sleidog · 10 months
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we ran a little DnD-esque oneshot last night with our guild and it was a blast! it was entirely written from the ground up as a homebrew, taking a lot of the mechanics from GW2 and translating them into a tabletop setting our party managed to: spend almost 2 hours in the starting area interrogating people [and possibly taking a sip of blood samples] sitting on a distraught/injured courtier until they calmed down enough to tell them all what was going on our resident charr rolled a nat one and shot herself in the face after her target ducked and her bullet ricocheted our buff blue boi attempted to drag the big boss down from pulling off his ultimate attack, but instead slipped on his silky robes and landed flat on his face in front of him and our funky little necromancer in the hood basically carried the party with so many boons 😂 but probably 70% of the damage to one of the bosses was done by our charr friend when she could land the shot, including one shot dealing a whopping 22,000 damage [which would have almost one shot any of the party members at that point if it had ricochet and hit them 😂]
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shroomlet · 6 months
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ecunderbase · 2 months
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(suddenly remembers to post my gw2 artfight attacks)
my girl, Crush, and @sleidog's Teodor are going to achieve liftoff. any second now. trust me..
(and a little bonus commentary, courtesy of Crush's older sibling, Tangk, and @shroomlet's Treabhor)
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shroomlet · 10 months
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glad you're okay qwq
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sleidog · 2 years
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cantha was a pretty fun time for Slei and Treab [@shroomlet 's boyo] until y'know, all that happened
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shroomlet · 2 years
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we have maids but if there were outfits like these 👀 slides gems
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shroomlet · 2 years
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anyways, have cute animated pod twins
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shroomlet · 2 years
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birthday gathering for @sleidog with a bunch of our plants together :>
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shroomlet · 2 years
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reference sheets for my little plampts
Teodor is owned by my partner slei c:
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shroomlet · 2 years
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art collab with @sleidog ft. my deadeye tebby c:
slei did the lines, i did colors
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sleidog · 2 years
3 pens, so you get the 3 merry dudes [even though one of them isn't mine, we basically have joint custody of all of our characters at this point] you get a lil fic passage featuring mostly Slei and Teo and a lil bit of Treab towards the end this leads off of the last ask where Slei was shoved into the vigil to work instead of being executed by the lionguard for a crime he didn't commit
Pale mother, the barrels Teo was hiding in stank. The red sylvari peeks through a hole he drilled into the side of the barrel, peering around as he saw the last guard yawn, asking for his break. When the coast is clear he makes for the shadows, sneaking about in search for his former partner in crime. “Come on, I know you’re around here…” He sure hopes he wasn’t in the barracks. There were too many eyes for him to have a proper chat with Slei. Doesn’t help that he now has a bounty on his head, which likely meant that his dear Slei might have squealed, but he doesn’t blame him. He doesn’t believe the crime suited him anyway.
Finally, he spots his brightly colored friend, alone as well. It seems the Vigil needed him for custodial services as the poor thing scrubbed the grimy floors with little success. Glancing around to make sure there was no one else to interfere, he made his move, announcing his arrival. “Helloooo~ long time no see, Slei.” He poses against the doorframe, eager to bring some cheer to his likely upset friend. 
Slei almost can’t believe his eyes, the mop in his hands dropping to the floor with a clatter. “You got five seconds to explain yourself.” A rare sight, Slei looks utterly furious with the vine-haired sylvari before him, if he doesn’t explain himself quickly, Slei looks like he’s going to punch him square in the face.
Teo blinks for a few moments. This doesn’t feel as sexy as he thought this would turn out. “Well, I wanted to bring you some snacks and gifts, cause from what I heard, the Vigil mess halls aren’t known for their cuisine.” He reveals a basket of food out of nowhere, though he starts to put it aside because he does not like the pace at which Slei is stalking towards him. “If you’re angry at me, they’re after me as well, so we’re even.” he shrugs. What’s done is done. Teo could be angry at him for slaughtering a bunch of innocents and pulling him into his mess, but he never liked keeping grudges. After all, they’re both in legal hot water, it’d be more bearable together.
“You ain’t facing a life sentence!” Slei makes a swing at him, clearly he wasn’t up for discussing the particulars. “You fuckin’ killed people!” The next swing he takes at Teo glances off his cheek, making an audible crunch. It’s hard enough to knock the red sylvari onto his back, Slei going after him and pinning him by sitting on his torso. “I don’t need your pity party…” He growls at him, a fist pulled back ready to strike him again. 
Teo cries out after being struck, arms moving up to protect his face. “What the fuck are you talking about!? I didn’t do nothing!” This is going horrifically wrong, where could he possibly get that idea? “Get off me, you animal!” He tries to shove and kick Slei off of him to no avail, and he feels no choice but to fight back, grabbing at his hair and eventually throwing punches of his own.
Amazingly they don’t attract any further attention with their kicking and screaming at each other, Slei is almost about to pull his vines off, when he stops to think about what he said. “Hold up. You didn’t? Swear on pale mother?” Slei stares him down, swapping to holding his collar instead of his hair which has already cut up one of his palms. He stands, backing off, yet still holding Teo at an arm's length from himself. 
“I didn’t, oh mother, my face… ” He’s almost tearing up, less from the pain, and more that he can feel the broken bark marring his cheek. 
