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bigglesworld · 1 year ago
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Boeing PT-17 Kaydet A75N1 VH-JLA. At Hunt Field YHTF. 2010
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Remembering Pearl Harbor
On Sunday morning, December 7, 1941, the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service launched a surprise, preemptive strike on the US. Pacific Fleet stationed at Pearl Harbor Hawaii. All around the island of Oahu, other US military bases and strategic locations of defense were simutaneously attacked by Japanese aircraft.  The attack began at 0748 hrs., when the first of 353 Imperial Japanese aircraft , (consisting of two waves of fighters, dive bombers, and torpedo planes), broke through the clouds and began wreaking havoc on their unsuspecting targets below.
A japanese bomber soars up and over battleship row after releasing its payload.
In the aftermath of the Sunday morning attack, all 8 US Navy battleship were damaged with 4 sunk. The Japanese also sank 3 destroyers, 3 cruisers, 1 minelayer, and an anti-aircaft training ship. 188 US aircraft had also been destroyed in the attack; 2,403 Americans were killed, and another 1,178 others were wounded. By attacking the US Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor, the Japanese had hoped to prevent the United States from interfering with its planned military campaigns in Southeast Asia and elsewhere. One day after the devastating attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States declared war on the Empire of Japan.
Big John at Pearl Harbor Memorial, Hawaii
Blessed with the opportunity to spend a considerable amount of time on the island of Oahu, I made it my priority to explore the Pearl Harbor Memorial, as well as other areas directly affected by the December 7 attack. These are just a few of the photos I captured along the way. It was my intention that these photos cause readers to pause and reflect on this momentous event that led the United States into World War II.
Although some of the sites at the Pearl Harbor Memorial are paid attractions, the USS Arizona Memorial is entirely free. If you plan on visiting the site, I highly recommended that you get there as early in the morning as possible as the tickets to the USS Arizona are all on a first come – first serve basis. The later it is that you reach the park, the longer it is that you will most likely have to wait. While waiting your turn to see the USS Arizona, there are a number of museum-quality displays to explore, as well as the USS Bowfin submarine, and a gift shop and cafe.
Going out to the USS Arizona is a very solemn experience. First visitors will be ushered into a theater where they will watch a moving documentary of the Pearl Harbor attack on a large screen. After the film, visitors will board a boat where US Navy sailors will take them out to the wreckage. During the entire tour of the USS Arizona, all talking and texting is highly discouraged. Photographs are encouraged and permitted.
US Navy sailors ferry visitors to and from the USS Arizona
Battleship USS West Virginia sunk and burning at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941. In background is the battleship USS Tennessee.
The USS West Virginia was hit with seven type 91torpedoes on her port side while bombers struck her with a pair of 16 in (410 mm) armor piercing shells. The ship was sunk but did not capsize. The crippling damage to the USS West Virginia caused it to sink upright to the harbor floor  During the attack, 106 sailors lost their lives. The USS West Virginia was eventually repaired and saw action during many World War II battles in the Pacific.
Survivors of Pearl Harbor described the scene as a literal hell on earth. Everywhere there were explosions, screams and fire. Sailors jumped from their ships into the harbor, covered in oil and fully engulfed in flames. All the while, Japanese planes continued their onslaught while brave sailors, Marines, and aviators tried to repel their attack.
The USS Arizona (BB-39) explodes violently as a Japanese bomb detonates inside a powder magazine.
For 1,177 officers and crew of the USS Arizona, there would be no future war stories to be told. For the men that died aboard the USS Arizona, the war ended even before it had begun.  Unlike many of the other ships that were sunk on December 7, 1941, the USS Arizona was well beyond repair. The wreckage of the ship, along with her valiant men, still lie at the bottom of Pearl Harbor.
The USS Arizona Memorial with USS Missouri in the background.
The USS Arizona Memorial is an actual gravesite as many sailors are still entombed inside the hull of the ship. The memorial was designed by Alfred Preis, an Austrian-born architect who was sent to a US internment camp after the Pearl Harbor attack.
Although the memorial is positioned directly over the wreckage of the USS Arizona, no part of its structure actually rests on the ship.
To this day, considerable amounts of oil from the ship still seep to the water’s surface.
The names of all lost who served aboard the USS Arizona and lost their lives on December 7, 1941.
An actual anchor belonging to the USS Arizona that was recovered in Pearl Harbor.
The USS Bowfin (SS-287), a Balao-class submarine, saw action in the Pacfic and is now moored at Pearl Harbor, HI.
