#trash-gobby requests
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Hi, I found out that you take requests about Legend. So my request is this: Darkness x reader NSFW.
The reader (neutral gender or female, you can decide) finds out that its brother was capture by the goblins. So the reader dicides to save its brother but after it enters in the Great Tree and reaches inside, it meets Darkness. Darkness seduces the reader and... Sex time ahahah
For the time of this events... I don't know. I hope this is sufficient and sorry for my English 🙈

Summary: The reader seeks to save her brother from Darkness's clutches, but taken by her beauty, Darkness has other plans for her.
A/N: Bruh, this took me over a year to write and I haven't written porn in a looooong time. Hopefully this isn't to underwhelming.
Word Count: 6.4K
Parings: Darkness X Fem!Reader
Characters: Darkness, Reader
Citrus Scale: 🍋
⚠️This is an 18+ post because of the NSFW!!! That means I DON’T encourage anyone who interacts with NSFW content who is underage. I’ve talked to other people who’ve been long time content creators and users of this website and I’ve come to the conclusion that I am not your parent and can’t control what content you consume.
Detailed warnings under the cut
⚠️Warnings!: fingering, rough sex, table sex, overstimulation, a little bit of cockwarming at the start, some orgasm denial, creampie? (bro I can't think of another term it's 3am), biting, scratching
Columns towered over you, casting huge patches of shadow which made you feel small and insignificant their wake. The ceiling was so tall that you felt that perhaps there was no end to it, as it melted in to a black abyss the further you looked up. It felt like walking among the world of giants, or a world that used to be inhabited by them, as everything was covered by a couple layers of dust and cobwebs.
You couldn’t help but be slightly afraid as you made your way further in, having to remind yourself why you were here under your breath. That somewhere in this maze of darkness and cruel magic, your brother was waiting for you, or at least you hoped he was.
He was so young, kind, and innocent. Not a little boy who should be trapped in a place like this, taken hostage by a beast that you’d only heard of from the village storyteller who’d tell the tale to all the locals who would gather around the his campfire at night.
As a young children you’d all huddle together as close as humanly possible to the fire, letting the heat slightly burn your skin, the orange glow shadowing the old man's face. The hard lines and liver spots becoming even more prominent in the light. He looked menacing, and you supposed for a story like that, it was just how he wanted to look.
In a low haunting voice he would tell the tale of how Princess Lili and the Unicorn. How she had wanted to touch this sacred animal, and in the process set herself up to plunge into the darkness. To be seduced by it. The story took many turns, and you had found yourself in rapt awe, fear and something strangely more illusive. Something you dare not name aloud, for you found it shameful. Pleasure.
However, the fear was what was most prominent in your mind as you finally made your way up to the gigantic double doors that you hoped lead to a clue to where your brother might be. The stone of it looked cold and heavy, almost like it was made for a giant with strength greatly out-matching yours. However, when you laid your hand against the cool surface of the door, it was like it sensed you physical presence. The air rushed through your hair and over your simple tunic and pants as the door slowly opened.
The sound of crackling and an orange glow met your eyes and ears. Slipping into the room, some more squat columns greeted you again: squat and looking like they were sprouting from metallic leaves which embraced their base. The stone tiles were littered with the remnants of falling passing into the winter, dead leaves and dirt.
As you made your way slowly into the room, you took in more of the atmosphere. Everything was bathed in the soft orange glow of a large and ornate fireplace. It would have been comforting if not for the huge stone carving of a demon, depicted holding what looked to you like a trident, sneering down at you. The light also elongated the furniture, of what little there was, and columns, making it look like anywhere there could be someone or something hiding just out of sight in the darkness.
There was a large amount of open space in front of the fireplace which led up to a long banquet style table, which only features some equally gruesome candelabras. The bodies of them were gothic in style and onyx black, all sharp edges like the teeth of a wolf. By far the most eye catching thing within the room though, was a mirror standing to the left of the fireplace.
Although all the furniture seemed to be made for someone twice your height, the mirror felt like it was at least three times that. It had the similar macabre design to the other furniture, but even more elaborate.
The frame had an elaborate folding curtain carving all down the left side of it, making the mirror seem more like a window then what it appeared to be. The right side had intricate carvings which were mesmerizing in their design. As you walked further into the room, your desire to run your fingers over the whirls and edges.
Finally reaching the center of the open space of the room in front of the fireplace, you felt the warmth of the fire and it's soft crackling and pops from the wood. Every sound echoed throughout this vastness of the room, into every dark corner. You turned around in a circle, letting your eyes scan all the corners of the immediate area for anyone who might be hiding just out of view.
When you came back around to facing the mirror, you could see what was reflected back at you: a frightened young girl playing at hero, hoping that it would pay off. Hoping that if she musters up enough courage to use the dagger at her hip in order to get what she wanted. You almost felt like laughing at the toddrey display of false confidence you had been so earnest in cultivating up until this moment.
Then you noticed something, something out of place in the reflection, behind you in the background of dancing shadow created by the flames playing off the columns.
At first you thought it was a statue, tall and sculpted, but it didn't match the stoney grey and bronze quality of the decor. The arm of the statue was a crimson, leading up to black flowing fabric. Your eyes lingered up this arm to a pair of eyes glowing a greenish-yellow hue in the dark.
What stood just a few meters away from you in the dark was something large and alive. Stepping into the light, you gasped, turning to face the giant man. Could you even call what stood before you a man? More of a man-beast which had come right out of the fairy tales told around that storytellers fire.
You backed up quickly, tripping over yourself and slamming your back heavily into the glass of the mirror. Your eyes hadn't left the figure who was advancing on you.
He was almost as tall as the mirror itself, broad and muscular with skin a bright crimson. His chest was laid bare in order to give the impression of just how capable he was of crushing anyone who would dare try to face him. Legs seemed to be just as strong, though they were mostly covered with black handmade bottoms.
Giant horns protruded upward from either side of his head, and his face was at once both handsome and gruesome in appearance. As he stepped forward heavily on his hoofed feet, Darkness smirked down at you.
"What has this night brought me? A lost little lamb perhaps? Separated from its flock." You tried to square your shoulders and seem more intimidating than your miniscule stature made you seem.
"Trying to be brave? You must be here for a reason instead of just stumbling into my halls." He chuckled softly at this display, sizing you up with his sparkling yellow eyes.
"I...I'm here to get my brother back," your voice sounded so small echoing off the walls of the large room. The voice of a being which could so easily be broken under the hooves of this giant before you.
"I know why you're here," Darkness began to move slowly, and you tracked him with your gaze as he started to circle you. It felt like you were a helpless rabbit being sized up by a hungry wolf before it pounces.
"While you were busy coming to save the child, did you ever stop to ask..." He paused a moment, somewhere behind you, causing you to look over your shoulder in order to see what had made him stop.
"What he did to be taken." As you turned your face to look at Darkness, you're met with his. So close you can feel his breath on your face, count the teeth in his sly grin.
You step back, startled, grasping for the dagger at your hip. As your hand closed around the leather hilt of the blade, drawing it, Darkness moved quickly catching your arm in his powerful grip.
Vice-like, you winced under the pressure of his large hand wrapped around your wrist. Your breath caught in your throat before coming out in a whimper between clenched teeth.
"I wouldn't do something so brash little lamb, you might hurt yourself," you felt paralyzed. His hold on you was solid, immovable. When you tried to pull yourself free, it felt like you were stuck, unable to even move your arm an inch in Darkness's hold.
"Let me go," your words seemed hollow, devoid of any intimidation.
Moving slowly with his free hand, you flinched slightly as he closed his fingers around the blade and yanked the dagger free from your grasp as if it was nothing. only then did he finally let you go, standing to his full height and stabbing the dagger into the side of one of the columns.
It fit perfectly into the stone, which shocked you. Surely the blade should have broken on impact, but it was like the column had parted around it.
"Why don't we sit and discuss this over a meal? No need for these hostilities. They bore me." You followed his hand as he sweeped it over to the table you'd noticed when you'd first come in. Where it had been bare of anything but the candelabras, now it was full of plates of food.
Your stomach ached, making you realize just how much time had passed since you'd first set out on your journey. The last time you'd eaten, it had been an apple and a couple pieces of bread a day away from your final arrival at your destination.
"How do I know you haven't poisoned the food?" You asked, looking back to Darkness as you did.
"If I had wanted you dead, you already would be. And why would I waste such interesting company?" The smirk he gave you as he said this had something else hidden behind it. You could see it in his eyes, raking over your body, meeting your eyes and holding your gaze for a long pause.
You wanted to feel disgusted. Men in your village had looked at you in a similar way. When they were coming home from the local tavern drunk at night and walked by you on your way home from working late in the fields.
They would give you that look, the look so common among men when they'd stare at women they desired. A mix of desire and contempt, like a child who desired to covet the last sweet all for themselves. Although childish, there was a predatory danger behind that look which made you always slip into a dark sidestreet before men like that could even catch sight of you. Hiding from the potentiality of what could happen if they decided to act upon their visible dark desires.
However, in this case, for some reason, Darkness's gaze didn't make you more afraid then you already were. It didn't make you want to turn and run. You felt ashamed that not to deep down, it made your stomach flip in a way which wasn't unpleasurable.
Turning, he walked over to the head of one end of the table, pulling out the large high-backed chair and looking to you again as you stood there.
"Please, dine with me. Let's discuss this without fighting. It's been a while since I've had a guest." What could you do but slowly make your way to the chair he'd pulled out.
As you moved to sit, he pushed in the seat behind you, like a gentleman. The whole display would be rather funny, the devil being a gentleman and inviting you to dinner, if you weren't still a little terrified.
Coming around from behind the chair, Darkness reached out on the table for a large jeweled bottle of wine. Without asking he poured the dark red liquid into the goblet in front of you, before walking over to his own seat and pouring his own glass.
Once you were both seated at either end of the table, you felt a little more relaxed. The distance of being at either head of the table was far enough that it gave you a false sense of security.
"What shall we toast to?" Darkness addressed you raising his glass with a quirked brow.
"What?" You were taken aback by this strange situation. It hadn't really fully dawned on you just how much he'd been trying to distract you from your goal.
"What shall we toast?" He repeated.
"I... I didn't come here to dine with you. I came to get my brother." As you said this, something dark flashed behind the composure of Darkness. Perhaps his patience with you wasn't as limitless as it seemed.
"My dear, we will get to that all in due time," the words were spoken less with his smooth sounding tone he'd been taking with you. This tone was all teeth. You decided not to push it, raising your glass tentatively.
"To making acquaintances?" Your statement came out as more of a question as you spoke. Darkness seemed to pause as you said this, before smiling.
"Yes. To making new acquaintances," You both toasted your glasses unable to touch, instead gesturing in each others direction before taking a sip.
You winced slightly at the rich taste. It wasn't unpleasant, but it was unlike any of the wine you'd ever had before. Only ever having had cheaply made wine in the tavern with friends, you'd been used to the sour poor flavour. This was rich and oaky in taste. Pleasurable to the mouth.
Looking down from your focus on the contents of your goblet, you were shocked to find a silver plate before you. A lamb shank, seasoned with delicious smelling spices, mixed vegetables and potatoes lay before you, making your mouth water. Where it had come from was your guess. There were many things about this strange place which made no sense to you.
