#translation: are you guys also in booktok
zsofieia · 4 months
hello to my undertale au centric audience, does anybody here read?
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adrienneleclerc · 7 months
Pairing: Lead Singer! Mike Hellraiser x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Mike Winchester formed a band with his college friends and got a record deal after graduation, he is currently dating Y/N, who is his biggest muse. When I tell you Mike is down bad for his girl, he is down BAD
Warning: spelling and grammar errors, no translated Spanish, inaccurate music writing and recording process
A/N: got the idea of giving Mike the Winchester last name from @littlefreya and Henry does look like the missing Winchester brother, like he could be Sam’s twin since they’re close in age. I also had this song stuck in my head for a few days, thank you booktok
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Mike was in his home studio daydreaming about his girlfriend, thinking about their date last night, the black lace dress she was wearing, hair done beautifully, makeup so pretty that he was dying to ruin it, it was all good until he felt someone hit his head.
“Hey, what the fuck, Chels?” Mike asked, soothing the part of his head where she hit him.
“Can you stop thinking about Y/N for two seconds and focus? We need one more song and we complete the album.” Chelsea said.
“Leave him, Chels, he’s clearly thinking with his downstairs brain.” Derrick said.
“Oh like you don’t think with yours when it comes to Allison? I have writers block, guys, I can’t think.” Mike said, throwing his notebook to the other side of the room.
“Do you have any cords in mind?” Chelsea asked, trying to be helpful.
“I have nothing. I think once i get the lyrics down, I can work on the melody,” Mike said, he checked his phone and saw it was almost 7. “Shit, Y/N is on her way, you guys need to leave.
“Oh come on, Winchester, we met her, she already moved in with you despite many of our jokes at your expense, I think she’s a keeper.” Derrick said.
“Haha, seriously, I need to give Y/N my undivided attention so you two need to get out of here so I can set everything up.” Mike said.
“You give her all the attention even when we are around.” Chelsea said. Mike looked at her. “Alright, fine, we’re leaving, we’re going to work on a few melodies for the new song though, see if any of them fit your lyrics. Let’s go.” Chelsea said and her and Derrick left the home studio through the kitchen door to leave through the backyard. Mike immediately changed, styled his hair back a little, and got the bouquet of roses he purchased earlier to put them in a vase on the counter. He was spraying cologne when he heard the the door open.
“There’s my girl, how was work, sweet cheeks?” Mike asked, kissing Y/N on the cheek, taking the take out bag out of her hands to put it on the counter.
“I have no words. Being a vet tech is fine, the pet owners get hysterical sometimes but it is what it is. How are things going with the band?” Y/N asked, placing her coat in the closet, walking back to the kitchen.
“Well i have writers block and we need one more song for our album.” Mike said, pulling out a chair to sit.
“I know something that might help you with your writer’s block.” Y/N said, leaning close to where he was sitting and started kissing and nibbling his neck.
“Oh, you know how much I love that, doll.” Mike said, sighing.
“I do. How about we do more of this after we eat. I stopped by that Peruvian restaurant that’s near in-n-out and got us the pollo a la brasa with extra rice, obviously, and anticuchos, jalea de mariscos, we are set for 3 days.” Y/N said,
“Thats perfect, princess.” Mike said, they kissed and began to eat.
After eating, Mike and Y/N went to their bedroom. Mike laid her down on the bed and Y/N gave him fuck me/doe eyes.
“Don’t look at me like that, doll, you know what it does to me.” Mike said, leaning in to kiss her, smiling into the kiss, she closed her eyes to enjoy the kiss even more.
Y un dos tres, tuki tuki, they did the deed, Mike was hugging Y/N, rubbing her arm.
“Why do you have writer’s block anyway? I thought you had a whole process when it came to songwriting o algo así, no, muñeco?” Y/N said.
“I do have a whole process but nothing is helping me. I haven’t had such writer’s block since I wrote ‘heaven angel’. Remember when I played that song for you?” Mike reminded Y/N.
“Oh I love that song. It was so good.” Y/N said.
“Of course you love that song, it’s about you.” Mike said.
“I know and I love it. I remember you dedicating that song to me when i went to your show. Muñeco, I love seeing you live, I really do, I hope you find some inspiration.” Y/N said, she kissed his cheek and went to the bathroom because she didn’t want a UTI.
The next day, Mike woke up and saw that Y/N wasn’t in bed. He put on his boxers and went to the kitchen and saw Y/N making breakfast, singing one of his songs, he smiled,
“Come and turn around 'Cause it's not just a figure of speech.” Y/N sang.