The lone sailor now stands watch over Pearl Harbor and is a tribute to all those who served in the sea services.
A WWII era torpedo
Prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor, American Naval Command believed that Pearl Harbor was too shallow for a successful torpedo attack. In planning their operation, the Japanese modified their torpedoes to operate effectively in only about 40 feet of water. The Type 91 torpedo, which was deployed in the attack, was an aerial torpedo designed to be launched from an airplane. The torpedo’s wooden stabilizers were shed from the tail fins immediately upon water entry and the weapon power-glided towards its target just below the water’s surface.
Map showing the December 7, 1941 attack on the island of Oahu.
The Pearl Harbor Naval Base wasn’t the only thing on Oahu attacked on December 7, 1941. The Japanese also struck  Schofield Barracks, Wheeler Army Airfield, Hickam Airfield, Bellows Field, Naval Air Station Kaneohe Bay, and Ewa Mooring Mast Field. Along with the numerous military personnel killed and wounded, there were also 49 civilians who lost their lives that day.
A restored Japanese Zero at the Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum on Ford Island, Hawaii.
Many Japanese pilots carried these “good-luck” banners with them inside the cockpits of their planes.
Actual wreckage from a Japanese fighter plane.
On December 8, 1941, Sakamaki became the first Japanese prisoner-of-war as he stumbled out of his beached mini-submarine at Bellows Air Station, Hawaii.
Sakamaki was commanding a 79-foot submarine armed with twin 18-inch torpedoes. His mission to destroy the USS Pennsylvania was cut short when it got stuck on reefs at Belllows Air Station and them bombed by US piloys patrolling the area.
My son, Jonah, stands in the same spot the Japanese submarine washed to shore.
This map was found in the beached submarine showing the entrance to Pearl Harbor.
The big barracks at Hickam Field was set ablaze after being strafed and bombed by Japanese aircraft.
During the attack on the barracks, a bomb directly struck the mess hall during breakfast and killed 35 men. In total, the casualties on Hickam Field totaled 121 men killed, 274 wounded and 37 missing.
Today, the Hickam barracks serve as the Headquarters for the Pacific Air Force.
This flag, which once flew proudly over Hickam barracks, was rescued from destruction on the day of infamy. 
The Courtyard of Heroes inside the courtyard of the Pacific Air Force Headquarters Building (formerly Hickam barracks).
Those that view the bullet holes and shrapnel damage to these walls are reminded to always stay vigilant.
A wall of remembrance at the Pacific Air Force Headquarters Building
A Japanese dive bomber aims for the runway at Ford Island and Battleship Row.
Tora! Tora! Tora! (Photo courtesy of www.worldwar2database.com)
This view was captured from from the top of Ford Island’s control tower as Hangar 6 burned after being struck by multiple bombs. Men can be seen pushing planes away from the carnage while trying to fight back the flames. Imperial Japanese Navy Captain Mitsuo Fuchida broadcasted the words, “Tora! Tora! Tora!” (Tiger! Tiger! Tiger!) to signal a successful surprise attack. Captain Fuchida later recalled, “When Lieutenant Commander Takahashi and his dive-bombing group mistook my signal and thought we were making a non-surprise attack, his fifty-three planes lost no time in dashing forward.”
The tower on Ford Island as it appears today.
These glass panes still carry bullet holes from the December 7, 1941 attack.
The Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum on Ford Island houses a Boeing B17 Flying Fortress. Visitors to the museum can see this heavy bomber, along with many other planes that helped America win the war in the Pacific.
The Curtiss P-40 Warhawk was one of WWII’s most famous fighters.
This Douglas SBD (slow-but-deadly) Dauntless was the navy’s premier dive bomber of that day.
This massive burial ceremony was performed for the men killed at NAS Kaneohe Bay during the December 7th attack.
This signpost represents the crossroads to war in the Pacific.
Following the vicious attacks on Pearl Harbor, nearly every able-bodied American rushed to the recruiting office to do their part for the war effort.
My maternal grandfather, Robert Triebull, (on the right), crouches for a snapshot outside the Lan Ting restaurant, Waikiki, Hawaii.
Robert Triebull enlisted in the navy. He drove Marines to shore on landing craft (LCVP) during seven major battles in the Pacific. Click on the following link to read more of his story:
Diary of a Higgins Boat Sailor in the Pacific
My paternal Grandfather, Richard Cutler, serving as a Marine in the jungles of the Pacific.
Richard Cutler joined the Marines when the war broke out. He served as a rifleman and also played the saxophone in the Marine Corps band. Read more of his story by clicking this link:
A Leatherneck with a Saxophone Takes to the Pacific
Many scenes from the Pacific Theater can be revisited at Pearl Harbor Memorial.
