guiding Rob hall kalau saya tidak salah! dan sepengetahuan saya, om Ripto pernah guiding beberapa Top mountaineer dari banyak negara lewat perusahaan Outdoor "trekmates" pemiliknya klu nggak lupa, namanya Agus Taman, saya tidak pernah ketemu! di buku ini, om ripto di tulis "very young looking dan murah senyum", setidaknya selama kerja guide om ripto sudah mendaki puncak jaya lebih dari 30 times gara2 buku ini, saya jadi inget steven liwe, salah satu guide carstensz paling handal di jaman nya, 2008 dia pernah ikut saya guiding ke semeru, kita bawa itu anak kecil umurnya masih 1,5 tahun... yg saya tidak pernah lupa, steven selalu bawa payung + celana levis, lalu saya nanya? Kamu ke carstensz pake Blue Jeans...dia bilang sudah biasa! steven mungkin lebih dari 50 times summiter Carstensz tapi dia nggak mau bikin catatan... dalam mountain guide yg selalu saya ingat adalah regenerasi! suatu sore di timika, saya pernah bilang ke alm "andika pratama" saya bangga dengan kalian, masih muda sudah mau memulai hoby yg menjadi ladang usaha, dan mulai belajar menjadi pemandu proffessional. tapi saya tidak menyangka klu sore itu adalah pertemuan terakhir #mountain #mountaineering_indonesia #guidegunung #semeru #instadaily #mountainguide #guidelife #cartenszpyramid #pemandugunungindonesia #pemandugunung #pendakilawas #pendaki #pendakiindonesia https://www.instagram.com/p/CVUtpqzBv5q/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Cikuray 2821 mdpl
Maret 2016
Via pos pemancar, Cilawu
Pendakian ke-3 terlaksana dengan rencana Allah SWT. Rencananya aku mau mendaki bersama teman-teman apoteker, namun satu persatu membatalkan rencananya. Tinggal aku sendiri yang tetap teguh dengan rencana pendakian, yang awalnya mau ke papandayan sampai akhirnya tujuan menjadi ke gunung cikuray.
Untukku pendakian ke cikuray ini memberi pelajaran yang sama serunya seperti pendakian-pendakian sebelumnya. Pendakian kali ini dilakukan bersama 2 orang guide dari @AhadTrekMate dan 2 orang adik yang luar biasa semangatnya buat mendaki gunung, jadi kelompok pendakian cikuray terdiri dari 5 personil. Salah satu hal yang menyenangkan ketika melakukan pendakian, yaitu nambah temen.
Pendakian bersama @AhadTrekMate dimulai dari meeting point di Jatinganor, awalnya kita harus kumpul jam 1.00, tapi karena beberapa kendala kami baru bisa berangkat sekitar pukul 2.30 menggunakan motor. Kami sampai di pos pemancar sekitar pukul 5.00. Oh iya, gunung cikuray ini berada di wilayah garut, bisa didaki dengan 2 jalur pendakian yaitu jalur bayongbong lewat cikajang dan jalur pos pemancar lewat cilawu. Kami memakai jalur pendakian lewat cilawu. Sesampainya di pos pemancar, kami memarkir motor, mengurus simaksi dan membayar Rp. 15.000, dilanjutkan shalat subuh dan sarapan.
Hal yang menarik pagi itu adalah ketika matahari mulai beranjak naik, dari pos pemancar kami sudah disuguhi pemandangan matahari terbit ditambah awan-awan yang menakjubkan.
Matahari pagi di pos pertama
Ketika matahari naik lagi, kami disuguhi hamparan kebun teh yang luas membentang. Puas menikmati keindahan itu tidak membuat kami lalai untuk mendaki puncak cikuray. Pukul 8.00 kami memulai pendakian.
