hostelfish · 6 years
~~Traveling is a Make or           Break for Relationships~~
To travel is to take yourself away from familiarity, sever yourself from the comfortability of the couch and tv, and immerse yourself in a new place where you have the opportunity to learn more about humanity and yourself. As enlightening and thrilling as traveling can be, it can also be stressful, exhausting, and frustrating. To travel is to relinquish yourself in some respects to the ebb and flow of Life. You feel heavily the ups and the downs. I, personally, love solo travel for those reasons. It’s a study of Self, and one’s place in the world. When you introduce another person, or multiple other people, into the situation there arises several other layers of energy to contend with. Each persons’ comfortability, each persons’ mood, each persons’ preferences, etc…they all need to equate well in order to have a pleasant journey together. I’ve found this is to be more difficult than I used to think.
I believe every couple should take a significant trip, or two, together as an ultimate test of their relationship.
They should extract themselves from the comfort of everyday life, and accept the all-telling challenge of compatibility that is traveling. If they can connect on the intricate levels that the ups and downs of traveling prompts, then that is a very good sign. They will be infinitely more “together” and connected if they are able to successfully enjoy such a powerful thing together. If they cannot find ways to match energy, emotions, communication about preferences, etc. then that is also indicative.
So, have you been in a relationship for a while and you’re beginning to wonder about things? Pull up Skyscanner or Googleflights and start contemplating…. We “must away!”
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