#transmasc! oscar
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Hey so how do we feel about this one Oscar malevolent nation
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kolbalissh · 4 months ago
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t4t carcar <3
for @lyslsstuff :3 you have compelled me so much ilyy thank you for opening my eyes to them
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oddballwriter · 5 months ago
You know what? Fuck you. *transmascs all your Oscar Isaac characters*
Nathan still gets really bad cramps even though he’s well into his transition and HRT.
Also, even though the moon boys got top surgery ages ago and the scar is long gone, Steven still gets a bit of chest dysphoria and that’s why most of his clothes tend to be loose.
And Anselm has destroyed every record that he was AFAB and replaced them with the new records that record him as AMAB because he has the money and influence to do that and because he felt like it. He has also shot several transphobes personally both because they said something or simply because he was bored.
Meanwhile Poe needs to be told to take a binding break all the time because he either forgets to or he’s being stubborn and refuses to do so.
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bamboobooshark · 7 months ago
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₊˚.⋆🕯️⋆⁺. T-SHOT PREFS : 941 WRDS
CW : Shots, Needles, Syringes, etc.
A/N : I came up with this idea in the middle of a class and couldn’t get it off of my mind! The scenario here is that you’ve recently received your first prescription and want the boys to have the honor of giving it to you. I don’t take T myself, but for those who do/want/plan to, I hope you all enjoy these prefs!
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You better bet your ass that Steven would love to help you with your T shot. He’d be smiling idiotically as you grab it. He follows you to the bathroom all giddy, unable to keep still as you get the small bottle from the cabinet behind the mirror.
“It’s a shot? Why does it have to be a shot?! Isn’t there an easier way to do this? What if I hurt you?”
He gets a little weary once you inform him that he will have to put a needle in your skin. You reassure him that everything will be fine. He’ll be fine. You’ll be fine.
Once you’re settled on the edge of your shared bed, he kneels down in front of you and offers to help you shimmy your pants off just enough to show your hip.
“I’m just making sure one more time; you want me to do this?”
His hand trembles softly as he holds the syringe. His cheeks are hot from being so nervous. His eyes keep flicking from your eyes, your hip, and the syringe.
You take his free hand and place it on top of your thigh opposite of the hip he’ll inject you in. Your thumb reassuringly runs over his knuckles before you clasp your palm on the back of his. You tell him once more that you’re sure and he nods his head, feeling more sure now that he has your touch to comfort him.
He carefully injects the liquid into your hip, cringing, but eyeing the needle intently, as he does so. In all honesty he looked more scared of giving you your testosterone than you were of receiving it.
“Hey! Look at me go! Look at us go!” He’s beaming after he’s done. He quickly gets up from his feet to lean forward and kiss your forehead. He’s proud of himself for giving you the shot, proud of you for taking it, and happy that you’re taking another step to being more comfortable in your own skin. “You took that so well! I’m truly amazed at how well you did. Good job, really.”
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Marc is familiar with the shots, syringes, etc. from all the hospital visits. As soon as you mention there’s the option of taking it in your thigh or hip, he tells you he won’t give it to you unless you let him inject your thigh.
It’s not because he’s a thigh guy, but because he knows it’s less painful and he would never want to hurt you. Espically if he has control of the situation the two of you are in.
He does everything pretty quick. Getting the bottle and syringe prepared, making sure you’re sat somewhere cozy, and moving your pants aside so he can get to your thigh easily.
Marc lets out a deep exhale as he looks up at you from his knees. “You ready? I can hold your hand if you want. We could get you some numbing cream. I’ll do anything if it means you’ll be a little more relaxed.” His other hand rubs the back of your calf, feeling your tensed muscles. He really would do anything to help you feel less stressed about this shot, espically considering how he would be given them with little to no warning and forcefully.
Once both of you knew you were for sure ready, he quickly but gently injected your thigh while he kissed the skin around it softly. “You’re okay, sweetheart. I’m here for you. I always will be.”
From his gentle touch, soft kisses, and reassurance, the shot felt like nothing. You were smiling the whole way through from how much he simply cared for you. God, he made your heart melt.
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Jake was on the fence at first when you asked him to help you with your T. He didn’t say yes, but he didn’t say no.
“Would it be better if I did it? Do you want me to hold your hand while you do it? You sure you trust me to do this?”
He felt so appreciative that you were giving him the option of injecting you with your first shot, but he also didn’t believe he deserved to do it.
Once you convinced him that you really wanted him to do it, he accepted it with a prideful and happy smile.
“No, no, no. Don’t even think about it. Let me get everything for you. Don’t move a muscle, mi amor.”
Jake was insistent that you relax while he does everything he can to make this moment memorable, comfortable, and happy. He kept rambling about how happy he is for you and that he’s proud of you for bringing it up with your doctor.