Across the table Darkness had also gotten his own food. A large leg of lamb. No vegetables to be seen, which didn't surprise you. A beast such as him, it made sense that he would be exclusively carnivorous.
"So, tell me... Why would you come here all alone? Wouldn't you want to bring some strong warriors with you little lamb?" Darkness asked as he used his utensils to cut a healthy chunk of meat from the leg.
"I.. They're coming. They just got delayed by the swamp," It wasn't a convincing lie. You wanted to smack yourself for how stupid it sounded coming out of your mouth.
"You are not a convincing liar. The truth is written all over your face. Your little village was to afraid to help you." You didn't know what to say to this, looking down at your plate.
"I feel for you little lamb. It is hard to feel abandoned by those who you're supposed to rely on." Looking up from the plate, you met his eyes from across the table. He seemed sincere, with a tinge of sadness.
"They said it would be to dangerous. That I should consider my brother as good as gone-"
"And you weren't willing to give up, not on someone you loved. Not on family." He interrupted you, leaning forward across the table slightly.
"Yes. I-I suppose I should ask what my brother did to be taken," You held Darkness gaze as you said this, reaching for your own utensils and started to cut into the lamb shank in front of you.
"Mmm. Yes. That." Darkness took another long sip from his drink, looking up to the ceiling as if he could find the words for how to tell this story somewhere up there.
"He was in the forest. But I'm sure you knew that already. There he came across something one of my servants had left unattended, the fool." At this, Darkness snarled, almost slamming his own goblet down on the table, making you jump in your seat.
"Sorry. I don't intend to frighten you. I just ask so little of those under my service. Yet they still disappoint me. Your brother took this object of mine, and for that I had him taken in return." You were confused by this. Your brother had always been a gentle soul, someone who wouldn't steal, couldn't. Not without feeling extreme guilt afterwards.
"Please, tell me he's still alive, that you haven't harmed him."
"You think I'm some kind of monster. That I would just murder a child," Darkness said through bites of lamb.
"I've heard the stories about you. Slaughtering armies, eating babies, seducing unsuspecting women," you had begun to wolf down more bits of food as you mentioned this, almost casually.
"Only two of those are really true, and neither is the devouring of infants," he chuckled at your little ravenous display.
"They say all sorts of things about me in the little villages that surround my forest. Rarely are those things ever as true as they appear. I don't seek destruction, only order in a new form. I don't take anything unless something is taken first from me, and I don't give unless it is desired of the recipient," Your eyes met his eyes across the table once again, and as he finished the final sentence you felt yourself flush slightly. Betrayed by your own body.
He was attractive in an animalistic way, that was undeniable. The defined masculine nature of his face, its wicked yet alluring qualities, his strong muscular chest laid bare for you to see. The fact that he didn't care if you saw him in this near naked state, it was enough to be slightly arousing to you.
You wanted to fight this more than anything else. The urge to feel for him, as you had when you'd first heard the story of him and Lili. How he'd seduced her to sin.
"What do you desire, lamb?" You felt like he could read your thoughts, like he knew that your mind had wandered onto the dangerous path of lusting after something that could never be, should never be.
"I want you to let my brother go."
"I will, in due time. I have what he took, I was only curious if anyone cared enough to come for him. He made it seem as if no one would." Darkness admitted taking one last sip of wine.
"But he knows I'd come for him. I'd never just leave him," you felt a little bit of sadness well up. The fact that your brother had thought no one would want to come looking for him was disheartening. And in part he was right.
You were the only one who had come to look for him. No one else had been willing to, they had all considered him a lost cause. Perhaps they even thought you were just as lost, not seeing a point in coming to look for you either.
"He will be happy your here. I will take you to him when we have finished here. He isn't being held in a prison. He's a guest here like you." This was all well and good, but you weren't sure you believe this fully. Was this all to good to be true.
"There must be a catch to this. I can't imagine you would just let us walk out of here," you focused on Darkness as he took in what you were saying.
"I just wish for company. Two nights and two days, then you may both leave. I only ask for someone to talk to, to share my thoughts with," Once again, his eyes seemed to wander, like he wasn't sure how to frame what he was trying to say. It made you feel like he was perhaps struggling to express what he was feeling.
"Your lonely." It wasn't a question as much as a statement, and you hadn't even realized you'd made it until you noticed his eyes had fixed back onto you.
'I-I didn't mean to cause offense," you said quickly.
"No, no you're right," Darkness said raising from the table, pushing back his chair. He took a few steps in the direction of the fireplace, his back to you. The glow of the fire catching the red of his skin, making it glow softly. You could read in his skin, every curve, sharp angle, broad and soft. It stirred something deep in the pit of you.
"I've been alone for a long time. No one to speak with. No one to share my company," He looked over his shoulder, catching your gaze on him, the way you seemed just as hungry for him as you had been for the lamb.
"No one to touch," turning fully, Darkness walked back over to stand in front of you, towering high, looking down into your eyes.
"You never really answered my question little lamb," he said, his voice seemed deeper, more soft as he said this, causing your heart to skip a beat.
"I don't know what you mean," you mumbled, still completely focused on the man-beast before you. How he was looking at you, the way his breath seemed more heavy than before.
He reached down with one of his hands, thumb and forefinger resting against your jaw and chin. You felt deep down that you should draw away, not let this monster who had kidnapped your brother touch you. However, his touch was so gentle, rubbing your skin, making you shiver.
"You never did tell me what you desire," his voice was like silk against your skin.
"What I desire?" You sounded punch-drunk to your own ears. His fingers trailed your jaw, down to your neck where they lingered.
"I can see it written in your eyes, you desire more then just to see your brother home safe." As his fingers made their journey lower, they caught on the front ties of your tunic.
You stopped him before he went further by laying your hand over his. Darkness didn't pry, didn't try to push you beyond your means. He simply kept your eye. You could see the desire burning in him. What he wanted.
What did you want though? What were you doing? Why were you allowing him to touch you like this?
Deep down you knew all to well why. All those nights of wondering and dreaming those sinful dreams. Desiring him without thinking it would come to anything. Knowing now that those dreams were within your grasp.
His hand was warm in your grasp, so whole and real. Pulling it to your lips, you kissed his palm gently. You couldn't put into words your desire for him which had laid dormant, but now had been fully ignited. Instead actions felt like the best way to express what was starting to burn deep in your core.
Darkness used his free hand to cup the side of your face, leaning down so that his face was level with yours. You could see every line, every curve of his face, the passion which was evident in his eyes.
You could feel the heat of his breath on your face. It didn't smell unpleasant like you would have expected. Instead it smelled the earthy flavor of the wine you'd been drinking.
As he placed his lips on yours you could taste it. His mouth was softer than you expected, and when he kissed you it made your head spin.
It slower, gentler than you thought it would be. He pulled back from you, allowing you to catch your breath.
Suddenly he grabbed you, causing you to yelp. He lifted you like you weighed nothing. Darkness body was flush with yours. You were able to feel how strong he was, every muscle in his torso.
As your hands traced his arms, you could trace the contours of muscular frame. He was so much stronger than you, so much bigger. You knew if he wanted to, he could break you and there was nothing you could do to stop him.
For some reason the very idea of this, made you feel aroused. There was also the fact that you could feel through the limited clothes which Darkness wore, his massive bulge.
Once again, his lips crashed into yours. His teeth were sharp, but somehow he managed to nip at your bottom lip without drawing any blood. He was gentle, yet the more he persisted, the rougher of he became.
You moaned as he pulled away to start kissing your neck. Those kisses soon turned into love bites, teasing and pulling at your skin. His ministrations were causing blood to rush to your face and the ache in between your legs to grow pronounced.
Supporting you by your thighs, Darkness walked you over to the table and pushed aside the plates and candelabras to make space for what was about to occur. Placing you prone on your back, he leaned close over you, meeting your eyes again.
"Little lamb, are you ready to get what you truly desire?" husky, his voice felt like liquid amber making shiver run down your spine, and between your legs wetter.
"Darkness... Please," you were beyond the point of no return and all you wanted was to be satisfied by this beast of a man. He chuckled, delighting in your small plea.
"What do you desire?" he asked for the third and final time.
"I want you," your words came out in a keening whine, body hot with desire. Darkness smiled. A mixture of smug self-satisfaction at finally getting you to admit what you wanted.
He leaned in and layed kisses on your neck again, making you moan. Licking and nipping at you, and then proceeding to suck on the sensitive pulse point of your neck.
As he continued his ministrations with his mouth, his hands wandered up your body, ghosting over your clothed stomach.
You felt that aching anticipation as his long clawed fingers finally reached the ties on your tunic. Darkness pulled away from your neck, and you knew from the way he'd been sucking and nipping at your tender skin, that there would be at least several bruises left behind.
You held your breath as he slowly pulled the ties free, pulling back the light cotton. Goosebumps pebbled your skin as it was exposed to the air of the room. Your nipples were already hard from him teasing your skin. Darkness took notice of this, using a thumb to tease one of your nipples, sending pleasurable sensations through your body and making you let out a sharp breath.
Dipping down, his mouth meeting your other nipple, tongue flicking it experimentally. The sensation was even more pleasurable than his thumb making languid circles.
Seeing the pleasure written on your face, Darkness latched himself on and sucked gently, savouring your gasps. Using his long tongue, he circled the bud slowly, before nipping with his sharp teeth.
The hand working your other nipple started to wander, as he continued working you with his mouth. Tracing his claws softly down your stomach, before reaching your bottoms. They were light and stretchy enough that you knew he could slide his hand easily down between your legs.
However, he kept teasing your skin just above the waistband. It felt like butterfly kisses, the way Darkness would barely ghost his claws over your skin.
It made you quake inside with anticipation of what he would do next, even though a good portion of your focus was still on him licking and sucking your breast. You were close to begging him to do anything to sate your now aching arousal, desiring to be filled with all he desired to give you.
Slowly he finally began to slip his fingers under the waistband of your bottoms. Instead of dipping lower, he started to pull on your pants, sliding them down. Darkness pulled back from teasing your nipple in order to focus on getting your pants off.
They slipped off easily, making you feel even more exposed than when he'd removed your tunic. All that separated your wetness from the air, was the thin material of your panties.
Slowly, he lowered himself, kissing the center of your chest. Moving downward to your stomach. His hands lightly traced the inside of your thighs, trailing a road leading closer and closer to the last bit of clothing on you.
As Darkness made his way down with his mouth, his fingers finally reached your panties. One of his clawed fingers traced a rhythm on your inner thighs, as he used his clawed forefinger to trace the band of your panties. Quickly he used the sharpness to snap the band, before quickly tearing away the flimsy fabric.
Large rough fingers traced your lips, actively avoiding you clit. Teasing you, he experimentally traced your opening, coating the tips of his thick fingers in your juices.
Whining, you tried shifting your hips, trying to get his fingers to rub against your swollen aroused clit. However, he was tactfully able to evade your attempts. Using his free hand, Darkness pressed down on your stomach to push you down, chuckling.
"Patience. Good things will come at their own time," like honey, his voice poured over you, sweet and smooth. He wanted to make you suffer and to writhe under his control, that much was clear.