“You better hope you’re tellin’ the truth.” Slei finally eases up on him, reluctantly releasing the collar of his armour. He steps back, pulling up a stray stool to sit on, this was all a bit too much too quickly and he can feel the adrenaline pounding in his ears. 
Teo takes a few breaths, trying to calm himself down and soothe the ache on his face. “I forgot how hard you hit, that hurt almost as much as you even thinking I would do something like that.” His frown distorted his handsome looks even more than his wounded cheek. “Would someone who blamed you bring you a basket of expensive treats? I think not.” They cost him a fortune. There was some fancy imported chocolates in there, and he’s very lucky it wasn’t ruined in their scuffle. “Even Treabhair was worried for you.”
Slei rubs the back of his head, settling the absolute tangled mess of ferns after their tussle. “So, you’re tellin’ me someone framed all of us?” He finds it hard to believe, he doesn’t recall anyone else being in on their plans, unless one of the twins bragged about it too loudly, but even then it would have been difficult to plan from the outside. He sighs loudly holding up his hands in surrender. “Fine, fine- I believe you. For now- But you’re gonna have to testify if we ever want to be off the legal hitlist again, you got that?” He sounds serious, more so than he would usually.
Teo seems to relax now that he’s sure Slei won’t bash his face in again. He still feels grumpy though. “You ruined my face. You’re so mean sometimes.” He crosses his arms. Teo was happy with everything else, but his face was sacred. “Apologise for my face, please. Then I’ll testify.”
Slei rolls his eyes with an exasperated sigh. “You want me to fuckin’ kiss it better? I’m sorry, alright?” He has quite the pout, though it’s genuine and not forced. He doesn’t need to wait for an answer, he knows Teo well enough. He pushes himself up from his stool, and reaches out carefully to touch his face. “...Yeah ouch, sorry, Teo…” He gently tries to help, but figures this kind of wound is best left to heal on its own. He does keep to his word though, offering a kiss where he wasn’t quite so splintered.
That quickly turns Teo’s frown upside down. He almost wants more, resting his arms around Slei’s shoulders. “I’d love to do some make-up fucking right now, but I feel like if we get caught we’re both getting executed. I’ll save it for later.” Teo pats him on the head to tease him, but seeing the big lug frown, he couldn't help but give a quick peck to his lips. “I better go turn myself in and get my ‘official’ telling off, I’ll see you later, please make sure they don't chop my head off.” He moves away from him, a visible hop in his step as he makes his way to the barracks, only to be roughly turned by Slei to the opposite direction, and told to go to Laranthir instead.
As Slei watches Teo skip away to Laranthir’s office, another figure emerges from the shadows, Teo’s pod brother. “You are lucky. If you made another misstep I would have cut you down like you deserved.” Treabhair walks past him, following after Teo. “I will turn myself in as well, for his sake. Don’t strike him again.” He gives Slei a glare before leaving, a warning, but the fact that he was going to do the same does speak volumes about his own innocence.
“Yeah, I said sorry, lots of times. Thanks…” He wants to call him a killjoy, he wants to mutter it under his breath, but now wasn’t the time. Instead, he watches a tired Laranthir emerge from his office, bewildered at having to deal with two more sylvari, but this time as willing captives. Laranthir shoots him a single glance before carting them both away, a look of confusion, indeed. Slei, on the other hand, finishes up what he was tasked with before he heads back to his room, tending to a few scrapes from his scuffle with Teo before he settles down for the evening.
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shroomlet · 2 years
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boyfren hehehe
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shroomlet · 2 years
🌶️🥕🍋 for treab?? :3
🌶️ [HOT PEPPER] Who would your OC declare their sworn enemy if they could meet them?
Hooo tbh less of a sworn enemy, more like a begrudging friendship type rivalry towards Sleibhain cause he thinks hes a terrible influence to his twin and keeps getting him in trouble (even tho he really doesn't do it on purpose and i don't think slei even knows why he's mad LOL)
🥕 [CARROT] How tough is your OC against certain situations? How weak are they against others?
In hand to hand physical altercations? wet tissue compared to his twin. He sounds tough and scary but he's very, average in strength and mostly just uses guns and tricks to make up for it.
If he has you at a distance he has much more of an advantage but otherwise you could probably put his face in the dirt dfsjgdfgsdf
🍋 [LEMON] What is their kryptonite/ultimate weakness?
...He doesn't know what to do if someone starts crying jdfgdg he's kind of caught off guard if his tough act is too mean and it makes someone cry, he really hates it if its in public and people stare at him cause it's uncomfortable and embarrassing :') so he'll very awkwardly try to calm you down like 'h-hey... there's no need to cry like that, cmon..."
(if you're someone he cares about a lot crying like maybe Stiu, it hurts him extra LOL he's going to buy you ice cream hoping you calm down)
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shroomlet · 2 years
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he's technically a guild wars oc, but i did a monster hunter AU for him since i use my ocs in all my favorite games lol
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shroomlet · 9 months
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Im trying to save more of my sketches and do cute sketchbook spread collage things so i can actually finish a sketchbook one day qwq
Also some alcohol marker and colored pencil practice with a rui and my deadeye treabhor !
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shroomlet · 2 years
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and pics of them in order c:
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