Pemandangan kebun teh
Awal perjalanan kami harus melewati hamparan kebun teh, kemudian memasuki wilayah ladang warga. Disini, kalian bisa menemukan sebuah warung dan sumber air untuk mengisi persediaan. Melewati ladang, mata kembali dimajakan oleh padang rumput hijau (mirip savana laah). Selanjutnya memasuki wilayah hutan. Dalam 2 jam perjalanan kami sampai di pos 2. Kemudian kami sampai di pos 3 setelah 2 jam perjalanan lagi. Di pos 3, kami beristirahat, membuka persediaan makanan kami, dan melakukan sholat berjamaah. Bersyukur sekali pendakian ini bareng @AhadTrekMate, jadi pendakian bisa dinikmati dan gak lupa sama Sang Pencipta. Bukankan tujuan pendakian itu untuk mentafakuri kebesaranNya.
Sekitar pukul 12.30 perjalanan kami lanjutkan menuju pos 4, kami berpapasan dengan beberapa pendaki yang akan turun. Beberapa saat kemudian gerimis mulai turun, kami harus memakai ponco untuk melanjutkan perjalanan. Ini merupakan pengalaman pertama mendaki dalam keadaan hujan, untung hanya gerimis yang menghadang sehingga kondisi tanah tidak begitu licin. Perjalanan menuju pos 4 kami tempuh sekitar 30 menit. Perjalanan ke pos 5 kami tempuh sekitar 45 menit dan perjalanan ke pos 6 kami tempuh sekitar 1 jam. Di pos 6 kalian bisa menemukan tenda penjaga dan WC, walaupun seadanya tapi merupakan hal yang luar biasa bisa menemukan wc umum diatas sini. Usut punya usut katanya di pos 6 ini juga terdapat mata air, dan beberapa situs makam. Perjalanan pun kami lanjutkan sampai pukul 15.00, kemudian kami memutuskan untuk membuat tenda untuk bermalam.
Personil pendakian
Trek gunung cikuray ini mirip dengan trek gunung manglayang, versi panjangnya. Sejak awal pendakian jalan yang kami tempuh terus menanjak, hampir tidak ada bonus. Langkah yang berat untuk mendaki hatus disertai kewaspadaan karena banyak akar pohon. Walaupun kehujanan, namun peluh mengalir deras karena perjalanan yang luar biasa. Setelah mendirikan tenda, kami beristirahat, berganti dengan pakaian kering dan memasak untuk makan malam. Sambil memasak kami saling bercerita tentang banyak hal, seperti kata seorang teman kalau digunung itu tempat paling enak buat curhat, hahaha. Hal yang diceritakan pun beragam, dari kuliah, gebetan, kegalauan, pengalaman, organisasi, sampai isi hati, cieeee. Kalo dipikir-pikir aneh juga bisa cerita banyak hal dengan orang yang baru dikenal.
Pukul 20.00 kami beristirahat untuk persiapan summit attack ke puncak cikuray. Kami bangun jam 3.00 dini hari untuk persiapan bekal, dan berangkat pukul 4.00. Dinginnya pagi harus ditempuh, namun tak berlangsung lama karena setelah beberapa saat perjalanan, kami harus kembali berkeringat dengan irama jantung yang kencang. Selama perjalanan Teringat cerita bang hadiyan tentang korban-korban yang hilang atau meninggal dalam pendakian. Menembus kegelapan malam bebekal cahaya head lamp, aku kuatkan hati, mantapkan langkah sambil terus berdoa dalam hati. Pukul 5.00 kami sampai di puncak gunung cikuray 2821 mdpl. Namun sayang matahari nampaknya enggan menggeliat dari peraduannya. Sampai pukul 8.00 langit terus tertutup kabut, namun seperti perkataan seorang teman bahwa puncak hanyalah sebuah bonus, makna sebuah pendakian telah kita rasakan sepanjang pendakian.
Puncak cikuray 2821 mdpl
Pukul 8.00 kami turun menuju camp, masak untuk sarapan dan kegiatan wajib yaitu photo-photo hehehe. Setelah membereskan tenda, pukul 13.35 kami turun dan sampai ke pos pemancar pukul 17.00 WIB. Dalam perjalanan kami mampir untuk membeli oleh-oleh khas cilawu di toko milik seorang pengusaha dodol yang kami temui di puncak cikuray. Kami berbincang, dijamu dodol oleh beliau, dan di perbolehkan untuk shalat maghrib disana. Pukul 19.00 kami melanjutkan perjalanan, sampai di jatinangor pukul 21.00.