From the satisfied little grins he would make whenever his touches made you gasp or groan, to his careful movements across your body. He'd avoid certain spots, leaving them until last, drawing out the anticipation of pleasure.
Coating his fingers in your juices thoroughly enough, Darkness seemed to finally be ready to give you just what you wanted. Trailing his thumb up, he lightly ran it over your sensitive nub.
The sudden sensation made you flinch slightly from the sudden contact before letting out a small whimper. Being teased for so long by him, had made you so aroused you thought you might be brought to release if he touched you again.
He was patient, letting you adjust and taking his time before touching your clit again. Darkness was light and soft, starting in a circular motion, keeping you close, but not quite close to the edge of release.
As he set a comfortable pace, which had you biting your lips and gasping lightly, he inserted his forefinger slowly into you. His hands were large, and so were his fingers. Stretching your walls, Darkness was careful with moving inside you. Even though he had quite sharp clawed nails, he was gentle. You could feel the length, the notch of his knuckle as he adjusted to your tightness.
Working his thumb, building up a steady rhythm. You could feel yourself slowly coming undone, with the intense sensation of him rubbing your clit with that now pleasurable burning feather-light touch. This was coupled with him working his finger inside you, causing that coiling tension to get tighter and tighter every time he hit that one spot.
It felt so wrong but so good. Knowing that he was so big, his presence so dominating. Looking up you met his gaze, piercing and focused on your every subtle expression. Written on his face, you could see the pleasure he was taking in seeing you lose yourself to his ministrations.
Noticing your gaze meeting his he gave you a knowing smile. He could tell how close you were. That you were about to reach your peak. Just him fixing his enticing bright yellow gaze, with all its illicit unsaid implications was enough to bring you right to the edge.
As if he knew the tension built up had reached it's height, Darkness withdrew his hands from you. The sudden absence of the sensations drawing you to your climax, made you groan in a shameful combination of annoyance and desire.
Darkness chuckled, looking over your body, tracing every curve and flushed bit of vulnerable flesh. He then let out another deep chuckle.
"You're really desperate for me. I can see in your face, your body." Reaching out one of his hands, he lightly traced your cheek, slowly. You wanted desperately to lean into his touch, but you felt heavy with the built up pleasure.
His finger inched its way to your lips, moving over them lightly, before slipping between. You let him, sucking at it lightly, tasting your own juices. Locking eyes once again with him, you watched how heavy his breath became, the smile from something mischievous to a look of pure unbridled lust.
The sound of cloth shifting, you looked down in time to see Darkness, undoing his robe with his other hand. A thrill ran up your spine as you saw the outline of his cock against the fabric as he fought with the fabric.
When it finally dropped to the ground, you saw what was in store for you. His dick was big, going from a lighter shade at the base to a little darker near the tip. Some precum leaked coating the top and running dribbling a little down the ways of his length.
Removing his finger from her mouth Darkness brought his hand to hold her hip, as he used his other lined up his cock with your entrance. He rubbed his cockhead, against you, adding again some stimulation to your body once again.
Coating himself in your fluids, mixing with his own, rubbing them over his length. His teasing was almost unbearable, feeling the slight throbbing of desire in your core to be filled.
He must have known what you desired, as he stilled his movements momentarily before pressing his tip to your wet aching opening, sliding slowly in.
Using his hand he had used to tease you, he rested it again the surface of the table to gain balance as he pressed further into you. With every inch you felt filled. It was painful, yet you didn't want it to end.
The sensation of every throb and vein sent a twinge of pleasure through you. Leaning down, Darkness brough his face close to yours, allowing both of your heavy breaths to intermingle.
Letting out a low almost primal growl, the large devilish man bottomed out. Never before had you felt so utterly stretched. Darkness had stilled in order to let you get used to his size, and while it was painful, it was less so then you expected.
Knowing you should feel ashamed, or at least disgusted by what was transpiring had fallen to the back of your mind, all you wanted was for this man, this beast, to fuck you. However, Darkness had other plans, staying still as stone inside of you.
Desperation started to set in and you tried moving in order to create some delicious friction. Instead, being stopped by Darkness hand on your hip tightening, holding you still.
Letting out a frustrated noise, only served to make the man laugh softly and lean in so his mouth met the shell of your ear. "Are you comfortable?" His voice was almost mocking, smug.
You just wanted him to move at this point. Being filled like this was making you so aroused in the most frustrating way.
"Please." In response to this desperate plea, Darkness leaned in further, pressing down on you, lightly nipping the sensitive skin of your neck playfully. Before he finally gave you what you wanted so badly.
Inch by excruciating inch, he pulled himself back until he was nearly fully out of you. The emptiness was only momentary though, before burying himself back into you setting a brutal pace.
Darkness was merciless with his thrusts. At first it was painful, but that was slowly being replaced by the building tension in your core.
The way he gripped you tight, claws digging into your skin, sure to leave marks and his mouth finding your throat only served to heighten your desire.
All the shame and fear had been washed away and replaced with passion brought on through flesh meeting flesh. The lewd sounds which your bodies made as they met serving as a symphony for your conflicting emotions finally being forgotten.
Now all that was on your mind was having this beast of a man ravage you forever, to have this sensation of such pleasure brought on through every roll of his hips causing him to hit that sensitive spot within you.
If you'd known being seduced would include feeling like this, so utterly free. Only letting your mind focus on the sensations of Darkness cock pounding into you, his teeth skimming the skin of your neck, it was all becoming to much.
A pleasurable burning sensation had started to build again, announcing your climax was imminent. Moaning and wrapping your legs around Darkness waist, you tried to match the thrust of his hips.
You could tell he was getting close himself, as his pace picked up, the table creaking slightly as he pounded you into it brutally. There would be bruises to go along with the claw-marks on your hips.
His frantic movement kept pressing girth right into the perfect spot to bring you right to the peak. This time you were going to get to fall of the edge.
You cried out as Darkness allowed his teeth to sink into your neck, bringing pain once again to the overwhelming pleasure sending you over the edge. It felt like a damn breaking as you came, clenching around his length, body twitching.
Darkness pulled his face back from your neck to admire your body as you came, still fucking you through your orgasm. His eyes filled with predatory lust focused onto yours. Bringing one hand to your throat, he squeezed lightly bringing his lips crashing down onto yours.
Pumping himself still at a fast animalistic pace, growling into your mouth. Then he thrust as deeply as he could into you before releasing himself inside your walls.
You could feel the hot spurts of fluid deep in you, painting your insides. So much of it.
Pulling away his face from your own, he looked once again into your eyes. "I suppose we should negotiate your brothers return to your village. You I might find harder to let go of."
#babys first smut fic#bro its been a long time#legend 1985#legend darkness#legend#darkness legend#tim curry#ridley scott#darkness x reader#minors dni#darkness smut#legend darkness smut#legend 1985 smut#darkness legend smut#trash-gobby requests#trash gobby requests#trash gobby fics
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Hello!! I was wondering if you still do Hellboy character requests? If so, could you maybe do a Prince Nuada head canon with a agent reader?
Prince Nuada X Agent Reader Headcanons
A/N: Might turn this into a fic tbh. seems like more of a summary of a story then HCs haha. Hopefully these are enough for ya'll to enjoy
Pairing(s): Prince Nuada X Agent!Reader
Characters: Prince Nuada, Reader, Hellboy, Nuala
⚠️ Warnings!: minor bits of non-descript violence, not canon compliant, kidnapping
✨Being on the opposing side of the main conflict in HB2, it took a long time for Nuada to even consider you an ally, let alone later, a lover.
✨He first met you at the Troll Market, when you stumbled upon him. You were investigating a lead which ended up with the two of you fighting in one of the less populated parts of the market. Down a side-street.
✨He was impressed with your ability to wield a crossbow, along with quick-thinking hand-to-hand combat. Having been trained in several different martial art styles, you were able to hold you own. However, you had a hard time keeping up with Nuada's inhuman agility. In the end you were spared by taking your fight to a slightly more populated area and disappearing into a crowd due to him hesitating to kill you.
✨This is where the seed was planted for him to take notice of you. His feelings are still largely negative, with your next confrontation being at the library when Nuada comes for his sisters half of the crown.
✨He and Hellboy fight, but you end up cutting in after Hellboy is injured and end up having another fight with Nuada yourself. Instead of killing you, he ends up almost fatally injuring you. You end up spending the final confrontation in critical condition recovering in a medical wing of the BRPD
✨The crown is destroyed and Nuada + Nuala both survive the events of HB2. Nuada is taken in as a prisoner of war by the BRPD.
✨While Nuala picks up the pieces of her shattered people, creating a treaty with humanity to find above-ground land her people can live on, Nuada is planning his escape.
✨You've been assigned to helping with relations between Nuala and members of BRPD who are seeking to create beneficial relations between their bureau and the Bethmoran people
✨You end up confronting him while in captivity about him nearly killing you, and expressing that if he ever escaped you would hunt him down.
✨Seeing your scars visible from how he injured you, while he's still filled with hatred, there is a tinge of regret for hurting you.
✨His sister wants to give Nuada a second chance to do something for his people by contributing valuable information from his travels in order to determine what land would be beneficial to move the new Bethmora to.
✨He see's her attempts at relations with humanity as a futile attempt and continues to refuse to help. However, when you threaten to leave him to rot as you are one of the only people who he will get to see, Nuada says he will offer some help if you come back the next day.
✨Thus begins the tentative relationship between the two of you, as he offers a little info each visit, his spite lessening slowly.
✨As you begin to create some weird comfortable rhythm to your visits, Nuada starts to open up a little about his past and debate you on your people (humanity).
✨Though you do argue, and have many differing opinions on the topics, Nuada is feeling conflicted about what are starting to become feelings of familiarity and affection towards you.
✨He hates himself for starting to have feelings towards an Agent in the BRPD let alone a human. However, this won't stop him in his pursuit to escape his prison and get revenge.
✨Eventually he will have all he needs in order to finally break out of the BRPD. While doing so, he ends up confronting you again.
✨Your fight goes a little better with you nearly defeating Nuada. However, he does get the upper hand and manages to disarm you. However, instead of killing you, he takes you hostage as a bargaining chip to use against the BRPD
✨During this kidnapping you end up having even more heated arguments about how what he's doing is wrong, and his feelings towards you gives him even more inner conflict about what he is doing.
✨He takes you to one of his hideouts in the tunnels of the subway system beneath the city. There you end up noticing for the first time his reluctance to hurt you badly, unlike before.
✨You confront him about this and he admits on some level that he has started to like you, and it is something he wants to quash.
✨This realization starts to make you think more about your own conflicted feelings, and how there might be something there within you which could be affection.
✨In the end, although you are on differing sides of a conflict, tension builds to a breaking point and you end up sharing a kiss.
✨This creates even more conflicting emotions within you both. Nuada tries to distance himself, and you try to figure out what you are going to do.
✨Finally you make the decision that whatever this is between you, it isn't as important as what Nuala is doing for her people. You can't let Nuada use you or whatever he's planning to destroy the relations between humanity and the Bethmoran people.
✨Planning your own escape, you find the right opportunity to get away, taking advantage of Nuada's affection for you and your training as an agent to disappear.