“You got me down on my knees, It's getting harder to breathe out.” Mike sang back, hugging Y/N from behind and she let out a little Yelp of surprise.
“No me asustes así, Muñeco.” Y/N turned around to hit his shoulder and Mike made believe it hurt him. “Did you sleep well?” Y/N asked, serving herself pancakes.
“I did, do you have work today? I wanted to do something with you.” Mike said, also serving himself the pancakes that were already done.
“No, the vet I’m working for said he wasn’t going to come in for 3 days so I have 3 days off. What did you want to do?” Y/N asked, sitting down at the table with her fork and knife, placing the syrup on the table.
“I think I’ve been putting to much pressure on myself to write this song. Maybe I have to…” Mike started, as he sat down
“Tienes que despejar la mente, calm your mind, wait until the idea comes to you. I get it, what did you have in mind?” Y/N asked, cutting a piece and eating it.
“Remember when we first started dating?” Mike asked.
“I met you when you after you performed at the Santa Monica Pier, we literally went out on a date that day.” Y/N said, Mike got up to stand behind Y/N, leaning down to whisper in her ear.
“You don’t want to go to the Santa Monica Pier today? We could play skeeball, I’ll put my hand over yours to guide you like old times.” Mike said, taking Y/N’s hand in his.
“Mira este, alright, fine, we’ll go, do I pack us food?” Y/N asked as Mike sat back down at the table,
“Y/N, babygirl, you’re starting to sound like your mom. If we get hungry, we’ll buy food there, I’ll pay for us, it’s fine.” Mike said, eating his pancakes.
“Fine, are we taking the jeep or the bike?” Y/N asked.
“Mm, as much as I love having you holding onto my when we’re on the motorcycle, we gotta take the jeep, I wanted to hit the beach too.” Mike said.
“Alright then, we finish eating and I’ll pack the beach bag. So we’re doing the rides first?” Y/N asked.
“Of course, the Ferris wheel, the coaster, the shark frenzy thing, then we can skeeball, and we’ll stay at the beach for the rest of the day, it’s 9:27, we’ll leave at 10.” Mike said.
“I’ll get ready then.” Y/N said.
They finished eating and Y/N was putting on her swimsuit in the walk in closet that connected to their room when Mike walked in. When he saw her in the suit, he did a wolf whistle and she turned around.
“Mm i Don’t think we should go to the beach anymore, I don’t want any other man to see you in this suit.” Mike got closer to her, grabbed her by the waist, and pulled her in for a slow and sensual kiss.
“Que tiene? You get to see what’s under my suit and you’re the only one who gets to please me.” Y/N teased, giving him a sweet, innocent smile.
“You are such a tease, sweet cheeks.” Mike said, shaking his head.
“But you like it.” Y/N said,
“Well you’re not lying there,” Mike said, Y/N puton her jeans shorts, a tank top, sneakers, tied her hair up in a ponytail (let your hair down if you have short hair), and wore her sunglasses. When she went to the living room, Mike was dressed in shorts, a t shirt, sneakers, a baseball cap, and sunglasses, he had their bag in hand. “You think anyone will recognize me in this?” Mike asked.
“If we learned anything from marvel movies, apparently no one will recognize you.” Y/N teased.
“Wait, my fans know we’re together, you gotta wear a hat too.” Mike said.
“The shit I do for you.” Y/N said and went to the walk in to grab her Yankee baseball cap. “Okay, let’s go, muñeco.” Y/N kissed him and they got into their 2021 jeep wrangler.
When they were in the car, Mike had his hand on her thigh, there were times where he would hold her hand, Mike’s love language was clearly physical touch. Once they made it, they got out of the car but left the beach bag since they were going in the rides. As they walked around the pier, a few people came up to take photos with Mike, Y/N happily took those photos for his fans. They went on the rides, Mike bought some cotton candy, feeding pieces to Y/N, they played skeeball together and they went to their car to get the bag and hang out on the beach. When Y/N took off her top and shorts, Mike just stared.
“Wow, wow, wow, I am LOVING the view, sweet cheeks!” Mike said as he was setting up the chairs on the sand. Y/N smiled at him and went closer to him, they kissed.
“You think you can rub sunscreen on my back?” Y/N asked.
“Of course I can, baby girl, I would love too.” Mike got the sunscreen from her bag and apply it on her back. “You ready, baby? You wanna go in the water with me?”
“Yeah, let’s go.” Y/N said and instead of walking like normal couple, Mike carried Y/N over his shoulder and both were laughing like crazy until they made it on the water. “Ay, está helada, it’s so fucking cold, no puede ser.”
“I’ll warm you up.” Mike said, hugging her. They were like this for a while until Mike went back to his chair and saw his phone ringing. “What up?”