The USS Missouri (BB-63) is now permanently moored at Ford Island, Hawaii, USA.
Signing an end to WWII aboard the USS Missouri Battleship.
On September 2, 1945, the Japanese joined with allied forces aboard the battleship USS Missouri (BB-63) to sign the Instruments of Surrender. This event marked the allies’ victory over Japan and the ended the war.
Big John takes his mother to meet Sterling Cale, one of the last remaining survivors of the Pearl Harbor Attack.
Sterling Cale is a true American Hero. He went on to survive the attack on Pearl Harbor, only to serve again in both the Korean War and Vietnam. On the day of our visit, Sterling Cale was at the park signing autographs for his inspiring autobiography.
Remembering Pearl Harbor
Through the passing of time, historical events can become so distant that they adopt an almost abstract quality to them. In remembering Pearl Harbor, I hope we always remember that the men that died there, and those men and women that ultimately served and sacrificed in the Second World War, were not some abstract figures in some bygone, abstract event. The attack on Pearl Harbor – the day that will live in infamy – involved the very heart of America, our very own families and friends.
Happy travels,
Big John
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xottzot · 7 years ago
2017-09(SEP)-29th-Friday (night)--person killed on bike by train at station was elderly man.
2017-09(SEP)-29th-Friday (night)--person killed on bike by train at station was elderly man.
Apparently, it's now revealed (through the NEWS website re-editing) that the man who died at a train station when a train hit him whilst riding a motorised pushbike ON the train platform, was an "elderly man".
Because that's why you go to train stations just to wait standing around on platforms for trains...to be hit by an old man on a motorised bike on the platform.....
“An elderly gentleman’s been fatally injured when he’s come into contact with a train,” Acting inspector Joe Watts said.
Other than that, there's not much more new that's been revealed.
Notice the weird shitty reporting that's not really saying anything? "come into contact with a train".....that's like saying that people in a lethal aircaft crash are killed from coming into contact with the ground.
A train eh?, so now I can add that to my list of things to be able to do to end myself.
Maybe I can go down to Bellevue under the road bridge there where afterwards they'll just add another sign to the fence after I have 'come into contact with a freight train'.......
Meanwhile in other NEWS....they want to exempt aboriginals from ever going to be considered to be jailed because of shit that went on years ago with aboriginal crims.......
So now they can carry on regardless.....again.....still....as always......
And people wonder why the aboriginal crime rate is so high in Western Australia? - It's NOT the victims fault doing crime against themselves, it's the criminals that everybody's so hell-bent on never prosecuting at all costs and forever rewarding them freebies at the social costs and detriment of EVERYONE. - And they wonder why the aboriginal crime rate is so high in Western Australia? - They've engineered it all to be that way by cowering to brainless shit.
And being jailed is totally off limits to politicians of course. They're totally exempt from any and all reality as always.
And in other NEWS......a kids gone missing......
"Sabina Coppin, 1, was last seen on September 14 in Midland and after investigating with police the Department is asking for the public’s help to find her."
If she was any of the ones around here, or with them, she'd either be alone ON the roads waiting for a truck or car to run it over, or running into trafic, or running around on it's own (never safely kept in a backyard with other aboriginal criminal children) under the supposedly 'great' love and care of all the 'parents' and other criminal children who are so 'trustworthy'.......and of course are absolutely NOT.
And I fully expect this story will fizzle out and nothing will come out of it as always and be forgotten, or it all will remain in the realms of never-to-be-revealed like so much other shit. - Because this is HELL.
Or maybe they'll find it up in a tree like so many of the other criminal small abo's do to escape Police interception. Or in any of the countless abo criminal houses. Or stashed away in an empty house 4-sale.....
Or spirited away in any number of the many vehicles that come and go and go and leave and return at the abo houses that nobody can ever figure out why or wants to.
And the Police want the public's help? - Good luck with that. - Tell me when the Martians have landed or the North Koreans have invaded Australia......maybe they took the kid?
As usual, currently as I type this, there's cars tearing around on the roads roaring about in the darkness. Just as there has been on and off since it got dark.
I (STILL) have a massive headache and in great pain even after taking pills for the pain. Nothing touches this pain. - How am I ever expected to get ANY sleep?
My rotten flu symptoms have somewhat abated a little (for now).
