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my zine about transnational feminism. I hope you enjoy.
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mujeres-de-maiz-blog · 8 years ago
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FREEDOM DREAMS - organized by @af3irm TOMORROW, WEDNESDAY 4/19: Join AF3IRM for a conversation with Shadia Mansour, the First Lady of Arabic hip hop, on liberation in the face of fascism, politics, and music as an instrument for freedom dreaming! Suggested donation of $15. All proceeds go to AF3IRM and @translatinacoalition . THANK YOU TO @mayajupiter and @aloeblacc for their huge support of this event - wouldn't have happened without you. THIS is what transnational feminism sounds like ✊🏾 event at the @bhac 2708 E Cesar Chavez St, 1st Floor, LA 90033 6pm. Go to bit.ly/shadiainla for tix! #ShadiaMansour #Palestine #transnationalfeminism
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avrgkim-blog · 6 years ago
Transnational Feminism
The Girl Effect campaign launched by Nike released a series of video ads in an attempt to ‘get girls on the radar of the CEOs, government leaders, and other influential leaders’. These ads are a prime example of how neoliberalism perpetuates the stigmatization of the perceived “global south”, creates the idea of “otherness”, and perpetuates the superiority complex of Western cultures. In this unit, we discussed three separate videos that outlined these themes under the guise of helping girls.
The first video we watched ‘I Dare You’, opened with close-ups of young brown girls with an over voice “daring” the audience to essentially stereotype the images. The second video, ‘What If There Was An Unexpected Solution’, proposed that the revolutionary solution to the world’s issues was surprisingly a girl. The third video, ‘We Have A Situation On Our Hands’, dramatically implies that young girls will befall a life of poverty, sexualized violence and disease if efforts are not put in  motion to stop it.
These videos not only overtly sexualize girls as young as twelve years old, but they reinforce this idea that non-westernized cultures are uncivilized and in need of “saving” (*neocolonization*). It paints this unappealing picture that non-white people are uneducated, impoverished, and helpless.
A current trend that has become popularized by white-American culture is the trend of voluntourism. Voluntourism is a combination of volunteering and tourism, typically at the international level. This concept is problematic because it supports the idea that countries outside of the global north are in desperate need of help that can only be provided by white saviors. Voluntourists exploit the families, almost explicitly the children, in order to make themselves seem like godsends, while also relaying the tired, overdone spiel of how sad the lives of these people are simply because their culture differs from the “blessed” and “lavish” lifestyle Americans live.
Transnational feminism is concerned with how globalization negatively impacts society as a whole. It criticizes the idea that one culture is inherently superior than another, and sheds light on how it can create social stigmas that depict other societies and cultures as negative or deviant. Transnational feminism helps us understand that sometimes good intentions are not always what they seem to be, and that those who are trying to help are really the ones who hurt us the most to begin with.
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Heather Switzer. 2013. “(Post)feminist Development Fables: The Girl Effect and the Production of Sexual Subjects.” Feminist Theory 14 (3): 345-360.
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anthonyjnocella · 7 years ago
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#critical #criticalanimalpedagogy #criticalanimalstudies #totalliberation #animalliberation #animalrights #animal #book #scholarship #academic #education #moral #ethicalphilosophy #socialjustice #socialmovement #foodjustice #environmentaljustice #transnationalfeminism
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clairemacp-blog · 8 years ago
In Dr Fernando’s lecture last week, I was surprised to hear that essentially every research methodology I favour falls under the umbrella of intersectional feminist methodology (who has been hiding this from me?), so I was instantly curious to read more. Here, Falcón produces practical principles and criteria to guide a transnational feminist approach to decolonising research. Being extremely self-conscious of one’s positionality (specifically imperial privilege), finding a ‘respectful’ balance between ontologies and embracing multilingualism are the principles set forth. The criteria Falcón proposes all seek to humanise research and depart from the perception of individually created knowledges, acknowledging and reciprocating with subjects to engage in the undoing and rebuilding of decolonisation. Though she acknowledges that research produced of this methodology will not win over those of the objectivist scientific mindset, just the thought of this paradigm being put into practice excites me and I hope it continues to grow in the field.
