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“The Crusade” hoy cumple 13 años de haberse lanzado. ⚔️ ¿Cuál es su opinión de este álbum y cuáles son sus temas favoritos? 🤘 . #trivium #triviumfans #triviumband #todayinmetal #metal #triviummexico #thecrusade #triviumofficial #mattheafy #paologregoletto #coreybeaulieu #travissmith #roadrunnerrecords https://www.instagram.com/p/B3b5zs2AfrJ/?igshid=1sbhqoi2n8sjb
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This record celebrated a fifteenth birthday a few days ago. If you shat all over it upon its release, you were a gay ass metalcore fan that was unaccepting of the fact that Trivium wanted to grow. If you still hate it now you never outgrew Ascendancy....or grew up at all for that matter. Still think it's a blatant Metallica ripoff? You obviously have not been paying attention. I'm not shitting on Ascendency. But The Crusade does, in fact, kick Ascendancy's ass. It's light years away from Ascendency, because it's far more METAL than metalcore. Because fuck metalcore. Yeah, Matt Heafy ABSOLUTELY loses points for his Hetfield impression on "Anthem(We Are The Fire" ("WHOA! WHOOOAA!! YEAH! YEEAAAAAHHHH!!! YEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!). But Metallica were never this technical on a record, not even on ...And Justice For All, my all time favorite Metallica record. Lars could NEVER touch Travis Smith's drums. The guitars? If Kirk really was an influence, Matt and Corey both SMOKED HIS ASS in terms of lead guitar. I will say that Paolo's bass solo on "Becoming The Dragon" does remind me of something Cliff would've done. Maybe. Say what you want. Most of you passed judgement in 2005 and never got over it. It was upon hearing "Detonation" at the 2006 Sounds Of The Underground" tour that my friend/future lead singer Danny realized how much potential they had. The Crusade was CRUCIAL for Trivium. Why? Because with The Crusade, Trivium began to finally find their way. #confessionsofanangrymetalhead #metalhead #trivium #mattheafy #coreybeaulieu #paologregoletto #travissmith #heavymetal #thrashmetal #2006 #ascendancyisnotthatgrrat #getoverit #growuptheydid #roadrunnerrecords #soundsoftheunderground2006 #ihateyou #yourmothersawhore #itdoesntsoundlikemetallica Posted @withregram • @coreytrivium Happy birthday old fella https://www.instagram.com/p/CU8s9izrWvL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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@kobrapaige • • • • • Our new studio Record ‘Evolution’ is officially available for pre-order🤩 Link in bio!! Also have you checked out our new video for Burn yet?? Swipe up in stories to see🔥🔥🔥 #kobraandthelotus #evolution #napalmrecords #travissmith #preorder #new #music #katl6 #kobrapaige #jasiokulakowski #bradkennedy #marcuslee #ronnygutierrez #hardrock #rock #burn #metal #heavymetal #activerock https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Yv4HCn83o/?igshid=1x76gyzjmi27b
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Just for fun :) @seemsliketrav @anathemamusic #anathema #travissmith #theoptimist #music #albumart #meme #kirenbagchee #kirenindigital
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I had the pleasure of working with the guys from @persefoneband animating the cover of their upcoming album entitled 'Aathma'. Make sure to check out the album teaser here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=570&v=hy1IeW0OLB4 Special thanks to Ammon Allbee for letting me know about this awesome band \m/ Artwork by Travis Smith seempieces.com Motion graphics by David Letelier davidletelier.com #persefone #aathma #albumart #animatedcover #metal #artwork #travissmith #deathmetal #progressivemetal #cover #motioneffects #motiongraphics #davidletelier #newalbum
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#ActOfDefiance - Old Scars, New Wounds (2017, #MetalBlade Records) 'Auburn' Marbled Vinyl, # 14/300 . Lovely assaultive thrashing melodies to wake me up today. Beautiful record. . Actofdefiance.bandcamp.com #riffrelevant #dailyfacekick #henryderek #thrash #metalmusic #melodicriffs #shawndrover #metal #metalbladerecords #mattbachand #shred #oldscarsnewwounds #chrisbroderick #records #recordpsycho #vinylgram #instavinyl #nowspinning #travissmith #heavyriffs #metalcollector #vinylmusic #bringtheloud #vinylcommunity #recordcollection
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#undíacomohoy nace: Travis Smith, nacido el 29 de abril de 1982 en Bainbridge, Georgia, es un baterista estadounidense, fue el primer batería de la banda Trivium desde su creación en el 2000, hasta que lo remplazo Nick Augusto el 4 de febrero de 2010. Travis es muy conocido por su velocidad en los pies (se le conoce como "el rey del doble-pedal"; una habilidad que lo ha hecho merecedor de distinciones en revistas y otros medios) En los premios de la revista Metal Hammer, Travis recibió el premio "Mejor Baterista del año" #travissmith #drummer #trivium #birthday #borntoday #happybirtday 🎉🎈🎁🎂GcastilloR
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Far and Near CDs are available to order worldwide 🌎 at @burningshed https://www.burningshed.com/store/progressive/product/99/8364 #prog #progrock #jordanrudess #brucesoord #jimmykeegan #travissmith #spocksbeard #firegarden
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Hoy cumple 16 años “Ascendancy”, el álbum que sin duda consolidó a Trivium como una de las promesas del metal. 🤘 ¿Quiénes los descubrieron con ese disco? ¿Cuáles son sus canciones favoritas? 🤘🔥 . “Ascendancy” turns 16 today! That’s without a doubt the album that consolidated Trivium as one of the promising bands in metal music. Who discovered the band with that record? What are your favorite tracks of that album? . #trivium #triviumband #ascendancy #metal #16 #16yearsold #todayinmusichistory #todayinmetalhistory #metalcore #mattheafy #paologregoletto #coreybeaulieu #travissmith #roadrunnerrecords https://www.instagram.com/p/CMb9kCCgp7E/?igshid=b6u3qqf5kj7m
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Happy birthday #TravisSmith @TriviumOfficial #NowPlaying Inception, The Bleeding Skies by Trivium
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Artwork for the band @officialvangough and their latest single 'Knell'. Their new album 'Warpaint' is out March 17th featuring cover art by @seemsliketrav Be sure to check them out! #art #artwork #band #music #albumart #albumcover #albumartwork #vangough #knell #progressivemetal #progressive #rock #metal #travissmith #seempieces #kirenbagchee #kirenindigital
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Falleció Brent Young, quien estuviera en los inicios de Trivium como bajista de la banda. Matt y Paolo envían sus condolencias a los familiares y amigos de Brent. Que descanse en paz. 😔✨ . #trivium #triviumband #brentyoung #travissmith #mattheafy #rip https://www.instagram.com/p/CFnO151AzV9/?igshid=1716n5oe4ugct
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#mydyingbride artist Matt Vickerstaff is featured alongside interviews with @sikthofficial and @katatoniaband in the latest issues of Heavy Music Artwork Magazine. Www.heavymusicartwork.com #artwork #artists #katatonia #sikth #metalartwork #travissmith #design
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Apr 29th 1982 #TravisSmith former drummer and founding member with #Trivium was born!! #HappyBirthday #HeavyMetal @triviumband
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Just got my copy of @officialvangough latest album 'Warpaint'. I feel honored that my artwork is featured on the inlay next to the great @seemsliketrav Be sure to pick up yours! #art #artwork #albumart #albumcover #albumartwork #vangough #warpaint #progressive #metal #travissmith #kirenbagchee #kirenindigital
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