“You’re telling me you’re having a beach day instead of writing a song?” Chelsea asked.
“Oh my god, Chels, I can’t write music under all this pressure, I’m sorry that I’m not the best song writer, do you have anything written, hm?” Mike asked,
“Don’t use that tone with me.” Chelsea said.
“Look, I am with Y/N right now and if it’s any consolation, I just thought of a line that we could use but you need to write it down, okay? ‘She knows she’s a tease’, you got it?” Mike asked.
“Mike, we’re not making another song about your girl.” This time it was Derrick on the phone.
“THEN THINK OF SOMETHING BETTER!” Mike hung up the phone and both Derrick and Chelsea on silent. He sat on the chair and he sees Y/N getting out of the water, walking towards him with water droplets on her body.
“Who was that?” Y/N asked as she straddled him. Mike put his hands on her hips.
“Just Chelsea and Derrick, they’re on my ass about the song.” Mike said, he leaned in to kiss her. “Oh, my brothers are going to come over tomorrow.” Mike was going to kiss her again but she pulled away. “What?”
“Your brothers are coming tomorrow and you didn’t think to tell me until right now? I have to buy ingredients to bake a pie for Dean, make a salad for Sam, clean the house, we gotta go.” Y/N said getting off his lap and drying off with a towel. “Pack this up in the car while I go change.” Y/N said. She went to the changing room, put on her clothes, and she walked back to the car to tell Mike to go change. She Waite sun til he came back and started the car. “We have to go to the supermarket to get apples, cucumbers, carrots, spinach, and we need more eggs.”
“Yeah of course, I’ll pay, they’re my brothers anyway.” Mike said.
“I’ll make baked chicken with rice, I have all the spices to make the marinade and let it sit. And we need potatoes to make the French fries from scratch, and chicken thighs and drumsticks. So tomorrow, I need you out of the kitchen, work on the song, okay. But how the hell do you tell me last minute? I respect your parents, I really do, but what the fück?!? Is this how you had Mary? Telling her shit last minute like a fücking elementary school kid that forgot to buy poster board?” Y/N asked angrily.
“The point is I told you now, it’s not late at all, you have time to leeos es everything.” Mike said.
“Thats where you’re wrong, muñeco, it’s 5pm, people are getting off work, there will be traffic.” Y/N said.
“We can handle traffic, just don’t be mad, okay.” Mike said.
“When did your brother tells you they were coming over for dinner?” Y/N asked.
“I Don’t know…it was last week, I remember because you made lasagna.” Mike said and Y/N gave him a zape.
“I can’t believe you had a whole fucking week to tell me, sabes que, you’re staying in the car while I get groceries.” Y/N said. “Why should I suffer? You’re getting the groceries, I’ll text you the list.”
“Yeah, of course I’ll do it. You want me to buy something else?” Mike asked.
“Just get what’s on the list.” Y/N said. They were quiet for the rest of the ride, Mike parked in the Shop Rite parking lot.
“I’ll be right back.” Mike said, getting out of the car.
Mike went to shop rite and bought what Y/N had on the list, plus a few snacks he knew Y/N liked and ice cream because there should always be ice cream in the house. He paid for everything and got back in the car to drive home. Once home, he brought in the groceries while Y/N just brought in the beach bag.
“Okay, out of my kitchen, I need to make the marinade.” Y/N said, pushing him out.
“Wait, I’m hungry, I need to eat.” Mike whined.
“Then heat up the leftovers, no puedo hacer nada if you’re here.” Y/N said. Mike walked away in surrender.
“Im sorry for not letting you know.” Mike said.
“It’s fine, just let me do what I need to do.” Y/N said.
It was the next day and like promised, Mike was in the home studio with Chelsea and Derrick.
“I have something down, ‘she’s all I breathe when I should be breathing air’ i think it could be part of the chorus.” Mike said.
“Ugh, why are you so obsessed with her?” Derrick asked.
“You have never been in love and it shows. Besides? I think our new album is missing a love song, this could be that love song.” Mike said.
“Fine, if you insist on writing a song about Y/N, how does she make you feel? I already know that all you do is daydream about her but how would you describe her?” Chelsea said. Mike started thinking how to put what he feels into words.
“You know that feeling when you know they’re the one? Like you know that person is all you’ll ever need, that one else could even come close to being like that person.” Mike started.
“That’s good, that’s good.” Chelsea wrote the idea down.
“Metaphorically speaking, how would she be?” Derrick asked, sitting down on the couch.
“Like your favorite song you have playing on a loop, it’s all you’ll ever listen to, nothing else’s but that song.” Mike says.
