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Planilha de viagem
A planilha de viagem é uma ferramenta de organização financeira. Você pode anotar todos os gastos da sua viagem, tanto os gastos principais (passagens, hospedagem, alimentação...) quanto os gastos secundários (lembrancinhas, ingressos, medicamentos...), colocando o valor da moeda local e o valor da moeda brasileira, em caso de viagens internacionais. Você também pode acrescentar um espaço para pagamentos parcelados para ter uma noção do que ainda precisa ser pago.
Além disso, há quem prefira anotar o roteiro das viagens nessa mesma planilha para facilitar a organização. A planilha é uma ferramenta com itens básicos da área financeira, mas é possível personalizá-la de acordo com os interesses da pessoa viajante. Vale a pena investir nesse hábito! É sempre bom ter controle de caixa.
Pensando nisso, nós disponibilizamos gratuitamente uma planilha de viagem modelo básico para você, basta clicar aqui para baixar o arquivo!
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For just $79.00 100% Mulberry Pure Silk Single Liner Sleeping Bag Sheet Sleep Sack Camp Size:100×220cm with silk pillow Pocket Packed in Silk bag Pure silk sleep sack protects you from allergens, dirty bedding, and bugs. Sleep in comfort wherever you go with this portable travel sheet. Use in hotel beds or as a luxurious sleeping bag liner. This dream sack provides a silky cocoon of protection during your most adventurous journeys.
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At the point when we consider rest sacks, we ordinarily consider children. These little sacks work superbly protecting child warm and, discrediting the requirement for covers on cool evenings. A special reward is that infants feel cozy and secure - and ready to settle down for a decent night's rest. For what reason should just children rest like infants? Silk rest sacks and travel liners are an ideal route for us all to rest cozily and sufficiently. What precisely right? For what reason would you utilize one? Which ones are, where do you get them, and what amount do they cost? So a lot to discuss! How about we begin.
What is a Silk Sleep Sack? - A silk rest sack is actually what it seems like. It is fundamentally the same as in plan to a standard camping bed, just it is light and made of, you got it, silk. Hardly any textures feel as rich as silk, and it is additionally shockingly warm. For what reason would you utilize a rest sack?
*You need a lightweight dozing cover that you can cuddle in.
*A rest sack is ideal for hot as well as muggy conditions.
*You travel a great deal and don't care for dozing on inn bedding. Numerous European inns necessitate that you have a rest sack.
*You need a more agreeable, delicate covering for your camping bed.
*You need an increase in warmth under a bigger sofa-bed. A silk rest sack can expand the temperature by 10 to 12 degrees. Why turn up the indoor regulator?
*You need silk bedding that is simpler and more affordable than a sheet set.
*You disdain making the bed and this is simpler. That is a legitimate explanation, as well!
*You need better, more quiet, serene rest.
In what manner can a silk rest sack give better rest, other than giving smooth solace? Silk contains amino acids that can help mitigate you to rest normally. This is useful whenever, yet especially when you are voyaging and struggle dozing. With a silk rest sack, you will consistently have the solace of home with you. Which silk rest sack will offer the best fit for you? You can peruse the top rated silk rest sacks online here.
Before you surge out to get yourself a silk rest sack, pause for a moment to look at the best brands. At that point, you are allowed to surge all you need. As per MetaEfficient, the "manual for exceptionally productive things," the best rest sack is the excellent Cocoon Travel Sheet. This 100% silk rest sack weighs simply 6.3 ounces, a quill light touch that has a gigantic effect in your solace and rest quality. The Cocoon rest sack estimates 86 crawls by 35 inches, and silk has a characteristic protection from smell and can wick away dampness.
This is incredible for more sticky dozing conditions. Regardless of whether you utilize this without anyone else or as a liner to your camping bed, the Cocoon will assist you with getting the rest you need regardless of where you are. This silk rest sack is valued at $40 to $70 and incorporates a helpful convey pack. On the off chance that you need to get yourself a more intriguing and similarly sumptuous rest sack, Cocoon additionally makes the Silk/Seacell Travel Sheet. This excellent silk rest sack is made of 50 percent silk and 35 percent cotton. To this mix, Cocoon has included 10 percent seacell and 5 percent seacell dynamic.
These are well disposed to the skin, antibacterial, and fungicidal. Great, common kelp has for some time been valued for its recuperating properties and abundance of amino acids, proteins, nutrients, and different minerals. Apparently, when seacell contacts your skin, its dynamic fixings are released and can help diminish skin aggravation, unfavorably susceptible responses, and harm from free revolutionaries and ecological aggravations. The Cocoon Silk/SeaCell TravelSheet has a side opening with Velcro for simple access - ideal for the individuals who like to conceal yet lay down with their feet out. There is additionally a pocket for your cushion and twofold sewing and strengthened gussets for ideal solidness.
Does the ocean growth truly advance wellbeing? You'll unquestionably appreciate discovering. You can get the noteworthy seacell rest sack for $80. Another top brand that you can't resist the urge to stumble into as you continued looking for the best silk rest sack is DreamSack. Silk rest sacks made by DreamSack are all around inspected on TravelGearBlog, eBags, About.BreastCancer, Uncommon Goods, ProTravelGoods, and numerous other shopper locales.
