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leonidskies · 1 year ago
Entangled Understanding
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*hands you t4t lucisev*
My fic for the FE Trans Winter Exchange this year! I made a gift for @okamigamer1.
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grotesk-tinte · 8 months ago
wrote a small thing about severian's feelings on gender, and how eating his ex-gf was basically diy HRT. There are so few book of the new sun fics that I had to actually write my own character tag for Thecla. I have never had to do that before.
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Severa/Selena from Fire Emblem Awakening/Fates
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Reasoning: Finding a new identity outside of being in his mothers shadow of greatness would make him so much happier. He deserves great things.
submitted by @fang-emblem
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real-fire-emblem-takes · 9 months ago
i loooove any trans severa hc severa is so transgender. in every way
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translatingtradutor · 2 months ago
[Brasil] Quais cirurgias são cobertas por plano de saúde ou não? Clausulas de exclusão?
Quais cirurgias são cobertas por planos de saúde no Brasil, e oque elas podem pedir? Ouvi falar de clausulas de exclusão de cirurgias trans e todas as situações.
Quais planos cobrem cirurgias?
Os planos que cobrem cirurgias trans no Brasil são qualquer plano que tenha cobertura pelo menos ambulatorial ou hospitalar. Isso significa que eles já te pagam cirurgias de outros tipos se ocorrer algum acidente ou algo necessário.
Eles precisam te cobrir a cirurgia trans-afirmativa completa. Eles não podem te fazer pagar parte dela. Nem mesmo se precisar de medicos extras ou anestesistas, materiais or medicamentos pra te dar na hora da cirurgia - eles devem pagar a cirurgia completamente. O máximo que podem fazer é pedir para pagar a internação depois, mas isso depende do tipo de plano. Você também sempre deverá pagar sozinhe por quaisquer medicamentos, transporte ou itens de cuidado por si só depois.
O médico a que você for dirigido não pode pedir absolutamente qualquer taxa extra pela cirurgia fora do plano. Isso na verdade é ilegal e com denuncia para a ANS eles podem ter consequencias severas. Denuncie. Por causa desses médicos, sempre grave suas consultas de cirurgia escondido para ter provas.
Uma história muito comum que esses cirurgiões dizem é que o plano não paga o suficiente, mas isso não é jusificativa. O plano deve pagar o suficiente para eles ou te achar outro médico. O plano não pode alegar que esse seja o unico médico caso ele insista na taxa extra, você tem direito de ser encaminhade para outro cirurgião além de denunciar.
Todas as cirurgias trans afirmativas supostamente são para ser cobertas por plano. Porém, algumas tem mais historico de serem aceitas e conseguidas com ou sem advogado, então na pratica isso varia
Se o plano negar, você pode falar com a ANS denunciando. Na mastectomia masculinizadora a ANS famosamente sempre força o plano a aceitar por exemplo.
Sobre clausulas em contrato
Claúsulas de exclusão de tratamentos de saúde e cirurgias trans são contra a lei no Brasil. Não podem existir. Qualquer coisa que esteja em um contrato assinado que seja ilegal não pode ser protegido por lei, portanto todas as clausulas do tipo que um plano de saúde fizer são nulas e invalidas.
Pense, por exemplo, se uma empresa fizesse um contrato falando que você não pode denunciar se a empresa bater em alguém. Como é contra a lei ter uma clausula assim em contrato, ela não vale e é como se ela não existisse. O judicial não vai considerar ela.
Clausulas de cobertura exclusiva na área original podem acontecer. Mas ela não pode te impedir de ter o procedimento por não haver profissional que o plano possa te dar para fazer. Basicamente: se o plano era suposto a cobrir pela lei da ANS, é para cobrir e ponto final, não importando se eles tem o medico conveniado ou não. Mesmo se eles não tiverem profissional conveniado, são obrigados a cobrir nesse ou em outro estado que tenha. E eles tem que ir arranjar, e não você.