These are a lot of HCs so I'm gonna leave it there. I think any more and this would be the plot to a novel lmao
#prince nuada x reader#nuada x reader#nuada#nuada silverlance#prince nuada#hellboy#hellboy 2 the golden army#bprd#hellboy 2#hellboy ii: the golden army#trash gobby requests
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Could I request being Kuvira’s sibling and dating Korra (The Legend of Korra) hcs please?
Korra Dating Kuvira's Sibling Headcanon's
A/N: I hope this isn't too lacking in detail haha 😅
Pairing(s): Korra X GN!Reader
Characters: Korra Reader, Kuvira
⚠️ Warnings!: Spoilers for LOK
✨You met Korra first in Zaofu, where you and Kuvira were both taken in by Suyin Beifong.
✨Instead of working as a member of the Metal Clans guard, you ended up being personal assistant to Suyin
✨You don't posses the ability to bend metal, thus making it hard for you to integrate fully into the metal bending clan. This has also generated a slight rift between you and your sister, who is a master metal-bender.
✨Korra and you took an immediate liking to each other, and bonded over your mutual enjoyment of pro-bending.
✨You are pretty starstruck by her being a member of the Fire Ferrets formerly. She feels a little shy about it as she initially thought you were pretty physically attractive.
✨However, as you two start to open up to each other more, and she expresses her anxieties about Zaheer, you really start to bond.
✨She invites you to accompany her and Opal to the Air Temple, however, you still want to fulfil your obligations to Suyin in the Metal Clan.
✨The next time you and Korra meet, it's when you go with Suyin and Kuvira (at your insistence) to help when she confronts Zaheer.
✨After Korra's traumatic final battle, you visit her when she is recovering. You notice that she isn't the same woman you knew, but can't place what the issue is.
✨When Kuvira starts to slowly get her claws into the Earth Kingdom, taking over land she shouldn't. You begin to doubt her motives and leave one night when things get to intense for you.
✨While making your escape from your sister and going into hiding briefly as you make your way to Republic City, you run into Korra.
✨She is at her lowest and at first tries to avoid you. However, you convince her to let you travel with her.
✨You only start to get close romantically after her confrontation with Zaheer where she learns to let go. This allows her to also start to move forward with your relationship.
✨You aren't officially dating, but only start making it official near the end of the events of book three.
#the legend of korra#legend of korra#tlok#avatar the legend of korra#korra#korra x reader#kuvira#kuvira has a sibling#trash gobby requests
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Hello! Can I request 👋 and 💕 headcanons for Zeke Tyler from The Faculty? Ik know you said you’re going through some stuff so I hope you start feeling better before you try to tackle anything too much :(
Zeke Tyler - General & Dating Headcanons
A/N: as requested. Some Zeke Tyler HC's. It's been a really long time since I've posted anything and I'm not sure how much that's gonna change with my mental health. I'm gonna attempt to start writing again though. Not sure.how successful that's gonna be, so bear with me 💀
Pairing(s): Zeke Tyler X GN!Reader
Characters: Zeke Tyler, Reader
⚠️ Warnings!: mentions of parental neglect
General Headcanons
✨Zeke likes to build up a lot of walls in order to keep people at a distance. Preferring a small close knit friend group over a larger cohort of friends.
✨ Really enjoys chemistry, with it being his strongest subjects. Although he hasn't really thought much about applying his knowledge to anything besides his current business.
✨ Doesn't actually enjoy the feeling of being high despite being the school's local dealer. The only thing he really enjoys doing is caffeine (in coffee) or alcohol.
✨ Keeps the fact that he enjoys reading for pleasure under wraps. Zeke doesn't like letting many people know about his interests as it will give them a way to speak with him.
✨ Wants to learn to play the bass but hasn't found the motivation to actually do so.
✨Would rather eat rocks then go to a Ivy League college as he finds the idea super unappealing due to the emphasis on uniformity over individuality
✨ Has this crazy idea to travel across America living in a van. Van life style vibes
Dating Headcanons
✨Zeke will be pretty hands off when first starting to date anyone. He doesn't trust many people so the relationship will start off a lot more physical and casual rather then trying to establish "normal" dating.
✨ He's had pretty disinterested parents so he's developed the idea no one really cares about him for real. So he's gonna think your interest in him is superficial at first.
✨ It'll be a struggle to get him to open up. If you eventually are able to make him realize you really care about him then he's gonna have to re-evaluate his feelings for you.
✨ It'll take time and a lot of trust being built, but he's gonna start to open up. Slowly at first, with his genuine interests and then with his hopes for the future.
✨ Once you've really genuinely bonded he'll never want to let you go, as the first person who's really showed they care about him
#zeke tyler x reader#zeke x reader#zeke tyler#the faculty#the faculty 1998#zeke tyler headcanons#horror fandom#horror#the faculty fanfiction#trash gobby requests
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Hello, love!
I was wondering if I could request some HCs for Severen and how he would be with a mate that is a pinup & girly and how he’d be around them and maybe what the Hooker clan would be like towards them as well? Thanks so much 🖤
Severen With a Pinup Girl Reader Headcanons
Pairing(s): Severen Van Sickle X PinupGirl!Reader
Characters: Severen Van Sickle, Reader, Jesse Hooker, Homer, Mae, Diamondback, Caleb Colton
⚠️ Warnings!: I do bash Jesse Hooker for being the grumpy old confederate he is
✨Severen wasn't really sure about his S/O at first. Warming up to anyone is a little hard for him, and your overly girly peppy demeanor.
✨What really drew him to you was your dedication to your aesthetic choices. Your love for the Pinup Style and culture, not giving a crap if people would judge you on the street, or men giving you lecherous looks.
✨Pinup culture of old was very much about exoticizing and sexualizing women for the pleasure of soldiers at war. That was Severen's only impression of the culture and his first impression of you.
✨You convince and show him however how the modern movement of pinup culture is about sex-positive empowerment. Your style is a part of expressing your sexual nature and making it your own. Not just for the male gaze.
✨The way you are willing to passionately and staunchly defend your choices in the face of the often grumpy, judgmental and toxically masculine Jesse is another thing which attracted Sev to you.
✨Severen has always been a rebel who enjoys defying authority. Seeing your bravery and willingness to go to bat for your sub-culture is something he finds super attractive.
✨Your obsession with tight high waisted pants, spending your time perfecting the victory roll hairstyle, and applying a balanced red lip was another big turn-on for Severen. He isn't a perfectionist when it comes to style in the same way, finding your dedication interesting and worth learning from in your relationship.
✨Jesse is gonna judge Severen's choice to make you his mate pretty harshly. He still holds the Pin Up culture as something sexualized only and that you're not gonna be loyal. He doesn't take you seriously or how you feel for Sev. Jesse's entirely conservative attitude won't allow him to even consider the possibility of sexual empowerment through this sub-culture.
✨When Severen confronts Jesse about it and backs up your position stating: You're just stuck in the past, and I ain't gonna waste my time on you if you keep pushing this bullshit on my girl. Jesse decides it's better to just deal then fracture their family due to a disagreement.
#severen x reader#severen van sickle x reader#severen van sickle#pinupgirl!reader#fem reader#pin up girl reader#pin up girl#near dark#near dark 1987#trash gobby requests
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Could I please request the colonial marines with a virgin reader? Please and thank you
Colonial Marines With a Virgin Reader
Summary: So this was a long time coming. There are some people with less details then others. I still need to work out some of my headcanons so things might change in the future.
Hopefully this works out and y'all enjoy anyway 😅
Pairing(s): Colonial Marines X GN!Reader
Characters: Cynthia Dietrich, Mark Drake, Colette Ferro, Ricco Frost, Scott Gorman, Dwayne Hicks, William Hudson, Daniel Spunkmeyer, Jenette Vasquez, Reader
Citrus Scale: 🍋
⚠️This is an 18+ post because of the NSFW!!! That means I DON’T encourage anyone who interacts with NSFW content who is underage. I’ve talked to other people who’ve been long time content creators and users of this website and I’ve come to the conclusion that I am not your parent and can’t control what content you consume. Just consume responsibly, and know your limits. And If your a minor please DNI
Detailed warnings under the cut
⚠️ Warnings!: Sex, not super explicit references to sex acts
Cynthia Dietrich
✨ Being a medic Cynthia is very attuned to people's anxieties and insecurities.
✨ She won't pressure you into sex either and doesn't see your virginity as anything weird or worth looking at you different for.
✨ Being the person who takes your virginity isn't something she sees as a prize she's won or something to brag about. It's something intimate between you and her which she'd only talk about with others if your comfortable with that.
✨ She'll be attentive and slow when first having sex with you. She'll let you be the one to initiate so it's at a time where your comfortable.
✨ Cynthia also finds it hot informing you what turns her on and how to please her, as much as finding out what your into.
Mark Drake
✨ Drake is pretty macho, so knowing that you are a virgin is going to be something he's pretty excited about.
✨ He's excited that you want him to be your first, and will feel generally pretty chuffed about it.
✨Learning to respect boundaries is something you will have to discuss with him, since he kinda has a brick for a brain. Once you have a discussion with him, he'll be able to cater more to your comfort level/needs.
✨Drake is petty dominant and a aggressive as a lover, so you would either be really into that, or have to discuss how to deal with that when losing your virginity for the first time.
✨Gonna be the one to initiate sex, but will only continue if you're down in the moment.
✨See's sex the complete opposite way Dietrich does. Definitely needs to take some classes in how not to see sex as a conquest 😒
Colette Ferro
✨ Ferro is pretty open about sex, so she'll be pretty up front about her feelings about virginity. She doesn't have an issue with it at all, she just might be shocked you haven't gotten laid yet lmao
✨Very cool about not pressuring you into having sex before you're ready. Will wait for you to express interest before going down the road of actually having sex
✨Not into the idea of bragging rights about sex, despite having a very sex heavy sense of humor with other marines, like Hudson, Drake and Vasquez
✨Prioritizes your pleasure when it's your first time so that you can have the best first experience as possible.
Ricco Frost
✨ Spunkmeyer is pretty casual about the ideas of sex. He doesn't really care about whether you're a virgin or not.
✨His reaction when you tell him is probably just gonna be to say "cool" and move on. He's not trying to be dismissive, he just doesn't really have an opinion either way.
✨This means when it comes to sex, you'll have to talk to him about your expectations and comfort level, as he approaches sex the same with everyone otherwise.
Scott Gorman
✨ Gorman is super nervous when you tell him about the fact that you're a virgin. It's not that he thinks it's a bad thing. He just has no idea how to handle sex with someone with no experience.
✨He may get way to in-his-head about how to make your first time the best possible time. He doesn't want to make you feel uncomfortable on any level (especially emotionally and physically).
✨In the end he might even need more time to get around to the idea of having sex then you.
✨You'll most likely have to have a conversation with him expressing that he doesn't have to be perfect in order to make you happy when it comes to sex or anything else.
✨Eventually he will calm down, but he is a perfectionist and a people pleaser, which is a double edged sword.
✨Probably gonna be the most basic in the bedroom out of everyone in the marines.
Dwayne Hicks
✨ Hicks is gonna feel pretty honored that you want to share your first time with him. Despite being pretty on board with some of the raunchy jokes the other marines make, he is pretty serious about sex.
✨Comfort, privacy and intimacy are a must for Dwayne when it comes to setting the perfect atmosphere for having sex.
