#trappist ale
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auraeseer · 6 months ago
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So, what do I get if I say, "Make it a double?"
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frustrapl · 2 years ago
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Orval Trappist Ale
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bairbrewing · 11 months ago
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Review #5
I am beginning to realize trappist ales are my favorite. This is a sensational beer. So fruity and balanced. Sweet and bright. 9/10
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havendance · 2 years ago
You know what, I want to get in on these Jean-Paul Valley lives AUs. Building off ideas from @captainragtag and @tallochar in this post.
The way I'd do this is we start by still having Jean-Paul die of Azrael disease or whatever at the end of his solo. Idk, I’ve never gotten all the way to the end.
We then bring him back like three months later in a wild Robin arc written by John Lewis probably in which Tim stumbles across a secret Order of St Dumas lair where they have just resurrected JPV using a St Dumas themed knock-off lazarus pit that they stole from Ra’s al Ghul.
After beating up the Order of St Dumas with Azrael, Tim dumps him at, hmmm, idk, let’s go with the Trappist Abbey of Gethsemane over in Kentucky where he can recover from the system among a bunch of old monks who spend their days in prayerful silence and make fudge.
JPV can also impress/horrify them with all of the absolutely wild fringe theology of the Order! Does the Order of St Dumas even have the Eucharist?
(I mean probably, since I think their origin was from the crusades, but I don’t think this has ever come up in comics…)
Anyway we proceed through War Games and Identity Crisis up until the point where Tim’s dad dies and he’s like, clearly I need a fake uncle instead of being adopted by Bruce.
Only instead of hiring an actor, he’s like, I know a guy who owes me a favor and is also in on the secret so I don’t need to hide being Robin from him
So he grabs JPV from the Abbey and rechristens him as his Uncle JP Drake.
(Jean-Paul probably comes back from the abbey being drawn with a tonsure because even though that’s not really a thing anymore because that’s how you know he’s been hanging out with monks.)
(Also I think he deserves a stupid hair style)
Bruce is like, man, who know Tim had this Uncle who looks vaguely familiar. Well, must be the family resemblance.
Jean-Paul looks exactly the same except with a stupid haircut and also possibly an eye color change from the knock-off lazarus pit.
Bruce also doesn’t know that Jean-Paul got resurrected because Tim didn’t tell him.
And then, you know, eventually he figures it out and can brood over the fact that Tim chose Jean-Paul Valley over him.
And that way Tim and Jean-Paul have built up a kind of positive relationship that we can then use to lead into the Battle for the Cowl and Brucequest AUs that other people have proposed.
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spacetimewithstuartgary · 3 months ago
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The light of the planet TRAPPIST-1 b measured in two color reveals new insights on the planet’s nature
An international team of researchers has just published in Nature Astronomy a complete analysis of all the mid-infrared data collected on TRAPPIST-1 b, with the aim of determining whether this planet has an atmosphere
New TRAPPIST-1 observations with JWST underscore the complexities of confirming a planet's atmosphere using only broadband thermal emission data. This insight takes on added significance with the newly approved "Rocky Worlds" observation program by Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) which plans to apply this very method to study numerous rocky exoplanets orbiting cool stars.
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is revolutionizing the study of exoplanets (planets orbiting stars other than the Sun), notably by enabling detailed spectroscopic studies of small rocky planets, but only if they orbit nearby ‘red dwarfs’, the smallest, least massive and coldest stars. At the top of its list of targets is the very low-mass red dwarf TRAPPIST-1, whose astonishing system of seven rocky planets the size of Earth, including three located in the star's habitable zone, was discovered in 2017 by an international team led by ULiège astronomer Michaël Gillon.
The innermost planet, TRAPPIST-1 b, was recently observed in depth by JWST in the mid-infrared, a type of light to which our eyes are not sensitive. An international team of researchers has just published in Nature Astronomy a complete analysis of all the mid-infrared data collected on TRAPPIST-1 b, with the aim of determining whether this planet has an atmosphere. ‘Planets orbiting red dwarfs are our best chance of studying for the first time the atmospheres of temperate rocky planets, those that receive stellar fluxes between those of Mercury and Mars’, explains Elsa Ducrot, co-lead author of the study and assistant astronomer at the Commissariat aux Énergies Atomiques (CEA) in Paris, France. ‘The TRAPPIST-1 planets provide an ideal laboratory for this ground-breaking research.