Some time later you were sat comfortably on the couch. He got your favorite blanket, some pillows to go behind your back. He lowered himself onto one knee and carefully prepared the liquid into the syringe.
You both decided that he would inject the testosterone into your thigh. He softly asked you to take some deep breaths with him before counting down until the needle reached your skin.
Jaked talked you through the whole dose of testosterone. His opposite hand slipped under your shirt, his thumb rubbing circles on your hip.
“One, two, three… There you go. You’re doing great, cariño. It’s almost all gone. You’re so strong. You’ve got this!”
Once he was done he got himself up off the floor, kissed your forehead, and safely disposed of the syringe. He gently ran his hand over your thigh with a subtle smile on his lips. He was incredibly proud of you, and himself for helping you out.
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pierrotsoup · 2 months ago
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Collage which contains the fabric of my soul I fear ... Muppet Christmas carol is so so so perfect also
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cyberr-v0id · 3 months ago
I get gender envy from guys that would make my lesbian friends cry
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sugarspikesart · 2 years ago
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I hc Ruby as bi, demigirl who is comfy with any pronouns
And oscar as also bi, trans masc who uses he/him
And both asexual
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syeaweed · 1 year ago
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Lady Oscar from The Rose Of Versailles
Fml, I wish I was born before 2000. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk
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boycritter · 1 year ago
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woe, lame little tboy be upon ye :3
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romanarose · 1 month ago
shout out to the trans men who see themselves in Oscar Isaac characters when they let him be short.
Shout out to all the trans mascs that look at Santiago Garcia walking next to millers and tom who are all above 6 foot, watching him literally look up at them, and relate to that.
Shout out to trans men who see him playing in moon knight, see him without the dehydrated male power fantasy body but still strong and fit and masculine
Shout out to all of us who see him in roles where he is visibly shorter, no chest hair/little body hair, sometimes scrawny (Cecil) or thicker, who see him askew many markers of traditional masculinity and male power fantasy but still be perceived as action character, strong, cool, and masculine.
I'm well aware Oscar Isaac is a cis man and he and the directors of these pieces aren't doing anything intentionally to code characters as trans but a lot of us still see pieces in these works and really enjoy it.
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menstits · 8 months ago
"Is rose of versailles yuri or yuri bait?" it's yaoi
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hauntedbythehorrors · 1 year ago
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lying00 · 3 days ago
Personal Opinions of Oscar François de Jarjayes
When I started reading The Rose of Versailles Oscar’s character was immediately intriguing. First of all, I was already very familiar with popular characterizations of Marie Antoinette so the original characters like Oscar, Rosalie and Andre stood out to me. I was able to generally predict where the story arcs for the characters based on real historical figures were going, but the fate of these original characters were a complete mystery. 
I would like to focus on Oscar’s gender representation in The Rose of Versailles. Her upbringing was such an intriguing aspect of the story for many reasons. The fact that her father raised her to fulfill a traditionally male social role (there could be an entire debate on how valid or not his reasons were) brought this quite intriguing idea that physical attributes don’t have to set the constraints for who someone could be in their life. I think that many of us wish this was the case. To me, Oscar’s personal and professional successes in this story–having a position of power over men and an object of desire for women–show an idealistic world where the idea of rigidly gendered professions could be demolished and where one’s biological sex has little bearing on a person’s opportunities in life. 
Despite Oscar’s confidence in her profession and social position, I do not think that Oscar’s gender identity is very rigid–meaning that Oscar is able to express her gender identity relatively fluidly. There are defninitely literary benefits to having a female character be most comfortable fitting in the typical male gender roles, but a common trend is when they are confronted with any aspect of femininity they reject it fullheartedly which nowadays we would see as perhaps annoying and “pick me” behavior. Oscar’s character is unique in this way–that when she was faced with having to get in touch with her more feminine side by wearing a dress and jewelry, there was little internal conflict for Oscar. Moreover, it felt that her decision did not undermine her character’s social strength as the captain of the royal guard. She never corrected her female admirors when they misgendered her and I saw her as being largely apathetic to others’ perceptions of her gender identity. This was extremely refreshing, considering that this manga came out in the 70s. 
Now for my critiques. I will admit that I was sad to see her fall into a “typically feminine” role where she briefly dressed appropriately for her gender and pursued a man she was interested in and when she slept with her male childhood friend, but I suppose this is what true (modern) feminism would be–the complete freedom to be authentically oneself in pursuit of what makes a person happy. Whether that would be adhering to typical gender norms, subverting them, or switching between whenever someone feels like it. While I would have liked to see an asexual transmasc (or simply a woman acting within masculine stereotypes), that may not have been possible considering the political climate in the 70s and in Japan. All I can do is learn to appreciate what this work and character was for its time, and hope to see exactly the representation I want in other places.