“Isn’t that basically ‘replay’ by Iyaz?” Chelsea asked.
“Shit, you’re right.” Mike said,
“You’re on the right track. Let’s think of something else, um…” Chelsea started and the three of them started thinking of something else to compare Y/N to.
“A book! What about a book?” Derrick asked.
“That could work, Y/N LOVED reading, there’s this book called ‘beautiful disaster’ that she’s always reading, it’s so worn out but it’s her favorite book of all time, it’s all she read when she’s bored.” Mike said.
“That’s it! Okay, here’s the music sheet I made, um, start playing it and I’ll say the lyrics I’m thinking, alright?” Chelsea said.
“Yeah, de una as Y/N would say.” Mike said as he picked up the guitar to play the notes, Chelsea started humming.
“She’s all I read, she’s all the literature that I’ll ever read.” Chelsea sang.
“That’s perfect! Im writing it down right now, okay. That’s really good, Chels.” Mike said.
“Okay, we wrote that Y/N is literature, what kind of literature would she be?” Derrick asked.
“She makes me feel so many things. I remember when we first started dating, I would text her poems every morning.” Mike said, then an idea sparked on his head. “That’s it! Okay, the notes, the notes, there it is, okay…’she’s all the literature I’ll ever read, she’s poetry, but she’s like the good kind that doesn’t make me sleep’ how does that sound?” Mike asked.
“Finally you being whipped has brought some food to the band.” Derrick said jokingly.
“Haha.” Mike laughed sarcastically and threw a paper ball at him.
“Alright, we have the first verse done, that’s good, this is great progress.” Chelsea said.
Y/N was in the kitchen, she has the rice, chicken, and salad done, she opened the over door when she heard the doorbell ring.
“Fuck.” She muttered as she took the pie out of the oven. She wiped her hands on her apron, walked through the dining room, living room, and opened the door. “Sam, Dean, come in!” Y/N said, hugging Sam and Dean Winchester.
“Hey, sweetheart, where’s our brother?” Dean asked.
“He’s in the studio. I’ll get him, but please, sit, make yourselves comfortable on the couch, did you guys come in the impala?” Y/N asked.
“You really love that car, don’t you?” Sam asked.
“It’s a beautiful car, I’ll be right back.” Y/N said, she knocked on the studio door. “Muñeco, your brothers are here.”
“Im coming, sweet cheeks, I’ll just finish up.” Mike said and he heard Y/N walk away.
“‘Muñeco’? ‘Sweet cheeks’? You are whipped.” Derrick commented.
“Do we stay?” Chelsea asked
“No, you don’t have to, I’ll try to finish the hutías tonight though, have a safe trip back.” Mike said and the three of the left the studio, Chelsea and Derixk leaving through the backyard. Mike walked into the living room and saw his brothers. “Sammy, Deano!” Mike said, hugging them.
“Nice to see you too, Mikey.” Sam said.
“How’s the little rockstar? Working on a new song already?” Dean asked as the four of
Dinner went really well, they talked about what they’ve been up to, Dean complimenting Y/N’s cooking, especially the pie, Dean took the pie with him when Sam and Dean left.
“Dinner went well, don’t you think?” Like asked.
“It did.” Y/N said as she cleared the table but Mike held her wrists.
“I’ll clear the table and wash the dishes, okay? Hey ready for bed.” Mike said, kissing her forehead.
“What about you?” Y/N asked.
“Im not tired yet, I’ve also been on a roll with the lyrics so I’m gonna see if I can finish.” Mike said.
“Does that mean I’ll be able to listen to the song tomorrow?” Y/N asked.
“Maybe, go to bed though, you’ve been cooking all day” Mike said, kissing her again.
When Mike was finished washing dishes, he brewed himself a cup of coffee and took out a concha from the box that Y/N got this morning from the bakery. He went to his studio.
“Alright, no dicking around, how do I continue this song?” Mike asked himself. He started humming, thinking about Thursday night how Y/N looked at him with those eyes that drive him crazy. “I really gotta stop daydreaming.” Mike said, sipping coffee. “Okay, her eyes are what..? Lust? Love? A movie? Maybe an x-rated one by the way her eyes get me…that’s it!” Mike exclaimed, writing down his thoughts. “Her eyes are porn and she knows it, won’t shut her eyelids till she gets invited” Mike sang as he thought back to all the moments Mike and Y/N had made love.
Mike’s writing process was like this for a few hours until he had the whole song written. He played the whole song a few times to make sure it all sounded like a real song. But mans is too tired so he called Chelsea. She answered after 3 rings.
