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julzonthego Β· 4 years ago
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They the GOP are finally saying the quiet part out loud. πŸŽͺπŸ”₯✊❀️ #TakeBackOurCountry #StopVotingWhiteSupremistsIntoOffice #TheyDontCareAboutUS #PeopleOfColor must #Unite #StrongerTogether #Unidos ✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 #StopTheLIES #TheStealWasntReal #VoterSupression #ExpiredMilk #TREASON #BloodOnYourHands #seditionaries #Insurrection #TraitorsToTheNation https://www.instagram.com/p/CL7maZKgJDp/?igshid=1kywij8cqbhey
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julzonthego Β· 4 years ago
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#WeareLookingAtYou @repmattgaetz @repmobrooks @stevescalise @repboebert @repmtg πŸ’€πŸ˜­πŸ€£ #LockThemUp #TraitorsToTheNation #TheStealWasntReal #DomesticTerrorists https://www.instagram.com/p/CLn0j9agZ-S/?igshid=mhfs8gv4beuo
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julzonthego Β· 4 years ago
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#CANCELthisBitch @realmarjoriegreene & take this trash with her @repmattgaetz @repboebert @sentedcruz @marcorubiofla @realdevinnunes @rep.jim.jordan #HoldThemAcountable #ExpiredMilk #TreasonousGrifter #qanonisacult #BLOODONYOURHANDS #TheStealWasntReal #TheLastActsOfADesperateMen #Insurrection #Sedition #TraitorsToTheNation #seditionaries https://www.instagram.com/p/CK44B4DADcf/?igshid=1bqgnrefxu9sa
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julzonthego Β· 4 years ago
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There is no unity without accountability!!! @sentedcruz and @repboebert must be expelled from their seats for helping incite the January 6th insurrection. More evidence that @repboebert gave tours to people of the Capitol Building in the days leading up to January 6th. Video incoming. 🀑πŸ”₯✊❀️ * * * #BloodOnYourHands #TraitorsToTheNation #Insurrection #seditionaries #ExpiredMilk Reposted from @wefuckinghatedonaldtrump https://www.instagram.com/p/CK0ifX1ANEp/?igshid=1ia6cvn3qjhiy
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julzonthego Β· 4 years ago
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#ExpiredMilk #BloodOnYourHands RESIGN to 954-954. Marjorie Taylor Greene is a vicious, radicalized conspiracy theorist that is unfit to serve in the House of Representatives. She called the shooting that killed 17 people in Parkland a hoax and a false flag. She shouted at us, blaming us for the shooting, and followed us for blocks. We’re demanding she resign and for the GOP immediately drop their support. β€” P.S. Appealing to her morals is a long-shot, but if we get loud enough, she could get kicked out of the GOP + forced to resign. So we have to try. Reposted from @marchforourlives #TheStealWasntReal #DomesticTerrorists #Treason #Insurrectionist #seditionaries #sedition #Insurrection #MarjorieTaylorGreen #TraitorsToTheNation #ImpeachTrump #ConvictTrump #MarchForOurLives #BlackLivesMatter #AbolishICE #DefundThePolice https://www.instagram.com/p/CKtvX2LgBtb/?igshid=1vl5jnwfhersn
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julzonthego Β· 4 years ago
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A lot of you have been asking me questions this last week wanting to understand more about what's happening. Here are some definitions of terms your going to hear a lot of in the coming days. I hope this helps #Treason #Sedition #Insurrection #TraitorsToTheNation #Criminals #thugs #WhiteSupremacist #TrumpsAmerica #ProudBoys #ExpiredMilk https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ6M-etAxbc/?igshid=y44tjw1s3k5w
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julzonthego Β· 4 years ago
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#DomesticTerrorist Adam Johnson, 36, of Parrish, Florida, who was seen in a viral photograph carrying Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s lectern through the halls, is being held in Pinellas County Jail and pending charges after federal marshals picked him up Friday night, according to the United States Attorney’s Office of the District of Columbia. #sedition #seditionaries #seditionhasconsequences #TraitorsToTheNation #ThisIsCriminal #ThisIsAmerica #THISisTREASON #ExpiredMilk #Insurrection #WhiteSupremacy #Traitors #TheStealWasALie #TheLastActsOfADesperateMen #TRUMPLIESMATTER https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ1gdBeAgAm/?igshid=1j9twwz28m5po
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