Oque pode acontecer é de eles terem um profissional que faça isso, e você só poder ir com ele e não com outro que você queira.
Cirurgias e suas especificidades
Mastectomia - apenas precisa de laudo psicologico por lei, mas tantos planos pedem o endocrino que só da para ir contra o pedido de laudo de acompanhamento de endocrino se com advogado. Caso seja negado por qualquer motivo mesmo exceto por não ter laudo de psicologo (psicologo, não psiquiatra! Não precisa de psiquiatra nenhum) ou endocrino, fale com a ANS e eles sempre resolvem sem falta. A ANS é extremamente favoravel com casos de mastectomia masculinizadora.
Cirurgias de redesignação genital - caso extremamente dubio na lei em 2024. Sempre sem falta vai precisar processar o plano apesar de estar na lei que deve ser coberta. Recomendavel um advogado que saiba oque esta fazendo, mas alguns poucos relatos dizem ter conseguido em 2024 decisões na justiça atraves da defensoria publica. Esteja preparade para uma luta ardua.
Histerectomia - as vezes precisa de advogado para forçar.
Outras cirurgias - cirurgias vocais, facials e etc masculinizadoras não tem precedentes de serem cobertas por planos apesar de estar na lei que deveriam.
Cirurgias de redesignação genital - muitas vezes precisa de advogado para forçar. Defensoria publica é favoravel e a pressão da ANS as vezes consegue.
Cirurgias vocais - sem informação pelo blog até agora. Estima-se que alguns casos de planos cobrindo sem advogado tenham acontecido.
Feminização facial - não tem certeza mesmo com processo, e esmagadoramente precisa de processo judicial para conseguir.
Eletrólise - não é coberta.
Não bináries:
Anulação de gênero - não é coberta. Essa cirurgia nem mesmo é realizada no Brasil ou reconhecida, e planos não tem obrigação de pagar por coisas fora do Brasil de nenhum modo.
Gostaria de saber mais sobre cirurgias? Veja as paginas de recursos:
Cirurgias transmasculinas
Cirurgias transfemininas
Página de links não bináries
Dito tudo isso, isso é apenas oque esta na lei. Se seu plano disser isso e insistir, você precisa achar um advogado bom para lutar com eles. E o honorario sai caro mesmo geralmente. A parte boa é que ganha processo de danos morais por cima muitas vezes e paga de volta o que gastou com advogado. Tenho contato de uma se precisarem.
Primeiramente é melhor apontar isso tudo para o plano, com leis e tudo por que são faceis de achar. Se insistirem, provavelmente vai precisar de advogado para dar medo neles. Se botar o advogado que ja sabe, é certeza completa de ganhar nas que tem precedentes.
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mgmassouh · 21 days ago
O peso de um presidente ruim
No dia da posse do 47º presidente dos Estados Unidos, a maior nação do mundo, com grande potencial de crescimento econômico, vivenciou um episódio de tensão. Durante o tradicional culto ecumênico, a pregação humanista feita por uma bispa da Igreja Episcopal que pediu de ter piedade a comunidade LGBT e os imigrantes ilegais, causou desconforto. O presidente, antes de assumir o cargo, já havia sido condenado por diversos crimes e demonstrava desconhecer “misericórdia”. Seus erros representavam infrações a vários preceitos contidos na Bíblia que ele afirma seguir e praticar como presbiteriano, gerando questionamentos sobre a coerência entre sua fé declarada e suas ações.
Quem se recorda do episódio em que um empresário com histórico de declarações transfóbicas tomou a decisão de expulsar milhares de militares trans das forças armadas americanas durante o primeiro mandato de seu governo? A medida, amplamente criticada por entidades de direitos humanos como a Human Rights Watch (HRW) e a Anistia Internacional, além de defensores da diversidade, deixou marcas profundas não apenas na vida dos diretamente afetados, mas também no debate sobre igualdade e inclusão em instituições que deveriam ser exemplo de justiça.
