#transing your favs as usual
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so-i-did-this-thing · 5 months ago
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Ok, a lot of trans guys are into historic clothing, so my notes on my Siegfried Farnon cosplay will be through that lens.
Buying vintage is tricky because clothing silhouettes are different from modern (especially where trousers sit), and a shop may or may not do vanity sizing. So, it's important to know all your measurements, have measurements of similar garments that fit well, to carefully read sizing charts, and to be able to experiment on fit (aka, be able to return stuff).
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I bought 3 "new vintage" (reproduction) 100% cotton spearpoint collar shirts from Darcy Clothing. Shipping from the UK to US was fast. The green shirt is ironically not for Siegfried, because I already was on a mission to have more historic style clothing.
I am a size men's small in casual shirts, due to narrow shoulders and a 36" chest. However, I am a 14.25" neck (compared to barely 13" pre-T, which is a big change), which nudges me towards men's medium territory sometimes.
I ordered based on my neck size, a 14.5" in this case. (Darcy suggests adding .5" to your neck measurement. I erred on the smaller side because a 15" collar shirt is guaranteed to be enormous on me.)
Other stats: I am 5'10" and weigh about 160-5 lbs, with most my fat in my belly (so I can't wear slim cut shirts unless I drop about 10 lbs). Usual caveats that my fit feedback is mainly for my sizing, ymmv. Fits are straight out of the bag for this photo set - no ironing, I have a lot of meetings today. 😅
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The neck is snug only on the green shirt, perhaps because the fabric is slightly thicker, or just due to standard deviation. The white shirts fit great in the neck.
Shoulder seam sits somewhere between a modern small and medium. This is acceptable; the next neck size up would definitely result in a hugely baggy shirt for me, and going down a neck size would choke me.
Sleeves are typical for many trans guys -- too long. I am hoping sleeve garters will do the trick in pulling up the cuff properly on my wrist.
Fit across the chest is a bit too large for me. I would hesitate to wear this shirt without a waistcoat, but it's also a fit that could be improved with an after-market dart.
Fit across the belly is roomier than the chest - this is a boxy shirt.
Super long shirt, no danger of it untucking, even in modern hip-hugger pants (why would you do that)
Fabric is a good weight and tight weave for the green shirt. I am wearing a dark blue undershirt in these pics. The white shirts are a bit thinner - you can see the design on my undershirt, so if you bind, definitely go with a light colored binder under a white undershirt.
So, for my measurements, Darcy is pretty good! I will still struggle with many of the same fit frustrations I do in modern clothing, but have acceptable workarounds.
Next, will look at a new vintage suit from another vendor, from which I'm considering ordering Siegfried's tweed 3-piece.
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tentacleplains · 7 months ago
this is a DOL centric blog with occasional posts about other shit, but i try to keep it on-topic. if you think you know my main, hush!!!
i don’t have a name but you can give me one if you want :)
i’m 22, AAPI, TME, and i use it/he pronouns. if you’d like to friend and/or harass me on discord, my username is loustat.
my stuff: original post || tentacle draws || tentacle writes headcanons: headcanons in-game scenes and q&a's: citations negativity: dol critical my dol ocs: bel the hair trigger || fiore the anatomist || piper the collector NPCS: robin || whitney || eden || kylar || avery || black wolf || great hawk || alex || sydney || bailey || charlie || darryl || harper || jordan || briar || sam || landry || leighton || sirris || river || doren || winter || mason || morgan || gwylan || niki || remy || wren || quinn || mickey || ivory wraith
find my writing on ao3!
check out my strawpage!
visit my neko atsume yard!
inbox is open for art/writing/headcanon requests! or anything at all. talk to me! i love making friends but i’m shy haha
i default to whatever genders i prefer for NNPCs unless asked otherwise.
don’t inbox/message me with: scat, spit, vomit, controversial public figures, current events
don’t include in requests: underage, beast/feral (monsterpeople/anthros are fine), incest (incl. faux-, pseudo-, or stepcest), forcemasc
more info + personal dol opinions under the cut
i generally prefer NNPCs as women.
exceptions include sirris, winter, (transmasc) robin, darryl, black wolf, great hawk, and sometimes landry, bailey, and remy.
i heavily prefer syd, eden, whitney, avery, and leighton as women; syd because trans girl sydney (and optionally trans girl kylar alongside her) is my fav sydney, and for the others i find their behavior obnoxious when coming from men. cis!m alex’s behavior gets close to this but i’m more lenient on transmasc alex
also, the game doesn't facilitate this, but i enjoy nonbinary niki, wren, mickey, and occasionally harper. harper is always some form of trans in my mind.
of course i'll accept any other interpretations of the nnpcs, including any variations on transness, so if you want to ask for a specific gender configuration in a writing request, feel free ^^
i (usually) play with all toggles on, but with 100% of beasts set to monsterpeople all the time.