“Michael August Winchester, you better have a good reason for waking me up at…3 in the morning?!? Why the hell are you calling me at 3 in the morning?” Chelsea asked.
“I finished the song, i need you to hear it, I need to know if it’s a good song.” Mike said.
“Why can’t Y/N listening to it?” Chelsea asked tiredly.
“Im not going to wake up my girlfriend at 3 in the morning, don’t be ridiculous.” Mike reasoned.
“You woke me up at..! You know what, doesn’t matter, I’ll call Derrick and we’ll go over the song before we call Teddy to have him hear the song. I’ll see you later.” Chelsea hung up.
Half an hour later, Chelsea and Derrick showed up, knocking on the kitchen door, Mike answered it.
“You know what time it is?” Derrick asked.
“Just listen to the song. I think it sounds good but I need you guys go play your parts too.” Mike said and they walked into the studio. Chelsea looked at the lyrics.
“Not bad at all, let’s see how it sounds.” Chelsea said. She picked up the bass and Derrick went to the drum set. After playing, Chelsea was smiling and so was Derrick.
“Winchester, the song is great. We’ll call Teddy later in the morning, like 10am, which is a very fucking reasonable hour by the way, we’re gonna crash on your guest room.” Derrick said, getting off the drum set chair.
“That sounds fair, you guys know where it is, goodnight, thanks for coming over.” Mike said.
“No problem, we’re all friends here, goodnight.” Chelsea said, putting down the bass. The theee of them left the studio, going to their rooms. Mike got in bed, spooning Y/N and she stored awake.
“Muñeco? What time is it?” Y/N asked.
“Don’t worry about, go to sleep, baby.” Mike kissed her cheek and both fell fast asleep.
The next day, the band is at Ellemar records with Teddy Price.
“There they are, there’s my favorite band! I heard you had a new song for me?” Teddy asked.
“Yes we do, Mike stayed up until 3am writing it, we think it’s great but we definitely need your expert ear.” Derrick said.
“Say no more, get into the recording booth, your instruments are all there, let’s see what you got.” Teddy said. He sat at the soundboard and gave the band the go ahead to start playing. Teddy was impressed. “Amazing song! Did you write it about your girl, Mike?” Teddy asked through the soundboard mic.
“Yeah, she’s my muse.” Mike said with a lovesick smile.
“I think we got a hit here so why don’t you guys take a break and we’ll record the instruments. Later Mike will hop into the recording booth and get vocals done. They will be your most popular album yet, take 10.” Teddy said.
A week later, they finished recording the song. A fee months later, after discussing the album cover, what songs go on the album, and tweaking and mastering the songs, they finally have a release date of the album.
“Our album comes out May 17!” Mike exclaimed, hugging Y/N before lifting her up and twirling her around.
“Que emoción, are you excited?” Y/N asked.
“Beyond excited! Especially because Teddy also got us a spot at Coachella! We’re going to be on the main stage on Saturday for both weekends.” Mike said.
“No way! You’re playing Coachella, that’s huge! Becky G was at Coachella last year, I wonder who else is part of the lineup.” Y/N said.
“I don’t know either but Teddy is managing everything, he got us booked in this fancy hotel, or he’s working in it, and of course since you’re my girl, you’re coming with me.” Mike said, kissing her.
“Will we get to enjoy the festival? Like when you’re not performing?” Y/N asked.
“I think we should be able to.” Mike said.
COACHELLA comes and the band is getting ready to perform.
“Everyone give it up for We Three!” They announced, the crowd starts screaming like crazy as the band got out.
“Hey everyone, we’re We Three and thank you so much for coming out here!” Mike exclaimed. We’re going to open the show with a song from our new album going out May 17. The song is called ‘Daydream’ and it goes out to my girl, I love you, you’re my dream girl, hope y’all like it.
She's all I read
She's all the literature that I'll ever need
She's poetry
But she's like the good kind that doesn't make me sleep
Her eyes are porn and she knows it
Won't shut her eyelids 'til she gets invited
We're not keeping score, but she's winnin'
Likes it when I'm singin', as long as it's for her
Daydreams, they feel like livin' when I'm dreamin' about her
She's all I breathe when I should be breathin' air
She knows I'm weak, yeah I
Daydream every day about the things we do at night
She likes the word, "Please"
But not the polite kind, the one in the sheets
She knows she's a tease
She's here for a good time then she's gonna leave
She'll start a war and she knows it
Won't stop her fighting 'til my flag is rising
We're not keeping score, but she's winnin'
Likes it when I'm singin', as long as it's for her
Daydreams, they feel like livin' when I'm dreamin' about her
She's all I breathe when I should be breathin' air
She knows I'm weak, yeah I
Daydream every day about the things we do at night
Daydreams, they feel like livin' when I'm dreamin' about her
She's all I breathe when I should be breathin' air
She knows I'm weak, yeah I
Daydream every day about the things we do at night
The crowd SCREAMED, they went crazy for the song, whether it was the lyrics itself or Mike’s guitar, the crowd loved it. They finished their slot and they went backstage, Mike saw Y/N with a teasing smile.