Nos primeiros dias do novo governo, foi emitida uma portaria incomum e severa, que violava a 14ª Emenda da Constituição dos Estados Unidos e a Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos da ONU. A medida determinava que filhos de imigrantes legais, nascidos em solo americano, não fossem considerados cidadãos do país. Essa decisão gerou uma prolongada batalha jurídica e semeou grande insegurança legal.
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bored-trans-orchidsexual · 4 months ago
Hi, I'm Penn, a Bored Trans Orchidsexual. [She/Her]
It's been a while since I finally joined Tumblr, so it's time for a new Pinned Post. I'm Penn, nice to meet anyone who's reading this for non-discourse reasons. i'm slowly trying to re-write a Fire Emblem game as a fanfic, I love @abi3264 I'm a big fan of pretty much everything Dropout.
Art for my profile is from a talented artist https://azuriota.tumblr.com @azuriota
And if you'd like to check out my fanfic/re-write, no context necessary it's written for anyone to pick up and experince, I'd love it if you gave it a shot at
選抜 (Senbatsu) (73306 words) by Wrentenda
Chapters: 14/?
Fandom: Fire Emblem: If | Fire Emblem: Fates, Fire Emblem: Kakusei | Fire Emblem: Awakening
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Characters: My Unit | Kamui | Corrin, Marx | Xander, Leon | Leo (Fire Emblem: Fates), Camilla (Fire Emblem), Elise (Fire Emblem), Felicia (Fire Emblem), Flora (Fire Emblem), Joker | Jakob, Silas (Fire Emblem), Garon (Fire Emblem), Ryoma (Fire Emblem), Hinoka (Fire Emblem), Takumi (Fire Emblem), Sakura (Fire Emblem), Mikoto (Fire Emblem), Pieri | Peri, Serena | Severa, Azur | Inigo, Zero | Niles, Elfy | Effie, Gunter (Fire Emblem), Tsubaki | Subaki (Fire Emblem), Kazahana | Hana, Hinata (Fire Emblem), Oboro (Fire Emblem), Asama | Azama, Saizo (Fire Emblem), Izana (Fire Emblem), Macbeth | Iago, Ganz | Hans, Aqua | Azura, Zola (Fire Emblem), Hydra | Anankos, Lilith (Fire Emblem), Mozume | Mozu, Asyura | Shura, Nn | Nah, Cynthia (Fire Emblem), Lucina (Fire Emblem)
Additional Tags: Coming of Age, War, Choices, Betrayal, Fantasy
A dramatic re-telling of the story of Fire Emblem Fates, written as I would have done so while maintaining most of the foundational details. Will be a larger deviation from the canon story the further it goes, telling the story of a 'golden route' like Revelations but due to my criticisms of that story, will go in different directions and will include more Awakening characters, combining elements of the DLC with my own ideas.
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punchyemblem · 2 years ago
yea uh this is not a friendly space for transphobes and i'm a little floored i have to say that out loud. like do i have to post essays on why severa's trans to get the point across or what
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whencyclopedes · 2 years ago
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Julia Domna
Julia Domna (160-217 d.C.) nació en la actual Siria y fue emperatriz de Roma durante el principado de su esposo, el emperador romano Septimio Severo (de abril del 193 a febrero del 211 d.C.). También fue la madre de los emperadores Geta (quien gobernó de 209 a 211 d.C.) y Caracalla (de 198 a 217 d.C., y en solitario del 211 al 217 d.C.), a quienes convenció para que aceptasen gobernar juntos tras la muerte de Severo, cumpliendo así los deseos del emperador. Julia adquirió notoriedad en la política imperial, especialmente tras la muerte de su esposo; de hecho, según Dión Casio, Caracalla le concedió amplias libertades para administrar el imperio en su ausencia, durante sus prolongadas campañas militares. Desde el 212 hasta el 217 d.C., con Caracalla como único emperador tras el asesinato de Geta, Julia atendió peticiones, presidió recepciones públicas y gestionó la correspondencia oficial; es más, Caracalla hacía constar el nombre de su madre junto al suyo en sus cartas al Senado. La historiadora Julia Langford cuestiona la magnitud real del poder de Julia en su libro sobre del papel que desempeñó esta emperatriz en la ideología y la propaganda de la dinastía Severa.