A previous observation with JWST measured TRAPPIST-1 b's infrared emission at 15 microns and suggested that a thick, CO2-rich atmosphere was unlikely (Greene et al., 2023). This conclusion was based on the fact that CO2 strongly absorbs radiation at this wavelength, which would have significantly reduced the observed flux if such an atmosphere were present. The study proposed that the measurement was most consistent with a "dark bare rock" scenario— a planet without an atmosphere and a dark surface that absorbs nearly all incoming starlight. However, a single measurement at one wavelength was insufficient to rule out all potential atmospheric scenarios
In this new study, the authors expanded on this work by measuring the planet’s flux at another wavelength, 12.8 microns. They conducted a global analysis of all available JWST data and compared these observations with surface and atmospheric models to identify the scenario that best matches the data.
Emission to the rescue
The method most used to determine whether an exoplanet has an atmosphere - transit transmission spectroscopy - involves observing its ‘transits’, i.e. when it passes in front of its host star at different wavelengths and detecting and measuring the tiny fraction of the light emitted by the star in our direction that is absorbed by its atmosphere, which is an indicator of its chemical composition. ‘However, very low-mass red dwarfs pose a problem in this respect,’ explains Professor Michaël Gillon (ULiège), author of the study. ‘Their surface is not homogeneous, and this inhomogeneity can pollute the transmission spectrum of transiting planets and mimic atmospheric characteristics.’ Such a phenomenon has been observed on several occasions with the JWST during the observation of transits of planets around red dwarfs.
One solution to overcome this stellar contamination and still get information about the presence (or absence) of an atmosphere is to directly measure the planet's heat by observing a drop in flux as the planet passes behind the star (an event called occultation). By observing the star just before and during the occultation, we can deduce the amount of infrared light coming from the planet. 
‘Emission quickly became the preferred method for studying rocky exoplanets around red dwarfs during the first two years of JWST,’ explains Pierre Lagage, co-lead author of the study and head of the astrophysics department at the Commissariat aux Énergies Atomiques (CEA) in Paris, France. ‘For the TRAPPIST-1 planets, the first information comes from emission measurements, because it is still difficult to disentangle the atmospheric and stellar signals in the transit.
Reflecting this growing interest, the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI), that manages JWST operations, recently approved a 500 hours Director Discretionary Time (DDT) program called ‘Rocky Worlds‘ to investigate the atmospheres of terrestrial exoplanets around nearby M-dwarf stars using exactly the same approach as the authors, via occultation observations, but at 15 microns only.
The results of the study are not very consistent with the ‘dark, bare surface’ scenario suggested by Greene et al. 2023. The authors found that a not-so-grey bare surface composed of ultramafic rocks (volcanic rocks enriched in minerals) better explained the data.
Alternatively, they were able to show that an atmosphere with a large amount of CO2 and haze could also explain the observations. This was a surprising result, since a CO2-rich atmosphere seemed incompatible with the strong emission at 15 microns. However, haze can radically change the situation: it can effectively absorb starlight and make the upper atmosphere warmer than the lower layers, creating what is known as a ‘thermal inversion’, like the Earth's stratosphere. This inversion causes the CO₂ to emit light rather than absorb it, resulting in a higher flux at 15 microns than at 12.8 microns.
“These thermal inversions are quite common in the atmospheres of Solar system bodies, perhaps the most similar example being the hazy atmosphere of Saturn's moon Titan. Yet, the chemistry in the atmosphere of TRAPPIST-1b is expected to be very different from Titan or any of the Solar system's rocky bodies and it is fascinating to think we might be looking at a type of atmosphere we have never seen before” explains Dr. Michiel Min from SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research.
The authors note, however, that this atmospheric model, while consistent with the data, remains less likely than the bare rock scenario. Its complexity and the questions relating to haze formation and long-term climate stability on TRAPPIST-1 b make it a difficult model to implement. Future research, including advanced 3D modelling, will be needed to explore these issues. More generally, the team stresses the difficulty of determining with certainty a planet's surface or atmospheric composition using only emission measurements in a few wavelengths, while highlighting two convincing scenarios that will be explored in greater detail with the next observations of TRAPPIST-1 b.
What’s next?
‘Although both scenarios remain viable, our recent observations of TRAPPIST-1 b's phase curve - which tracks the flow of the planet throughout its orbit - will help to solve the mystery’, says Professor Michaël Gillon, who co-directs the new JWST program with Dr Elsa Ducrot. She adds: ‘By analyzing the efficiency with which heat is redistributed on the planet, astronomers can deduce the presence of an atmosphere. If an atmosphere exists, the heat should be distributed from the day side of the planet to its night side; without an atmosphere, the redistribution of heat would be minimal."
So we should soon know more about the presence or absence of an atmosphere around TRAPPIST-1's inner planet.
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ceekbee · 4 days ago
Priceless. Danke!!!! Great response from Belgium 🇧🇪🩷
Oh, merci beaucoup, America! 🇺🇸
Because apparently, without you, all of Europe would be goose-stepping its way through history class right now—according to the White House’s very own Press Secretary, Nazi Barbie, Karoline Leavitt.