Borong oleh-oleh garut
Bagi kalian yang ingin menuju ke cikuray menggunakan angkutan umum, kalian bisa menuju terminal guntur, garut kemudian melanjutkan ke pos pemancar menggunakan open cap dengan biaya 45.000 perorang (nunggu 15 orang dulu). Atau kalau kalian naik motor, kalian haruslah seorang yang lihai dalam mengendarainya, karena untuk mencapai pos pemancar medannya berbatu, menanjak, dan berbelok -_-
In frame : nafilah, dwi, kang becus, kang hadiyan
Thanks to : ahad trekmate yang udah nemenin pendakian kali ini
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Trekmates @prachi28950 @aseem.g @shamruddhiksanil @season_patidar_ @whitecoatholder #kadarkantha #judakatalab — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/35HYit3
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Τα γάντια Chamonix Gore-Tex® της Trekmates είναι ένας απαραίτητος εξοπλισμός για σχεδόν κάθε υπαίθρια δραστηριότητα. ⠀ #lightgear #trekmates http://bit.ly/2LZ4gi9
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I have got a story to tell!!!!
I have got a story to tell!!
I went for a trek recently and as usual uploaded the photos stories in WhatsApp and Insta. One of my best friends insisted me that I should write about the experience in detail since I went with zero company. I'm not so good with words or metaphors but here I'm trying to detail what I've experienced.
Usually, I have the habit of exaggerating everything. But when I decided to write about my trip, I wanted it to be damn honest and the way I experienced it and not for the usual Insta update.
For a long time, I was thinking of going on a solo trip and experience what actually it is. So when my colleague Keerthi who is an avid trekker told me about his experience, I got a spark that I should try this one. It took me around 5 months to convince myself that I will be able to make it and it took another 2 months to convince my paranoid mother why I wanted to do it.
After getting the blessings from Mommy Dearest, the date for the auspicious trek was finalised as Feb 3rd 2019. The plan was to reach Delhi by flight and train to Dehradun from Delhi. So I started to Delhi on 2nd Feb morning. Morning dawned as usual and I got ready as usual and boarded local train to airport as usual except the fact I'm carrying 60 litre bag. It was quite heavy and I still wonder why the hell I packed so much for a trek(First timer- you never know what you'll need :P) I left Singara Chennai with much love from two of my best friends Ani and Vaishu. To be honest, I didn't feel a thing till I landed in Delhi. The moment I got into the Delhi metro station alone, the feeling of doing something for the first time started to kick in. Now many of you think what's fuss about this going alone as if I'm going to Moon or other planet(I feel you guys!) but I'll tell you why. This is not something that happens in our household often. Even I go to Bangalore or any other place for office trips or any other trip for that matter, my mother make sure that I call her before, after and during the journey and book the safest mode of transport suggested by the company itself or being accompanied by a friend or colleague. I won't say that I have never travelled alone then it would be a big load of bull shit but this kind of trip and trek with bunch of strangers in no network area is not a usual one for us.
So I met two of my trekmates in the Delhi railway station and we started our journey together to Dehradun. Around 6:30 in the morning, I reached Dehradun and met the other trekmates who were waiting outside railway station. Then the introductions happened and a guy who looked not more than 20 came and introduced himself as my trek leader and he is Himanshu. Haha I was shocked. I had to check twice whether he was the trek leader for real. Then our journey to the village of Sankri began. Sankri is the base camp for our trek. It is around 180 kms from Dehradun. 10 of us got into tempo Traveller and started our journey to the base camp. On the way we had our dinner and lunch.
I still wonder why did I order Dosa in the pahadi restaurant. It was so worse all I wanted to do was to take a flight back to Chennai and have a Saravana Bhavan Dosa. And yeah I don't blame anybody. On the way I saw the glimpses of snow and Yamunotri ranges. Man I was damn excited for this trip!