✨It's as much about the setup and foreplay for Hicks as it is about sex itself. Making sure the mood is perfect.
✨He's gonna want to make you feel like the most important person when you are ready to finally take things to the next level.
William Hudson
✨ Total ham, so he's probably gonna make a joke about the fact that you're still a virgin. You'll have to let him know if it makes you uncomfortable (but he's probably still gonna make jokes about it. He's an ass).
✨Hudson is also a horny bastard, so knowing you're a virgin is kinda something he thinks is hot. Doesn't mean he won't respect your boundaries, he totally will. But he will express interest at certain moments in desiring you.
✨Will also try to get you interested in different ways, both attempting to be appealing and through humor. Whether that wins you over is entirely based on what you find attractive.
✨Pretty balanced when it comes to making sure you're having fun and him in the bedroom
✨Definitely gonna be chuffed that he's your first, but won't go around sharing it with his buddies.
Daniel Spunkmeyer
✨Spunkmeyer is also not super experienced, so he's gonna be one of the least judgmental. He has only been in one other sexual relationship before joining the military.
✨He's not been as active as others when on leave, wanting to enjoy having time alone to recenter over getting drunk and having a one night stand.
✨Will probably need a lot of your input on what positions, pacing and other things are the most appealing to you.
Jenette Vasquez
✨ Vasquez has a lot of experience with partners of different skill levels and experience sexually.
✨She'll be a really good guiding hand for helping you discover things about yourself, while also learning more about herself in the process.
✨She's very into preening with the other guys in order to keep up rapport, but she will not take it well if anyone makes fun of or implies things about you sexually. She's protective of your privacy, especially when you don't have any experience.
✨Very much balanced between give and take, but will make the experience of your first time fun and memorable for the right reasons
#colonial marines x reader#cynthia dietrich x reader#mark drake x reader#colette ferro x reader#ricco frost x reader#scott gorman x reader#dwayne hicks x reader#william hudson x reader#daniel spunkmeyer x reader#jenette vasquez x reader#aliens#aliens 1986#colonial marines#alien franchise#alien series#trash gobby requests
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hii, so im not sure if your currently writing for the alien (1979), but i thought i would ask anyway, would i be able to request dating hcs for dallas and lambert? if not that’s completely fine just thought i would ask! thank u <3
Alien (1979) - Dallas & J.M. Lambert Dating Headcanons
Summary: Dallas and Lambert dating headcanons for you all to enjoy.
A/N: THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I am a huge fan of the Alien sequel, but I LOVE the first film sooooo much as well. I am really happy someone requested these characters so I get to do some writing for them.
Pairing(s): J.M. Lambert X Reader, Dallas X Reader
Characters: J.M. Lambert, Dallas
⚠️ Warnings!: None.
Dallas Dating HC's
✨Dallas is much more of a traditionalist when it comes to dating, though not in a traditionally toxically masculine way.
✨He does like the old-fashioned, paying for the first date and opening the door for his date. However, he makes room to understand and meet his partner on a comfort level.
✨If his S/O was previously, or currently, involved in military service, he will have a huge amount of respect for that. Dallas used to serve in the United Americas Outer Rim Defense (UAORD) as a pilot.
✨This doesn't mean he won't have a healthy appreciation for a partner with other work and goals.
✨He will be slow to open up about his past with his S/O, since he feels a large amount of shame for his military career ending with over 15,000 lives ending under his command.
✨Dallas feels a need to prove himself as a leader and person, his confidence having been shaken to the core due to his fall from grace. This might make him come off as a little controlling in a relationship, wanting to plan out every date to perfection.
✨You will have to have discussions with him about this insecurity at some point if you want to make the relationship work.
✨Very good listener when you're talking about your struggles and hardships. He knows what it's like to have a hard time and wants to make sure you feel appreciated, listened to, and respected.
✨Respectful of physical boundaries, and believes in letting you choose when you're comfortable with physical intimacy.
J.M. Lambert Dating HC's
✨Lambert is a very sensitive and kind partner. She loves being able to be close to her partner.
✨She needs to hold herself back emotionally sometimes from her excitement and enthusiasm for them (especially on the first date).
✨Her love language is definitely physical. Coming up behind her S/O and giving them a hug while they are working in greeting, or holding their hand while walking together.
✨Lambert is very open when it comes to her partner. If they are going through any big life changes, she is super supportive and will give them the space they need to deal with their lives. If their S/O wants Lambert to be there though, she also won't hesitate to be your side.
✨She does have issues with being able to regulate her emotions. Lambert is more likely to react negatively if she perceives someone has an issue with her. Insecurity is something she will have to learn to deal with, and that her S/O will have to patient with her about.
✨Pretty open about the fact that she is trans because she doesn't want to waste her time on a partner who is gonna be weird about her identity. In the current timeline of Alien, most people find trans people part of the norm, but assholes still exist and Lambert doesn't want to deal with them
✨When she isn't working she loves decorating her house with potted plants and inviting her partner over to have nice meals, as the aesthetic is very pleasing/relaxing.
#j.m. lambert x reader#lambert x reader#dallas x reader#j.m. lambert#lambert#dallas#lambert dating headcanons#dallas dating headcanons#alien#alien franchise#alien series#alien movie#alien 1979#sci fi horror#horror fandom#horror#trash gobby requests
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hi <3
I love your headcanons SO MUCH AHHHH. I was wondering if you could do more hcs with Dario from James Bond (my beloved.) like dario with a gf thats as crazy as him. tysmmm <333
Dario W/ Sadistic S/O Headcanons
Summary: As requested, some Dario X SadisticFem!Reader action :D
A/N: These are more on the shorter side, but I hope you still enjoy.
Pairing(s): Dario X Fem!Reader
Characters: Dario, Reader, Franz Sanchez
⚠️ Warnings!: Mild violence, mild sexual content mentioned, masochism, toxic relationships
✨Dario with someone who has just as much is a mean masochistic streak as him, is a match made in heaven... or maybe hell is more apt. You guys are like two yandere's in love.
✨Knowing he has someone who will kill with him or for him is a massive turn on. Especially if you will torture anyone who messes with him.
✨He finds it really hot that you will partake in torture sessions with him. Interrogations can sometimes even take an almost foreplay-like interaction between the two of you
✨Dario loves that you get just as jealous as he does when someone else tries to flirt with you or steal you from him. You will make sure they suffer for even looking in Dario's direction.
✨When you two are together, you also get the job done. Sanchez loves that instead of you two distracting each other from doing jobs, you work even more effectively.
✨Things definitely get a lot more spicy between the two of you in your intimate life (wink-wonk). Dario doesn't feel like he needs to hold back as much as he does with someone who doesn't share his affinity for pain.
✨He likes when you two fight for dominance in the relationship, both of you love control. He will occasionally let you lead, but will mostly just fight you about it.
#dario x reader#dario#dario license to kill#license to kill dario#license to kill#james bond#james bond fanfiction#james bond dario#dario james bond#fem reader#trash gobby requests
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✨🦇 Trash Gobby Intro 2.0 🦇✨
AO3: severenvansickle
Ways of Supporting me
Ko-Fi Link!!!
Redbubble: DreamScapeSev7n
Hello! I am trash_gobby, also known as trash. I kinda disappeared for a really long time from this tumblr account, only really showing up in small spurts to post or reblog stuff.
I've been dealing with a LOT of personal stuff that has made it really hard for me to keep up with this blog in general. Not for lack of desire. What's been going on in my personal life isn't really something I want to share here or anywhere regardless of my anonymity. Needless to say it's been rough and now things have really started to improve for me. I've even gotten published in an indie published anthology which was a real special thing for me.
Now I've been focusing a lot on my original works of fiction and improving things personally. I still want to post here. However, I won't be taking requests anymore and will be reformatting my content around posting only fanfics or headcanons which I will come up with. There are some stuff which people have requested in the past which I may consider working on if the mood strikes me.
A lot has changed for me in the past two years so I want to focus more on content which personally interests me right now.
There will most likely be a follow up post which goes into more detail about formatting and how things are gonna be organized once I've actually found time to devise a proper system for my old works. It might take a while though, considering I'm working full time now, and also doing a lot of important life stuff outside this blog.
1. I will DON’T encourage anyone who interacts with NSFW content who is underage.
2. Be respectful!!! No hate speech allowed (this includes anything transphobic, homophobic, transphobic, racist, fatphobic, antisemitic, ableist, Islamophobic etc.)
3. Constructive criticism is ALWAYS WELCOME!! This is a place where I want people to feel welcome to give respectful critiques of my work as I’m always trying to improve.
4. I won't be writing things from specific fandoms I've grown a certain sourness towards (usually because of the person who is in charge and not the fandom itself). I.e. Harry Potter is a bit of a sore spot for me and I have no interest in writing for it (I don't have an issue with others doing so since it's not up to me what others write and I think everyone is entitled to their own opinion and feelings about a fandom or work).
5. Relating to rule 2. - please don't bring any anti-palestinian sentiments to this space (this is not an invitation for others to be anti-Semitic so don't get things twisted. I support Judaism and the right for Jewish people to exist in peace and security within ALL countries and to be able to self determine. I think the same rights should also be extended to the Palestinian people who have been ignored by many and have had their rights and humanity stripped from them). This is not the blog of a Zionist and I would encourage others to follow or unfollow accordingly. Free Palestine 🇵🇸
✨ What I Write!!: Fluff, Headcanons, platonic/friendships, NSFW, Dating/SFW, LGBTQ+, tragedy/angst, crossover, reader x insert, character x character, mini-fics, character preferences
✨ What I WON’T write: p*dophelia, r*pe/non-con, tortue p*rn, BDSM that’s to outside of my comfort zone, b*astiality, incest, raceplay
Fun Facts About Me
1. I crochet lots of things for fun
2. I am a gender gremlin
3. My favourite all time characters are Severen (Near Dark 1987), Bishop (Aliens 1986), David (TLB 1987)
4. I am a huge A24 movie studio fan, because I am a pretentious film school graduate (I'm not a fan of Christopher Nolan or Quentin Tarantino though. Which I guess means I'm not as pretentious as I thought?? 🤔)
5. I have an AO3 account which has more stuff on it then this blog.
6. I am an aspiring author with a short story already published in a small indie press anthology (won't name here because my irl name is in the anthology). Little Ghost Books is the publisher though, and I would encourage y'all to check them out if you like 2SLGBTQIA+ horror often published indie and major horror titles. They are very worth it 💖
Masterlist for works

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Can I request poly!Ghostface finding out their girlfriend is pregnant?
Poly!Ghostface Finding Out Their Girlfriend is Pregnant
Pairings: Billy Loomis X Stu Macher X Reader
Characters: Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Reader
Fem!Reader: she/her pronouns
⚠️Warning!: pregnancy, discussions of pregnancy, vomiting, panic attacks, anxiety, brief mention of postpartum depression
✨So you’ve taken the test and found out your eating for two. You’d felt a little strange over the past couple weeks, nauseated and a little bloated as well. At first you thought you were sick, but took the test in order to rule out the possibility of it being pregnant.
✨Low and behold you were proven wrong about your sickness theory. You are indeed eating for two, however, now you have to let the boys in on this little revelation.
✨First your gonna have to seat them down somewhere comfortable for all of you, your shared living room is probably gonna be the best spot for this conversation.