The DreamSack Extra Roomy Opening Silk Sleep Sack is a well known decision. Why go for the additional large? Commentators have noticed that the standard size can be somewhat cozy for normal estimated grown-ups. The Extra Roomy fit is additionally better for the individuals who like to move when they rest. This DreamSack is made of 100% Habotai silk. It estimates 7 feet 9 inches and incorporates a pocket for your cushion. The lightweight rest sack creases down to the size of a couple of socks.
It likewise has a side opening. An upbeat commentator says that it gives a sentiment of "unadulterated solace and...of being home" when you are most certainly not. The DreamSack is $80. DreamSack additionally makes a twofold silk rest sack for $125. Silk rest sacks are a successive explorer's closest companion, however they are additionally truly reasonable for home use. Silk bedding is lavish, delicate, and relieving. Why not have those solaces whenever you like? You can search here for other extraordinary silk rest sacks.
One more silk rest sack that is definitely justified even despite your thought is the Grand Trunk Silk Sleep Sack. This is a sumptuous 100% silk camping cot liner and sheet that can keep you warm when it's cold and cool when it's hot. There is both a side and a top passage, and the 84 x 36 inch rest sack accompanies a waterproof convey pack. Put a cushion in the pad compartment and you are prepared for bed. At only 5 ounces, the Grand Trunk Silk Sleep Sack is an ideal partner in crime. You can discover it for $40.
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Erste Vorbereitungen und die Vorfreude steigt
Anfang November konnte ich mich endlich entscheiden, in welches Land ich möchte. Meine Entscheidung fiel auf Costa Rica. Über die Organisation "Praktikawelten" habe ich mich dann sofort für einen 4-wöchigen Spanischsprachkurs (da ich noch kein Wort Spanisch spreche) und im Anschluss für das Wildlifeprojekt von ebenfalls 4 Wochen angemeldet. Danach möchte ich noch einen weiteren Monat bleiben und durch Costa Rica reisen.
Nach der Zusage musste ich sofort meinen Lebenslauf und ein Motivationsschreiben an Praktikawelten schicken - und das beides in Englisch. Weitere Unterlagen, wie die Mitreisendenlise und persönliche Infos zu meinem Projekt, folgen. Die ersten Vorbereitungen laufen bereits.
Ich freu mich jetzt schon total und kann es kaum erwarten. Meinen Flug habe ich auch schon gebucht. Ich fliege tatsächlich nach Costa Rica! Am 26.01.2019 beginnt meine kleine Reise. Ebenso habe ich einen Termin beim Tropenarzt gemacht, da ich mich noch gegen Typhus und Hepatitis A impfen lassen muss.
Zudem sind die bestellten Sachen auch auf dem Weg: Moskitonetz, TravelSheet, etc. pp. Das ist aber noch lange nicht alles. Da fehlt noch eine ganze Menge an Zeug.
Im Verlauf des Monats werde ich mir eine genaue Packliste machen.
Über alles Weitere halte ich euch auf dem Laufenden…
(08.Dezember 2018)
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Ins Blaue hinein?
Auch wenn es verlockend und romantisch erscheinen mag, einfach so seine sieben Sachen zusammen zupacken und abzuhauen - aus der gewohnten Umgebung zu entfliehen, so ist das doch nicht so ganz möglich.
Ich würde dieser Möglichkeit vielleicht offener gegenüberstehen, wenn ich nicht alleine reisen würde. Man befindet sich irgendwo auf der anderen Seite unserer Erde und hat keinen Schlafsack zum zudecken? Eine Magenverstimmung und kein passendes Mittel ist verfügbar? All dies wär zu zweit kein allzu großes Problem. Zwei Köpfen fällt schneller eine Lösung ein und selbst wenn nicht: Es gilt immer noch "Geteiltes Leid ist halbes Leid"!
Doch alleine an einen mir komplett unbekannten Fleck dieser Erde zu reisen erfordert für mich einiges an Mut (auch wenn ich mich natürlich ungemein auf meine Reise freue!) und damit mir dieser Mut nicht zu schnell abhanden kommt, möchte ich doch das Eintreten von komplizierten, unvorhergesehenen Situationen auf ein Minimum begrenzen.
Das allerdings bedarf einiges an Vorbereitungen und Vorkehrungen. Nicht nur bloß das Informieren mittels dutzender Reiseführer und Tipps aus dem Internet, sondern auch die passende Ausrüstung ist nötig.
Angefangen beim richtigen Rucksack über Reisehandtücher und Hängematten bis hin zur Reiseapotheke und einem Standby-Vorrat an Tampons: Es muss für möglichst alles gesorgt sein. Und -mein Gott- was ist das für eine Qual der Wahl. Wer wusste, dass es solche Unmengen an Travelsheets gibt? Welches davon ist denn bitte die beste Wahl? Am Ende kostet die Ausrüstung, die ich auf meinem Rücken durch den Kontinent trage, wahrscheinlich mehr als die eigentliche Reise...
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Compact beach picnic blanket made from strong ripstop parachute nylon includes built in sand anchors and valuables pocket . . . . . #beachblanket #picnicblanket #travelsheet #campingblanket #outdoorblanket #sandproofbag #blanketmat #picnicmat #pocketblanket #polyesterblanket #outdoorcamping #picnicmat #waterproofblanket #beachcamping #pocketbeach #travelblanket #minipocketblanket #campingoutdoor #beachmat #beachmats #customblanket #blanketcustom #miniblanket #miniblankets https://www.instagram.com/p/BwEbIUQgvbK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=anb9r0eu7pmn
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