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bisexualdimitri · 12 days ago
going to do a list of m/m and m/f fe ships i like also. just to be insane.
shadow dragon / new mystery of the emblem
f!kris/luke (i also like this one with m!kris but i prefer m/f)
julian/lena (i should have listed this on the f/f one bc they're lesbian to me but i'll add them here)
navarre/phina (they can also be sapphic to me)
f!kris/samuel (this is me projecting bc i self ship with samuel but yeah)
mycen/nomah (old man yaoi. like real old man yaoi)
atlas/luthier (this is m/f to me)
gray/faye (very bisexual)
genealogy of the holy war / thracia 776
i headcanon half the cast as lesbians or trans girls oops
alec/arden (this is also m/f to me)
binding blade / blazing blade
kent/sain (kent is a butch bi woman btw)
wil/rath (this is also m/f)
hector/wil (this is also m/f)
sacred stones
gerik/glen (this is m/f. glen is a lesbian)
path of radiance / radiant dawn
rafiel/nailah (this is m/m)
bastian/haar (i have them paired up in heroes and it's grown on me)
ricken/donnel (this is m/f)
f!corrin/niles (really not too fond of m!corrin/niles. i think its bc of how the fandom treated it)
keaton/kaden (this is actually f/f to me but i didn't think to list them on my prev post so)
laslow/niles (i adore niles!soleil so much tbh)
nina/shiro (this is m/m. to me.)
asugi/mitama (this is also m/m)
kiragi/rhajat (their supports are so sweet)
caeldori/mitama (this is m/f)
kiragi/forrest (m/f bc forrest is a girl)
asugi/kiragi (i just think it's cute)
three houses / three hopes
byleth/jeritza (either byleth is fine but i prefer f!byleth tbh)
edelgard/felix (i'm aware i'm insane for this btw)
linhardt/caspar (this is m/f)
dimitri/ashe (this is m/f)
dimitri/monica (i'm a bi monica believer. sorry she's not a lesbian to me)
dedue/claude (I LOVE THEM SO DEARLY!!)
felix/ashe (this is m/f)
felix/claude (yeah i ship felix with all three house leaders. sorry.)
sylvain/ignatz (this is m/f)
sylvain/shez (either is fine. i have no preference either)
claude/ignatz (m/f. obviously)
claude/f!shez (i don't mind m!shez, but i do prefer f!shez)
yuri/shez (either shez is fine)
seteth/jeralt (this is m/f to me)
jeralt/lambert (byleth and dimitri step-sibling dynamic is so awesome. to me.)
rodrigue/jeralt (can you imagine byleth and felix as step siblings?)
clanne/etie (i loved their supports soo much)
kagetsu/zelkov (this is m/f)
alcryst/fogado (this is also m/f)
alfonse/fjorm (this is m/m to me)
askr/embla (they are so fucking divorced)
crossover ships
i really like dimitri can you tell
hríd/lethe (this is m/m)
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buttercupkg66 · 3 months ago
Rocker Keith Caputo Is De-Transitioning, Warns Parents to Protect Children from Trans Agenda: ‘No Drugs, No F**king Irreversible Surgery’
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igottoomuchtime · 3 months ago
Transgender People In History/Today! Check out https://legacyprojectchicago.org/
The Roman emperor who ruled from 218 to 222, Elagabalus was born male but adopted feminine dress and requested genital removal surgery. However, she was shunned and assassinated at age 18. = Elagabalus was supposedly married as many as five times, also lavishing favors on male lovers. She aroused further discontent when she married the Vestal Virgin Aquilia Severa, a flagrant breach of Roman law and tradition. Her behavior estranged the Praetorian Guard, who supported her overthrow and subsequent murder.