Karoline, Belgium here. You know, that tiny country you probably couldn’t find on a map without Google Earth and divine intervention? Yeah, hi. We just wanted to say thanks—for the history lesson nobody asked for. Because without America, we’d all be speaking German? Sweetheart, a third of Belgium already does. We multitask over here. Three national languages, fluent sarcasm, and enough beer varieties to drown an empire. What can you do? Oh right, mispronounce “croissant.”
And about showing up in WWII—huge congrats on that whole saving Europe thing. After, you know, sitting on the sidelines for the first six years while Europe burned. . But sure, kick in the door at the eleventh hour, bring the fireworks, and then act like you hosted the whole party. Classic.
Here’s a little perspective from the Belgian side: while your grandfathers were storming the beaches in ‘44 (respect), ours were being flattened again, because apparently, Belgium’s favorite hobby is getting invaded every twenty years. So yeah, we get it. Grateful? Sure. Eternally in your debt? Relax.
And while you’re patting yourselves on the back, we’re over here perfecting the art of living well. You know—real beer. None of that watery nonsense. We brew Trappist ales so strong they come with a warning label. Chocolate? Ours is so good your Swiss cousins cry into their fondue. Fries? We invented them. That’s right—Belgian fries. And they’re served with mayo, not freedom.
And since we’re swapping historical favors, here’s a little reminder: without France, you’d still be British. Yeah. If it weren’t for French troops, French ships, and a French king footing the bill, you’d still be pledging allegiance to the crown and calling it football. So maybe, just maybe, ease up on the lectures about who should be grateful to whom. Lafayette didn’t cross the Atlantic for this nonsense.
But here’s the thing: we are allies. We have been for a long time. Shoulder to shoulder in the trenches, on the beaches, in NATO briefings, and everything in between. So maybe it’s time to act like allies—mutual respect, shared history, and all that good stuff. Not condescending lectures from someone who confuses diplomacy with a cheerleading routine.
Meanwhile, we’ll be over here in Brussels—running the EU, drinking beer older than your country, eating chocolate that could end wars, and juggling three languages before you finish your morning Pop-Tart.
So yes, Karoline: dank u wel, merci, and danke schön for the unsolicited reminder. Now go touch some grass. Or at least try a Chimay. You need it.
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Thank you Christina Witvrouwen
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brookstonalmanac · 4 months ago
Holidays 12.3
Advocate's Day (India)
Alka Seltzer Day
Be a Blessing Day
Cedar Tree Day (French Republic)
Community Day (Navarra, Spain)
Day of the Secretary (Chile)
Day of the Unknown Soldier (Ukraine)
E-Discovery Day
Family & Consumer Sciences Day
Flag Day (Saba)
Flamenco Guitar Day
Heart Transplant Day
Inflatable Pig Day
Intellivision Day
International Baboon Day
International Day of Persons with Disabilities (UN)
International Day of the Basque Language
International Disabled Day (Nepal)
Jazz Day
King Tupou I Day (Tonga)
Lawyer’s Day (Russia)
Let's Hug Day
Make a Gift Day
National Doctor’s Day (Cuba)
National Dorothy Day
National Harley Day
National Heather Day
National Isaac Day
National Lisa Day
National Phenylketonuria (PKU) Awareness Day
National Pig Tail Day
National Ronald Day
National Roof-Over-Your-Head Day
Reinvigorate Your Brain by Reading Something Day
ROC the Day (Rochester)
Rocky Day (Philadelphia)
Saba Day (Saba)
San Francisco Javier (Navarra, Spain)
Takata no Inoko (Peace & Good Harvest Festival; Japan)
Telescope Day
3D Printing Day
Tinsel Day
Tree Dressing Day (UK)
Walt Disney World Day
World Coati Day
World Disable Day (India)
World Loyalty Giving Day
World No Pesticide Use Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Trappist Beer Day
National Apple Pie Day [also 5.13]
National Green Bean Casserole Day
National Ice Cream Box Day
National Peppermint Latte Day
Peppermint Bark Cheesecake Day
Roquefort Day
Independence & Related Days
Edenia (a.k.a. Imperial Union of Edenia; Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Illinois Statehood Day (#21; 1818)
1st Tuesday in December
Crypto Giving Tuesday [Tuesday after Thanksgiving]
Giving News Day [Tuesday after Thanksgiving]
Giving Tuesday [Tuesday after Thanksgiving]
Taco Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Takeout Tuesday [1st Tuesday of Each Month]
Target Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Tater Tot Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Throw Out Your Leftovers Day [Tuesday after Thanksgiving]
To-Do List Tuesday [1st Tuesday of Each Month]
Tranquil Tuesday [1st Tuesday of Each Month]
Travel Deal Tuesday [1st Tuesday]
Trivia Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Two For Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
World Trick Shot Day [1st Tuesday]
Weekly Holidays beginning December 3 (1st Full Week of December)
Clerc-Gallaudet Week (thru 12.10)
Holiday Ale Festival Week (Portland, Oregon) [Begins in late Nov/early Dec] (Postponed for 2023-24)
Festivals Beginning December 3, 2024
Amarillo Farm & Ranch Show (Amarillo, Texas) [thru 12.5]
Greater Peoria Farm Show (Peoria, Illinois) [thru 12.5]
Night of the Proms (Frankfurt am Main, Germany) [thru 12.4]
Feast Days
Abbo of Auxerre (Christian; Saint)
Abraham of Alexandria, Pope (Coptic)
Adrian (a.k.a. Ethernan; Christian; Saint)
Birinus (Christian; Saint)
Bodhi Season, Day 3 (Buddhism; Secular Date) [Leading Up to 12.8] (a.k.a. ... 