“Im your dream girl, huh? You daydream a lot about me?” Y/N asked, wrapping her arm around his neck.
“I daydream everyday about you. Whether it’s you in your lingerie, you cooking, coming home from work, you eating ice cream, I daydream about you.” Mike said.
“You’re so sweet.” Y/N said, leaning in to kiss him. Mike groaned into the kiss. “Wow, you really are weak.” Y/N laughed.
“You know I am, I could never say no to you, let’s go get some food because I’m starving, you think there’s tacos?” Mike asked.
“There should be, Coachella valley is heavily populated with Hispanics.” Y/N commented.
The End
Taglist: @warriormirkwood @shellyshellshell @marieksg
If Walter in general is called “Oso”, Mike who is bien caribonito, such a pretty boy, his nickname is definitely “muñeco”. What should Henry’s nickname be? Obviously besides the classic amor, mi vida. Maybe more Henry and Mike one shots in the future
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foxglovepng · 4 months
Random Headcannons 3 🌼🥀
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Requested: naw
Characters: Scarabia + Pomefiore
A/N: I'm getting back into the writing mood yay I'll probably take requests in the future because I am slowly getting over writer's block. I looked up a word in Arabic and if the word is incorrectly translated incorrectly feel free to correct me.
If you liked reblogs and likes are appreciative <3
Knock knock who's there? Autism br br br where the hoes at? not here
I love my Autistic headcanon for Kalim. I also saw a headcanon he has ADHD too. (I forgot the word for ADHD and Autism combined help)
When he's unmedicated Jamil is that one meme of Shinji his stress levels are high. He's practically lived with Kalim so he knows he can get hyper although he pushes through it being used to it.
I headcanon Kalim has sensory issues that mainly have to do with touch. (Mine are sound and taste :skull:)
Since he likes parties and is extremely sociable I feel like sometimes he can get overwhelmed he chills in his sensory swing. I also feel like since he plays the drums he does have backup headphones on hand in case it's too loud.
Jamil tends to calm him down with essential oils (Don't ask me what kind he likes I only know Rosemary, and Cherry blossom)
Jamil drop the hair routine or I'll break your ankles Sangwoo style so you can't dance anymore. I will even report your music-listening account so you are no longer allowed to play hip hop DROP THE ROUTINE RN JAMIL
This is my no 2 pookie bear I love him sm ANYWAYS
I feel like in his alone time Jamil has his own hobbies he hides from Kalim and will go above and beyond just to have them to himself. One of those I feel like is reading romance books (Not the feral ones booktok gooners read) romance is one of the genres he reads I feel like he also reads fantasy. (He has read Pride and Prejudice)
He'd probably also go to art conventions on his spare time. He has a sketchbook and draws on occasion (I think he draws similar to Hyunjin's style)
Him and Kalim speak Arabic and English although I feel like when Jamil wants to cuss someone out or insult someone he will bring the Arabic out.
*Ace messes up a play*
Ace: so um great play
Jamil: اهبل (Google says this means stupid/idiot)
Ace: HUH?
*Throws my genderqueer headcannon at you Eminem style*
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Gender queer Icon Vil.
If I am correct he is referred to as Queen by Rook?? so I believe Vil doesn't really care for pronouns and just simply exists. So Vil would use any pronouns interchangeably.
Also random headcannon but Vil's father is like..famous right? So I feel like he gets insulted and called a Nepo baby.
Peep Epel and Vil get into a fight and Epel calls him a Nepo baby. Oh all hell is breaking loose.
(I also headcannon he'd make an appearance in Eurovision)
I need Frenchie to become a slur so I can shout FRENCHIE at Rook 24/7
This man either has a really good memory or a diary in which he keeps info of students. (Their height, weight, UM, etc) its freaky ngl. AND NOT A GOOD FREAKY WAY.
I saw some art of him and Floyd in the bathroom and he was peeking over the urinal. BRO KEEP YA EYES ON YA JUNK.
I can imagine certain NRC students have a group chat dedicated to slandering Rook.
He probably knows about it :Skull:
Guys this my son <3
I am a firm believer he is an Amish hater.
"I hate the way you talk the way you walk" ahh beat.
