wisdom-and-such · 1 year
“What am I? What has my will done to make me that I am? Nothing. I have been floated into this thought, this hour, this connection of events... and my ingenuity and willfulness have not thwarted, have not aided, to any appreciable degree”.
 --Ralph Waldo Emerson
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cruelnemothesis · 7 months
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agnesandhilda · 6 months
I don't think blue lock will commit to having any undeniably queer characters in the main text (no, not even the one you're thinking of right now) but at the same time I do believe that these guys are gonna think back to these obsessive intensely physical rivalries they used to have with each other as adults and think "okay. so that awoke something in me"
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salderi · 1 month
Krishna steals the clothes of the Gopis Kangra
Pahari, circa A.D. 1800 (Himalayan)  Paintings. Opaque Watercolours, Gold
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asitrita · 1 year
I just spent half a day arguing with someone who claims aph Spain is practically Arab because of Al Andaluz and I can't with people
That person didn't know any basic history. If Spain is Arab because of Al Andalus, India must be an exact copy of Britain and the quintessential Anglo Saxon society. And at least they do speak English, lol.
That person probably fed on all the Orientalist propaganda and ridiculous stereotypes about Spain. But the influence Arab culture had in Spain is minimal and superficial. Sure, there's some Arab influence, but it is pretty superficial and non transcendental to Spanish culture, society, or identity. Its biggest contribution to Spain was it acting as its adversary, hence reinforcing the Roman and Christian identity of Spain's population. They should just ask themselves what language do Spaniards speak and what is the predominant religion in Spain.
Also, just ask the person if they think Arabs are responsible for mass genocide in Spain and killed all native inhabitants so everyone in Spain is Arab now.
Tbh, I'm sure they don't even distinguish between Arab and North African/Berber culture, nor are aware of the process of Reconquista, let alone know the difference between Emirate and Caliphate, or the existence of the Taifa kingdoms.
Anyone who thinks Spain is an Arab country, or even somewhat Arab, because of Al Andalus, is either an ignorant/delusional fool, or a troll, or maybe both.
As for aph Spain, I would think nation personifications represent the people living in those regions. Since people living in Spain today are not Arab, not even remotely so, and are descendants of the Northern Christian people who repopulated the south + buckets of Christian people who lived in the south under Muslim rule but who never converted and were later assimilated again within a Christian, Greco-Roman, and Medieval European context and culture, I see absolute no reason to make aph Spain Arab, nor anything remotely similar. That would make as much sense as creating an OC of the Mexica (Aztec) empire and making him/her Spanish, or making India a Saxon warrior, or Nigeria a Viking sailor (actually, maybe even less sense, if that's even possible).
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jethroq · 24 days
I was watching a video about EFO, a ”no contact” martial art full of this mystical mumbo jumbo, bit on the ither hand, if one formed a group to do it with the admission that it’s not supposed to be a martial art but a meditative practise I could see it being kinda fun
like idk, maybe maintaining the kayfabe is key to making it an effective thing, but if you treated it like Tai Chi, I wouldn’t have a problem with it. I do think their ideas of science are also just kinda really stupid, but there’s some reasonable evidence that ecstatic group experiences are a net positive.
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frosteee-variation · 1 year
holy shit passing by a wind farm at night is something else. imagine driving by and seeing like, a mile of towers with hundreds of glowing red dots suspended in mid-air without knowing what you were seeing,
these are creatures to me. these feel like some kind of god
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cheekedupwhiteboy · 8 months
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toothsalad · 2 years
I love when work crews have Way Too Many guys. Everything can be a nine person job if we’re all holding a hammer.
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shodansbabygirl · 3 months
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Okay?????????? Thank you for?? All the asshole cleaning options Temu?? I'll??? Take that under advisement???
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knightofleo · 3 months
Aïsha Devi | The 7th Element
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manuela12345678999999 · 7 months
My idea of transcendentalism
Transcendentalism in my idea is the sense that people have a deeper knowledge about themselves and the world around them that goes beyond what they can touch, see, learn, hear, feel or taste. They go beyond limitation of the senses and experience a higher reality.
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goobrie · 9 months
Cant tell if i have a crush on my synagogue’s cantor or if I had a deeply religious experience of beauty.
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twansgendew · 1 year
If I had known lakeside view apartment suite when I went 2 see tmg .... AHGH
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It’s electronic music, a bit experimental but by no means bad. Some of it’s even a bit catchy. There’s nothing wrong with it— nothing you can place, but there’s something… there. Something is inside it. It’s as if the sound itself was an egg with some alien embryo pulsing beneath the surface.
Then after about ten minutes, it stops. For an ad. No, a PSA— it’s a humorous skit where two people are thawing a third out of a block of ice. What happened, well, they tried to bathe but someone else in the dome used all the hot water! Don’t overtax the furnaces, energy consumption is everyone’s problem.
The music is back on for another ten minutes. Your heartbeat hammers in your ears.
An emergency announcement. Domes 39, 20, 21, 24, 25 and 26 are being issued a structural integrity warning due to seismic activity. Follow the steps for collapse preparedness. A reminder that domes 31 and 32 are compromised and restricted, do not enter under any circumstances.
Another ten minutes of music. You’re shaking like you’ve had too much caffeine, and sweating despite how cold you feel.
Another PSA. This one is a call for appreciation for “our girls in black,” off fighting in Squid territory. It’s dripping with so much patriotism it’s making a puddle on the floor.
Another ten minutes of music. You’re dizzy, the room is spinning around you— it’s like your brain is convinced you’re in a nightclub when your senses clearly show otherwise.
Another announcement. The weekend sky shutdown is expanding to all non-residential domes. Furthermore, the sky will also be turned off for every other weekday in domes 5, 12, 13, 21, 37, 38–
And then it goes quiet. Batter presses the button to rewind the tape.
“So, yeah— when I was bored at work back home, I’d record the radio! Got seven more tapes in my bag. Think the museum would want ‘em?”
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feybeasts · 1 year
Oh, not everyone experiences a profound and trancendental joy from aviation that borders on childlike wonder they haven’t felt since they were but knee high and the world seemed bright with promise?
…why not?
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