Principles: The Three Jewels
Secular: A Bodhi Day Carol
Eightfold Path: Awakened Speech
The Heart Sutra: Space
Bogatir Svatogor Day (Asatru/Slavic Pagan)
Bona Dea Festival (Roman Goddess of Good)
Cassian of Tangier (Christian; Saint)
Clarkson Frederick Stanfield (Artology)
Constantin Guys (Artology)
Copernicus (Positivist; Saint)
Cu Roi Mac Daire (Celtic Book of Days)
Daniel Seghers (Artology)
Emma (of Lesum or of Bremen; Christian; Saint)
Fairy and Goblin Taunt-and-Tease Saturnalia (Shamanism)
Feast of Cybele (Ancient Greece; Everyday Wicca)
Festival for Serket/Selket (Scorpion Goddess; Ancient Egypt)
Francis Xavier (Christian; Saint)
Gilbert Stuart (Artology)
Godzilla Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
International Say No to Selfies Day (Pastafarian)
Johann Nepomuk von Tschiderer zu Gleifheim (Christian; Blessed)
Joseph Conrad (Writerism)
Kate O’Brien (Writerism)
Lucius (Christian; Saint)
Max Meldrum (Artology)
Mengloth’s Day (Pagan)
Motorettes (Muppetism)
Pompaia (Procession to Zeus; Ancient Greece)
Power of Three — Musical Magic Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Sola (Christian; Saint)
Vibrator Day (Pastafarian)
William Gropper (Artology)
Zephaniah (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 337 [68 of 72]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
The BBC Television Shakespeare (UK TV Series; 1978)
The Big Shrink, Parts 1 & 2 (Underdog Cartoon, S1, Eps. 21 & 22 1964)
Black Swan (Film; 2010)
Brown Sugar, recorded by The Rolling Stones (Song; 1969)
Bullwinkle Cleans Up or The Desperate Showers (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 236; 1963)
Camelot (Broadway Musical; 1960)
The Chanukah Song, by Adam Sandler (Song; 1994)
Concerto in F, by George Gershwin (Piano Concerto; 1925)
Confess, by Patti Page (Song; 1947) [1st Recording with Overdubbed Vocals]
Dark Was the Night, Cold Was the Ground, recorded by Blind Willie Johnson (Song; 1927)
Do They Know It’s Christmas? (Charity Song; 1984)
Elvis (Comeback TV Special; 1968)
High Note (WB LT Cartoon; 1960)
House of Flying Daggers (Film; 2004)
A Leak in the Lake or The Drain Maker (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 235; 1963)
I Love You Phillip Morris (Film; 2010)
Justify My Love, by Madonna (Music Video; 1990)
Machine Head, recorded by Deep Purple (Album; 1971)
My Generation, by The Who (Album; 1965)
The Oregon Trail (Video Game; 1971)
The Playful Pest (Phantasies Cartoon; 1943)
The Power of the Dog, by Thomas Savage (Novel; 1967)
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (Christmas TV Special; 1964)
Rubber Soul, by The Beatles (Album; 1965)
Spud (Film; 2010)
A Streetcar Named Desire, by Tennessee Williams (Play; 1947)
Symphony #1 in A, by Edward Elgar (Symphony; 1908)
A Taste of Catnip (WB MM Cartoon; 1966)
Thanks to the Saint, by Leslie Charteris (Short Stories 1957) [Saint #33]
The Town Santa Forgot (Hanna-Barbera Animated TV Special; 1993)
Unknown Soldiers, by Väinö Linna (Novel; 1954)
The Weapon Shops of Isher, by A.E. van Vogt (Novel; 1951)
Wild (Film; 2014)
You’re Sixteen, by Ringo Starr (Song; 1973)
Today’s Name Days
Emma, Franz Xaver, Jason (Austria)
Franjo, Lucije, Sofonija (Croatia)
Svatoslav (Czech Republic)
Svend (Denmark)
Leiger, Leino (Estonia)
Meri, Vellamo (Finland)
François-Xavier, Xavier (France)
Franz Xaver, Jason (Germany)
Glykerios (Greece)
Ferenc, Olívia (Hungary)
Francesco, Saverio (Italy)
Daile, Evija, Jogita, Raita (Latvia)
Atalija, Audinga, Gailintas, Ksaveras (Lithuania)
Svein, Sveinung (Norway)
Franciszek, Kasjan, Ksawery, Lucjusz, Unimir (Poland)
Gheorghe (România)
Oldrich (Slovakia)
Francisco, Javier (Spain)
Lydia (Sweden)
Javier, Malcolm, Malcom, Malik, Xavier, Xaviera (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 338 of 2024; 28 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of Week 49 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ngetal (Reed) [Day 10 of 28]
Chinese: Month 11 (Bing-Zi), Day 3 (Xin-Chou)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 2 Kislev 5785
Islamic: 1 Jumada II 1446
J Cal: 8 Black; Oneday [8 of 30]
Julian: 20 November 2024