At around 5, we reached our base camp and got settled in the rooms provided. I explored the village for some time and went to the temple and prayed without knowing who's the God🤦 Back in the camp, all the prerequisites for the trek(medical history, documents) were checked by our trek leader and he started the briefing for trek. We gave a brief introduction about ourselves and it reminded me of my college first day. Then I was so nervous but now it was so fun. I was smiling for no reason. 20 of trekmates came from different cities of India. One big gang from Bangalore, one couple from Mumbai to celebrate anniversary, one couple to celebrate honeymoon, one engaged couple, a father daughter duo from Kolkata, guys from Rajasthan, Mumbai. It was a mix of everything. Once the briefing was done, I went out to have my dinner and felt the first cruel chill of the trek. To be honest, I have never been in a place where the temperature is below 18° C. That too because this year we had actual winter in Chennai. So when you put me in the 4° C, obviously I would shiver and freeze. I was about to cry when I couldn't feel my hands. Himanshu smiled and said 'Hota hai hota hai'. Adeii!! All I wanted to do was to smack his face at the very moment. Then I grabbed the hot tea vessel and had some food for the growling stomach and retired to bed soon. I couldn't help imagining how I'm going to survive for the next 4 days. Truth to be told, I was excited for the trek and panicked for the cold. Somehow I was drawn into a dreamless sleep.
The next day I got up to the commanding voice of Himanshu. This time he wanted to check blood pressure at 6:30 in the morning. Phewww!! There gone my sleep with him. We got ready and had our breakfast and all set to go for the trek. On the first day we had to cross 2.5 kms. But believe me when I tell you it's not just 2.5 kms. When you ascend the mountain, you would feel it requires double or triple the energy to cross than the one guides have mentioned.
After getting the do's and dont's from Himanshu, we started our trek following the trail. We would have walked hardly for 500 m , then it was just snow. I came to know that this year the snowfall was very heavy and usually on this trek we get to see snow only on 3rd day but this time we got it 1st day itself. I was quite happy and excited and got into my usual jumpy mode to see the snow.
I had to pinch myself to make sure that I was not dreaming. I was walking on the 3 feet snow and all I could see was just snow. I played and played and played throughout the trail and fatigue started showing it's face before I could reach the 1st campsite. With much struggle and constant Chalo chalo echoes from the guides Sunil Bhai and Upi Bhai, I reached the camp.
It was such a mesmerizing sight! One side its a valley of snow and other side stood the glorious pine trees bathed in snow yet giving the majestic looks. We have got two local dogs to play with and it accompanied us to other camp sites as well. We played mafia, cards, some funny games for introductions and had a blast on the first day. It felt so very good to get rid of my inhibitions and be able to mingle with a group about whom I knew nothing of. Once the dinner done, some of us decided to go for star gazing and the argument, discussion about various topics during star gazing we had, are something that's gonna stay with me forever.
Second day dawned little cloudy and sun was not ready to come out and meet us. Today we had to cross 4-5 kms. There were three steep ascends in the trail and I was dreaded and excited as usual. But it was much better than I expected and was one of the firsts to reach base camp. On the way we had so much fun and as for me, 2nd day was the best. I sang the loudest on the way and threw snow at everyone I saw and we played with the fresh snow on the whole trail.
I stopped at so many places and wondered whether I'm in heaven. The moment I saw the frozen lake Juda ka thalaab, I fell in love almost immediately. How can everything be so pristine white like there is no hint of cruelty or bad vibes in it! Words fail me to describe the magnificence of the nature. No adjectives are enough to express the beauty of it. All I could do was to be in the moment and enjoyed it till lasts.
The same joyous mood stayed for the complete day. Even in the campsite, we played games but this time, on the snow. I was so carefree, and didn't have any worry about anything in the world. I made snowman(with huge help from Rahul), engaged in snow fight, played so many games. It was just merry making time for us.
After the two days of trek, I was confident that I could manage to reach the summit. So it was never a question of whether I could do or not.
Himanshu told that we would be starting at 5 in the morning for the summit. Around 11 pm, I woke up to the butterflies in my stomach. I thought it was the excitement and nervousness of climbing the peak. But later I found it was the butterflies of sickness. I threw up twice and Himanshu was called and he gave medicines and clearly told me that he wouldn't allow me for summit if my condition remains the same. So I prayed all the gods to keep me fit and healthy just for a day.
