gratifiedbean-blog · 5 years
Summer 2019 Entries-- I guess
The other half of day 2 - shopping ig
Day 3 Starts another night for “movies.” Watching the first 2 eps of Hyouka. KVP asked if I had a thing for KH. I said no. I am slowly sick of it because friendships tend to be overlooked when it is between a male and a female. It makes me want to be an aro. Everyone forgets that friendships are relationships too. Played some would you rather questions. I slept at 1 AM.
Woke at 9 to go to church. No biggie. Some good small talk with Daniella. I’m planning on having to finish a book before summer ends. I want to make a consequence if I don’t finish the book.  So I got P in on this. He has to read a book before summer ends too. My consequence is that if I don’t finish by the end of the summer, I have to tell the discord server my birthday. I can’t think of a consequence for P.
Tonight was Coco and Hyouka arc 1 some random youtube videos and then Your Name.
Leading onto day 4 - May 27 We stayed up until like 5 in the morning. P and I texted a lot during Your Name... which is why P didn’t get what was going on. It was a very very deep talk at 3-5 in the morning. Personal as in we’re telling each other our stories. We wanted to stay until 6 so we can say hi to NK and E when they wake up to league. No one made it to the 6 AM mark. We all knocked out cold.
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gratifiedbean-blog · 5 years
Summer 2019 Entries-- I guess
May 29 - Woke up at some late noon hours. Wasted my whole day. Accidentally ditched volunteer meeting at 4. Went to the gym with my parents at around 6. Watched some movie, I forgot what. Slept at 2 on the 30th
At around 12 to 2 AM, I was just talking to KH and PG. Some puns here and there. Some pick up lines. Knocked out at around 3 AM or so. Woke up at 9:30 when I had to make it a friend’s house to carpool to the bonfire with a Christian club at school. Time at the bonfire there was nice. Good talk with KvY. Had to leave at 2:30 ish to go to the library to make up that volunteer meeting. Came home at 5. Wanted to nap but wasn’t able to. Watched 2 movies with PG and KH then knocked out cleanly at around 12 AM on the 31st of May.
Day 8 - May 31st: I failed my permit test. I missed 10 questions. After eating brunch or so, I told some close friends about me failing it. Then went to small groups with the blank face, not mentioning a single word of my permit test. We finished the rest of Tsurezure Children.
Day 9 - June 1, Saturday. During like the AM of Saturday, KH was trying to figure out my birthday. I gave him the hint that the date is prime and adding the date and month gives a total that is not prime. KH legit made a spreadsheet. PG went to sleep at like 3:40 ish while I hold KH back from knowing my bday. I told him why I don’t want people to know my birthday. That turned the mood very depressing. This was at 4 and KH’s confirmation was at 6 AM on Saturday. Say our good nights then parted. Woke up at like high or late noon to discover that there was a park hangout with the Young People group. Went, then I got the maroon sweater. Then to parents’ small groups at 7. Got to read a good junk of The Knife of Never Letting Go. Came home.
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gratifiedbean-blog · 5 years
Summer 2019 Entries-- I guess
Continuing on Day 4 After waking up at 11, I just ate and waste my time on my laptop. I wanted to sleep but wasn't able to. I got to read a chapter of “The Knife of Never Letting Go.” Went to Fry’s Electric to see the things we need for building a computer and approximating the price for building one. Still didn’t get to think of a consequence for P for finishing a book over summer. Went home. Started another move at 10. A movie about basically Japan during world war ii. 
Leading onto day 5: May 28 I told Aidan Robertson Happy Birthday at 12:18 AM or so. After finishing the movie, PG (aka P but now I know his last name lol), KH, and I just knock out. We need our energy for the bonfire.  Woke up at 9:30 ish to pack the things and build some food. Got picked up at 11:30 or so. Made it to the pier at around 12:15.
Okay, this is going to be a little long. Beach Hangout 1 The first thing that I did was swimming for a nice hour or so. Water as freezing and there were so many seashells that we walked on. The bottom of my feet was hot pink. Went back to our tent or base to have a little lunch. I didn’t eat much. So there was 15 that came. RK, KVP, TL, SC, TP, NK, JN, KH, KT, KvL, KnL, E, PG, D, and me. :D I was about to go back to the water but it was too cold. So I just sat in the sand and watch others have fun. Playing with the sand was soothing. NK, P, and KH came up to the sand for a little bit and just sat there. NK and I had those indirect depressive talk and joke sitting there. Then we head back to change. Then head to CVS to buy KH league money. Yea that makes sense. Ooooooooooookie. When I was by the sand to watch others play, the others split into some groups to buy certain things on the main street. So we are in 3 groups. We met up, took some pictures. Then went to CVS. Being in the first group is JN, NK, KH, and I. The walk there was nice. Especially getting to talk to NK. Blub bloop blab boi. His intentions are pure. A precious one that needs to be protected. Once we got back to base, I wanted to sleep. It was aight. We had some good talk. NK, JN, and I. There were 2 other groups. One playing cards against humanity and one on the tarp thing talking. Tbh the group on the tarp was the kool kids group. NK, JN, and I talked about topic from all over the place. Now I got another hugging buddy. It’s NK. :D  The bonfire was lit and we roasted marshmallows and make s’ mores. Burning all my papers was great. PG found some of my drawings which was an oof. Took a lot o group pictures because TL was the first to leave. Then JN’s and KT’s group have to leave. This includes JN, NK, KVP, KH, KT, KvL, and E. NK gave me a hug before leaving which as noice :D. I stared at the firepit for a long while before SC said to start walking to be picked up. SC’s group includes KnL, TP, SC herself, and me. PG walked with us half way and waited at the police station for his ride to go home. RK and D were the last to leave the fire pit. SC, TP, KnL, and I waited on the Main street for a while. Then head SC’s mom came to drive us home.  After showering, texted for a bit and posted some pictures before movie night. So PG found out my bday by stalking my facebook account. ;-; So I don’t have a consequence for not finishing my book before summer. PG, KH and I watched Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. Then everyone just knocked out after that at 1:30 AM.
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