Moon: 7%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 2 Bichat (13th Month) [Halley / Kepler]
Runic Half Month: Is (Stasis) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Autumn or Fall (Day 72 of 90)
Week: 1st Full Week of December
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 12 of 30)
Calendar Changes
Jumādā al-ʾŪlā (a.k.a. Jumada I) [جُمَادَىٰ ٱلْأُولَىٰ] (Islamic Calendar) [Month 5 of 12] (First of the Parched Land; Pre-Islamic Summer)
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280507 · 6 months ago
"I saw death"
followed by uncontrollable laughter
followed by intemporality;
Yesterday will be today and tomorrow the crushing tuesday
the lack of sleep
the crust of parmesan the piece of ceiling paint the mushroom stems the little pot of weed, needing a refill
the trappists, the champagne, the wine, the wodka, the eau de vie, the calvados, the chartreuse, the gin, the mezcal,
the shell pasta the spirelli the shoes, almost falling apart
Les si n'aiment pas les rais so we overcome conditionality by "J sé nin mi", "al-Hamdu lillāh" and dancing.
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luckas58-blog · 10 months ago
 dag drie: van Ciney naar Sampon bij Aarlen, bijna helemaal in het zuiden van ons land aangekomen. Na een nachtje onweer en veel gedonder en regen, deze morgen vertrokken bij betrokken hemel en veel zuidwestenwind, redelijk fris maar de ganse dag geen regen gehad. Door de condroz verder gefietst stilletjes aan stijgend,doorheen Rochfort, je weet wel van de trappist, maar wij hebben er een koffie gedronken. Dan verder naar Sint Hubert, gekende verzamelplaats van jagers en blazers. Middagpauze met lekker broodje en een Franzipan als dessert. nieuwe moed je af en toe de zon die er door komt clement naar de hoogste top van onze fietstocht dwars door de Ardennen, met name 540 m. En waaien dat het daar deed. Maar wel mooi om doorheen te fietsen met verlichten tot de hoge venen in het oosten en de Franse grens in het westen. Langs een monument gereden dat de weerstand van de Amerikanen tegen de pantzer division Lehr in de slag om de Ardennen in herinnering bracht. Op dit punt kwam het Ardennen offensief van de Duitsers tot stilstand. Wel geen wrak van de panter II tank, de grootste van de Tweede Wereldoorlog gezien. Alles mooi opgeruimd. uiteindelijk geldt gehouden L’église om een boeke de Berlin, een van de weinige dingen die we van de Duitse over gehouden hebben, naar binnenteen. Het was hoog tijd want de benen begonnen leeg te lopen. L’église is trouwens het dorp waar we enkele jaren terug met de familie Dhondt en midweek doorgebracht hebben. en veel bakplezier en andere pleziertjes hebben gehad! de jonge bakker gaat trouwens een piep stemmetje zodat we vermoeden dat hij een trans zou kunnen zijn of hij zich aan het voorbereiden was. En dan naar Habay, waar we in reden op een grote massa die net de 20 km loop strijd achter de rug hadden. gezocht naar Louis en Charlotte maar niet gevonden. uiteindelijk aangekomen in Sampor, onze fietsen gestalt achterde B&B, en de tuin kot van de eigenaar. Verder was er geen mogelijkheid. We zullen morgen zien of dat ze er nog staan. Dan met taxi naar Arlon en in een familie restaurant lekker konijn voor polen tomaat crevette Grise voor mij gegeten. kostprijs € 83,5 met aperitief en dessert, iets meer dan de taxirit. Einde van de dag en om 10u30 uur het bed in. Morgen regen weer…
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brookston · 1 year ago
Holidays 12.3
Advocate's Day (India)
Alka Seltzer Day
Be a Blessing Day
Cedar Tree Day (French Republic)
Day of the Secretary (Chile)
Doctor’s Day (Cuba)
E-Discovery Day
Family & Consumer Sciences Day
Flag Day (Saba)
Flamenco Guitar Day
Heart Transplant Day
Inflatable Pig Day
International Baboon Day
International Day of Persons with Disabilities (UN)
International Day of the Basque Language
Jazz Day
King Tupou I Day (Tonga)
Let's Hug Day
Make a Gift Day
National Dorothy Day
National Harley Day
National Heather Day
National Isaac Day
National Lisa Day
National Phenylketonuria (PKU) Awareness Day
National Pig Tail Day
National Ronald Day
National Roof-Over-Your-Head Day