I love you Fliss and want to be with you away from this HELL. - Sam & Max are both very upset but I'm about to take them outside for their last-chance ablutions for the night. Like so many times today, they're likely to start suddenly start barking and growling at all the shitheads wandering around in the darkness. - Then it's back to trying to sleep for them...but being awoken by criminal aboriginals around in the streets maybe at 11pm to 2am on Saturday or any other time because it's 'traditional' for them. - I love you Fliss and want to be with you away from this HELL. Please.
0 notes
allcheatscodes · 8 years ago
il 2 sturmovik birds of prey xbox 360
il 2 sturmovik birds of prey xbox 360
IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey cheats & more for Xbox 360 (X360)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Xbox 360 (X360). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Xbox 360 cheats we have available for IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey.
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Genre: Simulation, Dancing Sim
Developer: Gainax
Publisher: 505 Games
ESRB Rating: Teen
Release Date: September 15, 2009
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Currently we have no cheats or codes for IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no unlockables for IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
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Currently we have no glitches for IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no guides or FAQs for IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Achievement List
Defender of Britain (5) Complete the “Battle of Britain” chapter.
Defender of Stalingrad (10) Complete the “Battle of Stalingrad” chapter.
Liberator of Sicily (10) Complete the “Invasion of Sicily” chapter.
Liberator of Korsun (10) Complete the “Korsun Pocket” chapter.
Defender of the Ardennes (10) Complete the “Battle of The Bulge” chapter.
Liberator of Berlin (15) Complete the “Battle of Berlin” chapter.
Hero of the World (25) Complete the single player campaign.
Flight club rookie (20) Complete any chapter of the campaign on Realistic.
Flight club member (40) Complete the single player campaign on Realistic.
Elite flight club rookie (30) Complete any chapter of the campaign onSimulator.
Elite flight club member (60) Complete the single player campaign onSimulator.
Born to be ace (5) Destroy 5 aircraft in one mission.
To hit the bull’s eye (5) Destroy a ship using bombs.
Royal Navy’s Friend (5) Complete the “Convoy” mission.
Be ready! (35) Unlock all the single missions.
Always ready to attack (15) Complete all the single missions with the “groundattack” tag.
Always ready to cover (15) Complete all the single missions with the “needcover” tag.
Always ready to fight (15) Complete all the single missions with the”fighter” tag.
Test pilot (15) Complete a training mission with each aircraft.
Bird fan (30) Unlock all aircraft.
Weapon collector (40) Unlock all weapon presets.
Eagle eye (20) Damage 100 ground units using rockets or bombs.
Perfect defence (20) Destroy 50 aircraft in the Gunner View.
Clear sky (25) Destroy 100 aircraft.
Threat from the Air (25) Destroy 100 ground units.
Well-read pilot (20) Unlock all the articles in the encyclopedia.
Flying tank (40) Complete 100 missions in singleplayer or online mode withthe IL-2 Sturmovik.
Invulnerable pilot (15) Complete “Escort” with limited fuel and ammo andadditional attempts set to 0.
Real feelings (15) Complete “The Red Skies of Dover” in the real cockpitview.
Soviet aircaft expert (20) Win one mission or match with each Sovietaircraft.
Allied aircaft expert (20) Win one mission or match with each Alliedaircraft.
Axis aircaft expert (20) Win one mission or match with each Axis aircraft.
Team Battle champion (35) Win 50 matches in Team Battle.
Dogfight champion (35) Win 30 matches in Dogfight.
Strike champion (35) Win 50 matches in Strike.
Capture Airfields champion (35) Win 50 matches in Capture Airfields.
The Ace of Aces (20) Destroy 100 player aircraft.
Immortal pilot (10) Destroy 5 player aircraft without dying.
Any sky is home for me (15) Win an Online match at each location.
Not a rookie anymore (15) Win an Online match in each mode.
Honoured fighter (20) Play 50 ranked matches.
Landing master (30) Conduct 50 successful landings on Realistic in CaptureAirfields.
Real experience (10) Conduct a successful landing on Simulator.
Comrade-in-arms (20) Invite two friends onto your team and win a match.
Master of acrobatic flight (30) Perform all the aerobatic manoeuvres onRealistic.
Fresh forces (5) Complete Primary Training.
First step (5) Conduct a flight manoeuvre during the first mission of thetutorial.
Real aviator (5) Complete the first mission in chapter “Battle of Britain” onSimulator.
Good partner (10) Defend your leader in the “Baptism by fire” mission.
Side mission (10) Find the Brandenburg Gate and attack the vehicle near it.