A Black trans pioneer who was one of the first transgender women in the United States. In the 1940s, she was the first trans person to be put on trial for her identity. - Lucy Hicks Anderson. = Both Lucy Hicks Anderson and her husband were tried by the federal government. During her perjury trial Lucy Hicks Anderson insisted that a person could appear to be of one sex but actually belong to the other, saying, “I defy any doctor in the world to prove that I am not a woman.” She told reporters, “I have lived, dressed, acted just what I am, a woman.” She was placed on ten years probation as an alternative to prison. However, her troubles were not over. When the government concluded that Lucy had been illegally receiving Anderson’s allotment checks as the wife of a member of the U.S. Army, the couple was tried and convicted of fraud. – Died of natural causes in 1954 at age, 68.
A Black transgender woman and LGBTQ rights activist who helped homeless and struggling LGBTQ youth. - Marsha P. Johnson = Raids likes the one on the Stonewall Inn were not uncommon. This time, however, the patrons fought back. A shot glass was thrown into a mirror by Marsha P. Johnson who yelled ``I got my civil rights!'' That moment became known as ``the Shot Glass that was Heard Around the World.'' - In 1990, Marsha contracted AIDS. She spoke publicly about it and told people she hoped they would not be afraid of those who had the disease. On July 6, 1992, Marsha's body was found floating in the Hudson River. The police officers ruled her death a suicide.
A Scottish doctor who began taking hormones as a teen and had his birth certificate changed to male. - Ewan Forbes = Forbes led a troupe of Scottish country dancers, dressing and dancing the male part. In 1944, he graduated with medical degree from the University of Aberdeen. - 1965 when his brother died and Ewan stood to inherit the baronetcy and a large estate. A cousin challenged the inheritance, arguing that the re-registration of gender was invalid and Ewan was still legally a female, and thus was unable to inherit. The Scottish Court of Session ruled in Ewan’s favor, and in 1968 the Home Secretary confirmed the decision, granting him the title. Unfortunately, the case was conducted in secrecy, and was unable to be quoted in other judgments on the legal recognition of gender variance (though that has changed since his passing). With the case settled, the baronet returned to the life of a rural landowner. He was appointed a Justice of the Peace for Aberdeenshire in 1969 and in 1984 published The aul’ Days, a book of early reminiscences, including tales of gender displacement. He died on September 12, 1991 at age 79.
She starred in the American reality TV show called “I am Jazz” which documented her day-to-day experiences of being a transgender teenager. She also co-authored a children's book titled “I Am Jazz,” which gives a glimpse into her experience growing up questioning her gender identity. – Jazz Jennings = Jennings founded the TransKids Purple Rainbow Foundation. It aims to spread “the message of tolerance, acceptance and unconditional love which are a birthright for all trans kids.” - “So many transgender people in the community are being covered with this umbrella of misconception that we are going to hurt someone. But we are not trying to hurt anyone.”
Laverne Cox is an actress, Emmy-winning documentary film producer, and equal rights advocate. Cox is best known for her role as Sophia Burset in the Netflix series Orange Is the New Black. Cox was the first transgender performer nominated for an Emmy in an acting category. = “My name is Laverne Cox and I’m from Mobile, Alabama. Until recently, I have had a tremendous amount of shame about the bullying I experienced as a child. Whenever something would happen and my mother would find out, she would yell at me and say well why didn’t you fight back. Why aren’t you fighting back. And she would also say, what are you doing to make them treat you like that. So, I felt like it was my fault. We took the bus to school every day. I have a twin brother. They, the kids couldn’t beat us up on the bus because the bus driver was sort of watching in the rear-view mirror. But we knew that as soon as we got off the bus, we had to take off running or we’d get beaten up. And for years, I joked that I was a very fast runner as a child. And it was sort of my way of deflecting from how painful it was, to sort of feel like I was always in danger. Up until that point, everyone was telling me that I was a boy. I was 8 years old and I was just convinced that I was a girl. The therapist told my mom and she yelled at me that boys are this way and girls are this way. And it was just this big thing. And, I again, internalized a lot of shame about the way I was thinking about myself and about who I was. I loved to dance as a kid. I was always dancing around. I would dance in the supermarket. I would just dance everywhere. Back when PE was in schools, when the kids were doing free play, I was off dancing to music that was always in my head. And I always sort of had characters that I was playing and making up. So, I begged from 5 years old to 8 years old to be in dance classes and my mom finally found a program for me. And I believe that that saved my life. I did try to commit suicide once, when I was about 11 years old, unsuccessfully. But if I didn’t have school, my mom’s a teacher, and education and reading and something I loved and that I was good at, I don’t think I would have survived. I didn’t feel safe at all as a kid.