Reinvigorate Your Brain by Reading Something Day
Saba Day (Saba)
San Francisco Javier (Navarra, Spain)
Takata no Inoko (Peace & Good Harvest Festival; Japan)
Telescope Day
3D Printing Day
Tinsel Day
Tree Dressing Day (UK)
Walt Disney World Day
World No Pesticide Use Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Holiday Ale Festival begins (Portland, Oregon) [Begins in late Nov/early Dec] (Postponed for 2023)
International Trappist Beer Day
National Apple Pie Day [also 5.13]
National Green Bean Casserole Day
National Ice Cream Box Day
National Peppermint Latte Day
Roquefort Day
1st Sunday in December
1st Sunday in Advent [4th Sunday before Xmas] (a.k.a. ... 
Adventssonntag (Germany)
Advent Sunday
Hope Sunday
Midwinter Horn Blowing (Netherlands)
Good Neighborliness Day [1st Sunday]
World AIDS Sunday [1st Sunday]
World Ice Skating Day [1st Sunday]
Independence Days
Edenia (a.k.a. Imperial Union of Edenia; Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Illinois Statehood Day (#21; 1818)
Feast Days
Abbo of Auxerre (Christian; Saint)
Abraham of Alexandria, Pope (Coptic)
Adrian (a.k.a. Ethernan; Christian; Saint)
Birinus (Christian; Saint)
Bogatir Svatogor Day (Asatru/Slavic Pagan)
Bona Dea Festival (Roman Goddess of Good)
Cassian of Tangier (Christian; Saint)
Copernicus (Positivist; Saint)
Emma (of Lesum or of Bremen; Christian; Saint)
Festival for Serket/Selket (Scorpion Goddess; Ancient Egypt)
Francis Xavier (Christian; Saint)
Gilbert Stuart (Artology)
Godzilla Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
International Say No to Selfies Day (Pastafarian)
Johann Nepomuk von Tschiderer zu Gleifheim (Christian; Blessed)
Lucius (Christian; Saint)
Max Meldrum (Artology)
Mengloth’s Day (Pagan)
Motorettes (Muppetism)
Pompaia (Procession to Zeus; Ancient Greece)
Sola (Christian; Saint)
Vibrator Day (Pastafarian)
Zephaniah (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 337 [68 of 72]
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
The BBC Television Shakespeare (UK TV Series; 1978)
Black Swan (Film; 2010)
Brown Sugar, recorded by The Rolling Stones (Song; 1969)
Bullwinkle Cleans Up or The Desperate Showers (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 236; 1963)
Camelot (Broadway Musical; 1960)
The Chanukah Song, by Adam Sandler (Song; 1994)
Concerto in F, by George Gershwin (Piano Concerto; 1925)
Confess, by Patti Page (Song; 1947) [1st Recording with Overdubbed Vocals]
Dark Was the Night, Cold Was the Ground, recorded by Blind Willie Johnson (Song; 1927)
Do They Know It’s Christmas? (Charity Song; 1984)
Elvis (Comeback TV Special; 1968)
High Note (WB LT Cartoon; 1960)
House of Flying Daggers (Film; 2004)
A Leak in the Lake or The Drain Maker (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 235; 1963)
I Love You Phillip Morris (Film; 2010)
Justify My Love, by Madonna (Music Video; 1990)
Machine Head, recorded by Deep Purple (Album; 1971)
My Generation, by The Who (Album; 1965)
The Oregon Trail (Video Game; 1971)
The Power of the Dog, by Thomas Savage (Novel; 1967)
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (Christmas TV Special; 1964)
Rubber Soul, by The Beatles (Album; 1965)
Spud (Film; 2010)
A Streetcar Named Desire, by Tennessee Williams (Play; 1947)
Symphony #1 in A, by Edward Elgar (Symphony; 1908)
A Taste of Catnip (WB MM Cartoon; 1966)
Thanks to the Saint, by Leslie Charteris (Short Stories 1957) [Saint #33]
Unknown Soldiers, by Väinö Linna (Novel; 1954)
The Weapon Shops of Isher, by A.E. van Vogt (Novel; 1951)
Wild (Film; 2014)
You’re Sixteen, by Ringo Starr (Song; 1973)
Today’s Name Days
Emma, Franz Xaver, Jason (Austria)
Franjo, Lucije, Sofonija (Croatia)
Svatoslav (Czech Republic)
Svend (Denmark)
Leiger, Leino (Estonia)
Meri, Vellamo (Finland)
François-Xavier, Xavier (France)
Franz Xaver, Jason (Germany)
Glykerios (Greece)
Ferenc, Olívia (Hungary)
Francesco, Saverio (Italy)
Daile, Evija, Jogita, Raita (Latvia)
Atalija, Audinga, Gailintas, Ksaveras (Lithuania)
Svein, Sveinung (Norway)
Franciszek, Kasjan, Ksawery, Lucjusz, Unimir (Poland)
Gheorghe (România)
Oldrich (Slovakia)
Francisco, Javier (Spain)
Lydia (Sweden)