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oujinomikoto · 2 years ago
Ooh this is an interesting list of questions, I don’t think I’ve seen it before~~
Fav colour: hatsune miku green/blue
Currently reading: >.> I have too many untouched books on my shelf but the first thing I wanna check out is the manga of Witch Hat Atelier.
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Last Song: Head over Heels by tears for fears, Summer and Lightning by Electric Light Orchestra and Hey Lover by Wabie.
Sweet/spicy/savoury: I have a massive sweet tooth ngl
Fav alcoholic drink: mango flavoured mogu mogu + either peach soju or yuzu sake.
Currently working on: a present for a stranger things gc’s secret Santa and the scripts for a series of Haikyuu fan videos.
Traditional or modern: I am a lover of history and folklore so gotta go w traditional.
Fav writer: Paul Jennings
Fav dessert: Japanese pudding tho I think English speaking countries usually call it flan or creme caramel.
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Fav rapper: I don’t listen to much rap but as a person I will actually fight a bitch over the public mistreatment of Megan Thee Stallion
Fav soccer/hockey/tennis player: uhhhh I don’t follow any sport much but I have been watching all of Victoria Garrick’s volleyball/Haikyuu stuff and I do rly like Yuzuru Hanyu and Jason Brown who are both Olympic figure skaters.
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Colour of your bedroom: my current bedroom is just plain greyish white but when I was still living w my mum it was light blue and all my furniture was white. Ideally I would love a blue/white Cinnamoroll themed bedroom or desk set up.
Fav politicians: not rly a fav I just think it’s hilarious that Peter Garret is both an actual rock star, being the front man of the band Midnight Oil, and a previous minister for the environment in the Giullard and Rudd labour parliaments back in the early 2000s.
Loyalty or lust: bro I’m a sex repulsed ace, lust has basically no use for me.
Pizza or pasta: pasta
Are you vegan/veggie? Lol no im conciously aware that I am not eating as much veggies as I should since moving out.
Fav time period: the sengoku era/warring states period in Japan. What can I say the stories about the samurai are rly interesting and a lil bit gay? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Love or hate? Love ofc ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
Last series watched: uhhh, Haikyuu, Delicious Party Pretty Cure, SheHulk, Heartbreak High or Stranger Things. Memory go brrrrr.
Classical or rock music: rock music, easy.
Fairy or dragon: Hiccup from HTTYD literally transed my gender and the franchise was a major part of causing my Norse mythology phase and now i have permanent Loki-on-my-brain syndrome. so yeah,,, dragons.
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GoT or LOTR: Lotr hands down. My knowledge of Tolkien lore is spotty but I adore hobbits and feel spiritually connected to them in some ways…
I don’t rly have anyone to tag that Iris hasn’t already tagged since I’ve remade my tumblr and kind of fallen out of contact w everyone I used to be moots w.
I was tagged by @henrythepug
Tag ten people you want to get to know better.
Fav color: Bluey-Green
Currently reading: Dracula-Bram Stoker and Loveless-Alice Oseman
Last song: Teenagers-My Chemical Romance
Sweet/spicy/savory: Savory
Fav alcoholic drink: I’m a minor so I don't drink alcohol
Currently working on: Christmas presents for my friends and family because I'm broke and have a bunch of crafting stuff.
Traditional or modern: Modern
Fav writer: Alice Oseman
Fav dessert: Key lime pie or Lemon tart
Fav rapper: I don't listen to rap
Fav soccer/hockey/tennis player: I don't know any
Color of your bedroom: bright blue and pastel blue
Fav politician: I don't know, that's to political for me
Loyalty or lust: Loyalty
Pizza or pasta: Pasta
Are you vegan/veggie: I want to but all my comfort foods are like chicken strips or turkey
Fav time period: Probably the Renaissance
Love or hate: Love
Last series watched: Heartstopper
Classical or rock music: Rock for sure, I took piano for 4 years and I can't stand classical music any more
Fairy or dragon: DRAGON
GOT or LOTR: I don't know
I'll tag @awfullyfrayed @fangirltrashsthings @background-character-341 @yesterdayorcenturiesbefore @weirdo09 @cheesepizzabro @canonsunkmyships @tea-time-with-dragons @background-character-341 @mentalbreakdownmachine
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