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jazzluca · 2 years ago
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Miiiicioooo, micio micio micioooo! Un altro felino si aggiunge al branco di Ravage =^.^= #transformers #transformersg1 #transformerstoys #transformersgenerations #transformerswfc #transformerswarforcybertron #transformerssiege #transformersalternators #transformersstudioseries #transformersbumblebeemovie #transformersfallofcybertron #transformersuniverse #transformersmasterpiece #cassettebot #cassettecon #ravage #iena #hasbro #hasbrocommunity https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj5-iz3sOLd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cosplay-caricature · 5 years ago
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Autobot Meister aka Jazz #transformers #transformersalternators #autobotjazz #transformersg1 https://www.instagram.com/p/B8SsjPBDTXw/?igshid=14g9r27zt6lcq
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silverhakai · 6 years ago
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This is the first expense Bumblebee purchase I ever made from 2010, and one of my most favorite figures in my swarm of Bees -- the Transformers: Alternity Bumblebee (Champion Yellow Edition). This particular Transformers line from Japan features duly licensed alternate vehicle modes, and in Bee's case it's the Suzuki Swift Sport type. I love that it's in scale (1:32), and the car doors open to reveal a nice interior. The hood also opens to show the engine with the Suzuki product branding. Tint and hue of the yellow is in a lovely spot between lemon and light yellow orange. Not too bright but not too dark. The detailing is lovely to look at and this toy personally made me want to get a Swift if ever I'm gonna get a car anywhere in the very remote future. In robot mode, he's kinda chunky. More chunky than the usual G1 Bumblebee toy, I mean. The car's roof and somewhat largely hollow cockpit area turns into his torso, which makes for the main bulk of his robot form. The engine and part of the hood turns into the legs and feet, which echoes Bee's G1 main design. Bad news is this Bee looks like he skips leg day a lot. However, this doesn't deter him from standing perfectly straight without easily toppling over. (I had to slightly modify the feet's transformation to accommodate this though.) His center of balance is so nice that he can stand on one leg free-form and do a sidekick or whatever. One of his best features, for me, is the head sculpt. I love the detailing on his G1 face, especially on the horns. Obviously giving this figure 9 / 10. It's not perfect, but I love it anyway. #Transformers #Autobot #Bumblebee #TransformersAlternity #TakaraTomy #SuzukiSwift #ToyReview #ToyPhotography https://www.instagram.com/p/BpWvG6qhf1N/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=682lvsodk1pa
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jazzluca · 4 years ago
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Un po' di omonimi di Smokescreen, e ovviamente sì, c'è pure l'Armada! ^^' #transformers #smokescreen #leo #transformerstoys #transformerswarforcybertron #transformersgenerations #transformerswfc #transformersearthrise #transformersalternators #transformersarmada #transformersprimebeasthunters #transformersprime #transformersbeasthunters #hasbrocommunity https://www.instagram.com/p/CG0HQbFA1Tb/?igshid=1izf80qc2zcwc
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jazzluca · 3 years ago
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- Eccoci qua, tutti gli Skids G1 o simili con tanto di sfondo della scatola Collection... NULLA potrebbe rovinare questo momento magic... - Ehilà! C'è una riunione di Skids? Come mai non mi avete chiamato... ? - NHUUUHOOOO!!! >___ < #transformers #transformersg1 #transformerstoys #transformersgenerations #transformersrotf #Transformerslegacy #transformersgent30 #legacy #transformersalternators #transformerscollection #revengeofthefallen #autobot #autorobot #skids #furetto #hasbro #hasbrocommunity https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgol8igMSTL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jazzluca · 3 years ago
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E succede che uno ormai ha una certa età, ci sono gli acciacchi, i pensieri, la smemoratezza, la senilità galoppante, e si dimentica di avere pure l'Alternator Skids da esporre col Legacy!! #transformers #transformersg1 #transformerstoys #transformersgenerations #transformerslegacy #transformersalternators #legacy #alternator #skids #furetto #hasbro #hasbrocommunity https://www.instagram.com/p/Cge-SRQsC8u/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jazzluca · 2 years ago
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- Ohhh, grazie Ravage, mi hai portato la punta del mio classico fucile... peccato che debba metterlo nel cannone da spalla dato che non mi ha fornito del mio iconico fucile blu ma di sto cavolo di anonimo scacciacani e ... ^^++ - Sigh, per fortuna che a caval donato non si guarda in bocca, appunto -____- #transformers #transformersg1 #transformerstoys #transformersgenerations #transformersbumblebeemovie #transformersstudioseries #transformersalternator #alternators #transformersmasterpiece #transformersfallofcybertron #transformersuniverse #transformerswfc #transformerswarforcybertron #transformerssiege #cassettebot #cassettecon #ravage #iena #hasbro #hasbrocommunity https://www.instagram.com/p/CkBNuzdKcXf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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