Javier, Malcolm, Malcom, Malik, Xavier, Xaviera (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 337 of 2024; 28 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 48 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 6 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Gui-Hai), Day 21 (Yi-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 20 Kislev 5784
Islamic: 20 Jumada I 1445
J Cal: 7 Zima; Sevenday [7 of 30]
Julian: 20 November 2023
Moon: 65%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 1 Bichat (13th Month) [Copernicus]
Runic Half Month: Is (Stasis) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 71 of 89)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 12 of 30)
Calendar Changes
Bichat (Modern Science) [Month 13 of 13; Positivist]
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auraeseer · 8 months ago
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Feeling bleu . . .
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catastrophe-jones · 2 years ago
I can't say I've tried a Trappist beer or ale with ice cream (the spices they use concern me, in that context) like in that one post's photo additions, but a good heavy vanilla porter over vanilla ice cream? Delicious. Like a sweeter, colder affogato.
There's a three-different-peppers-infused imperial chocolate stout at a local brewery rn that I think would be FANTASTIC over ice cream, it's almost syrupy and a perfect balance between sweet and spicy.
For some fantastical hellsite reason, I can't actually see my inbox, but this was in my notifications at least, which means I can answer it! Do you think it would be better if reduced to a syrup? Or do you think a 'beer float' would be lovely, or do you think it's 'more ice cream, less beer'? I've never been able to taste the 'chocolate' in a chocolate stout, nor anything that would make me think of chocolate. Usually the yeast and the hops overwhelm me in most beers -- I like them, but they're usually the most potent thing on my tongue, which leads me to prefer them with savory/salty things like bread and cheese. It lets the sweetness of the drink come out, to me. To pair it WITH something sweet, to me, seems like it might get weird. Don't get me wrong, if I could consume gluten, I'd try it; I love trying new (and weird/unknown to me) food.
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frimleyblogger · 2 years ago
Ale And Not So Hearty
Sad news as one of Belgium's six authentic #Trappist breweries loses its ATP accreditation as its last monk, Prior Gaby, has had to leave the #Achel monastery #Belgium #beer
To qualify for the all-important ATP designation (authentic Trappist product), the beer has to be brewed by monks, or under the direct supervision of monks, within the grounds of a Trappist monastery. Monies raised from the sale of the beer goes to maintaining the monastery with all other profits being donated to charities and community projects. Belgium’s number of accredited ATP breweries has…
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belgianbeercafepost · 1 month ago
A Culinary Journey: The Best Dining Experiences in Dubai
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Dubai happens to be among the most extravagant and varied dining capitals of the universe. These are fine dining restaurants, casual eateries, and unique themed restaurants it a try; Dubai has it all. However, in case you're hunting for a place that has rich European flavors combined with an inviting atmosphere and world-class beverages, then Belgian Beer Café must be checked out.
Genuine Belgian Hospitality in the Heart of Dubai.
It truly is small about being straight to the heart of Belgium, with warm lighting and all those wooden furnishings bringing together a charmingly old-world atmosphere. This is the place for anyone residing in Dubai or even just visiting and looking for comfort with a little bit more refinement-a great venue in the city with locations all over. Dubai Festival City and Madinat Jumeirah are just two locations that definitely have you covered when it comes to finding that cozy place near you to enjoy a great meal.