0 notes
bigglesworld · 3 years ago
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de Havilland DH.82A Tiger Moth VH-AHS. A Tiger receiving its load of superphosphate for crop dusting. In the wheatbelt at Mingenew, W. Australia. in 1959
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allcheatscodes · 8 years ago
il 2 sturmovik birds of prey ps3
il 2 sturmovik birds of prey ps3
IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey cheats & more for PlayStation 3 (PS3)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, trophies, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PlayStation 3 (PS3). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the PlayStation 3 cheats we have available for IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey.
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Genre: Simulation, Flight Combat Sim Developer: Unknown Publisher: 505 Games ESRB Rating: Teen Release Date: September 15, 2009
Currently we have no tips for IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no unlockables for IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no guides or FAQs for IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Trophy List
Platinum Awarded for successfully collecting all trophies from IL-2Sturmovik: Birds of Prey Elite flight club member (Gold) Complete the single player campaign onSimulator. Flying tank (Gold) Complete 100 missions in singleplayer or online mode withthe IL-2 Sturmovik. Be ready! (Silver) Unlock all the single missions. Bird fan (Silver) Unlock all aircraft. Flight club member (Silver) Complete the single player campaign onRealistic. Landing master (Silver) Conduct 50 successful landings on Realistic inCapture Airfields. Master of acrobatic flight (Silver) Perform all the aerobatic manoeuvres onRealistic. The Ace of Aces (Silver) Destroy 100 player aircraft. Weapon collector (Silver) Unlock all weapon presets. Allied aircaft expert (Bronze) Complete one mission or match with each Alliedaircraft. Always ready to attack (Bronze) Complete all the single missions with the“ground attack” tag. Always ready to cover (Bronze) Complete all the single missions with the“need cover” tag. Always ready to fight (Bronze) Complete all the single missions with the“fighter” tag. Any sky is home for me (Bronze) Win an Online match at each location. Axis aircaft expert (Bronze) Complete one mission or match with each Axisaircraft. Born to be ace (Bronze) Destroy 5 aircraft in one mission. Capture Airfields champion (Bronze) Win 50 matches in Capture Airfields. Clear sky (Bronze) Destroy 100 aircraft. Comrade-in-arms (Bronze) Invite two friends in your team and win a match. Defender of Britain (Bronze) Complete the “Battle of Britain” chapter. Defender of Stalingrad (Bronze) Complete the “Battle of Stalingrad” chapter. Defender of the Ardennes (Bronze) Complete the “Battle of The Bulge”chapter. Dogfight champion (Bronze) Win 30 matches in Dogfight. Eagle eye (Bronze) Damage 100 ground units using rockets or bombs. Elite flight club rookie (Bronze) Complete any chapter of the campaign onSimulator. First step (Bronze) Conduct a flight manoeuvre during the first mission ofthe tutorial. Flight club rookie (Bronze) Complete any chapter of the campaign onRealistic. Fresh forces (Bronze) Complete Primary Training. Good partner (Bronze) Successfully defend your leader in the “Baptism byFire” mission. Hero of the World (Bronze) Complete the single player campaign. Honoured fighter (Bronze) Play 50 online matches. Immortal pilot (Bronze) Destroy 5 player aircraft without dying. Invulnerable pilot (Bronze) Complete “Escort” with limited fuel and ammo andadditional attempts set to 0. Liberator of Berlin (Bronze) Complete the “Battle of Berlin” chapter. Liberator of Korsun (Bronze) Complete the “Korsun Pocket” chapter. Liberator of Sicily (Bronze) Complete the “Invasion of Sicily” chapter. Not a rookie anymore (Bronze) Win an Online match in each mode. Perfect defence (Bronze) Destroy 50 aircraft in the Gunner View. Real aviator (Bronze) Complete the first mission in the “Battle of Britain”chapter on Simulator. Real experience (Bronze) Conduct a successful landing on Simulator. Real feelings (Bronze) Complete “The Red Skies of Dover” in the real cockpitview. Royal Navy’s Friend (Bronze) Complete the “Convoy” mission. Side mission (Bronze) Find the Brandenburg Gate and attack the vehicle nearit. Soviet aircaft expert (Bronze) Complete one mission or match with each Sovietaircraft. Strike champion (Bronze) Win 50 matches in Strike. Team Battle champion (Bronze) Win 50 matches in Team Battle. Test pilot (Bronze) Complete a training mission with each aircraft. Threat from the Air (Bronze) Destroy 100 ground units. To hit the bull’s eye (Bronze) Destroy a ship using bombs. Well-read pilot (Bronze) Unlock all the articles in the encyclopedia.
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