✨When you finally get down to telling them the details of what is happening, there are going to be varying reactions, some good and some not so good.
✨Stu is surprisingly enough is going to take this news the best. He might freak out a bit at first, asking what the hell you guys are gonna do and what your plans are. However, once you’ve calmed him down and explained that your keeping the kid and want to raise them all together, he’ll actually be the most excited.
✨He’ll want to buy all the baby furniture, pick out room colours, buy tons of toys, and absurd outfits. He’s obsessed with the idea of dressing the kid up for Halloween in fun toddler outfits, and you have to keep reminding him throughout the beginning stages of your pregnancy that the kid is still a fetus and he needs to slow down.
✨He’s also gonna be obsessively reading pregnancy books and putting up child protection measures around your shared living space to make sure that the little kid is gonna be as safe as possible.
✨Billy on the other hand... He’s a bit more complicated. Not having the most stable home-life and childhood has made him a lot more reluctant to the idea of being a parent. He really wasn’t excited at the idea of having a kid at all. However, he loves you and Stu, and he’ll try his best to be supportive at first.
✨When you begin showing though, Billy’s really gonna start feeling severe anxiety and might even start experiencing panic attacks at the thought of the potential child on the way.
✨Once you start talking to Billy and letting him communicate about how he feels, he’ll probably feel liberated enough to start actually enjoy watching you go through the process of pregnancy.
✨You’ll all work together as a family working on lifting Billy up and reminding him that he isn’t his father or mother, and he can make his own future as a parent separate from his past.
✨Billy is definitely going to be the overprotective partner who will throw hands at anyone who messes with you while your heavily pregnant (there might even be some missing persons coming out of this).
✨Stu will be the one holding your hand and encouraging you during the labour while Billy most likely will be very pale and on the verge of passing out. They will absolutely both cry when they finally get to hold their child. For Billy this is a rare occurrence since he’s not much of a crier.
✨If you go through postpartum depression, they will both be your rocks during this time. They will help out extra with the kid and make sure to take care of you as well, supporting you where you need them to.
✨Billy will probably be the one who wants to dominate the time with the kid, since at this point he’ll be completely enamoured. You’ll have a hard time getting him to leave the kid alone.
✨This is the same with Stu, and they sometimes will argue about who gets to feed and change diapers, even though you can’t imagine who would fight over changing diapers (at least you don’t have to do it as often lol).
✨Overall, the boys will be great parents who will love you and your kid unconditionally 🖤🖤
#poly!ghostface#poly ghostface#poly ghostface pregnancy#poly ghostface x reader#stu macher x reader x billy loomis#billy loomis x reader#billy loomis x reader x stu macher#femreader#poly ghostface imagine#poly ghostface fluff#ghostface x reader#scream 1996#scream franchise#scream movies#stu macher x reader#horror fandom#horror headcanons#slasher fandom#slasher fan#slashers#ghostface#trash gobby requests#trash-gobby requests
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How about a little NFSW with Brahms, maybe the reader has tried to leave the house to buy something and Brahms didn't take it well and will use all his weapons to stop the reader from leaving....

(Gone Sexual 😉 someone please stop me with these titles)
Word Count: 1.2K
Pairings: Brahms X GN!Reader
Characters: Brahms Heelshire, Reader
A/N: Heeeeyyy! Here is your Brahms NSFW fic. In fact my first proper mini-fic that NSFW (not including headcanons in this obvs). Also this is PWP so there isn't much build up to the "action" that takes place. Hopefully this is alright. It's also my first time writing smut for the internet to see, so I have no idea whether this is gonna be very good or not. I'd really appreciate any constructive criticism if there are moments that seem to OOC or inaccurate, as I am still learning and doing reading on how to improve my writing! I feel a little unsure of my own writing, if it's too boring and stuff so I hope y'all still like it anyway.
Reader Pronouns = they/them
⚠️This is an 18+ post because of the NSFW!!! That means I DON’T encourage anyone who interacts with NSFW content who is underage. I’ve talked to other people who’ve been long time content creators and users of this website and I’ve come to the conclusion that I am not your parent and can’t control what content you consume. IF YOU SAY YOUR UNDERAGE IN YOUR PROFILE OR HAVE AN AGE UNDER 18 I WILL BLOCK YOU! Just consume responsibly, and know your limits. And If your a minor please DNI
Detailed warnings under the cut
Warnings!: hand job, hair pulling, dry humping, choking
It wasn't up for debate. You needed to go out and get some drain cleaner. It was the only way you were going to fix this particular problem with the drainage system in the bathroom. However, that meant that you were going to have to actually leave the house, and that was a whole other matter all together. Your gonna have to go through Brahms to do it, and you know you'll have to deal with a tantrum.
He sits on the floor in the living room tuning his violin when you enter into the doorway. Looking up, he places the violin down into its case and rises to meet you.
"So... Brahms, I know we've talked about the rules before," at your mention of them he cocks his head to the side almost in confusion, but the body language he gives is tense and ready for you to say something he doesn't like.
"I know I'm not supposed to leave you, but I really need to get drain cleaner and I can't get someone from the grocery store to pick it up a bring it here on such short notice," Immediately he takes several steps forward grabbing your shoulders hard enough that it hurts. Your going to have bruises later.
"Brahms I have to go," You manage to jerk yourself from his grasp and turn to leave, beginning to walk to the doorway.
"I'll get you something from the sweets shop on my way back, but this is important." Before you could even make it to the doorway you felt Brahms long limbs wrap around your waist and his body leaning into yours.
"No, stay," he said in his childish playful voice, leaning his head on your shoulder, the scruffy hair of his beard brushing against your neck.
"Brahms," you sighed, rolling your eyes and trying to unfold his arms from around you. This action only made him hold tighter, drawing you closer to him.
"Stay," This time his words weren't as soft or childish, but deeper and more serious. The cold porcelain of his mask nuzzling into your neck, causing a shiver to run up your spine. You were now in a precarious position. One where Brahms was either going to throw a tantrum of glom to you until you'd change your mind and give up. But this was not gonna be like all the other times. This time you were going to stand your ground.
"Brahms I have to do this please. If I don't fix this it will cause lots of problems for you and me later, and don't you want some candy? You love-"
Your words were taken from your lips as your felt Brahms hands ghost over a sensitive spot on your stomach.
"Brahms," you said with a slightly more stern voice, though the fight was starting to wane out of it.
"Y/N," there was an edge of something primal and desperate in Brahms voice as he brings one of his other hands to run it over your hair, then slowly cups your face. His fingers trace the line of your jaw line, lower and lower, until his hand found its way to your neck.
"I can make you stay?" It was asked as a question, almost like permission for him to continue whatever it was he was doing, though you were pretty sure you had an idea. As much as you wanted to get that damn drain cleaner, your body and mind were betraying you. Your mind focusing on every feather-light touch, and your face heating up, flushed.
Fuck it.
"Only if you can convince me. So, convince me," you whispered, placing one of your hands into Brahms black curls and pulling his ear to your lips, nipping lightly at it.
Your words seem to have an effect on him and you feel Brahms take a sharp intake of air. He tightens his hand resting around your throat, not so much that you can’t breathe, but enough that you know it’s gonna leave a bruise in the morning. His other wandering hand makes its way slowly down to your abdomen, dancing softly over your hypersensitive skin.
The heat of your arousal was prominent, as you felt yourself becoming aware in your most intimate places of every soft touch Brahms gave you. He was clearly also just as aware, for as he reached the waistband of your pants he hesitated.
"More?" he said, voice husky and whispered in your ear.
"I don't know why you stopped," you playfully snapped back playfully.
His grip on your throat tightens enough to silence you as his other hand makes its way lower, until you are overwhelmed by the sensation of his hand so close, yet not close enough. His teasing, playing just outside the area of finally giving you what you desire was only making you more excited.
You could also feel that you were not the only one eager to get things underway. Brahms body pressed up against yours, you could feel his throbbing cock pressing against you through both your clothes.
His hand eventually found its way to your sex, starting his ministrations slowly at first, making you whine deep in your throat. It felt so good to feel him on you, giving you this level of affection. Every touch sent sparks through your body, making you moan even louder.
Brahms responded with a sound of his own guttural sound, almost between a growl and a whimper, rubbing up against you from behind, creating friction between his hard cock and your body.
His strokes began to become more close together, in between your thighs, underwear wet, dripping with arousal. You could feel yourself quickly coming undone with every quick intake of breath, pressing yourself into his hand to create more of that sweet pressure on your sex.
"Please," you hissed as your climax edged closer and closer. Brahms responding by gripping your throat harder and really laying into the most sensitive spot which he knew drove you crazy every time. Your fingers found themselves winding through his coal black locks again pulling hard.
The wet sounds of flesh on flesh emanated from the living room along with your loud moan of his name as he brought you to the edge. All you could focus on was the overwhelming pleasure and that it was all coming from Brahms.
Your last thought before the dam of your mental and physical climax, was how this was all for you, to keep you here, and he'd definitely done a fantastic job of convincing you to stay.
The force of your orgasm made your knees almost buckle, shaking while being supported by his hands.
As your mind cleared from the haze of post-coital bliss, you detangled yourself from Brahms searching hands. He was breathing heavy and still hard as a rock.
Turning to face him, you licked your lips before placing your hand firmly on his chest, backing him onto the couch, crouching between his open legs as he sat heavily on its plush surface.
Brahms looked down at you heavily lidded eyes behind his mask capturing your every move.
"I can get the grocery people to deliver the drain cleaner with the rest of the groceries next week," you smiled.
#brahms x reader#horror fandom#slasher fandom#slasher fan#horror#slashers#brahms heelsire x reader#brahms smut#brahms x you#the boy 2016#brahms heelshire#brahms the boy#the boy#trash-gobby requests#minors dni#trash gobby requests
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hi, could you write hcs for dating brahms and him being like possesive and maybe like yall arguing and him being cute after.
Brahms Dating HC's (Possessive Brahms)
Pairings: Brahms X Reader
Characters: Brahms Heelshire, Reader
A/N: These are going to be a bit short, but I did put quite a bit of consideration into them, so I hope you enjoy.
⚠️Warnings!: possessive behavior, bordering on yandere behavior, manipulation
✨Dating Brahms is a bit of a rollercoaster, so make sure your strapped in tight and you've read the fineprint of what your signing up for (basically, know what your getting into).
✨He's gonna wanna spend a lot of quality time with you, and a mean a lot of quality time.
✨He'll want to watch you while you cook, clean or anything else your doing, sometimes he'll help if you need it, but most of the time he wants to watch.
✨He also likes the idea of holding your hand so expect a lot of that as well.
✨Brahms also likes when you play with his hair.
✨He has no concept of personal space though so sometimes he'll just be up in your personal space and do something weird like smell your hair.
✨He's not gonna like when you have to leave to get groceries and will throw a tantrum almost every time you have to leave the house.
✨You'll have to take as little time as possible getting food or your gonna have to invest in someone to deliver them, cause the longer your away the more likely your stuff will either get broken or stolen.
✨He won't like it if you've been giving others more attention than him.
✨He wants your undivided attention and will get rid of anyone who gets in the way of you two.