Savor Classic Belgian Cuisine 
What makes Belgian Beer Cafe remarkable is its authentic Belgian cuisine. From the crispy Belgian fries to steaming pots of mussels cooked in white wine and herbs, the entire menu is full of traditional flavors that lend themselves well to the extensive beer selection in the café. For meat lovers, the place offers delicious steaks, tender lamb shanks slowly cooked, and juicy burgers. 
One dish you must try is the Carbonade Flamande, a rich and hearty Flemish beef stew that is slow-cooked in dark beer, giving it an incredibly deep and flavorful taste. And of course, nowhere will you find a complete Belgian experience of dining without waffles topped with fresh cream, fruits, and Belgian chocolate sauce.
Paradise for Beer Lovers 
Belgium is world-renowned for its beers, and the Belgian Beer Café indeed translates that history and legacy into Dubai. Whether you're that beer drinker in the casual way or a true beer connoisseur, it has Belgian wonderful brews from the light refreshing wheat beers to the deep complex Trappist ales. For a sample of Belgium's brewing mastery, either have a Chimay, Leffe, or Duvel. 
Not quite sure which one to pick? Don't worry, the knowledgeable staff are always happy to give food pairing suggestions to create the perfect combination for your meal and your overall experience. 
Ideal for Any Occasion 
Be it a romantic dinner, an intimate gathering with friends, or an after-office drink, Belgian Beer Café meets the necessary conditions. The terraces overlooking the plain also offer a great view, if, for instance, you happen to be at its Dubai Festival City branch while enjoying your meal, you may be able to view the spectacular IMAGINE light and water show. 
For sports enthusiasts, the place also features big live sporting events making it a perfect hangout to sip something while cheering for your favorite team. 
Why You Should Visit Belgian Beer Café 
Genuine flavors of Belgium where all time-honored dishes are skillfully prepared. 
A broader selection of beer for you to enjoy some of the best from Belgium. 
Warm welcoming ambiance where one feels at home. 
Great locations with beautiful scenery plus exciting entertainment. Ideal for all occasions-from just hanging out to big events. 
Dubai has a thousand and one choices for dining, but if you want to experience a unique European dining experience with delicious food and top-class quality Belgian beer, the place is Belgian Beer Café. Whether it is comforting Belgian stew an ice-cold Trappist beer, or just soaking in that wonderful warm and rustic atmosphere, you are going to be in for a culinary adventure like no other. 
So, the next time you are in Dubai and longing for a memorable dining experience, visit the Belgian Beer Café and indulge your taste buds in the richness of Belgium's flavors and traditions!
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insurgentepress · 2 months ago
Detecta Telescopio James Webb indicios de vulcanismo extremo en Trappist-1 b
Mediciones recientes con el Telescopio Espacial @ESA_Webb arrojan dudas sobre la comprensión actual de la naturaleza del exoplaneta rocoso cercano Trappist-1 b, al aparecer indicios de vulcanismo extremo o tectónica de placas.
Agencias/Ciudad de México.- Mediciones recientes con el Telescopio Espacial James Webb (JWST) arrojan dudas sobre la comprensión actual de la naturaleza del exoplaneta rocoso cercano Trappist-1 b, al aparecer indicios de vulcanismo extremo o tectónica de placas Hasta ahora se suponía que era un planeta oscuro y rocoso sin atmósfera, formado por un impacto cósmico de radiación y meteoritos que…
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brookstonalmanac · 2 months ago
Beer Events 2.4
2nd U.S. Brewers Association convention held; John Bechtel elected president (1863)
John Oesteeling patented a Design for Beer-Mugs (1873)
Hemrich Brothers Brewing incorporated (Washington; 1899)
Max Henius patented Brew-House Equipment (1908)
Louis Popky patented a Beverage Cooling Apparatus (1941)
Baltimore's American Brewing Co. bought Pittsburgh's Fort Pitt Brewing (1960)
Michael Pinnegar patented a Continuous Beer Making Process Wherein the Wort and Yeast are Separated by a Porous Partition (1969)
S.S. Steiner patented Hops-Derived Foam Stabilizing and Bitter Agents (1993) 
White Labs introduced its 1st Belgian yeast, a Trappist ale yeast (1996)
Anheuser-Busch bought Blue Point Brewing (2014)
German priest Michael Fey modified a washing machine to create an automatic brewing machine (2003)
Facebook debuted online (2004)
Breweries Opened
Cafe on the Square & Brewpub (Texas; 1995)
Thirsty Dog Brewing (Ohio; 1997)
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