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pinayanimerican · 8 years ago
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This is your chance to develop action plans with other women to create concrete change! Join the first @af3irm women's popular assembly! For more info, check out the fb event page (https://m.facebook.com/events/780852062063907) or e-mail [email protected] #transnationalfeminism #af3irm #feministsfightfascism #feministuprising #af3irmla (at UTLA)
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af3irm · 6 years ago
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#Repost @af3irmla ・・・ Today we honor Bartolina Sisa, an Aymara woman who led an indigenous uprising against Spanish colonialism in Bolivia. She was captured and faced a cruel death by the Spanish on September 5th 1782. To honor her resilience, September 5th is commemorated as the International Day of Indigenous Women since 1983. As transnational women of color, we have histories rooted in occupation, colonization, and the invasion of our ancestral lands. We have experienced violence against the earth as inextricably linked to violence against women and children, as we are dispossessed of our homes and communities, our own bodies and the memory of our ancestral language and history. AF3IRM continues to learn and draw inspiration from indigenous resistance— and more, the indigenous communities and women on the frontlines protecting water and land has opened our eyes to the possibilities of building a more just and cosmological worldview. Thank you #BartolinaSisa and to the many other indigenous women for fighting to recover the ancestral rights of the indigenous people for our genuine liberation. Artwork: @manedrain #internationalindigenouswomensday #indigenouswomenresistance #BartolinaSisa #MujerIndigena #Aymara #RestinPower #decolonize #antiimperialism #anticolonialism #transnationalfeminism #af3irm #af3irmla via Instagram
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af3irmnyc · 5 years ago
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TONIGHT: @af3irmnyc’s report back on the Second International Gathering of Women who Struggle #EZLN #zapatistas #af3irm #af3irmnyc #af3irmla #woc #transnationalfeminism — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2uVjxek
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sumaq-urpi · 8 years ago
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🗣: @af3irm is excited to announce "FREEDOM DREAMS: A TRANSNATIONAL MUSICAL DIALOGUE" ft an amazing trio of fierce emcees- Ana Tijoux, Shadia Mansour and Maya Jupiter! Join us on Sunday, May 28th at Zebulon LA for this special event! Pre-sale tickets are $25. Join our email list at link on bio for first dibs at tickets!!! You don't want to miss this gathering of brilliant, badass mujeres. For further information please email [email protected] WE ARE THE FEMINIST UPRISING AND THIS IS WHAT OUR MUSIC AND LIBERATION SOUNDS LIKE!! ✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽 #af3irm #af3irmla #anatijoux #shadiamansour #mayajupiter #transnationalfeminism #losangeles (at Zebulon Café Concert)
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mujeres-de-maiz-blog · 8 years ago
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WOMXNS DAY MARCH "Join @AF3IRM LA for their annual International Women’s Day March and Rally - Sunday, March 5 in Downtown Los Angeles! This march is convened and led by transnational/women of color, but all people are welcome to join. WHEN: Sunday, March 5, 2017 TIME: 12:00 noon WHERE: Los Angeles City Hall, 200 N. Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 (Between 1st and Temple Sts) #iwd2017 #transnationalfeminism #LA #march #af3irm #WOC #feministuprising"
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seaisrisn · 8 years ago
This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence -- economic, political, even spiritual -- is felt in every city, every State house, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society. In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the militaryindustrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Farewell Address, Jan. 17,1961
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af3irmnyc · 5 years ago
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Repost from @af3irm • “It’s time to renew the battle for reproductive rights.” – Sarah Weddington, lawyer who successfully argued the Roe v. Wade case before the United States Supreme Court. . As the war on women’s bodies continues, we in AF3IRM recognize how our fertility & reproductive capacities are used as a pillar in the total domination of womankind. . We see through this country’s malice to insist on a misogynistic and heteropatriarchal agenda in order to protect the male right to access women's bodies, from Donald Trump’s appointment of Brett Kavanaugh down to state and local governing bodies that want to dictate women’s fertility and reproductive capacity as public domain. . We see how the subordination and the second-class status conferred on women is still something we must continue to combat, and it is Black & WOC who are leading the fight against the historical process of creating women as the first form of private property. . Women’s bodies are not the property of any religion. Women’s bodies are not the property of any state or country. Women’s bodies are not the property of any corporation. Reproductive choices belong to us women and to us alone! . Artwork by @af3irmla member: @irisinpala #Reproductive Justice #NoAbortionBans #AF3IRM #AntiImperialist #TransnationalFeminism #RoevWade #RoevWade47thAnniversary #FeministsFightFascism #LandandWomenNotForConquest . #af3irmnyc #af3irmny — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/37iKMgV
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sumaq-urpi · 8 years ago
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Thought this night couldn't get more amazing? We are excited to announce Ceci Bastida will be joining Anita Tijoux, Shadia Mansour and Maya Jupiter This gathering of brilliant, badass mujeres will also feature sounds and beats by Dj Francesca Harding & DJ Beca G of Sessions LA Join us on Sunday, May 28th at Zebulon LA for this special event. Pre-sale tickets are $25. Ticket sale info coming soon. Sign up for AF3IRM National's email list to get first dibs on tickets! Join today at bit.ly/2af3irm (link in profile and at @af3irm) WE ARE THE FEMINIST UPRISING AND THIS IS WHAT OUR MUSIC AND LIBERATION SOUNDS LIKE!! #af3irm #af3irmla #anatijoux #shadiamansour #mayajupiter #cecibastida #transnationalfeminism #losangeles (at Zebulon Café Concert)
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