And I’ve had moments like that as an adult, but the difference with me as an adult is that I have support now. I have people in my life who support and validate me as who I am. As a kid, when kids were saying all these awful things about me, I thought that was the truth of who I was. And as an adult now, I find myself wanting to go back into oh people are saying this about me it must be true. But then I’m like, well no. I have people around me who are supportive and who are amazing who love me and are like no, what these people are saying about you is not who you are. And I know that that’s not who I am.
This past Christmas, my mom and I were, we were just talking and we hadn’t talked about the bullying stuff but you know, she, my mom she’s very aware of what’s been going on in the news with all the bullying stories. And she, it just sort of came up and she just said, just out of nowhere she said, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know how to… I didn’t know what to do. I’m sorry I didn’t know how to deal with it.” She had her way and she thought that was the way and it didn’t work. And she loves me, and she supports me, and she’s proud of me. And that’s all I really wanted as a kid to have my mom be proud of me. That’s all I wanted. And she is, so that’s kind of amazing.”
The Wachowskis: The Wachowskis are trans women who wrote and directed The Matrix (1999), Cloud Atlas (2012), and Bound (1996). They won the Saturn Award for Best Director for The Matrix. The Wachowskis have said that the original Matrix was written as a trans allegory. = Lana – “For years, I couldn't even say the words 'transgendered' or 'transsexual' - "When I began to admit it to myself, I knew I would eventually have to tell my parents and my brother and my sisters.” - "This fact would inject such terror into me that I would not sleep for days. I developed a plan that I worked out with my therapist. It was going to take three years. Maybe five." Lilly came out publicly as trans in 2016 after a reporter from the Daily Mail turned up at her door. “I just wanted - needed some time to get my head right, to feel comfortable. But apparently, I don't get to decide this," she said in a statement to the Windy City Times afterwards. "I am one of the lucky ones. Having the support of my family and the means to afford doctors and therapists has given me the chance to actually survive this process.” - "Transgender people without support, means and privilege do not have this luxury. And many do not survive." – “The Matrix trilogy - and particularly the first film, which won four Academy Awards - appear in plenty of lists about the "greatest science fiction films of all-time".
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transglobals · 4 months ago
Global Air Freight Forwarding in Singapore: A Comprehensive Guide by Trans Global (S) Pte Ltd
Singapore has earned a international popularity for its strategic vicinity and advanced infrastructure, positioning itself as a hub for international change and logistics. Among the various services that thrive in Singapore, global air freight forwarding stands proud as a key thing inside the green motion of goods across borders. At Trans Global (S) Pte Ltd, we specialise in delivering international-magnificence air freight forwarding offerings that meet the various desires of corporations worldwide.
In this weblog, we’ll discover the importance of world air freight forwarding, why Singapore is a pinnacle preference for logistics, and how Trans Global (S) Pte Ltd can be your trusted companion in seamless global change.
What is Global Air Freight Forwarding?