Around 3:30 am, we got the woke up call and we were welcomed with snowfall and bone breaking cold. I hoped that weather and my health get better before trek get started. An hour passed with the refreshments and nokjhoks. Weather got much better than me. I was feeling breathlessness for walking from my tent to dining area. Himanshu told me that I'm not going anywhere and asked me to take rest. After much pleading and him not wanting a debate in the morning, I started the trek. I took my father's muffler with me and keep on talking with it as if with my father. I keep on telling 'Appa epdiyadhu poidanum'. I pretty much managed half way then suddenly I started feeling nausea and was about to faint. I had to walk to a hut which was 100m away where I could take rest and start again but I couldn't even reach there. At that moment I realised I'm not gonna make it to summit and I failed. I informed my guides and Himanshu that I'm not coming and they can go ahead. I sat in the hut for 20 minutes feeling dejected and listening to a guide and other fellows who decided not to go to summit for various reasons. I listened and listened and suddenly I couldn't any more. I came out controlling my tears and looked at the majestic Kedarkantha peak for one last time and started to run to the base camp. Alone. Defeated. I blamed myself, my father, my health, Himanshu, anything and everything that came on my mind. And then I stopped and took a look around me. It was just snow and mountains looking at me. I sat there on the snow and started thinking why I failed. Then I realized I triumphed the moment I took the TT to Sankri with 10 odd strangers. It was never about the climbing the summit at 13000 ft. It was about me coming out of my comfort zone which I have drawn for myself. I still remember when I was roaming on the streets of Delhi, I gave a thought of going back to Chennai without even showing up in Dehradun. But I came to Sankri and for 3 days I was among the strangers doing things which I have never done in my life and lived my life like never before and survived -20° C. This is the success for me and this is what I wanted. If I climbed the summit, that would definitely been a cherry on the top but I can't sulk over it and not seeing the happiness and fulfillment I got every other minute over the past 3 days. I have never seen snow in my life but here I'm walking on the snow and couldn't see anything other than snow and beautiful ranges. Why would I worry for something which I can't control?? With determined mind, I started walking to the base camp. This time contented and happy. I danced, I sang, I laughed, I played, I talked with the mountains and I slid down the snow. Simply I lived in the moment and enjoyed the time. With the whole hearted happiness, I reached the base camp, gulped the medicines and waited for others to join. I heard the stories of people who climbed the summit and to my surprise I didn't regret the decision of coming down. We stayed in the pahad for two more days and enjoyed the bliss and started our way back to Dehradun bidding good byes to our guides, Himanshu and the black dog who accompanied me throughout the trek! Being emotional type that I'm, I shed two or three tears when Himanshu hugged and asked me to come back to finish the summit.
When coming back, all the memories of the last 5 days rushed in my mind and probably the precious memories of my life. I'm sure I will go back to see the mountains again. May be they wanted me to come again and that could be the reason for my sickness 😝 (When you're are so optimistic, you can say anything)
This 5 day trek was not just another vacation for me. It was the best time and there is a feeling of content and self realisation! I realised it's ok to give yourself a break and live the life a little at times!!
While we were on the trek, everyone had a story to tell. When they looked at me, I told them with much embarrassment that I don't have any story. Rahul cheered me up and said 'Now you have got a story'.
And yeah now I have got a story to tell everyone💛
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Trekmates Rannoch Moor Dry Gaiter
100% Nylon;machine washable at 30 degree celcius, tumble dry low, no softener, no iron, no dry clean, no bleach Ripstop lightweight fabric Elasticated ankle and drawcord adjustment
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Checked out #StarTrekDiscovery yet? Well have you discovered @checkfifteen's Star Trek spoof in which i, along with many talented check-mates (#trekmates?) appear to remind you to, yes, Check yourself before #cancer wrecks yourself! Watch it here or at the #Check15 page now! https://youtu.be/8BcQdaffOEc #bobochangacting (at Burbank, California)
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