From a farmer's perspective I don't think he's 100% vegan, but if you bribe him with bbq he will start foaming at the mouth.
Bro probably listens to Dixon Dallas good looking-
He's also a Dolly Parton and Carrie Underwood fan.
I feel like with people he's close with especially the first years he lets his country accent loose and it will get even looser if someone (or Yuu) has a country accent as well. The rest of the first years will be like "They are speaking in tongues"
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torque-witch · 8 months
Also unrelated but guys idk being ace sucks actually like I do experience attraction and yearning but it’s really only due to romantic gestures and courting, not physical appearance and especially not g*nitals 😐, and I struggle with the loss of romantic pursuing + the fact that most ppl only do that for sexual gains and not because they enjoy it. With the exception of my husband - Johnny is a romantic pursuer and I had to excuse myself to the bathroom to slap myself in the face because I was burning up from our interactions on our first date 😅 But it’s also been 4 years and I am now in the walls. He cannot escape me.
With women and fem-presenting I tend to be the pursuer so I get the same kind of attraction from the reaction of receiving romantic affection.
But like how do you sustain that? I get it from books, anime and games I suppose but it’s not real, it doesn’t translate well all the time.
Like the “booktok doorframe lean” for example. Ya man of 4 years isn’t going to rizz you up in your house for no reason. It’s awkward. Real people don’t constantly have a desire to be courting.
Which feels like why a certain subtext of ace ppl tend to just isolate because we are aware that our desires aren’t relatable.
And it’s probably another reason why I tend to be independent even within a relationship. When ppl get close to me they realize that I am actually very affectionate but it feels like a strange concept socially so I reject it while also deeply wanting it.
Sucks man
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kimodraw · 1 year
do you have any recs for other peter pan media? i love your art and just read peter darling and i feel crazy
thank you so much! sadly i don't have many because i think a lot of peter pan media is. bad and misses the point.
If you haven't read the original book, i can't recommend it enough! I find sooo charming and well written. Other than that my favorite adaptation ever is the 2003 movie it drives me up the walls how good this movie is. The disney movie is fine and very well animated but you dont need me to tell you abt the disney movie.
As a kid i LOVED Peter pan in scarlet by Geraldine McCaughrean!! Wendy and the lost boys go back to neverland as adults and find it has gone to shit, peter wearing hook's coat and becoming more and more irritable. I actually just learned its the 'official' sequel, authorised by the Great Ormond Street Hospital, so that's neat
Huhh I saw a peter pan musical 2 years ago lol? its french and definitly wasn't recorded, i was the only adult without kids and i had a great time, smee was a woman (double win for feminism AND homophobia ) and they didn't take advantage of the room filled with 6 years old to ask them to all scream they believe in fairies. boo, don't know why i told you abt this. movin on
I haven't read the loisel peter pan series yet so i can't exactly recommend them but i love the art
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it seems very edgy and also probably misses the point, and i bet its filled to the brim with early 2000s sexism but. loisel art. yummy. need to check out my local library rn actually
I also liked peter darling quite a bit! heard the audiobook version and had to listen to gay erotic scenes narrated by an old british man on the subway. great experience
i hated lost boy by christinia henry with a PASSION: bad writting, made hook straight, doesnt get peter by making him litteraly evil (hes meant to be a child!! the most child ever!! when he does bad things its because he's selfish or doesn't get it or is angry he's a child!!!) anyway i hate how much this book gets recommended to me whenever my peter pan posts get some traction stop talking to me abt lost boy you guys tricked me into reading it already!! only good thing it does is replacing the native americans by. giant spiders. so i guess less racism than most peter pan works. great
idk ive heard of hooked recently. you guys know abt hooked? from booktok? seems bad
i have a short and mediocre playlist abt my peter pan,, thing too (title translates to 'im mad because 'lost boy' really is the perfect title for this' lol)
thanks for allowing me to ramble abt peter pan!! sorry for not having a lot of positive answers, have a peter i havent posted here yet
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if anyone has recs THAT ARENT LOST BOY BY CHRISTINNIA HENRY!!!! feel free to drop them, both me and anon would love that im sure
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turbulentscrawl · 2 months
Your request box is probably overflowing right now, so I'll stick to something simple. What are some of your favourite books!
Remember to stay hydrated and well-rested. We're rooting for you, wherever you are in life
Honestly this is difficult to answer because I don't read nearly as much as I'd like to. I have shelves full that I'm yearning to get through but just...lack time and energy to do so. When I do read, it's usually Fantasy, Sci Fi, or Horror. I don't do much romance or modern stuff.