Global air freight forwarding refers to the coordination and transportation of goods through schedule carriers, making sure their timely delivery throughout global borders. This provider is important for corporations concerned in international change, as it helps facilitate the motion of merchandise in a fast and green way. Freight forwarders like Trans Global (S) Pte Ltd act as intermediaries between shippers and providers, managing the logistics, documentation, and compliance elements of shipping items through air.
Air freight forwarding offers good sized blessings over different modes of shipping, consisting of:
Speed: Air freight is the quickest mode of transportation, making it best for time-touchy items.
Global Reach: Air freight services join definitely every corner of the world, ensuring goods may be transported to even the most far off places.
Security: Goods shipped by means of air are treated through expert airways, providing a excessive level of safety and reduced threat of harm.
Why Singapore is a Leading Hub for Global Air Freight Forwarding
Singapore is one of the world’s leading logistics hubs, with its international air freight forwarding enterprise playing a pivotal function inside the u . S . A .’s financial system. Several factors make a contribution to Singapore's dominance in this sector, which includes:
1. Strategic Location
Singapore's area on the crossroads of essential global alternate routes makes it a herbal hub for air freight forwarding. Positioned between primary economies in Asia, Europe, and the Americas, Singapore is a gateway for items flowing among those areas. Trans Global (S) Pte Ltd leverages this geographic advantage to facilitate seamless global exchange for our clients.
2. World-Class Infrastructure
Singapore's Changi Airport is constantly ranked most of the pinnacle airports within the international for air shipment operations. It is equipped with state-of-the-art centers designed to deal with a extensive
form of items, along with perishable objects, prescription drugs, and high-price shipment. The u . S .’s efficient air freight infrastructure ensures that goods are processed and introduced in a well timed manner.
3. Free Trade Agreements
Singapore has established severa unfastened alternate agreements (FTAs) with countries around the world, which simplify customs processes, lessen price lists, and enhance the benefit of doing commercial enterprise. As a worldwide air freight forwarding issuer, Trans Global (S) Pte Ltd can assist businesses take advantage of these FTAs, making sure that their shipments circulate thru customs easily and at reduced prices.
4. Reliable Connectivity
Singapore is connected to extra than 2 hundred towns global through air freight offerings. This tremendous network ensures that corporations can reach their target markets successfully, no matter in which they're positioned. At Trans Global (S) Pte Ltd, we offer international air freight forwarding answers that connect companies to markets in Europe, North America, Asia, and beyond.
The Role of Trans Global (S) Pte Ltd in Global Air Freight Forwarding
At Trans Global (S) Pte Ltd, we apprehend the significance of green and reliable international air freight forwarding for corporations engaged in international exchange. Our comprehensive range of services is designed to fulfill the precise wishes of our clients, making sure their items attain their vacation spot effectively and on time.
1. Customized Air Freight Solutions
We understand that every commercial enterprise has unique transport needs. Whether you’re transport small packages or big shipment, our group works carefully with you to provide customized air freight solutions that align together with your precise necessities. We provide various options, including explicit delivery for pressing deliveries and fee-powerful solutions for less time-sensitive shipments.
2. End-to-End Logistics Management
Global air freight forwarding calls for careful coordination of various logistical elements, from warehousing and packaging to transportation and customs clearance. Trans Global (S) Pte Ltd gives stop-to-give up logistics control, taking care of every step of the transport procedure so that you can consciousness to your center commercial enterprise.
3. Expert Customs Clearance
Navigating customs regulations can be a complex and time-consuming system. Our team of skilled professionals ensures that every one vital documentation is in order and that your shipments observe worldwide guidelines. This minimizes delays at customs and ensures that your items arrive at their destination without complications.
4. Real-Time Tracking and Visibility
In today’s speedy-paced business surroundings, having actual-time visibility into your shipments is crucial. At Trans Global (S) Pte Ltd, we offer actual-time monitoring services, providing you with entire visibility into the popularity of your shipments from the instant they go away your warehouse to the time they reach their final vacation spot.