✨He can also hold a pretty mean grudge, so even when you think things are cool, you're probably wrong
✨You've definitely had a argument about your other relationships/friendships more than once.
✨He'll stomp his feet and sometimes throw breakable things on the ground.
✨However, if he's really upset you, Brahms will bring you gifts as a form of apology and give you some space. Eventually he will grudgingly compromise to share time with others.
✨This is the closest you'll ever get to an "I'm sorry."
✨He might even draw you little pictures of the two of you together doing things, like playing in the sun or eating together.
#brahms headcanons#brahms x reader#brahms heelshire#brahms the boy#the boy 2016#the boy#horror requests#headcanons#request#ask#my headcanons#possessive brahms#yandere brahms#trash gobby requests#trash-gobby requests
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Could I request a hellboy x reader where reader has had a rough day and they come to his room crying so he comforts them(I would like a gender neutral reader pls)

A/N: Fluff fic of Hellboy comforting the Reader after a long day.
Word Count: 881
Pairings: Hellboy X GN!Reader
Characters: Hellboy, Reader
⚠️Warnings!: None.
The days are always long, and after a while they seem to blend together in a mesh of mundane tasks and repetitious responsibilities. It had been weeks since you'd had some time to just rest. Every day you'd woken up at dawn and worked non-stop whether it be at your part-time job waitressing at the crappy diner downtown, or on the multitude of coursework that had been piling up over the semester. It had felt like a never ending slog towards nowhere for you, and your stress level only caused more aggravation.
It'd been so long since you’d actually gotten to have a one on one with anyone, that when you sluggishly pulled yourself through the door and threw yourself on the sofa eyes puffy from all the tears you'd cried over your most recent shift at the diner. It had been a nightmare. You completely missed the giant red man standing on your balcony. At least not until you heard the light rapping on the glass, like someone was throwing a stone at your window.
Looking up, you see Hellboy's stone finger on the glass of the balcony sliding door, and a knowing smile on his face. You try to return his smile with your own but it feels more like a wince then a smile. Getting up from the couch and trudging your way over, you meet him, opening the sliding door.
"Hey," you say, voice cracked from the sobbing you did in the car on the way home.
"Hey there," he replies, placing a hand on your shoulder, you placing one of yours over his.
"You look worse for ware."
"Your telling me. I've been nothing but busy and this day has been the last straw."
"Want to talk about it?" He asks as you pull him slowly by the hand into your living-room. Hellboy's steps are heavy over the hardwood of the floor as the two of you make your way over to the couch, and sit down.
"Honestly I'd rather not, it's all just been to much," You respond, placing your fingers on your temples while leaning forward, beginning to massage an oncoming migraine at just the thought of trying to explain your busy schedule to anyone. The prickling feeling of hot tears threatening to pour forth once again makes you take a sharp intake of air.
"I can understand that, there's some days where I don't want to talk. Just sit down with a beer, some of my furry babies and watch the tube." You chuckle at this little response before leaning back onto the couch, hands laced behind your head looking up at the cracked plaster in your ceiling. You were going to have to call the landlord about the water damage, it's starting to look a little grim.
"I just wish life would stop for a moment, it all feels like it's going so fast, like I'm stuck on a carousel from hell and my head just won't stop spinning." The tears pooling in your eyes finally spill over causing you to use one of your hands to wipe them furiously away and stifle a sob.
You feel a hand on your arm, as Hellboy scooches closer to you, making the couch groan dangerously, threatening to buckle under his weight.
"Hey, hey there, I've got you," He says softly, coaxing you into a comforting embrace. You bury your face into his chest and finally let yourself just feel all those emotions that you'd really been bottling in this entire year. The sobs came out harder and harder with each breath you tried to take in. All the while Hellboy used his other hand to run it over your hair.
It felt good to have someone just be there with you, even if you didn't want to explain, you just needed to release. He was the perfect person for this, he knew how to really listen to you when you were struggling, or just being present. You desperately tried not to hyperventilate through your crying, gripping onto Hellboy's duster.
You'd somehow ended up half in his lap, but you didn't care, it felt safe. However, you were both interrupted by a loud mewling noise from one of his large pockets. This makes you start, wiping the mess that is your face with your sleeve.
"What is that?" you ask sniffling through your stuffed nose.
"Oh, jeez," Hellboy reacts quickly, diving into his pocket and retrieving whatever made the sound. In the palm of his stone hand is a tiny kitten, fluffy and vulnerable with it's large dark eyes. You couldn't help but melt a little looking at it, as it swiped playfully at one of Hellboy's fingers.
"Aww, where did you find this little guy," you say.
"He was just wandering in a back alley and I couldn't just leave him," Hellboy replied as you gently reached out your hand and petted the kitten gently.
"Well I could use some kitten therapy right now, so I guess perfect timing." So you both sat there. You half in Hellboy's lap with the kitten, just enjoying each others company along with the little bundle of fur curled in the palm of his hand. This was exactly what you needed at the end of another long day.
#hellboy x reader#hellboy#hellboy fluff#horror fandom#mike mignola#hellboy 2#hellboy fanfic#hellboy ii: the golden army#dark horse#horror comic#horror community#dark horse comics#trash gobby requests#trash-gobby requests
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Hii! May I request a Brahms x reader in which she the reader just cares for Brahms in a non-romantic way? But then someone from here past came to the manor and manage to injure Brahms, reader seeks revenge and is actually scarier than Brahms when angry.
A/N: Sorry for this possibly taking so long!!! I was in the middle of some uni assignments so hopefully this does your request justice :D I'm a crap proofreader, so I'm sure there are some mistakes in here somewhere. I apologize in advance!!!

Part 2
Pairings: None.
Characters: Brahms Heelshire, Reader, Greta, Malcolm
⚠️Warnings!: Blood, extreme violence, angst, people getting the stab 🔪, people dying (duh), mentions of vomit, past trauma, abuse.
Length: 2.5K Words
You and Brahms have been living together for two years now in relative seclusion. In all that time the two of you have become very close. Brahms didn't think he was capable of trusting anyone the way he trusts you after Greta abandoned him. Together you’d become like family, with him seeing your bond like that of siblings, something much more healthy then what he felt for Greta. He’d never had someone who looked at him like real family, not even his parents, who feared Brahms more than they loved him.
He loved that you’d tuck him in at night and kiss his knees when he’d scrape them from running around in the walls (doing wall zoomies???). You’d cook him meals while he’d try his best to help while also sneaking small bites of any sweets you’d make.
“Brahms your going to ruin your dinner,” you’d scold him. He’d merely giggle and dodge your playful smacks for him to get away from the oven.
Tonight it was cold outside and you’d been making some tomato soup from scratch for Brahms while he was lying prone on the sitting room couch staring out one of the large partially frosted windows into the night.
He’d been very sick for the past week with a nasty cold, which had him hacking, coughing and throwing up well into the night. He’d been shivering with the chills running through his frame, just this morning. This caused you to immediately bury him in several blankets on the sofa, only for him to protest that he was overheating. Your usually extremely protective of him under normal circumstances, but when he’s as vulnerable as this it really gets to something deep inside you.
Caring for him seems to fill a void within you that wasn’t satisfied in early childhood when you were growing up. You were very lonely, your parents ignored you and your older brother found it more fun to torment you than to spend time with you. You could remember the way he’d kick you in the shins, break things and blame it on you, threaten you with the pocket knife he’d gotten for his fourteen birthday, but most of all, you remembered his eyes. Those eyes, glassy and empty behind there grey shine. You try to block those thoughts from your mind and focus on finishing the meal. It’s better not to dwell on the past. Better not to remember the time he pushed you down the stairs and told your parents you’d fell, or the time you’d awoken to find him standing at the end of your bed with a can of gasoline. Better to try and forget the past and leave it buried.
While Brahms is eating you put on some relaxing classical jazz on the record player before seating yourself beside him and picking up the book you'd been reading earlier. It was an old collection of poetry you'd brought with you hitchhiking across the country.
"Read to me?" Brahms asked tentatively, fixing you with an innocent gaze.
"Alright, let's start here then," you flip to another poem and begin to read to him while he takes shaky sips of soup.
Your mind begins to wander again to thoughts of the past, of cold nights sitting in the bed of trucks, trekking your way across the countryside, hoping for something better. The sleepless nights where you'd camp on the side of the highway, far enough away that no strangers would harass you, but close enough to not have to walk far to start hitching again. While the experience of escape was freeing, the loneliness of traveling like this had gotten to you.
By the time you'd made it to the Heelshire mansion you were emotionally beaten and drenched in rain. It was thundering outside and your camping gear had been abandoned when one of the drivers you were hitching with threatened you at knifepoint. You'd jumped from the vehicle and were lucky to only have a few nasty scrapes and no broken bones. At your wits end you'd pounded on the large front door begging to be let in.
Your cries must have melted something in Brahms recently broken heart, because the door suddenly came unlocked and you stumbled in. Though at first you were afraid, soon you came to love the place, and when Brahms finally revealed himself, it was much less strange and terrifying then what you had been running from on those long nights on the road.
Through Brahms you'd finally found the companionship you were looking for. You'd found family in the most unlikely of places.
You look up from reading to see that Brahms had finished his soup and fallen deeply asleep. Most likely in a food coma. You take this chance to tuck him in, and head upstairs to take a shower. It would help you reorient yourself and wash away those bad thoughts of the past.
Outside the wind had started to pick up, whistling through the trees and shaking the dead leaves from their branches. The lights in the mansion are the only thing cutting into the black void of the night. Something moves out there, breaking up the shadows, the sound of footsteps. There is a sound coming out of the woods, at first one might think its the scream of a fox followed by the howl of a wolf, but if you listen carefully you'd be able to tell that there is something more human to it.
You've stepped out of the shower and finished drying yourself off. You take the sleep clothes you've picked out from where you placed them on the toilet and get dressed. Your comfortable and ready to get to sleep. Your eyes feel heavy and you decide to check on Brahms one more time before going to sleep yourself.
As your leaving the bathroom still drying your hair, you hear a strange noise from downstairs. It's the sound of breaking glass, and you sigh heavily. Brahms probably knocked something over waking up. You'd probably left the soup bowl on the coffee table, that's definitely it.
The stairs are cold under your bare feet and you shiver slightly. You can't hear Brahms moving around in the sitting-room and thought perhaps he had gone back to sleep. You reach the landing and peek into the sitting-room to see that in fact Brahms is missing from the couch. Perhaps he's gone to his own bed, you think.
You see the bowl is still on the table, so it can't be what ended up breakin. You briefly debate whether or not to go looking for whatever broke or leaving it until the next day as you bring the bowl into the kitchen to place in the sink.
A cool breeze runs a shiver up your spine, and you turn to see the kitchen door leading outside standing ajar with the window broken. The first reaction you have is confusion, but as it sets in that someone is inside your house besides you and Brahms, the fear takes hold.
"Brahms?" You reach to grab a knife from the knife-block, but don't hear anything from him as you make your way slowly back into the sitting room. Your eyes rove slowly over every inch and corner of the room for anyone lurking. The fear you feel at the possibility of being attacked outways your desire to try calling out again.
You make your way into the front hall and the base of the stairs, looking around to make sure no one is behind you. A creak from the second floor alerts you to a presence above. Your hands are clammy with cold sweat, but you decide to ascend, knife held out in front of you.