Instead of FAVORITES, here's a few recent ones I've read and some very basic review/thoughts:
The Ruin of Kings- book 1 of a 5 book high fantasy series. A bit heavy with some of its themes, but EXCITING. I also really enjoyed the pacing: it starts telling the story from two different points in the timeline, and switches back and forth every chapter.
Gideon the Ninth- Science fiction/fantasy. If you're on booktok you probably heard of it at some point or another. Definitely unique, but some of the characters are a bit tropey, and the world building could have been better for a first book in a series. I found myself desperate to understand how the magic system worked better. Very anime-esque in the action scenes.
Annihilation- science fiction. There's a movie, but it's quite different. Both are great. In contrast to the book above this one, the confusion is VERY intentional and VERY well done. Reminiscent of Lovecraft in that the horror is in the inability to comprehend. It's a short read, too. You can chug through it in three or four hours, probably.
How High We Go in the Dark- a collection of sci-fi horror short stories. Not really for me, but not bad. All of the characters seem to be self-inserts of the author, which got old for me after about the fourth of fifth one, but some of the premises are very interesting.
Tender is the Flesh- Cannibalism horror. Hated it, honestly. It's over-hyped, both in the quality and the grossness. (And, frankly, it's just super unrealistic for reasons you might not expect, but I digress. Ask me about it if you wanna know LOL.) But then, you guys know I like gore. I do think it might be worth reading in the original Spanish--I read the English version, and I do wonder if some of the ambiance was lost in translation.
Gearbreakers- Also hated it, but I give it slightly more of a pass because the author is young. (Like they just started college when they published, I believe.) If you like Gundam, and/or B-tier anime (with all the relevant trope-y-ness, major plot holes, and half-decent action) then you'll probably like it. But for me, it squandered a wonderful idea. The cover art is neat, at least.
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retvenkos · 3 years
Well, I'm thinking about it 😄 I'm not really fond of the first person in fiction, but I decided a while ago that I have to try to learn since there's surely a lot of superb books written in first person and I might be missing out on my next fave book ever by skipping over them all.
(Though I bought three books from a book series written in first person because bookstagram and booktok shoved them onto my lap over and over again and then, when I had just put them onto my shelf, I learned that they are... really spicy... so here's to hoping it won't be too much when I eventually get to them 😅 Apparently I'm supposed to fall in love with the guy who's the protagonist's love interest in that story)
But yeah there's apparently a new Finnish edition for The Secret History coming this year so online book stores don't sell it at the moment. I also have to look for other books in that store so I could buy more at once, at least I've decided to buy SoC and CK next time I order anything from there, even when they aren't translated, because I can't resist anymore. I know that almost every page will have words I don't understand but I guess I'll learn as I read. I also have considered ordering the SaB trilogy, Ruin and Rising in Finnish got published around the time the series came out, or then during the summer? I can't really remember, it's a foggy time. I know the trilogy apparently isn't as good as SoC but I'm quite omnivorous in a lot of stuff when I get used to the genre 🤷🏻‍♀️ (And I've seen people in bookstagram who say they really like them despite their faults)
A new, translated to Finnish edition for a book that isn't crazy popular (like Harry Potters are) is a huge thing since a book store lady told me a few months ago (when she told me that they don't sell Throne of Glass #1 anymore as a physical copy), that it looks like (Finnish) publishing houses are pulling back translated physical books to save money, and just make them all into ebooks only and that all bookstores in will also turn out to be online only 😃😃😃 And they already do that in most cases after the first edition sells out. So gotta catch them all before they get sold out to save my eyes from getting glasses.
i totally get what you mean about first person fiction,,,, it's never been my favorite, but i have soldiered through many a first person story and have come out stronger,,,,,, also, if it helps, there's so much about the prose to adore otherwise that for the most part, it's not even that noticeable. it's so easy to get lost in the beauty of the writing,,,,,, i have faith that you will be able to go through this book without getting too distracted at the style.
and omg,,,, i never trust bookstagram recommendations because they really do pick some of the most Out There novels you will ever consume,,,,,,, i only trust mutuals on tumblr and gut intuition for books, lol.
I hope you're able to read SoC and CK with minimal issue! honestly, i'm surprised it doesn't have a Lot of translations due to its popularity, but i also get that companies cut prices and get rid of translations. it's a real shame. i also hate the fact that ~online~ books are the norm, nowadays, because bro!!!!!!!! literally why??????? i want a physical copy to hold in my hands!!!!!!! i hope you're able to get your hands on some books! i also struggle a lot with finding the right editions because for most books, i like to get large print. my eyesight is terrible, but they just don't make physical copies with large print... or they don't make them affordable.
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