The Benefits of Choosing Trans Global (S) Pte Ltd
Partnering with Trans Global (S) Pte Ltd on your worldwide air freight forwarding needs comes with numerous benefits:
Reliability: With our know-how and worldwide community, we make sure your shipments arrive on time, on every occasion.
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centralblogsnoticias · 5 months ago
Presidente da Geórgia se recusa a assinar lei anti-LGBTQIA+ e enfrenta críticas do governo
A presidente da Geórgia, Salome Zourabichvili, recusou-se a sancionar uma polêmica lei anti-LGBTQIA+, atraindo severas críticas do primeiro-ministro, Irakli Kobakhidze. A legislação, aprovada pelo parlamento em setembro, prevê a proibição de transições de gênero, adoção por pessoas gays e trans, além de anular casamentos entre pessoas do mesmo sexo realizados no exterior. A recusa da presidente…
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secondgenerationnerd · 7 months ago
What’s the difference between pan and bi? Is being bisexual meaning you won’t date a trans person or someone who is nonbinary?
Speaking of, do you have any non binary characters ?
I think David Rose described Pansexuality best “(they) like the Wine, not the label” or rather they’re attracted to people regardless of gender.
Bisexuality is the attraction to one’s own gender and others. I’m a bisexual woman and I’d date someone who’s trans/nonbinary if I like them. If someone is a trans woman, they’re a woman. If they’re a trans man, they’re a man. Period, end of discussion
I have severa I’ve teased. Matty West uses They/he pronouns. Dahlia Todd’s partner, Beck, is nonbinary. I definitely need to be better about showing that representation and I totally acknowledge it now.
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translatingtradutor · 6 months ago
[Dicas] Binding com doenças respiratórias: Transtape e o perigo do binder
Pergunta de: u/CleverFox2385
Para alguém com peitos médios/grandes, sem nenhum tipo de hormônio por enquanto e com *asma* (acho que é um fator a se levar em conta), vocês recomendariam qual?
Ouvi dizer que a transtape machuca menos, mas é mais recomendada pra peitos menores por ser mais difícil esconder bem médios ou grandes e tem chance de irritar a pele, enquanto o binder machuca mais, tem um tempo recomendado de utilização, mas esconde melhor qualquer tamanho. Isso fora a questão de preço, que a tape precisa comprar frequentemente e o binder, só um ou dois.
Não faça binding com asma se ela é de crise frequente! E mesmo se não for, tome cuidado - muito mesmo.
Infelizmente, é verdade que as pessoas trans com doenças crônicas pegaram a pior. A recomendação geral é não utilizar binder com asma. É comum até que pessoas sem doenças respiratórias se sintam com a respiração restrita volta e meia quando usando binder.
Se utilizar binding já é algo com regras estritas para pessoas sem sindromes, e pode machucar elas para a vida se não tiver cuidado, é pior ainda para alguém com asma.
Transtape: A alternativa segura
A transtape parece ser a única opção 100% segura para você. Veja mais no post que fiz sobre transtape. Ela pode se rutilizada até durante o exercicio e não restringe a respiração em nada. Pode ser mais caro no longo termo, mas com saúde não se brinca. Se você desmaiar por falta de ar pode não ter tempo de tirar o binder, buscar ajuda ou pode cair e bater alguma parte do corpo.
O binder restringe a respiração por apertar o peito, já a trans tape espalha o peito para os lados permitindo a respiração e até exercício.
Asma bem leve - posso usar binder?
Só faça isso se sua asma não é muito severa.
Se você realmente quiser usar ele, precisa de muitas pausas. Muitas mesmo, ainda mais das que uma pessoa sem asma já precisaria ter idealmente (normalmente 30 minutos a cada 4 horas, máximo de 6-8 por dia com 8 sendo so raramente, pausa nos fins de semana sem binding nenhum).
Post com informações sobre trans tape - perigos de binding, academia & esforço pulmonar: https://www.tumblr.com/translatingtradutor/759556011879202816/dicas-como-esconder-seios-na-academia-oque-%C3%A9?source=share
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