You avoid stepping on the creaky steps as you make your way onto the second floor landing. The lights in the hall have been turned off, making the hall a black abyss which you have to squint to make anything out. There is a light switch next to the staircase somewhere. Desperately, you feel along the wall for it while keeping your eyes on the black chasm of the hall in front of you. Your fingers finally run over the light switch and you flick it on. No one is in the hall, giving you a split second to breathe.
Something digs into your arm you were using to flick the lightswitch and your pulled backwards off balance, landing hard face first onto the floor, your skull bouncing hard on the wooden floor making you see stars.
You spit out a tooth that's come out from the impact and taste the coppery tang of blood on your tongue. Struggling, you flip over onto your back, your vision still blurred as you try to make out the large black figure looming over you.
They're tall and you can hear their breath coming out in heavy exhalations. When you try to scramble away, they move quick like a whip, smashing their boot down into your kneecap before taking another kick into your ribs. It feels like something breaks inside you, and your not sure if its bones or something deeper.
The sudden presence of a weight on your body pushes you down. The air is taken out of your lungs as a knee if pushed into your chest and the leather of gloved fingers push deep into your neck. You choke and gasp for air, your eyes finally lasering in on the face of your attacker. All you can make out is the black balaclava and the eyes. Those grey dull eyes. You know those eyes.
You start to feel your consciousness slipping away while clawing at the attackers arms, trying to get him off. The pressure is suddenly lifted as the man is pulled from your body. It's Brahms, yanking him back and throwing him to the ground. The attacker scrambles to his feet and the two begin to wrestle with each other while you catch your breath.
Brahms manages to smash the attacker into the wall, knocking a picture to the floor and upsetting dust from the walls. The attacker kicks out catching Brahms leg and sending him of balance. In that split second your eyes make contact, before the attacker shoves him hard, sending him over the banister of the stairs and down onto the first floor landing.
The shock of this moment is enough to get your adrenaline running high, shooting you up into a standing position. You look from the attacker who is admiring his handiwork to the edge of the bannister where Brahms had fallen. He'd already been weak from the flu, but that fall... Had it killed him?
No, you didn't want to think about that. You didn't want to think about that at all. Something in the back of your head was buzzing, like your head was holding an angry hive of bees. Every breath you take feels weights are attached to your chest, and you slowly start to feel like something is closing in on you.
The attacker is looking at you now and you can feel that intense gaze. Those grey eyes. You can't feel anything now as he walks over to you slowly, a slight swagger to him.
He always takes everything from you. He's always ruined everything you've ever had.
He swings at you, but this time your ready and dodge out of the way past him. Your fingers wrap around the frame of the fallen picture and you whip it out catching him in the head before he has a time to react, blitzing him. He takes a little to long to react as your eyes quickly focus on a side table, and the sizable marble statue on it.
He reaches out to take the statue, but you beat him to it and snatch it away from his hand. You feel your breaths becoming ragged and almost animalistic as you move in close, staring grey eyes down. Staring your brother down.
"You shouldn't have followed me," you say before swinging at him, catching him in the elbow as he tries to back away from you quickly and run. He's fast but your faster. He runs to nursing his now injured elbow, while blood begins to soak his balaclava where you nailed him with the picture frame.
He reaches the end of the hall with you on his tail and tries to open the nearest doo, but it's locked. As he turns to confront you, the hard impact of marble on flesh sound of with a wet THWACK.
His teeth shatter in his mouth as it caves in slightly on first impact, shoving his head violently backwards into the door. He's dazed but your not done. Again you swing, as he raises his hand trying to protect you from damaging more of his face.
His wrist snaps under the impact and some part of you feels slightly satisfied with this. This doesn't stop you from keeping swinging. Fingers break, and his head caves in as you keep going. After a while you start to realize that the noise of something scratchy and raw is the sound of the keening growl coming from your throat.
It's only when a hand is felt on your shoulder that you snap out of this frenzy in some way. You lash out and swing to try and catch this new presence, but they catch your wrist. The grip doesn't feel oppressive, but firm in a gentle and grounding way.
Your eyes focus and you can see that it's Brahms. He's hunched over in pain, but alive, and looking at you with something akin to concern. Perhaps even fear. You don't know what to say to make this better, to make you standing there drenched in the fluids of the dead attacker, your dead brother, any better. You must look like a monster to Brahms.
He reaches out a long hand and his fingers brush your cheek and come away with something liquid. You hadn't even realized you'd been crying.
"Please..." You say in a broken voice. You start to crumble on that first word, your legs starting to give. He catches you and brings you into a hug.
How can he possibly be hugging you at a time like this? After seeing what you've done. But somehow he can, somehow this is okay.
"Pretty Y/N. You'll be okay," his grip is firm and comforting, and his words are sweet and earnest. You can't believe it, but your happiness at his acceptance of you brings on even more intense tears.
You pull away to wipe your eyes and look at Brahms.
"We should take a look at your injuries and see if they're serious," you say.
He nods and you take his hand, leading him to the bathroom where you have a first aid kit waiting in the cabinet.
After all this, he still sees you as family, as a protector and carer. If anything it feels like your bond has grown stronger.
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Kindly asking for Billy Lenz fluff where his s/o likes to hide gifts around the house for him to find.
Billy Lenz X GN!S/O - Who Hides Gifts Around The House For Him To Find!
Pairings: Billy Lenz X GN!Reader
Characters: Billy Lenz, Reader
A/N: Here are your Billy Lenz (not Billy Loomis lmao 🤣) headcanons! I really like the prompt, it’s adorable and I had fun thinking up the HC scenarios.
⚠️Warnings!: None.
✨Billy is a like a skinny attic rat boi who never grows up, so he feels like it’s Christmas when he finds the first gift hidden inside an antique vase on the fireplace mantel of the sorority house.
✨It was a tiny miniature of a dancing cow in a tutu that you had made out of polymer clay, a hobby which you had taken up and become proficient enough at that you sell your own little handmade trinkets online.
✨Billy thought these little clay baubles were adorable, however, he never pictured you ever making him one and hiding it around the house for him.
✨The next one he finds is found in the little chest he uses for his clothes. Another little clay figure, this time a festive looking unicorn wearing a christmas wreath. Billy loves unicorns since they're his favourite animal (he doesn't know they're fictional, same goes for the tooth fairy and santa claus).
✨He'll immediately go downstairs and find you, racing to jump on you and give you a massive hug and sloppy kisses on your head and face.
✨However, now you've really done it! Because Billy is gonna want to start a hidden gift giving war. He'll hide something he's made from things he's found around the house for you to find as little gifts, with poorly crayon written cards saying things like "PriTy KiTTy lykE BiLLy'S DRawyiNG?? <;3"
✨It's gonna feel a bit like christmas and april fools day wrapped into one, as gifts are gonna end up showing up in strange places. Like the one time you hid a gift in the chimney and billy responded by hiding one in the toilet. You learned this because one of your friends found it while sleeping over and found it infinitely amusing.
#billy lenz x reader#billy lenz headcanons#billy lenz#slashers#slasher fandom#slasher community#black christmas 1974#horror#horror headcanons#headcanons#slasher fan#horror fandom#billy lenz fluff#horror movies#horror films#slasher films#slasher movies#trash gobby requests#trash-gobby requests
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Headcannons for dating Jennifer check as male reader. Thank youuu!
Jennifer Check X Male!Reader - Headcanons
Pairings: Jennifer Check X Male!Reader
Characters: Jennifer Check, Reader
⚠️Warnings!: Non-explicit implications of sexual activity (basically a YA not at all description of sex).
✨Jennifer is bi (female lean) and has a hard time trusting any men, so if you caught her eye and she sees you as more than another lamb to the slaughter, you’ve got to be someone special.
✨You met when because you both went to the same school, and share the same science class.
✨Jennifer was your lab partner and that’s how you started talking. You knew she was the one of the most popular and beautiful girls at the school, but at first you weren’t that interested.
✨I think that’s part of the reason she found you so attractive. She liked that you weren’t always trying to get her attention like the other boys at school.
✨She would subtly flirt with you while you worked on your assignment, and you’d sometimes flirt back, but only really for fun. You made it clear that you were only really interested in getting through school in one piece and focus on your future college/uni prospects.
✨Jennifer is definitely gonna tease you for this, but inside she finds it pretty charming that your so dedicated to your schoolwork.
✨After she gets turned into a succubus, she’s gonna try to pursue you more aggressively. This is in your final year of high school, close to prom, when you’ve finished your finals and there isn’t really much left to do, but wait for the letters to come back from the universities/colleges you applied for.
✨At this point you start to really see Jennifer as someone you could build a relationship with, though you can tell something is really troubling her behind her very overtly promiscuous attitude.
✨She’ll most likely be the one to ask you out somewhere where you can be alone, like a picnic under the stars after seeing a movie. Her plan is to kill you like all the other boys who came before.
✨However, when you express to her that part of why you were really into this intimate date was you wanted to make sure she was doing okay, because you had noticed how much her attitude and behavior had changed and you were worried about her, she’ll pause.
✨This moment of hesitation is because she hasn’t really been asked (outside of Needy) how she is doing by anyone. Her parents are basically absent and indifferent to her suffering and trauma, and all the boys who express interest in her are more invested in getting in her pants then talking about her struggles.
✨She won’t believe you at first and try to get you in a compromising sexual position so she can gauge your response.
✨You’ll push her off you and say your not ready for that kind of commitment yet, and your interested in really getting to know her on a personal level, outside of the conversations you’ve had at school.
✨She’ll act angry, but when you really push that you just want her to be happy and okay, she’ll start to calm down and eventually that will turn into tears.
✨Jennifer hasn’t really gotten a chance to open up to anyone about her traumatic experience at the hands of Low Shoulder, who sacrificed her. She’s had a hard year and an even harder time coming to terms with her new life.
✨She won’t know how to give you all the details at first, but she’ll tell you some approximation of the truth (leaving out the part where she was turned into a succubus).
✨You’ll sit there and listen politely, hanging on her every word and making sure Jennifer knows you're really listening, you care about what she has to say.
✨When she’s done it’ll feel like a weight has been lifted off her to some degree. She’s still holding onto her demonic secret, but she’s told someone what happened and it feels liberating enough, that she’ll hug you all of the sudden. A way of saying thank you for being there and listening to her without judgement.
✨After that night, she’ll want to spend a lot more time with you (like a loooot).
✨You’ll be attached at the hip and it’ll encourage her to be less liberal with eating/killing random boys.
✨When you graduate she’s gonna want to do something spontaneous, like a road trip to Mexico.
✨On this trip she’ll feel comfortable with finally bringing up status as a succubus and saying how being with you has changed her perspective on how some men are actually not complete douche nozzles.
✨You’ll be shocked obviously, but you’ll come around to it, and except Jennifer as the girl and demon you’ve fallen in love with, despite her habit for killing nasty men.
#jennifer check#headcanons#horror fandom#slasher fandom#slasher fan#slashers#jennifers body#jennifer check x reader#jennifer check imagine#jennifer x reader#slasher movies#slasher films#jennifer's body#horror headcanons#horror#horror movies#horror films#jennifer check x male reader#trash-gobby requests#trash gobby requests
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