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augusts-sketchbook · 2 months ago
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veilguard + drawtectives brainrot = loose Rook sketch drawn in Eugene's fit/Julia's style. Julia's work is so shapey and fun, I just wanted to try escape my own habits for a bit.
You can find her work here and her Drawtectives show here
Other julia inspired dragon age portraits here: warden | hawke | rook
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goth1clee · 2 years ago
Steven Grant x trans m!reader
Tw: angst, mentions of dysphoria/ binders, tickles
Lazing on your bed, you lay back slowly, trying to avoid tensing your back muscles too much. The pain in your lower back slowly became harder to ignore. You had removed your binder about an hour ago. It was hard to take it off sometimes, due to forgetting it’s even there or just not wanting to for fear of seeing your chest. Closing your eyes, you tried to ignore what felt like agonising punched being sent through your spine.
“Y/N I’m home! You there?” The cheerful voice of your boyfriend echoed throughout the apartment as the door slammed shut. You answered groggily but sweetly nonetheless.
“You ok sweetheart, you look distressed.” After seeing your expression, Steven immediately rushed over to sit beside you on the bed.
You sat up, wincing slightly at the shooting pain going through your lower back muscles as you bent upwards.
“I-I’m ok Stevie, just a bit sore”
Seeing your current condition, Steven could already connect the dots as to why you were in pain. He stared at the black binder laid out messily on the chair opposite both of you.
“Honestly Steven I’m fine-“
“Y/N,” Steven cut you off softly, “ you need to be more careful with this. It can be dangerous.”
You sighed, slightly defeated. “I-I know Steven. I’m sorry.” Your voice started to shake as you tried so hard to keep it together.
“It’s ok it’s ok Y/N sweetheart,” he wrapped his arms around your torso, hurrying your head into the crook of his neck, his soft jumper acting as a pillow.
He held you tight; it made you feel safe.
“I- it’s just hard sometimes,” you tried to hold back tears, but you felt the warm salty drops fall from your eyes. “I hate looking at them.” You looked down at your chest, then quickly shoved your head back into Steven’s neck, your lip quivering.
Feeling his shoulder becoming slightly damp, he cuddled you tighter, lifting you onto his lap.
“Y/N I can’t even begin to imagine how any of this feels,” his voice was soft and so loving, “but you shouldn’t have to feel like this. Ever. You are MY boyfriend. No matter what anyone says, or whatever you’ve got…attached to you. You’re my boy.”
You giggled at his sweet words, which made him smile. Your laugh brought him an indescribable joy, that so far, nothing has compared to.
“See there’s that smile I love.” You giggled once more and Steven keeled over onto the bed, faking his death. “ Ahh the cuteness. It’s killed me.”
“Stevehen stop” you tried to hide your head in your hands, but Steven quickly sat up to bat your arms away playfully from your face.
“Uh uh not having that” Steven wrestled you until he had you pinned to the bed.
“Steven whahat are you doING HAHA NO” you cackled as he nuzzled his face into your bellybutton, kissing your tummy as he did so.
He chuckled smugly, “almost forgot how ticklish you are bubs~” he teased you as his pokes and scratches moved from the middle of your stomach to your hips. You shrieked as he clawed at your ribs
“STEVEN NO” you squealed through giggles, making your boyfriend melt.
“Hmmm I think I’m hungry Y/N,” he giggled along with you mischievously.
“Wh-whahat” his hands slowed down, letting you breathe for a second.
“Yeah I’m really hungry”
“For wha-AHA STEVEN NOHOHO” before you could even finish your question, Steven blew a massive raspberry into your neck, making you scream and giggle louder. He did it three more times into your neck, then he repeated it on your bellybutton u til you were exhausted from laughing and squirming around.
Steven led back, still giggling. “Oh that was fun” he sighed and smiled at you.
“Yeheah maybe for you”
“Aww is someone tired out?” he wrapped his arms around you again, lying you down next to him and spooning you from behind. You shook your head sarcastically at him, making him chuckle.
“Well you didn’t exactly tell me to stop-“
He smiled and curled up beside you, causing g both of you to slowly drift off to sleep.
“Y/N?” Steven’s voice was calm.
“Yeah Stevie”
“Love you”
Your cheeks glowed red. “Love you too, you muppet~”
(Bit of a short one, but I’m tired and exams are kicking my ass so yeah :3)
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whatwenthereagain · 6 months ago
pov you call yourself a name in your mind, refer to yourself as it when your alone, use it online, and named your fucking sims 4 character said name, but still dont use it in real life because your parental units disapprove of The Gays TM
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